Midget Sports Car
Midget Sports Car
Midget Sports Car
By Paul Wagner
quires only a light sanding to roughen all four wheels would distribute the
its smoothly molded surface so that the car's weight equally. Cars of solid
paint will adhere. After sanding, spray suspension often have a tendency to
on a coat of automotive primer, then weigh heavily on three of the wheels
follow up with a finish coat of lacquer while the fourth wheel barely touches
or enamel. the ground. This problem is eliminated
Suspension. The car's suspension is by the use of a pivoting-type front
solid in the rear and semi-sprung in the end. The actual weight-supporting
front. Actually, in a small car of this points then become the two rear wheels
type which is not subjected to high and the center of the front axle. The
speed cornering, a solid suspension all two springs under the front axle merely
around would be satisfactory. We provide a leveling tension that keeps
suspended the front only to insure that the axle from [Continued on page 156]
TO PAINT, spray on automotive primer, REMOVABLE deck lid makes engine acces-
then follow up with enamel finish coat. sible for both starting and repair chores.
Midget Sports Car
[Continued from page 121]
dropping too far away from the frame chassis holes; the belt is adjusted by mov-
when the car is lifted off the ground. ing the engine on its slotted holes. The
The car's axles are made from square axle is supported on the chassis by two
steel tubing that provides a flat surface self-aligning ball-bearing pillow blocks
on which the springs ride. which prevent binding of the axle when
The front spindles are machined from the chassis is in motion. The pillow
stock of the same diameter as the wheel blocks, mounted on spacers of one-inch
bearings. Wheel bearings, 5/8 inches I.D., oak, serve to elevate the rear axle and
were used on this model, so the spindles keep the chassis in a level position.
were turned from 5/8-inch stock. The axle is machined from one-inch
The kingpins are standard three-inch, stock to insure rigidity. One end has a
half-inch-diameter shoulder bolts. The tie milled keyway for the drive wheel; the
rod and drag links ends are of heavy-duty other end is turned to the diameter of the
carburetor linkage ball joints. The steer- wheels' ball bearings. The one-wheel drive
ing knuckles are bent up from flat stock, eliminates the need for a differential.
and the spindles welded on as shown in The brake is attached directly to the
the diagram. axle and acts upon the drive wheel. It
Drive system. A single-cylinder, two-hp, utilizes a V-belt and pulley arrangement
Continental lawn-mower engine powers that is both simple and effective. The ac-
the car and, with its gas tank relocated as tuating lever is mounted to the floor of
shown, will fit in a minimum of space. the car and looks like a gear shift lever.
While a new engine will cost between $40 You should be able to complete this car
and $50, a good second-hand unit will in about six weeks of spare-time work. We
serve just as well and can be bought for guarantee you'll consider your labors well
much less. spent when you roll this baby off the "as-
The clutch used in this car is the V-Plex. sembly line" and present it to your breath-
This is a simple, foolproof type that is com- less offspring—the luckiest kid in the
pletely automatic and gives trouble-free block. •
Installing the countershaft is the next
step. Our counter-shaft, designed to give
an over-all reduction of approximately
9.5:1 from engine to wheels, will be suffi-
cient to drive the car at a top speed of
over 20 mph—fast enough for the five- to
ten-year-old who drives it. If desired,
other ratios can be installed by simply
varying the size of the large axle sprocket.
Although this car uses a roller chain
from the countershaft to the axle, a V-belt
with pulleys will prove satisfactory where
severe usage is not anticipated. The small
sprocket and steel pulley on the counter-
shaft must be welded together, but don't
apply the weld near the oilite bushings as
this will cause them to lose their impregna-
tion of oil.
The drive chain runs from the small
countershaft sprocket to the large axle
sprocket. This latter sprocket, when
properly tightened on the axle, requires
no key; it is held on the shaft by compres-
sion. The chain is adjusted by moving the
countershaft fore and aft in the slotted