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Russia - The Fall of The Soviet Union: Réambule

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Russia – The Fall of the Soviet Union

The characteristic of a seminar is to present a research in progress, with its advances, its blocking
points, its partial results, the new perspectives which suddenly open themselves to the bend of an idea
bearing fruitful applications hitherto unsuspected, In short, the very opposite of the reasoned
exposition of a finished work delivered as a sort of monument to the public. To be virtual, my seminar,
which constitutes the very fabric of my articles in the Journal of Mundane Astrology, is nonetheless a
true seminar. The exchange with active participants is certainly impossible in this context ;
nevertheless, at any moment, I have in our thought a kind of ideal audience, composed of astrologers
eager to participate in the great adventure of implementing a new paradigm of mundane astrology in
resonance with the spectacular evolutions of my knowledge about the solar system and the universe in
general ; also composed of geopoliticians and historians open to the contributions that the cyclical
approach of astrology could bring to their own analyzes of the past, the present and the future ; and
finally an audience composed of those who, in an increasingly complex and difficult to decipher
world, can find in my work a matter of reflection and information.

My goal at the time of the design of the Bulletin of Mundane Astrology (BAM) and the Journal
of Mundane Astrology (JMA) - both imagined on Blue Moon Day of August 20, 2013 - is to devote to
JMA two virtual seminars, one dealing with the history of civilizations, the other a new paradigm of
world astrology. The first three issues of the JMA dealt with the Transneptunians issue - the first issue
devoted to the ordering of the solar system, with an essential contribution from Paul Bernard,
mathematician and polytechnician. And before passing to our two subjects, the idea was imposed on
me to devote a first series to a thorough study of the three great powers dominant at the present time :
the USA, China and Russia. One thing leading to another, it is a seminar spread over two years - 2015
and 2016 - that was launched in this way. A number appeared first on the USA, followed by three
issues dealing with China, from the advent of the Manchu dynasty in 1644 until the coming to power
of Xi Jinping in 2013. It remains for me now to produce three numbers intended to cover the history of
Russia from its origins to our days. My project is to construct this study around three pivots called
"Vladimir" : Vladimir, the Red Sun, the one by whom Russia was baptized in the christian and
orthodox faith ; Vladimir the Destroyer, the one who imposed on Russia the religion of atheism and a
tribulation of seventy-two years of communist rule ; and Vladimir the Renovator the one, who, after
having acceded at the time of the nostradamic eclipse of August 11, 1999 to the post of Prime
Minister, became, from January 1, 2000, responsible for the destinies of new Russia.
To do this, the chronological order appears at first sight to be the most natural and the most
coherent. But, in the light of several circumstances, this evidence runs into difficulties. It so happens
that my work on the JMA has been seriously hampered by the necessities of the writing of several
articles of the BMA related to the news ; since the beginning of 2016, I have produced two substantial
issues dealing with one of the financial crisis, the other with the intensification of the war in Syria.
Before the end of February I had to make it clear that I would never be in a position to write the article
on the history of Russia since the arrival for the Ingress in Aries of March 21, 2016 From Rurik to
Novgorod in 862 until the abdication of Nicholas II on March 15, 1917 (March 2nd according to the
julian calendar). This is all the more so as I am still studying an excellent work on the history of
Russia, which contains more than 1500 pages ; in addition, I work in the making of a very valuable
astrological tool (the cyclical Chart, a kind of cyclical lift that allows traveling in time, past as well as
towards the future). The idea then came to me that it would be judicious, in order to allow the

regularity in the publication of the JMA, to reverse the order of publication: go back in time and begin
with the article that must To deal with New Russia (from June 12, 1990 to 2015), then to deal with
communist Russia and only, in the third place, with the huge block from 862 to 1917.
In any case, this virtual seminar of the years 2015 and 2016 delays the beginning of my two fixed
seminars presenting my work relating, on the one hand to the history of civilizations, and on the other
hand to the problematic of a new paradigm of astrology. It is also important to complete the
transitional virtual seminar on the study of the current three major powers in 2016, since the last issue
should present a synthesis of the Basically, this detour, which is also a delay, is welcome for two
reasons: it allows me to base my astrological and geopolitical vision of these three powers more
deeply, which can only give depth to my analyzes of current events in the BMA. In addition, my
research on these three powers has helped me to progress considerably in the practice of global
astrology and to create research tools that are confirmed as effective and very useful for future
research on the history of civilizations.

Thus, this first issue of the JMA on Russia deals with a period of a quarter of a century, from
1990 to 2015. A first part is devoted to the fall of the soviet empire ; two other parties will deal
respectively with the era of Boris Yeltsin and the era of Vladimir Putin (in which I include the time of
the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev).


EG – H4 – 1988-1990 Chute de l’empire soviétique

Zone NE/VU 2 3

Perte de pouvoir. Immense déception

Zone PL/AD 3
Changements fondamentaux. Retour aux origines, aux racines
Source d’une croissance en profondeur

