Application of A Photogrammetric System For Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
Application of A Photogrammetric System For Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
Application of A Photogrammetric System For Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
Application of a
Photogrammetric System for
Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
Junggeun Han
, Kikwon Hong
and Sanghun Kim
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Urban Design and Study,Chung-Ang University, Seoul
Green Technology Institute, Chung-Ang University, Seoul
ReStl Designers, Inc., Maryland
South Korea
1. Introduction
Several traditional measuring apparatus are used to check the stability of civil engineering
structures and maintenance of them. The measured results are applied for the deformation
and stability analysis of civil engineering structures. Currently, precision and micro
measuring instruments are used for stability evaluations of civil engineering structures.
Furthermore, the measuring apparatus have been changed from manual systems to
automatic systems. For example, total station, one of the traditional and manual measuring
methods, is transferred to digital photogrammetry with high technology development.
Especially, the movement of target points is able to be measured in real-time automatically
because it can be obtained 3-dimensional coordinates by digital photogrammetry. The use of
automatic measuring methods has been researched in several different industries (Hannah,
1989; Lee et al., 2006). The applications of digital photogrammetry are increased in various
civil engineering structures (Han et al., 2001; Han & Song, 2003; Han et al., 2007, 2008). It
shows that the automatic and high-tech measuring system likeVisual Monitoring System
(VMS) based on digital photogrammetry is able to apply to the stability evaluations of large
civil engineering structures.
Most of recent measurement methods are based on image process method even though in
some case, Global Positioning System (GPS) is used like the measurement of the
deformation on the surface of large civil engineering structures (Stewart & Tsakiri, 2001).
Also, automatic measuring method begins to use for stability evaluations of civil
engineering structures; for examples, there are slope failure prediction (Han et al., 2001; Han
& Song, 2003), displacement measurement (Bae, 2000; Kang et. al, 1995), monitoring of
dams(Park et. al 2001; Han et. al, 2005). However, the current measuring systems like total
station based on manual measuring are almost not possible to measure the movements of
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Special Applications of Photogrammetry
civil engineering structures in real-time based due to various field conditions even though
most of measuring systems have a high accuracy. For example, the manual measuring
method requires a lot of analyzing time for measured data because it has several procedures
like photographing, drawing and analysis manually.
In the late 21th century, the image acquisition apparatus with high technology has been
developed continuously and rapidly. If real-time automatic measuring system based on
high technology is developed, the measuring system technique can be developed with
digital image technique rapidly as well. It means that stability and maintenance technique
for civil engineering structure can be more epochal improved in the future.
Therefore, this chapter introduces a real-time measuring system, VMS which is based on
digital photogrammetry. The measuring results of VMS are compared with those of manual
apparatus in various tests and then the accuracy of VMS is evaluated. At first, background of
digital photogrammetry and VMS process are explained. Secondly, laboratory and field tests
using VMS and cultural assets restoration based on application of digital photogrammetry are
described. Finnally, conclusions about various tests and case study are summarized.
2. Background of digital photogrammetry
2.1 Historical background
The past photogrammetry requires several steps to obtain the adequate results which are
divided into photographing, drawing, analysis, 3-dimensinal coordinates acquisition and
conversion, because it uses films that have sensitive emulsion. Therefore, the past
photogrammetry has problems in both the application of real-time measuring and distortion
and storage of data.
In the late 20th century, CCD camera was introduced as image acquisition apparatus
because CCD camera could not only be economically purchased but also, easily process and
save the image data. The image acquisition apparatus has been developed in high resolution
and wide analysis range based on the development of electric and electron. Also, the
accuracy of camera lens has been improved by correction technique of geometric distortion
and establishment of analysis algorithm (Fraser, 1997).
