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Seat Ibiza 2008 Manual SSP 2

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Ibiza 2008 Drivetrain
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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
Self-Study Program No. 119
Sportiness and design, as well as the quality of precission typical of SEAT, are the qualities of
the new SEAT family model, which follows the concept of sporty driving like the rest of the SEAT
The SEAT Ibiza has a new technical base, which provides it with a longer wheelbase and a wider
track than the Ibiza 02. This is why this vehicle has better dynamic qualities than its predecessor.
The new Ibiza drivetrain is made by combining new components and components of proven
There is also a new brakes management system with two possible variants that provide
enhanced accuracy and speed of calculation and allow assuming new functions.
Power steering is carried out by an electrohydraulic system which generates the ideal assist in
each situation.
All these features make of the Ibiza 2008 the latest evolution of the model with the longest
history in SEAT.

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permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.


Note: The exact instructions for checking,

adjusting and repair are included in ELSA and in the
VAS 505x.

Ibiza 2008 dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Front axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Rear axle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Aligning of the axles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Wheel rims and tyres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Brakes system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Brakes management system. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Power steering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Steering column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pedals set. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.


The drivetrain, which, generally speaking,Protected

is Also,
by copyright. track
Copying width
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or commercial meaning
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similar to the Ibiza02 drivetrain, reflects the the front axle has grown from 1435 milimetres
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
increase of dimensions the new Ibiza has the Ibiza02 to 1465 milimetres for the Ibiza 2008.
undergone. The rear axle increase goes from 1424 milimetres
Length and width have increased their values up to 1457 milimetres.
to 4052 milimetres and 1465 milimetres Also, wheelbase has increased from 2460
respectively. milimetres to 2469 milimitres in the Ibiza 2008.

The front axle track width increase, compared to
the Ibiza 02, has been achieved by moving the Increase
suspension struts on either side 15 milimetres
outwards, and by increasing the suspension
wishbone length.


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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.


Increase D119-03

In the rear axle the track width has been

increased by slightly increasing the length of each
Integrated arm of the integrated arms on either ends, at the
joinning point with the rear wheel hub.


Wheel hub D119-04


The Ibiza 2008 front axle is basically made of:
- the subchassis,
- the wishbones, Wheel hub and
- the suspension ball joints, ball-bearings
- the hubs,
- and the struts,
The front axle suspension is a McPherson
Ball & socket joint
system, and has two posible configurations,
(universal joint)
normal and sport, which differ by the rating of the
shock absorbers, springs and roll bar. The latter
can be of either 18 or 20 milimitres diameter and
it is attached to the struts by means of metal
coupling rods.
The suspension ball joint is attached to the
wishbone with three worm pins and three nuts,

and also has an indication for the assembly side,
“L4” for the left and “R4” for the right.
The hub might vary depending on the type of
brake calliper fitted on the car, which depends on
the size of the brake disk.
The wheel hub and its ball bearing make up an Suspension
assembly similar to the one on the Ibiza 02, so ball joint

that when you remove it the ring with retention Plastic washer
lugs brakes. It also integrates the pulses
generator crown wheel for the ABS revs sensor.
The pulses generator crown wheel is made up of
small magnets which alternate their polarity. This
assembly is protected against dirt at the rear, by a
plastic washer attached to the ball & socket joint
of the half shaft at its joining with the hub.Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.


Suspension strut

Coupling rod

Roll bar

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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.

Plastic washer




It is linked to the body housing by the top with a lower end is housed inside the hub and pressed in
single nut and a top stop, which works as a washer, place by a screwed joining similar to that of the
instead of the three screw used in the Ibiza 02. The Ibiza 02.

Nut Upper stop

Strut housing

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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
Strut bearing

reinforcement Spring


Subchassis Rear silentblock WISHBONE AND SILENTBLOCKS

Groove The wishbones are made of steel and they are a
single pressed part. They are attached to the
subchassis by means of silentblocks. The larger
size compared to the Ibiza 02 wishbones
contributes to the wider front track and wheelbase.
Thre wishbone front silentblock is longitudinally
placed and does not require any specific assembly
To fit the rear silentblock of the wishbone, the
reference mark -represented by a small triangle on
the rubber zone- and the wishbone marks have to
be lined up and observe that the wider groove has
to be pointing at the inside of the car.




