30 Parts of Quran
30 Parts of Quran
30 Parts of Quran
Juz 27
Juz 28
Juz 29
Juz 30
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
In the Name of Allah, The All-Merciful, The Most Merciful.
All Praises belong to Allah, we seek His help and His
forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our own
souls and from our bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides will
never be led astray, and whomsoever Allah leaves astray, no one
can guide. I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, the One,
having no partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad is His
slave and Messenger.This humble summary of the Quran in 30
sections known as Juz (pl. Ajzaa) has been compiled in order to
help us develop kushoo (attentiveness) and enrich our prayers
when listening to the Quran especially in Ramadan when most
mosques try to complete its recitation during this Sacred Month.
We hope it becomes an encouragement for us to read at least one
Juz each day of our lives and to become attached to the Quran,
such that we become known as the People of Quran.This is the
Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those
conscious of Allah (2:2)
Special thanks goes to Shaykh Amr Ibn Abdillah al-Muqbil
who supervised a summary written in Arabic (Hidayatul-Ajzaa)
which formed the basis of this booklets compilation and to
Shaykh Abu Rumaysah for translating and providing additional
points from his own compilation for his Mosque in High
3. Aal-e-Imran (92-end)
4. Al-Nisa (1-23)
The importance of holding fast to Allahs rope and the
significance of unity and not splitting
The high status of the Muslim nation by virtue of their
enjoining the good and prohibiting the evil;
The evil effects of disobedience as shown to us by the example
of the Battle of Uhud;
The qualities of Allahs righteous servants. Research and
consider them well and do your utmost to be one of them! The
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) would recite the last
verses of Aal-e-Imran upon waking up - ponder them carefully;
The chapter al-Nisa concentrates on the rights of the weak and
downtrodden, the orphans, women, and those oppressed and
unable to migrate.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 6 Surahs & Ayaat
This Juz continues the chapter of al-Nisa, named after the
numerous references to women and injunctions related to them
and family life as a whole. The chapter continues to explain the
practical legislation from Allah now relevant to the fledgling
Muslim community following the loss of life at the Battle of
Uhud. Towards the final quarter of the Juz, Allah rejects the
possibility of belief in Him without having belief in all of His
Messengers a refutation of the Jews, who rejected Muhammad
(peace be upon him) and the Christians who twisted the message
of Esa (Jesus).
4. Al-Nisa (24-147)
Family relations, in particular the relationship of husband and
wife and how disputes should be resolved if they arise
The command to obey Allah, His Messenger and those placed
in authority over us and that any differences must be referred
back to the Quran and Sunnah (teachings of the Prophet
Seeking a law besides the law of Allah for judgment is a trait
of the hypocrites, indeed they do all they can to turn a person
away from Allahs law!
Practical legal guidance; shortening the prayer while on a
journey; a description of prayer at the time of fear; marital law;
how to deal with discord; the importance of justice; and rules
pertaining to separation all the while reminding a person of
being aware of Allah and fearing Him.
Detail of how the hypocrites align themselves with Allahs
enemies, their laziness in worship, and their final end in the
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 7 Having previously refuted the People of the Book and their
beliefs with regards to Esa (Jesus) and his mother, Maryam
(Mary), Allah now expands on how the People of the Book went
wrong. It tells us of how Esa was raised to Allah rather than
being crucified on the cross and how the same message was
preached by Esa as it was by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be
upon them all). In detailing their relationship with Allah and
The stories of Nuh (Noah) and the Great Flood, Hud, Salih,
Lut (Lot) and Shuayb. All of these prophets were resisted but
the victory was ultimately theirs and evil was humbled in the
end, Allahs plan never fails.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 10 Surahs & Ayaat
In the remaining verses of al-Araf, Allah tells us, in
considerable depth, the story of Musa (Moses) and his struggle
with the great enemy of Allah, the Pharaoh. Furthermore, we
are told of Musas experiences with the Children of Israel with
many important lessons for the Muslim nation and our own
submission to the Prophet Muhammads message. Aptly, the
chapter concludes by discussing the Quran and the role of the
Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) a man, having Taqwa
(God consciousness) and never too proud to worship Allah, in
complete opposite to the enemies discussed throughout. The Juz
continues with the chapter of al-Anfal (the Spoils of War)
revealed shortly after the Battle of Badr. The lessons learned
from the battle reinforce: the virtues necessary for fighting in the
Path of Allah, victory against the odds, clemency and
consideration of others.