In the early 1990s, the image analysis techniques with film scan started to apply to various
fields. In the mid-1990s, several researchers have studied the improvement of accuracy in
image analysis techniques using establishment of analysis algorithm and commercialization
of real-time measuring (El-Hakim & Wong, 1990). Furthermore, the 3-dimensional position
measuring has been researched to apply the field of photogrammetry (Fraser, 1993; Shortis
& Fraser, 1998). The correction of multi-focus lens has been studied to apply in close range
photogrammetry (Munjy, 1985; 1986). The lens correction and image analysis improvement
of CCD camera have been studied by using research results (Shortis et al., 1994) of close
range photogrammetry and focus lens (Lichti & Chapman, 1995). CCD camera has been
used in image analysis of robot vision and position decision of targets (Gruen, 1992).
The study of combination programs has been a trend, so separate image processing
programs could be combined by using visual analysis and connection analysis based on
existing researches. Especially, the photogrammetry that uses automatic technique of 3-
dimensional data acquisition has been studied in the application of object movement and
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
automatic system of industrial (Hannah, 1989; Lee et al., 2006). Also, the user interface
design using digital photogrammetry technique was able to apply in high accuracy
measuring system and vision system.
The 3-dimensional measuring system based on existing photogrammetry is used in film
with sensitive emulsion. However, the technique takes a time to respond to the risk in spite
of great accuracy. Therefore, real-time measuring system, which improved measuring
system based on existing photogrammetry, was requested for civil engineering structure
that specially requires both economical, rapid reaction and high accuracy.
2.2 Short-overview of digital photogrammetry
Photogrammetry provides the 3-dimensinal coordinates of unknown points from acquired
multiple images, which are images of the same scene on different viewpoints.
Photogrammetry procedure has object decision, image acquisition, image processing and
analysis. The image acquisition of the past photogrammetry is used in film with sensitive
emulsion. Nowadays, those are used in CCD and CMOS cameras. The 3-dimensinal
coordinate precision of images depends on various factors like object condition, camera
calibration and image orientation. That is, the scale and pixel size of image based on CCD
and CMOS cameras is important factor in the image acquisition of photogrammetry. This
means that camera calibration needs to enhance image accuracy (Kraus, 1993; 1997; 2007).
In present, the digital images are produced by electric sensor of metric cameras based on CCD
or CMOS, as above mentioned. The mathematical-geometric parameters of digital image based
on principal distance, coordinates and principal point are defined as the factors of interior
orientation. Even though geometric parameters represent the photogrammetry analysis model,
it does not correspond to real object due to distortion of camera lens. Therefore, the camera
calibration must be conducted to achieve the highest accuracy of model (Kraus, 1993; 1997).
In order to create 3-dimensinal coordinates of image, the image plane is produced by electric
sensor in focal plane of cameras. The orientation parameters based on image plane can be
calculated using collinearity equations (see Kraus, 1993) and then the 3-dimensinal
coordinates are produced (Kraus, 1993; 1997; 2007; Ohnishi et al., 2006).
3. Visual Monitoring System (VMS)
VMS is monitoring system using digital photogrammetry and it is made to analyze
deformation of object based on real-time visualization. This section introduces composition,
principle and process of VMS.
3.1 Composition of VMS
The past photogrammetry using films makes a 3-dimensinal image by image acquisition,
drawing, analysis and 3-dimensinal coordinate creation. A coordinate conversion of film
image is conducted by coordinate formation program. It results in conversion process and
visualization program and then it forms 3-dimensinal coordinates. The past
photogrammetry has a problem for an immediate maintenance about deformation and
displacement of structure in field because it requires a lot of processing time. If disaster risk
happened, it would require a lot of time to establish countermeasure.
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
The VMS photogrammetry analysis software which combine with 3-dimensional coordinate
extraction, drawing and analysis, can analyze structural deformation as shown in Fig. 1. The
VMS as a unified program is real-time measuring system for civil engineering structure with
using digital photogrammetry. VMS can evaluate the structural stability by comparing the
continuous obtained information to the existing information of structure. Also, it is real-time
monitoring system for maintenance of structure.