Steering box


Attachments for the

exhaust park



Steering ball-joint


The subchassis is a structural element, to which It is attached to the body directly by four screws
other drivetrain components are linkled to, and it is and indirectly through two supports which also
made of metal sheet. reinforce the rear of the subchassis.
The power stering assembly is fitted onto the There are two possible versions depending on
subchassis. whether the engine is petrol or diesel with pump
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The wishbones are attahed to thepermitted
of the injector.
authorised by SEAT The
S.A. SEAT S.Adifferences
does not guaranteebetween
or accept anythem are to be
liability with
subchassis, and at the front the enginerespect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
pendular found in the position of the attachments for the
support is attached. front section of the exhaust pipe.



axle beam



Asembly groove

Wheel hub and


Silentblock D119-09
Integrated arm

The Rear axle of the Ibiza 2008 is similar to the For correct assembly, the silentblock has a
one already used for the Ibiza 02, it is a stiff reference mark which is a rubber lug that must
torsional with integrated arms. The bar is a formed coincide with a groove on the silentblock housing,
bar with different sections along it. Each of the to the inside of the car. For this job, the
sections is adapted to the efforts it has to instructions indicated in the ELSA application have
withstand so that it is not necessary to fit a roll-bar. to be followed.
The New Ibiza has two types of rear suspension The wheel hub is a single assembly with the
for starters: normal and sport, the difference wheel ball-bearing. The ball-bearing has two lines
between them refers to the shock-absorbers of balls and at the rear, it integrates the pulses
rating, the springs and the silentblock generator ring for the ABS wheel revs sensor.
configuration, which is stiffer for the sport version.
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On the front axle only the toe of the wheels can first of all check the lateral inclination and
be adjusted by acting on the steering bar. compensate it if necessary by following the
On the camber and caster angles of the wheels instructions indicated in the ELSA application. If
only a slight correction can be carried out by the values continue to be outside tolerance, check
moving the front drivetrain subchassis until if the axle is damaged
camber is uniform on both sides or until we have Next, the measures per axle for aligning are
an acceptable caster value. detailed.
The rear axle does not allow any adjusting or
correction. If the values are outside tolerances,


Total toe (unloaded) 10´ ± 10´ 26´±10´

Steering toe angle of 20o,to both 1o 19´±20´

Maximum wheel steering angle (not 39o 08´


Camber (with wheels in straight - 39´± 30´ -1o 30´±10´


Maximum allowed difference máx 30´ máx. 30´

between both sides

Advance 5o 04´±30´

Maximum allowed difference máx. 30´

between both sides

Free height from the ground 369 mm 376 mm

(distance from the centre of the wheel
axis to the edge of the wheelarch.

Steering bar

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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.

Toe angle

Toe angle D119-10


The following chart gives detail of the wheels and tyres for the Ibiza 2008 launching.



5J x 14 ET35
175/70 14



6J x 15 ET38 6J x 15 ET38
185/60 15 185/60 15

D119-12 D119-13


6J x 15 ET38 6J x 15 ET38
185/60 15 185/60 15

D119-14 D119-14


6J x 15 ET38 6J x 15 ET38
185/60 15 185/60 15

D119-15 D119-15


7J x 16 ET43 7J x 16 ET43 7J x 16 ET43

215/45 16 215/45 16 215/45 16

D119-16 D119-16 D119-17


7J x 17 ET43 7J x 17 ET43 7J x 17 ET43

215/40 17 215/40 17 215/40 17

D119-18 D119-18 D119-18

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Optional respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
Note: This equipment varies from
country to country.


At the start, the brakes system of the front axle On the following chart you can see the types and
always includes cooled brake disks and two sizes of the disks for the launching of the new
possible types of brake callipers depending on the Ibiza.
engine equipped.
The rear axle brakes can be compact disk or
drum, also depending on the engine equipped.


