12 April - 16 April: Nama Guru: Komati A/P Sinna Camundan Kelas: 3 MB / 3MG / 1MI M/Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris
12 April - 16 April: Nama Guru: Komati A/P Sinna Camundan Kelas: 3 MB / 3MG / 1MI M/Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris
12 April - 16 April: Nama Guru: Komati A/P Sinna Camundan Kelas: 3 MB / 3MG / 1MI M/Pelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris
Content Standard 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning standard 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of short simple texts1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of short simple tex
H Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and write at least 4 types
of clothing correctly.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to exchange and repeat
at least 2 exchanges correctly.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can sing the song and list the seasons clothes.
Can do statements
Teaching aids
songs/audio clips
Pupils are asked about the weather for today. Pupils are also asked about weathers in
other countries.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are introduced to ‘Seasons and Clothes’ song. Pupils are asked if they have seen
snow before?
2. Pupils are asked if they notice what is mentioned in the song.
3. Pupils each are given the ‘4 Seasons Foldable’.
4. Pupils cut and paste the foldable in their exercise book.
Activities 5. They listen to the song and write what to wear during the 4 seasons behind the
6. Upon completion, pupils in pairs use model language to practise.
Pupil A: What’s your favourite season?
Pupil B: My favourite season is summer.
Pupils A: What do you wear during summer?
Pupil B: I wear ______________? (Based on what is written on the foldable)
Post lesson
Pupils sing the song with some gestures.
Reflection 1 The number of pupils that completed the task is 36 Attendance 36 /39
2. All the pupils were able to complete the task.
Kasih Elyana
Enrichment activities were given to proficient pupils.
11.00 am
Content Standard 1.1 - Recognise and reproduce target language sounds 1.1 - Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Learning standard 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
1.1.1 Recognise
target language
and reproduce
with support a limited ra
By the end of the lesson all pupils will be able to: listen and write at
least 6 correct phonemes.
1) By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: sound out at
least 3 phonemes correctly with support.
Pupils can say out the words contain (c,k,e,u,r )letters by using a suitable blending
Success Criteria/
Can do statements
1) Pupils can write one word for each sound.
Teaching aids LCD projector, textbook, worksheets
21ST CL Activities: Rhyming / Singing
Creativity & Imagination
Differentiation Strategies: Type and amount of support HOTS: Application
Pupils are introduced to the sounds c,k,e,u,r using a video.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen to the sounds ck,e,u,r and watch the gestures shown by the teacher.
2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using a suitable blending
Activities technique.
3. Pupils are introduced to the Roll and Read technique. Pupils complete the ‘Roll, Read
and Write’ worksheet page 6 Phonics Transition Module.
Pupils follow a chant by the teacher using the sounds.
Attendance Reflection:
337/39 Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Nur Adnin The number that achieved the stipulated skill is : 28/34
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Content Standard 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning standard 1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of short simple texts1.2.1 Understand with support the main idea of short simple tex
H Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and write at least 4 types
of clothing correctly.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to exchange and repeat
at least 2 exchanges correctly.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can sing the song and list the seasons clothes.
Can do statements
Teaching aids
songs/audio clips
Activities Pupils are asked about the weather for today. Pupils are also asked about weathers in
other countries.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are introduced to ‘Seasons and Clothes’ song. Pupils are asked if they have seen
snow before?
2. Pupils are asked if they notice what is mentioned in the song.
3. Pupils each are given the ‘4 Seasons Foldable’.
4. Pupils cut and paste the foldable in their exercise book.
5. They listen to the song and write what to wear during the 4 seasons behind the
6. Upon completion, pupils in pairs use model language to practise.
Post lesson
Pupils sing the song with some gestures.
1 The number of pupils that completed the task is 28 Attendance 37 /39
2. Most of the pupils were able to complete the task.
Reflection Adam Khalif
Enrichment activities were given to proficient pupils.
