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The Radix System: Vivian E. Robson, B.SC

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Author of A Beginners Guide to Practical Astrology,

A Students Text-book of Astrology, etc.


The series of astrological manuals, of which this is the first, is
designed to cover the whole field of Astrology in volumes of a
convenient size, each self-contained and dealing exhaustively with
one special aspect of the science.
The great interest now being shown in directional methods,
and the increasing popularity of the Radix System, render a separate
work upon this subject a necessity, and it has therefore seemed an
appropriate volume with which to inaugurate the series
The second volume will deal with Electional Astrology, and
will appear early next year.
October, 1930


































It is always difficult at close range to form a reliable estimate

of the direction of progress, but there is little doubt that one of the
chief interests of the astrological world at the present time is in the
development of the predictive side of the science which has been
neglected for many years.
During the Middle Ages and through the classical period of
the seventeenth century the Regiomontanus system of house
division held the field, and the chief predictive method was that of
Primary direction under the poles of the planets, with which the
Solar Revolution and Profections were employed as subsidiary aids.
At a rather later date the Placidean house cusps began to be
extensively used, and with them the Primary Semi-Arc system came
to the fore. The Solar Revolution still held its place, but Profections
fell into disuse. The substitution of Semi-Arc directions for Polar
ones was an improvement in method, but it did not touch the basic
principles of Primary direction, namely the employment of the
earths rotation as the sole factor in the formation of directions, and
the use of one degree as the equivalent of a year of time. It is true
that small variations were introduced from time to time in this
measure, but the principle has remained unchanged from the earliest
times to the present day.
Somewhat about a century ago, however, a new system began
to spread. This was the Secondary system, of



Arabian origin, in which the planetary positions on each day after
birth are taken to measure a year of life, and directions are formed
by the movement of the planets in their orbits after birth instead of
by the earths rotation. From the point of view of results the
adoption of the Secondary system was not a progressive step. The
directions formed by this method have not the power of Primaries,
and are not usually so definite in their effects. This was well known
in the early days of their use, but is not so generally recognised today, because comparatively few astrologers use or understand the
Primary system. The reason for the rapid spread of the Secondary
method was not due to any idea of its superior merit, but chiefly
because it overcame two distinct drawbacks to all Primary systems.
Primary directions depend entirely upon the absolute accuracy of
the time of birth, for an error of about four minutes will in many
cases throw out the date of a direction by as much as a year. This is
rather a serious drawback, because birth-times are not usually
recorded with such a degree of accuracy, and in the case of a young
person rectification by events is frequently impossible owing to lack
of data. The Secondary system, however, afforded an easy means
of obtaining directions in cases where the birth-time was only very
approximate, because the minor directions are formed by the Moon,
and an error of two hours in the birth-time alters the Moons place
by only about one degree, and throws the events out by no more
than a month. The second disadvantage of the Primary systems is
that they all require considerable calculation, necessitating the
outlay of a great deal of time, and the possession of, if not
mathematical ability,


at least a good head for figures. Here again the Secondary system
scored because of its ease of working, and the facility with which
the directions for any given year could be obtained without
laborious calculation.
As time went on Primary directions came to be more and
more neglected, and at the same time one or two improvements
were made in the Secondary system, but in spite of the adoption of
certain Primary methods such as the direction of the angles is still
remained a poor substitute for its predecessor.
This was the position up to the time of the War. Primary
methods had practically fallen into disuse, and the great majority of
astrologers were relying solely upon the Secondary system, with its
facile method of working and its incomplete, and inferior results.
General dissatisfaction was growing, however, and new ideas were
beginning to find their way into astrological literature. What was
wanted was a method combining the wealth of directions and the
definition of prediction of the Primary system with the ease of
working of the Secondary.
The solution of this problem, as of so many others, was put
forward by Sepharial when, in 1918, he introduced the fundamental
principles of a new system which he called the Radix System, and
which it is the purpose of this book to exemplify and expand.
Sepharial rightly argued that a consistent method of directing must
maintain the radical relations of the planets, for the Radix, or
horoscope of birth, is an epitome of the whole life. No direction,
however strong, can produce and event denied by the birth
horoscope; and, moreover, the action of a planet under direction is
governed entirely



by its radical strength and signification. In his own words, The
main feature of any consistent measure of time must, in my belief,
show all calculations to be directly related to the radical horoscope
i.e. the horoscope for the moment of birth and the indications
derived from calculation must be in terms of that radix. . . . No
system which does not maintain the radical relations of the planets
can lay claim to integrity or consistency. For it is above all things
certain that the radical imprint of the heavens is that from which the
argument is derived as to tendency, aptitude, opportunity, and
circumstance in the character and life of an individual, we may
therefore direct Jupiter to the midheaven, or ascendant, or to the
good aspect of the Sun or Moon; but the detached significance of
the planet cannot be rightly judged apart from a consideration of its
radical relations and affections, and this is the chief cause of
expectancy being disappointed in many cases. . . . Nor can a planet
that is radically will aspected indicate by malefic direction any
serious hurt, for with its direction to the conjunction or opposition it
will simultaneously bring up sextiles and trines by which it was
attended at birth. (Science of Foreknowledge, pp. 132, 133.)
The only way to maintain the radical relations of the planets is
to direct them all at equal rate, and ignore their own orbital motion
after birth, much as is done in the Primary system. The latter
generally employs the Ptolemaic measure of One degree of Right
Ascension to the year, but he Radix system is concerned with
longitude, and Sepharials choice of the measure of 59 8 of
longitude to the year has been abundantly justified.


This measure is based upon the mean motion of the Sun, and was
originally advocated by Valentine Naibod in the latter part of the
sixteenth century. The sun moves 360 of longitude in 365 days,
and therefore its effective motion per diem is not 1 but slightly
less, namely 59 8, which is accordingly a more consistently true
time measure to use than 1. By a similar argument the Moons
mean daily motion of 13 10 35 is chosen as the increment for the
lunar directions.
We have, therefore, in the Radix system a major series of
directions similar in nature, formation, and measure to Primaries; a
minor series similar to lunar Secondaries; and a method of working
that is even more facile than the latter. Thus it combines the
advantages of both systems without the disadvantages, and is more
pliable and elastic in use than either.
Sepharials original outline has, of necessity, received various
additions from time to time. Perhaps the most far-reaching
development is that of cuspal directions, for which, together with
the converse methods, I myself am responsible. The original
method of drawing up the directional figure was to apply the
increment to the Midheaven, and extract the other cusps answering
to this new Midheaven from the Tables of Houses in the ordinary
way. This method, however, really belongs to the Secondary
system, and its use destroys one of the main principles, namely that
of consistency, upon which the Radix system is based, and which
clearly demands that the increment should be applied to each cusp
as well as to each planet, so as to preserve the exact radical relations
of all the factors in the map. The normal tabular ascendant, which
for distinction I call the



Oblique Ascendant, is of value, and forms a subsidiary point of
observation, but by the application of the mean increment to each
cusp we not only satisfy theory, but in addition obtain a most
valuable series of cuspal directions which add enormously to the
scope and efficiency of the system.
I do not propose to enter here into any consideration of the
theory of the Radix system, nor of the symbolic systems in general
of which it is the chief. This is a utilitarian age, and the value of a
system lies entirely with its results. My purpose in the following
pages is to describe and exemplify the full methods of working, and
to put the student in a position to secure for himself adequate proof
of the extreme utility and reliability of the directions so obtained.



The calculation of the directional chart by the Radix system is

extremely simple, and occupies no more than a few minutes. I use
the term directional rather than the more usual progressed in
order to avoid confusion with the progressed chart of the Secondary
system, and for a similar reason I have divided the directions into
Major and Minor in order to obviate the necessity of calling them
Primary and Secondary as is done in a most misleading manner in
nearly every system.
The directional chart is that which shows the positions
occupied by the planets and cusps for any period of life, and is
obtained by simply adding 59 8 for each year of life to the
longitudes of the planets and cusps in the birth horoscope. A table
of total increment, or Arc as it is technically called, which must be
added for any required age will be found on pages 108 - 111. We
are at present concerned only with the Major Arc, for the directional
chart is the one from which the Major directions are calculated.
The method to be adopted is as follows :1.
Find the exact age of the native at the date for
which the directional chart is required
The easiest way to do this is to write down the date in years,
months, and days, and subtract the years, months, and days of birth.
Suppose we require the directions for 1931 in the case of a person
born on June 12th, 1893. We can if we wish put up the directional



chart for the birthday in 1931, in which case the age will, of course,
be exactly thirty-eight years. As a rule, however, it is more
convenient to erect a chart for the first of a month rather than for
some intermediate date. Suppose we wish to calculate it for June 1 st,
1931. This may be expressed as 1931y. 6m. 1d. Write this down,
and underneath it write the birth date in the same way, that is,
1893y. 6m. 12d. Then subtract the latter from the former, thus : y
Date for dir. chart 1931 6
Subtract birth date 1893 6 12

37 11 19
------------------In the subtraction of days it will suffice to consider each
month as consisting of thirty days, so that the number of days
should be increased by this amount if necessary in order to enable
subtraction to be made.
As a general example we will use the horoscope of King
George V, which is shown in Fig I, and we will erect the directional
chart for November 1st, 1928, just before the Kings serious illness.
Birth took place on June 3rd, 1865, 1h. 20m. 6s. a.m., at
Marlborough House, lat. 51 30 N., long. 37s W. The Kings age
on November 1st, 1928, is found as follows :--y
1928 11 1
1865 6
------------------63 4

Date for dir. chart

Subtract birth date



Here thirty days has to be added to the top line to allow of the
subtraction, and consequently a month has to be carried over in the
month column.

2. Convert the age so obtained into arc by means of the Table

on p. 108
To do this take from the column of Major Arcs the amount for
the years, months and days of the age and add them together. Thus,
in our example, we require the arc for age 63y. 4m. 28d.




63y corresponds to an arc of



----------Total Arc 62 31
----------This is equivalent to two complete signs, and 2 31 over.
3. Add the arc to each planet and cusp in the birth
horoscope, and also to the Moons nodes and Fortuna.
As we shall be concerned throughout with the addition and
subtraction of signs, degrees, and minutes, a note on the easiest and
most accurate method of doing this will not be out of place. It is
customary to express the signs by numbers when adding and
subtracting. Thus Gemini 16 22 would be expressed as 2s 16
22. The reason we use 2s for Gemini, and not 3 as might be
expected, is that two complete signs, Aries and Taurus, have passed
and we are in 16 22 of the next. A planet in Aries 4 19 is said to
be in 0s 4 19, because no signs are complete. The number
corresponding to each sign is therefore :--- Aries 0, Taurus 1,
Gemini 2, Cancer 3, Leo 4, Virgo 5, Libra 6, Scorpio 7, Sagittarius
8, Capricorn 9, Aquarius 10, Pisces 11.
Suppose we wish to add 5s 14 27 to Sagittarius 19 45. We
proceed as follows : --s

Sagittarius 19 45 is 8
19 45
Add 5
14 27

- 10 -


which is Gemini 4 12. It must be remembered that there are 60
to a degree, 30 to a sign, and 12s to the circle. Thus in the above
calculation the minutes total 72, which give us 1 to carry over and
12 remainder. The degree column is 33 plus the 1 carried over, or
34, which is 1s 4. The sign column is 13s plus the 1s carried
over, or 14s. As this is over 12, that amount must be subtracted,
leaving 2s as the answer. The experienced reader must forgive for
this digression. The method is so useful, and so much better than
indiscriminately adding, that it is worth the beginners while to take
a little trouble to master it.
Now to turn to our example. We have found that the
increment or Arc corresponding to the Kings age on November 1 st,
1928, is 62 31, or 2s 2 31, and we have now to add this to each
planet and cusp in the horoscope.
The Midheaven is Capricorn 1 16, that is 9s 1 16. Then :

---------------11 3

Radical Midheaven
Plus arc

Directional Midheaven

or Pisces 3 47.
The radical 11th cusp is Capricorn 19 35, and by adding the
arc we get Pisces 22 6 as the directional 11th cusp.
Continuing this process we obtain the following results for the
cusps of the directional chart :-

- 11 -


10 ---Pisces
11 ---Pisces
22 6
12 ---Aries
16 48
Asc.---Gemini 5
2 ---Cancer 22 3
3rd ---Leo
15 43
There is no need to add the arc to the other cusps for they will be
the same degree of the opposite signs as usual. It will be noticed
that the cusps of the radical horoscope have all been worked out to
minutes instead of to the nearest degree as is the usual practice.
This is not essential, but it is off great help in the estimation of
cuspal directions, to be described later. Those who wish to follow
this up should procure the Century Table of Houses, particulars of
which may be obtained from the publishers of this book.
Before leaving the cusps, the Oblique Ascendant should be
noted. To obtain this look up the directional Mid-heaven in the
Table of Houses for the latitude of the birthplace, and extract the
Ascendant to which it corresponds. This is the Oblique Ascendant
of the directional chart, and should be noted at the side of the map.
In the example Pisces 3 47 in the Tables of Houses for London
correspond to an Ascendant of Cancer 7 41.
Some students also use the Oblique Fortuna whose position is
found by adding the longitude of the Moon in the directional chart
to the Oblique Ascendant and from the sum subtracting the
longitude of the directional Sun.
The next step is to add the arc of 62 31 to each of the

- 12 -


planets, and also to the Nodes and Fortuna, entering the resulting
positions into the directional chart, which when complete will be as
in Fig. 2.

This finishes the calculation of the directional chart, and it

will be noticed that the planets and cusps are all in exactly the same
relation to each other as they were at birth though further advanced
in the zodiac.

