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Reconfigurable High Frequency Class S Power Amplifier Demonstrator

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Reconfigurable High Frequency Class S Power Amplifier Demonstrator

John Dooley, Gerry Corley, Tomasz Podsiadlik and Ronan Farrell

CTVR - The Telecommunications Research Centre, Callan Institute, National University of Ireland
Maynooth, Co. Kildare, Ireland
Abstract This paper presents an end-to-end high frequency
class S power amplifier. A description of the full testbench and
some important points on generation of RF outputs from FPGA
devices and current mode class D design are given.
Experimental measurements are provided for the prototype PA
consisting of a signal generator, analog to digital converter,
driver circuit, current mode class D switching stage and
bandpass filter. Theory and experimentally measured results for
this prototype are presented for a multi tone signal centred at
930 MHz and with a total output power of 24.7dBm.
Index Terms Delta-sigma modulation, power amplifiers.

Switch-mode power amplifiers such as class D, E and F
have higher theoretical efficiencies than class A or AB
amplifiers. Because switch-mode PAs are nonlinear they are
not direct replacements for linear PAs, though they can be
used in architectures such as Envelope Elimination and
Restoration (EER), LInear amplification with Nonlinear
Components (LINC) or as is shown here, with based
modulators in what is known as a class S power amplifier.
The Class S architecture in this paper utilizes a current
mode class D (CMCD) switch for the high efficiency switchmode PA stage. This class of power amplifier has published
drain efficiencies of the order of 60%, 63% and 71% for
designs with high power discrete devices [1-3]. Since the
class D amplifier eliminates the envelope of the input signal,
all information in the input signal must be encoded in the
timing of the switch transitions. Maximum transistor
switching frequency remains a major barrier to high
efficiency implementation of the class-S PA architecture and
influences the maximum possible bit rate of the input signal.
The modulation strategy must therefore be optimized for both
cheap implementation on a digital circuit and compatibility as
a drive signal for the available transistor technology.
The type of encoder that can be used is limited due to the
necessity to reconstruct the amplified version of the original
input signal. A direct bandpass modulator can be used as
the encoder as it can convert the modulated carrier signal into
a binary amplitude pulse train for amplification in the class D
switchmode power amplifier stage. Typically, direct
modulation will require a system clock frequency of 4 times
the carrier frequency and circuits have been presented for
carrier frequencies of the order of 2.2 GHz [4].

978-1-4577-0649-3/11/$26.00 2011 IEEE

Although it is possible to manufacture modulators for

high frequency operation an alternative approach presented
here is to implement the at a lower frequency on an
FPGA. This implementation has several advantages including
low cost, low risk and it provides a reconfigurable hardware
implementation. Such a solution is suitable for integration in
a software defined radio as it can be accommodated on an
FPGA and requires a small fraction of total FPGA resources.

Figure 1. System view of a class S switch mode PA

In this paper we present experimentally measured results

for a class S power amplifier with a high level structure
similar to that shown in Fig 1. This platform operates at high
frequency using a mid-range FPGA development board and a
CMCD amplifier. It is shown that the clock frequency for the
modulator can be set at a fraction of the carrier frequency
of the output by adopting alternative techniques to direct
bandpass modulation. For this demonstrator we will use a
10th order modulator to convert the input signal to a pulse
density modulated output which is up-converted and used to
drive a CMCD PA. Experimentally measured results are
presented for the output of the full PA.
A modulator converts a high resolution digital input
signal to a pulse density modulated output. This is done by
adding an error signal whose spectral components are filtered
out from the signal band, and when added to the input in the
time domain creates a square wave. Digital modulators
are used when high dynamic range, low noise and high
linearity are required. modulators can be broadly
classified in terms of order, number of output levels of the
quantizer and noise transfer function.
For the end-to-end RF class S PA presented here we
require a modulator which can convert a low frequency
high resolution signal to a high frequency low resolution
signal. Limitations in the implementation of high frequency

direct bandpass modulators include the high clock

frequency which in turn will increase the cost of developing
and building such a solution, and the input signal in the
direct approach is an RF signal. In this way a number of
integrated circuits must be used prior to the modulator to
upconvert the signal.
A combination of both the up conversion and modulation
stages can now be realised on FPGA development boards. In
this implementation the signal is first encoded with a band
pass 10th order modulator using a relatively low clock
frequency as shown in Fig. 2. It is characterized by signal
transfer function (STF) and noise transfer function (NTF)
given by (1) and (2) respectively.
STF ( z ) = 1


