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30 Parts of Quran

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In the Name of your LordA Summary of all 30 Parts of

the Quran
Juz 1
Juz 2
Juz 3
Juz 4
Juz 5
Juz 6
Juz 7
Juz 8
Juz 9
Juz 10
Juz 11
Juz 12
Juz 13
Juz 14
Juz 15
Juz 16
Juz 17
Juz 18
Juz 19
Juz 20
Juz 21
Juz 22
Juz 23
Juz 24
Juz 25
Juz 26

Juz 27
Juz 28
Juz 29
Juz 30
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Most Merciful.
All Praises belong to Allah, we seek His help and His
forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own
souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides will
never be led astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, no one
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the One,
having no partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His
slave and Messenger.This humble summary of the Quran in 30
sections known as Juz (pl. Ajzaa) has been compiled in order to
help us develop kushoo (attentiveness) and enrich our prayers
when listening to the Quran especially in Ramadan when most
mosques try to complete its recitation during this Sacred Month.
We hope it becomes an encouragement for us to read at least one
Juz each day of our lives and to become attached to the Quran,
such that we become known as the People of Quran.This is the
Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those
conscious of Allah (2:2)
Special thanks goes to Shaykh Amr Ibn Abdillah al-Muqbil
who supervised a summary written in Arabic (Hidayatul-Ajzaa)
which formed the basis of this booklets compilation and to
Shaykh Abu Rumaysah for translating and providing additional
points from his own compilation for his Mosque in High

Wycombe. Many other brothers were involved in this project

and we thank them for their efforts and make dua that Allah
makes them from the sincere believers and allows this booklet to
benefit millions.Amin.
- Page 1 Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?
Surahs & Ayaat
- Page 2 The first Juz of the Quran comprises its opening chapter, the
seven verses of al-Fatihah (the Opener) and the first part of its
longest chapter, al-Baqarah (the Heifer). It is not without reason
that some of the early generations considered al-Fatihah to be
the Mother of the Book. In its seven short verses, it contains
praise of Allah, it affirms worship must be for him Alone and
ends by informing us about the path of guidance. It is followed
by the first part of al-Baqarah, which unfolds the nature of
mankind through the narrative of the story of Adam and his
expulsion from Paradise. The chapter then moves onto the story
of the Children of Israel (the Jews) and teaches us important
lessons from the story of the heifer (cow).
Worship is solely and exclusively for Allah, and one must turn
to Him Alone for help;
Allah divides mankind into three categories: Believers,
Disbelievers or Hypocrites and describes the characteristics of
the hypocrites;

The story of the heifer contains great lessons: beware of

faltering when faced with Allahs commands and do not
procrastinate or ridicule them because to do so leads to hardness
of the heart;
Beware the danger of preventing Allahs remembrance in the
Mosques, or moving to destroy them;
Who built the Sacred Mosque as well as how and why it was
1. Al-Fatihah
2. Al-Baqarah (1 - 141)
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?
- Page 3 In this Juz, Allah responds to the Jews of the time and the
accusations they made when the direction of prayer was changed
from the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem to al-Kabah in Makkah.
Importantly Allah concludes the issue by indicating that
purification of ones soul is more important than facing any
particular direction in prayer. The Juz also covers Allahs
wisdom over a number of matters; Inheritance; Marriage; Hajj;
and most pertinently, Fasting the only place in the Quran to
contain such detailed information about this great act of
worship. Throughout this Juz and in between even its most
detailed regulations, Allah stresses again and again the necessity
of man maintaining, at all times, Taqwa (God Consciousness)
to remain conscious of Allah in all his affairs.
2. Al-Baqarah (142 - 252)

The obligation of fasting, its rules and regulations and other

related matters. This is the only place containing a detailed
discussion about fasting, so ponder it well!
The rules and regulations concerning Hajj, Marriage, Divorce,
Suckling etc. in between which Allah stresses the importance of
The story of Jalut (Goliath) and a powerful nation toppled not
by sheer numbers or might but through faith, patience and
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 4 Surahs & Ayaat
This Juz concludes the longest chapter of the Quran which
contains the greatest verse Ayat ul-Kursi (verse 282). This
immense verse is the greatest single verse in the Quran, and its
memorisation, understanding and recitation will derive many
benefits for the worshipper. Al-Baqarah ends with a number of
rulings which demonstrate that charity is a foundation of an
Islamic economy as well as Allahs forbidding of riba
(usury/interest), declaring those who engage in it as declaring
war upon Him. The final three verses of this chapter are a prayer
for Allahs forgiveness and for His protection. The Juz continues
into the next chapter, Aal-e-Imran (Family of Imran) which
covers (amongst others) the story of Esa (Jesus) the most
outstanding example of mans rejection and misinterpretation of
Allahs message.
The greatest verse in the Quran: Ayat ul-Kursi, study it,
memorise it and make sure you understand it;

That riba is war against Allah and His Messenger;

That the Quran is the criterion between truth and falsehood
and Allah will only accept Islam as the true religion;
The story of Maryams (Mary) mother shows how a righteous,
sincere intention has a good effect on ones child;
Musa (Moses), Esa, Muhammad (peace be upon them all) were
all upon the belief of Tawhid (Divine Unity) and warned against
shirk (polytheism);
We are taught an important lesson when it comes to criticising
society or a nation: That it is wrong to generalise.
2. Al-Baqarah (253-end)
3. Aal-e-Imran (1-92)
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 5 Having appealed to the Christians in the preceding part of Aale-Imran and the Jews in the previous chapter, Allah now directs
His verses to the Muslim community. This begins with a call for
the Muslim community to remain united, holding fast to the rope
of Allah. It then addresses the battles of Badr and Uhud,
detailing the reasons why Badr was a victory against all odds
and Uhud the opposite. Allah concludes by reminding us that
His Promise is certain and that we must remain patient and have
Taqwa (God Consciousness). In this Juz also begins the chapter
al-Nisa (Women), named after the numerous references to
women and injunctions related to them. This chapter is
important, as being revealed after the defeat at Uhud it covers
some of the inevitable consequences; widows, orphans and the
fair distribution of wealth.

3. Aal-e-Imran (92-end)
4. Al-Nisa (1-23)
The importance of holding fast to Allahs rope and the
significance of unity and not splitting
The high status of the Muslim nation by virtue of their
enjoining the good and prohibiting the evil;
The evil effects of disobedience as shown to us by the example
of the Battle of Uhud;
The qualities of Allahs righteous servants. Research and
consider them well and do your utmost to be one of them! The
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would recite the last
verses of Aal-e-Imran upon waking up - ponder them carefully;
The chapter al-Nisa concentrates on the rights of the weak and
downtrodden, the orphans, women, and those oppressed and
unable to migrate.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 6 Surahs & Ayaat
This Juz continues the chapter of al-Nisa, named after the
numerous references to women and injunctions related to them
and family life as a whole. The chapter continues to explain the
practical legislation from Allah now relevant to the fledgling
Muslim community following the loss of life at the Battle of
Uhud. Towards the final quarter of the Juz, Allah rejects the
possibility of belief in Him without having belief in all of His
Messengers a refutation of the Jews, who rejected Muhammad
(peace be upon him) and the Christians who twisted the message
of Esa (Jesus).