- 13 -


The major directions in the Radix system are the aspects

formed by the planets in the directional chart to their positions in
the radical horoscope. The chief points by and to which directions
are formed are the Midheaven, Ascendant, Sun, Moon, and Fortuna.
These five bodies and points are termed Significators, because each
is representative of a definite section of life, while the remaining
planets are termed Promittors and indicate the nature of the
influences affecting the significators, and the cause of events.
The addition of the arc to all the positions in the radical
horoscope brings the directional planets and cusps to aspects with
the radical positions while retaining the same relation with each
other as at birth. Therefore we are concerned solely with the
aspects formed by the directional planets to the radical ones, as the
directional chart itself is a replica of the birth horoscope, and shows
the same aspects as at birth. The only exceptions to this rule are the
Oblique Ascendant and the Oblique Fortuna, which alter their
positions in respect to both maps.
At present it will suffice if we follow the original and simple
form of the system, and confine our attention to the angles and
planets only, leaving the other cusps to be considered later.
A major direction formed between the directional chart and
the birth horoscope is operative over a period

- 14 -

of about two years, during which time it may be stimulated to action
by minor directions and transits. Thus we must allow an orb of not
less than one degree on either side of the exact aspect. That is to
say, the direction comes into being when the planets are one degree
from the exact aspect, and ceases when they are one degree past it.
Theoretically, the month in which the aspect is exactly formed
should be that in which the power of the direction is at its height,
but in practice it is found that the direction usually operates most
strongly before of after this time, and more often after.
To examine the directions for any given year of life, as, for
example, a calendar year, or a year from the birthday, the directional
chart is set up for the beginning of the particular year, and all the
aspects within an orb of one degree during the time for which the
directions are required are noted. All the cusps and planets move
forward about 5 a month during this time, and have advanced
nearly a degree by the end of the year, so that while some directions
will be in force the whole year, others will be passing off during the
period and fresh ones will be forming. In order to get some idea of
the chronological sequence of directions and their probable length
of influence, the month in which they are exact should be
calculated, but it must be remembered that this does not necessarily
give the date at which they will operate.
To calculate the major aspects in operation at the time for
which the directional chart is set up, or for a given period from it,
proceed as follows:--1. Take the directional Midheaven and see if it forms any
aspect to the Midheaven, Ascendant, and planets in the radical

- 15 -


Returning to the example once more, we take the directional
Midheaven in Pisces 3.47, This is in no aspect to the radical
Midheaven, but it is 28 past the semisextile of the radical
Ascendant. At the rate of 5 a month this was exact six months
before the date for which the directional chart was calculated, or in
other words, six months before November 1928, namely May 1928.
No other aspects are within orbs.
2. Repeat the process with the directional Ascendant.
This is Gemini 5.50, and the only direction formed is the
sextile to Mars which has separated by 45 or 9 months, giving he
culminating date as February 1928.
3. Take the Oblique Ascendant and note all aspects to both
radical and directional positions.
This is Cancer 7.41, and forms no aspects in the radical chart,
but it is in square to the directional Mars, which is noted as Obl.
Asc. Square Mars D, the D indicating that it is the directional
position to which the aspect is formed. In the same way the letter R
is used to denote radical positions. This direction is in force for a
long time, for both points are moving, and there is little to be gained
by estimating the exact date of formation.
4. Take each planet and point in the directional chart in order
and compare it with the radical positions.
This gives us the following list of aspects :- Moon trine Asc.,
July 1928; Mercury conjunction Fortuna, October 1929; Venus
semisextile Sun, July 1929; Jupiter sextiles Cauda, August 1928;
Jupiter trine Uranus, April 1929; Saturn conjunction Jupiter,
October 1929; Uranus trine Midheaven, December 1928; Uranus
semisextile Moon, October 1928; Neptune conjunction Sun, August
1928; Neptune semi-

- 16 -

square Cauda, February 1929; Cauda opposition Midheaven,
August 1929; Cauda square Moon, June 1929; and Fortuna
semisextile Saturn, June 1928. The Oblique Fortuna in Libra 26.19
gives no directions. In the case of directions to the Moons nodes
an aspect is formed to each simultaneously. I have noted the aspect
to Cauda in the above list because this point is rising and in a
stronger position that Caput.
All the directions obtained after applying the above rules
must now be arranged in chronological order, and divided into two
classes as follows:---

Class I contains all the directions formed by and to the five

Significators, and Class 2, those formed among the Promittors. The
directions involving the Significators, the Midheaven, Ascendant,
Sun, Moon, and

- 17 -


Fortuna, are by far the most important. In fact ancient astrologers,
and certain modern exponents, notably Sepharial, would never use
directions between Promittors alone, arguing that all events are
shown by the Significators. There is much to be said in favour of
this view, but at the same time it is undoubtedly a fact that
directions among Promittors alone often supply useful pointers, and
it is well worth while to examine them, provided that they are not
accorded undue prominence, and are employed merely as sidelights.
We now have all the major aspects before us, and are in a
position to see at a glance whether they are strong or weak in point
of orb. It must be emphasised that the dates are inserted solely for
this purpose. They do not imply that the direction will operate in the
month indicated, nor even that the sequence of effects is in the exact
order shown. The time of operation depends upon minor directions
and transits, and while the directions may at times act at the date of
completion, it usually does so within three or four months either
way, generally earlier.
This series of directions gives us a general survey of the
nature of the influences for the year. The directions to the
Midheaven in any horoscope indicate the influences affecting the
position, honour, and business affairs of the native, and by a study
of these we can predict the general course of events in relation to
that department of life. The directions of the Ascendant influence
bodily changes, health, and fortunes; those of the Sun affect the life,
constitution, honour and credit, as well as male relatives; those of
the Moon, the health, general changes, domestic affairs, and female
relatives; and those of

- 18 -

Fortuna, the money and material possession. Thus we are able to
make a further classification of the influence in any given year by
segregating the directions of each Significator, and considering
them as forming separate series.
In the present case we are concerned with the indications of
the Kings illness rather than making a survey of all the influences
of the year, as will be done later. As we have seen, the directions
affecting the Ascendant and Moon indicate bodily happenings, and
those of the Sun the constitution. The danger here is very marked.
The constitution is seriously undermined by the conjunction of the
Sun and Neptune, which falls in Gemini, the sign ruling the lungs.
At the same time the Oblique Ascendant is in square to Mars,
threatening a feverish illness and operation, the object of which,
namely for the drainage of fluid, being shown by Cancer, a watery
sign and ruler of the breast. Lastly the Moon is also afflicted by the
square of the nodes, indicating illness, so that the vital Significators
are assailed. Fortunately the Sun was fortified by the semisextile of
Venus, ruler of the radical sixth house, and the constitution was able
to stand the severe strain.
Thus we obtain a general view of the course of events, but a
study of the minor influences is necessary in order to enable us to
fix the critical months and dates.

- 19 -


In their simplest form the minor directions of the Radix

system correspond closely to lunar Secondary directions. We have
seen that the major directions are formed by the yearly addition of
the Suns mean motion, by which aspects are formed to the radical
positions. The minor directions are formed in a similar manner by
the yearly addition of the Moons mean motion, and a series of
aspects is obtained to both radical and directional positions. It is
customary to apply this measure to the Moon only, and we will
confine ourselves to that method for the present.
The first step is to find from the Table on p. 108 the minor arc
corresponding to the age for which the directions are required, and
add it to the radical position of the Moon.
In the King's horoscope, the age on November 1 st, 1928, was,
as we have seen, 63y. 4m. 28d. Turning this into arc, we have :

63 years gives
... .:. ... 3
4 months gives
.:. ... ...
28 days gives
... ... ...
--------------Total arc
25 30
Add Moons place at birth ... 6
--------------Moon's place on November 1 st, '28

or Capricorn 26 34.

- 20 -

26 34

The Moons minor motion is always 13 11' a year, which is
practically 1 6' a month, so that to find the Moon's longitude for
the first of each succeeding month it is only necessary to add 1 6'
successively to the position calculated as above. In order to adjust
the excess of one minute in the yearly motion so obtained the
amount added in the sixth month should be 1 5' only instead of 1
We can thus draw up a table of the Moon's monthly position
and note against each month the directions formed with the radical
and directional planets. In our example this will be as follows :Date.
1 Nov. 1928
26 j 34
)AR, 'GD
1 Dec.
27 40 #MR, &HR, )ID, 'FD
1 Jan. 1929
28 46
1 Feb.

29 52 -&MD
1 Mar.
0k 58 'M.C.R, $BR, &HD
1 April
1 May
9 %Asc.R, %BD
1 June
15 'M.C.D
1 July

21 "E R
1 Aug.
27 $ Asc.D.
1 Sept.
33 & Obl. Asc.
1 Oct.

39 #DR, $E D
We are now in a position to determine the most likely dates
on which the major influences will operate. In November and
December the Moon passes from the sesquare of the Sun to that of
Neptune, stimulating the major direction Neptune conjunction Sun,
and indicating great danger of illness affecting the lungs due to a chill

- 21 -


(Moon in Capricorn). It should be noted that this direction was
rendered considerably worse by the Solar eclipse on the previous
birthday anniversary. In order to refine this prediction it is necessary
to look to the transits during November. On 21 st Mercury was in
Scorpio 14 in exact square with the directional Sun, and on this date
the news of the King's illness was announced. Previous to this Mars
had been stationary in Cancer 9, stimulating the direction between
itself and the Oblique Ascendant. On the 25th, when pleurisy had set
in, Venus was in square to the radical Neptune, and separating from
the ephemeral square to Mars in Cancer 8. On December 9 th Mercury
opposed the place of the major direction Neptune conjunction Sun;
Venus carne to the square of the nodes on the 10th, thus affecting the
lunar and major directions to these points; and Uranus became
stationary on the radical ascendant squared by Mars on the 12th,
Venus being in square to Jupiter in exact aspect with the directional
nodes. This was the date of the operation for drainage. The critical
time of this operation can be fixed at from 7.10 to 7.25 p.m., or
between the passing of the directional Mars over the fourth cusp and
the rising of the radical Mars. January showed- no minor directions,
but by transit Jupiter had entered Taurus, and was in favourable
aspect with the nodes, meeting the sextile of Venus on the 7th.
Uranus still on the ascendant received the sextile of Mercury on the
16th, and the bulletins became definitely favourable. In February the
Moon aspected the nodes, bringing out the major square of these
points to the Moon, and their conjunction with the meridian. This
indicated journeys and domestic changes through

- 22 -

the sign Cancer and the fourth house. On the 11th Saturn transited the
exact sextile of Caput, and Mercury the exact trine of the major
Neptune-Sun direction. This brought the journey to Bognor on that
day, and marked the beginning of recovery. The lunar directions
became more reassuring, and in May the sextiles to the Moon and
Ascendant, bringing the similar major influences into play, indicated
the King's return to Windsor after his recovery.
This completes the exposition of the Radix system in its
simplest form, and I propose now to pass to a description of the
further developments of the system. The student will find it easier,
however, to confine himself in the early stages to the method already
outlined, and should thoroughly master that before attempting to use
the additional methods in the following chapters.
Any system of directing, if it is to be of prime importance, must
produce an appropriate direction for every event in life, the small as
well as the great. But this cannot be done without introducing
complexities. The advantage of the Radix system is that it is the only
one which allows of such detailed prediction, and enables events,
either important or trivial, to be predicted to the day. In order to
accomplish this, however, a systematic method of working is
essential, and the beginner should not attempt at first to use all the
resources of the system. He will probably find it best to proceed
somewhat as follows :
1. Calculate the directional chart, major directions, and minor
directions of the Moon as already explained, and from these form a
forecast for the year month by month. Pay chief attention to the
directions of the

- 23 -


Significators, and look to the directions among the Promittors only
for detail and confirmation.
2. After having thoroughly mastered this process, apply the
additional methods described in the following chapters, using only
directions to and from the Significators, and by this means enlarge
upon and refine the monthly predictions, finally focussing them to
the actual day by the help of transits. The exact method of using
transits is not dealt with here, but forms the subject of a later
volume in this series.
3. If extreme accuracy is required, the time of day on which the
effect may be expected should be ascertained by a consideration of
the rising and culminating of the places affected by direction and

- 24 -


Before passing on to a study of the deeper ramifications

of the Radix system the beginner may appreciate a brief
example of the methods to be adopted in preparing a yearly
forecast by the general rules already ex-

- 25 -


plained. For this purpose I propose to use an imaginary
horoscope rather than a well-known one. This has the advantage
of enabling predictions to be made without the need of
considering the feelings of the native, as would be the case were
the horoscope that of a celebrity; and as I am exemplifying
methods rather than results, it is not necessary to know any
details of the native's life.
We will therefore take the horoscope of a man born at
London on July 21st 1892, at 6 p.m., and prepare a forecast for a
month or two of the year 1931. The radical horoscope is as in
Fig. 3.
The major arc is found as follows :Date for directional chart ...
Subtract birth date ... ...


38 years give
5 months give ...
10 days give ...
Major Arc







m d
1931 1 1
1892 7 21
--------------38 5 10

--------------37 54

Applying this to all the cusps and planets we obtain the

directional chart as in Fig. 4.

- 26 -


The major directions in operation will be found to be as


- 27 -


For the minor directions of the Moon, we have

38 years give 4
20 42
5 months give
10 days give

---------------Minor arc
26 32
Add Moon at birth
0 49
Moon on January 1 , 1931
27 21
---------------or Scorpio 27.21
From this the following table of minor directions is
1 Jan.
27h 21
1 Feb.
28 27 !PR, $AR
1 Mar.
29 33
1 April.
0 i 39 &BR
1 May.
45 ' M.C.R. 'HR,"FD
1 June.
50 %CD
1 July.
56 )ID, 'GD
1 Aug.
2 % Asc. D.
1 Sept
1 Oct
14 'PD, #AD
1 Nov
20 )FR
1 Dec
26 $BD
This completes the calculation, and we are now in a position
to interpret the directions so found. The first step is to obtain an
idea of the general nature of the year from the major directions.