Fig. 1. Analysis procedure of VMS using digital photogrammetry
3.2 Process of VMS
The procedure of VMS is shown in Fig. 2. First of all, the image obtained from digital camera
is conducted by image processing. Secondly, the modified image compares with the selected
model image. Then it searches the model in the image. Finally, the measuring result is
obtained by the searched result using image analysis module.
VMS is developed windows based program by Delphi and it consists of five tools as
1. Project tool has camera information to photogrammetry
- Input focal length, pixel size and position (3-dimensinal coordinates) of cameras,
and information of reference and unknown points
2. Second tool select analysis model
- Select size, range and area center of model for photogrammetry analysis, then
modify the selected model using image processing wok
3. Third and fourth tools find metric image and model position in image, respectively
- Search the modified model of mertic image using geometric model finder
4. Fifth tool performs photogrammetry analysis and sees analysis results.
- Analyze measuring data using the combined photogrammetry analysis software
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
Fig. 2. Measuring analysis procedure of VMS
3.2.1 Digital image processing
Digital image processing has a procedure of threshold, histogram, contour extraction and
image noise removal works. The image processing (in more detail, see Pratt, 1991) is
summarized as followed;
1. Threshold
Image processing data is classified as colour image, gray image and binary image. Binary
image can show an essential scene in the boundary value of black and white colour. That is
why binary image is mostly applied to image processing even though it was not colour
image. In general, colour image (original image, Fig 3(a)) can be converted to binary image,
by applying threshold work as shown in Fig. 3(b).
2. Histogram and line extraction
Histogram is very important work to show the contrast information of the image. The
histogram shows the distribution of the light and shade value in image. It simply presents
an image pixel using bar graph as well.
Line extraction is to be defined as not only outline of object in the image, but also
characteristic line of the image on image processing. The line extraction to present the
characteristic of the image is important tool in common with histogram. Line extraction
image is shown in Fig 3(c)
3. Image noise removal
If the image has noise, there is a clear difference between noise depth and its surroundings
in the image. The noise removal using noise characteristic is defined as smoothing method.
Also, the noise removal can improve image quality.
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
a) b)
Fig. 3. Step of Digital image processing: a) original image, b) binary image applied in
threshold; c) line extraction image
3.2.2 Model finding
The geometric model finder module is used in photogrammetry procedures because the
model finding needs to search an unknown points corresponding to reference point. The
function of geometric model finder module only extracts the required data from pattern
recognition system based on the modified image by image processing. The characteristics of
extracted data are distinguished by pre-processing. Then its pattern is recognized and
processed by system. That is, VMS requires a pattern recognition procedure because it is
automatic and complex system.
The procedure of pattern recognition is shown in Fig. 4. The metric image is pre-processed
to pull out the required data because it includes unnecessary information. Next, the
extracted data is divided into smaller units for facilitation of pattern recognition. Small units
are idealized in both size and length. Finally, the characteristics are selected to obtain the
important factors of pattern recognition, and then it is compared to the identification of
The pattern preprocessing includes preprocessing, partition and normalization. It is simple
and does not require a lot of time in process. It does not change the required characteristics
in pattern recognition.
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
The characteristic extraction is the selecting process of the stabilized physical property for
data transformation. Furthermore, the process includes both removal of redundancy
property without loss of data information by reduction of pattern dimension and
minimization of the processing time and storage space to pattern recognition. It means that
the obtained data by measuring are converted into the required characteristics for pattern
recognition. The methods of pattern matching, which is to identify the range of random
pattern in the image, are theoretical analysis and structural analysis. Fig. 5 shows example in
flow of pattern recognition system.
Fig. 4. Pattern recognition procedure
a) b)
c) d)
Fig. 5. Flow of pattern recognition system: a) original model, b) preprocessing & data
extraction, c) identification & pattern recognition, d) model search result (blue-reference
point, red-unkown poins)
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
4. Experimental investigation using VMS
Digital photogrammetry is applied in various fields. VMS has an important role for the
deformation measuring of civil engineering structures as well as historic preservation and
restoration of cultural assets.