1. Chute du Mur de Berlin – 9 nov. 1989

2. Chute du régime Ceaucescu en Roumanie - 25 déc. 1989

3. Fédération de Russie – 12 juin 1990


The graphic ephemerides for the period 1988-1990 clearly show two sensitive zones in the
Zodiac, anchored around Neptune in the middle of the Cardinal signs and Pluto in the middle of the
Fixed signs. The dominant mark of this period is the triple Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunction in the
Cardinal signs, which will energize the rosary of the oppositions of Jupiter in Cancer from August
1989 to July 1990, with a rebound from March to May 1991. If one integrates the Transneptunians on
the board, there are two major oppositions, that of Neptune to Vulcanus and that of Pluto to Admetos.
The meaning of these two formulas is particularly eloquent with regard to the most striking historical
phenomenon of this period : the fall of the Soviet Empire. The Neptune/Vulcanus axis evokes a loss of
power, an immense disappointment ; the Pluto/Admetos axis a fundamental change, a return to
origins, to the roots, but also the source of a growth in depth. After seventy-two years of communist
rule in Russia - a day of the Great year of 25,920 years - the russian people are returning to their roots,
to the orthodoxy that has been the foundation of the russian nation's development since the baptism of
Vladimir Red Sun in the year 988. The transit of Saturn over the Neptune/Vulcanus area accompanies
three of the most significant events of the late Soviet empire : the fall of the Berlin Wall on November
9, 1989 and the dramatic end of the Ceaucescu regime in Romania at Christmas of the same year ; the
proclamation of the sovereignty of Russia on June 12, 1990 by Boris Yeltsin, which corresponds to the
de facto birth of the present Federation of Russia. This birth is also part of the register of the
Pluto/Admetos area.

Conjonctions et oppositions des lentes – 1988-1993

Conjonctions de SA à UR et NE 2 mars 1988

SA-UR - 1988

SA-NE - 1989

UR-NE - 1993

Oppositions de JU à SA—UR-NE

16 nov. 1993



Le demi-cycle Jupiter-Poséidon

JU/PO – Conscience, discernement, raison.

Jugement éclairé.

The dominant factor for the entire period 1988-1997 is the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1993,
preceded by the conjunctions of Saturn with Uranus and Neptune (in 1988 and 1989) and followed by
the conjunctions of Jupiter with Neptune and Uranus at the beginning of 1997. This massif comes to
close a long historical period born around the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of 1821, whose effects
culminated during the jupiterian transit in 1830 - long period of a century and a half which
corresponds to the industrial era and modernity, whereas the world has entered since the end of the
twentieth century into an era both post-modern and post-industrial.
From August 1989 to June 1990, the Jupiterian oppositions to the triple conjunction of Saturn and
Uranus-Neptune in the Cancer-Capricorn axis accompany the evolution which, in the Soviet Union,
leads to the emergence of a double power which is translated In the increasingly marked confrontation
between two men : Boris Yeltsin and Mikhail Gorbachev, the latter wishing to reform the communist
system in order to maintain it, the first aspirant to rid it definitively of Russia. Curiously, Gorbachev,
who will eventually be defeated by the russians and who, in the presidential election of 1996, will

obtain the derisory score of 0.5%, will be adulated by the Western media and the european political
class. During 1990-1991, Jupiter's opposition to Saturn marked the final phase of this struggle for
power in Russia, but also the first Gulf war in Iraq, the root of an impressive series of military
interventions by the USA and NATO in the Near and Middle East.
Finally, we will observe two singularities which appear with the taking into account of
transneptunian factors. In the first place, this whole period is part of a semi-cycle of Jupiter with
Poseidon : Jupiter-Poseidon opposition in March 1988 (at 29° Aries-Libra) and Jupiter-Poseidon
conjunction (at 1° Scorpion) on November 16, 1993. In February 1988, Mikhail Gorbachev announced
the next withdrawal of soviet troops from Afghanistan ; in October 1993 the final confrontation
between the supporters of a return to communism and the supporters of the new regime gathered
around President Boris Yeltsin. On the external as well as on the internal plane, this Jupiter/Poseidon
semi-cycle came to give a final judgment on the disintegration of the soviet imperial system. The
symbolism of the Jupiter/Poseidon axis is that of an enlightened judgment, a consciousness capable of
reasonable discernment.
In the second place, we note that the Neptune-Vulcanus opposition (whose meaning is both the
loss of power and an immense disappointment) is still in orb, present in 1988 as well as in 1993. This
phase of the opposition lasts (with an orb of 3°) from April 1988 to November 1994 and is already in
place (with an orb of 6°) from February 1987 to November 1996. The current cycle began during the
conjunction of May 8, 1882 ; this conjunction was in orb (at 15°-16 ° Taurus) between 1880 and 1884,
especially during the assassination of the Tsar Alexander II, the Liberator, killed in an attack on March
13, 1881. A century later, the reformer Gorbachev was fortunately not killed, but he lost power
because he did not undertake a real overhaul of the system which would perhaps have escaped the
break-up of the empire.

Ingrès Capricorne PL/AD –SO

– 0°
21 déc. 1989
Ingrès Capricorne 1989 – Pluton/Admète
21h22m02s TU


0 - 0-45 / 23-68


The Ingress in Capricorn of December 21, 1989 calls for a

double analysis according to the two Neptune-Vulcanus and
Pluto-Admet axes. The dominant element of the chart is the
opposition between Jupiter and Vulcanus in Cancer with the
triple conjunction Saturn-Uranus-Neptune in Capricorn, in the
relay of the square with Apollo in Libra. Thus many cycles are
activated : Apollo-Vulcanus, Neptune-Vulcanus and Neptune-
Apollo, Saturn-Neptune, Saturn-Vulcanus and Saturn-Apollo,
Jupiter-Uranus and Uranus-Neptune. This is undoubtedly one of
the most powerful concentrations of the twentieth century ; and it
can be considered that this century, begun in 1914, ends in 1989,
just as the eighteenth century lasted from 1715, the year of Louis
XIV's death, to 1789. The intermediate phase opened in 1789
ended with the collapse of the napoleonic Empire in 1815. The
story will tell if an analogous intermediate phase will find its
completion with a new imperial collapse between the crucial
period 2017-2021.