- 28 -

The Oblique Ascendant is separating from a square of the Nodes,
which occupy the 4 th and 10th houses of the radical horoscope.
This indicates a certain amount of illness through blood, throat,
or internal disorders (fixed signs), and also trouble and
dislocation in business and domestic matters (10 th and 4 th
houses). The finances will be adversely affected (Obl. Asc. in
radical 2nd, possibly through a death (Scorpio) and a journey, or a
change of residence may follow (nodes in 4 th).
The quincunx of Jupiter to the midheaven is thrown from
Gemini and the radical 5 th house, and is supported by the less
important direction of Mars to the semisextile of Jupiter. This
points to business expenditure of a rather speculative nature (5 th),
and also some slight neglect of business through a journey
(Gemini) for pleasure (5 th), probably a holiday. It is, of course,
an unimportant influence. Finally we have the opposition of the
midheaven to Neptune, which is a serious affliction. This denotes
a death in the domestic circle (4 th and Cancer), and a
considerable disorganisation of affairs. There is danger of serious
business troubles owing to the treachery (Neptune) of an
employee (Neptune on 6th cusp), and other business losses. The
presence of the direction of Uranus to the opposition of Neptune
points to a business smash or catastrophe, and consequent
disgrace or illness. Thus we can picture a year of depressed
circumstances, lightening a little with a pleasant holiday, but
reverting to an even worse condition of trouble and chaos.
Having made a cursory examination of the major influences
for the year in some such style as this, the next step is to take
each month and consider the directions in

- 29 -


greater detail. Throughout this process, the nature of the major
indications must be constantly borne in mind, for in a case such as
this where the major influences show depression no important effect
can be expected from good lunar directions, and any benefits the
latter, may bring will be only small or temporary.
The months should be treated after the following manner.
January: There are no lunar directions in operation, And we
must therefore look to other influences. Mars transits the
directional Moon on the 23rd. Venus goes over the directional
midheaven on the 17 th , and is trined by Mars. The previous New
Moon of December 20th, 1930, falls in Sagittarius 27 on the
ascendant. The latter influence makes for personal activity, and
indicates a month of energy and action, which is increased by the
transit of Mars over the Moon. Financial negotiations with others
(radical Mars in 2nd transiting 8th and 7th) will occupy a great part of
the energies, and this will culminate on the 17th, for Venus, radically
in the 7th and signifying business associates, and ruling the 9th,
contracts, transits the midheaven in trine to Mars. Therefore we
should judge an active business month in which a contract would be
carried through on the 17th after some difficulty (Mars and Mercury
retrograde). A provisional payment would be. received (Mars in
2nd), and the transaction would conclude with a dinner or some such
festivity (Venus rules 5th). At the same time danger is threatened
later out of this matter, for the transit falls on the direction
Midheaven opposition Neptune, which is due to operate in the
summer. February. This month also shows good financia1 and

- 30 -

business prospects through the lunar conjunction with Fortuna and
trine to the Sun, though the major directions prevent anything of
much importance. The solar direction involves the 11th and 7th houses,
and indicates a business agreement with a friend, and the receipt of a
debt through the Sun's rulership over the 8th. Business prospects will
be somewhat improved by a death (8 th and Scorpio), possibly of the
son of a business rival (Fortuna and Moon in 5th and 7th). The 10th is an
important day in regard to the business agreement, for Mercury is in
sextile to the Moon and Fortuna, and opposes the Sun. The death is to
be expected on the 18th under the transits of Mars and the Sun.
This is the general method to be adopted in all cases. These
notes do not profess to exhaust either the indications or their
interpretation, and no attempt has been made to use transits in detail.
One other illustration may be given, and this is in regard to the timing
of the major Neptunian direction.
On looking down the list of lunar aspects we immediately note
that the Moon comes to the sesquare of Neptune in July, which at
once serves to narrow the enquiry down to a single month. The first
beginnings will be felt at the very end of June, for Mars transits the
square of the place of Neptune at that time, but a glance down the
Ephemeris for July at once shows us the date on which the chief
effects will manifest themselves. On the 25 th the Sun and Jupiter are
conjoined in square to the radical midheaven; Uranus is stationary in
square to the directional Neptune; Saturn and Venus are in opposition
on the place of the directional Neptune; and the Moon is passing the
opposition of the radical

- 31 -


Neptune. On looking at the Tables of Houses we see that the
directional Neptune is on the midheawen with a Sidereal Time of
about 7h. 20m, the ascendant being also within orbs of the square of
the same point. From this time until Sidereal Time 7h. 48m, will
mark the intensity of the effect, for at the latter time the midheaven is
in sesquare to the radical Neptune; and the ascendant squares the
directional place of that planet. The Sidereal Times can be turned into
mean time by finding the difference between them and the Sidereal
Time at noon, which on July 25th is 8h. 9m. The first Sidereal Time,
7h. 20m., is 49m. earlier than noon; and the- second 7h. 48rn., is
21m. earlier; so that we can say that the chief effect of Midheaven
opposition Neptune will be exerted between 11.11 and 11.29 a.m. on
July 25th, 1931. Thus it is possible by passing from major to minor
causes, and so narrowing down the influences, to predict not only the
actual date of an event, but even the time of day on which it may be
This is the microscopic view of directional influences, and it is
sometimes important to examine the general trend of the life, or of a
particular department of it. This is done by collecting together in
chronological order all the directions to the particular significator
concerned and considering their consecutive effect. Thus suppose.
we wish to follow the Solar department of life.
The Sun forms
the sextile to Uranus in 1926 and its next aspect is the square of
Neptune in 1934.
This means that business and other Solar
matters would retain the effect of the Uranian sextile until 1930,
which is the mid-point between the two opposite influences, and
would then begin gradually to decline under the approaching

- 32 -

square to Neptune. Thus we should expect a period of great
advancement in 1926, and. a prosperous level until 1930, when
influences tending to decline would begin and affairs would drop
steadily culminating in loss, trouble and chaos in 1934 or earlier.
The importance of a general view of this kind is exemplified in the
present case, for we see that the opposition of the midheaven to
Neptune falls at a critical period of the native's life, and will
therefore operate with great intensity. Had the Sun been passing
from the sextile of Uranus to, say, the sextile of Jupiter, the effect
would have been of less seriousness, at least in regard to business
and Solar concerns, and would have operated more strongly along
other lines--possibly domestic, if the Moon or Ascendant afforded
less resistance.
The same general process should be applied to all the bodies so
as to obtain a broad idea of the trend of each department of life, as
indicated by their general natures and the particular places they
occupy and things they stand for in the radical horoscope. Thus by a
study of the broad periods of life and the long fluctuations in the
affairs of each department, are we enabled to judge of the power and
effect of the annual and monthly directions with accuracy, and so can
apply the microscopic method with certainty and success.

- 33 -


During the investigation of the developments of the Radix

system I have found that a very striking series of directions is
furnished by the cusps of the radical and directional houses. This
discovery is of some importance apart from its usefulness in
prediction, because it settles in a practical manner the vexed question
of house-division. Experiments along these lines show that the
Placidean cusps as given in the usual Tables of Houses are the only
ones that furnish appropriate directions and respond to transits. The
reason that this has hitherto remained unnoticed is that only by the
Radix motion can such directions be formed. That is to say, the
annual major increment must be applied directly to each cusp, as
explained in Chapter II, and not merely used to obtain a directional
midheaven from which the other cusps are extracted from the Tables.
Objections have been put forward to this method of applying the arc
to each cusp on the ground that the resulting chart is not
astronomically correct, but such objections are not of great weight.
The Radix system is a purely symbolic one, just as every system of
directing is symbolic in part. In the calculation of the horoscope of
birth we are concerned with astronomical facts and figures, and the
result is an accurate astronomical representation of the heavens at
that moment. But as soon as this is finished we depart at once into
the realms of symbolism. The power, importance, and duration of
the birth horoscope are

- 34 -

not fully realised at the present day. There is a meaning underlying
the number of degrees in each house and the length of the arcs
between the angles which persists throughout life. The arrangement
of the cusps and houses in the birth horoscope is a matter as
peculiar to the native as the disposition of the planets, and any
alteration of this by a so-called progression of the midheaven and an
automatic rearrangement of the other cusps is inadmissable by the
theory of the Radix system. It may be argued that the importance of
the Oblique Ascendant disposes of this view, but there is actually
quite a different reason for this which it is beyond the scope of the
present book to explain.
Cuspal directions are formed between the directional planets
and cusps and the radical cusps, and afford a valuable aid to the
interpretation of the major influences in force. They have the same
orb as the major directions, and are calculated from the directional
chart in exactly the same way. The best method of computing them
is as follows:1. Take the cusps of the 11th, 12th, 2nd, and 3rd houses of the
directional chart in order, and compare each with the radical cusps
and planets. The midheaven and ascendant have already been
examined and there is no need to repeat the process, but it should be
noted whether they form any aspect to any other cusp.
2. Take the directional planets one by one and compare them
with the radical cusps.
An aspect to one cusp will necessarily be an aspect to the
opposite one, and this must be borne in mind in interpretation. The
effect of the cusps in directions is as follows:-

- 35 -


11th. Directions to this cusp affect friends, associates, hopes,
love affairs, pleasure, and children.
12th. The health, illness, affliction, confinement, sorrow,
restraint, work, servants, and physical comforts.
2nd. Money, legacies, death.
Journeys, relatives, the mind, and intellectual
If a planet comes to the conjunction of a cusp the effect will
be chiefly that of the actual house itself. Thus a conjunction with
the 8th cusp will cause a death rather than affect financial matters;
the 6th will produce an illness rather than restraint; but there will
always be a tendency for the effect to partake of the nature of both
houses. The house position and rulership in the radical horoscope
of the aspecting planet will denote the matters involved. Thus a
planet in the 5th, or the ruler of that house, coming to the 8th cusp
would probably denote the death of a child or lover. When two
cusps aspect each other the effect is to combine their affairs either
favourably or the reverse according to the aspect, and, in the case of
a conjunction, according to their radical relation to each other by
square, trine, or other aspect. Thus the 1st cusp coming to the place
of the radical 2nd often indicates financial gain (2nd) to the native
(1st), usually by his own efforts; midheaven opposition ascendant
often puts an end to the professional activities; and so on.
Notice must also be taken of the minor directions of the Moon
to the radical and directional cusps, and of transits, which are
especially strong when made to the cusps of the directional chart.
Returning to the Kings horoscope once more, the

- 36 -

following were the chief cuspal directions operating at the period of
his illness.
Sun conjunction 6th March 1928
3rd semisquare Moon March 1929
3rd sesquare midheaven
Neptune conjunction 3rd May
Midheaven semisquare 11
August "
Minor Moon sesquare 3rd R.
Dec. 1928
Here the Sun conjunction 6th is a clear indication of illness,
and blends Gemini, the lungs, with Leo, the heart, the parts in
greatest danger. On the day on which the illness was first
announced, November 21st, Mercury was in exact square with the
radical 6th cusp. The 3rd cusp afflictions are also very appropriate,
for this house rules the lungs, while the lunar semisquare denotes
the journey, and the affliction to the midheaven shows the
disturbance to the Kings public and state engagements. The
journey to Bognor on February 11th shows Mercury in trine to the
radical 3rd, and Jupiter in trine to the directional midheaven; while
the return on May 16th shows Mercury separating from the trine of
the directional 3rd. The semisquare of the midheaven to the 11th
cusp denoted the change of Government and General Election of
May 30th, and was stimulated on the 28th by Mercury becoming
stationary in Gemini 22 in exact square to the directional 11th cusp.
The general nature of events can usually be determined by a
study of cuspal directions alone, and they add four more
Significators to the list. In addition to their value as an aid to
prediction, however, there is another important use to which they
can be put, and that is in regard to rectification. An accurate or
properly rectified

- 37 -


horoscope should yield cuspal directions for all the main events of
life, and the rapid calculation of a few cuspal directions will quickly
serve to fix the cusps in an approximate horoscope.
The use of cuspal directions is not restricted to the direct chart
only, but is equally serviceable in connection with the converse
method of directing to be described later. As a general example of
the efficacy of cuspal directions, it will be of interest to run over a
few of the events in the life of King George, and see what aspects
the cusps were forming at the time they occurred.
1. Entered Navy, June 5th 1877. Arc 11 50'. 9th sextile
Saturn, ruler of 10th (occupation). Moon sextile 9th.
2. Typhoid, 1891. Arc about 25.38. Saturn conjunction 8th
(Scorpio). 6th semisquare Saturn.
3. Brother died, January 1892. Arc 26.12. 3rd square
Neptune. Moon sesquare 3rd. Saturn sep. conjunction 8th.
4. Marriage, July 6th, 1893. Arc. 27.41. 7th sextile M.C.
5. Queen Victoria died, January 23rd, 1901. Arc 35.7.
Midheaven opposition Mars. Uranus trine ascendant. 8th sextile
Saturn. The last two directions show the extra responsibility
involved by the Queens death.
6. Voyage, 1901. Arc 36.28. 9th trine Mercury.
7. Journey to India, 1905. Arc 39.26. Saturn, ruler of India,
trine ascendant.
8. Journey to Canada, 1908. Arc 42.23. Moon, ruler of
Canada, semi-sextile 9th. 9th semisextile Jupiter.

- 38 -

9. King Edward died, May 6th, 1910. Arc 44.17. 8th square
ascendant. Midheaven opposition 6th.
10. War began, August 4th, 1914. Arc 48.28. 6th opposition
ascendant. Saturn conjunction 9th (foreign affairs). Midheaven
square 8th.
11. War ended, November 11th, 1918. Arc 52.40. Venus
conjunction 4th.
12. Prince John died, January 18th, 1919. Arc 52.50. 5th
(children) square Sun.
These examples will be sufficient to indicate the use of
cuspal directions, not only as an aid to prediction, but also as a
facile means of rectification.

- 39 -


The theory of the minor directional chart is closely in line

with that of the major chart. We have seen that to form the major
directions we add an annual arc of 59' 8" to each of the radical
planets and cusps, this amount being the mean daily motion of the
Sun. To form the minor directions we add 13 11' annually to the
Moon, this being the Moons mean daily motion. But in the former
case we add the solar arc to all the positions, and it is somewhat
surprising that no exponent has hitherto adopted the same principle
and applied the lunar arc to all the positions also instead of only to
the Moon, for by so doing we obtain a chart and directional
positions for each month which afford a valuable series of
directions to and from the other significators as well. This
discovery fills up the blanks that occur from time to time in the
lunar directions, and furnishes significant minor directions that
serve to stimulate the major influences.
The method of calculation is exactly similar to that used when
drawing up the major chart, but the motion of 13 11' a year is
substituted for that of 59'.
Applying this principle to the Kings horoscope, we will work
out the minor chart for the period of illness in November 1928.
When calculating the lunar directions in Chapter IV we found that
the minor arc for the Kings age at this time was 3 s 25 30'. This
amount has therefore to be added to the cusps and planets in order
to obtain the minor directional chart.

- 40 -


Radical midheaven
Add minor arc

Minor M.C. November 1st, 1928

25 30
26 46

that is, Aries 26.46.

The continuation of this process gives us the following
positions:10th - 26.46 Aries
11th - 15.5 Taurus
12th - 9.47 Gemini

Asc. - 28.49 Cancer. Obl. Asc.