The VMS results of tensile strength tests for welded members in civil structure, friction tests
for concrete masonry block (CMU) retaining wall in civil engineering structure, and the
measured deformations of cultural assets are presented.
4.1 Deformation measuring of welded members
The VMS and a test instrument (MTS-810) are used for the deformation measuring of the
tensile strength tests of welded members. The accuracy and applicability was verified with
comparing the deformation values of VMS to those of a test instrument. The characteristics
of the behaviour in a welded joint were investigated by using VMS.
4.1.1 Loading test
In order to measure the local and overall deformations, measuring points are marked at a
welded member as shown in both Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. U0 and L0 are measuring points to
observe the overall deformation of the test member. U1~U10 and L1~L10 are measuring
points to observe the local deformation near a welded joint at upper and lower part.
4@15 mm
+ : Measuring point
Grip line
Grip line
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
L6 L7 L8 L9 L10
U1 U2 U3 U4 U5
U6 U7 U8 U9 U10
Lower part Upper part
Fig. 6. Marked measuring points in welded member
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
sxl1 sxl2 sxl3 sxl4
syl2 syl3 syl4 syl5
sxu1sxu2 sxu3 sxu4
syu1 syu2 syu3 syu5
a) b) c)
Fig. 7. View of welded member: a) welded member marked measuring points, b) tensile test
rig, c) Strain models
To verify the accuracy and the applicability of VMS and investigate the characteristics of the
deformation behaviour in a welded joint, strain values are calculated at each measuring
points. Strains at each measuring point are shown in Fig. 8. Syt is VMSs overall strain
values of a test member corresponding to those measured by a test instrument (MTS-810).
Sxu1~Sxu10 and Syu1~Syu10 are strain values at upper part in the x-direction and the y-
direction. Sxl1~Sxl10 and Syl1~Syl10 are strain values at lower part in the x-direction and
the y-direction.
The loading tests are conducted using MTS-810, which has loading capacity of 250kN. The
loading increasement is controlled by tensile displacement at a 0.01 mm/sec with the
assumption of static deformation. Also, the deformation is measured by two sets of digital
camera, which are located at distance of 2.1m. VMS measures the deformation of measuring
points at each 50 second. Fig. 7 shows a welded member marked measuring points and
tensile test rig (Han et al., 2008).
4.1.2 Comparison of results and analysis
To confirm the accuracy and the applicability of VMS, strain (Syt) values of VMS are
compared with those of a test instrument (MTS-810) as shown in Fig. 8. Syt values
measured by VMS are good agreement with a stress-strain curve measured by MTS at the
elastic and at the plastic regions. And it is seen that the developed VMS can accurately
measure an overall deformation of a test member. It is concluded that the developed VMS
has the high accuracy of 90% and the applicability of deformation measurement for the
welded members.
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Syt (measured by VMS)
Stress-strain curve
(measured by MTS-810)
elastic region platic region
Fig. 8. Comparison of overall strains between VMS and MTS-810
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02
Strain (measured by MTS-810)
elastic region platic region
Fig. 9. Comparsion of strain distribution in a welded joint at upper part.
Strain values near a welded joint at upper part are shown Fig. 9. Strain values (Sxu1~Sxu4)
in the x-direction show compressive (-) up to -0.02 in the elastic region. In the plastic region,
strain values constantly keep compressive. In the y-direction strain values (Syu1~Sxu5) are
tensile (+) about +0.01 in the elastic region. In the plastic region, strain values are rapidly
larger up to about +0.06.
It is shown from VMS measuring observations for a welded joint that strain values in the x-
direction keep compressive up to -0.02. Strain values in the y-direction are tensile and
rapidly increased up to +0.06 in the plastic region.