4. Al-Nisa (24-147)
Family relations, in particular the relationship of husband and
wife and how disputes should be resolved if they arise
The command to obey Allah, His Messenger and those placed
in authority over us and that any differences must be referred
back to the Quran and Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet
Seeking a law besides the law of Allah for judgment is a trait
of the hypocrites, indeed they do all they can to turn a person
away from Allahs law!
Practical legal guidance; shortening the prayer while on a
journey; a description of prayer at the time of fear; marital law;
how to deal with discord; the importance of justice; and rules
pertaining to separation all the while reminding a person of
being aware of Allah and fearing Him.
Detail of how the hypocrites align themselves with Allahs
enemies, their laziness in worship, and their final end in the
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 7 Having previously refuted the People of the Book and their
beliefs with regards to Esa (Jesus) and his mother, Maryam
(Mary), Allah now expands on how the People of the Book went
wrong. It tells us of how Esa was raised to Allah rather than
being crucified on the cross and how the same message was
preached by Esa as it was by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon them all). In detailing their relationship with Allah and

their Prophets, we find lessons for us. The final verse is on

inheritance law, exemplifying that social guidance cannot be
separated from ones belief. The Juz continues with the chapter
al-Maidah (Table Spread), the fifth chapter of the Quran. The
chapter is named after the spread of food that was requested by
the disciples of Esa - and its crowning verse (3) is Allahs
declaration that Islam is perfect and His Favour upon us now
4. Al-Nisa (148-end)
5. Al-Maidah (1-81)
A large portion of al-Maidah, one of the last chapters to be
revealed, is taken up with a discussion of contract law and the
promises that we give in our lives;
Al-Maidah mentions 18 rules and regulations not found
anywhere else in the Quran;
The chapter begins by detailing foods that are unlawful and
some types that are lawful;
The verse concerning wudu (ablution) which mentions its
obligations and the obligations of ghusl (ritual bath);
One must bear witness for the sake of Allah and one must
always be fair even with people that one hates;
The ruling of one who does not judge by Allahs law;
Rebutting the Christian belief in Esa (peace be upon him) and
giving them the opportunity to repent.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 8 Surahs & Ayaat

In this Juz, Allah concludes the chapter of al-Maidah (Table

Spread) with a number of rulings on oath-taking, game and
hunting and the prohibition of alcohol. In a continuing theme
running through this chapter, the final verses of the chapter are
concerning Christianity, the miracles of Esa (Jesus) and the story
from which the chapter takes it name. The chapter ends by
confirming that Esa never claimed divinity for himself. The Juz
also contains the first part of the 6th chapter of the Quran, alAnam (the Cattle). This chapter is named after the superstitious
practices of the pre-Islamic Arabs but is, in essence, a many
sided argument against mankinds tendency to associate partners
with Allah, be it directly or indirectly.
5. Al-Maidah (82-end)
6. Al-Anam (1-110)
Those People of the Book who are closest to us and those who
are furthest from us;
Rules and regulations on oath-taking, alcohol and gambling,
hunting whilst in ihram (a sacred state which Muslims enter
upon travelling for Umrah (lesser pilgrimage), wills, bearing
testimony and witnessing;
The discussion between Allah and Esa clearing him of any
claims to divinity;
Tawhid (Divine Unity), Resurrection and Prophethood in alAnam;
The story of Ibrahim (Abraham) and his father, his debate with
his nation and details of his descendants;
Eman (Faith) is strengthened by contemplating upon the
creation because this leads to greater veneration of Allah, its

Read! In the Name of your Lord...

Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 9 Allah concludes al-Anam (Cattle) by continuing on the topic of
Tawhid (Divine Unity). The verses in this part of the chapter
also contain details of food that is prohibited and lawful for a
Muslim. Allah warns of his decree for those who do not follow
the path of Tawhid and that it will, indeed, come to pass. By
way of example, He explains why the towns of the past were
destroyed. The chapter concludes by a command to the Prophet
(peace be upon him) to say Behold my prayer and all my acts of
worship are for Allah Alone in whose divinity none has a
share. The following chapter, al-Araf (the Heights) covers, in
more detail, the story of Adam and the Prophets who followed
from him it is a chapter that warns us of our enemies, from
Satan and others, and how through prophetic guidance, we can
be saved.
6. Al-Anam (111-end)
7. Al-Araf (1-87)
To worship Allah alone, and to follow the Way of Allah upon
unity without splitting;
The superstitious beliefs of the pre-Islamic Arabs relating to
cattle and Allahs refutation of them;
The story of Adam and the creation of Hawa (Eve), and their
fall following the deceit of Satan who is a constant enemy to
To beware of Allahs enemies and to follow the revelation and
the Prophets indeed, that Hell is the end abode of Allahs

The stories of Nuh (Noah) and the Great Flood, Hud, Salih,
Lut (Lot) and Shuayb. All of these prophets were resisted but
the victory was ultimately theirs and evil was humbled in the
end, Allahs plan never fails.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 10 Surahs & Ayaat
In the remaining verses of al-Araf, Allah tells us, in
considerable depth, the story of Musa (Moses) and his struggle
with the great enemy of Allah, the Pharaoh. Furthermore, we
are told of Musas experiences with the Children of Israel with
many important lessons for the Muslim nation and our own
submission to the Prophet Muhammads message. Aptly, the
chapter concludes by discussing the Quran and the role of the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) a man, having Taqwa
(God consciousness) and never too proud to worship Allah, in
complete opposite to the enemies discussed throughout. The Juz
continues with the chapter of al-Anfal (the Spoils of War)
revealed shortly after the Battle of Badr. The lessons learned
from the battle reinforce: the virtues necessary for fighting in the
Path of Allah, victory against the odds, clemency and
consideration of others.
Whilst the conflict between Musa and Pharaoh was intense, it
only led Musa to place further his dependence upon Allah;
When times got hard, Musa directed his people to turn to Allah
for help, to be patient, and reminded them that the whole Earth
belongs to Allah and that the final end is for the pious;

The mention of the inhabitants of the town by the sea that

transgressed as regards the Sabbath and the end result of those
who tried to evade the laws of Allah through trickery;
Allahs Mercy encompasses everything and He mentions that
He will decree His Mercy especially for a group of His servants.
Ponder their qualities well so that you might be one of them;
7. Al-Araf (88-end)
8. Al-Anfal (1-80)
About the beginning of creation and a refutation of the belief
that anything worshipped besides Allah can bring any benefit;
About the Battle of Badr and the ruling of the spoils of war,
which importantly is framed by a reminder of the greater
importance of Taqwa and keeping ties of kinship.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 11 The final ten verses of al-Anfal (Spoils of War) remind the
believer that victory in battle is not dependant on huge numbers
or military might but rather constancy in faith and patience, a
recurring theme throughout the Quran. It also covers the issue
of the prisoners of war captured during Badr, the virtue of those
who fight in Allahs path and the importance of the believers
protecting one another. The next chapter in this Juz is al-Tawbah
(Repentance), the only chapter in the Quran not preceded by the
basmalah this is because it is widely regarded to be a
continuation of the previous chapter dealing with similar issues
of the moral distinction between the believers and their enemies.
It was revealed in the 9th year of Hijra and proclaimed the end
of idolatry in Arabia.

We continue the discourse on Badr and the dream of the
A call subsuming six pieces of advice that will lead to victory;
Al-Anfal ends by explaining that it is brotherhood that ties the
Muslim world together;
Al-Tawbah begins by defining the limits to the pact between
Allahs Messenger and the pagans;
The Islamic calendar is mentioned and the sanctity of the
sacred months is explained;
The Muslims are encouraged to go out in the path of Allah
when called to do so and the hypocrites and all those who
remain behind without a valid excuse are censured;
8. Al-Anfal (81-end)
9. Al-Taubah (1-92)
The qualities of the hypocrites and the believers are mentioned
with Allahs respective promises for both;
The Prophet (peace be upon him) is prohibited from seeking
help from the hypocrites at times of war, and he is also
prohibited from seeking forgiveness for them or praying for
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?
- Page 12 The Juz begins with the final quarter of al-Tawbah (Repentance)
in which Allah continues to describe the good character of the
righteous. Allah confirms that His good pleasure is with the
righteous who partake in the purifying act of spending for the

sake of Allah and carry out good deeds. He reminds us that

every chapter in the Quran continues to strengthen the believer.
Allah ends this chapter by telling us of the great nature of our
Prophet (peace be upon him) and how heavily it weighed upon
the Prophet that we would suffer in the life to come. The Juz
then covers the entire chapter of Yunus (Jonah) which stresses
Allahs power, the authenticity of the Quran and the fate of the
evildoers. It also discusses tawhid (Divine Unity), how Allah
reveals Himself to man, how the Prophets were rejected and the
workings of Allahs divine grace.
The good and bad qualities of the Arabs are mentioned, then
the Muhajiroon (People who migrated from Makkah) and Ansar
(People of Madina) are also discussed;
Masjid al-Dirar is the next topic and the evil intentions of those
who built it are highlighted. It was because of this that Allahs
Messenger was prohibited from praying in there, but at the same
time the masjid that is deserving of being prayed in is detailed
next; The qualities of those who have sold their souls for the
sake of Allah;
The Prophet and believers are prohibited from seeking
forgiveness for the pagans;
The end of al-Tawbah covers the relationship of man towards
the Quran and their various responses towards it;
The chapter of Yunus covers Allahs signs in creation and
similitudes are given proving Allahs existence and greatness;
The pagans are challenged with this Quran;
Who are the Awliya? Ponder verses 10:62-64 carefully so that
you may be one of them;