14.19 Leo
2nd - 15.2 Virgo
3rd - 8.42 Libra
Saturn - 19.36 Aquarius
Uranus - 24.7 Libra
Neptune - 5.40 Leo
Caput - 23.28 Aquarius
Fortuna - 17.27 Scorpio
Obl. Fortuna - 2.57 Sagittarius

Sun - 7.56 Libra

Moon - 26.34 Capricorn
Mercury - 13.59 Virgo
Venus - 4.42 Virgo
Mar - 1.5 Sagittarius
Jupiter - 21.10 Aries

It must be remembered that each of these positions progresses

at the rate of 1 6' a month, or 13 11' a year, so that we must make a
table for each just as we did in the case of the Moons minor
directions, and note the aspects formed to the radical and major
directional positions month by month. It is better to note only the
directions to and from the Significators, in order to avoid the
confusion attendant upon too many aspects, and to pay attention
only to those which involve the major influences. The reader may
have wondered why the major direction of the Oblique Ascendant
to the square of the directional Mars operated so strongly in
November when it was not stimulated by direction but only by
transit. A glance at the above positions immediately explains this,
for we see that in November the minor

- 41 -


Sun was in Libra 7.56, and therefore formed the exact conjunction
of Mars during that month. In February the Sun had progressed to
11.14 Libra where it was in opposition to Neptune radical and
square the directional Venus. This brought the journey to the seaside and the domestic changes shown by Venus in Cancer and the
4th house of the radical figure. In March the Sun came to Libra
12.20 and formed the trine to the place of the major direction
Neptune conjunction Sun. This marked the turn, and strengthened
the favourable lunar directions at that time. Finally in May it had
passed to the sextile of its own major place, and the sextile of the
directional 6th cusp.
The midheaven gives us another series of directions, and its
sextile to the directional Jupiter in January denoted the more
hopeful feeling of the doctors. It passed to trine Uranus in March,
and sextile its own directional place in May when the General
Election took place.
The Oblique Ascendant came to the conjunction of the
directional Sun in December. The monthly positions of this point
cannot be obtained by adding 1 6' successively as in the case of the
others, for its motion is not regular and is controlled by the
midheaven. The minor directional midheaven for November 1st,
1928, is Aries 26.46, and its longitude for November 1st 1929,
found by adding a further 13 11', is Taurus 9.57. The former shows
an ascendant of Leo 14.19 in the Tables of Houses for London, and
the latter an ascendant of Leo 22.30. Therefore the motion of the
Oblique ascendant is 8 11' during this particular year, and this when
divided by 12 gives a monthly increment of 41'.

- 42 -


When the minor, directions of the Significators have been
ascertained, it remains to note those formed by the other planets to
the places of the Significators in the radical and directional figures,
and finally to study the transits affecting them in order to time the
event to the exact day.
It must be emphasised that all minor directions are quite
subsidiary to the major ones, and on no account must undue
prominence be given to them. They must always be interpreted in
the light of any major aspects that may exist to the planets affected.
Thus in February 1929, when the Kings journey to Bognor was
made, the minor Sun formed the square of the directional Venus.
This would not appear to be favourable at first sight, but actually
the minor aspect served to stimulate the major direction Venus
semisextile Sun, and therefore its operation was in terms of the
latter. The immediate effect of the square was probably noticeable
at the time in the discomfort and disorganisation which the journey
must have entailed, but the important point is that its ultimate effect
was beneficial in accordance with the major direction of Venus at
the time. We may think of a major direction as a charge of
gunpowder, and the minor direction as the fuse which explodes it.
The fuse may be faulty or it may be good, but in either case the
ultimate effect is the same.
Taken by themselves these minor directions give us several
distinct series of influences according to the Significator directed.
The lunar series, which has hitherto been employed alone, strictly
refers to the general conditions of life and the environment, for that
is the department of life of which the Moon is Significator.

- 43 -


So each Significator affects its own class of affairs; the minor
directions of the midheaven, for example, apply more particularly to
professional matters and business than to other departments, and
should be interpreted with that in mind. Thus in the example, they
will be found to indicate the course of political and state affairs, and
have only an indirect bearing upon the illness. But at the same
time, a minor direction from any planet is sufficient to stimulate a
major direction, and in addition to this, the minor directions of any
planet which is also forming a major direction at the time are of
greatly increased power, and should be very carefully examined.

- 44 -


As in Primary directing, the parallels employed in the Radix

system are of two kinds, namely Mundane and Zodiacal. A
Mundane Parallel is formed between two planets when they are
equidistant from an angle, while a Zodiacal Parallel is formed when
they are both equal in declination. The latter are of less importance
and may be considered first.

One planet forms a Zodiacal Parallel with another when it

arrives at the declination held by the latter at birth. This may be of
the same name or of opposite names; that is, when the parallel is
formed both planets may be in North declination, both in South
declination, or one in North declination and the other in South, but
this does not affect the existence of the aspect, though it probably
has some influence on the nature of the effect.
The Zodiacal Parallel really belongs to the Secondary system
of directing, and has not been applied to the Radix system with any
great degree of success. The method originally advocated is to find
from Tables the declination of the zodiacal degree occupied by the
directional planet, and note if it forms any exact parallel with a
radical body. In the case of the Midheaven,

- 45 -


Ascendant, and Sun the declination so obtained is correct, but
unless a planet is without latitude its own declination will differ
from that of the degree in which it is situated. Thus we start with
the declinations of the actual planetary bodies in the birth
horoscope, but we assume that the planets after birth lose their
latitude and take on the declination of the degrees they occupy.
This is an entirely illogical procedure, and it is not improved by
making the planet retain its radical latitude after birth and
calculating the declination on this assumption, as has been
suggested. A more logical procedure would be to use the radical
declinations of the degrees held by the planets instead of their own
bodily declinations, but this does not appear to be at all satisfactory
in practice. Another method which suggests itself is to use the
Suns mean daily motion in declination, 15' 22", as a basis for
progression, but this again is not well supported by events. Many
other methods have been tried, even including the Hindu Kranti, but
it is clear that if Zodiacal Parallels are to be retained as an integral
part of the system, it will be necessary to discover some more
generally satisfactory method of calculating them. Meanwhile in
spite of the many theoretical objections, the original method
furnishes the best results. The student may, however, safely ignore
Zodiacal Parallels, for in the Radix system it is very rarely, if ever,
the case that an event indicated by a direction of this class is not
quite adequately accounted for in other ways.

Mundane Parallels are in an entirely different category from

Zodiacal Parallels, both in regard to their method

- 46 -


of formation and their importance. A Mundane Parallel is formed
when two planets are at equal distances on each side of one of the
angles. Thus suppose the Sun is in Aries 10, the Midheaven is in
Gemini 10, and the Moon is in Leo 10. The Sun will be in
Mundane Parallel with the Moon because they are both exactly 60
on each side of the meridian. Such a position can be formed across
either the meridian or horizon, but it is usual to assume that the
aspect is formed across the meridian unless it is specified as a
Horizontal Parallel. There are several main ways in which such a
direction can be formed, depending upon whether we consider one
of the planets as fixed or both as moving.
1. Mundane Parallel. In the first case one planet is taken as
at a fixed distance from an angle and the other planet is moved up
on the other side of the angle until it comes to a distance equal to
that of the fixed planet. Thus in the Kings horoscope Fortuna is 20
41' West of the lower meridian. We may consider this to be a fixed
distance, and direct, say, Venus to a parallel of Fortuna by bringing
it down to a distance of 20 41' East of the same meridian. The
point 20 41' East falls in longitude Gemini 10 35', and Venus in
Taurus 9 12' reaches it after moving 31 23', corresponding in time
to 31 years 10 months, or April 1897, which measures exactly to the
birth of Princess Mary. This is the ordinary direct Mundane
Parallel, and would be written Venus P Fortuna. Had the aspect
been formed across the horizon the letters HP would have been used
instead of P alone.
2. Converse Mundane Parallels. Another variety of the same
kind of parallel is formed by converse motion, and is as strong in
operation as the former. In this case

- 47 -


we consider one planet as fixed and bring the other to the equivalent
distance by backward or converse motion. Thus the Kings Sun is
18 50' East of the lower meridian, and Mars is 34 19' West of the
same point. We can bring Mars back so that it forms a converse
Mundane Parallel with the Sun after it has moved to a position 18
50' West of the lower meridian, to do which it has to move a
distance of 15 29', measuring in time to the period of the Zulu War.
This is written Mars P Sun con.
3. Rapt Parallels. The third variety is that of the Mid-point,
which corresponds to the Rapt Parallels of the Primary system, and
for which the name may be retained. When one of the angles comes
to the midway point between two planets, the effect is to cause a
parallel between them. Thus in the Kings horoscope, Virgo 3.19 is
the midway point between Mars in Leo 5.35 and the Moon in Libra
1.4. The midheaven came to Pisces 3.19 after moving 62 3', thus
forming the direction Moon R P Mars across the lower meridian,
the arc measuring to 1928. These directions are, of course, equally
powerful when formed across the horizon, or when formed by the
converse motion of the angles. We shall return to the Mid-point
4. Quadrate Parallels. So far we have considered only
parallels in which the bodies were on either side of a single angle,
but no exponent has hitherto pointed out that when planets are
equidistant from different angles they still form a powerful parallel.
In the example Neptune is 6 51' below the Ascendant, and any
planet coming to a distance of 6 51' from any angle will form a
parallel to it. Thus the Sun will first form the Quad-

- 48 -


rate Parallel of Neptune when it is 6 51' East of the fourth cusp.
This is reached after the Sun has moved 11 59', and measures to
August 1877. From this point we may think of the Sun as passing
on and forming a second Quadrate Parallel to Neptune when it has
crossed the meridian and reached Cancer 8.7, the point 6 51' West
of the fourth cusp. This is a distance of 25 41', and measures to
June 1891. Under the first Quadrate parallel King George joined
the Navy, and under the second he left it, after an attack of typhoid
fever in 1891, and the death of his brother in January 1892.
This completes all the possible major parallels. These
directions are of very great power and importance, and it is a matter
for regret that they are somewhat complicated to use in practice and
easily overlooked. The only way to be sure of covering them all is
to adopt a systematic method as follows:1. Measure the distance of each planet in the radical
horoscope from the angles on each side of it, and make a table of
them. Then in the directional chart note the distance of all the
bodies from the radical angles and compare with the table in order
to see if any direct meridian or horizontal parallels or Quadrate
Parallels are formed.
The same process applied to the planets in the converse
directional chart will discover the converse parallels of these
2. Make a list of the Mid-points between all the radical
planets, and note when the directional and converse directional
angles come to any of these points. This gives the Rapt Parallels in
operation at the time.
So far we have dealt only with Major parallels, but it

- 49 -


is obvious that the same methods apply in the case of the Minor
motion of the Moon and planets. We will consider the Moon only,
for the sake of simplicity, but the remarks apply to all the other
bodies when moving at the minor rate. The Moon will form
parallels from month to month with the radical planets across the
radical angles, and also to the directional planets across the
directional angles. The latter are of less importance, but there is a
special kind of parallel formed by minor motion which is of
particular value. This is the Directional Parallel, and it is formed
by the minor Moon, the directional angles, and the radical planets.
To calculate these note the distance of each of the radical planets
from the directional angles, and then see in which months the Moon
by minor motion comes to the same distances from the directional
angles. The directional Midheaven for 1928-1929 in the Kings
horoscope was Pisces 4, and the minor Moon was moving from
Capricorn 27 to Aquarius 9. That is, it was passing from a distance
of 37 from the directional Midheaven to a distance of 25 from it.
The radical Neptune in Aries 10.10 was 36 23' from the directional
Midheaven, so that the Moon was in Directional Parallel to it when
in Capricorn 27.24. This was in November 1928, and helped to
stimulate the major direction of Neptune conjunction Sun.

We have seen that parallels are formed when the angles come
to the mid-points between the planets, but in addition to this the
effect of any two planets is brought out when another body comes
to the mid-point between

- 50 -


them. Thus the mid-point between the Moon and Uranus in the
Kings radical horoscope falls in Leo 14.50. The directional Sun
came to this point in September 1928 and stimulated the radical
square between the Moon and Uranus. The influence of this evil
aspect was therefore focused for the time being through the Sun,
and affected the constitution. At the same time the directional
Ascendant was near the mid-point between the radical Ascendant
and Mars in Gemini 4.27, focusing the influence of Mars on to the
Ascendant and affecting the body and conditions through a feverish
The importance of mid-points has been realised only within
the last few years, and there is still much to be discovered
concerning them. It is probable that aspects from the luminaries
and planets to the mid-points will prove to be of considerable
importance, and the student is advised to make a list of all the midpoints in his horoscope and keep them under constant observation.
The interpretation of Mundane Parallels follows the ordinary
rules. The effect is similar to that of a conjunction between the
bodies concerned, and therefore varies in nature according to the
planets involved. In the case of mid-points the effect is like a
conjunction of the two planets, exerted through the planet
occupying the mid-point. The latter is affected according to the
combined influence of the two planets, and the department of life
which feels the chief effect is that signified by it. Thus the greatest
regard should be paid to the mid-points between the Significators,
or to those directions in which one of the Significators is the
focussing body.

- 51 -


Converse directions are formed by the backward motion of the

planets, and are of very considerable importance. The method of
calculating the converse chart is exactly similar to that used in
calculating the ordinary directional chart, but instead of adding the
arc for the age to the planets and cusps it is necessary to subtract it.
We found that the arc for the Kings age on November 1st, 1928,
was 62 31', and by the addition of this amount to all the planets and
cusps we arrived at the major directional chart. In order to calculate
the major converse chart for this date we must subtract 62 31'
throughout, and by so doing we obtain the result shown in Fig. 5.
Now it is of no use to compare this chart with the radical
horoscope, because it would show exactly the same directions as
does the ordinary directional chart. To direct Neptune forward to a
conjunction with the Sun, for example, is exactly the same as
directing the Sun backwards to the conjunction of Neptune. The
directions to be noted are those formed between the converse and
directional charts. Therefore we have the following rules:1. Subtract the major arc from all planets and cusps in the
radical horoscope to obtain the converse directional chart. Insert
the converse Oblique Ascendant corresponding to the converse
midheaven from the Tables of Houses.

- 52 -

2. Compare the converse positions so obtained with the
ordinary directional chart (not the radical horoscope), and note the
major directions so formed. Only the Oblique Ascendant and the
Oblique Fortuna may be compared with the birth horoscope.

Fig. 5. King George V. - Converse Chart.