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
4.2 Displacement measuring of reinforced concrete masonry unit (CMU) retaining wall
The manual measuring apparatuses like displacement transducer, settlement meter and
total station are applied to perform both stability evaluation and maintenance of the
reinforced CMU retaining wall. However, it is difficult to measure the overall deformation
and crack of the reinforced CMU retaining wall because most manual measuring system can
only measure the partial deformations. Also, the manual measuring systems have some
disadvantages in durability and maintenance of apparatuses due to malfunctions. The
malfunctions cause low accuracy for immediate reaction. Therefore, VMS is one of the good
solutions for reasonable measuring of the reinforced CMU retaining wall because it can
solve the disadvantages of the existing measuring systems. The forced displacement
laboratory test of the reinforced CMU retaining wall is conducted to evaluate both the
behaviour of reinforced CMU retaining wall and real-time measuring system at a long
4.2.1 Forced displacement laboratory test of reinforced CMU wall facing units
Measuring both local displacement and overall deformation of CMU retaining wall facing
units in real scale is performed. The test procedure is shown in Fig. 10 and follows as;
1. The rubber mats (like soft ground) is located to lead settlement of the wall facing units
when vertical load is applied to the wall facing units
2. The wall facing units with three tiers is located on rubber mats of laboratory test
3. Obtain initial 3-dimensional coordinates of the image using VMS and total station
4. Obtain 3-dimensional coordinates from cameras using total station
5. Apply loads on the wall facing units
6. Obtain the deformed image coordinates of left and right due to the applied loads
a) b)
c) d)
Fig. 10. Test procedure: a) initial coordinates measuring (total station & VMS), b) loading,
c) displacement measuring, d) end of test
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
The six tests are conducted. There are three measurments in vertical direction, two in
horizontal measuring, and one simultanuous measuring in both vertical and horizontal
directions. The test procedure is repeated at each case. The reference target points on steel
frame of laboratory test apparatus and the unknown target points on the renforced CMU
retaining wall face are located respectively as shown in Fig. 11. The movements of the target
points are monitored by both total station and VMS (refer Fig. 12). The vertical loads apply
from 30kN to 50kN and the vertical displacements are measured. The horizontal
displacements occur due to the forced movement of rubber mats (Han et al., 2006).
Fig. 11. Front view of the fixed targets on steel frame and CMU
a) b)
Fig. 12. View of CCD cameras and computer system with VMS: a) left; b) right
4.2.2 Comparison of results and analysis
The initial coordinate for six reference target points and nine unknown target points is
obtained by both VMS and total station. The displacements of wall facing units by vertical
load and forced displacement are measured. The test results are shown in Table 1. However,
the measuring results of target points 13, 15 and 18 are eliminated because of dropping the
target points off wall facing units during tests. The measuring difference between total
station and VMS is from 0.1% to 16.7%. Therefore, the measuring results of unknown points
are only presented the maximum and minimum differences as shown in Table 1. The
average difference of total results is less than 3.6% as shown in Table 2.
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
The test results confirm the applicability of VMS as a good measuring system to the
reinforced CMU retaining wall. Furthermore, the analysis results show that VMS can be
real-time measuring systems while the targets are moved. Therefore, it is suggested that
VMS can be a reasonable measuring method for reinforced CMU retaining wall systems.