Neptune/Vulcanus indicating the loss of power and an immense disappointment is exactly related
to the Saturn/Neptune axis (at 13° Libra-Capricorn), cycle in reference, as established for a long time
by André Barbault, with the phenomenon of communism in Russia - since the foundation in Geneva of
the first marxist cell in Russia by Georges Plekhanov in 1883, at the time of a Saturn-Neptune
conjunction (at 16° Taurus, place of the Pluto-Admetos opposition of 1989). Communist Russia will
be marked by the Saturn-Neptune cycle in 1917, with the February Revolution ending the Romanov
dynasty and culminating in the bolshevik coup d'état of November 7th (the "October Revolution"), then
in 1953 with the death of Stalin, finally in 1989 with the entry in agony of the soviet empire. It is thus
clear that the loss of power is correlated with the communist system in Russia and that the immense
disappointment is commensurate with the hopes aroused throughout the world by the revolutionary
hope of a "Great evening ".

Neptune/Vulcanus is connected to Saturn and Uranus. This corresponds to the fact of being
subject to unpleasant separation and loss of freedom of action. After a long time when the USSR, from
the end of the Second World War, shared the direction of the world with the USA, the new Russia will
be held as a minor power until its return to the world stage in August 2008, with Vladimir Putin's
arrest at the invasion of South Ossetia by the eorgian army at the instigation of georgian President
Saakashvili. Neptune/Apollo is a sign of dissolution, but also of great corruption. With Saturn, is
added the idea of an extended illusion for many ; with Uranus, that of a sudden awakening of an
illusion ; Vulcanus refers in this context to living an immense disappointment.
The figures around Saturn also speak of the dissolution of an established structure
(Saturn/Neptune, suddenly emerging (Uranus) in a climate of maneuvers and intrigues (Apollo), but
also of a blockage (Saturn/Vulcanus) which suddenly falls into dependence (Uranus). The
Saturn/Apollo=Uranus figure refers to the sudden separation of many, which take new paths. This is
what Russia's recovery of its sovereignty will mean, thus detaching itself from the soviet shackles on
June 12, 1990. The Cupido/Hades axis=Saturn adds a note of poverty and depression, the idea of an
enormous handicap that weighs on a community.
The Uranus/Neptune figure, which indicates an alternation between tension and relaxation, can be
considered as one of the figures symbolizing the revolution. It was at the time of the opposition of the
Uranus/Neptune cycle 1821-1993 that the first russian revolution broke out in 1905, when the Uranus-
Neptune opposition was in orb from 1903 to 1913, during all the years that led Europe to a disastrous
war and the disappearance of five empires (Russia, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman empire,
China). With Vulcanus, Uranus/Neptune symbolizes a considerable disappointment which leads to the
outbreak of a revolution of great magnitude.
Kronos is also present in the table, in Harmonic 16 (aspects of 22°30 and multiples). Kronos is
symbolically representative of power and authority, government and rulers. With Uranus, the

indication is that of a sudden reversal of the form of government ; with Neptune/Vulcanus, allusion is
made to the failure of the leadership, to the impotence of the leader or the government : Mikhail
Gorbachev will be effectively overtaken by the reform movement which he inaugurates and of which,
he is quickly no more the master.
He is going to find on his way a far more radical reformer, Boris Yeltsin, firmly resolved, he, to
end the communist regime.

With Neptune/Apollo, reference is made to the imortant failure of leaders,

but also to diplomatic illusions. This was manifested in the contrast between
the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact and the subsequent expansion of NATO,
which was contrary to all the promises and assurances given to Mikhail
Gorbachev by american leaders. On July 6, 1990, one month after Russia's
declaration of sovereignty, NATO Secretary General Manfred Wörmer had
delivered a speech in Moscow before the members of the Supreme Soviet of
the USSR, a declaration of peace and friendship:

I came to Moscow with a very simple message: we offer you our friendship. I also have a
very direct proposal for you : to cooperate. The time of confrontation is over.

NATO then made two commitments: to change this institution from a military alliance to an
alliance that would form the basis of a new defense architecture for Europe, of which the USSR and
then Russia would be part. Secondly, to guarantee the sovereignty of States, the non-use of force to
resolve conflicts, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, the inviolability of borders. The
chart of this day presents an opposition of the Sun to Neptune which falls on the Sun of the USA : the
probability of false promises is inscribed in this figure.

I have kept the Apollo/Vulcanus axis for the end of this analysis, for it is in principle a sign of
"the greatest success" - which contrasts sharply with the rest of the table. But the expected corrections
soon appear when we add the three factors involved that are Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. With Saturn,
then, there is talk of a decline in prosperity, failures, blockages, and hindrances to success or great
expansion; If Uranus feeds in this context high hopes, it reduces success to a temporary success, while
Neptune means the destruction of ease, inflation, extensive corruption and perversion. However,
Jupiter must also be taken into consideration, with its promise of significant success. And this is where
the astrologer can marvel : this promise is realized precisely at the moment when Russia separates
from the heavy framework of the Soviet Union by proclaiming its sovereignty on June 12, 1990 ; it is
indeed on the eve of this great day, June 11th, that Jupiter transits in barely two hours, in conjunction
with Vulcanus and at the square of Apollo !

A similar phenomenon occurs with the Jupiter/Uranus axis, a sign of chance, of sudden prosperity, of material
success. Unless Jupiter is badly configured and then becomes bad luck, sudden misfortune. However, the
Jupiter/Uranus axis arrives at the Square of Saturn on January 3, 1989. The previous month, Mikhail Gorbachev
announced at the general assembly of UNO, a unilateral reduction of the conventional forces of the USSR,
particularly in Eastern Europe and along the Sino-Soviet border. From then on, the USA became, for a limited
time, the only hyper power in the world.