An examination of the directions formed from the direct to the

converse charts in our example yields the following results: Moon opposition Mars C
Mars opposition Sun C
Jupiter trine M.C.C
Neptune conjunction 6th C

Neptune semisquare Moon C

M.C. square Mars C
Obl. Asc. Square Sun C

- 53 -


This is a very striking series of directions. The three martial
arcs clearly indicate a feverish illness and operation; the Neptunian
directions point to confinement and a journey to the sea; while
Jupiter trine midheaven gives excellent medical aid, and is a strong
factor for recovery. The interpretation of these combined directions
should be made with reference to the houses in which they fall in
the radical horoscope. Thus the opposition of Mars and the Sun
falls in Aries-Libra 9, or across the radical horizon. Neptune
semisquare Moon falls in the radical 3rd and 5th houses, and so on.
The opposition of Mars and the Sun falls in square to the direct
Oblique Ascendant, and therefore shares the stimulation during
November caused by mars becoming stationary in Cancer 9, and
also that of the minor directions in operation at that time. On
November 25th, when pleurisy set in, the Sun was in Sagittarius 3,
and therefore exactly on the place of Moon opposition Mars C
which threatened the lungs.
Thus the major converse directions are calculated and judged
in a manner exactly similar to the method we have used when
dealing with the ordinary major directions.
The next step is to calculate the minor directions of the Moon,
and of the other planets also if desired. For the sake of simplicity
we will consider the lunar directions only.
The minor arc for November 1st, 1928, was found to be 3s 25
30', and for the converse minor directions we must subtract this
from the Moons place at birth, thus:

- 54 -


Moon at birth
Subtract arc

Con. Moon, November 1st, 1928


25 30
5 34

or Gemini 5.34.
All the planets are considered to be moving backwards, and
therefore the Moon by minor motion will recede 1 6' a month, so
that our table will be as follows:Con.

1 Nov.
1 Dec.
1 Jan.
1 Feb.
1 Mar.
1 April
1 May
1 June
1 July
1 Aug.
1 Sept.
1 Oct.


5 c 34
28 b 59
27 53
26 47
25 41
24 35
23 29

# M.C. D, "B D
%Asc. R, !E C.
'HR, #F D, %BC

The lunar aspects are to be taken to the planets in the radical,

directional, and converse directional charts and interpreted in
relation to the radical chart as in the case of the major directions.
The minor directions of the other planets may also be
examined, but in practice it is best to restrict this to

- 55 -


those planets actually involved in major directions at the time. Thus
in this case Mars is prominent among the major direction, and a
study of its direct and converse minor aspects will throw light upon
the dates of operation of the more important influences. By
converse minor motion Mars was in Aries 10.5 on November 1st,
1928, and therefore came to the conjunction of the Sun converse in
that month, thus timing the operation of the major direction between
these bodies. It came to the opposition of its own directional place
in December, stimulating the direction Obl. Asc. square Mars; and
the transit of Mars in square to the radical ascendant on the 12th
timed the operation for that day. The illness was indicated
conversely entirely by Mars, and therefore it lasted from the time
Mars by minor motion joined the converse Sun until it passed
conversely to the radical ascendant in May, after which it passed
into obscurity in the 12th house.

- 56 -


This concludes my exposition of the lesser known

developments of the Radix system, though there are doubtless many
still undiscovered pathways. I have purposely kept entirely to the
Radix system itself, using only the minor motion of the planets
together with transits to time events with precision. There are other
methods of extreme utility, but they do not form an integral part of
the system under review and will be described elsewhere, for the
present work is intended to form a comprehensive and selfcontained treatise upon the Radix system alone without the
confusion of issue attendant upon the introduction of extraneous
methods, no matter how valuable they may be.
A few more words as to the application of the principles I
have outlined will not be amiss. It will be found that a
conscientious and methodical study of the different classes of
directions described will account for every event in the natives life
a claim that can be put forward for no other system and will
enable the student to time the event to the day, and if he cares to
take the trouble, to the very hour and minute. The method of
accomplishing the latter feat has been briefly indicated in the
judgment of an example horoscope, but will be found in fuller detail
in the volume on Transits. At the same time, the beginner is
strongly advised to proceed cautiously lest he become entangled in
a maze of conflicting directions. It is essential for him to master

- 57 -


each step before going further, and in the early stages he should
limit himself to the simple system described in Chapters II, III, and
IV. When he is perfectly familiar with the calculation and
interpretation up to this point he may gradually take the further
methods into account, but especially in the case of the minor
directions he will be well advised to ignore directions among
Promittors alone.
The interpretation of all directions must be made with
reference to the radical horoscope, and to the houses of the radix
into which the planets have moved by direct or converse motion.
The effect of any direction is regulated by
(1) The nature of the component planets and the aspect;
(2) The signs containing them;
(3) The houses of the radical horoscope in which they fall;
(4) The houses they rule in the radical horoscope.
Thus in Fig. 3, at the age of about seventeen the Sun comes to
the opposition of Mars. Consider the above factors.
(1) The nature of an adverse direction between the Sun and
Mars is to cause feverish illnesses, quarrels, accidents, wounds,
deaths, etc. This indicates the general kind of effect we may expect.
(2) The signs involved are Aquarius, containing the radical
Mars, and Leo into which the Sun has progressed from Cancer.
This suggests an illness, but the houses must be considered before
any definite conclusion can be reached.
(3) Mars is in the 2nd house, and the Sun has passed

- 58 -


from the 7th to the 8th. This points to financial loss or to a death.
(4) Mars rules the 10th, 11th, and 3rd houses, and the Sun rules
the 8th.
Now combining all these factors, we have the Sun, operating
from the 8th house and ruler of the 8th, strongly pointing to a death.
Financial troubles are possible, but apart from Mars in the 2 nd, no
financial points are involved, and therefore although financial
troubles will probably occur, we are justified in looking for a death
as the main event. Now the radical Sun is in Cancer, the sign of the
home, which points to a death in the family circle. As the Sun is in
the 7th we should have to consider the death of the marriage partner,
but in this case the age of the native precludes that possibility. Mars
rules the 3rd, 10th, and 11th houses, but as we have noted the chances
of a domestic death, the 11th may be discarded for the moment. This
leaves the 3rd and 10th brother or parent. But the Sun is typically
representative of a parent, for it naturally relates to an older person
and not a coeval. Hence we are justified in assuming a parent, and
most probably the father because of the male nature of the planets
and signs. Having come to the conclusion that the direction
indicates the death of a parent, the next step is to seek further
details. Leo and Aquarius rule the heart and blood, so we can
assume that a fever (Mars) affecting the blood or breathing process
(Aquarius) will cause death by affecting the heart (Leo). Mars rules
the 3rd house, which is a further indication pointing the same way.
The circumstances indicate a journey (3rd), probably connected with
pleasure (11th is 5th from

- 59 -


radical Sun; also Sun in 5th sign). Hence we arrive at the conclusion
that the direction is likely to cause the death of a parent from heart
trouble due to feverish illness caught while on a journey or holiday.
This by no means exhausts the information to be derived from
the direction, but will suffice to give some idea how to approach the
problem of judgment in a preliminary way. Having got as much
information as possible out of the major aspects, the next step is to
turn to the minor directions in order to time the effect to the month,
and then to transits to ascertain the exact day of operation. This
investigation will also furnish additional details by the nature and
positions of the stimulating influences. These remarks must suffice
as to the method of judgment, for it is exactly similar to that
employed in all systems of directing, and is fully described in the
general text-books.
In making a complete survey of directions by all the resources
of the Radix system, a methodical manner of treatment is essential,
and the following procedure should be adopted.
1. Erect the directional chart and calculate major directions,
parallels, and cuspal directions.
2. Erect the converse chart and calculate the converse
3. Tabulate all major directions and note signs and houses
4. Calculate the lunar minor directions, both direct and
converse, and the minor directions of the bodies involved in the
major arcs. Note the stimulation of the latter, and look to transits
and the diurnal passage of the angles to define the day and time of

- 60 -


5. For general monthly influences pay chief attention to the moon,
but if it is desired to study the monthly influences affecting any
required department of life, study the minor directions formed by or
to the planet ruling the matter enquired about. Thus for health, the
minor directions of the ruler of the 6th house, or any planet in that
house should be examined, in addition to those of the appropriate
Treatment in this way will ensure that no influence is
overlooked, and will largely obviate the confusion caused by many
unclassified directions.

- 61 -


The following pages contain brief descriptions of the general

effects of directions between the various bodies and points. These
as they stand apply to the major effects, and only the minor
directions of the Moon are included separately. But all the other
descriptions may be applied to minor directions also if it is
remembered that while the general nature of the effect will be the
same, it will be of far less power and importance. Thus the major
direction of the Ascendant to an evil aspect of Mars may cause a
serious fever, or accident and danger of death, as stated below,
whereas a minor direction of the Ascendant to the same aspect of
Mars will produce no more than a feverish cold, or a slight burn or
cut. This rule holds good in all cases.
The general conditions of the various departments of life are
indicated by the directions of the Significators. These five bodies
and points stand for the following matters:Ascendant. This is Significator of the body, life, health, birth
of children, outlook, changes, circumstances, and general fortunes.
Midheaven. Credit, honour, reputation, worldly standing,
public work or office, trade and profession, and the parents.
Sun. Life, health, radical constitution and vitality, profession,
honour, dealings with superiors and em-

- 62 -


ployers, the father and his affairs, male relatives, and the husband in
a womans horoscope.
Moon. Health, functional disorders, bodily and mental
changes, public estimation, journeys, removals, general changes,
the mother and her affairs, female relatives, marriage, the wife, and
women generally.
Fortuna. Riches, financial affairs, increase and diminution of
goods, possessions, and money, and to some extent family affairs.
The Promittors rule the various matters generally associated
with them, as, for example, Venus love, Mercury contracts and
agreements, etc., and also have a special rulership according to the
signs and houses containing them in the radical horoscope. Thus in
any direction the particular things or persons shown in the
horoscope by the Promittor and its position act upon the general
affairs ruled by the Significator affected, and produce good or bad
effects according to the nature of the aspect.
The following descriptions must be taken as quite general, and
the exact power and nature of the effects must be judged by the
particular circumstances of the horoscope under examination.

Asc. A
Conjunction. Dignity; office; high employment; position
under men of power or influence, but accompanied by anxiety;
tends to reveal secret affairs of the life; illness, and trouble with
head or right eye; expense; trouble with relatives.

- 63 -


Good. Good health; easy mind; increase of wealth and
reputation; profitable employment; work abroad; gain through
Government; journeys; new and influential friends. To a woman,
marriage or birth of child.
Bad. Illness, feverish diseases, sore eyes, poor blood, lack of
vitality; many losses; loss of money or employment; danger of
deception; disfavour of superiors; danger to the father. The
opposition is worse than the square, and threatens heavy losses by
journeys or superiors; much contention; loss by law-suits; danger of
Asc. B
If Moon is well aspected in the radix,
prosperity; good employment; gain through agreements and travel;
voyages; good health; marriage. If Moon is afflicted, danger to
body and mind; illness; fluctuating fortunes; danger of accidents
and from water; illness or death of mother; trouble to wife and from
Good. Busy; contented; enterprising; good health; general
prosperity; good employment; friendship of influential women; love
affairs or marriage; birth of child; benefits mother and female
relatives; popular; journeys.
Bad. Unpopular; restless; wanton, gluttonous, or intemperate;
illness, danger of tumours or cancer, trouble with left eye; danger
from water; trouble through diet; disgrace; loss of employment; loss
by theft, through the public, and through low women; unfortunate
journeys; suffers from jealousy; divorce; discord with mother, wife,
and women generally.

- 64 -


Asc. C
Inclines to study of poetry, literature,
mathematics, etc., and gain through such subjects; scholastic
success; gain by writing, journeys, or inventions; good
employment; success in business and trade, and in clerical and legal
work; change of residence. If afflicted, dangerous accident or
Studious; quickens the mind; literary interests;
increase of knowledge; scholastic success; prosperity; fortunate
journeys; active employment; gain by writing, teaching, or
traveling; fortunate agreements, contracts, and bargains; change of
residence; birth of child.
Bad. Restless; busy to no purpose; averse from studies; loss
of money and expense over fruitless study; failure at exams; trouble
through the Press and overwork; illness of lungs, nerves, bowels, or
skin according to Mercurys position; danger of slander, libel, and
plots, and of fraud and deceit in agreements, letters, etc.; involved
in law-suits; sued for debt; encumbered with mortgages; loss by
clerical people; anxiety over young persons. In childs map, danger
of whooping cough, bronchitis, or convulsions.
Asc. D
Conjunction. Contented; love affairs, courtship or marriage;
birth of child; new friends; increase of pleasure; social
engagements; financial gain; purchase of clothes, ornaments etc. If
Venus is afflicted in watery sign, danger of wantonness and
venereal diseases.

- 65 -


Good. Contented; increase of pleasure; love affairs, marriage,
or birth of child; money and prosperity; new friends; favours from
Bad. Intemperate; indiscreet conduct; illness according to
Venus position and through over-indulgence in pleasure; troubles in
love; quarrels through jealousy; matrimonial discord; unfaithfulness
of marriage partner; danger of scandal; illness of wife or mother;
heavy expenses or extravagance.
Asc. E
Conjunction. Impetuous; quarrels; involved in controversies
and law-suits, many misfortunes; danger of feverish illnesses,
madness, accidents, and wounds; danger of death to native or
parent; danger in travel; liable to imprisonment.
Good. Impatient, rather quarrelsome; exercise and outdoor
sports; success in martial work such as Army, Navy, surgery,
engineering, etc., or adoption of martial career; some travel. In
womans map, may cause attachment, marriage or birth of child.
Bad. Many misfortunes; danger of death, acute illnesses and
fevers, falls, wounds, burns; loss by fire or theft; great expenditure;
many enemies and false accusations; trouble through women;
danger to parent.
Asc. F
Conjunction. Cheerful, contented, religious; good health, but
sometimes an illness out of which good proceeds; general success;
public esteem; augmented credit; gain from eminent people; fortune
through strangers; scholastic success; church advancement;
unexpected inheritance; marriage or birth of child.