NTF ( z ) =
1+ H (z)


The loop filter employed in the has been introduced in

[5], and it is optimized for fast operation in digital signal
processors. The loop filter shown in Fig. 3 has two adders in
a cascade in the longest computational path. It is constructed
in such a way, that the poles of H(z) move along the unit
circle as coefficients mi change. Therefore deep notches
appear in the NTF as the poles of H(z) become zeros of the
NTF. This feature is used to generate power of two
coefficients in the loop filter, and effectively replace
multiplications by a fast operation of bit shifting. This makes
the chosen structure suitable for fast FPGA operation.
Moreover, the latency does not depend on modulator order.
Here, a 10th order BP with zeros optimized around f/4
has been used, the structure of which is shown in Figures 2
and 3.
The modulated signal is subsequently multiplied by a +1
and -1 bit stream. Since a bit stream of +1,-1 clocked at a
frequency fCLK (fCLK = 20 f, where f is a sampling
frequency of , f = 98MHz) is equivalent to a frequency
multiplication by a local oscillator at fCLK/2 sampled at the
nyquist rate. The spectrums of both the direct BP approach
and the digital mixing approach are shown in Fig.4.
The purpose of this signal modulator is to drive a switch
mode RF power amplifier. As such the performance of the
power amplifier is directly dependent on the signal driving it.
Comparison of the direct approach to the digital mixing
method is performed using a number of figures of merit such
as dynamic range, signal passband or bandwidth (BW),
maximum and minimum pulse width and coding efficiency.
The dynamic range of the signal and passband of the
modulator must be large enough so that when the modulated
signal is filtered by the PA output network and filter stages
the output signal will meet spectral mask requirements. Here
we will gauge the relative difference in available signal
bandwidth for each modulator and not compare it to a

particular spectral mask requirement. Modulator output

signal pulse widths can have a large effect on the overall
performance of the class S power amplifier depending on the
types of transistors used. Short and long pulse lengths in the
modulator output bit stream will effect the overall
performance of the class S PA depending on the gate switch
on time, low frequency dispersion effects and fT for the
devices used [6]. Mean power coding efficiency, P, of a pulse
density modulator is defined as the ratio of in-band signal
power to total modulator output power [7].

P =



Relative performance and signal quality for both the direct

and digitally mixed approaches can be calculated in Matlab.
Using a fixed point simulation a close approximation to the
FPGA implementation can be calculated and are found in
Table I.
Dynamic Range

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

930 MHz
3.72 GHz

+ Mixing
930 MHz
98 MHz

180 MHz
57 dB

9 MHz
45 dB

structure used

Computationally efficient loop filter H(z)

It is possible to change the pulse density modulator NTF by

updating the modulator coefficients on the FPGA. To
dynamically change the transmit frequency is also possible,
however the quality of the transmit signal generated by the
modulator on the FPGA will be influenced by the reference
oscillator used on the FPGA board and the relationship

between its frequency and the required transmit frequency for

the system.
Since the clock frequency requirements for the direct
implementation are prohibitively large for the Virtex II pro
FPGA development board only experimental results for the
digital mixing approach are presented.


Power/frequency (dB/Hz)
















Frequency (GHz)

Figure 4. Plot of direct 4th order and 10th order digitally mixed bandpass
modulators (direct approach in black, digitally mixed approach in grey).