Content Standard 2.1-Communicate simple information intelligibly 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning standard 2.1.1 Give very basic personal information using fixed phrases 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details o
H: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to discuss and express at least 3
suitable words about the different seasons.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen to at least 3
of the group members regarding seasons.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can identify the four seasons in a year.
Can do statements
Teaching aids
1.Pupils review the 4 seasons vocab from the previous lesson.
Lesson delivery:
2. Pupils sit in their groups. Each group is given an A3 sized paper. They divide the paper
into 4. Name of each season is written in each column of the paper.
3. Pupils discuss and write down words that they already know about the different
4. Pupils brainstorm and write the words in each column for each season.
6. Pupils present their graphic organisers.
Post lesson
Pupils complete their learning diaries.
1. The number of pupils that completed the task is 36 Attendance 37/39
2. Most of the pupils were able to complete the task.
Reflection Aryanna Amanda
Lesson will be continued on the next day.
11.00 am
Content Standard 1.1 - Recognise and reproduce target language sounds 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by us
Learning standard 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
3.1.1 Identify
the shapes of the letters in t
By the end of the lesson all pupils will be able to: listen and write at
least 6 correct phonemes.
By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: sound out at least
3 phonemes correctly with support.
At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and sounds at least 4 phonemes
Success Criteria/ correctly.
Can do statements At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and fill in the blanks of at least 5
words correctly.
Teaching aids LCD projector, laptop, speaker, worksheets
21ST CL Activities: Rhyming / Singing
Creativity & Imagination
Differentiation Strategies: Type and amount of support HOTS: Application
Pupils are introduced to the sounds h,b,l,f,ss using a videos.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen to the sounds h,b,l,f,ss and watch the gestures shown by the teacher.
Activities 2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using suitable chants.
3. Pupils look at the ‘Fill in the blanks’ worksheet page 8 Phonics Transition Module.
Pupils guess the words based on the pictures. Pupils are guided to fill in the blanks with
the correct spelling.
Pupils follow a chant by the teacher using the sounds .
Attendance Reflection:
35/39 Enrichment activities were given to achievers and remedial activities were given to non-achievers
Nuradnin The lesson was carried out successfully.
Content Standard 2.1-Communicate simple information intelligibly 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning standard 2.1.2 Find out about and describe basic everyday routines 1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short supported questions
H: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to speak about their ambition with
at least 3 lines correctly.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and record in
the table with at least 4 correct answers.
Success Criteria/
Pupils talk about ambition.
Can do statements
Teaching aids
task sheet
1. Pupils are introduced to characters Zharif,Sally, Boon Kit and Rina reading text.
Lesson delivery:
2. Pupils read the story.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks based on the story.
4. Pupils select correct answer based on the story.
5. Pupils answer the comprehension questions.
Post lesson
Pupils check their answers.
Reflection 1 The number of pupils that completed the task is 28/34 Attendance 36/38
2. Nuthirmidzi
Weak pupils were guided by the teacher. Haziq
Content Standard 3.2 -Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
by using appropriate
a variety of linear
non-linear print and digi
Learning standard 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple texts 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple texts
H -Main: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and answer at least 8
answers correctly.
I/L : Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to say out at least 5
answers during the question answer session activity.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can use correct structure of sentences to say out the answers.
Can do statements
reading comprehension
Teaching aids
video songs/audio clips
Pupils do a recap about days in a week and months in a year.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen and read along about smart kids story textbook page 36.
2. Pupils are called out to write the answer on white board.
3. Pupils listen to the audio and match the date accordingliy.
4. Pupils write the months in order.
Post lesson
Pupils ask about one birthday month.
1. The number of pupils that completed the task is Attendance 36/38
Nurul Asyikin
Reflection 2. Most of the pupils were able to complete the task.
Remedial activities were given to weak pupils.
Content Standard 3.2 -Understand a variety of linear and non-linear print and digital
texts by using appropriate
to a small
or large group
Learning standard 3.2.1 Understand the main idea of short simple texts 2.3.1 Narrate very short basic stories and events
H -Main: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to read and answer at least 8
answers correctly.