Ingrès Capricorne PL/AD –SO

– 0°
21 déc. 1989
Ingrès Capricorne 1989 – Pluton/Admète
21h22m02s TU


0 - 0-45 / 23-68

The Pluto/Admetos axis (at 15° Aquarius) has the general meaning of fundamental changes, a
descent into the depths, a return to origins and roots. This can be the source of deep growth.
Connected with the Vernal Point, it implies the obligation in which one finds oneself to adapt oneself
to the general transformations, to resign oneself to it. In the case of the Soviet Union, the ruling caste,
the only one in contact with the West, had already largely abandoned all belief in the theses of
marxism and had seen the absolute necessity of a radical transformation of the Soviet system in order
to allow the survival of the regime. Such was the sense of perestroika (restructuring) advocated by
Mikhail Gorbachev, while others, such as Boris Yeltsin, had concluded that the communist regime
should be totally destroyed. It is from 1984 (and until 1993) that the Pluto/Admetus axis is in orb,
reaching its maximum intensity between 1988 and 1990. Yuri Andropov, called autocrat-reformer, is
considered one of the instigators of the glasnost and perestroika, both formulas taken up by Mikhail
Gorbachev, but he died on February 9, 1984, at the very beginning of the period propitious to radical
transformations. The Pluto/Admetos axis is also linked to Hades, an indication of a painful change,
after a crisis and the breakthrough of an existing decadence that leads definitively to loss. The link
with Zeus, which refers to the compulsion to make up for lost time, to have to increase its performance
under severe circumstances - under the pressure of the intensification of the arms race carried out by
Donald Reagan, notably with the strategic defense initiative (SDI) introduced in March 1983. Through
the connection with the axis of the lunar Nodes the emphasis is on a fundamental transformation in
relations, the establishment of new and lasting relationships : it is indeed the period of the Cold War
that will end with the collapse of the Soviet Empire.

Let us add to this picture an element of reflection. In the chart

of the Ingress of Capricorn of 1989, the Pluto/Admetos axis is
unrelated to Kronos, a formula which indicates in the lives of
nations a great change in the existing type of government. It will be
necessary to wait, for such a link exists (in H16, with an aspect of
112 ° 30) the beginning of 2004 ; this aspect will last until the end of
2011. It should be remembered that in December 2003, the law on
the appointment of governors presented by Vladimir Putin puts in
place the legislative instruments allowing the central government to
regain control of the regions. Thus, during the first two mandates of
Vladimir Putin and Dmitri Medvedev, the Pluto/Admetos axis, a
sign of fundamental restructuring, went from the link with Hades,
meaning constraint and pain, to a link with Kronos, which refers to
The emergence of a new type of government - no longer the
autocracy of the Tsars, nor the dictatorship of the Party under the
Soviet regime, but a strong power in a democratic framework. The
formula PL/AD=KR also evokes a rebirth after a crisis, a new life, a promotion.

The Pluto/Admetos axis is also connected to the Mars/Poseidon axis in conjunction with Pluto (at
16° Scorpio). Mars/Poseidon refers to the system of values and, with the link to Vernal Point, it refers
to the ethical behavior of a community, intellectual and spiritual activity in general. The link of this
axis with Hades, Zeus and Admet seems to be related to the ideological regime of the Soviet Union : a
morally low and vulgar way of acting (Hades), the exercise of an ideological constraint (Zeus), an
intellectual or spiritual activity within the framework of a restricted community (that of the
Nomenklatura, having only access to true information and constituting the breeding ground conducive
to the emergence of a dissidence within the Soviet universe).
Russie communiste (1917) 1917 et 1989 – 14° Mutables NE/PL=AD/VU – 74°12
7 nov. 1917 - 23h12 TU
AS – 74°21

Thème de 1917
ZE/KR – S’imposer absolument. Direction
UR/PL – Mutation explosive. *KR - Changements
soudains dans le pouvoir d’Etat
HA/VU=UR=KR – Violence. Terrible oppression
soudaine par le pouvoir.
VU/PO – Puissance d’un pouvoir idéologique.

Thème de 1989

NE/PL=UR – Développement
révolutionnaire soudain, poussé en avant.
AD/VU=UR – Confrontation soudaine à des
résistances fatales.
74 – 6-51 / 29-74
AD/VU=PO – Être tenu en tutelle.
74 – 6-51 / 29-74

My analysis has led me so far to realize how deeply correlated with the end of the Soviet Empire
the Ingress in Capricorn of 1989 was, by its two major Neptune/Vulcanus and Pluto/Admetos axes.
But there is also a strong link between the End and the Beginning, and this link rests, in an invisible
and subtle way, on these two major axes. Indeed, if we consider both axes that constitue Neptune and
Pluto then Admetos and Vulcanus, we find an opposition to 14° in the Sagittarius-Gemini axis
between Neptune/Pluto and Admetos/Vulcanus, which thus represents the central axis of the entire
system. Yet, it appears that in the chart of Communist Russia, which is that of the taking of the Winter
Palace in Petrograd during the Bolshevik coup d'état of November 7, 1917, to which the conquerors
annexed the name of "October Revolution" - the Ascendant is at 14° Virgo. Thus, the axis of 1989
comes to be lodged to the square of the Ascendant of 1917.
The two axes of 1989 express the idea of a sudden revolutionary development, pushed forward
(Neptune/Pluto=Uranus) and a sudden confrontation with oppositions, fatal resistances
(Admetos/Vulcanus=Uranus). To which is added (by the Admetos/Vulcanus=Poseidon axis) the
notion of an imposed tutelage - which seems to me to refer to the regulated settlement of Russia by the
oligarchs derived from the Soviet nomenklatura and acquired at the ultraliberalism then triumphant in
the USA.
In the chart of 1917, the Ascendant at 14° Virgo is connected to the Zeus-Kronos square and the
Uranus-Pluto sesqui-square. Zeus/Kronos (14 ° Gemini) corresponds to a power which imposes itself
absolutely and sets up an energetic direction. Conjoined to Mars/Hades, this evokes a power which
does not hesitate to resort to ignoble acts, to assassinations fomented by the public authorities, to acts
that bring agitation turbid and stir among the population. The conjunction of Kronos at
Hades/Vulcanus reinforces the indication of a terrible sudden oppression, a fierce repression led by the
new state power. Finally, Uranus/Pluto connected to Kronos signals an explosive mutation and sudden
changes in state power. The whole table perfectly corresponds to the situation in Russia in the
aftermath of the Bolsheviks taking power. The formula Zeus/Kronos=Pluto points to the beginning
and the development of a great work and the expansion of a great war : it is not only the civil war that
is raging in Russia, but also of this new form of war-revolution, destined to make communism triumph
throughout the world, and whose last manifestation was the soviet intervention in Afghanistan, with
disastrous consequences.