Total station value VMS value Total
x Y z x' y' z'
99563.742 99796.000 -101887.196 99565.638 99796.911 -101888.142
Case I 99563.024 99785.000 -101886.499 99565.948 99784.041 -101887.468 11.045 12.891 -1.846
Case II 99563.721 99780.000 -101885.782 99566.378 99779.270 -101888.247 16.062 17.657 -1.594
Case III 99563.024 99774.000 -101886.499 99565.159 99773.080 -101887.266 22.023 23.852 -1.829
Case IV 99584.871 99796.000 -101881.232 99587.203 99793.754 -101882.211 21.954 22.587 -0.633
Case V 99594.093 99794.000 -101883.220 99596.535 99793.994 -101882.876 30.676 31.478 -0.802
Case VI 99594.072 99778.000 -101881.806 99597.074 99776.993 -101883.318 35.679 37.526 -1.847
Omission of measuring results (number 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14 and 17)
99378.007 99266.000 -101904.740 99377.803 99262.640 -101904.771
Case I 99377.987 99253.000 -101903.326 99378.143 99250.941 -101904.537 13.077 11.706 1.370
Case II 99377.987 99249.000 -101903.326 99377.975 99246.205 -101903.625 17.059 16.476 0.583
Case III 99378.704 99242.000 -101904.023 99378.180 99238.361 -101903.756 24.021 24.303 -0.282
Case IV 99398.419 99266.000 -101898.079 99398.882 99260.212 -101898.850 21.471 22.029 -0.558
Case V 99409.076 99263.000 -101901.461 99408.924 99260.369 -101901.005 31.385 31.430 -0.045
Case VI 99409.055 99246.000 -101900.047 99409.954 99242.347 -101900.917 37.229 38.214 -0.985
* Case I: vertical load 30kN, Case II: vertical load 40kN, Case III: vertical load 50kN, Case IV: arbitrary
horizontal displacement (1), Case V: arbitrary horizontal displacement(2), Case VI: vertical load and
horizontal displacement
Table 1. Comparison between total station and VMS in measuring results
Test case
Case I Case II Case III Case IV Case V Case VI
7 16.7 9.9 8.3 2.9 2.6 5.2
8 8.9 3.3 4.4 1.3 0.5 3.9
9 1.1 1.0 3.5 3.8 0.9 2.4
10 2.7 2.4 2.0 6.7 2.3 2.3
11 8.7 4.6 7.2 2.3 2.7 5.0
12 1.2 1.3 3.6 3.9 2.4 3.8
14 0.8 0.5 6.5 2.1 1.7 5.4
16 10.5 3.4 1.2 2.6 0.1 2.6
17 1.8 0.8 0.4 4.7 0.3 0.6
Average 5.8 3.0 4.1 3.4 1.5 3.5
Table 2. Measuring difference according to test cases (%)
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
4.3 Field application of VMS to real structure
4.3.1 Simulated field test
The field test of VMS is conducted for the concrete wall (refer Fig. 13), which is made of
concrete, because of the limitation of field application on large structure. The simulation
idea comes from large civil engineering structures made from concrete materials (Han et al.,
2007). The field test is conducted to evaluate VMS application to concrete structure at long
distance. The results of VMS compares with those of total station.
a) b)
Fig. 13. Simulation structure view for 3-dimensional image acquisition: a) left image, b) right
Fig. 14. Simulation schematic
The targets points are located on the concrete bleacher at the distance around 76m to 97m
from CCD cameras and the distance between cameras is 87.9m as show in Fig. 14. The
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
reference target points (numbered as 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 9) and unknown target points
(numbered as 2, 5 and 8) are located on the face of concrete bleacher, respectively (refer Fig.
13 and Fig. 14). The deformation of the targets points are measured by VMS system. As
there was not a actual structural displacement for measuring, the unknown points have a
simulated movement from initial position by the forced displacement as shown in Fig. 15.
The forced displacement of targets points assumes 5cm at top and bottom and 9cm at left
and right. Therefore, the each unknown point is measured in total of four steps. The
simulation procedure is followed as;
1. Set up the CCD cameras and prepare VMS system (refer Fig. 16)
2. Fix reference point and unknown point targets points on object and then
3. Obtain initial 3-dimensional coordinates of the image using both VMS and total station
4. Obtain 3-dimensional coordinates of cameras using total station
5. Obtain images coordinates of left and right by forced displacement
6. Repeat (5) process according to the each step
Fig. 15. Forced displacement of target
a) b)
Fig. 16. View of CCD cameras and computer system with VMS: a) left, b) right
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
4.3.2 Comparison of results and analysis
The measuring results based on initial and forced displacement are analyzed as shown in
Table 3 and 4. The initial coordinates of the image using both total station and VMS are
almost identical as shown in Table 3. The initial displacements of total station and VMS are
zero. Also, the displacement according to the forced displacement is measured by both total
station and VMS. The results are shown in Table 4. The comparison of measuring results
shows that the difference is from 0.325mm to 10.436mm irregularly. However, the accuracy
of VMS is acceptable because the calculated difference range based on camera pixel and
measuring distance has maximum 10.436mm.