The story of Nuh (Noah) is recounted, followed by the story of

Musa (Moses) and Pharaoh. The last moments of Pharaoh just
before he drowned are related as a reminder to all;
Allah commands the Prophet to remain firm/steadfast on faith
& follow revelation until His command comes.
9. Al-Taubah (93-end)
10. Yunus
11. Hud (1-5)
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?
The 12th Juz of the Quran covers the majority of the chapter of
Hud (the first five verses are in the previous Juz) as well as half
of the chapter of Yusuf (Joseph), the best of stories. Hud was
revealed during the Year of Sorrow, a period in which the
Prophet (peace be upon him) lost his wife and companion,
Khadijah, as well as his uncle, Abu Talib, who had protected
him. As a result, his life and that of the young Muslim
community became very difficult. This chapter consoles the
Messenger and his followers through stories of the previous
Prophets, highlighting how they dealt with ridicule, hostility and
persecution. Importantly whereas the previous chapter
highlighted Allahs mercy with His creation, this chapter
highlights Allahs justice with His creation. This Juz also begins
the story of Yusuf. This chapter revolves around the idea that
Allah alone directs the affairs of man, and that judgment rests
with Him. It highlights the trials of Yusuf, the strain of isolation
that he faced, the alienation of slavery in a foreign land,

imprisonment and the final change of fortunes that resulted from

his patience. The chapter is unique in that it relates the story of
Yusuf in full, whereas we find that other chapters relate various
episodes from the lives of certain Prophets. Many parallels can
be drawn from the story of Yusuf to that of the Prophet (peace be
upon him), as well as valuable lessons for us in our daily
Allah challenges the pagans with the Quran;
The debate between Nuh (Noah) and his son shows that the
love of Allah is greater than any other love;
The story of Hud highlights that seeking forgiveness is the
means to victory in all senses of the word: figurative and literal;
The suffering that a number of Messenger and Prophets faced
when calling to the path of Allah is recounted;
The story of Shuayb shows the concern Islam has with
commerce, and the importance of being aware of Allah when
The Chapter of Yusuf talks about the envy of his brothers and
the trial of beauty;
11. Hud (6-end)
12. Yusuf (1-52)
It is sincerity that leads a person away from doing evil and
licentious deeds;
Dawah (spreading the message of Islam) is a duty at all times,
even when imprisoned.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 14 -

This Juz begins with the remainder of the story of Yusuf

(Joseph) including his meeting with the king, his consequent
exoneration and establishment in the land. From a young boy in
the well, Yusuf finds himself in a powerful position during a
time of crisis in Egypt. It is at this time that Yusuf is reunited
with his family, many years after his brothers plotted to leave
him in the well. The story of Yusuf is a great example of how
patience and constancy in faith can overcome even the greatest
of plots. Juz continues with the chapter of al-Rad (Thunder),
with themes of Allahs Oneness, faith, revelation and
resurrection, and is distinguished by its moving description of
Allahs power and knowledge. The Juz concludes with the
chapter of Ibrahim, which explains how Allahs revelation will
always prevail despite mans scheming against it. Unity of the
Divine Message and Allahs blessings are the focal themes of
this chapter but, like other Makkan chapters, it also covers faith,
revelation, Allahs Oneness, our resurrection and judgment.
To take from the example of Yaqub (Jacob) and have patience,
and the benefits that ensued from this;
That patience and Taqwa (God Consciousness) were two traits
of Yusuf that led to his raise in wordly and spiritual rank;
The chapter Yusuf finishes by mentioning Allahs signs in
creation, Messengers being sent forth by Him, and taking lesson
from the stories found in the Quran;
Allah propounds parables for the Quran explaining its
greatness in al-Rad.
Ten pieces of advice are mentioned and whoever follows them
all will have the reward of Paradise;

The chapter Ibrahim opens by mentioning the story of Musa

(Moses), and the stories of other Messengers sent to their people
showing how they were patient and how they relied on Allah;
A scene from the events of the Hereafter is painted depicting
how Satan will absolve himself of all those who followed him.
So beware of being lured by him!
A parable is given of a goodly word and an evil word followed
by mention of Allahs blessings. Are you grateful?
The chapter Ibrahim ends by mentioning the final destination
of the wrong doers and criminals on a day when the Earth will
be replaced for another Earth and so too the Heavens.
12. Yusuf (53-end)
13. Al-Raad
14. Ibrahim (1-52)
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 15 In this Juz of the Quran, we cover two chapters - al-Hijr (Rocky
Tract) and al-Nahl (the Bee). The first of these two was
revealed at a time when persecution of the Prophet and his
followers was at its peak and Islam was making little headway
in the face of Arab opposition and resistance. Allah warns the
pagan Arabs of the fate of earlier nations who similarly opposed
their own Prophets. By way of further warning, Allah highlights
how Satan is persistent on corrupting people whilst the Prophet
is consoled and instructed to hold fast to the truth and to be
patient and steadfast. Ultimately, the Truth is a matter protected
by Allah. The chapter of the Bee takes its title from mention of
the bee and its wondrous creation in verse 68 and the chapter

highlights Allahs endless blessings and the many Signs present

in His creation.
Allah consoles the Messenger (peace be upon him) by
recounting the stories of some of the Prophets who came before
The stories of Ibrahim (Abraham); Lut (Lot); and the People of
Al-Hijr ends by advising those whose hearts are constrained or
tormented to remember Allah and glorify Him;
Al-Nahl is also called the Chapter of Blessings, ponder it
carefully and be grateful to the One who conferred them to you;
It contains many proofs showing that Allah Alone is to be
After mentioning His many blessings, Allah recounts the story
of the city that was ungrateful for Allahs blessings and their
The chapter ends by encouraging man to call to Allah with
wisdom and goodly exhortation, and to be patient in the face of
any harm and oppression that comes his way.
15. Al-Hijr
16. Al-Nahl
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?
Surahs & Ayaat
- Page 16 We begin this Juz with the chapter of al-Isra (Night Journey).
The chapter is named after the miraculous event in which the
Prophet (peace be upon him) travelled from Makkah to

Jerusalem and then through the Heavens in one single night,

which is mentioned in the opening verse of the chapter. This is
followed by a discussion on the nature of Allahs Message and
the role of the Prophets. In another example of the Qurans
continuous linguistic brilliance, the chapter begins by glorifying
Allah and ends by praising Him, and the sense of the whole
chapter is one of praise; it includes stories about the Children of
Israel as relate to Masjid al-Aqsa, the destination of the
Prophets Night Journey, and it tackles aspects of individual and
societal behaviour. The next chapter is that of al-Kahf
(Cave), named after the Sleepers of the Cave mentioned in
verses 9 onwards and its central theme is that of purging faith of
all deviancy and superstition; it stresses the reward of true and
sincere faith in Allah and absolute submission to Him, and
explains that it is true faith which is the benchmark of judging
ideas and values.
Al-Isra begins by talking about Masjid al-Aqsa, how the
Children of Israel came to it and their subsequent corruption;
The chapter contains 20 pieces of advice dealing with morals,
manners and society;
Allah addresses the arguments of Satan following the creation
of Adam;
The Prophet (peace be upon him) is advised not to depend on
the pagans, rather upon Allah;
Al-Kahf deals with tribulations in four areas: religion, property,
knowledge and strength. Religion: The story of the people of the
cave in which lies lesson for every person intending to walk the
path of truth; Property: The story of the garden and the two
people, the wealthy man who denied the resurrection and
17. Al-Isra / Bani-Israel