Ventillated brake disk Brake disk Drum brake

D119-19 D119-20 D119-21 D119-22
Calliper SIII Calliper FN3 Calliper C38HR Drum

diameter x thickness

256 x 22 288 x 25 232 x 9 200 x 40

To tense the handbrake it will be necessary to remove the rear of the central console elongation and act
on the adjustment nut.

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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.

Adjustment nut Central console Handbrake lever


ASR/ESP press-button E256

Steering wheel angle

sensor G85

control unit

Instrument panel

Brake pedal position sensor On-board network J519 and

G100 Gateway J533 contol unit
Wheel revs sensors G44-47


All the Ibiza models have, at least, the ABS but allow graduating their opening according to
function. It incorporates a new brakes the needs.
management system with two possible variants: The control unit coding is now specific to each
ABS Bosch 8.2 and ABS/ESP Bosch 8.2i, the vehicle and is different from what we have known
difference between them being the number of up to know.
functions that can be carried out, and the sensors The ABS Bosch 8.2 management system only
and actuators needed to assume them. assumes the ABS, EBV and MSR functions, whilst
The brakes management control unit has the the ABS/ESP Bosch 8.2i management system
following features: assumes the already known ABS, EBV, EDS, ASR,
- an extensive calculation capacity that allows MSR, ESP, HBA, overpressure functions and adds
increasing the number of functions and execute the functions of tyres pressure monitoring (RKA),
them faster and more accurately, and hill holder control (HHC) which shall be
- the ABS/ESP variant integrates the steering explained in this sudy programme.
Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
angle sensor, and the unless
permitted transversal and
authorised by SEATlongitudinal
S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
accelerator sensor in the control unit itself. Note: For further information about the
The brakes management system incorporates a management system functions, please refer to the
new type of analogical solenoid valves, which do self study programmes numbers 96, 91 and 74.
not operate in only two positions, open or closed,

SYNOPTIC CHART - ASR/ESP press button E256,
The ABS Bosch 8.2 brakes management system - Tyres pressure monitoring press button E226,
is simpler as it only assumes the ABS, EBV and - Braking presure sensor G201,
MSR functions. It includes the following - Lateral and longitudinal acceleration sensor
components: G200-G251,
- wheel revs sensors G44-47, - Yaw moment sensor G202.
- brake pedal position sensor G100 placed on The ABS control unit is connected to the drive
the lower part of the brake pump, CAN-Bus.
- ABS control unit J104, The wheel revs sensors G44-47 are of the active
- Hydraulic pump V64. type, similar to the ones already fitted in the Ibiza
To assume the largest number of functions, the 02, which generate a variable intensity signal,
ABS/ESP Bosch 8.2i, brakes management system between 7 and 14 mA, depening on the position of
includes the following additional components: the wheel.
- Steering wheel angle sensor G85,

ABS control unit J104

Hydraulic pump V64

Wheel revs sensors G44-47

On-board network
control unit J519

Engine control unit

Brake pedal position sensor G100 J623
Drive CAN-Bus

Automatic gearbox
lateral and longitudinal acceleration control unit
sensor G200-G251 J217

Braking presure sensor G201

Yaw sensor G202
Instrument panel

ASR/ESP press-button E256

Steering wheel angle
Tyres pressure monitoring sensor G85
control press-button by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.

Only combined with ESP




Brake pump piston To know whether the driver is activating the
brake pedal, the new Ibiza has a brake pedal
Ferromagnetic ring
position sensor similar to the one used in the Altea
range. This sensor is attached to the lower part of
the brake pump, and is based on two Hall effect
sensors to detect the movement of a
ferromagnetic ring, which is a single assembly
with the brake pump piston.
The sensor generates two signals with opposing
voltage levels, which are interchanged when
activating the brake pedal. These signals are sent
via conventional wire to the engine control unit, to
the On-board network, and to the ABS or ABS/ESP
control unit. Later, to confirm the signal’s
plausibility, the ABS or ABS/ESP control unit

receives via CAN-Bus the brake pedal activated
Brake pedal position
sensor G100
When at rest, the ring is opposing the two Hall
D119-26 sensors of the brake pedal position sensor.
In the event of lack of signal from the sensor, the
brake lights will remain activated.
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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.