I/L : Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to say out at least 5
answers during the question answer session activity.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can use correct structure of sentences to say out the answers.
Can do statements
reading comprehension
Teaching aids
video songs/audio clips
Pupils do a recap about days in a week and months in a year.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen and read along about smart kids story textbook page 36.
2. Pupils are called out to write the answer on white board.
3. Pupils listen to the audio and match the date accordingly.
4. Pupils write the months in order.
Post lesson
Pupils ask about one birthday month.
1. The number of pupils that completed the task is Attendance 39/39
Semua hadir
Reflection 2. Most of the pupils were able to complete the task.
Enrichment activities were given to proficient and average pupils.
1.00 pm
Content Standard 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge4.1-
of sounds
Form letters
of letters
and words in neat legible print using cu
Learning standard 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final
i) Form
in aupper
wordand lower case letters of regular size
By the end of the lesson all pupils will be able to: to read and match at
least 4 puzzle pieces correctly.
By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: copy and write at least
3 words correctly with support.
Success Criteria/ Pupils can write the words starting with h,b,f,l,s.
Can do statements
Teaching aids Flashcards, worksheets
Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures. Recap on all the sound groups
they have learned this week.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are introduced to ‘Let’s spin’ game. Pupils play the h,b,f,l,s ‘Let’s spin’ game in
their groups.
Activities 2. Pupils write the words in their exercise books.
3. Pupils exchange ‘Let’s spin’ game mat mats with other groups to play with different
4. Pupils are introduced to ‘Charades’. A pupil is called out at random to pick up a strip.
Pupils must act out the gesture for the sound. Other pupils guess the sound.
Pupils recall the chants of other groups of sounds that they have learnt.
Assessment Task PERFORMANCE 4
Attendance Reflection:
32/38 Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Arfan Haddaf The number that achieved the stipulated skill is 30 :
Adnin Amar
Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Content Standard 4.3-Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a1.2
– Understand
of purposes
in print
in and
a variety
familiar contexts
Learning standard 4.3.3 Plan, draft and write an increased range of simple sentences1.2.5 Understand a wide range of short supported questions
High: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to plan and write at least 4
sentences in a paragraph correctly.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and write at
least 4 sentences appropriately.
Success Criteria/
Pupils .
Can do statements
songs/audio clips
Teaching aids
Year 3 Supplementary Worksheets Module
re-lesson: Teacher shows a few pictures that show different weathers and the common
activity around the world. Pupils and teacher discuss about the pictures.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils can be shown with a video or pictures about Malaysia’s weather and what we do.
2. Pupils read the texts in textbook page 38.
Activities 3. Pupils are shown steps on how to write with sample paragraphs.
4. Pupils in their groups discuss writing a paragraph.
5. Pupils each get half of an A4 paper. They are explained about the poster.
6. Pupils draw the poster by including their paragraph.
Post lesson
Pupils’ works are displayed.
1. The number of pupils that completed the task is 30/38 Attendance 38/39
Awang Rafail
2. Most of the pupils were able to complete the task.
Remedial activities were given to weak pupils.
1.00 pm
Content Standard 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by using knowledge4.1-
of sounds
Form letters
of letters
and words in neat legible print using cu
Learning standard 3.1.2 Recognise and sound out with support beginning, medial and final
i) Form
in aupper
wordand lower case letters of regular size
Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to spin and read at least 4 words
Complementary: At the end of the lesson, some pupils will be able to copy and write at
least 3 words correctly.
Success Criteria/
1. Pupils can say out the 3 words.
Can do statements
Teaching aids Flashcards, worksheets
21ST CL Activities: Rhyming / Singing
Creativity & Imagination
Differentiation Strategies: Type and amount of support HOTS: Application
Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures. Recap on all the sound groups
they have learned this week.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are introduced to ‘Let’s spin’ game.
Activities 2. Pupils write the words in their exercise books.
3. Pupils are introduced to ‘Charades’. A pupil is called out at random to pick up a strip.
Pupils must act out the gesture for the sound. Other pupils guess the sound.
