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T-Rex ST50-11&ST125-11

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1 Important Precautions 27 Pre-ride Inspection 38 MAINTENANCE 63 Front Suspension

2 Consumer Information 29 Starting the Engine 38 The Importance of maintenance 64 Rear Suspension
6 Parts Location 32 Running - in 39 Maintenance Safety 65 Side Stand
9 MAJOR COMPONENTS 33 Riding 40 Safety Precautions
(Information you need to operate this motorcycle) 35 High Altitude Riding 41 Maintenance Schedule 66 CLEANING
9 Brakes 36 Braking 44 Serial Number 69 STORAGE GUIDE
12 Clutch 37 Parking 45 Air Cleaner 69 Storage
14 Fuel 37 Anti-theft Tips 46 Engine Oil 70 Removal from Storage
17 Engine Oil 49 Spark Plug
18 Tires 51 Idle Speed 71 SPECIFICATIONS
23 Ignition Switch 54 Drive Chain
24 Instrument panel 59 Wheel Rims and Spokes
25 Left handlebar 60 WHEEL REMOVAL
26 Right handlebar 60 Front Wheel Removal
27 OPERATION 61 Rear Wheel Removal
BREAK-IN INFORMATION FOR YOUR WARNING: ACCESSORY INSTALLATION AND improper load will not hinder the idling,tunning
MOTORCYCLE The personal safety of the rider may be involved, SAFETY PRECAUTION TIPS and other control actions.
The first 1,600km is the most important in the disregarding this information could result in There are great varieties of accessories available (3)Fixing the accessories on handlebars or front
life of your motorcycle. Proper running-in injury to the rider. to SKYTEAM owners. The addition of fork will result in unstable operation.This extra
operation during this time will help ensure unsuitable accessories can lead to unsafe weight will reduce the maneuverability of your
maximum life and performance of your new NOTICE: operating conditions. For proper installation of motorcycle during turning operations, meanw-
motorcycle These instructions point out special service accessories, we have laid down some principles hile,this extra weight will also cause unstable
Motorcycle reliability and performance depend procedures or precautions that must be followed which will help you for the correct choice and condition due to vibration at the front
on special care and restraint exercised during to avoid damaging the machine and make installation of accessories. end.Therefore,fixing accessories on handlebars
running-in period. It is important that you avoid maintenance easier or important instructions (1) If you want to install an accessory which will or front fork should be minimized.
operating the engine in the manner which could clearer. result in an extra weight or an aerodynamic effect (4) Things like windglass,windshield, waist
expose the engine parts to excessive heat. to your motorcycle, try to install it as low as support, bags across seat and suitcases all have
Please refer to the “running-in”section for possible and as close as possible to the center of an aerodynamic effect on the stability of your
specific running-in recommendation. gravity of your motorcycle. Check carefully the motorcycle, when there is a side wind or large
Please read this manual and following its holder for installing accessories to make sure for vehicles passing by. The improper installation
instructions carefully. its firmness. The infirm installation will lead to or bad design of accessories will affect your
To emphasize special information, the words unstable and dangerous conditions due to weight driving safety.Therefore,you should be careful
WARNING and NOTICE carry special meaning deviation. for the choice and installation of accessories.
and should be carefully reviewed. (2) Check the net clearance and turning angle to (5)Certain accessories displace the rider from his
make sure that they are adequate. The improper normal riding position.This will not only limits
load, which may occur after installing the freedom of movement of the rider,but also
accessories,will very likely lower their safety his control ability.
factors.Checks should also be made that this (6) Extra electrical accessories may overload the
1 2
existing electrical system.Severe overloads may WEAR A HELMET CHECKS BEFORE RIDING BE EXTRA SAFETY CONSCIOUS ON
damage the wiring harness or create a dangerous Motorcycle safety equipment starts with a Review thoroughly the instructions in the "PRE- BAD WEATHER DAYS
situation due to the loss of electrical power during quality safety helmet.One of the most serious RIDE INSPECTION" section of this manual.Do Riding on bad weather days, especially wet ones,
the operation of the motorcycle. injuries that can happen is ahead injury.Always not forget to perform all the safety checks to requires extra caution.Braking distance doubles
on a rainy day.Stay off the painted surface
When carrying a load on the motorcycle, wear a properly approved helmet.You should ensure the safety of the rider
marks,manhole covers and greasy appearing
mount it as low as possible to the motorcycle.An also wear suitable eye protection.
areas as they can be especially slippery.Use
improperly mounted load can create a high center FAMILIARIZE YOURSELF WITH extreme caution at railway crossings and on
of gravity which is very dangerous and make RIDING APPAREL THE MOTORCYCLE metal grating and bridges. Whenever in doubt
the motorcycle difficult to handle.The size of a Tight,fancy clothing can be uncomfortable and Your riding skill and your mechanical about road condition.SLOW DOWN!
load can affect the aero-dynamics and the unsafe when riding your motorcycle.Choose knowledge form the safe riding practices.We
handling of the motorcycle.Balance the load good quality motorcycle riding apparel when suggest that you practice riding your motorcycle AUTOMOBILE/MOTORCYCLE
between the left and right side of the motorcycle riding your motorcycle. in an non-traffic situation without obstacles until ACCIDENTS PREVENTION
and fasten it firmly. you are thoroughly familiar with your machine Many automobile/motorcycle accidents
and its controls.Remember that practice makes happen because the automobile driver does not
SAFE RIDING RECOMMENDATONS perfect. "SEE" the motorcyclist
Make yourself conspicuous to help avoid the
accident that wasn't your fault:
Motorcycle riding is a great joy and an KNOW YOUR SAFETY SPEED .Wear bright or reflective clothing
exciting sport.Motorcycle riding is also requires LIMITS .Don't ride in another motorist's "blind spot".
that some extra precautions be taken to ensure Ride within the boundaries of your own skill .Signal before you make a turn or lane change.
the safety of the rider.These precautions are: at all times.Knowing these limits and staying Your size and maneuverability can surprise other
within them will help you to avoid accidents. motorists.

3 4
Modification of the motorcycle, or removal
of original equipment may render the vehicle
unsafe or illegal .Obey the local regulations for
available equipment.