The decomposition of the soviet empire is a slow process which begins with the death of Leonid
Brezhnev in 1982, at the very moment of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, which is accelerating to
culminate in the period of double power between Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin of 1990-1991
and lead to the creation of a new State, the Federation of Russia. Three charts eloquently illustrate the
process of decomposition in progress : that of Brezhnev's death, Gorbachev's investiture and the
Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.

Leonid Brejnev - Mort Leonid Brejnev - Mort SA/PL – 27°36

10 nov. 1982 – 8h30
8 nov. Conjonction SA-PL à 27°38 Balance
0h45 TU - Moscou : AS 3° Balance SA/PL=NE/HA
MC : 5° Cancer / MC/AS : 19° Lion

NE/HA – Pourriture, putréfaction.

*SA – Naufrage.
*PL – Commencement d’une décomposition. 28 – 5-50 / 28-73

The death of Leonid Brezhnev occurs two days after the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of November 8,
1982 (at 27° Libra). The main signature of this chart is the Neptune/Hades figure, significateur of rot,
putrefaction, connected to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction ; the idea is that of a shipwreck, the beginning
of a decomposition. These indications relate to the general situation of the Soviet Union at the end of
the Brezhnev era.

Gorbatchev - Investiture Investiture de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev SO – 80°52

11 mars 1985 – 18h

MC : 13° Gémeaux UR/KR=NE/HA

NE/HA : Pourriture, putréfaction

*AS – S’illusionner sur les rapports
avec l’entourage proche
*UR – Ruine.
*KR – Forme d’État obsolète.

81 – 13-58 / 36-81

After the reigns rapidly curtailed by the successive deaths of Yuri Andropov and Victor
Chernenko, Mikhail Gorbachev, 54-year-old, gains power. The chart of his nomination as general
Secretary of the CPSU on March 11, 1985 presents a Sun on the 20° sensitive area of the Mutables
signs, which is affected in a large number of events related to the history of Russia. Here, the Sun is
conjoined to the two Neptune/Hades and Uranus/Kronos axes. Neptune/Hades, significance of rotting
and putrefying, weighs on the entire period from the death of Brezhnev to Chernobyl. In the chart of
the investiture of Mikhail Gorbachev, this formula is related to the Ascendant, which indicates the
delusion about relations with the close entourage, but also with Uranus and Kronos, which in this
context mean ruin and obsolete form of state.

Tchernobyl Tchernobyl SO – 35°22

26 avril 1986 - 1h23
Tchernobyl SO-UR-PL-AS-ZE-KR // ME-VE-MA-AP-VU
L’étoile Absinthe
NE/HA – Pourriture, putréfaction.
*SO - danger de contamination
*PL – Fautes qui sont
aperçues trop tard
*UR – Ruine et mort.
*KR – Responsabilité
des gouvernants.

UR/KR – Force puissante Contamination
surgissant soudainement. des produits
*NE – Destruction par des alimentaires.
forces dominantes.
*HA – Accident. Dégâts troublants, SO/PL=UR – Changement
suscitant l’émoi. brutal dans le mode de vie
*PL – Autorités révoquées. et le régime alimentaire.
35 – 12-57 / 35-80

The Chernobyl disaster, on April 16, 1986, tragically illustrates the rotting process in which the
Soviet Union is engaged. We find, of course, the signature Neptune/Hades, which, connected to the
Sun, indicates a danger of contamination. The link with Pluto, Uranus and Kronos is indicative of ruin
and death, and it points to the responsibility of the rulers and mistakes that are perceived too late. The
Uranus/Kronos axis evokes a powerful force emerging suddenly, with risks of destruction by dominant
forces (Neptune), an accident causing disturbing and stirring (Hades) damage, finally leading to the
revocation of authorities (Pluto). The Chernobyl accident carries in itself condemnation, for ineptitude,
of the authorities of the Soviet Union. The link between Neptune/Hades and Sun/Pluto focuses on the
contamination of food products and on the brutal change imposed in the lifestyle and diet of an entire
population. It will be remembered that the press has pointed out the fact that the name Chernobyl is
related to the star Absinthe, which is mentioned in the book of the Apocalypse, and whose poisons
affect one-third of the waters. It seems to me that Chernobyl is only the material manifestation of a
much more dangerous poison - which actually affected one third of the world's population - which is
the communist doctrine which Pope Pius XI had specified in the encyclical Divini Redemptoris
(published in 1937) that it was "intrinsically perverse".
I inserted in the slide on Chernobyl the image of a miraculous icon of St. Nicholas, which dates
back to the first half of the nineteenth century ; despite the high level of radioactivity in the "exclusion
zone" at Chernobyl, this icon remains unaffected by radiation. In 1990, in the "exclusion zone", forest
fires spread with unusual power and threatened homes. The desperate inhabitants approached the fire
with icons, including that of St. Nicholas of Chernobyl : and all witnessed a new miracle : in the eyes
of all, the fire suddenly changed its course and headed towards the river, then extinguished quickly.