- 66 -


Good. Contented; liberal; prosperity and increased fortune;
new friends; social activity; inheritance; rise in position; favour of
nobility and superiors; gain by fortunate journeys.
Bad. Careless, extravagant, intemperate; illness; blood and
liver disorders; loss through undue optimism or enthusiasm; heavy
expenses; trouble from professional people, and through enmity,
deception, and controversy; loss by law-suits; some slight loss
through false friends.
Asc. G
Good. Grave, sober; elderly friends and gain through them;
gain by industry; responsible position; gain by legacy, inheritance,
property, mining, purchase and sale of houses, letting, etc.
Conjunction or Bad. Dull, lazy, lethargic, stupid; discontent;
sad and sorrowful period; danger of death; illness through colds,
coughs, hallucinations, gout, rheumatism, tumours, venereal
diseases, ruptures, and long, tedious, and chronic ailments;
dangerous accidents and broken limbs; consumption and
melancholia; danger by water; death of a parent; family troubles;
trouble with elderly people; delay in everything; loss of
employment and good name. To a woman, dangerous internal
diseases, and disappointment and trouble in love and marriage.
Asc. H
Good. Active business; unexpected gain; gain by journeys,
through inventions, electricity, archeology, astrology, etc.; and
through political, municipal, and

- 67 -


public concerns; new friendships with unusual people; romantic
Conjunction or Bad. Sudden losses; peculiar happenings;
danger to parent; domestic troubles; sudden illness or operation;
strange and peculiar diseases, neurasthenia, and nerve troubles;
danger of accidents, explosions, etc.; travel and removals; change of
Asc. I
Good. Pleasant experiences; fortunate travel and voyages;
musical and psychic interests and activities; great financial gain;
luck in speculation.
Conjunction or Bad. Weak health, consumption, or wasting
disease; danger of accident; unfortunate voyage; nerve troubles and
neurasthenia; psychic disorders; strange imaginings; loss by travel,
speculation and fraud; peculiar and unpleasant experiences;
confinement in hospital or institution. (The Conjunction may act
favourably if Neptune is well aspected at birth.)
Asc. O
Increase of goods, money, or possessions
unexpectedly, or by our own industry, from source shown by planet
aspecting Fortuna.
Bad. Loss of money; failing fortunes.
Asc. Nodes
! Caput, or Good. Quiet; good health; religious interests;
success; advancement in employment; inheritance.

- 68 -


! Cauda, or Bad. Illness; danger of poison; subject to scandal
or slander; liable to fall into debt; adverse removals and changes.
Asc. Cusps
(Nature of effect depends upon aspect)
To 2nd and 8th. Financial activities; increase of goods and
money; purchase of household effects; loss by death; gain or loss of
To 3rd and 9th. Visits to relatives; journeys for pleasure; gain
or loss through professional matters and people.
To 4th and 10th. Danger of death; dealings in property, mines,
buildings, etc., business changes; honour and esteem or reverse.
To 5th and 11th. Love affairs; engagement; social activities;
many friends; dealings with societies or places of amusement or
To 6th and 12th. Sorrow; troubles often self-caused; hindrances
and difficulties; illness; trouble through inferiors.
M.C. A
Conjunction. Dignity, pride, prodigal tendencies; honour,
fame, public reputation; association with nobility; prosperity to
parents. If afflicted, death of mother; disputes and misfortunes
often of a public nature.
Good. Magnanimous, generous; public office and honour;
gifts and friendship of nobility; lays foundation of great
advancement. To a woman, marriage.

- 69 -


Bad. Unpopularity; troubles and hindrances; disfavour of
superiors; bad trade; sudden loss of office; loss of credit;
bankruptcy; danger of dishonour, imprisonment, or death; troubles
with Government; trouble to. or death of, parents or husband; loss
of parents estate by fire.
M.C. B
Conjunction. If well aspected, busy and active period; some
worry; public work, advancement, and increase of trade; fluctuating
fortunes; travel; love affair or marriage. If afflicted, loss;
unproductive journeys; trouble to wife or mother.
Good. Active business; increase of fortune; popularity;
favours from women; prosperity; travel or voyage; marriage or birth
of child.
Bad. Unpopularity; discredit; loss by law-suits; extravagance;
danger of scandals, and loss by, or quarrels with, women; domestic
troubles, separation or divorce; danger to mother or wife.
M.C. C
Conjunction. Active, busy; good business period; success and
advancement in commercial, scientific, and literary work; gain by
travel, teaching, and writing. If afflicted, business losses, loss
through libel and the law, and danger of discredit through scandal.
Good. Active period; gain through business, scholastic ,
literary and scientific work; new enterprises; scholastic success;
clerical occupation; gain by writing or teaching and traveling;
fortunate journeys; much dealing with lawyers or merchants;
change of residence.

- 70 -


Loss by false reports and accusations; many
annoyances; loss by libel and law-suits; trouble through lawyers,
solicitors, and writings; loss of employment; failure in
examinations; unjust legal sentences; death of a child.
M.C. D
Conjunction or Good. Good health; cheerful; pleasurable
period; popular; social activities; general prosperity; business
improvement; financial gain but free expenditure; purchase of new
houses, furniture, clothes, ornaments, etc.; friendship with women,
and love affairs, marriage, or birth of child; gain from women;
benefits to female relatives.
Bad. Jealousy; extravagance; dissipation; scandal; loss of
money and property; loss and trouble through women; rejected or
jilted in love; matrimonial troubles, separation, or divorce; death of
mother, wife, or female relatives. The opposition sometimes causes
marriage leading to speedy separation.
M.C. E
Conjunction. Great troubles and dangers; anger of influential
people; danger of hatred, banishment, or imprisonment; loss of
money by fire or theft; danger to, or trouble through parent.
Advancement to those engaged in marital occupations, but
accompanied by some danger.
Good. Active, busy, and prosperous period; outdoor sports
and exercises; martial occupation and preferment; advancement to
soldiers, engineers, etc.; quick trading; successful journey.

- 71 -


Bad. Loss by robbery, quarrels, contentions, changes, and
speculation; liable to restraint; many evils caused by self and others;
danger of public accusations, criminal charges, and public death;
death or trouble to parents.
M.C. F
Conjunction or Good. General happiness and success; wealth;
profitable period and increased trade; great advancement and
honour; patronage of influential people . To a woman, marriage.
Bad. Legal and financial disputes; loss and trouble through
law, professional people, and nobility; heavy expenses and financial
losses; trouble through relatives and enemies but without serious
M.C. G
Good. Sober, grave, industrious; advancement; position of
trust and responsibility; organizing work; honour and gain through
aged and influential people; gain through land, farming, buildings,
mines, property, etc.; legacy or inheritance.
Conjunction or Bad. Works badly; unlucky; laborious period ;
loss of position, employment, credit, or reputation; loss through
superiors and also servants; unpopular; victim of conspiracies,
accusations, and treachery; loss by theft and through speculation;
dishonour and disgrace; difficulties in connection with
responsibility and positions of trust; death of parent; family trouble
and losses; danger of death by sentence.
M.C. H
Good. Unexpected gain; political advancement; sudden
beneficial changes; friendship of scientists;

- 72 -


gain by inventions or occult matters; interest in astrology and
occultism; great credit and gain through societies, associations, and
public concerns.
Conjunction or Bad. Sudden and unexpected troubles and
disaster; death of a parent; loss of employment; sudden losses;
discredit; loss through political situation or Government action;
strange troubles; disappointment in love and marriage; separation or
M.C. I
Good. Advancement; unexpected gain; peculiar benefits;
fortunate journey or voyage; general success; ideal love affairs;
great gain in dealing with public on large scale; musical or psychic
Bad. Family troubles; unfortunate journeys; business loss;
loss by fraud or dishonesty, and speculation; danger to a parent;
peculiar and unpleasant events; liable to slander and discredit. The
conjunction is good or bad according to the radical nature of
M.C. O
Good. Advancement; increase of power and authority; help
from influential persons.
Decreasing business returns; danger of loss of
employment or reduction of wages.
M.C. Nodes
! Caput, or Good. Honour; advancement; favourable for
marriage and children.
! Cauda, or Bad. Unpopularity; business difficulties and
disappointments; disgrace; changes and removals.

- 73 -


M.C. Cusps
(Nature of effect depends upon aspects)

To 1st and 7th. Honour; public estimation; partnership or

marriage; trouble through business opposition.
To 2nd and 8th. Financial gain or loss; business affected by a
death; danger of bad debts or partners heavy expenditure.
To 3rd and 9th. Business journeys; success in law or
publishing; successful contracts.
To 5th and 11th. New friends; gain through influential friends
and societies; love affairs; business affected by pleasure.
To 6th and 12th. Gain or loss through employees; secret
enemies; danger of loss and imprisonment; business affected by
Good. The Sun to good aspects of its own place at birth
causes preferment, honours, fame, general prosperity, and new
Bad. Sorrow; illness; losses; lack of energy or enterprise;
desire for rest.
Conjunction. Disturbs health, especially head, eyes, and
stomach; inconstant; extravagant; journey or travel; awakens any
dishonest tendencies; marriage to a masterful wife. If well
aspected, good employment or advancement. To a woman, illness.
Good. Influential friends; favours from superiors; honour and
advancement; new enterprises; financial

- 74 -


benefits; new friends; public appointment; journeys; change of
residence; love affairs; marriage to rich wife, or birth of child.
Bad. Intemperate; mental anxiety; illness and eye troubles;
powerful enemies; discredit; loss of money or property; loss by
travel; adverse changes; bad company; domestic troubles and
quarrels; separation or divorce to native or parents; death of relative
or bereavement.
Conjunction. Interest in many subjects; business activity;
much travel, writing, etc.; some contention; loss by theft, slander,
law-suits, and travel; danger of illness; birth of child. Depends
upon the aspects to Mercury.
Good. Busy, active, always in demand and occupied, but
profitably; much writing, teaching, speaking, buying of books, and
general buying and selling; desire for travel but little success in it;
fame or advancement in Mercurial matters; scholastic success or
advancement; change of residence.
Bad. Averse from study; mental anxiety; danger of false
accusations, libel, and slander, and in dealing with strangers; loss by
law, theft, forgery, etc.; loss of employment; trouble through
writings; danger of illness.
Conjunction or Good. Inclined to pleasure and society;
artistic interests and amusements; cheerful mind; happiness and
prosperity; financial and business

- 75 -


success; fulfilled ambitions; favours from women; advancement;
increase of reputation; some extravagance; good health; love affairs,
courtship, or marriage; birth of child; may cause illicit attachments.
Bad. Difficulties and disappointments in love or marriage;
trouble through women; indiscreet conduct; danger of scandal and
disgrace; financial loss; extravagance and dissipation.
Conjunction. Illness, fevers, head and eye troubles, accidents;
danger from animals; loss by quarrels and disputes, and through
enemies; disfavour of superiors and influential people; danger to a
parent ; loss by fire, theft, and law-suits; advancement to a soldier
or person engaged in martial work.
Good. Good health and vitality; inclined to physical activity,
exercises and sports; friends among martial people; military
advancement; honour and reputation in martial occupations through
influential patronage; many short journeys; birth of child. To a
woman, marriage.
Bad. Acute diseases, madness, fevers, eye troubles, wounds
and accidents, danger of death; business losses; loss by theft,
quarrels, and rash actions; danger to a parent.
Conjunction or Good. Easy mind; good health; general
prosperity; great increase of wealth; honour, fame, and
advancement; benefits through superiors; gain through professional
people; gain and advancement

- 76 -


through church, law, and the professions; birth of child. To a
woman, marriage.
Bad. Not much harm unless Jupiter is afflicted at birth.
Illness, pleurisy, blood and liver troubles; much opposition; some
loss of money and property; loss through law-suits; trouble through
professional people and through enemies, but eventual success.
Grave, serious, industrious; public reputation;
advancement; honour through elderly people; gain by investment,
land, building, mines, and inheritance.
Conjunction or Bad. Melancholy and depression; many
troubles; grief and sorrow; lowered vitality; illness through colds,
chills, heart weakness, stomach troubles, rheumatism, eye
weakness, and chronic diseases; danger of falls, blows, and
accidents; disgrace or loss of reputation; loss of employment; theft
and loss from servants and inferiors, and through envy; bankruptcy;
danger in travel of shipwreck, etc.; bereavement, and danger of
separation from, or death of, a parent.
Good. General prosperity; active employment; gain through
inventions, investments, or in occult and unusual ways; unexpected
gain; public or municipal advancement; travel; beneficial changes;
new friends; romantic experiences. To a woman, hasty attachment
or marriage.
Conjunction or Bad. Unstable; sudden catastrophes; disgrace;
great loss by speculation; bankruptcy; loss

- 77 -


of position; loss by political or Government action, and by travel;
adverse changes; disappointments and disagreements; estranged
from friends; liable to accidents and neurasthenia; danger to parent
or husband. Often brings promising opportunities which end
disastrously. To a woman, liaisons or matrimonial separation.
Good. General good luck and prosperity; musical and psychic
interests and experiences; gain through speculation; fortunate travel
or voyage; ideal attachments.
Conjunction or Bad. Awakens any weakness or criminal
tendencies, and increases any inclination to drugs, abnormal sexual
desires, and vice; disappointments; renunciation; some kind of
restriction; confinement in hospital or institution; crisis in affairs;
danger of fraud; heavy loss in unsound speculations.
Good. Prosperity; gain by gifts or patronage of influential
people and social superiors.
Bad. Loss of money or property; business losses or failure;
adverse trade conditions.
A Nodes
! Caput, or Good. Favour of superiors; advancement; honour;
public position or preferment.
! Cauda, or Bad. Loss of money, property, or reputation;
illness through cold; eye troubles; danger of poison.

- 78 -


A Cusps
(Effect depends upon nature of aspects)

To 1st and 7th. Reconciled with enemies; household interests;

danger from animals; illness; marriage or match-making activity;
business opportunities.
To 2nd and 8th. Increase of money but extra expenses; worry
over inheritance or wifes money; bereavement; fear of own death.
To 3rd and 9th. Many journeys; much association with
relatives; legal and religious interests.
To 4th and 10th. Dealings in property, land, mines, buildings,
etc.; advancement and honour, public appointment. If bad, danger
of trouble and disgrace; loss by inferiors; danger of illness to native
and father.
To 5th and 11th. Increase in pleasure; benefits to or from
children; love affairs; many influential friends; increased reputation.
To 6th and 12th. Danger of illness to native or father; gain or
loss from inferiors and in business; many enemies; loss by jealousy
and envy; danger of slander and imprisonment.
Conjunction. Changeable; alternating moods of expectation
and depression; mental anxiety; feverish illness; eye weakness;
danger of divulging of personal secrets; changes; honour and wealth
or the reverse, with danger of discredit; marriage.
Good. Popularity; new friends; benefit through influential
women; honour and advancement; public or responsible position;
removal of enmities; journeys or travel; marriage.