Ignition switch

Clutch lever Front brake lever

Throttle grip

Engine stop button

5 6
Choke lever (ST50-11)

Kick starter
Choke lever (ST125-11)
Full fill cap

Rear brake pedal Gearshift pedal

Fuel cock Footpad Side stand

7 8
(Information you need to operate this Brake fluid may cause irritation. Avoid contact Check that the fluid level is above the lower limit mark
motorcycle) with skin or eyes. In case of contact, flush level mark(1) with the motorcycle in an upright
BRAKES thoroughly with water and call a doctor if your position.
This motorcycle has a hydraulic brake system eyes were exposed
of front and a drum brake system of rear . Brakes Brake fluid must be added to the reservoir
are items of personal safety and should be NOTICE whenever the fluid level begins to reach the lower
properly adjusted. Remember to check Do not use the remained brake fluid from an level mark(1). Fill the reservoir up to upper level
periodically the brake system and these checks unsealed container, never reuse the brake fluid mark.
should be conducted by qualified SKYTEAM Front brake Brake Pad
remained in the last repairing, because the used NOTICE
dealer. brake fluid may absorb the water from the air. Check if it is short of brake fluid, check the The main points for checking the front brake
Use DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed container. hose and other components for corrosion or
Do not spill out the brake fluid, when the brake lining are to see whether the lining wear is out
cracks. of the range. Replace the brake lining if the lining
fluid is glued to the paint, plastic and rubber
material, a chemical reaction shall take place, wear is beyond the brake wear limit mark.
causing the damage. >WARINING
If the brake system or brake linings have to
Front brake Rear brake (1) be repaired, we suggest that these repair should
BRAKE FLUID be performed by your authorized SKYTEAM
dealer. SKYTEAM dealer knows your
motorcycle best and is dedicated to your
complete satisfaction.

(1)lower level mark

9 10
NOTICE The rear brake light switch CLUTCH 1.Pull back the rubber dust cover (2).
(1) is located at the lower part (1) Clutch adjustment may be required if the 2.Loosen the lock nut (3) and turn the adjuster
The high pressure brake is used by disc brake
system. To ensure the safety, the replacement of right frame. Adjust the brake (2) motorcycle stalls when shifting into gear or tends (4). Tighten the lock nut (3) and check the
interval of oil pressure line and brake fluid should light Switch as the following: to creep;or if the clutch slips,causing acceleration adjustment.
turning toward “A” can rise the A B to lag behind engine speed.Minor adjustments 3.If the adjuster is threaded out near its limit or
not be more than that st ipulated in
"MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE" of this switch, toward “B” can drop can be made with the clutch cable adjuster (4) at if the correct free play cannot be obtained,loosen
manual. the switch (adjusting nut(2)), the lever (1). the lock nut (3) and turn in the cable adjuster (4)
REAR BRAKE thus when the brake pedal is Normal clutch lever free play is: completely.Tighten the lock nut (3) and install
When adjusting the rear brake, locate the pedal pressed touching the brake, the 10-20mm (0.4-0.8in) the dust cover.
at the most comfort riding position. brake light should be on.
When adjusting the travel of brake pedal(1), Before riding the motorcycle, be sure to check daily the
adjust the free travel to 20-30mm by screwing following items:
in or out the rear brake adjusting nut(2). (1) Check the front and rear brakes system for leakage of
brake fluid.
(2) Check the oil pressure line for leakage of fluid or tears.
(3) Check the brake lever and brake pedal for free play.
(4) Check the front and rear brakes lining for wear.
When the new brake lining begins to be used,
don't ride your motorcycle immediately after
REAR BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH the replacement. Apply the brake, release it,
then spin the wheel and check that it rotates (2) Dust cover (A)Decrease free play
freely. Repeat this procedures several times and (1) Clutch lever (3) Lock nut (B)Increase free play
allow the brake fluid to circulate normally. (4) Clutch cable adjuster
11 12
4. Loosen the lock nut (6) at the lower end of the 5. Start the engine, pull in the clutch lever and FUEL Remember to check that the fuel valve is in the
cable.Turn the adjusting nut (5) to obtain the shift into gear. Make sure the engine does not Fuel Valve ON position each time you refuel. IF the valve
specified free play.Tighten the lock nut (6) and stall and the motorcycle does not creep. The three way fuel valve (1)is located on the right is left in the RES position, you may run out of
check the adjustment. Gradually release the clutch lever and open the and down of the fuel tank. fuel with no reserve.
throttle. The motorcycle should begin to move
smoothly and accelerate gradually. OFF
With the fuel valve in the OFF position, fuel
(6) If proper adjustment cannot be obtained or the cannot flow from the tank to the carburetor. Turn
clutch does not work correctly, see your the valve OFF whenever the motorcycle is not ON OFF RES
SKYTEAM dealer. in use. (1)
(1) Fuel valve
With the fuel valve in the ON position, fuel will
flow from the main fuel supply to the carburetor.

With the fuel valve in the RES position, fuel will
flow from the reserve fuel supply to the
carburetor. Use the reserve fuel only when the
(5) Adjusting nut (A) Decrease free play Other Checks: main supply is gone. Refill the tank as soon as
(6) Lock nut (B)Increase free play Check the clutch cable for kinks or signs of wear possible after switching to RES.
that could cause sticking or failure. Lubricate the
clutch cable with a commercially available cable
lubricant to prevent premature wear and
13 14
Fuel Tank Use unleaded or low-lead petrol with a research NOTICE
The fuel tank capacity including the reserve octane number of 90 or higher. We recommend If "spark knock" or "pinking" occurs at a steady
supply is: that you use unleaded petrol because it produces engine speed under normal load, change brands
3.8L fewer engine and spark plug deposits and extends of petrol. If spark knock or pinking persists,
To open the fuel fill cap(1), open the seat first, the life of exhaust system components. consult your SKYTEAM dealer. Failure to do
and then turn the fuel fill cap counterclockwise. so is considered misuse, and damage caused by
After refueling, be sure to tighten the fuel fill misuse is not covered by SKYTEAM Limited
cap firmly by turning it clockwise. Warranty.
> WARINING Occasionally you may experience light spark
Petrol is highly flammable and explosive. knock while operating under heavy loads. This
You can be burned or seriously injured when is no cause for concern, it simply means your
(1) engine is operating efficiently.
handling fuel.
(1)Fuel fill cap
Stop the engine and keep heat,
sparks, and flame away.
Refuel only outdoors.
Wipe up spills immediately.