Pupils recall the chants of other groups of sounds that they have learnt.
Attendance Reflection:
32/38 Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Aryan The number that achieved the stipulated skill is 29:
Content Standard 4.3-Communicate with appropriate language form and style for a2.1-Communicate
range of purposessimple
in print
and digitalintelligibly
Learning standard 4.3.1 Use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately
guided writing
using suitable words and phra
High: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to describe the comic situation in
at least 3 words correctly.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to ask for teacher’s help
to complete their task.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can read the story and draw the comic.
Can do statements
Teaching aids
word strips
Two comic bubbles are drawn on the board. Pupils in pairs are shown a picture and they
converse based on the picture. Teacher demonstrates the conversation.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are explained about the activity. Pupils each are given a comic template.
Activities 2. They are shown a sample. Pupils draw lots for their comic situation.
3. Pupils start drawing their comic
4. Pupils display their comic strip and start practising their comic strip in pairs.
Post lesson
Pupils are called out to perform their comic strips.
Reflection 1. The number of pupils that completed the task is 22/37 Attendance 32/38
2. Most of the pupils were able to complete the task.
Remedial activities were given to weak pupils.
Content Standard 5.3-Express an imaginative response to literary texts 4.3-Communicate with appropriate language form and style for
Learning standard 5.3.1. Other imaginative responses as appropriate 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words a
H: Main:At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to create at least 4 sentences of a
diamond poem correctly.
Objectives .
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write at least 6
words with the correct spelling.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can write one shape poem and present it..
Can do statements
Teaching aids
Pupils are shown the different types of poems pictures.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are shown the diamond poem template.
2. Pupils are guided through the words noun, adjective and verb.
3. Elicit words from the pupils to create one sample poem. (Ex: hot)
4. Pupils are shown a sample of teacher’s diamond poem.
5. Pupils come to the front to draw lots on topics.
6. Pupils refer to page 22 in Year 3 Supplementary Worksheets Module.
Post lesson
Pupils recite their poems to their partners.
Reflection 1. The number of pupils that completed the task is Attendance 32/38
2. Pupils did correction for thier mistakes in previous
Nurul Asyikin
Weak pupils were guided by the teacher.
Content Standard 5.3-Express an imaginative response to literary texts 4.3-Communicate with appropriate language form and style for
Learning standard 5.3.1. Other imaginative responses as appropriate 4.3.2 Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words a
H: Main: Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to respond imaginatively as
an Olympic athlete suitably.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to complete at least 3
boxes correctly.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can talk and draw about sport from the Olympic game.
Can do statements
Teaching aids
Pupils watch a video about any Olympic win.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are asked about the sports and the athlete’s win.
2. Pupils are given the ‘If I were an Olympic Athlete’.
Activities 3. Pupils are explained how to complete the worksheet.
4. Pupils complete the worksheet by discussing with their group members.
5. Teacher checks pupils’ work.
Post lesson
Pupils display their piece of work.
1. The number of pupils that completed the task is 28 Attendance 36/39
2. Pupils did corrections for the previous lessons.
Reflection Hafiya
Weak pupils were guided by the teacher.
1.00 pm
Content Standard 4.1- Form letters and words in neat legible print using cursive writing 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by us
Learning standard 4.1.1 i) Demonstrate fine motor control of hands and fingers by using pen
pencil correctly
and sound out with support beginning,
High/Main: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to trace and write at least 4
words correctly.
Intermediate/ low/Complementary: By the end of the lesson: most pupils will be able to
read at least 5 words from the board game correctly. some pupils will be able to read at
least 5 words from the board game correctly with support.
Pupils can say out the words contain (c k,e,u,r ) letters by using a suitable blending
Success Criteria/
Can do statements
21ST CL Activities: Rhyming / Singing
Creativity & Imagination
Differentiation Strategies: Type and amount of support HOTS: Application
1 Pre-lesson: Pupils are guided to sing the Phonics song with gestures. Recap on all the
sound groups they have learned this week.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils are given the c k,e,u,r board game in their groups. Pupils play the game. They
say and write the words in their exercise books.