It means that VMS can apply to measure displacement, deformation and crack of civil
engineering structures. In addition, the accuracy of VMS will be improved continuously
because the error rate in camera capacity will be decreased by the industrial development
related to image acquisition apparatuses.
Total station value VMS value Point
classification x y z x' y' z'
37491 104055 -170330 37491 104055 -170330 reference
2 50732 104053 -173430 50797 104052 -173335 Unknown
3 66774 104083 -173912 66774 104083 -173912 reference
4 38404 101559 -166586 38404 101559 -166586 reference
5 51345 101437 -169566 51398 101445 -169534 Unknown
6 66096 101606 -169967 66096 101606 -169967 reference
7 36781 107416 -173733 36781 107416 -173733 reference
8 49892 107274 -176846 49971 107247 -176695 Unknown
9 66988 107393 -177548 66988 107393 -177548 reference
Table 3. Initial coordinates of targets
Total station value VMS value Total station
x y z x' y' z'
Step 1
51434 101386 -169592 51486 101401 -169558 101.272 106.049 -4.777
Step 2 51431 101483 -169592 51480 101498 -169554 99.664 101.073 -1.409
Step 3 51255 101483 -169545 51310 101497 -169511 104.771 102.619 2.153
Step 4 51253 101392 -169548 51309 101398 -169518 101.912 104.530 -2.619
Step 1
50814 104014 -173452 50888 104008 -173358 103.663 93.227 10.436
Step 2 50816 104104 -173448 50883 104100 -173352 99.945 99.620 0.325
Step 3 50641 104104 -173408 50708 104098 -173310 103.257 106.287 -3.030
Step 4 50636 104017 -173415 50705 104008 -173311 104.766 103.350 1.416
Step 1
49979 107232 -176874 50060 107202 -176724 103.860 100.538 3.322
Step 2 49978 107321 -176871 50050 107293 -176719 94.515 101.020 -6.505
Step 3 49796 107323 -176833 49882 107290 -176679 100.130 108.735 -8.605
Step 4 49799 107228 -176839 49884 107195 -176682 102.186 104.239 -2.052
Table 4. Comparison results between Total station value and VMS value according to forced
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
4.4 Case study for cultural assets
4.4.1 Overview
Recently, there have been many attempts to restore cultural assets in South Korea. However,
both maintenance and restoration of cultural assets are very difficult due to several factors
like site conditions, natural deteriorations, damages and restoration methods. Therefore, the
photogrammetry methods based on 3-dimensonal analysis was introduced as non-contact
methods without damage of cultural assets (Kim et al., 2003).
The case study presents the application of a digital photogrammetry to seven-story stone
tower in Sinsedong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea for the maintenance data establishment of
cultural assets as shown in Fig. 17 (Sin & Kim, 2006; Yoon, 2006).
Fig. 17. Seven-story stone tower in Sinsedong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea (Sin & Kim, 2006;
Yoon, 2006)
4.4.2 Application result and analysis
The targets are fixed considering obstacles around seven-story stone tower in Sinsedong,
Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. The front and back images at the top, the middle and the bottom
positions are measured by CCD cameras as shown in Fig. 18. 3-dimensional coordinates are
obtained by the photogrammetry process based on acquired images and decided by
RolleiMetric CDW (Close-range digital workstation). The drawing of seven-story stone
tower is presented as shown in Fig. 19.