Whilst the conflict between Musa and Pharaoh was intense, it
only led Musa to place further his dependence upon Allah;
When times got hard, Musa directed his people to turn to Allah
for help, to be patient, and reminded them that the whole Earth
belongs to Allah and that the final end is for the pious;
We continue the discourse on Badr and the dream of the
A call subsuming six pieces of advice that will lead to victory;
Al-Anfal ends by explaining that it is brotherhood that ties the
Muslim world together;
Al-Tawbah begins by defining the limits to the pact between
Allahs Messenger and the pagans;
The Islamic calendar is mentioned and the sanctity of the
sacred months is explained;
The Muslims are encouraged to go out in the path of Allah
when called to do so and the hypocrites and all those who
remain behind without a valid excuse are censured;
8. Al-Anfal (81-end)
9. Al-Taubah (1-92)
The qualities of the hypocrites and the believers are mentioned
with Allahs respective promises for both;
The Prophet (peace be upon him) is prohibited from seeking
help from the hypocrites at times of war, and he is also
prohibited from seeking forgiveness for them or praying for
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?
- Page 12 The Juz begins with the final quarter of al-Tawbah (Repentance)
in which Allah continues to describe the good character of the
righteous. Allah confirms that His good pleasure is with the
righteous who partake in the purifying act of spending for the
Al-Hajj begins by planting the fear of the Last Day into the
hearts of men, and warning them against following Satan;
Allah refutes those who reject the resurrection by drawing their
attention to the very creation of man, and the revival of the earth
after its death;
The story of how the Hajj was made obligatory on Ibrahim,
and some of its obligations and recommendations;
The Muhajirin (Companions who migrated from Makkah) are
given permission to fight oppression having been driven away
from their homes;
The parable of the fly;
The chapter ends by making a call to Jihad, and reminding us
to hold fast to Allah.
21. Al-Anbiya
22. Al-Hajj
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?
The first chapter in this Juz is Al-Muminun (Believers), a name
that aptly summarises the theme of the chapter. It commences
by outlining the qualities of the believers, and narrates incidents
from the lives of various Prophets. It then repudiates the
disbelievers and defends the Prophet and his message. In closing
Allah returns to describing further qualities of the believers with
a description of the Last Day and a supplication for mercy and
forgiveness. It is followed by the chapter al-Nur (Light), the
crowning verse of which is the verse of Light (verse 35) a
Hud reminded his people about the many blessings Allah had
granted them and explained the way to show gratitude was
through Taqwa (God Consciousness);
The story of Shuayb exemplifying the prophetic guidance to
worshipAllah as if you see Him, and if you cannot see Him
know that He sees you.
The Quran is a guidance and good news for the believers;
No matter how much the disbeliever may plot and plan, Allah
is the best of planners.
25. Al-Furqan (21-end)
26. Al-Shuara
27. Al-Naml (1-55)
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 21 This Juz begins with the conclusion to Surah an-Naml. In these
final verses we are asked to consider the signs of Allah in His
creation and acknowledge that some claim godship in the weak
unlike Allah who is Omnipotent and knows all. The chapter ends
with powerful themes of the afterlife; death before life, the
blasting of the trumpet and the Last Day. In the end, the Prophet
is commanded to serve Allah and to preach the Quran. In the
following chapter, al-Qasas (the Stories) we are told about Musa
(Moses) - his birth, upbringing, exile, call, his struggle with
Pharaoh and subsequent exodus, his ultimate triumph and
destruction of the disbelievers. The main theme of the chapter is
that of struggle, Allahs providential care and the evil end of
those who are arrogant and spread corruption. The final chapter
in this Juz is Al-Ankabut (the Spider) a chapter that takes its
name from the parable in its 41st verse in which the weakness of
polytheism is likened to frailty of a spider web.
27. Al-Naml (56-end)
28. Al-Qasas
29. Al-Ankabut (1-45)
That people can get so corrupt they detest the very presence of
those who would purify themselves;
The doubts of the pagans are repudiated and the Last Day
Allah consoles the poor and weak believers stating that future
is for them;
The story of Musa and how he could find none to support him
besides Allah but what a wonderful supporter He is!
The story of Qarun and his being deceived by his wealth;
Just as Musa was driven from his land only to return, so too
would Muhammad (peace be upon him);
The trials that one calling to Allah will face: wealth, health,
and this worldly life in general;
The stories of the previous nations show us that we should
never feel confident that we are safe and so grow complacent.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?