- 79 -


Bad. Anger; mental anxiety; illness, fevers, or weak eyes;
contentions and quarrels; opposition from employers and superiors;
disgrace and punishment; danger from popular disorders; loss by
false friends; trouble to or from female relatives and loss by
women; converts the love of a woman into hatred.
Good. Journeys or travel; changes; change of residence;
benefit through women and the public.
Bad. Worry, indecision, loss, and trouble; adverse changes;
enmity of, and trouble through, the public.
Conjunction. Studious; much business activity and prosperity;
many journeys; commercial interests; many controversies; loss by
libel and fraud; danger of illness or accident; if afflicted, tends to
lying, dissembling, deceit, theft, dishonesty, or crime.
Good. Active business; musical and literary interests; success
by law; travel; gain by writing, speaking, teaching, and commerce;
new friends; gain through an influential woman; birth of child.
Bad. Averse from study; unpopularity; liable to scandal, and
adverse criticism; mental disorders; loss of employment; loss by
writings and law-suits; many creditors; danger of judicial sentence;
unfortunate journeys; trouble through children and young people.
Conjunction or Good. Good health; fortunate and happy
period; success; much pleasure and amusement;

- 80 -


pleasure through children; agreement with relatives; love affairs,
courtship, or marriage; if married, friendship and help of a woman;
gifts and benefits from women; birth or marriage of children.
Bad. Scandal; wantonness; illicit attachments; waste of
money on women, luxuries, and pleasure; extravagance; loss and
trouble through women; unhappy marriage; venereal diseases and
other illnesses; illness of mother, wife or female relatives. To a
woman, danger of serious internal complaints.
Conjunction. Strange anxieties; much sorrow and bad luck;
quarrelsome; danger of imprisonment; loss of money or property,
and trouble through enemies; danger of acute fevers, accidents, and
bodily hurt from men or animals.
Good. Bold; imperious; industrious; some intemperance;
active business; given to exercises and sport; profit and good
fortune, but danger of loss in trade and expense through women.
Sometimes marriage in a mans horoscope.
Bad. Loss by violence, fraud, and law-suits; illness, fevers,
madness, danger to face and eyes, and accidents; loss by theft;
scandal, disgrace, and ill-treatment from women; death of wife or
parent; unfortunate marriage; bad wife who squanders money.
Conjunction or Good. Good health; cheerful mind; pleasure;
honour and wealth; advancement; increase of business; scholastic
preferment and success; position

- 81 -


of authority; success in profession, and by help of professional
people; fortunate journeys and law-suits; triumph over enemies;
new and influential friends; marriage.
Bad. May bring advancement, but with many difficulties and
anxiety; trouble with lawyers and clergy; loss by law; extravagance;
trouble with employers; illness; friends may become enemies and
vice-versa. Causes little real harm, and often subsequent benefit.
Good. New friends among elderly and influential people;
gifts and benefits from elderly women; popularity; success in
building, mining, and dealing in land, houses, and property; gain by
investment and legacy.
Conjunction or Bad. Illness through colds, apoplexy, dropsy,
gout, rheumatism, melancholy, and chronic diseases; weak eyes;
danger of death; mental anxiety; sorrows, fears, and worries; loss of
money; waste of inheritance; loss and trouble from inferiors; loss by
theft, floods, and journeys; trouble with officials and superiors;
danger of slander and false accusations; domestic dissentions; death
of mother or wife.
Good. Business prosperity; unexpected gain; sudden journey
or removal; occult interests, and gain through occultism or in
unusual ways; beneficial changes; political activities; benefit
through societies; new friends; romantic attachments.
Conjunction or Bad. Disgrace and loss through sex troubles;
danger of accident, nervous illness or break-

- 82 -


down; danger to mother, wife, or female relatives; domestic trouble,
separation, or divorce; broken attachments; cruelty to or from
women; peculiar love affairs; adverse changes; sudden financial
losses; loss through Government or large firm or corporation.
Good. Pleasant period; journeys and travel; success in music;
psychic or mystical interests and development; ideal attachments.
If well aspected, great gain by speculation.
Bad. Many peculiar and unpleasant experiences; crisis in
affairs; nervous depression and neurasthenia; mental troubles;
confinement in institution; restriction of activities; renunciation of
desires; unfortunate journeys and voyages; loss by fraud and
unsound speculation; awakens all moral weaknesses, and may cause
crime, great depravity, and disgrace. The conjunction depends upon
the radical nature of Neptune.
Good. Popularity; increase of wealth and prosperity; purchase
of household goods.
Bad. Loss of money in trade; unpopularity; unfortunate
journeys; domestic losses.
B Nodes
! Caput, or Good. Prosperous period; peaceful mind; good
health; increase of wealth and property; advancement in business or
! Cauda, or Bad. Strange ideas; mental anxiety; illness; eye
weakness; danger of poison or sudden

- 83 -


fall; trouble through envy and opposition; unfortunate changes and
B Cusps
(Effect depends upon nature of aspect)

To 1st and 7th. Weak health or illness; changes; journeys; many

opponents; quarrels with wife or mistress; if bad, danger of death.
To 2nd and 8th. Public interests; much money with little effort,
if good; trouble over money of marriage or business partner; worry
over legacy; death in the family.
To 3rd and 9th. Long journey or numerous short ones; dealings
with relatives; much correspondence; legal activities or publishing.
To 4th and 10th Death of mother or female relative; illness;
loss or advancement; changes of occupation; much occupied in
household and domestic, or country work.
To 5th and 11th. Given to pleasure; journeys and holidays;
many new friends among women and public; work among public or
in a society; birth of a child.
To 6th and 12th. Illness; stomach trouble; trouble in business;
sorrow; slander and libel from enemies; loss and theft from
Conjunction. Free expenditure; expenditure on behalf of
superiors; loss by over-generosity and prodigality.
Good. Popularity; success in affairs; gain through superiors;
profitable employment, but little money saved.

- 84 -


Bad. Loss by law-suits and envy of influential people; danger
of libel and scandal; loss of employment; trouble through bribery.
Conjunction or Good. Active period; long journey or voyage;
gain through female friends; many fortunate dealings with the
Bad. Loss by trade, agreements, contacts, law-suits, and through
the public; loss of credit; hatred of a woman.
Conjunction or Good. Gain by agreements, contacts, imports
and exports, accountancy, writing. teaching, or travel; scholastic
success; gain by industry or unexpected inheritance.
Bad. Trouble with lawyers; loss by fraud, theft, and unjust
accusations; liable to act questionably; loss of credit; may be
sued; trouble through children.
Conjunction or Good. Business and commercial success; very
free expenditure; purchase of clothes, ornaments, etc.; gifts and
benefits from an influential woman.
Bad. Extravagance over woman, pleasure, luxury, ornaments,
etc.; indiscreet love affairs; bad company; much strife and
contention over or with a woman.
Good. Gain by friends and through dealing in martial matters;
gain by travel.

- 85 -


Conjunction or Bad. Heavy expenses; loss by theft, fire, rash
actions, speculation, law-suits, and quarrels; trouble through
Conjunction or Good. Wealth; gifts and benefits from
influential people; profitable employment; business success.
Bad. Loss through professional people and law-suits; loss of
money and property; loss of employment or reduction of wages.
Good. Gain through elderly people, and by dealing in land,
farming, mines, buildings, etc.; gain from abroad and by
Conjunction or Bad. Loss of money and property; waste of
inheritance; loss by speculation; failing income; bad debts.
Good. Gain through occult matters, engineering, and political
activities; unexpected benefits; employment under Government or
municipal body.
Conjunction or Bad. Sudden and unexpected losses and
reversals; heavy loss by speculation; loss through political
situation and Government action; unfortunate ventures.
Good. Gain by travel and voyages, and in wholesale dealing;
gain through drugs, narcotics, and other Neptunian matters, and
through hospitals and institutions.

- 86 -


Conjunction or Bad. Loss by fraud, deception, unsound
speculation, and by journeys or travel; disappointment over
expected benefits.
Good. Improved financial prospects; gain by industry; gifts
and benefits from others.
Bad. Waste or extravagance; loss through bad trade, and in
dealing in property; increased expenditure.
O - Nodes
! Caput, or Good. Gain by friends; influential associates;
advancement in business or profession.
! Cauda, or Bad. Loss by inferiors, and from fire, theft, war,
and other martial activities. Loss by removals and changes.
O - Cusps
(Effect depends upon nature of aspect)

To 1st and 7th. Loss or increase of wealth. Loss from

opponents and women; trouble from creditors and law-suits.
To 2nd and 8th. Increase of movable property;
purchase of household goods; gain from deaths and through
marriage or partnership.
To 3rd and 9th. Gain by journeys and law;
prosperity to, and gain from relatives; help from professional
To 4th and 10th. Gain through land, mines, buildings, and
property and from the parents; important advancement; position
obtained by influence.
To 5th and 11th. Benefits from friends; success in

- 87 -


business and through companies; rewards; success in speculation,
games of chance, and competitions; pleasure or benefit through
children; gain from public amusements or instruction.
To 6th and 12th. Gain through servants and inferiors; gain
through business, speculation, and institutions.


Good. Success period of study, writing, or travel; benefits
through relatives and young people.
Bad. Worry; loss; uncertainty; disappointment; over-work;
nerve weakness.
Conjunction or Good. Cheerful; social benefits; new friends;
artistic interests and associations; financial gain through friends
and relatives; pleasant changes and journeys; attachments.
Bad. Loss through correspondence, letters, agreements, etc.;
danger of indiscreet speech or writing; some worry and anxiety;
heavy expenses; loss by artistic pursuits and people; trouble
through women.
Good. Bodily and mental activity; business prosperity;
advancement in engineering, the Army, and other martial
occupations; business promotion.
Conjunction or Bad. Quarrels and disputes; loss by fire, theft,
law-suits, and inferiors; bad company; liable to punishment;
awakens any criminal tendencies.

- 88 -


Conjunction or Good. Popularity; advancement; fame and
credit; activity; business and professional preferment; gain by
literature, writing, speaking, law, and speculation; successful
Bad. Mental troubles; distorted ideas; loss by law-suits and
speculation; danger of libel, forgery, perjury, fine or
imprisonment; loss by lending or becoming surety, and from false
friends and inferiors.
Good. Caution, reserve, tact, industry; favourable contacts;
long journey; steady progress; business advancement; position of
Conjunction or Bad. Depression; disappointment; quarrels
with relatives and associates; loss through writings, theft, and
undesirable friends; awakens any criminal tendencies.
Good. Successful travel; gain by inventions, original plans, or
in unusual ways; unexpected gain; benefits from relatives; mental
friendships; romantic attachments.
Conjunction or Bad. Irritable; mental disorders; nervous
breakdown; sudden changes; trouble through writing and
speaking; involved in newspaper and other controversies;
domestic troubles; strange friendships. To a woman, hysteria.

- 89 -


C- I
Good. Literary and artistic success; imaginative writing;
pleasant journeys, and friendships; mystical or musical
experiences; visit to, or travel by, sea.
Conjunction or Bad. Sorrow; illness; hypochondria; mental
perversion; disappointments; vague worries and fears; loss by
fraud and deception; criminal actions; victim of plots.
Good. Social success and pleasure; pleasant holiday; financial
benefits; love affairs.
Bad. Sorrow and disappointment; extravagance; loss and
trouble through women and pleasure; domestic, family, and social
Good. Extravagance; free expenditure; love of opposite sex;
indulgence in pleasure; financial gain; new and lasting
friendships; social advantages; love affairs. To a woman,
dangerous attachments.
Conjunction or Bad.
Extravagance; dissipation;
disappointment; indiscreet actions; quarrels; financial and social
losses; flirtations; low female company; domestic troubles; danger
of scandal and disgrace.
Conjunction or Good. General and financial success; benefits
from women; social pleasures; lasting attachments; good

- 90 -


Bad. Financial loss, waste, and extravagance; loss by lending
money; loss by travel and professional people; trouble through
superiors and the law; disappointments; unfavourable
attachments; domestic troubles; separation from a friend.
Good. Honour and reputation; financial gain through industry
or investment; lasting friendships; benefits through friends;
favourable attachments.
Conjunction or Bad. Grief; sorrow; disappointment; financial
loss; loss by deception and through women; danger of libel and
disgrace; domestic and social troubles; undesirable friendships;
disappointment in love; separation or divorce; bereavement.
Good. Impulsive actions; sudden financial gain; gain by
inventions and through original methods; social pleasures;
flirtations or liaisons; strange and romantic attachments.
Conjunction or Bad. Erratic conduct; adverse changes and
removals; financial loss; illicit love affairs; broken attachments;
sudden estrangements; scandal; domestic troubles, separation, or
divorce. The conjunction is sometimes favourable.
Good. Imaginative; great financial benefits; artistic success;
pleasant holiday; mysterious attachments; peculiar and idealistic
Bad. Indiscreet actions; peculiar and undesirable

- 91 -


friendships and attachments; subjection to the influence to
another; deception in love and marriage; loss by fraud and
unsound speculation. The conjunction is doubtful and depends
upon the aspects to Neptune.
Good. Period of energy, enterprise, and activity; new
Bad. Accidents; disputes; quarrels; feverish illnesses.
Conjunction or Good. Generous, liberal, extravagant; tends
to go to extremes; enterprising; rash conduct; energy; enthusiastic
actions; honour; business promotion; gain by speculation; social
Bad. Extravagance; lavish generosity; wastefulness; heavy
financial losses; loss by law-suits, travel, speculation, lending
money, and rash actions; danger of unjust imprisonment or
Good. Capable and enterprising; gain by energy and courage;
local distinction; increased responsibility; position of authority.
Conjunction or Bad. Violent temper; rash actions; indiscreet
conduct; illness, operations, and accidents; loss by quarrels;
danger of malice and violence; separations and estrangements;
danger of dishonour, disgrace, imprisonment or confinement.

- 92 -


Good. Success in practical work, engineering, inventions,
etc., and by quick action; success in law or against opposition;
benefits from strangers, and gain through societies and travel.
Conjunction or Bad. Mental disorders; sudden illness and
operations; quarrels; danger of violence; accidents by fire,
electricity, explosions, etc.; danger of ruin through own actions;
disastrous attachments; break up of conditions; matrimonial
separation or divorce.
Good. Pleasant holidays, excursions, picnics, etc.; financial
and business benefits; gain by speculation; religious enthusiasm;
fortunate travels; success in hazardous enterprises, but tends to
attempt too much.
Conjunction or Bad. Rashness; excess; self-indulgence;
sexual troubles; loss by jealousy; liable to blood-poisoning;
danger from water, liquids, gas, and poison; violence committed
or suffered.
Good. Religious interests; benefit through speculation; social
success; realised ambitions; gain through law and professional
Bad. Loss through false friends and professional people; loss
by speculation; trouble through law.
Conjunction or Good. Gain by inheritance and legacies;
honour, advancement, and popularity; public appointment or
responsible position; success in law

- 93 -


and church; successful journeys; new and influential friends.
Bad. Many losses and obstacles; loss by law-suits, bank
failures, unsuccessful investment or speculation, and by own or
others dishonesty; loss of credit; danger of imprisonment or of
becoming inmate of institution; social and domestic troubles.
Conjunction or Good. Gain through science, inventions,
occultism, or in unusual ways; gain by travel or legacy;
preferment in law or church and professional success.
Bad. Loss through inventions or occult matters; loss by lawsuits and through professional people; unfortunate journeys.
Conjunction or Good. Devotional religious tendencies;
psychic experiences; pleasure and gain by travel and voyages;
artistic or musical success; great gain by speculation and
imaginative enterprises.
Bad. Difficulties and losses in travel; danger of illness and
confinement; loss by fraud and deception; danger of dishonest
practices and imprisonment; heavy loss by speculation.
Steady; serious; increase of responsibility;
advancement; benefits through elderly people and investment.
Bad. Depression; illness; financial delay and shortage; trouble
through elderly people and superiors.