18. Al-Kahf (1-74)

the poor man who believed in Allah and the Last Day;
Knowledge: the story of Musa (Moses) with Khidr teaching us
issues linked to moral conduct, lofty aspirations and enjoining
the good and prohibiting evil. Strength: the story of DhulQarnayn and the Yajuj (Gog) and Majuj (Magog) - in the next
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?
Surahs & Ayaat
- Page 17 The chapter of al-Kahf (Cave) is concluded in this Juz with
Allah completing the story of Musa (Moses) and Khidr and then
mentioning that of Dhul-Qarnayn. The story of Musa and
Khidr teaches us the many paradoxes in life that can only be
understood through patience and knowledge, this is a lesson that
even Musa finds difficult to accept in the story. next chapter in
this Juz is Maryam (Mary), which includes the story of the most
pious of women and the mother of Esa (Jesus). central theme of
the chapter is Tawhid (Divine Unity) and this is explored
through the narration of several stories of Grace given by Allah
to the Prophets; it also discusses the Day of Judgment and
mentions some arguments against those who deny the
resurrection thereby reinforcing its central theme. The final
chapter in the Juz is Ta-Ha. This chapter deals with the nature
of revelation vis-a-vis the Prophet; and so it commences by
addressing him and ends by addressing him, in between
outlining his mission and duties. Allah gives us a sense of

reassurance in His Divine Will by outlining to us how He

supported and aided His Prophets.
The remaining lesson of strength is demonstrated through the
story of Dhul-Qarnayn;
Al-Kahf concludes by depicting a scene of the Last Day and
describing the end of the believers and disbelievers;
In Chapter of Maryam the word rahma (mercy) or a derivative
of this word is mentioned 16 times. Consider the places where it
is mentioned carefully so that you may learn how to be a
recipient of it.
The stories of Ibrahim (Abraham), Zakariya and Esa are all
recounted. Take note of how Ibrahim continued to address his
father with patience and respect;
The chapter Ta-Ha describes how the magicians confronted by
Musa were disbelievers at the beginning of the day, but pious
believers by its end, showing us how quickly true faith takes
root in the heart;
Allahs Grace to the Children of Israel led them out of the land
in which they were oppressed and the drowning of Pharaoh and
his forces;
The condition of those who turn away from the truth on the
Last Day and some of the horrors of that Day;
Mankind is warned about the enmity of Satan and this is
exemplified in the Story of Adam;
The chapter ends by consoling the Prophet and enjoining him
to remain constant and steadfast.
18. Al-Kahf (75-end)
19. Maryam
20. Ta Ha

Read! In the Name of your Lord...

Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?
In this Juz, we again cover two entire chapters: al-Anbiya
(Prophets) and al-Hajj (Pilgrimage). Revealed in Makkah, alAnbiya deals with issues of faith concentrating on three areas
which are Tawhid (Divine Unity), Allahs message and the
resurrection. Using the story of Ibrahim (Abraham) once again
as a guiding example, this chapter teaches us that evil will try to
take us away from the path of higher virtue but for those who
struggle on that path, it is no other than Allah who will aid them
on it. The readers attention is drawn to the unity of laws that
govern Allahs creation, which in turn is evidence of Allahs
Oneness; the unity of the message and faith is further reflected
in the lives of all the Prophets. The chapter closes by reminding
us of the Last Day. In the following chapter, we learn more
about Tawhid, the resurrection, repudiating pagan beliefs and the
Signs of Allah in His creation. believers are instructed to fight in
the Way of Allah if it is truth we are defending. chapter flows
with themes that invigorate faith, piety and surrender to Allah.
Al-Anbiya begins by warning man about the resurrection,
affirming that it will actually happen, and that it has drawn
close. Have you prepared for it?
Tawhid is established and evidenced using rational and
empirical arguments;
The story of Ibrahim breaking the idols, this is great lesson in
Tawakkul (having trust in Allah);
The chapter ends by making a call to Tawhid;

Al-Hajj begins by planting the fear of the Last Day into the
hearts of men, and warning them against following Satan;
Allah refutes those who reject the resurrection by drawing their
attention to the very creation of man, and the revival of the earth
after its death;
The story of how the Hajj was made obligatory on Ibrahim,
and some of its obligations and recommendations;
The Muhajirin (Companions who migrated from Makkah) are
given permission to fight oppression having been driven away
from their homes;
The parable of the fly;
The chapter ends by making a call to Jihad, and reminding us
to hold fast to Allah.
21. Al-Anbiya
22. Al-Hajj
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?
The first chapter in this Juz is Al-Muminun (Believers), a name
that aptly summarises the theme of the chapter. It commences
by outlining the qualities of the believers, and narrates incidents
from the lives of various Prophets. It then repudiates the
disbelievers and defends the Prophet and his message. In closing
Allah returns to describing further qualities of the believers with
a description of the Last Day and a supplication for mercy and
forgiveness. It is followed by the chapter al-Nur (Light), the
crowning verse of which is the verse of Light (verse 35) a

parable described by Ibn Abbas as the parable of His light in

the heart of a believer. The final chapter in this Juz is al-Furqan
(Criterion) which develops on the contrast of light and darkness.
It comforts the Prophet, reassuring him and supporting him at a
time when he faced obstinate rejection, hostility and
maltreatment from those he was calling to.
23. Al-Muminun
24. Al-Nur
25. Al-Furqan (1-20)
The qualities of the believers are recounted in the beginning of
al-Muminun. Ask yourself how many of these qualities do you
The scene of death is depicted, the blowing of the trumpet, the
end of those who disbelieve;
Al-Muminun begins by stating that the believers will be
successful and ends by stating that the disbelievers will not be
Al-Nur begins by mentioning the prescribed punishment for
fornication, making false accusations, and the ruling of liaan
(invoking the curse of Allah);
The chapter divinely confirms the virtue of Aishah from the
false rumours spread about her;
One must ask for permission before entering a house;
Allahs promise that He will establish on Earth those who
believe, but this has conditions and they are listed;
Al-Furqan begins by praising the One who revealed the
Accusations against the Quran and the Prophet are discussed.

Read! In the Name of your Lord...

What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 20 Surahs & Ayaat
Continuing with al-Furqan to its end, Allah addresses the
accusations levelled against the Quran and the Messenger and
refutes them. In identifying this rejection and persecution as
nothing new, Allah relates incidents from the lives of other
Prophets who suffered similar problems.
As a warning to the disbelievers, it highlights what their end
will be if they persist in disbelief and closes by outlining the role
of the Prophet, and describing the true believer. In the following
chapter, al-Shuara (Poets), the fundamentals of faith are
discussed: Allahs Oneness, revelation and the Last Day as well
as giving examples of Allahs power and grace in nature. The
main body of the chapter is devoted to historical accounts that
consolidate these areas, and an air of warning pervades the
whole chapter. The final chapter in the Juz is al-Naml (Ants) - it
opens and closes by describing the Quran as being joyful news
for the believers and a warning for others.
Examples of Allahs destruction of previous nations which
serve as a warning to mankind;
That Allahs Oneness is evidenced by His Signs in creation;
The qualities of the Al-Rahmans servants consider them
A number of stories about previous prophets all aimed at
consoling the Prophet;
The sound heart is the successful heart on the Last Day;

Hud reminded his people about the many blessings Allah had
granted them and explained the way to show gratitude was
through Taqwa (God Consciousness);
The story of Shuayb exemplifying the prophetic guidance to
worshipAllah as if you see Him, and if you cannot see Him
know that He sees you.
The Quran is a guidance and good news for the believers;
No matter how much the disbeliever may plot and plan, Allah
is the best of planners.
25. Al-Furqan (21-end)
26. Al-Shuara
27. Al-Naml (1-55)
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 21 This Juz begins with the conclusion to Surah an-Naml. In these
final verses we are asked to consider the signs of Allah in His
creation and acknowledge that some claim godship in the weak
unlike Allah who is Omnipotent and knows all. The chapter ends
with powerful themes of the afterlife; death before life, the
blasting of the trumpet and the Last Day. In the end, the Prophet
is commanded to serve Allah and to preach the Quran. In the
following chapter, al-Qasas (the Stories) we are told about Musa
(Moses) - his birth, upbringing, exile, call, his struggle with
Pharaoh and subsequent exodus, his ultimate triumph and
destruction of the disbelievers. The main theme of the chapter is
that of struggle, Allahs providential care and the evil end of
those who are arrogant and spread corruption. The final chapter
in this Juz is Al-Ankabut (the Spider) a chapter that takes its

name from the parable in its 41st verse in which the weakness of
polytheism is likened to frailty of a spider web.
27. Al-Naml (56-end)
28. Al-Qasas
29. Al-Ankabut (1-45)
That people can get so corrupt they detest the very presence of
those who would purify themselves;
The doubts of the pagans are repudiated and the Last Day
Allah consoles the poor and weak believers stating that future
is for them;
The story of Musa and how he could find none to support him
besides Allah but what a wonderful supporter He is!
The story of Qarun and his being deceived by his wealth;
Just as Musa was driven from his land only to return, so too
would Muhammad (peace be upon him);
The trials that one calling to Allah will face: wealth, health,
and this worldly life in general;
The stories of the previous nations show us that we should
never feel confident that we are safe and so grow complacent.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?
Surahs & Ayaat
In this Juz, we cover five separate chapters: the conclusion of alAnkabut (Spider), al-Rum (Romans), Luqman, al-Sajda
(Prostration) and the start of al-Ahzab (Confederates). Some of
the important verses in this Juz are Allah prophesying the defeat

of the Byzantines and then their victory (al-Rum), the counsel of

Luqman which summarises the requirements of faith and model
conduct and verses in al-Ahzab dealing with the aspects of
social reorganisation in respect of family and communal life.
Although revealed to the Madinan community, its many rulings
are more than relevant to us today.
29. Al-Ankabut (46-end)
30. Al-Rum
31. Luqman
32. Al-Sajda
33. Al-Ahzab (1-30)
We are commanded to debate with the People of the Book in
the best of ways.Consider also then how we debate with one
The defeat of the Byzantines and the prediction that they will
be victorious again in the near future indeed, Allah aids whom
He wills;
Clinging to this world is a sickness and Allah rebukes the
pagans because they are heedless of the Hereafter;
The call to contemplate Allahs signs in creation, in the
alternation of night & day, and in the creation of man;
Corruption appears because of what man himself has worked;
Luqman gives advice to his son firstly Tawhid (Divine
Unity) then good treatment to ones parents even if they are
The qualities of the believer and that the most significant
qualities that lead man to leadership in the field of religion are
patience and certitude;
That the mothers of the believers are just like our mothers and
they cannot be married;

The Battle of Ahzab is described depicting the state of the

believers and the hypocrites as well as the severity of Jihad.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?
Surahs & Ayaat
This Juz finishes the chapter begun in its predecessor, al-Ahzab
(Confederates) and concludes with the opening verses of the
significant chapter of Ya-Sin. In closing al-Ahzab, Allah
discusses propriety on the part of women, spelling out an image
of the Last Day and completes the circle by mentioning the trust
that man has undertaken. The chapter of Saba (Sheba) follows
al-Ahzab with its depictions of scenes in the Hereafter where a
disbelievers arguments and futile attempts at faith come too late
for their salvation. The chapter also mentions Allahs favour to
Dawud (David) and Sulayman (Solomon) in order to encourage
the Prophet it refutes the charges against him and the
disbelievers are again warned of the punishment that lies in store
for them. In al-Fatir (Originator) we are presented with many of
beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah such as His Omnipotence, His Might and His Wisdom the One who knows all,
who is aware of all, who sees all and who is free from all needs
and wants. The final chapter of this Juz, Ya-Sin, begins by
discussing the Quran and the Prophets call to the polytheists.
The Prophets relationship with his wives is mentioned and
they are enjoined to remain at home;
The excellence of the Prophets family is mentioned as well as
the excellence of the believers in general;

Some of the rules relating to divorce;

Hijab for the Muslim woman which is linked to the importance
of submitting to Allah, as indeed all actions are for believers;
A repudiation of the foundations of shirk (polytheism) and
denial of the Hereafter;
The guidance of the Prophets in giving due thanks for the
blessings they received, and how many people are actually
A call to the pagans to ponder on the reality of the Day on
which only faith will be the only true benefit, and warning that
accepting faith on that Day will be too late!
A reminder about Allahs mercy and His immense blessings,
and a warning against being deceived by this worldly life or by
Satan; A reminder of Allahs greatness and mans dire need of
Him; The evil designs of the pagans will only overtake
33. Al-Ahzab (31-end)
34. Saba
35. al-Fatir
36. Ya Sin (1-27)
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 24 Surahs & Ayaat
In ending Ya-Sin, Allah mentions the punishment of previous
nations and emphasises, again, the reality of the resurrection. In
a stark warning to all of mankind, we are warned of the transient
reality of this life - It will not be but one blast, and at once they
are all brought present before Us. The Juz continues into alSaffat (Those who set the Ranks), a chapter characterised by its

short, powerful verses. This chapter describes the Angels, the

eavesdropping of the Jinn, Allahs acts of creation and refutation
of those who deny the resurrection. The chapter closes by
declaring the limitless glory of Allah. In the following chapter
of Saad, we are again presented with stories of the Prophets
providing lessons to mankind and consolation to the Prophet the chapter carries themes of Tawhid (Divine Unity), revelation
and the reckoning. The final chapter of the Juz, al-Zumar
(Groups), begins in this Juz and deals almost exclusively with
singling Allah out alone for worship.
Allahs signs in creation are described and the pagans are
invited to faith;
Man is warned against worshipping Satan;
Allah is well able to create and resurrect;
Allahs Oneness evidenced through the uniqueness of creation
and how nothing is able to create anything similar;
A discussion between the people of Paradise and the
inhabitants of Hell showing the danger of evil companions;
Your Lord answers supplications, have you then turned to ask
of Him?
The Prophet is reminded of the Messengers who came before
him and to see how they faced trials with patience;
The fate of the pious and transgressors;
The story of Satan (Arabic: Iblis) arrogantly refusing to
prostrate to Adam.
36. Ya Sin (28-end)
37. Al-Saffat
38. Saad
39. Al-Zumar (1-31)

Read! In the Name of your Lord...

Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 25 The Juz begins by ending al-Zumar (Groups). In the final 8
verses of this powerful chapter, Allah describes a vivid scene in
which humanity has been judged and stands in two groups:
believers and those who disbelieved. The ultimate end of both
groups is described in detail and ends with an amazing scene in
which the believers enter through the Gates of Paradise and
witness the Angels surrounding the throne of Allah. In this
place, their faith rewarded, it will be said All praise is to Allah,
Lord of all the Worlds. In the next chapter, Ghafir (the
Forgiver) Allah describes a believer who lives in the house of
Pharaoh and tries to persuade his people to not oppose Musa
(Moses). There are two more recurring themes in this chapter:
disputing Allahs Truth and calling on Him. The final chapter of
this Juz, Fussilat (trans. Explained in Detail), continues the
theme of the previous chapter and deals with the arrogance of
the disbelievers, the truthfulness of the Quran, Tawhid (Divine
Unity) and the resurrection.
39. Al-Zumar (32-end)
40. Ghafir
41. Fussilat (1-46)
Do not despair of Allahs mercy as He forgives all sins;
Which party will you be in on the Day when the disbelievers
will be driven to Hell in groups and the believers led to gates of
Paradise in groups?

There are good tidings for those who repent as the Angels seek
forgiveness on their behalf as well;
The severe punishment meted out to those who reject Allahs
The many blessings of Allah;
About the Noble Quran and the condition of those who reject
The danger of having evil companions and the fact that they
make disbelief and sin alluring;
The importance of calling to Allah and having good manners;
Look to the horizons and yourselves and ponder the signs
therein. This is the way of finding the truth for those who want
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 26 Surahs & Ayaat
The 25th Juz of the Quran begins with the final eight verses of
Fussilat (trans. Explained in Detail), in which Allah exposes the
hypocrisy of mankind who when touched with affliction turns to
his Creator full of extensive supplication but when favoured
by Allah turns away, and compounds his arrogance by saying
This is due to me. In al-Shura (Consultation) we read of
Allahs power, wisdom and final decision explaining that these
form some of the fundamentals of our faith. The divine reality
that Allah does not resemble His creation is central to this
chapter. The remaining two chapters in this Juz highlight the
mercy that is the Quran, and address arguments made against
this Majestic Book. As a warning, Allah places emphasis on the
fate of the sceptics.

The Quran is a warning of the Day of Gathering;

Allah selects whom He wills to carry the Message; what then is
strange about Muhammad being chosen as a Messenger?
Evidences pointing to Allahs Oneness;
The Quran gives life to the hearts have you looked to how
much life your heart has been granted?
The lofty status of the Quran and a repudiation of some of the
claims of the pagans against it;
That following ones forefathers without sound evidence is
Allah has apportioned and decreed mans provision, so do not
despair of your worldly lot;
The only companionship of real benefit is that of the righteous;
The consequences of arrogantly rejecting the truth in this
Beware of following desires; people could take their desires as
their deity without even realising!
41. Fussilat (47-end)
42. Al-Shura
43. Al-Zukhruf
44. Al-Dukhan
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 27 The themes discussed in the chapters of this Juz are varied
reflecting the fact that some of the chapters were revealed during

the Prophets time in Makkah and the rest during his time in
Madinah. The Makkan chapters (al-Ahqaf, Qaaf and alDhariyat (Scatterers)) address those who deny the truth and
confirm the resurrection and the Day of Judgment. They
encourage the Prophet to persist in his call reassuring that he is
upon the truth. In contrast the Madinan chapters (Muhammad,
al-Fath (Victory) and al-Hujurat (Rooms) cover societal and
legal issues war, the organisation of the Muslim community
and the mutual respect and trust between the new Muslim
community. An important historical event, the treaty of
Hudaibiyyah ratified by the Prophet and establishing a period of
peace between the Muslims and the Quraysh is indirectly
referenced in al-Fath and the Prophet is assured the treaty was
indeed a great breakthrough.
The perfection and precision of creation is proof that the
Creator alone must be worshipped;
That we must be soft and gracious to our parents and not
rebuke them;
Allahs punishment could well come in the guise of blessings;
About Paradise and its delights but also of Hell and its
Allah is pleased with those who took the pledge of allegiance
under the tree so be careful of hating those Allah is pleased with!
People are better than others only in their Taqwa (God
Consciousness) so beware of racism and partisanship;
Every good the believer has is a grace conferred unto him by
That the angels record every word we say are you cautious of
what you utter?
46. Al-Ahqaf

47. Muhammad
48. Al-Fath
49. Al-Hujurat
50. Qaaf
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?.
Surahs & Ayaat
There are seven chapters in this Juz including the melodic and
beautiful chapter of al-Rahman (the All-Merciful). In that
chapter Allah highlights many of Allahs blessings in the world
the foremost of which is the Majestic Quran. Allah also
describes the end of the world and paints a magnificent picture
of Paradise. The chapter is characterised by the refrain, Which,
then of your Lords blessings will you both deny? which runs
throughout its course, an allusion and rebuke to both mankind
and the jinn. The other chapters in this Juz cover themes integral
to the Makkan chapters such as reminders of the Day of
Judgement and the resurrection reflect and take heed. In the
final chapter, al-Hadid (Iron) urges the believers to two great
actions: to spend in the Way of Allah and to uphold justice.
51. Al-Dhariyat (31-end)
52. Al-Tur
53. Al-Najm
54. Al-Qamar
55. Al-Rahman
56. Al-Waqiah

57. Al-Hadid
That the resurrection and recompense will indeed occur;
Allah takes an oath that our provision is in the Heavens and
that is as true as the fact that you speak do you then fear for
Man and Jinn have been created to worship Allah. Do you?
That we must patiently persevere in worshipping Allah;
The fate of the previous nations and that the pagans are no
better than them;
That the Quran is easy to take admonition from but the
problem lies with people is there anyone to take heed?
Allahs countless blessings, the first blessing being the
teaching of the Quran. Ask yourself how much you have
Mankind will be divided into three groups, and they will be
rewarded accordingly. Which group would you want to be in?
The hearts must soften to Allahs remembrance and yield to it.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?.
In the 28th Juz of the Quran, we are taken through a number of
issues relevant to the Madinan community established by the
Prophet the fledgling community sought to break the shackles
of paganism and jahiliyyah (state of ignorance) and instead
sought guidance from the Quran and the Messenger. Many
issues are addressed throughout the Juz. However, this Juz is
perhaps most notable for the last three verses of al-Hashr

(Banishment) which contains the mention of over fifteen Names

or Attributes of Allah.
58. Al-Mujadilah
59. Al-Hashr
60. Al-Mumtahanah
61. Al-Saf
62. Al-Jumuah
63. Al-Munafiqun
64. Al-Taghabun
65. Al-Talaq
66. Al-Tahrim
Issues concerning wala and bara (allegiance and enmity);
To practise what one preaches;
The only trade which brings about real benefit is that which is
carried out with Allah;
That we are advised not to cling to this world;
Allahs omnipotence and all-encompassing knowledge;
We are encouraged to have taqwa (God Consciousness) and to
spend in Allahs path;
Wives are advised not to make life difficult for their husbands;
Husbands are advised to bring up our families in the best of
ways and to save them from the Fire.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?

The final two ajzaa (pl. Juz) of the Quran contain 11 and 36
chapters respectively. These chapters are generally shorter than
those in the previous ajzaa and were predominantly revealed
during the Prophets time in Makkah. This was a time that Islam
(for the pagan Arabs) was a strange message of submission to an
unseen God a threat to the citys future and prosperity. It is
therefore of little surprise that the chapters in this Juz focus on
spirituality and aim to strengthen the belief of the oppressed
community in Allah. They provide warnings of the Hellfire and
the Day of Judgement and show how pride is one of the greatest
sins. About the opening chapter, al-Mulk (Sovereignty), Allahs
Messenger said it will intercede for its companion (i.e. the one
who recites it) until he is forgiven.
67. Al-Mulk
68. Al-Qalam
69. Al-Haqqah
70. Al-Maarij
71. Nuh
72. Al-Jinn
73. Al-Muzzamil
74. Al-Muddathir
75. Al-Qiyamah
76. Al-Insan
77. Al-Mursalat
Some aspects of this great creation and warnings of the
Hellfire for those who disbelieve;
Allah commends the Prophet for his lofty qualities;
The terrors of the Last Day and the giving of the records;
Some of the qualities of the righteous;

Worship coupled with patience allows a person to bear even

the most difficult trials;
About the Last Day, the events that precede it and those that
follow it. What have you prepared for it?
About the resurrection and recompense Allah repeats ten
times the refrain Woe on that Day to the deniers, so beware of
ever denying the truth!
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?
Surahs & Ayaat
The final Juz of the Quran is often referred to as Juz Amma
after its very first word and contains the final 36 chapters of the
Majestic Quran. As these chapters are short and the verses
generally also brief, it is a popular Juz for one to begin their
memorisation of the Quran. As with the previous Juz, most of
these chapters were revealed during the Prophets Makkan
period. As such, the verses are consoling to the Prophet and the
believers with promises that the small community upon the truth
will overcome the powers that be. The believers are advised to
remain firm in what they believe, and in one of the Qurans
constant themes to patiently persevere in their trials and
tribulations. The verses contain not only many warnings of the
Hellfire but also beautiful descriptions of Paradise Countless
springs will flow therein and there will be thrones raised high,
and goblets ready, and cushions ranged, and carpets spread
out ... May Allah make us from its inhabitants. Amin.
About the events of the Last Day;