Activities 2. Pupils are guided by their peers in their groups
3. Pupils complete ‘Trace & Write’ worksheet in page 7 Phonics Transition Module.
4. Teachers checks pupils’ penmanship.
5. Pupils complete the ‘Trace & Write worksheet page 10 Phonics Transition Module.
6. Teacher checks pupils’ penmanship.
A spelling quiz is conducted.
Assessment Task PERFORMANCE 4
Attendance Reflection:
35/39 Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Adnin Amsyar The number that achieved the stipulated skill is : 30
Nurfatihah Aryan
Content Standard 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts
Learning standard 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of1.2.2
simple textswith support specific information and details o
H Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and write at least details
about 3 days correctly.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to exchange at least 2
information correctly.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can do a graphic organiser based on the topic.
Can do statements
word strips
Teaching aids
reading fluency task
Pupils play Hot Seat. A pupil is called to the front and asked to pick a card. Everyone else
must ask questions.
Lesson delivery:
1. A few activities based on textbook page 37 are written on the board.
2. Pupils pick the ones they know and share with their partners on what always,
sometimes and never do.
3. Pupils are asked what the kids in the pictures are doing.
4. Pupils in pairs decide who is Sue and Bob. Pupils are explained that they are going to
listen to audio track 56.
5. Pupils are asked to create 2 graphic organisers, 1 for Sue and 1 for Bob.
6. Pupils listen to the audio and complete the graphic organiser according to the
characters’ routines in the audio.
Post lesson
Teacher checks pupils’ spelling.
11.00 am
Content Standard 1.1 - Recognise and reproduce target language sounds 3.1-Recognise words in linear and non-linear texts by us
Learning standard 1.1.1 Recognise and reproduce with support a limited range of high frequency
3.1.1 Identify
the shapes of the letters in t
By the end of the lesson all pupils will be able to: listen and write at
least 6 correct phonemes.
By the end of the lesson some pupils will be able to: sound out at least 3
phonemes correctly with support.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can sing the song and write the words.
Can do statements
Teaching aids LCD projector, textbook, worksheets
21ST CL Activities: Rhyming / Singing
Creativity and Innovation
Differentiation Strategies: Type and amount of support HOTS: Application
Pre-lesson: Pupils are introduced to the sounds y,z,zz,qu using a video.
Lesson delivery:
1. Pupils listen to the sounds y,z,zz,qu and watch the gestures shown by the teacher.
2. Pupils are guided to listen and say out the words by using a suitable blending
Activities technique.
3. Pupils complete the ‘Listen and Write’ worksheet page 11 Phonics Transition Module.
4. Pupils are guided by ‘mini teachers’ from each group to read and say out the words.
Pupils watch the video of y,z,zz,q u sounds again and sing with gestures.
Content Standard 1.2 – Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 2.1-Communicate simple information intelligibly
Learning standard 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details of2.1.2
out texts
about and describe basic everyday routines
H Main: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen and write at least details
about 3 days correctly.
I/L: Complementary: At the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to exchange at least 2
information correctly.
Success Criteria/
Pupils can do a graphic organiser based on the topic.
Can do statements
word strips
Teaching aids
reading fluency task
Pupils play Hot Seat. A pupil is called to the front and asked to pick a card. Everyone else
must ask questions.
Lesson delivery:
1. A few activities based on textbook page 37 are written on the board.
2. Pupils pick the ones they know and share with their partners on what always,
sometimes and never do.
3. Pupils are asked what the kids in the pictures are doing.
4. Pupils in pairs decide who is Sue and Bob. Pupils are explained that they are going to
listen to audio track 56.
5. Pupils are asked to create 2 graphic organisers, 1 for Sue and 1 for Bob.
6. Pupils listen to the audio and complete the graphic organiser according to the
characters’ routines in the audio.
Post lesson
Teacher checks pupils’ spelling.