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ECU Reset

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The document discusses how to check fault codes on a vehicle, what different fault code flashes indicate, and the process for resetting the ECU.

To check fault codes, you connect diagnostic connectors, turn the ignition on, and read the flashing check engine light codes according to the timing of the flashes.

A continuous, even flashing check engine light with no fault indicates diagnostic mode is active. Long flashes indicate tens place, short flashes ones place, with pauses separating codes.

How to check fault codes

1. Make sure your ignition is OFF

2. Connect the Black ?Read Memory? connectors together as illustrated below.
When the above are connected you are in diagnostics mode.
3. Turn your ignition ON and ?read? the ECU code(s) being reported according to
the following instructions. Note, you may here relays clicking and your fan star
ting and stopping - this is normal when in diagnostics mode.
4. If no codes are indicated switch the ignition off and disconnect the diagnost
ic connectors
In Diagnostic Mode ? No Fault is indicated by the Check Engine Light continuousl
y & evenly flashing on/off (this is also used to indicate the successful complet
ion of an ECU Reset).
The long pulses (1.3 Seconds) indicate Tens and the short pulses (0.2 Seconds) i
ndicate ones. Pulses are separated by Short Pauses (0.2 Seconds), multiple codes
are separated by a Long Pause (1.8 Seconds).
The simplest way for an inexperienced mechanic to retrieve codes is to write the
codes down in a sort of Morse Code (dots and dashes), and start a new line when
you get a 1.8 Second pause (for NEW code), and then add the actual numbers up a
fter code retrieval is completed.
Note ? not all error codes are not stored and are not documented (though they ar
e all decoded by a Select Monitor) some of these may be found in the next sectio
11 Crankshaft position sensor
12 Starter switch
13 Camshaft position sensor
21 Engine coolant temperature sensor
22 Knock sensor
23 Mass air flow sensor
24 Idle air control solenoid
31 Throttle position sensor
32 Oxygen sensor
33 Vehicle speed sensor 2
35 Purge control solenoid valve
42 Idle switch
44 Wastegate control solenoid valve
45 Pressure sensor ?Pressure exchange solenoid valve
51 Neutral position switch
Other Subaru Codes
These codes are not documented in the Impreza Workshop manual but are mentioned
in other Subaru Documentation (and can be decoded by a Select Monitor), these ma
y or may not be applicable to the Impreza.
11 Crank angle Sensor or Circuit
12 Starter Switch or Circuit
13 Cam Position Sensor or Circuit (TDC Sensor on Justy)
14 Fuel Injector No. 1 (Legacy, Impreza, Justy, SVX)
15 Fuel Injector No. 2 (Legacy, Impreza, Justy, SVX)
16 Fuel Injector No. 3 (Legacy, Impreza, Justy, SVX)
17 Fuel Injector No. 4 (Legacy, Impreza, SVX)
18 Fuel Injector No. 5 (SVX)
19 Fuel Injector No. 6 (SVX)
21 Coolant Temperature Sensor or Circuit
22 Knock Sensor or Circuit (Right Side on SVX)
23 Air Flow Meter or Circuit (Exc. Justy)
24 Air Control Valve or Circuit (Exc. Justy)
25 Fuel injector No. 3 and 4 (XT-6)


Air Temperature Sensor (Justy)

Knock Sensor No. 2 (SVX, Left Side)
Crank Angle Sensor (SVX, No. 2)
Throttle Position Sensor or Circuit
Oxygen Sensor or Circuit (No. 1, Right Side, On SVX)
Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) or Circuit
EGR Solenoid or Circuit
Purge Control Solenoid or Circuit
Air Suction Solenoid Valve (Impreza)
Oxygen Sensor (No. 2, Left Side, On SVX)
Engine Torque Control (SVX)
Air/Fuel Adaptive Control
Idle Switch or Circuit
Throttle Switch
Wastegate Duty Solenoid (Turbo Models)
Pressure Sensor Duty Solenoid (Turbo Models)
Atmospheric Pressure Sensor or Circuit (Non-Turbo Models)
Neutral or Parking Switch or Circuit
Fuel Injector
Airflow Sensor
Neutral Switch (Manual Transmission Models)
Inhibitor Switch (Automatic Transmission Models)
Parking Brake Switch (Exc. Justy)
Fuel Pump or Circuit
Choke Control System
EGR Temperature Sensor or Circuit
EGR System
Canister Control System
Air Control System
Fuel Tank Pressure Control Solenoid (Impreza)
Fuel Temperature Sensor (Impreza)
Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor (Impreza)
Vacuum Line Control Valve or Circuit
Vacuum Pressure Sensor
Sequential turbo system
Exhaust valve solenoid (positive pressure)
Exhaust valve duty solenoid
Ignition Pulse System
Ignition Pulse System
Ignition Pulse System
TBI Control Unit

ECU Reset
1.Ensure engine is at normal operating temperature, turn engine off
2.Locate the two ECU connectors, located under the steering column and consist o
f a black plastic male and female connector, and a green male female connector
3.With the ignition OFF connect black to black and green to green.
4.Turn on ignition, do not start the engine, depress the accelerator pedal to fu
ll throttle, then return it to the half-throttle position and hold for a few sec
onds, and then release
(Engine Check lamp turns on).
5.Start engine and then drive for at least one minute, keeping road speed above
11 Km/h.
At this point the check engine light should start to flash the all clear signal
(steady 1/2 second interval flashes). If the check engine light does not flash,
or indicates some other sequence, there is a fault present in the system (this p

ost tells you how to read the codes: http://www.perth-wrx....615#post406615 )

6.Stop the car and turn off the engine.
7.Disconnect the black and green connectors.
8.Job complete - ECU is now re-set.

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