Surahs & Ayaat
In this Juz, we cover five separate chapters: the conclusion of alAnkabut (Spider), al-Rum (Romans), Luqman, al-Sajda
(Prostration) and the start of al-Ahzab (Confederates). Some of
the important verses in this Juz are Allah prophesying the defeat
There are good tidings for those who repent as the Angels seek
forgiveness on their behalf as well;
The severe punishment meted out to those who reject Allahs
The many blessings of Allah;
About the Noble Quran and the condition of those who reject
The danger of having evil companions and the fact that they
make disbelief and sin alluring;
The importance of calling to Allah and having good manners;
Look to the horizons and yourselves and ponder the signs
therein. This is the way of finding the truth for those who want
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?- Page 26 Surahs & Ayaat
The 25th Juz of the Quran begins with the final eight verses of
Fussilat (trans. Explained in Detail), in which Allah exposes the
hypocrisy of mankind who when touched with affliction turns to
his Creator full of extensive supplication but when favoured
by Allah turns away, and compounds his arrogance by saying
This is due to me. In al-Shura (Consultation) we read of
Allahs power, wisdom and final decision explaining that these
form some of the fundamentals of our faith. The divine reality
that Allah does not resemble His creation is central to this
chapter. The remaining two chapters in this Juz highlight the
mercy that is the Quran, and address arguments made against
this Majestic Book. As a warning, Allah places emphasis on the
fate of the sceptics.
the Prophets time in Makkah and the rest during his time in
Madinah. The Makkan chapters (al-Ahqaf, Qaaf and alDhariyat (Scatterers)) address those who deny the truth and
confirm the resurrection and the Day of Judgment. They
encourage the Prophet to persist in his call reassuring that he is
upon the truth. In contrast the Madinan chapters (Muhammad,
al-Fath (Victory) and al-Hujurat (Rooms) cover societal and
legal issues war, the organisation of the Muslim community
and the mutual respect and trust between the new Muslim
community. An important historical event, the treaty of
Hudaibiyyah ratified by the Prophet and establishing a period of
peace between the Muslims and the Quraysh is indirectly
referenced in al-Fath and the Prophet is assured the treaty was
indeed a great breakthrough.
The perfection and precision of creation is proof that the
Creator alone must be worshipped;
That we must be soft and gracious to our parents and not
rebuke them;
Allahs punishment could well come in the guise of blessings;
About Paradise and its delights but also of Hell and its
Allah is pleased with those who took the pledge of allegiance
under the tree so be careful of hating those Allah is pleased with!
People are better than others only in their Taqwa (God
Consciousness) so beware of racism and partisanship;
Every good the believer has is a grace conferred unto him by
That the angels record every word we say are you cautious of
what you utter?
46. Al-Ahqaf
47. Muhammad
48. Al-Fath
49. Al-Hujurat
50. Qaaf
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
What can we learn from this Juz?.
Surahs & Ayaat
There are seven chapters in this Juz including the melodic and
beautiful chapter of al-Rahman (the All-Merciful). In that
chapter Allah highlights many of Allahs blessings in the world
the foremost of which is the Majestic Quran. Allah also
describes the end of the world and paints a magnificent picture
of Paradise. The chapter is characterised by the refrain, Which,
then of your Lords blessings will you both deny? which runs
throughout its course, an allusion and rebuke to both mankind
and the jinn. The other chapters in this Juz cover themes integral
to the Makkan chapters such as reminders of the Day of
Judgement and the resurrection reflect and take heed. In the
final chapter, al-Hadid (Iron) urges the believers to two great
actions: to spend in the Way of Allah and to uphold justice.
51. Al-Dhariyat (31-end)
52. Al-Tur
53. Al-Najm
54. Al-Qamar
55. Al-Rahman
56. Al-Waqiah
57. Al-Hadid
That the resurrection and recompense will indeed occur;
Allah takes an oath that our provision is in the Heavens and
that is as true as the fact that you speak do you then fear for
Man and Jinn have been created to worship Allah. Do you?
That we must patiently persevere in worshipping Allah;
The fate of the previous nations and that the pagans are no
better than them;
That the Quran is easy to take admonition from but the
problem lies with people is there anyone to take heed?
Allahs countless blessings, the first blessing being the
teaching of the Quran. Ask yourself how much you have
Mankind will be divided into three groups, and they will be
rewarded accordingly. Which group would you want to be in?
The hearts must soften to Allahs remembrance and yield to it.
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
Surahs & Ayaat
What can we learn from this Juz?.
