Building One Lung Karts
Building One Lung Karts
Building One Lung Karts
ideas about—
One- Lung
for K i d s
By Harry Walton
OPS in thrills for any youngster is
a car he can drive to the purpose-
ful bark and hot breath of a real
engine. Building such a car is fun for all
hands from the moment you start putting
a one-lunger on wheels.
It can be simple. Boys build them
w i t h a plank for a chassis, a wooden axle
pivoted on a spike for steering, and a
clutchless push-and-hop-on drive. It can
be sophisticated to the point of having
IT'S A FLIVVER, with a
brass-bound radiator, a
klaxon horn, a hand-
rubbed lacquer finish
and tin-lizzy fenders.
Built by Robert Paul
Moore of Tulsa, it has
run 500 miles.
APRIL 1959