SENSOR G200-G251
The new Ibiza ABS/ESP brakes management
system has a single acceleration sensor with
which the control unit can establish the
longitudinal and transversal accelerations to
which the vehicle is submitted.
This sensor is placed inside the ABS/ESP control
unit and cannot be replaced separately.
In other SEAT vehicles, the longitudinal
acceleration signal was only required when the car
was equipped with four wheel drive. In the new
Ibiza, this sensor is involved in correct operation of
the hill holder control (HHC) system.
Through the guided fault finding it is possible to
consult he values measured by the sensor, as well
as carrying out its basic setting.
In the event of signal fault, the ESP and HHC
functions will be deactivated.

Longitudinal angle Transverse angle


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permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A.longitudinally and transversally.
SEAT S.A does not guarantee Also, the
or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
To carry out the basic setting of the transversal instructions indicated in ELSA or in the diagnosis
and longitudinal acceleration sensor G200-G251, tester options “guided fault finding” or “guided
the vehicle must be placed on a flat surface of an funtions” have to be taken into account.
inclination less than ±0,57o or approximately 1%,


Unlike other SEAT vehicles, in the new Ibiza the
ASR/ESP press button only deactivates the ASR
function, whilst the ESP function remains active for
enhanced driving safety.
It is necessary to disconnect the ASR function to
test the car on a roller bench, or specifically to
allow the engine generate enough torque to move
along a slippery surface so that the car is not
The press button sends out the activate/
deactivate signal via a single conventional wire.
ASR disconnection form the press button is
indicated through the blinking of the ESP warning
light K155 on the instrument panel at a 1 Hz
frequency. To differentiate the ASR disconnection
from the ESP activation, the frequency of the ESP
D119-29 K155 warning light blinking is modified, and it
becomes 3 Hz if the ESP function is activated.



The brakes management system the new Ibiza The control unit can be replaced separately from
incorporates has a greater calculation capacity the hydraulic unit.
and integrates the brake pedal pressure sensor The control unit must be coded through the
G201. Also, the ABS/ESP control unit also guided fault finding, as it has to be connected to a
integrates the transversal and longitudinal server to obtain a personalised code for each
acceleration sensor G200-G251 and yaw sensor vehicle.
G202. None of these sensors can be replaced
separately from the control unit.

Hydraulic pump Hydraulic unit Solenoid valves


Hydraulic pump

Braking presure
sensor G201

Control unit with
integrated sensors


Because of the fact that the control unit
integrates the sensors that measure the vehicle
acelerations it is very important that it is insulated
Rubber seal from any vibrations, and properly fitted in place.
The ABS/ESP control unit is housed in a specific
support to which it si atatched elastically with
Rubber seals
rubber seals. This support is attached to the
wheelarch and to the member, although on
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it is a left or right hand side drive vehicle.



Once fitted in the car, the ABS/ESP control unit 3o ABS/ESP J104
control unit
cannot be offset more than three degrees from its
reference axis. As otherwise the values measured
by the acceleration sensors would be out of
tolerance and this would result in malfunction of
the ESP or would prevent carrying out the
transversal and longitudinal acceleration sensor
G200-G251 basic setting .



Area to press on When fitting the control unit in place do not
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or commercial on theincentral partis of
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So as
respect to the correctness not to ingenerate
of information internal
this document. Copyright bydamage,
SEAT S.A. force has
to be applied on the contour of the unit.
It is also recommended to get rid of any possible
static electricty so as not to damage the unit or the
sensors it incorporates.