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
Fig. 18. Targets image acquisition according to each position: a) top, b) middle, c) bottom
(Sin & Kim, 2006; Yoon, 2006)
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
Fig. 19. Drawing results of stone tower: a) front, b) back (Sin & Kim, 2006; Yoon, 2006)
The stability of the seven-story stone tower is evaluated by the results of photogrammetry
analysis. The stability evaluation is as followed;
1. Extend and determine to vertical axis for center of the seven-story stone tower
2. Evaluate incline of the seven-story stone tower based on the determined vertical axis
Application of a Photogrammetric System for Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures
The evaluation results are shown in Fig. 20. In front view, the incline and the maximum
eccentricity are 1.3 and 0.336m on the left, respectively. In back view, the incline and the
maximum eccentricity are 0.78 and 0.251m on the right, respectively. Therefore, the digital
image information based on the results of photogrammetry analysis can be applied to space
analysis like cross section and inclination. It means that digital photogrammetry can be used
for stability evaluation, maintenance and restoration of cultural assets.
a) b)
Fig. 20. Incline analysis results: a) front, b) back (Sin & Kim, 2006; Yoon, 2006)
5. Conclusion
This chapter introduces research cases related to photogrammetry and a real-time
measuring system (called as visual monitoring system, VMS) which is based on digital
photogrammetry. It confirms the applicability of digital photogrammetry in civil
engineering structures and cultural assets. The research conclusions are followed as;
Special Applications of Photogrammetry
1. In deformation measuring of welded members, the accuracy and applicability of VMS
was verified by comparing the deformation values of VMS with those of the loading
test instrument (MTS-810). It is seen that the developed VMS has the high precision
comparison with test results using MTS-810.
2. VMS is applied to displacement measuring of reinforced CMU retaining wall. The
average difference of VMS is less than 3.6% in total test cases. This means that the
measuring result was verified reasonably in all target points except the dropped target.
3. The accuracy of VMS based on simulated field test is satisfied in theoritical difference
range. Therefore, the its applicability was verified reasonably in civil engineering
4. It introduces the applicability of digital photogrammetry in maintenance and
restoration of cultural assets. The result confirmed that the stability of cultural assets is
evaluated by digital photogrammetry. Also, it can be applied as maintenance technique.
Digital photogrammetry is applied in various fields and it is developed rapidly with
development of image processing techniqe and image acquisition apparatus. Therefore, if
digital photogrammetry is applied continuously in civil engineering structures, micro
measuring instruments, and cultural assets, it is a very useful tool as disaster prevention
monitoring system due to the quantitative digital image. However, image acquisition
apparatus should be improved in high precision. Techniques of camera capacity should be
developed to decrease an error rate of image acquisition apparatus. With high techniques,
real-time monitoring system will be used more widely in various fields.
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Special Applications of Photogrammetry
Edited by Dr. Daniel Carneiro Da Silva
ISBN 978-953-51-0548-0
Hard cover, 136 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 25, April, 2012
Published in print edition April, 2012
InTech Europe
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Photogrammetry is widely accepted as one of the best surveying methods to acquire tridimensional data
without direct contact with the object, but its high operational costs in equipment and personnel somewhat limit
its application in mapping. However, with the development of digital photogrammetry in the 1990's, it was
possible to introduce automated processes and reduce the personnel costs. In the following years, the cost of
computer hardware, digital cameras and positioning sensors has been lowering, making photogrammetry
more accessible to other engineering fields, such as architecture, archeology and health fields. This book
shows the results of the work of researchers from different professional backgrounds, which evaluate the uses
of photogrammetry, including issues of the data, processing, as well as the solutions developed for some
surveying types that can be extended to many applications.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Junggeun Han, Kikwon Hong and Sanghun Kim (2012). Application of a Photogrammetric System for
Monitoring Civil Engineering Structures, Special Applications of Photogrammetry, Dr. Daniel Carneiro Da Silva
(Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-0548-0, InTech, Available from: