Energy-Efficient Buildings: An In-Depth Look Into Definitions, and Design Problems
Energy-Efficient Buildings: An In-Depth Look Into Definitions, and Design Problems
Energy-Efficient Buildings: An In-Depth Look Into Definitions, and Design Problems
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn, Malaysia
About 40 percent of the global energy consumption is used in buildings and this
corresponds to one third of the global greenhouse gas emissions in both developed
and developing countries (United Nation Environment Program [UNEP], 2009).
Fortunately, the potential for greenhouse gas emissions reductions from buildings is
relatively high (Levine et al., 2007), increasing energy efficiency in buildings is the
answer to overcome the unfavorable trend of rising energy consumption this is
because, the energy efficient measures such as energy-efficient building are found
to be effective in greenhouse gas emission reduction (Siong, Yun & Morris, 2011).
The concept of energy-efficient building has existed since the early 20th century,
the construction of solar houses are one of the efforts towards reducing fossil energy
consumption which will ultimately contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emission.
The construction of the solar houses was aimed to realize zero fossil energy
consumption in buildings heating systems. Of the examples of solar house is MIT
Solar House I. The solar house was built in 1939 and it is located at Cambridge,
Massachusetts, United States. The solar house includes solar thermal collecting
area and water storage system (Butti & Perlin, 1980). In 1955, the solar technology
had been applied in the Bliss House located at Melbourne, Florida, United States;
the solar technology has been used in the ventilation system (Bliss, 1955)..
Another example of energy-efficient building is zero energy building (ZEB). In
1975, Professor Korsgaard from Danish Technical University together with his
colleagues had successfully built a Zero Energy House (ZEH) at Thermal Insulation
Laboratory. The building is the first solar heated house in northern Europe
(Esbensen & Korsgaard, 1977). Following the success of ZEH in Denmark, many
countries have started to develop their own energy-efficient building.
These early examples have been influential in current approaches to building design
and indeed contributed to the definition and upgrade of building standards and
regulatory codes. At present, voluntary standards for low-energy buildings using
the principles of high insulation, good air tightness and heat recovery ventilation
systems are increasingly popular, such as the scheme R-2000 in Canada (Natural
Resources Canada, 2005), or a consulting company responsible for
certifying passive house in Denmark (, 2012) and are now extending to
other parts of the world.
The importance of reducing building energy consumption has elevated the
development of energy-efficient building, each countries has its own definition and
standard to classify energy-efficient building. The variable of definition and
standard can be due to the different in climates and economy state of each country.
The approaches and guidelines by each party should contribute towards reducing
building energy consumption and greenhouse gas emission by any means.
University has successfully built a Zero Energy House (ZEH) at Thermal Insulation
Laboratory as shown in Figure 2.2. The building is the first solar heated building
built in North Europe (Gram-Hansen & Jensen, 2005).
According to Burnett (2006), green building is a building that provides the specified
building performance requirements while minimizing disturbance to and improving
the functioning of local, regional, and global ecosystems both during and after its
construction and specified service life. Moreover, its optimizes efficiencies in
resource management and operational performance; and minimizes risks to human
health and the environment. Genzyme Corporation as show in Figure 2.5 is a
world-class example of green building construction, including advanced daylighting
and thermal technologies. The building obtained LEED-Platinum due to its high
efficiency and environmentally responsive architecture (Lockwood, 2006).
sufficient house capable to generate energy for heating, cooking, water heating and
the operation of home appliances through active utilization of solar energy.
Figure 2.6: Self-Sufficient Solar House (SSSH) in Freiburg, Germany (Bond, 2005).
Yu et al. (2009) carried out a research on air conditioning systems and indoor air
quality control for human health found ineffective air conditioning systems could
contribute to poor indoor air quality and the low indoor air quality pose a threat to
human health, particularly for the everyday users. The importance of occupants
control over room temperature is further supported by a research done by Steemers
& Manchanda (2010), according to the findings of their research; the results
demonstrate that increased energy use in the case study buildings is associated with
increased mechanization for example centralized air condition/ventilation, and
reduced occupants control. The results shows that the reduced control in turn is
related to reduced occupant comfort and satisfaction.
A research done by Thomsen et al. (2005) in 12 solar low energy building reveal
some of the problems encounter by the occupants toward buildings indoor
environmental quality. The main reason for the high indoor temperature in Danish
house is due to lack of cross ventilation and lack of solar shading besides;
mechanically ventilation system cause noise and draught problems. Another project
in Norwegian shows noise in the living room caused by the heat pump compressor.
The research done by Wong et al. (2005) in Singapore showed that fully glazed
facade that has been increasingly used in the country due to the advantages of
reducing lighting energy consumption has caused higher energy consumption and
thermal discomfort owing to higher solar gain. The use of double glazed faade
system with ventilation system is one way to resolve these problems.
Mumma (2002) in his research identified that radiant cooling system facing the
design issues that can contribute to the problems such as condensation and radiant
asymmetry. Condensation may occur when the chilled ceiling panels temperature
is lower than its enclosures temperature. Meanwhile, radiant asymmetry will occur
when most of the enclosure at 25.6 degree Celsius and the chilled ceiling panels at
carried out in 181 buildings. The result showed, excessive noise, speech clarity and
privacy are the types of acoustics problem in energy-efficient building.
Jensen et al. (2005) analyzed acoustic satisfaction in office environments in
buildings surveyed by the Center for the Built Environment (CBE). The study
found office workers are significantly more dissatisfied with the lack of speech
privacy than with the level of noise. Occupants in open office environments are
more satisfied than the occupants of either type of cubicle with noise and speech
The current energy-efficient envelope is its air tightness with minimal
infiltration/exfiltration to reduce energy losses. The tight envelope can aggravate
potential Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) problems (Wendt, et al., 2004). Yu & Kim
(2012) conducted a research on indoor air quality in low carbon emission house; the
result shows volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in energy-efficient house are
higher than the conventional house. The concentration of VOCs was maintained the
rest of the 7-year monitoring showing the ineffectiveness of the ventilation system
for removal of VOCs in the indoor environment of the air-tight house and there was
always a reservoir of VOCs exist in the house.
Pank et al. (2008) reporting sustainability of the tall building found building faade
air-tightness for tall green building tightness is a major issue where pressure
differentials from higher winds at the top of a building can cause problems with
controlling internal temperatures and drafts. Using the right window faade such as
double glazing window can reduce the differential of pressure.
Paul et al. (2010) carried out a research on effect of mechanically induced
ventilation on the indoor air quality of building envelopes. The research findings
show increases the dust particle concentration level and increase the interior wall
moisture content values by 2050%; during the operation of mechanical ventilation
system. Crump et al. (2009) found Homeowner do not use the mechanical
ventilation systems on a continuous basis because of concerns about wasted energy,
noise and discomfort caused by cold draughts.
Energy-efficient building could be defined as building made to reduce energy
consumption to different level, it includes, zero energy building, passive house, low
energy building, green building, energy self-sufficient house and buildings that
designed based on passive and active energy design, to reduce its energy
consumption and support its energy usage with renewable energy technologies
approaches. The research also found, there are still a lot of rooms of improvement
for energy-efficient building design. Current designs are unable to cope with the
occupants comfort problems and causing in some cases affecting the building
performance. Such as an energy-efficient building in Malaysia, which is Malaysia
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