In the 28th Juz of the Quran, we are taken through a number of
issues relevant to the Madinan community established by the
Prophet the fledgling community sought to break the shackles
of paganism and jahiliyyah (state of ignorance) and instead
sought guidance from the Quran and the Messenger. Many
issues are addressed throughout the Juz. However, this Juz is
perhaps most notable for the last three verses of al-Hashr
The final two ajzaa (pl. Juz) of the Quran contain 11 and 36
chapters respectively. These chapters are generally shorter than
those in the previous ajzaa and were predominantly revealed
during the Prophets time in Makkah. This was a time that Islam
(for the pagan Arabs) was a strange message of submission to an
unseen God a threat to the citys future and prosperity. It is
therefore of little surprise that the chapters in this Juz focus on
spirituality and aim to strengthen the belief of the oppressed
community in Allah. They provide warnings of the Hellfire and
the Day of Judgement and show how pride is one of the greatest
sins. About the opening chapter, al-Mulk (Sovereignty), Allahs
Messenger said it will intercede for its companion (i.e. the one
who recites it) until he is forgiven.
67. Al-Mulk
68. Al-Qalam
69. Al-Haqqah
70. Al-Maarij
71. Nuh
72. Al-Jinn
73. Al-Muzzamil
74. Al-Muddathir
75. Al-Qiyamah
76. Al-Insan
77. Al-Mursalat
Some aspects of this great creation and warnings of the
Hellfire for those who disbelieve;
Allah commends the Prophet for his lofty qualities;
The terrors of the Last Day and the giving of the records;
Some of the qualities of the righteous;
78. Al-Naba
79. Al-Naziat
80. Abasa
81. Al-Takwir
82. Al-Infitar
83. Al-Mutafifin
84. Al-Inshiqaq
85. Al-Buruj
86. Al-Tariq
87. Al-Ala
88. Al-Ghashiyah
89. Al-Fajr
90. Al-Balad
91. Al-Shams
92. Al-Layl
93. al-Duha
94. Al-Sharh
95. Al-Tin
Read! In the Name of your Lord...
And Allah knows best. May Allah send His peace and blessings
upon Muhammad, his family and his companions.
This book is part of a series of posters and booklets whose aim
is to make each and every day a success for the believer.If you
would like further information or would like to order for free
distribution, please contact the Muslim Research &
Development Foundation.
Registered Charity: 111997
Copyright The Muslim Research & Development Foundation
Abu Umaamah, may Allah be pleased with him, related that the
Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said:
Read the Quran, for indeed it will come on the Day of
Judgement as an intercessor for its companions.
will take severe action against them in this matter for the
trouble and loss done in his house by the hens and he will logde
complain in the police and bring police there to settle the
problem in his house.
After some time the wise person came back into his house and
he saw that his hens were not in the hen house and his household
persons asked him to see the neighbour who is making noise
and loud for the entry of our hens in his house. As you know by
mistake the hens left our house and were entered into the house
of the neighbour then what they should do in this matter.?
So he thought that what he should do with the bad nature
and there is no exception of wisdom and
understanding in this matter from his side. So it is required in
this matter that he should be corrected on this matter by
applying wisdom and common sense to bring him back on the
right track.
So he went into the house of the neighbour and he finds all
his hens were there and he was also seen the worst condition of
the neighbour's house. So he called one worker from the
outside and he was given him instruction to clean the courtyard
and other areas and to collect the damage things in the
neighbour's house and bring new things in place of damage
things from the bazaar and sent the injured hen to the veterinary
hospital for her treatment there.
He said to him that today by mistake his hens came to his
house and he was much regrets in this matter that the hens
caused him so much trouble and damage and the worker was
cleaned your garden and courtyard and also he was replaced
damaged mirror and other things by purchasing new items for
Due to the kind acts and sweet conversation of the wise man
and so there were good effects on the bad nature neighbour and
who was also afraid that he was done injury to the hen of the
neighbour so he will fight with him in this matter. So he said
sorry for doing injury to the hen and he regretted his past
treatment and he assured him that in the future he will also
show his good habits like him and he will become good
neighbour and good friend of him as he is wise and nice gentle
in the city.
The story teaches us the good treatment with bad the people
will bring good results to us as well as good effects upon other
2. The faithful dog
In one jungle one cowboy was there with his animals who
were grazing there. At that time he was suddenly heard one cry
in loud noise so he thought it may be some wild dog or animals
will be there. So he began searching on this matter. Upon his
search he was found one dog in the forest area when the cowboy
was checked in this matter and he was found one dog was there.
Upon he through check that the dog was not belong the jungle or
it belongs to mountainous area, but it belongs to the city area.