Power/frequency (dB/Hz)


of the signal using pulse-density modulation [10]. Shown in

this publication, the signal into the class S PA is a high
resolution digital signal at a fraction of the carrier frequency.
This signal is modulated and upconverted to an RF frequency
in the PA. To solve the input signal generation problem, a
differential output signal directly from the multi-gigabit
transceiver (MGT) on a Virtex II pro FPGA development
board was used. In this way the input signal for the power
amplification stage can be generated at different carrier
frequencies and most importantly uses a modulator
clocked at a fraction of the carrier frequency.
The resources required on the Virtex II pro FPGA to
implement the design constitute a very small percentage of
those available on the device. The signal source used for this
demonstrator is implemented directly on the FPGA. 4 direct
digital synthesizers are used to generate a multi tone signal
having a bandwidth of 2MHz. A 10th order bandpass
modulator is instantiated in this implementation on a Virtex
II pro FPGA board. The MGT of the FPGA board is used to
upsample the output signal from the modulator.
The MGT outputs of the FPGA development board are
connected to a prototype CMCD PCB board built on 4 layer
FR4. The board consists of a PWD06 switch-mode driver IC
from PWRF, the output of this is fed to a 3dB 180 degree
splitter from Anaren to provide the differential drive signals
for the class D stage. The CMCD bridge power amplifier
structure consists of two pHEMT ATF52189 transistors from
Avago Technologies. The differential output across the
drains of the two transistors is connected to a resonant LC
tank circuit tuned to 930 MHz. Finally a lumped element
balun was designed and implemented to convert the signal
from differential to single ended output for measurement




Frequency (GHz)

Figure 5. Magnification about the carrier frequency

(direct approach in black, digitally mixed approach in grey).


Class D, E and F switch-mode power amplifiers have been
shown to offer linearity and high efficiency through the use of
various PA architectures, namely: Envelope Elimination and
Restoration (EER) and LInear amplification with Nonlinear
Components (LINC) [8][9]. In these cases the switch mode
PA accepts an analog signal already modulated on the RF
carrier transmit frequency. This requires a high frequency
circuit to pre-process the signal and split it into two separate
paths. The class S PA is similar as it requires pre-processing

Figure 6. Photo of CMCD amplifier PCB



Experimental measurements were taken for the

reconfigurable class S power amplifier described in Section
III. Figure 6 shows a photograph of the CMCD power

amplifier board. The FPGA development board MGT output

is connected to the CMCD board by two matched semi-rigid
co-axial cables. Care is taken in the PCB layout to match the
two paths of the differential signal into the CMCD.
A first set of measurements was taken to determine the
performance of the CMCD board for a single tone at the
center frequency. An Agilent E4433B signal generator was
used to generate the signal and an off-board splitter was used
to convert the signal from single-ended to differential. In
these tests a CMCD stage drain efficiency of 65% was
recorded for a single tone at 930MHz. This result is for the
CMCD stage alone and does not represent the overall system
efficiency, which suffers from the power consumption of the
IC used to amplify the pulse density modulated signal from
the FPGA.
The second set of measurements used the output from a
pulse density modulated and upconverted signal to drive the
current mode class D switch. A screen capture from a Rohde
& Schwarz FSL spectrum analyser of the output signal from
the PCB is presented in Figure 7.
The total power contained in the output signal spectrum is
24.7dBm, 12.5dBm in the wanted signal, 24.2dBm from
noise and 10.6dBm from images and other spurious signals.
* RBW 30 kHz


30 dBm

* Att

50 dB

* VBW 2 kHz

Marker 1 [T1 ]
-3.13 dBm

SWT 6.8 s

929.038461538 MHz

components greatly reduces the efficiency of the CMCD stage

and as a result, the overall system efficiency. Further work is
required to improve the performance of this system to
increase the available signal bandwidth and improve the
dynamic range. At present it is not possible to identify the
presence of nonlinear effects from the system output. There is
also an open issue of power consumption in the amplification
of the digital pulse stream from the FPGA to drive the CMCD
This material is based in part upon works supported by
Science Foundation Ireland under grant number






1 AP











930 MHz

50 MHz/


500 MHz

Figure 7. Measured output spectrum from CMCD board



A class S power amplifier prototype that can accept a

modulated data stream from an FPGA and produce an output
of greater than 20dBm has been built. The modulated RF
signals from the FPGA are sufficient to test the prototype
CMCD board and demonstrate an end-to-end class S PA.
From these results it is evident that the modulation
scheme is critical for overall system efficiency. A high level
of out of band noise power and unwanted spectral


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