15 16
ENGINE OIL 5. Reinstall the oil filler cap/dipstick. Check for TIRES Air Pressure
Engine Oil Level Check oil leaks. To safely operate your motorcycle, the tires must Properly inflated tires provide the best
Check the engine oil level each day before NOTICE be the proper type and size, in good condition combination of handling, tread life, and riding
operating the motorcycle. Running the engine with insufficient oil can with adequate tread, and correctly inflated. comfort. Generally, underinflated tires wear
The oil filler cap/dipstick (1) is at the rear of the cause serious engine damage. unevenly, adversely affect handling, and are
right crankcase cover and contains a dipstick for more likely to fail from being overheated/
measuring the oil level.Oil level must be Underinflated tires can also cause wheel damage
maintained between the upper(2)and lower Using tires that are excessively worn or in rocky terrain. 0verinflated tires make your
(3)level marks on the filler cap/dipstick(1). improperly inflated can cause a crash in motorcycle ride more harshly, are more prone to
1. Hold the motorcycle on upright firm level which you can be seriously hurt or killed. damage from surface hazards, and wear
ground. Follow all instructions in this owner's manual unevenly.
2. Start the engine and let it idle for a few regarding tire inflation and maintenance. Make sure the valve stem caps are secure. If
minutes. necessary, install a new cap.
3. Stop the engine. After a few minutes, remove
the oil filler cap/dipstick (1) and wipe it clean,
then reinsert the dipstick without screwing it in.
Remove the dipstick. The oil level should be
between the upper (2) and lower (3) level marks
on the dipstick.
4. If required, add the specified oil up to the upper
(1) Filler cap/dipstick (2) Upper level mark
level mark. Do not overfill.
(3) Lower level mark

17 18
Always check air pressure when your tires are Inspection Tread Wear
"cold." If you check air pressure when your tires Whenever you check the tire pressures, you Replace tires before tread depth at the center of
are "warm"-even if your motorcycle has only should also examine the tire treads and sidewalls the tire reaches the following limit:
been ridden for a few miles-the readings will be for wear, damage, and foreign objects:
higher. If you let air out of warm tires to match Look for: Minimum tread depth
the recommended cold pressures, the tires will Bumps or bulges in the side of the tire or the Front: 1.0mm(0.04in)
be underinflated. tread. Replace the tire if you find any bumps or rear: 1.0mm(0.04in)
The recommended "cold" tire pressures are:
Cuts, splits or cracks in the tire. Replace the
front 48kpa(0.48kgf/cm2) tire if you can see fabric or cord.
rear 48kpa(0.48kgf/cm2) Excessive tread wear
Also if you hit a pothole or hard object, pull to
the side of the road as soon as you safely can
and carefully inspect the tires for damage.

(1) Tire tread depth

19 20
Tube Repair and Replacement Tire Replacement The recommended tires for your motorcycle are:
If a tube is punctured or damaged,you should The tires that came on your motorcycle were
replace it as soon as possible. A tube that is designed to match the performance capabilities Front: 21 X 7.00-10
repaired may not have the same reliability as a of your motorcycle and provide the best Rear: 21 X 7.00-10
new one, and it may fail while you are riding. combination of handling,braking,durability and
If you need to make a temporary repair by comfort. Whenever you replace a tire, use one that is
patching a tube or using an aerosol sealant, ride > WARINING equivalent to the original and be sure the wheel
cautiously at reduced speed and have the tube Installing improper tires on your motorcycle is balanced after the new tire is installed.
replaced before you ride again. Any time a tube can affect handling and stability.This can Also remember to replace the inner tube
is replaced, the tire should be carefully inspected. cause a crash in which you can be seriously whenever you replace a tire. The old tube will
hurt or killed. probably be stretched, and if installed in a new
Always use the size and type of tires tire, it could fail.
recommended in this owner's manual.

21 22
The ignition switch (1) is used to prevent (1) The speedometer indicates the driving speed in (3)
unauthorized use of the motorcycle. kilometers per hour.
Before riding,insert the key and turn it to the ON ODOMETER(2)
position. (4) (2)
The odometer keep the record of the total
After parking the motorcycle, remove the key. distance that the motorcycle has run since it was
When operating the turn signal switch, this light (5)
comes on.
When the transmission is in neutral position, the
(1)Ignition switch green neutral indicator light comes on. When the
Key Position Function Key Removal transmission is not in neutral, the indicator won't
The engine cannot be operated. flash.
Key can be removed
With the transmission in neutral, Key cannot be removed When operating the dimmer switch to
the engine can be started. “ ”position or operating the pass switch, the
The night lamp can be used. light comes on.
P Key can be removed
The engine cannot be operated.
Push the key and retate counter
PUSH clock wise. Key cannot be removed
The steering can be locked.
23 24
(4) Front Brake Lever(1) (2) (1)
(3) Grip the front break lever to break the front
Press the button and the horn will sounds. wheel.
In case of emergency, move this switch to front
When the switch in " position, the left turn to disconnect the ignition line, letting the engine
signal light starts flashing, When the switch is go out, when you start the engine move this
in " position, the right turn signal light starts switch to back position.
flashing. When the switch is in middle position, (5)
the turn signal lights do not work. (2) “ ”: When the engine is running, the head light, (3)
DIMMER SWITCH(3) (1) instrument light and tail light come on
Move the switch to " position, the head light simultaneously. (4)
high beam comes on. On the contrary, move the “ ”: No matter the engine runs or not, the head
switch to " position, the low beam is on. light, instrument light and tail light come on
PASSING SWITCH (4) simultaneously.
Pressing this switch to apply passing operation. “ ”: The head light, instrument light and tail
light come off simultaneously.
Electrical Start Button(4)
Push down the electrical start button to start the
Throttle Grip(5)
The throttle grip is used to control the engine
speed. Twist it toward yourself to accelerate and
turn it away from yourself to decelerate.
25 26
OPERATION 1. Engine oil level-add engine oil if required. 9. Clutch-check operation, and adjust if
PRE-RIDE INSPECTION Check for leaks. necessary.
For your safety, it is very important to take a 2. Fuel level-fill fuel tank when necessary. Check 10. Spark plug and high tension terminal-check
few moments before each ride to walk around for leaks. for looseness.
your motorcycle and check its condition. If you 3. Front and rear brakes-check operation and if 11. Engine stop button-check for proper function.
detect any problem, be sure you take care of it, necessary, adjust free play. 12. Nuts, bolts, fasteners-check the front wheel
or have it corrected by your SKY TEAM dealer. 4. Tires-check condition and pressure. to see that the axle nut and axle holder nuts are
5. Spokes and rim locks-check and tighten if tightened securely. Check security of all other
necessary. nuts, bolts, and fasteners.
Improperly maintaining this motorcycle or 6. Drive chain-check condition and slack. Adjust
failing to correct a problem before riding can and lubricate if necessary.
cause a crash in which you can be seriously 7. Chain slider-check slider wear.
hurt or killed. 8. Throttle-check for smooth opening and full
Always perform a pre-ride inspection before closing in all steering positions. Adjust free play
every ride and correct any problems. if necessary .

27 28
STARTING THE ENGINE Preparation Starting Procedure 2. Keep the throttle fully closed.
Always follow the proper starting procedure Before starting, insert the key and turn the To restart a warm engine, follow the procedure 3. Push the electric starter button or operate the
described below. ignition switch ON. for "High Air Temperature". kick starter to start the engine. Starting from the
Your motorcycle's exhaust contains poisonous Make sure that the transmission is in neutral. Normal Air Temperature top of the stroke, kick through to the bottom with
carbon monoxide gas. High levels of carbon Turn the fuel valve ON. 10çJ35ç (50çJ95çF) a rapid, continuous motion. Do not operate the
monoxide can collect rapidly in enclosed areas 1. Pull the choke level (1) up all the way to Fully throttle.
such as a garage. Do not run the engine with the OFF (A).
garage door closed. Even with the door open, NOTICE
run the engine only long enough to move your Allowing the kick starter to snap back freely
motorcycle out of the garage. against the pedal stop can damage the engine
B A case.
4. Warm up the engine by opening and closing
the throttle slightly.
B About a quarter minute after the engine starts,
A push the choke level to Fully ON(B).
5. If idling is unstable, open the throttle slightly.

(B) Detent position (A) Fully OFF

(1) Choke level

29 30
35ç(95çF) or above If the engine fails to start after repeated attempts, Help assure your motorcycle's future reliability
Extended use of the choke may impair piston
1. Do not use the choke. it may be flooded with excess fuel. To clear a and performance by paying extra attention to
and cylinder wall lubrication and damage the
2. Keep the throttle fully closed. flooded engine, push the choke lever down to how you ride during the first operating day or
3. Start the engine following step 3 under Fully OFF (A). Open the throttle fully and crank 25km (15miles).
"Normal Air Temperature". the engine several times with the kick starter During this period, avoid full-throttle starts and
Low Air Temperature while press the emergency engine stop switch to rapid acceleration.
10ç(50çF) or below position “ ”. Pressing this switch to position
1. Follow steps 1-2 under "Normal Air “ ” and follow the "High Air Temperature"
Temperature". Starting Procedure.
2. Warm up the engine by opening and closing
the throttle slightly.
3. Continue warming up the engine until it runs
smoothly and responds to the throttle when the
choke lever(1) is at Fully ON(B).

31 32
RIDING 3. Slowly release the clutch lever and at the same 5. Raise the pedal to shift to a higher gear and Do not downshift when traveling at a speed
Review Motorcycle Safety before you ride. time gradually increase engine speed by opening depress the pedal to shift to a lower gear. Each that would force the engine to over rev in the
the throttle. Coordination of the throttle and stroke of the pedal engages the next gear in next lower gear; the rear wheel may lose traction,
Make sure the side stand is fully retracted before clutch lever will assure a smooth positive start. sequence. The pedal automatically returns to the resulting in a possible loss of vehicle control.
riding the motorcycle. If the stand is extended, 4. When the motorcycle attains a moderate speed, horizontal position when released. Do not shift gears without disengaging the
it may interfere with control during a left turn. close the throttle, pull in the clutch lever and shift clutch and closing the throttle. The engine and
to 2nd gear by raising the gearshift pedal. drive train could be damaged by over speed and
Make sure you understand the function of the This sequence is repeated to progressively shift shock.
side stand mechanism. to 3rd, 4th (top) gears. Do not tow the motorcycle or coast for long
distances while the engine is off. The
1. After the engine has been warmed up, the transmission will not be properly lubricated and
motorcycle is ready for riding. damage may result.
2. While the engine is idling, pull in the clutch Do not run the engine at high rpm with the
lever and depress the gearshift pedal to shift into transmission in neutral or the clutch lever pulled
lst (low) gear. in. Serious engine damage may result.

33 34
HIGH ALTITUDE RIDING BRAKING When possible,reduce speed or brake before
When operating this motorcycle at high altitude For normal braking,gradually apply both the entering a turn. Closing the throttle or braking
the air-fuel mixture becomes overly rich. front and rear brakes while downshifting to suit in mid-turn may cause wheel slip.Wheel slip will
Driveability and performance may be reduced your road speed. reduce control of the motorcycle.
and fuel consumption increased. The carburetor For maximum deceleration,close the throttle and When riding in wet or rainy conditions,or on
can be modified to compensate for this high apply the front and rear brakes firmly.Pull in the loose surfaces,the ability to maneuver and stop
altitude richness, however it must be returned to clutch lever before coming to a compete stop to will be reduced .All of your actions should be
standard specifications before extended prevent stalling the engine. smooth under these conditions.Rapid
operation at low altitudes (below 1,200m, acceleration,braking or turning may cause loss
4,000feet). See your SKYTEAM dealer for this Important Safery Reminders: of control. For your safety,exercise extreme
high altitude modification Independent operation of only the brake lever caution when braking,accelerating or turning.
or brake pedal reduces stopping performance. When descending along, steep grade, use
Extreme application of the brake controls may engine compression braking by down-shifting,
NOTICE cause wheel lock, reducing control of the with intermittent use of both brakes.
Sustained operation at lower altitudes with high motorcycle. Continuous brake application can overheat the
altitude carburetor modifications may cause brakes and reduce their effectiveness.
engine overheating and damage.