The cowboy thought in his mind that this jungle area is very
from the city and the jungle is in desereted area. So how that
dog was reached there. So while thinking this, he was
proceeding further, and upon some distance he was found one
skeleton in the forest trees. Upon watching the skeleton the
cowboy able to know that it belongs to human body and that
man may be the owner of the dog and who came in that jungle
three months before and due to his sudden death the dog is
The ministers was observed that the king was affected too
much due to this above event in this matter. Suddenly the king
said to the minister that if you will not answer my question
correctly at this jungle place, then you will be killed in this
jungle on the spot so think carefully and save your life otherwise
you will be killed in this jungle at once. So you should reply
why the tiger is protecting the deer?. The minister upon thinking
for some time he replied oh: my lord the tiger wants the peace in
the jungle. So he want that in the jungle no animal may not be
killed in the un-rightful manner and he has trust on his power
and strength so tiger can search other animals for his eating
Upon hearing the reply of the minister the king thought for
some time and he was ordered royal army to march towards the
palace in the city and without hunting programme in the jungle
area and to remove for always the hunting camp and all other
buildings in the jungle and he was also ordered to abandon the
royal hunting sanctuary.
At the royal palace the minister told him my lord, why did not
done hunting of the animals in the jungles today and why you
have ordered for the abandon the hunting camp buildings in the
heart of the jungle area. The king replied him that today he
learned the lesson of the ruling of the kingdom of the king of the
jungle and also he was learning the lesson about protecting of
the persons living in the kingdom. So now he will start good
treatment and take care of the people in the kingdom and he will
become famous in the history of the world as kind and helpful
king for his help and welfare activities of the people of the
kingdom as well as protecting the animals in the jungle in the
rightful manner.
After the above event the people of that kingdom realized that
they were ruled by a kind and helpful king in their kingdom.
cow. So there was feeling of greed was there in his mind and he
decided there how to snatch away the cow from the villager.
After some days the king went again to that village to see
the cow owner in the disguise of the villager and he saw the cow
owner was in the condition of worry and upset. So the king
asked him why he was so much worry and upset there. The
villager told him that oh: unknown kind person what I should
tell you in this matter and which was happening to him that
some day, before the king visited his village in disguise of the
common man and his intention was not good for his cow. So the
king while consoling him asked him to actually tell him what
happened to him in this matter.? The villager told him brother
the cow which is there used to give milk to the equal quantity of
30 cows till some days ago and but now the cow is giving very
little milk. The king asked him is there any problem of grazing
for the cow is there.? The villager told him the cow is grazing in
the same place which she used to go before. The king asked
what is the reason for the shortage of milk of the cow.? The
villager told him, oh: kind unknown person I think that there is a
fault with the kings intention in this matter so I think that the
king now decided to do atrocities on the people of his kingdom.
So the king told him that oh: village person what you are saying
this.? All know very well that our king is very kind and he used
to take care too much about his people in the kingdom. So how
he is going to know that what atrocity he was done to you in this
The villager told him again that he was sure that there is a
fault with the intention of the king and he is going to start the
atrocities on the people of the kingdom. The villager continued
that the pious persons of the kingdom said that when the king
want to do atrocities to the people of the kingdom, then there
Upon the killing of the palmist the king was satisfied in this
matter and people in the kingdom were happy that the liar is
The king told the minister that you have saved me from the
well of the death. If the psalmist was not killed, then in the fear
of the death he would have died during the year.
The wise minister told the king may God give you longer life
so that under your kind rule the people of the kingdom will
flourish and happy. The forecast of the palmists is wrong so we
should not believe and about the future except the God nobody
knows in this matter. So we should take care in this matter in
our life and should not waste our time and money for contacting
the palmist to know future matter and things which are kept in
veil by the God.
One legal opinion
Question. What the Mashaiq (learned person) say about Zaid
who is working as Imam (leader) in one of the central mosque
in the Hyderabad city since the period of two years and he is
giving sermons on the occasion of Fridays and Eid prayers. For
the reason of Zaids un-confircomist belief (Ghair muqallid) the
persons who are saying the prayer in the mosque want to dismiss
him from the post of the Imam (leader) and prohibit him for the
the giving sermons. So the legal oipion in required in this
Answer. As per instructions of four Imams (leaders) it is not
permissiable for the conformist persons (muqallid) to pray under
the Imam of the mosque who is having un-confirmist belief.
So the persons who are saying the payers in the mosque have
a legal right to dismiss him from the past and also they can
stop him from his entry into the mosque as per instruction from
the book Dar Mukthar Part one and on page 489 and this Fatwa
(legal opinion) was quoted by Mufti Mohammed Azimuddin of
James Niazmia Hyderabad for the answer of the above reply
and which was published in the Sisat daily newspaper
Hyderabad on 18th July 2014 on the page number 8.