Aspects of good and bad character;

Allah swears by various objects of creation - ponder these and
also reflect on what the oaths were made for;
To reflect on life itself and the end of man and leading from
that the need to work for more deeds and follow the truth;
The first ever revelation to our Prophet (peace be upon him),
which begins with the command to read, and the best thing to
read is the Quran;
The third from last chapter, al-Ikhlas (Sincerity) encompasses a
third of the Quran consider why this is the case by reading it
and learning it;
To cling firmly to Allah and to abandon everything besides
97. Al-Qadr
98. Al-Bayyinah
99. Al-Zalzalah
100. Al-Adiyat
101. Al-Qariah
102. Al-Takathur
103. Al-Asr
104. Al-Humazah
105. Al-Fil
106. Quraysh
107. Al-Maun
108. Al-Kawthar
109. Al-Kafirun
110. Al-Nasr
111. Al-Masad
112. Al-Ikhlas
113. Al-Falaq
114. Al-Nas

78. Al-Naba
79. Al-Naziat
80. Abasa
81. Al-Takwir
82. Al-Infitar
83. Al-Mutafifin
84. Al-Inshiqaq
85. Al-Buruj
86. Al-Tariq
87. Al-Ala
88. Al-Ghashiyah
89. Al-Fajr
90. Al-Balad
91. Al-Shams
92. Al-Layl
93. al-Duha
94. Al-Sharh
95. Al-Tin
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
And Allah knows best. May Allah send His peace and blessings
upon Muhammad, his family and his companions.
This book is part of a series of posters and booklets whose aim
is to make each and every day a success for the believer.If you
would like further information or would like to order for free
distribution, please contact the Muslim Research &
Development Foundation.
Registered Charity: 111997

Copyright The Muslim Research & Development Foundation

Abu Umaamah, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
Read the Quran, for indeed it will come on the Day of
Judgement as an intercessor for its companions.

5 platinum kids story book

1. The result of sincerity
In one colony there were used to live two neighbours and one
was a bad nature person and other was a wise and sincere
person. The wise person has with him some hens in the house.
But he was used to take care too much always that with his hens
there should be no difficulty and problems with the neighbours.
When he will use to go outside of the house, then he used to
give grain and water and used to close the hens in the hen house
and when he will come back then he used to open the hens in the
One day that wise man was in his factory and the hens came
out of the hen house and went to the house of the neighbour and
where they have made lots of trouble in the house and broken
the mirror and some other things there and dig everywhere the
pits in the garden and in the courtyard of the neighbours house.
In short, in everywhere there was found filth and dust in the
house of the neighbour.
When the neighbour who was outside and came back into his
house and when he was saw the bad and worst condition and
damages of some things in the house so he was upset and angry
in this matter. So he hurt one hen by his wooden stick in the
garden so there was a discharge of blood from hen's neck. He
shouted too much in this matter and made complaints in this
matter to the members of the neighbours house as neighbour
who was not available at that time, but his household, persons
said sorry for him in the matter for the problems of the hens in
his house. But neighbour was not cool down and he made loud
cry and made noises and he was given them warning that he

will take severe action against them in this matter for the
trouble and loss done in his house by the hens and he will logde
complain in the police and bring police there to settle the
problem in his house.
After some time the wise person came back into his house and
he saw that his hens were not in the hen house and his household
persons asked him to see the neighbour who is making noise
and loud for the entry of our hens in his house. As you know by
mistake the hens left our house and were entered into the house
of the neighbour then what they should do in this matter.?
So he thought that what he should do with the bad nature
and there is no exception of wisdom and
understanding in this matter from his side. So it is required in
this matter that he should be corrected on this matter by
applying wisdom and common sense to bring him back on the
right track.
So he went into the house of the neighbour and he finds all
his hens were there and he was also seen the worst condition of
the neighbour's house. So he called one worker from the
outside and he was given him instruction to clean the courtyard
and other areas and to collect the damage things in the
neighbour's house and bring new things in place of damage
things from the bazaar and sent the injured hen to the veterinary
hospital for her treatment there.
He said to him that today by mistake his hens came to his
house and he was much regrets in this matter that the hens
caused him so much trouble and damage and the worker was
cleaned your garden and courtyard and also he was replaced
damaged mirror and other things by purchasing new items for

Due to the kind acts and sweet conversation of the wise man
and so there were good effects on the bad nature neighbour and
who was also afraid that he was done injury to the hen of the
neighbour so he will fight with him in this matter. So he said
sorry for doing injury to the hen and he regretted his past
treatment and he assured him that in the future he will also
show his good habits like him and he will become good
neighbour and good friend of him as he is wise and nice gentle
in the city.
The story teaches us the good treatment with bad the people
will bring good results to us as well as good effects upon other
2. The faithful dog
In one jungle one cowboy was there with his animals who
were grazing there. At that time he was suddenly heard one cry
in loud noise so he thought it may be some wild dog or animals
will be there. So he began searching on this matter. Upon his
search he was found one dog in the forest area when the cowboy
was checked in this matter and he was found one dog was there.
Upon he through check that the dog was not belong the jungle or
it belongs to mountainous area, but it belongs to the city area.
The cowboy thought in his mind that this jungle area is very
from the city and the jungle is in desereted area. So how that
dog was reached there. So while thinking this, he was
proceeding further, and upon some distance he was found one
skeleton in the forest trees. Upon watching the skeleton the
cowboy able to know that it belongs to human body and that
man may be the owner of the dog and who came in that jungle
three months before and due to his sudden death the dog is

staying in the jungle to protect and safeguard the corpse of the

The faithfulness is a good habit which was shown by the dog
upon the death of the owner in the jungle. In the deserted place
God was providing him food and water for the dog and also he
was protected by God from the killing of the wild animals in the
deep forest area of the jungle.
The cowboy went to the jungle and brought the county
policeman in the jungle and who took the corpse of the dog
owner and they also took the dog to the village park.
On the independence day of the country the dog was given
gallantly award in the shape of golden chain by the governor of
the state for protecting the dead body of the owner for a period
of three months while facing problems of food and water in the
deserted jungle area.
When the mistress of the dog saw the dog while receiving the
award of the gallantry by the governor in the television news
she immediately went to that village and she was informed the
county police station that her husband went for some tour to
another place in the car with his dog and large money was with
him to purchase goods so there may some problem of the theft
of money by the thieves or there may be an accident in the
jungle area and for which the killing of his husband was
happened and due to this circumstances her husband was killed
in the thick forest.
Upon this information of the mistress of the dog the county
police searched the jungle road again and they find the car in
the river which was fallen down from the road and all things in
the car were in good condition and even his water bottle and tea
thermos and all other things and all money were in perfect good

So county police came to know in this matter the merchant

was dead by falling his car down from the road in the jungle
area near the river side.
The mistress took away the car and she went away along with
the faithful dog to the city. Due to the fame of the faithfulness
daily in the city many school boys used to visit the dogs owner
house to see the faithful dog and they used to praise him for his
gallantry work in the thick forest area.
The governor also was asked the educational institutions and
schools to add one lesson of the faithful dog in the textbooks for
the small children to know the gallant story in the schools and
other institutions.
3. The wise minister
Once upon a time one cruel king was ruling one country in
the eastern side of the world and who used to punish and kill the
royal workers and the men for small mistakes. So for this
reason the ministers and public members in the kingdom were
upset and angry in this matter and want to get rid of the cruel
king for this reason. But it was not an easy thing. That king was
fond of hunting of the animals in the jungles.
One day the king was going to the jungle for the hunting
purpose in the angle. On the way he was seen that one tiger was
protecting the deer from the attack of the wild big dog there.
Upon watching this event so he was surprised in this matter too
much. The treatment of the king of the jungle was very kind and
helping nature, and which was a new thing for him and he hasn't
seen such type of the action in the jungle before by any tiger
there so he was surprised in this matter.

The ministers was observed that the king was affected too
much due to this above event in this matter. Suddenly the king
said to the minister that if you will not answer my question
correctly at this jungle place, then you will be killed in this
jungle on the spot so think carefully and save your life otherwise
you will be killed in this jungle at once. So you should reply
why the tiger is protecting the deer?. The minister upon thinking
for some time he replied oh: my lord the tiger wants the peace in
the jungle. So he want that in the jungle no animal may not be
killed in the un-rightful manner and he has trust on his power
and strength so tiger can search other animals for his eating
Upon hearing the reply of the minister the king thought for
some time and he was ordered royal army to march towards the
palace in the city and without hunting programme in the jungle
area and to remove for always the hunting camp and all other
buildings in the jungle and he was also ordered to abandon the
royal hunting sanctuary.
At the royal palace the minister told him my lord, why did not
done hunting of the animals in the jungles today and why you
have ordered for the abandon the hunting camp buildings in the
heart of the jungle area. The king replied him that today he
learned the lesson of the ruling of the kingdom of the king of the
jungle and also he was learning the lesson about protecting of
the persons living in the kingdom. So now he will start good
treatment and take care of the people in the kingdom and he will
become famous in the history of the world as kind and helpful
king for his help and welfare activities of the people of the
kingdom as well as protecting the animals in the jungle in the
rightful manner.

After the above event the people of that kingdom realized that
they were ruled by a kind and helpful king in their kingdom.

4. The wise king

In the olden days there was one kind king was ruling in one
kingdom and due to his kindness and help of the common
people he was famous in the world at that time. Due to his
justices and law and order there was peace, prosperity in the
One day one idea came into the king that why he should not
see the kingdom and meey the people and visit the cities and
towns in disguise to know the affairs of the people who are
living there and as well as to see the condition of the people in
the kingdom by his own eyes and if there will be a problem then
he can help to solve the problem easily and smoothly so that
the people can live in the peace and comfort conditions in the
One day the king left his captical city and on the way the
king met one man who was going to his village along with his
cow so the king asked where is going and whose this cow
belongs.? That villager told him that due to the kindness of the
king there is help from God that he is living a happy life as his
cow is giving daily milk equal to the quantity of 30 cows in the
village. So for this reason day by day his wealth and richness are
becoming and more and he goes to purchases many agricultural
lands for his family members. The king who was is disguise of
the villager and he was surprised to know about the milking

cow. So there was feeling of greed was there in his mind and he
decided there how to snatch away the cow from the villager.
After some days the king went again to that village to see
the cow owner in the disguise of the villager and he saw the cow
owner was in the condition of worry and upset. So the king
asked him why he was so much worry and upset there. The
villager told him that oh: unknown kind person what I should
tell you in this matter and which was happening to him that
some day, before the king visited his village in disguise of the
common man and his intention was not good for his cow. So the
king while consoling him asked him to actually tell him what
happened to him in this matter.? The villager told him brother
the cow which is there used to give milk to the equal quantity of
30 cows till some days ago and but now the cow is giving very
little milk. The king asked him is there any problem of grazing
for the cow is there.? The villager told him the cow is grazing in
the same place which she used to go before. The king asked
what is the reason for the shortage of milk of the cow.? The
villager told him, oh: kind unknown person I think that there is a
fault with the kings intention in this matter so I think that the
king now decided to do atrocities on the people of his kingdom.
So the king told him that oh: village person what you are saying
this.? All know very well that our king is very kind and he used
to take care too much about his people in the kingdom. So how
he is going to know that what atrocity he was done to you in this
The villager told him again that he was sure that there is a
fault with the intention of the king and he is going to start the
atrocities on the people of the kingdom. The villager continued
that the pious persons of the kingdom said that when the king
want to do atrocities to the people of the kingdom, then there

will be no grace and benefits in the things will be there. So I am

sure that the shortage of the milk of the cow is due to the change
of the behaviour of the king.
Upon hearing the argument of the owner of the cow, the king
thought on this matter, what the villager is saying is right and
correct as he wanted to snatch the cow of the villager and still
there was an intention in his mind and he did not take away the
cow of the villager so God was taken back the grace from cows
milk due to his bad intention in this matter. If I will snatch the
cow of the villager then what is going to happen to the people of
the kingdom which I do not know in this matter.
The king was returned back from that village calmly and went
to back to his palace and went down in the prostotration and
wept too much for his mistake of bad intention of taking of the
villagers cow for his benefits. He was reprinted in this matter
and he was promised by God that next time he will not do
atrocities on the people of the kingdom and he will become a
kind and helpful king of his kingdom and so in this way he will
make a place in the history of the world.
Upon this the king was sent one police person in the
disguise to that village to know about cows milking quantity
and he received the information that cow began giving the milk
to the equal quantity of the 30 cows in the village for which the
king thanked the God for accepting his regret in this matter.
For teaching a great lesson the king was sent ten trays of
gold and silver to the owner of a cow in that village and
renamed the village as Royal Milk Town.
5. The wise minister

In one country one astrologist was used to reside there and

what he will forecast that will be used to be happened there. And
for this reason he was famous and well respect in that kingdom.
Once the king was called the palmist in the court and at that
time in the court his minsiter was also present there. The king
asked the palmist to tell about him and upon this the palmist
began a calculaion and after some time he told him that this year
is not good for him. And it may happen that you die during this
Upon this the king worried and upset with this matter. So
when the minister saw the king in the worried condition then he
scolded the palmist and asked the palmist to recalculate in this
matter and tell the king the right thing. So palmist began his
collection and he was told the same thing to the king. So for this
reason the king believed that he will die during that year and his
color of the skin began pale.
Upon seeing he worst condition of the king the minister told
the king that there is no matter of worry in this matter as the
palmist is a false person. And now he will prove his false thing
just now. So the minister told the palmist that you have told
about the king, so now tell about your life for how many years
you will live in the world?. Upon this the psalmist was silent for
a time and then he said that he will live in the world for further
30 year period. So the minister orders the soldier to cut the neck
of the psalmist in the court. So in this way the psalmist was
killed in the court before the king of the kingdom. The dead
body of the palmist was there before the king.
The minister was told the king that my lord you have seen
that the palmist was saying that he will live up to 30 years, but
he was killed in the court just now. The man who does not about
his life, then how he will tell about the life of other persons.

Upon the killing of the palmist the king was satisfied in this
matter and people in the kingdom were happy that the liar is
The king told the minister that you have saved me from the
well of the death. If the psalmist was not killed, then in the fear
of the death he would have died during the year.
The wise minister told the king may God give you longer life
so that under your kind rule the people of the kingdom will
flourish and happy. The forecast of the palmists is wrong so we
should not believe and about the future except the God nobody
knows in this matter. So we should take care in this matter in
our life and should not waste our time and money for contacting
the palmist to know future matter and things which are kept in
veil by the God.
One legal opinion
Question. What the Mashaiq (learned person) say about Zaid
who is working as Imam (leader) in one of the central mosque
in the Hyderabad city since the period of two years and he is
giving sermons on the occasion of Fridays and Eid prayers. For
the reason of Zaids un-confircomist belief (Ghair muqallid) the
persons who are saying the prayer in the mosque want to dismiss
him from the post of the Imam (leader) and prohibit him for the
the giving sermons. So the legal oipion in required in this
Answer. As per instructions of four Imams (leaders) it is not
permissiable for the conformist persons (muqallid) to pray under
the Imam of the mosque who is having un-confirmist belief.

So the persons who are saying the payers in the mosque have
a legal right to dismiss him from the past and also they can
stop him from his entry into the mosque as per instruction from
the book Dar Mukthar Part one and on page 489 and this Fatwa
(legal opinion) was quoted by Mufti Mohammed Azimuddin of
James Niazmia Hyderabad for the answer of the above reply
and which was published in the Sisat daily newspaper
Hyderabad on 18th July 2014 on the page number 8.

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