35 36
PARKING ANTI-THEFT TIPS MAINTENANCE Frequent servicing of the air cleaner is especially
1.After stopping the motorcycle,shift the 1.Be sure the registration information for your THE IMPORTANCE OF MAINTENANCE important to help you avoid a possible costly
transmission into neutral and turn the fuel valve motorcycle is accurate and current . A well-maintained motorcycle is essential for engine repair.
OFF .Push the engine stop button in and hold it 2. Park your motorcycle in a locked garage safe,economical,and trouble-free riding. It will If your motorcycle overturns or becomes
in until the engine stops completely. whenever possible. also help reduce air pollution. Careful pre ride involved in a crash, be sure your SKYTEAM
2 Use the side stand to support the motorcycle 3. Use an additional anti-theft device of good inspections and good maintenance are especially dealer inspects all major parts,even if you are
while parked. quality. important . able to make some repairs.
Park the motorcycle on firm, level ground to 4.Put your name,address and phone number in To help you properly care for your
prevent it from falling over. this Owner's Manual and keep it on your motorcycle,this section of the manual provides
Improperly maintaining this motorcycle or
If you must park on a slight incline ,aim the front motorcycle at all times.Many times stolen a Maintenance Schedule.
of the motorcycle uphill to reduce the possibility motorcycle are identified by information in the failing to correct a problem before you ride can
The service intervals in this schedule are based
cause a crash in which you can be seriously
of rolling off the side stand or over turning. Owner's Manuals which are still with them. on average riding conditions.
3.Turn the ignition switch OFF and remove the hurt or killed.
More frequent service is needed if you subject
Always follow the inspection and maintenance
key. NAME: your motorcycle to severe use(such as
competition)or ride in unusually wet or dusty recommendations and schedules in this owner's


37 38
MAINTENANCE SAFETY > WARINING SAFETY PRECAUTIONS To reduce the possibility of a fire or
This section includes instructions on some Failure to properly follow maintenance Make sure the engine is off before you begin explosion, be careful when working around
important maintenance tasks. You can perform instructions and precautions can cause you to any maintenance or repairs.This will help petrol.Use only nonflammable solvent, not
some of these tasks with the tools provided-if be seriously hurt or killed. eliminate several potential hazards: petrol, to clean parts.Keep cigarettes,sparks and
you have basic mechanical skills. Always follow the procedures and precautions * Carbon monoxide poisoning from engine flames away from all fuel-related parts.
Other tasks that are more difficult and require exhaust.
in this owner's manual.
special tools are best performed by professionals. Be sure there is adequate ventilation whenever Remember that your SKYTEAM dealer knows
Wheel removal should normally be handled only you operate the engine. your motorcycle best and is fully equipped to
by a SKYTEAM technician or other qualified * Burns from hot parts. maintain and repair it.
mechanic; instuctiongs are included in this Let the engine and exhaust system cool before
manual only to assist in emergency service. touching. To ensure the best quality and reliability use only
However, we cannot warn you of every * Injury from moving parts. new genuine SKYTEAM parts or their
conceivable hazard that can arise in performing Do not run the engine unless instructed to do so. equivalents for repair and replacement.
maintenance. Only you can decide whether or Read the instructions before you begin, and
not you should perform a given task. make sure you have the tools and skills required.
To help prevent the motorcycle from falling
over,park it on a firm,level surface, using the side
stand or a maintenance stand to provide

39 40
Perform the Pre-ride Inspection at each scheduled maintenance period.
C: CLEAN R: REPLACE A: ADJUST L: LUBRECATE FIRST km 150 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000
The following Maintenance Schedule specifies all maintenance required to keep your motorcycle in ITEMS l mi 100 600 1,200 1,800 2,400
peak operating condition. Maintenance work should be performed in accordance with standards and NOTE MONTH 1 6 12 18 24
specifications of SKYTEAM by properly trained and equipped technicians. Your SKYTEAM dealer
meets all of these requirements. * FUEL LINE I I
* Should be serviced by your SKYTEAM dealer, unless the owner has the proper tools and service * THROTTLE OPERATION I I
data and is mechanically qualified. AIR CLEANER NOTE(1) C C C C
** In the interest of safety, we recommend these items be serviced only by your SKYTEAM dealer SPARK PLUG I I I I
SKYTEAM recommends that your SKYTEAM dealer should road test your motorcycle after each ENGINE OIL R R R R R
periodic maintenance is carried out.
NOTE:(1)service more frequently when ridden in wet or dusty conditions. * CAM CHAIN TENSION A A A A A

41 42
WHICHEVER INITIAL REGULAR SERIAL NUMBERS The frame number(1) is stamped on the left side
The frame and engine serial numbers are required of the steering head.
when registering your motorcycle.They may also The engine number(2) is stamped on the left side
FIRST km 150 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 be required by your dealer when ordering of the engine.
ITEMS l mi 100 600 1,200 1,800 2,400 replacement parts.
NOTE MONTH 1 6 12 18 24 Record the numbers here for your reference
DRIVE CHAIN NOTE(1) I,L Every 1,600km(1,000mi)or
every 100 operating hours:C FRAME NO. ENGINE NO.

(1) frame number (2)engine number

43 44
AIR CLEANER 1.Wash the air cleaner in clean nonflammable ENGINGE OIL
The air cleaner should be serviced at regular or high flash point solvent and let dry thoroughly. Refer to the Safety Precautions.
intervals. Service more frequently when riding
in unusually wet or dusty areas. Never use petrol or low flash point solvents for Engine Oil
cleaning the air cleaner.A fire or explosion could Good engine oil has many desirable qualities.Use
(1) result. only high detergent,quality motor oil certified
on the container to meet or exceed requirements
2. Soak the air cleaner in gear oil until for API Service Classification SE,SF or SG.
saturated,then squeeze out the excess oil.
3.Reinstall the air cleaner. Viscosity:
Viscosity grade of engine oil should be based on
average atmospheric temperature in your riding
area.The following provides a guide to the
selection of the proper grade or viscosity of oil
to be used at various atmospheric temperatures.