- 94 -


Conjunction or Good. Increased responsibility; position of
management; public or government position; business success;
new developments in business; success through inventions and
Uranian matters.
Illness; long and tedious diseases; loss through
Government or public concerns and large firms; loss of credit and
employment; trouble from creditors and rivals; danger to a parent;
awakens criminal tendencies.
Good. Increased reputation and position; gain by legacy,
investment, property, and journeys or voyages; benefits through
friends; interest in, and gain by, psychic matters.
Conjunction or Bad. Loss by travel; loss by deception and
inferiors; danger of scandal and false accusations; loss of
employment; peculiar illness; loss by property and investment.
Good. Benefits through the Government, municipal bodies, or
public concerns; gain through originality and by invention.
Bad. Loss by erratic action; trouble through the Government
or influential bodies; danger of accidents.
Good. Strange ideas; peculiar events; artistic success along
original lines; gain through occult matters, and by travel and

- 95 -


Bad. Strange political views or associations; trouble and loss
through psychic matters, and by fraud and deception; trouble
through friends and societies; loss of important position; some
restriction or confinement. The conjunction depends upon the
radical aspects to Neptune.
Good. Pleasant period; enjoyable holiday; voyage or visit to
Bad. Chaotic thoughts; peculiar dreams; loss by speculation;
strange and unpleasant experiences.

(The good directions include the conjunction of Caput,

and the bad ones the conjunction of Cauda)

Nodes - C
Good. Great activity; much writing, speaking, or travelling.
Bad. Sharp wit; much activity; many controversies; danger of
libel or slander; loss through travel.
Nodes - D
Good. Artistic and musical interests and activity; love affairs;
social engagements.
disappointment in love; harm through women.
Nodes - E
Good. Great energy and activity; advancement; benefit
through professional people; new and influential friends.
- 96 -


Bad. Trouble through enemies; danger of illness,
fevers, accidents, and poison.
Nodes - F
Good. Honour; advancement; professional success; gain
through influential friends, and by law and speculation.
Bad. Illness or accidents; loss of money by speculation, and
by disfavour of friends or superiors.
Nodes - G
Good. Responsible position; gain through elderly people and
by investment or property.
Bad. Danger of illness and accidents; liable to treachery; loss
by Saturnian affairs and people.
Nodes - H
Good. Gain by inventions, political activities, societies, and
Bad. Unexpected disasters and losses; loss of money or
position; danger of accidents; broken friendships and attachments.
Nodes - I
Good. Journeys or voyages; great gain by speculation; ideal
friendships or attachments.
Bad. Loss by fraud or unsound speculation; danger of illness
or poison.

The effect in all cases depends upon the nature of the aspect.
If good, then benefit will come through the

- 97 -


matters mentioned; and if bad, the result will be loss and trouble.
The descriptions as they stand apply more particularly to the
conjunction or opposition.
C - Cusps
To 1st and 7th. Quarrels; worry through association; journeys;
business partnerships; speaking and writing.
To 2nd and 8th. Mercurial occupation; death of relative and
consequent journey; illness to self or wife; gain or loss by writing
and travel.
To 3rd and 9th. Journeys; gain or loss through relatives; legal
success or worry; much writing, speaking, or travel.
To 4th and 10th. Changes of residence, and occupation; public
speaking; dealings in property.
To 5th and 11th. New friends; quarrels or slander; gain or loss
through societies, and places of amusement or instruction;
concerned with children.
To 6th and 12th. Nervous diseases; gain or loss through
servants; danger of libel, slander, and prosecution; trouble through
D - Cusps
To 1st and 7th. Pleasure; expense over women, clothes, etc.;
popularity; courtship or marriage; gain or loss through
To 2nd and 8th. Financial benefits; extravagance; expenditure
on pleasure and luxuries; gain by legacy; danger of
disappointment in love, and separation from, or death of, partner.
To 3rd and 9th. Literary and artistic activities; travel for
pleasure; gain through relatives.

- 98 -


To 4th and 10th. Domestic happiness; benefits to and from
parents; popularity; many friends; gain by inheritance.
To 5th and 11th. Love affairs; much pleasure; social success;
many friends; theatrical interests; pleasure through children.
To 6th and 12th. Secret love affairs with inferiors; charitable
expenses; enmity of a woman; health affected by pleasure.
E - Cusps
To 1st and 7th. Quarrels; illness and accidents; trouble through
marriage; business enemies; much opposition.
To 2nd and 8th. Extravagance; heavy losses; extravagant wife
or partner; trouble through legacies; danger of death.
To 3rd and 9th. Quarrels and disputes; law-suits; dangerous
journeys; death of relative.
To 4th and 10th. Death of parent; domestic discord; fires or
accidents in the home; enmity of superiors.
To 5th and 11th. Trouble through, or death of, a child; danger in
child-birth; quarrels with friends or lovers; loss by speculation;
given to pleasure.
To 6th and 12th. Trouble through inferiors; feverish illnesses;
treacherous enemies; danger of slander and scandal.
F - Cusps
To 1st and 7th.-Prosperity; cheerful mind; generous; gain
through marriage and partnership; reconciliation with enemies.

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To 2nd and 8th. Financial success; increase of property; money
by marriage or legacy; free expenditure.
To 3rd and 9th. Gain by relatives and travel; professional
success; legal activities; religious interests.
To 4th and 10th. Inheritance; domestic benefits; gain through
property; professional or business advancement.
To 5th and 11th. Love affairs; social activities; birth of child;
gain through speculation; many influential friends.
To 6th and 12th. Benefits through inferiors; liver or digestive
troubles; charity given or received; enemies become friends.
G - Cusps
To 1st and 7th. Sorrow; illness; industry or responsibility;
trouble through marriage; death of wife or partner.
To 2nd and 8th. Delay in financial affairs; scarcity of money;
loss by legacy; deaths in family; loss by investment.
To 3rd and 9th. Loss by travel; separation from relatives; loss
through law; danger of accidents.
To 4th and 10th. Gain or loss through property; death of parent;
domestic troubles; loss of employment or gain of responsible
To 5th and 11th. Sorrow and disappointment in love; lasting
attachment; trouble through children; loss by speculation; loss of
To 6th and 12th. Lingering illnesses; trouble through inferiors;
position of management; danger of imprisonment; deceitful

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H - Cusps
To 1st and 7th. Erratic actions; danger of accidents; occult
interests; domestic separation or divorce; hasty marriage or
irregular union.
To 2nd and 8th. Financial fluctuations; sudden gain or loss;
trouble through legacies; affected by an unexpected death.
To 3rd and 9th. Sudden journeys; estrangement from relatives;
change of religion; trouble through law.
To 4th and 10th. Death of parent; estrangement at home; loss
through property; loss or change of employment; danger of
To 5th and 11th. Romantic attachments; broken love affairs;
trouble through children and pleasure; peculiar friendships;
estrangement from friends.
To 6th and 12th. Nervous disorders; loss through strikes and
inferiors; strange misfortunes; loss by theft.
I - Cusps
To 1st and 7th. Chaotic affairs; changes; journeys or voyages;
deception in marriage or partnership; strange union.
To 2nd and 8th. Great financial changes; gain or loss through
speculation and legacies; fluctuating fortunes of partner; peculiar
To 3rd and 9th. Journeys or voyages; mystical interests and
religion; loss by law-suits.
To 4th and 10th. Domestic and business changes;
Trouble or death to parent; loss of employment; break-up of

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To 5th and 11th. Self-indulgence; deception in love; false
friends; strange acquaintances; trouble through children or
To 6th and 11th. Danger of confinement in prison or institution;
secret activities; loss from inferiors; peculiar illnesses.
Nodes - Cusps
To 1st and 7th. Good fortune; advancement; gain or loss
through marriage and partnership.
To 2nd and 8th. Loss or gain of money; bad credit; free
expenditure; gain or loss of legacy.
To 3rd and 9th. Peculiar mental states; journeys and changes;
gain or loss through relatives.
To 4th and 10th. Honour and advancement, or failure;
difficulties or success through unpopular means; birth of children.
To 5th and 11th. Great gain or loss through speculation;
illegitimate children; many love affairs.
To 6th and 11th. Trouble through inferiors; many difficulties
and unpleasantness in employment; danger or illness and of
restricted liberty.

B - Asc.
Conjunction. Changes; honour or the reverse; danger of cold
or slight illness affecting the head.
Good. General gain; popularity; changes; journey or voyage;
pleasant attachments; benefits from women.

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Bad. Restless and anxious period; many annoyances; illness;
trouble through women; loss of popularity; unfortunate journeys
and changes.
B - M.C.
Good. Increased popularity and responsibility; beneficial
changes of occupation; journeys; domestic success.
conjunction causes gain or loss through women.
Bad. Adverse changes; trouble through the public; discredit;
loss of employment; domestic difficulties; trouble to female
relatives; loss through women; death of parent.
Conjunction. Gain; activity; increase of business; new
enterprises; danger of eye trouble; changes; marriage; help from
women. To a woman, illness, anxiety, physical changes, liability
to colds and chills.
Goods. Good health; honour and credit; new enterprises;
success and advancement in business; favours from superiors and
help from women; gain by speculation and through friends;
changes; journeys; happy marriage.
Bad. Many annoyances; illness; loss of reputation or
employment; diminishing trade or business; loss by speculation;
unfortunate changes; disappointments and separations; loss of
friends; troubles through opposite sex; domestic troubles;
bereavement; death of female relative; troubles through parents.

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Good. Success; journeys and holidays; changes; increase of
trade; new friends; gain through women.
Bad. Worry; many annoyances; slight illness; unpopularity;
loss and disappointment; trouble and loss through women and the
` Conjunction or Good. Study; travel; mental activity; literary
work; scholastic success; writing and speaking; business increase;
beneficial changes; success in litigation; favourable contracts and
agreements; benefit through publishing or secretarial work.
Bad. Adverse criticism, slander, and libel; restless; mental
anxiety; nervous disorders; disputes with relatives; quarrels and
contentions; controversies; failure in examinations; loss by
publishing, writing, litigation, and through agreements, contracts,
and travel.
Conjunction or Good. Pleasure; prosperity; happiness; good
fortune; good health; social success; success in dealing in, or
purchase of, clothes, jewellery, luxuries, etc.; new friends among
women; love affairs; marriage; birth of child.
Bad. Extravagant; intemperate; inclined to excesses; financial
troubles and losses; unwise attachments; disappointment in love;
trouble from, or quarrels with, women; bereavement; domestic
troubles; loss of a child.

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Good vitality; courageous, self-confident,
venturesome; physical activity and exercise; new enterprises;
increase of business; gain through occupations and people ruled
by Mars; successful journeys.
To a woman, impulsive
Conjunction or Bad. Illness, fevers, and accidents; wounds;
loss of blood; accidents in travel; indiscreet and rash actions;
quarrels; loss by fire, theft, litigation, and disputes; dissipation
and bad company; may commit crime; loss through opposite sex;
hasty and unfortunate marriage; birth of child. To a woman,
slander, dishonour, illness, loss of employment, domestic quarrels,
danger in childbirth.
Conjunction or Good. Good health; general prosperity;
honour and fame; social gain; promotion; increase of wealth;
great business success; gain by speculation; new friends;
attachments or marriage in a male horoscope.
Bad. Many expenses; extravagant; business losses; loss by
litigation, speculation, and by lending money; imposed upon by
friends; trouble through church and professional people. To a
woman, blood disorders and headaches.
Good. Serious, patient, thoughtful, steady; prosperous period;
gain by industry and in business; increased credit and
responsibility; advancement; legacy; new

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friends; gain through elderly persons; association with old friends
or old haunts.
Conjunction or Bad. Loss; sorrow; grief; despondency and
depression; melancholy; fear of impending calamity;
bereavement; delays and disappointments; serious illness and
danger of death; colds, rheumatism, and lingering diseases;
business failure; loss through new enterprises and elderly people;
loss by dealing in property; danger of bankruptcy; trouble to or
from female relatives. To a woman, slander, disgrace, illness, loss
of money, friends, and relatives.
Good. Advancement; unexpected good fortune; gain through
occultism, inventions, and Uranian matters; joins society; benefits
through the Government, political and municipal bodies, and large
firms; removals, changes, and journeys; new friends; romantic
Conjunction or Bad. Worry and anxiety; bereavement; sudden
changes and removals; accidents; neurasthenia; danger in travel;
loss of credit; disgrace; loss of employment; trouble through
superiors; danger of libel and slander; loss by public bodies and
enemies; estrangement from friends and breaking of ties; illicit
attachment; domestic discord, separation, or divorce.
Good. Social success; gain through artistic, musical, psychic,
or mystic activities; gain by speculation, and by

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plots and schemes; ideal love affairs; pleasant travel; journey by
or to the sea.
Conjunction or Bad. Vague fears and worries; peculiarly
unpleasant experiences; perverted desires; wasting diseases;
neurasthenia; renunciation; association with, or confinement in,
hospital or institution; loss by speculation, fraud, and deception;
victim of plots and schemes; strange attachments; awakens
immoral or criminal tendencies.
Good. Popularity; money through the public; gifts from
women; household expenses.
Bad. Loss by public and women; domestic losses; unfortunate
B - Nodes
! Caput, or Good. Prosperous; financial benefits; pleasant
travel; journeys, changes, and removals.
! Cauda, or Bad. Danger from enemies; unfortunate changes
and removals; loss by opposition and disfavour; danger of illness.
B - Cusps
To 2nd and 8th. Financial interests; death of relative; concern
over money or legacy.
To 3rd and 9th. Journeys and changes; much writing and
correspondence; association with relatives.
To 5th and 11th. Increase of pleasure; holidays, new friends;
love affairs and flirtations; association with children.
To 6th and 12th. Danger of illness and confinement; loss by
theft and inferiors; business losses; danger of slander and libel.

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