It was from autumn 1987 that a phase of confrontation between representatives of two
increasingly antagonistic political orientations began : Mikhail Gorbachev, whose aim was to
undertake reforms essential for the survival of the communist regime, and Boris Yeltsin, whose aim is
to put an end definitively to this regime and to allow the rebirth of a new Russia.
Boris Yeltsin joined the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1961 at the age of 30 ; he
became a party official in 1969. He had the opportunity to get to know and collaborate with Mikhail
Gorbachev since 1978, when he was first secretary of the committee of Stavropol. The ascension of
Boris Yeltsin accelerated from 1981, when he entered the Central Committee of the CPSU. In 1984 he
became a member of the presidium of the supreme Soviet, and in December 1985 the Politburo
entrusted Yeltsin with the leadership of the Party of Moscow. Very quickly, Yeltsin draws attention
for its overflowing activity, but also for its outspokenness. In February 1986, he was elected alternate
member of the political bureau. The break was to take place on October 21, 1987, during a meeting of
the Central Committee in which Boris Yeltsin provoked an outcry against him, saying : "The corrupt,
the rotten are here, among you, and you know it perfectly ! ". Three weeks later, Boris Yeltsin was
dismissed. His political return was to take place at the beginning of January 1989 ; supported by
enthusiastic popular support, he is in favor of the multi-party system, while Mikhail Gorbachev
opposes it. The struggle began, Yeltsin became more and more popular, and soon attracted the
sympathy of the intellectuals. On May 29, 1990 he was elected President of the Supreme Soviet of the
Russian Soviet Socialist Federal Republic (RSSFR), making him the first non-communist president of
a Soviet republic. From that moment there were two opposing powers in Moscow : that of the Soviet
Union, represented by Gorbachev, and that of Russia, embodied by Yeltsin - both natives of the year
1931, within a month.

Mikhaïl Gorbatchev Mikhaïl Gorbatchev JU – 10°29

2 mars 1931 – 20h23
Stavropol JU-UR-AS-MC-HA-AD _ SO/KR – LU/NE – PL-PO - KR/VU – ZE/VU

KR/VU – Puissante autorité. Formule de Carré JU-AD

base pour le grand homme d’État. et JU-HA
*HA – Avilissement du pouvoir d’État.
*AD – Fin d’un pouvoir d’État.
Type d’État obsolète.

ZE/VU – Contrainte par

circonstances extérieures.
*JU – Travail considérable
*KR – Effort intense
d’un gouvernement.
*NE – Être réduit
à l’impuissance.

JU/AD=MC – Ne pas se décontenancer.

Garder le calme et le sang-froid dans les
situations critiques.
Attendre son temps.

JU/HA=MC – Subir d’autrui une diminution.

10 – 10-55 / 33-78

The natal chart of Mikhail Gorbachev bears the mark of a powerful authority : Kronos/Vulcanus
(at 26° Taurus) is the basic formula for the great statesman. Indication reinforced by the conjunction
with the Sun/Zeus axis, a character of a leader nature, able to control great energies. But the link with
Admetos and Hades to the Descendant points to the degradation of a state power over the end of an
obsolete state. Prognosis that reinforces the presence in the network of Jupiter of the Zeus/Vulcanus
axis : in spite of the considerable work and the intense effort of a government, this powerful personage
is reduced to the impotence under the constraint of external circumstances. The Jupiter/Hades=Middle
of Heaven formula also indicates that the native can undergo a decrease in the share of others. The
Jupiter/Admetos axis indicates a personality capable of maintaining calm and composure in critical
situations. All these indications illuminate the behavior of Mikhail Gorbachev during the critical
period of double power in the face of the rise of Boris Yeltsin until the agony of the Soviet Union.

Boris Eltsine Boris Eltsine PL – 19°21

1er fév. 1931 – 14h
Boutka LU-ME-SA-PL-NN // SO-VE-ZE // SA/PL - KR/PO
KR/PO – Grande inspiration. Carré JU-UR
Hauteur et grandeur d’esprit.
*SA – Se heurter au malentendu
ou à la résistance.
*PL – Transformations spirituelles.
JU-UR – Prospérité. Réussite.

59 – 14-59 / 37-82

The dominant figure in Boris Yeltsin is the Jupiter-Saturn-Uranus T-square, the signature of a
radical reformer, of a boiling character supported by luck and who succeeds in putting an end to the
communist regime which he considers to be irreformable. The Kronos/Poseidon axis gives it a great
inspiration, a height of sight and a broad spirit. With Saturn, it is likely to encounter
misunderstandings or resistance. With Pluto, there is an indication of spiritual transformations. We can
think of the moving moment in the history of Russia where Boris Yeltsin came to the Romanov family
vault in the Peter and Paul Cathedral in St. Petersburg in 1998 to bow to the Imperial family and
recognize that The massacre at Yekaterinburg (July 17, 1918) "is one of the most shameful pages in
our history".

Gorbatchev et Eltsine - Vulcanus

Eclipses du 27 oct. 1930 à 27° Balance et du 18 avril 1931 à 27° Bélier
lien avec Vulcanus à 12° Gémeaux dans les thèmes de Mikhaïl Gorbatchev et de Boris Eltsine
27° Balance : conjonction Saturne-Pluton de 1982
VU – 72°11
Mikhaïl Gorbatchev Boris Eltsine
72– 4-49 / 27-72




Mikhail Gorbachev and Boris Yeltsin, both natives of the beginning of 1931, were born in the
period between the eclipses of October 27, 1930 and April 18, 1931, in the axis of 27° Aries-Libra.
This creates a link with Vulcanus (at 12° Gemini) in the natal chart of Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Recall
that this degree of 27° Libra is the one where the Saturn-Pluto conjunction of 1982, at the time of
Leonid Brezhnev's death, took place. This leads me to examine the Vulcanus network in the two natal

At Mikhail Gorbachev, Vulcanus is conjoined to Moon/Hades and

Uranus/Zeus. One reads there the will to impose one's will, but to have to know
sad situations in public. The Uranus/Kronos axis (at 26° Aries) indicates uprisings
and rebellions against the reigning power. With Mars, there is the indication of the
violent repression of a revolt or a riot. This was the case on January 12, 1991 in
Lithuania, when the soviet army seized the television tower in Vilnius and fired
on the demonstrators. At the moment, Saturn, in conjunction with the axis of the
lunar Nodes and connected to the Moon-Hades axis, was in transit over the
Venus-Mars opposition to the square of the Uranus/Kronos axis in the natal chart
of Mikhail Gorbachev.

At Boris Yeltsin, Vulcanus is connected to Sun/Uranus and Saturn/Kronos near the Midheaven.
This can signal the risk of blockage, obstruction by the authorities and, with Mars/Saturn, the
possibility of a sudden death by heart attack, which was the case on the death of Boris Yeltsin on April
23, 2007. With Vulcanus, Mars/Saturn inclines to the conflict of skills, and with Kronos, to the
confrontation with the government. Mars/Pluto, with Vulcanus and Kronos, shows the quality of great
organizer, who designs large projects and long-term plans. Finally, Sun/Jupiter and Vulcanus is the
indication of a great vital force, of a boiling temperament, which contrasts with the calm and coldness
of Mikhail Gorbachev.

The declaration of sovereignty of the Russian Federation on June 12, 1990 constitutes the key
moment of the birth of a new State, still "encaged", so to speak, within the framework of the Soviet
system. Four days earlier, the Congress of Russia adopted a text proclaiming the superiority of russian
laws on soviet laws. And at the 28th Congress of the CPSU, which re-elected general secretary
Mikhail Gorbachev in his office, Boris Yeltsin left the Congress after surrendering his party
membership card. A Saturnian cycle has taken place since his accession to the CPSU in 1961 and
Boris Yeltsin will live the most intense years of his existence at the time of Saturn's second return to
his native position (at 17° Capricorn).

Indépendance des Républiques soviétiques

Even before the declaration of sovereignty of Russia on June 12, 1990 the three Baltic states -
first Lithuania on March 11, 1990 - had already proclaimed their sovereignty. Russia will be followed
in June by Georgia, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine (in July), Armenia and the Central Asian
republics (Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan ) in August and October. It is the whole
immense body of the Soviet Union that is thus dismembered.

However, in the fight between the two powers, the pendulum will begin to lean first in favor of
Gorbachev. On September 21, 1990 the russian president was the victim of a car accident and
Gorbachev immediately took advantage of it to ask his Parliament to grant him exceptional
powersYeltsin's temporary withdrawal from public life favors the conservatives. Throughout the
month of October a palace revolution took place in the Kremlin. Gorbachev's advisers who support the
cohabitation with Yeltsin are knocked out. On November 17th, Mikhail Gorbachev presented a project
aimed at securing an automatic majority against Russia and the major republics at the meetings of the
Council of the Federation. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopts this plan with enthusiasm. Le The
Soviet Parliament thus strengthened the powers of the President of the USSR. Pushing his advantage,
on December 25th, Gorbachev caused the Congress of Soviet deputies to adopt the plan for a new
treaty of union without consulting the republics. According to this text, the sovereignty of the State is
reserved at the central level.
The year 1991 was marked by the open confrontation between Yeltsin and Gorbachev. On the
night of January 12-13, the Soviet army stormed the television tower in Vilnius, in Lithuania. Army
shoots protesters, killing 15 and injuring more than 150. However, Gorbachev hesitates to go further,
so that the lithuanian regime emerges reinforced from this failed coup. On January 13, Boris Yeltsin
condemned the attack and recognized the sovereignty of the Baltic States (Lithuania, Estonia and