(1)Air cleaner

(1)Single grade (2)Multi grade

45 46
Engine oil If a torque wrench is not used for this installation, TRANSMISSION OIL (SHIFTING GEAR Remove the engine oil filler cap/dipstick
Engine oil quality is the chief factor affecting see your SKYTEAM dealer as soon as possible OIL) then the drain cock to drain the oil fully. The
engine service life. Change the engine oil as to verify proper assembly. After a long time driving, the shifting gear used oil drainage should be carried out. Then
specified in the maintenance schedule. oil in the transmission may degrade, which could refit the drain cock, pour the new luboil by the
When running in very dusty conditions oil Change the engine oil with the engine at normal reduce the lubricating performance of the oil. oil filler hole. Check the luboil level with a
changes should be performed more frequently operating temperature and the motorcycle on its Therefore, after first1000km driving and after- dipstick: insert a dipstick into the gear box, the
than specified in the maintenance schedule. side stand to assure complete and rapid draining. wards every 6000km, change the oil according oil level should be between the marks and ( Do
to the following instructions. not screw the dipstick into the hole).
Please dispose of used engine oil in a manner Changing the luboil in the engine should be
that is compatible with the environment.We carried out when the engine is warm.
suggest you take it in a sealed container to your
local recycling center or service station for
reclamation. Do not throw it in the trash or pour
it on the ground or down a drain.

Used engine oil may cause skin cancer if

repeatedly left in contact with the skin for
prolonged periods.Although this is unlikely
unless you handle used oil on a daily basis, it is
still advisable to thoroughly wash your hands
with soap and water as soon as possible after (2)Oil drain plug
handing used oil.

47 48
SPARK PLUG NOTICE 6. Check the spark plug gap(1)using a wire-type 7. Make sure the plug washer is in good condition.
Recommended plugs: Never use a spark plug with an improper heat feeler gauge. if adjustment is necessary,bend the 8.With the plug washer attached, thread the spark
Standard:A7RTC(ST50-11) range.Severe engine damage could result. side electrode(2)carefully. plug in by hand to prevent cross-threading.
CR6HSA(ST125-11) The gap should be: 9.Tighten a new spark plug1/2turn with a spark
1.Disconnect the spark plug cap. 0.6-0.7mm(0.02-0.03in) plug wrench to compress the washer.If you are
For most riding conditions this spark plug heat 2.Clean any dirt from around the spark plug base. reusing a plug, it should only take 1/8-1/4 turn
range number is satisfactory. However, if the 3.Remove the spark plug. after the plug seats.
motorcycle is going to be operated for extended 4. Usually inspect the spark plug electrodes for
periods at high speeds or near maximum power wear, The center electrode should have square NOTIC
in hot climates, the spark plug should be changed E spark plug must be securely tightened.An
edges and the side electrode should not be
to a colder heat range(a higher number). eroded. improperly tightened plug can become very hot
5. Discard the spark plug if there in apparent wear and possibly damage the engine.
or if the insulator is cracked or chipped.
10.Reinstall the spark plug cap.

(1)Spark plug gap

(2)Side electrode

49 50
IDLE SPEED 1.Warm up the engine and hold the motorcycle THROTTLE OPERATION
Idle speed: upright. Cable Inspection:
The engine must be at normal operating 2.Connect a tachometer to the engine. 1,Check for smooth rotation of the throttle grip
te mperature for accurate idle speed 3. Adjust idle speed with the throttle stop from the fully open to the fully closed position
adjustment.Ten minutes of stop-and-go riding is screw(1). at both full steering positions.
sufficient. Idle speed(In neutral): 2. Inspect the condition of the throttle cable from
1,350 ± 100min-1(rpm) the throttle grip down to the carburetor. If the
Do not attempt to compensate for faults in other cable is kinked,chafed or improperly routed,it
systems by adjusting idle speed.See your should be replaced and/or rerouted.
SKYTEAM dealer for regularly scheduled 3. Lubricate the cable with a commercially
carburetor adjustments. available cable lubricant to prevent premature
wear and corrosion.
(1) (1)Throttle cable

(1)Throttle stop screw (A)Increase

51 52
4. Adjust free play with the throttle cable adjuster DRIVE CHAIN 3. Roll the motorcycle forward, stop, and then
(2).Measured in grip rotation,the standard The service life of the drive chain is dependent check the drive chain slack. Repeat this
throttle grip free play is: upon proper lubrication and adjustment.Poor procedure several times.Drive chain slack should
2-6mm(0.1-0.2in) maintenance can cause premature wear or remain constant.If the chain is slack only in
5. To adjust the free play, loosen the lock damage to the drive chain and sprockets. certain sections, some links are kinkied and
nut(3)and turn the adjuster(2). The drive chain should be checked and lubricated binding.Binding and kinking can frequently be
6. After adjustment,check again for smooth as part of the Pre-ride Inspection. Under severe eliminated by lubrication.
rotation of the throttle grip from the fully closed usage, or when the motorcycle is ridden in NOTIC
to the fully open position with the steering to unusually dusty or muddy areas,more frequent E
the full right and left as well as straight ahead. maintenance will be necessary. Excessive chain slack may allow the drive chain
to damage the engine cases
If proper throttle free play cannot be achieved, Inspection:
(2)Adjuster (A)Decrease free play
contact your SKYTEAM dealer. 1.Turn the engine off,place the motorcycle on
(3)Lock nut (B)Increase free play
its side stand and shift the transmission into
2. Check slack in the lower drive chain run
midway between the sprockets.
Drive chain slack should be adjusted to allow
the following vertical movement by hand:

(1)Drive chain

53 54
4. Measure a section of the drive chain to 6.Inspect the sprocket teeth for possible wear or Adjustment:
determine whether the chain is worn beyond its damage. If the drive chain requires adjustment, the
service limit.Remove the drive chain and procedure is as follows;
measure the distance between a span of pins from Damaged sprocket Worn sprocket 1. Place a support block under the engine to raise
pin center to pin center. If the distance exceeds Teeth Teeth the rear wheel off the ground.
the service limit, the chain is worn out and should Replace Replace 2. Loosen the rear axle nut(1). (3)
be replaced.

Normal sprocket Teeth
(4) (1)
If the drive chain or sprockets are excessively (1)Rear axle nut (3)Indicator
worn or damaged,they should be replaced.Never (2)Adjuster (4)Scale
use a new chain with worn sprockets;rapid chain
wear will result.

55 56
3. Turn the both the right and left chain adjuster If a torque wrench is not used for this installation, Removal and Cleaning: 5. Pass the chain over the sprockets and
nuts(2) to keep the left and right indicator (3) at see your SKYTEAM dealer as soon as possible When the drive chain becomes dirty, it should join the ends of the chain with the master link.
same line to increase or decrease chain slack. to verify proper assembly. be removed and cleaned prior to lubrication. For ease of assembly, hold the chain ends
4.Tighten the axle nut 1. With the engine off, carefully remove the against adjacent rear sprocket teeth while
5.Recheck drive chain slack. Lubrication: master link retaining clip with a pair of pliers. inserting the master link.
Use SAE 80 or 90 gear oil or a commercially Do not bend or twist the clip. Remove the master The master link is the most critical part affecting
prepared drive chain lubricants in preference to link. Remove the drive chain from the the security of the drive chain. Master links are
motor oil or other lubricants. Saturate each chain motorcycle. reusable, if they remain in excellent condition,
link joint so that the lubricant penetrates between 2. Clean the drive chain in high flash-point but it is recommended that a new master link
the link plates, pins, bushings, and rollers. solvent and allow it to dry.Inspect the drive chain retaining clip be installed whenever the drive
for possible wear or damage. Replace any chain chain is reassembled.
that has damaged rollers. loose fitting links, or Install the master link retaining clip so that the
otherwise appears unserviceable. closed end of the clip will face the direction of
Never use petrol or low flash point solvents for forward wheel rotation.
cleaning the drive chain. Afire or explosion could
3. Inspect the sprocket teeth for possible
wear or damage.
4. Lubricate the drive chain.

(1)Retaining clip

57 58
1. Inspect the wheel rims(1)and spokes (2)for To install the front wheel assembly reverse
damage. Front Wheel Removal the removal procedure.
2.Tighten any loose spokes and rim locks(3) 1. Raise the front wheel off the ground by placing Be sure to tighten the axle nut to:
3. Check wheel rim runout. If runout is a support block under the engine. 62 n.m(6.3kgf.m, 46ibf.ft)
noticeable, see your SKYTEAM dealer for 2. Remove the front axle (1). The front wheel can Check front brake.
inspection. now be removed. After installing the wheel, apply the brake
several times and then check if the wheel rotates
Maintenance of spoke tension and wheel trueness freely. Recheck the wheel if the brake drags or
are critical to safe motorcycle cooperation. if the wheel does not rotate freely.
During the first 150 km(100miles), spokes will
loosen more rapidly due to initial seating of parts.
Excessively loose spokes may result in high
speed instability and possible loss of control.

(1)Wheel (3)Rim lock

(1)Front axle

59 60
Rear Wheel Removal Installation Notes:
1. Raise the rear wheel off the ground by placing To install the rear wheel, reverse the removal
a support block under the engine. procedure. Tighten the axle nut to:
2. Disassemble the cotter pin (3), unscrew the 45 N.m (4.6 kfg.m)
axle nut (1) and nut(2), and then pull the axle. Adjust the drive chain
Push the wheel forward and derail the drive chain Adjust the brake
from the rear sprocket.Tilt the motorcycle to one Apply the brake several times and check for
side so that the wheel can be removed. free wheel rotation after the brake pedal is
(1) If a torque wrench was not used for installation,
see your SKYTEAM dealer as soon as possible
to verify proper assembly. Improper assembly
may lead to loss of braking capacity.

(3) (2)
(1) Axle nut
(2) Nut
(3) Cotter pin
61 62
FRONT SUSPENSION Operating the motorcycle with loose, worn, or REAR SUSPENSION
damaged steering or front suspension
Check the fork operation by locking the front components may adversely affect vehicle Check the rear suspension periodically by careful
brake and pumping the forks up and down handling and stability. visual examination. Note the following items:
several times. The suspension should function If any suspension components appear worn or 1.Swingarm bushings (1)should be checked by
smoothly, with no oil leakage from the fork legs. damaged, consult your SKYTEAM dealer for pushing hard against the side of the rear wheel
Damaged, binding, or leaking fork should be further inspection. The suspension components while the motorcycle is on a support block and
repaired before the motorcycle is operated. are directly related to safety and your feeling for looseness of the bushings.
Check security of all fork and handlebar SKYTEAM dealer is qualified to determine 2. Check all suspension component attachment
mounting bolts (1). whether or not replacement parts or repairs are points for security of their fasteners (2).
needed. 3.Check for oil leaks in the shock absorber units.
If any suspension components appear worn or
damaged, consult your SKYTEAM dealer for
(1) further inspection. The suspension components
are directly related to safety and your
(1) SKYTEAM dealer is qualified to determine (1) (2)
whether or not replacement parts or repairs are

(1) Swingarm bushings

(1) Mounting bolts (2) Fasteners
63 64
SIDE STAND CLEANING High pressure washer spray can damage certain
Check the side stand spring for damage and loss Clean your motorcycle regularly to protect the parts of your motorcycle. If you use a high
of tension,and the side stand assembly for surface finishes and inspect for damage, wear pressure washer, avoid spraying the following
freedom of movement. and oil leakage. areas:
If the side stand is squeaky or stiff,clean the pivot
area and lubricate the pivot bolt with clean engine Avoid cleaning products that are not specifically Wheel Hubs
oil. designed for motorcycle or automobile surfaces. Muffler Outlet
They may contain harsh detergents or chemical Under Seat
solvents that could damage the metal,paint,and Engine Stop Button
(2) plastic on your motorcycle. Under Fuel Tank
Drive Chain
If your motorcycle is still warm from recent Carburetor
(1)Side stand spring operation, give the engine and exhaust system Ignition Switch
(2)Side stand time to cool off.

We recommend avoiding the use of high pressure

water spray (typical in coin operated car washes).

High pressure water (or air) can damage certain
parts of the motorcycle.

65 66
Washing the motorcycle 6. Test the brakes before riding the Finishing Touches
1. Rinse the motorcycle thoroughly with cool motorcycle.Several applications may be After washing your motorcycle,consider using
water to remove loose dirt. necessary to restore normal braking a commercially-available spray cleaner/polish or
2. Clean the motorcycle with a sponge or soft performance. quality liquid or paste wax to finish the job. Use
cloth using cool water. 7. Lubricate the drive chain immediately after only a non-abrasive polish or wax made
Avoid directing water to muffler outlets and washing and drying the motorcycle. s p e c i f i c a l l y fo r m o t o r c y c l e s or
electrical parts. automobiles.Apply the polish or wax according
3.Clean the plastic parts using a cloth or sponge Braking efficiency may be temporarily impaired to the instructions on the container.
dampened with a solution of milk detergent and immediately after washing the motorcycle.
water.Rub the soiled area gently rinsing it Anticipate longer stopping distance to avoid a
frequently with fresh water. possible accident.
Take care to keep brake fluid or chemical
solvents off the motorcycle.
They will damage the plastic and painted
4.After cleaning,rinse the motorcycle thoroughly
with plenty of clean water. Strong detergent
residue can corrode alloy parts.
5.Dry the motorcycle,start the engine, and let it
run for several minutes.

67 68
STORAGE GUIDE > WARINING 4.Wash and dry the motorcycle.Wax all painted REMOVAL FROM STORAGE
Extended storage,such as for winter, requires that Petrol is highly flammable and explosive, you surfaces.Coat chrome with rust inhibiting oil. 1.Uncover and clean the motorcycle.
you take certain steps to reduce the effects of can be burned or seriously injured when 5.Lubricate the drive chain Change the engine oil if more than 4 months have
the motorcycle.In addition, necessary repairs handling fuel. 6. Inflate the tires to their recommended passed since the start of storage.
should be made BEFORE storing the Stop the engine and keep heat,sparks, and pressures.Place the motorcycle on blocks to raise 2.Perform all Pre-ride Inspection checks.
motorcycle; otherwise ,these repairs may be flame away. both tires off the ground. 3.Test ride the motorcycle at low speeds in a safe
forgotten by the time the motorcycle is removed Refuel only outdoors. 7. Cover the motorcycle (don't use plastic or other riding area away from traffic.
from storage. Wipe up spills immediately. coated materials) and store in an unheated area,
free of dampness with a minimum of daily
STORAGE 3.To prevent rusting in the cylinder, perform the temperature variation. Do not store the motorycle
1.Change the engine oil. following: in direct sunlight.
2. Drain the fuel tank and carburetor into an Remove the spark plug cap from the spark
approved petrol container. plug.Using tape or string,secure the cap to any
Reinstall the fuel fill cap on the tank. convenient plastic body part so that it is
positioned away from the spark plug.
If storage will last more than one Remove the spark plug from the engine and
month,carburetor draining is very important,to store it in a safe place.Do not connect the spark
assure proper performance after storage. plug to the spark plug cap.
Pour a tablespoon (15-20cm3) of clean
engine oil into the cylinder and cover the spark
plug hole with a piece of cloth.
Crank the engine several times to distribute
the oil.
Reinstall the spark plug and spark plug cap

69 70
DIMENSIONS Fuel tank 3.8L
Overall length 1880mm Passenger capacity 75kg
Overall width8 875mm
Overall height 1025mm ENGINE
Wheelbase 1225mm ST50-11 ST125-11
Bore and stroke 39mm x 41.4mm 52.4mm x 57.0mm
WEIGHT Compression ratio 8.8:1 9:1
Dry weight 93kg Displacement 49cm3 124cm3
Spark plug A7RTC CR6HSA
MAIN PERFORMANCE PARAMETERS Valve clearance(Cold) Intake: 0.05mm
ST50-11 ST125-11 Exhaust: 0.05mm
Type I Type II
Fuel consumption at economical speed 1.5L/100km 1.8L/100km ELECTRICAL
Max. speed 40km/h 25km/h 82km/h Ignition type CDI
Rated power 1.9kw(7750rpm) 1.0kw(6000rpm) 5.0kw(6500r/min) Generator Magneto
Max. torque 2.8N.m(5000rpm) 2.0N.m(3500rpm) 7.3N.m(6500r/min) Battery 12V 3Ah
Idle speed 1350 ± 100r/min Head light 12V 35W/35W
Turning signal indicator light 12V 10W
Tail/brake light 12V 21W/5W

71 72
Instrument indicator light 12V 3W, 12V 1.7W
Horn 12V 1.5A 95 dB(A)
Fuse 10A


Caster 25o
All information,illustration, photographs and
Tire size, front 21 X 7.00-10 specifications contained in this manual are based on the
Tire size, rear 21 X 7.00-10
latest product information available at time of
ST50-11 ST125-11 publication. Due to improvements or other changes, there
Gear ratio,1st 36/11 36/11
2nd 31/18 31/16 may be some discrepancies in this manual . SKYTEAM
3rd 25/21 27/20
4th 20/22 24/23 reserve the right to make changes at any time without
Final reduction 52/13 36/15

ST50-11, ST125-11 Electrical Diagram
Start motor Startrelay
Main switch Switch assy, right handle Switch, front brake Flash relay Switch, rear brake Battery

Front signal lamp, right

Rear signal lamp, right

Lu Gr Lu ---=-Lu ----r-1\
Gr ------o<l- Gr -----l l J


Br ------c:::J<J--Br

Tail lamp

Gr---=-- Gr
0 --c:n----- O ---i l J
/ Gr Gr W W Rear signal lamp, lefl
Gr Y/WBr Br B 12V10W

Position lamp

Front signal lamp, lefl

Clutch switch Horn Side stand swilah lgnition coil
12V1DW C.0.1 Diode Mognetor Neutral swilch

Switch assy, lefl handle

Main swilch Swilch, engine slap Start swilch Switch, lamp system Switch, high/low beam Swilch, signal lamp Switch, horn Switch, dipped headligh\ B Blue y Yellow Po Purple
0 Orange Bk Black lo Lightblue
p Pink Br Brown Lg Lightgreen
R Red G, Green
w White Gy Gray

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