Hypermet PC Downloads
Hypermet PC Downloads
Hypermet PC Downloads
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Institute of Isotopes
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This file contains the complete User's Guide in Adobe Acrobat format. It describes routine tasks, that are needed for
peak fitting, ADC quality test, detector nonlinearity, efficiency and resolution determination, qualitative nuclide
identification. The document contains descriptive text and screen outputs for each task.
File: HYPTUR50.PDF (File size: 485 KB, date: 10 Oct 1997)
Download instructions: If you have installed the Adobe Acrobat Reader Plug-in, the document will load in into your
browser. Otherwise, you should specify the file name to save this guide.
Hypermet PC downloads
Accoding to the decree 7/2011.(XII.5.) of the general assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Isotopes and KFKI Atomic
Energy Research Institute form a new research center from 1st January 2012. The new w ebsite of the Centre for Energy Research is
accessible at w w w .energia.mta.hu. The present w w w .iki.kfki.hu w ebsite w ill be operational for some time, but w ill not be updated anymore.