Latvia). On January 20, demonstrations denounced the soviet coup. The pendulum is now launched in
the opposite direction to Gorbachev. On March 10, some 300,000 Muscovites demonstrate to demand
the resignation of Gorbachev and urge the population to say "no" to his referendum, scheduled for
March 17th. In Russia, two referendums take place on the same day. The first concerns the
conservation of the Union. The second, more important for Boris Yeltsin, concerns the election of the
President of the federation of Russia by direct universal suffrage. The proposal will be ratified by
more than 70% of the people. The first presidential election by universal suffrage is set for June 12th.
From this election, held just one year after the declaration of sovereignty of Russia, Yeltsin emerged
great victor.
It is then that the conservatives, conscious that the situation is definitely escaping them, attempt a
final offensive to save the existence of the USSR. Taking advantage of the holidays of Mikhail
Gorbachev in Crimea, they organized, just before the signing of the treaty of Union scheduled for
August 20th, a coup attempt. On August 19, 1991, the putschists pronounced the incapacity of the
Soviet president, while tanks and armored vehicles invade the capital. The conspirators formed a
"State Committee for the state of emergency" and they claim that Gorbachev is unable "for health
reasons" to assume the presidential office. Luckily, Boris Yeltsin, who has friends and supporters of
the Soviet security forces, escapes arrest and reaches the russian parliament without hindrance. There,
perched on an armored vehicle, he harangues the crowd and calls the russians to civil disobedience
and the general strike, declaring the action of the emergency Committee illegal. On August 21st,
Yeltsin announced that he was taking command of the armed
forces. Gorbachev returns to Moscow on the night of 21-22.
Putchists are arrested (some commit suicide) and the crowd
dismounts the statue of Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka,
ancestor of the KGB ; in many cities of Russia we bring down the
statues of Lenin. On August 23rd, the soviet president confronted
the russian parliament. In front of the television cameras, Mikhail
Gorbachev tries to exonerate his ministers, but Yeltsin forces him to
read in public a document proving that all his ministers, except one,
supported the coup d'etat. All the soviet Cabinet was then replaced
by the men of Yeltsin. On August 24st, Gorbachev banned the activity of the Communist Party in the
army and the KGB by decree, resigned from his post as Secretary General of the Communist Party and
called for the dissolution of the central Committee. The newspaper founded by Lenin, Pravda, is
forbidden. On the same day, Ukraine proclaimed its independence, and the white, blue and red flag
became the official flag of Russia. On August 25, Boris Yeltsin suspended the activities of the CPSU
and confiscated his possessions. The suspension will be transformed into dissolution on November 6th.
The same day, it was the turn of Belarus to proclaim its independence, followed on 27 by Moldova.
Finally, the fate of the Supreme Soviet is settled from 26 to 29 of August, when the activities of the
Communist Party are suspended. On September 2nd, the Congress of People's Deputies adopted a plan
for the transformation of the USSR into an alliance of sovereign states. On September 6th, Leningrad
officially reverts to St. Petersburg.

It was therefore the attempted coup d'état of August 19, 1991 that definitively shifted the balance
of power in favor of Boris Yeltsin and effectively put an end to the coexistence of two powers.
Mikhail Gorbachev is annihilated, physically absent from Moscow during the decisive days, publicly
humiliated by Boris Yeltsin before Parliament and cameras from around the world. The most
spectacular and symbolic image of this final confrontation is that of Boris Yeltsin in front of the White
House calling for resistance, perched on a tank, on the morning of August 19th.

Eltsine - Appel Boris Eltsine – Appel à la résistance SO – 55°49

19 août 1991 – 11h
Moscou SO-JU-UR-AS // LU-SA // MA/SA – KR/PO

KR/PO – Grande inspiration.

Hauteur et grandeur d’esprit.
*JU – Prospérité dans les rapports
avec le gouvernement, l’État.

MA/SA – Grève. Mort.

*LU – Mort dans la population.

56 – 11-56 / 34-79

The chart of this moment, marked by the conjunction of Sun-

Jupiter (25° Lion), on the Kronos/Poseidon axis, marks a strong
vitality associated with a great inspiration, a height and a greatness
of spirit that is already present in the natal chart of Boris Yeltsin.
With Jupiter, this axis indicates success in relations with the
government, with the State, whose he becomes, by his heroic action
and resolved in a tragic circumstance, the leader de facto, at the risk
of his life. The presence in the table of the Mars/Saturn axis also
indicates the danger of death ; linked to the Moon, this refers to
deaths in the population, relatively few happily, but which could
have been considerable without the resistance of the population and the stupidity of the authors of this
failed putch.
The end of the game is played in December 1991. Boris Yeltsin meets with his counterparts from
the two other Slavic republics of Ukraine and Belarus, Leonid Kravchuk and Stanislaw Shushkievich,
in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, on 8 December to see the "disappearance of The USSR and create a"
Commonwealth of Independent States", the CIS. Gorbachev tries to oppose it, but in vain. On
December 20, the russian government seized the Soviet Central Bank. The presidents of 11 former
Soviet republics, including Yeltsin, met on 21 of December. They acceded to the CIS, which
consecrated the end of the Soviet Union and abolished the post of president of the USSR. All agreed
that the seat of a permanent member of the UN Security Council in the USSR should be returned to
Russia. Yeltsin and Gorbachev meet for the last time on the eve of Christmas. On December 25, 1991,
Gorbachev announced his resignation and the russian president took control of the 27,000 nuclear
weapons of the Soviet Union. Boris Yeltsin is now the master of Russia. Eloquent symbol : from this
date, floats above the Kremlin no longer the red flag, but the russian flag white, blue, red.

Fin de l’Union soviétique Fin de l’Union soviétique - Drapeau JU – 74°35

25 déc. 1991 – 19h45

AD/VU – Revers de fortune.

Être dans les mains du destin.
UR/AD=AS – Briser définitivement
une relation
*PO – Gagner en lucidité.
Aller au fond des choses.

MC/AS de

JU à 0° Scorpion - 10 oct. 2017

UR à 0° Taureau – 2018
JU-SA à 0° Verseau – 2020 75 – 7-52 / 30-75

Boris Yeltsin is now the master of Russia. Eloquent symbol : as of this date, floats above the
Kremlin no longer the red flag, but the russian white, blue, red flag. The Admetos/Vulcanus axis
indicates being in the hands of destiny and knowing reverses of fortune. Connected to the Ascendant,
it points to the definitive breaking of a relationship. With Poseidon, is added the idea of a lucidity
which makes it possible to get to the bottom of things : that of the russian people, but also of the ruling
caste, the nomenklatura, which for a long time has lost all illusion about the "ideals" of communism.

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