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Kai-Ling Li
School of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, PRC
Abstract: This article rst generalizes the basic engineering phases of modern rapid prototyping processes, and then
describes the techniques of data capture for data modeling and model making. The article also provides a brief overview of
the photogrametric techniques of restitution of 3D objects, and highlights the diculties and limitations of existing methods.
It therefore presents a novel approach to photo-modeling for acquiring 3D model data from single 2D photorealistic images.
Implementation of the approach is then described against a background of rapid prototyping processes to demonstrate the
eectiveness of photo-modeling practice.
Keywords: Rapid prototyping, photo-modeling, photogrammetry, virtual reality.
Rapid prototyping has become a mainstream engineering process in modern industry, for its integrated,
time-compression, fast-response and customized production nature; it is a fast developing engineering practice, and its future is likely to be both prosperous and
consolidating[1,2] .
A typical rapid prototyping practice usually involves three general phases, as depicted in Fig.1: the
initial capture of product data, followed by the establishment of a data model (normally a computer aided
design le or CAD model), and nally the manufacture
of the physical product[3] .
uring and engineering process that usually requires various data acquisition techniques, expensive systems,
precision tools, and highly specialized software and
hardware; which are commonly involved in engineering practice such as CAD (computer aided design),
3D computer graphic design, geometry, measuring, and
digitizing, surface scanning, sensing and tomography.
Captured data is then further processed and modeled, (either in a CAD system or using other 3D modelers), to form a 3D data model or CAD le. Such
a CAD le will serve as the basis on which manufacture planning and preparation is carried out for the
nal shop oor model making process, as illustrated in
Fig.2. This article dedicates its contents only to the
data capture phase, and thereby presents a novel apph-
proach to the acquisition of 3D model data from a single 2D otorealistic image. The notion behind such a
research eort is twofold in relation to digital photorealistic images.
1) A photorealistic image is the most popular data
media, has high realism, is commonly available and is
easy to obtain.
2) Photorealistic images are widely delivered and
communicated over the Internet and other networks,
and are technically compatible with almost all CAD
and CAM (computer aided manufacturing) systems.
Therefore to utilize them in rapid prototyping is cost
crime scenes, and forensic analysis). The following subsections provide a brief description of photogrammetrical techniques.
Photographing devices
Photogrammetric techniques
Zheng-Xu Zhao et al./ A Photo-Modeling Approach to Restituting 3D Model Data from Single 2D Imagery for
Modeling of stereo-photogrammetry
long as complex structures and objects are to be restituted. For many artifact products, mechanical components, and even objects of free form surface, it is viable
and technically attainable to model them based on single 2D image data. In this article, such a modeling
process is called photo-modeling. It has the objectives
to (1) simplify the process, and eliminate the eort
of data capture that is essential in conventional rapid
prototyping processes, (2) to generate as-built product design models and drawings, (3) to create hightessellation surface models, (4) to measure and reversemodel mechanical parts, and (5) to export models for
use in rapid prototyping of artifact products.
There are several ways to interpret an image to obtain its depth value. If the image is grayscale, then the
process is straightforward. Pixel intensity corresponds
to a relative depth value. If the image is of RGB format, it needs to be converted to grayscale rst, and
then a depth value is related to the grayscale. The
other possible pixel type is RGBA, in which case a
depth value is established from the alpha channel, and
then rectied using RGB colors. Technical details can
be found in literature[9] .
Computation of normals
Zheng-Xu Zhao et al./ A Photo-Modeling Approach to Restituting 3D Model Data from Single 2D Imagery for
In the case of directional light step 1), the normalization of L, should be done only once, because L is
the same for every vertex. For point lights, the process is similar, the only dierence being in step 1). In
this case a computation of L is required. Assuming
that the vertex position is v = (vx, vy, vz), and light
position l = (lx, ly, lz), then step 1) becomes:
1) Compute the vector from the vertex to the light
source as vl = (vlx, vly, vlz), where vlx = lx px,
vly = ly py, and vlz = lz pz.
2) Normalize vl to obtain L. First, length =
sqrt(vlx vlx + vly vly + vlz vlz), and then
Lx = lx/length, Ly = ly/length, and Lz = lz/length.
For steps 2) to 4), the computation is identical for
both light types.
Example of applications
The work presented in this article is sponsored by
Virtual Engineering Research Center at Shandong University, Jinan, PRC.
(a) 2D photo-image
(b) 2D pattern
Zheng-Xu Zhao et al./ A Photo-Modeling Approach to Restituting 3D Model Data from Single 2D Imagery for
[9] R. S. Wright Jr, M. Sweet. OpenGL SuperBible, 2nd edition, Waite Group Press, Indianapolis, USA, pp. 198206,
at the Virtual Engineering Research Center at Shandong University, PRC. It was at these two institutions where he accomplished
this paper and the related research.