Calc Var
Calc Var
Calc Var
from I into Rn . Finally, let S consist of all curves, I Rn , with (a) = (a)
and (b) = (b). That is, each of these curves is parameterized by t in the
interval I, (i.e., as t varies in I, (t) traces out our curve in Rn ); and is
such that the curve begins (t = a) at the given point (a) of Rn and ends
(t = b)at the given point (b) of Rn . We could represent our curve , then,
by n functions of one variable, (x1 (t), , xn (t)); subject to the requirement
that (x1 (a), , xn (a)) be the point (a) of Rn , and (x1 (b), , xn (b)) be the
point (b) of Rn . In short, here S is the set of all curves in Rn , parameterized
by the interval I, and having fixed endpoints, (a) and (b). Do not read on
until you understand thoroughly the previous sentence.
We could have made many other choices for our space S. For example, we
could have defined S to consist of curves, but without the present condition
on the endpoints of those curves. The reason for this particular choice for S
is that it results in an interesting extremum problem. It will turn out that,
for the S introduced above, there will normally be just a couple of extremum
points. Other choices would result, typically, in no extremum points at all.
We must next specify the function f . This f is to be a real-valued function
on S, i.e., it is to assign a real number to each curve, , in our space S of
such curves. We consider the f given by
f () =
L(, d/dt)dt.
This function requires some explanation. First, we are to be given, once and
for all, some function L, of 2n variables (say, (x1 , , xn ) and (v 1 , , v n )).
Let the curve be represented, as above, by n functions (x1 (t), , xn (t)).
Then the integrand in Eqn. (2) is the function of one variable, given by
L(x1 (t), , xn (t); dx1 (t)/dt, , dxn (t)/dt). In other words, you evaluate L
on the 2n variables describing the position and the velocity of the curve .
This is done for each value of the curve-parameter t, resulting in a function
of t. Eqn (2) instructs that this function of t is to be integrated over the
interval I = [a, b]. The resulting number is f (). Choose a different curve,
say , then the integrand will change, and so the integral will yield a different
number: This is the value of f ( ). Repeating this procedure for all curves
in our space S yields the full function f of such curves.
There are many other possible functions on curves other than those of
Eqn. (2). For example, the integrand could have depended also on the
seventh derivative of the curve; or on no derivatives at all. We have chosen
here a particular function f (or, rather, a class of functions, depending on
what L is chosen) that results in an interesting extremum problem.
We wish to find the extremum points of this function f on this space
S. [Points is in quotes because a point of the space S is actually a certain
curve in Rn .] To this end, we fix a point of S, say curve o . Since this o is
to be in the space S, it must satisfy the required boundary conditions at I:
o (a) = (a), and o (b) = (b). In more detail, this o is represented by n
functions of one variable, (x1o (t), , xno (t)). This o is our candidate for an
extremum point of f ; and we want to find out what equation it must satisfy
in order that it actually be such an extremum.
We now proceed as outlined at the beginning.
First, we must introduce a curve, in the space S, with initial point o .
Let be the parameter of this curve, so, for each value of , our curve must
specify some point of S. We may describe our curve by a function, (, t),
of two variables, valued in Rn . Then, given any value of the parameter, say,
o , our curve will specify that point of S represented by the curve (o , t)
in Rn . This (, t), in turn, must satisfy two conditions. First, we demand
that (, a) = (a) and (, b) = (b) for every . This is the demand that
every one of our curves (i.e., that given by each ) satisfy our initial and
final conditions. In other words, this is the demand that each of our curves
actually lie in the space S. Second, we demand that (0, t) = o (t) for all t
in the interval I. This is the demand that the curve labeled by = 0 be the
curve o chosen above. In other words, this is the demand that our curve in
S have the correct initial point. In more detail, our curve in S is represented
by n functions of two variables, (x1 (, t), , xn (, t)). For each fixed value
of , these become n functions of one variable t, i.e., a point of S.
Next, we evaluate the function f of Eqn. (2) along this curve. Note that
this makes sense, for the function f is on the space S; and the curve is in
the space S. The result is
g() =
Note that t is integrated away on the right, so the right side is, indeed, a
function solely of the parameter .
The next step is to impose the extremum condition, dg/d|=0 = 0. Since
the -dependence of the right side enters only through the -dependence of
the arguments of L, we must use the chain rule. The result is
dg/d =
[(L/v 1 )( 2 x1 /t)] dt
In the second step, we used the fact that (, t) is equal to (a) when t = a,
and to (b) when t = b, for all ; with the result that (x1 /) vanishes at
t = a and t = b. Repeating this integration by parts for all n terms in (4),
we obtain, finally,
dg/d =
(L/xn d/dt(L/v n ))|o = 0.