Area to press on


ABS control unit

J104 D119-33


2 seconds

Necessary force to Braking force Engine torque
prevent moving


The new Ibiza equipped with the ABS/ESP to prevent the vehicle moving backwards. As the
management system includes the new function engine torque increases on the wheels, the
named Hill Hold Control. This function prevents the braking pressure is reduced until the engine
vehicle form going backwards when starting to torque is enough to allow climbing up the hill.
move uphill, by braking the four wheels of the car. The hill holder control comes into effect both
When staring to drive from stopped position on a when engaging into reverse gear on a downwards
hill, the moment the driver stops activating the hill and into a forward gear in an upwards hill. In
brake to activate the accelerator, the system holds any case, the minimum hill must be of
the braking pressure for approximately 2 seconds approximately 5%.

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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.

For activating the hill holder control function To hold the brakes circuit pressure, the control
(HHC) , the ABS/ESP control unit needs the unit energises the commuter solenoid valve placed
following signals: before the intake solenoid valves for each wheel,
- doors closed, so that it closes off the pressure return passage.
- reverse gear status (engaged/not engaged), With the new analogical solenoid valves, it is
- clutch pedal status, possible to downgrade the pressure little by little
- brake pedal position, as the engine torque increases.
- inclination signal provided by the longitudinal The operation principle is the same for a manual
acceleration sensor. gearbox and for an automatic gearbox.
Absence of any of these signals prevents the Through the measure values block it can be seen
function from activating. whether the control unit is receiving the necessary
Plausibility of the reverse gear status signal and signals.
of the signal sent by the longitudinal and
transversal accelerartion sensor G200-G251,
allows the ABS/ESP control unit to activate the
function independently of whether the hill is being

climbed in forward or reverse gear.

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ABS correctness
control of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
unit J104
Brake pedal
position sensor

ABS Hydraulic unit

Engine control unit


lateral and longitudinal Clutch pedal switch

acceleration sensor F36

Door contact switches F2,

F3, F10, F11

Reverse gear
light switch F4
On-board network
control unit J519



The tyres pressure monitoring function is only The function can be momentarily deactivated
incorporated to the ABS/ESP management system. when driving with snow chains or at high speed on
It is possible to detect pressure losses on a tyre bends or uneven surface.
through the processing of the signals received The system can be callibrated with a press
from the wheel reves sensors. button. Callibration must be done for each
To confirm a loss of pressure on one wheel, the particular situation of the tyres or when checking
system has to detect during a determined amount their pressure. In the latter case, the presure of all
of time that: four wheels has to be checked. To begin the
- the initial pressure has droped by over 30%, callibration the tyres pressure monitoring press
meaning that one tyre is turning at a lower pressure button needs to be activated until the "gong"
than the rest, sound is heard from the instrument panel.
- and that the turning diameter of that tyre is Through the diagnosis tester and the read
different form the rest, measure values block, the state of the press button
If both conditions comply the ABS/ESP control can be known, the milaeage (km) from the last
unit will activate the K220 warning light and the callibration, and the miles/kilometres driven from

buzzer on the instrument panel by sending a the last pressure loss warning.
message via CAN-Bus.
To recognise a loss of pressure in one of the
tyres, the tyres pressure monitoring function might
have difficulties is the pressure loss is uniform to
all four wheels, or when driving with a trailer or
with the emergency wheel.

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permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.

ABS/ESP J104 control unit

Wheel revs sensors


On-board network
control unit J519

Tyres pressure warning

Tyres pressure light K220
control press-
button E226 Instrument panel J285


Front left indicator bulb

Front right indicator bulb

On-board network
control unit J519

Rear left indicator bulb M6

Rear right indicator bulb

Drive CAN-Bus

ABS control unit J104

Instrument panel J285

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permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
The ABS and ABS/ESP control unit has an on-board network J519 for activating the warning
emergency braking signalling function, meaning lights.
that when a sudden braking takes place a If the warning lights have been activated in a
message is sent via the CAN-Bus to the on-board braking situation they will automatically go off
network control unit so that it activates the when the vehicle comes to a complete stop or if
warning lights. the driver accelerates again.
In a sudden braking situation, the control unit This function can be checked at the Service by
J104 calculates from the deceleration and the time using the diagnosis tester VAS 5051B or VAS
the ABS function is active, whether it is necessary 5052, through the basic setting in the ABS and
to activate the function. Once the calculation has ABS/ESP control unit. When checking, the warning
been carried out, the control unit J104 confirms if lights will go on, and will go off when exiting the
the vehicle’s instant speed is higher than 40 km/ basic setting function.
h. If this precondition complies, the control unit
J104 sends out, via CAN-Bus, the message to the


To carry out the brakes management system diagnosis tasks, it is necessary to have the basic CD
V.14.00 for the VAS 5051B and VAS 5052 testers.

CODING Guided functions Seat V14.45.00 24/01/2008

Ibiza 2008>
The ABS and ABS/ESP unit coding will be Operation Test 2008 (8)
Saloon car
personalised for each vehicle. Coding control unit for brakes system
BXW 1.4l 63kW 80 pin
The necessary code is made up of 18 bytes
Coding method selection
containing information such as:
- Online -
- the vehicle’s “PR” codes, Which coding mehod are you going to use?
- Offline -
- the VIN, - Online Coding (Service42)
- Cancel -
- Offline Coding
- or the assumed functions.
To prevent errors, the code includes redundant - Cancel coding process

In order to be able to code the ABS or ABS/ESP
control unit, it is necessary to have a connection

just like the one for the FAZIT system, because the Operation
Go to Print Help
guided fault finding test connects to a server that
supplies the code for a specific vehicle. First of all, D119-38
the server consults the vehicle “PR” codes in a
database and then generates the code by means - the control unit to be connected to the
of an algorythm. In the event of three consecutive operation test of the guided fault finding until the
errors in the coding or connection to the sever, the blocking time is over.
control uit will block for 20 minutes. From this first When replacing the ABS or ABS/ESP control
blocking, everytime there is an error or fault in unit, it can be coded without having to connect to
connection, the unit will block for another 20 the server. In this case, the diagnosis tester will
minutes. first read the coding of the unit in the vehicle, and
To unlock the unit it is necessary for: will then code the new control unit with the same
- the ignition to be connected, code as the original unit.

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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
BASIC SETTING Guided functions Seat V14.45.00 24/01/2008
Ibiza 2008>
Through the basic setting, the following Operation Test 2008 (8)
Saloon car/notchback
functions can be done: Braking system basic setting BXW 1.4l 63kW 80 pin
- bleeding of the brakes hydraulic circuit,
- resetting the tyres pressure monitoring system
to factory setting, Choose basic setting to carry out: -1- Bleeding

-2- RKA
- confirming correct operation of the emergency -1- Bleeding of the circuit
-2- Reset RKA -3- Warning
braking signalling, -3- Switching on the hazard lights
-4- G85
- callibrating the steering wheel angle sensor -4- Calibrating the steering wheel angle sensor G85
-5- Calibrating the longitudinal and transversal -5- G200-G251

G85, acceleration sensor G200-G251

-6- G201
-6- Calibrating the braking pressure sensor G201
- callibrating the longitudinal and transversal -7- Exit the program -7- Exit

acceleration sensor G200-G251,

- callibrating the braking pressure sensor G201,
Operation Go to Print Help



Electro-hydraulic power
Power steering sensor steering control unit J500

Electrical motor V235

Oil temperature sensor

Hall sensor Protected by copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept Power
any steering
liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright bylight
On-board network control
unit J519

Instrument panel J285
Drive CAN Bus
Steering wheel angle
sensor G85

Airbag control Engine control

unit J234 unit J623

Only with ESP


The new Ibiza incorporates an electro-hydraulic The characteristic driving curves have varied
power steering, which works like and has a compared to the Ibiza 02, and the main criteria for
structure similar to the Ibiza 02. curve selection is the type of suspension. A sporty
The electrohydraulic pump assembly is placed in suspension means a steering with slightly less
the lower part of the front left member. assistance.
The control unit determines the necessary assist It must be highlighted that the length of the
from: steering bars is longer as the front track width has
- the steering wheel speed of rotation. This increased.
signal is obtained from the power steering sensor The steering ball-joints are marked with the letter
G250, placed on the steering box, if the car does “C“ for right side assembly, and “D“ for left side
not have ESP. Otherwise the signal arrives via assembly.
CAN-Bus from the steering angle sensor G85.
- the vehicle speed. This signal arrives via drive


The new Ibiza steering column is height and

depth adjustable and folds-in to protect the driver
in the event of an impact.
The steering column height and depth adjusting
system is made of:
- a lock/unlock lever,
- a metal clamp,
- two cam disks/plates (one fixed, and another
one that can rotate as a singkle assembly with the
- a toothed profile metal plate,
- and a metal piece that houses the positon slot
and a toothed area.
When locking the height adjusting the cam disks
push the metal plate, so that its teeth fit into the
teeth of the metal piece and therefore prevent any

vertical movement of the column.
Steering column depth locking is achieved by Restrictor lugs
the pressure from the metal clamp on the column
when it takes in the presure form the movement of
the cam disks. On the steering column there are
two plastic stops that determine the travel of the
depth adjusting of the column.
In the event of a front impact, if the force made
by the driver in the steering wheel overcomes the
friction force made by the depth adjustment
system when blocking, the steering column will
move towards the engine compartment and bring
the steering wheel away form the driver. This is the
reason for the adjusting lever and the metal clamp
nuts being sealed-off as if their tightening torque
is modified, the necessary force for folding-in the
steering column will also be modified.
On the sides of the fixed body of the steering
column there are two lug-type restrictors that limit
and stop the travel of the column toward the
engine compartment when the driver impacts on
the steering wheel.
To know whether the steering column has
overcome its folding-in limit after a collision, the
following hasProtected
to be by checked:
copyright. Copying for private or commercial purposes, in part or in whole, is not
- if the upper plastic
permitted unless stop, which
authorised by SEATlimits
S.A. SEATthe
S.A depth
does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.
travel of the steering column, is broken or has
overcome the screw that closes the clamp,
- or whether the restrictor lugs area has been
reached; if this is the case, it will be longitudinally In both cases, the steering column must be
blocked, replaced.

Upper stop

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Lower stop
permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.


Restrictor lugs

Cam disks

Plate with toothed



The steering column folds in at its lower end stering wheel and of the airbag module when
because of its telescopic design. unlocking the height adjusting.
The springs located at either sides of the
steering column counteract the weight of the


The Ibiza 2008 incorporates a collision tie rod It is a “T” shaped collision tie in order to include
that reduces intrussion of the brake and clutch both pedals and it is attached to the steering
pedals into the passenger compartment in the column support.
event of a front impact. This tie is made of high
resistance steel.

Collision tie
Steering column support

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permitted unless authorised by SEAT S.A. SEAT S.A does not guarantee or accept any liability with
respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.

Clutch pedal Brake pedal


The Ibiza 2008 incorporates a new design brake pedal module, although it can be replaced
pedal module by means of which the accelerator individually.
and brake pedals are attached to the body. This module is attached to the body by six nuts.
The accelerator pedal is screwed onto the brake

Brake pedal

Brake pedal

Accelerator pedal


switch F36
On the clutch pedal module there is only the F36
switch, which has changed its position compared
to where it was placed in the Ibiza 02, as now it is
placed at the rear of the module, next to the
bulkhead metal sheet separating the passenger
compartment from the engine compartmet.
To assemble and remove the clutch pedal switch
it needs to be turned 45 degrees.

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TITLE: Ibiza 2008 Drivetrain Drivetrain

AUTHOR: Service Institute
SEAT S.A. Sdad. Unipersonal. Zona Franca, Calle 2.
Reg. Mer. Barcelona. Book 23662, Folio 1, Page 56855l

1st. edition


LEGAL REGISTER: B-23.449 - 2008
Pre-printing and printing : GRAFICAS SYL - Silici, 9-11
Pol. Industrial Famadas - 08940 Cornellá - BARCELONA
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respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by SEAT S.A.


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