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List of Evolutionary Algorithms

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A Brief Review of Nature-Inspired Algorithms for

Iztok Fister Jr.1 , Xin-She Yang2 , Iztok Fister1 , Janez Brest1 , Dusan Fister1

arXiv:1307.4186v1 [cs.NE] 16 Jul 2013

University of Maribor
Faculty of electrical engineering and computer science, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia
E-mail: iztok.fister@guest.arnes.si
University of Middlesex
School of Science and Technology, Middlesex University, London NW4 4BT, United Kingdom
E-mail: xy227@cam.ac.uk
Abstract. Swarm intelligence and bio-inspired algorithms form a hot topic in the developments of new algorithms
inspired by nature. These nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms can be based on swarm intelligence, biological
systems, physical and chemical systems. Therefore, these algorithms can be called swarm-intelligence-based,
bio-inspired, physics-based and chemistry-based, depending on the sources of inspiration. Though not all of
them are efficient, a few algorithms have proved to be very efficient and thus have become popular tools for
solving real-world problems. Some algorithms are insufficiently studied. The purpose of this review is to present
a relatively comprehensive list of all the algorithms in the literature, so as to inspire further research.
Key words: swarm intelligence, bio-inspired algorithms, physics/chemistry algorithms, optimization

Real-world optimization problems are often very challenging to solve, and many applications have to deal with
NP-hard problems. To solve such problems, optimization
tools have to be used, though there is no guarantee that
the optimal solution can be obtained. In fact, for NPproblems, there are no efficient algorithms at all. As
a result, many problems have to be solved by trial and
errors using various optimization techniques. In addition,
new algorithms have been developed to see if they can
cope with these challenging optimization problems.
Among these new algorithms, many algorithms such
as particle swarm optimization, cuckoo search and firefly
algorithm, have gained popularity due to their high
efficiency. In the current literature, there are about 40
different algorithms. It is really a challenging task to
classify these algorithms systematically. Obviously, the
classifications can largely depend on the criteria, and
there is no easy guideline to set out the criteria in the
literature. As criteria may vary, detailed classifications
can be an impossible task for a research paper. However,
in this short paper, we only attempt to focus on one
aspect of the characteristics of these algorithms. That
is, we will focus on the source of inspiration when
developing algorithms.
Therefore, the rest of this paper is organized as
follows: Section 2 analyzes the sources of inspiration,
while Section 3 provides a brief and yet comprehensive
Received ???
Accepted 15 July 2013

list of algorithms. Finally, Section 4 concludes with

some suggestions.



Nature has inspired many researchers in many ways and

thus is a rich source of inspiration. Nowadays, most new
algorithms are nature-inspired, because they have been
developed by drawing inspiration from nature. Even with
the emphasis on the source of inspiration, we can still
have different levels of classifications, depending on how
details and how many subsources we will wish to use.
For simplicity, we will use the highest level sources such
as biology, physics or chemistry.
In the most generic term, the main source of inspiration is Nature. Therefore, almost all new algorithms can
be referred to as nature-inspired. By far the majority
of nature-inspired algorithms are based on some successful characteristics of biological system. Therefore,
the largest fraction of nature-inspired algorithms are
biology-inspired, or bio-inspired for short.
Among bio-inspired algorithms, a special class of
algorithms have been developed by drawing inspiration
from swarm intelligence. Therefore, some of the bioinspired algorithms can be called swarm-intelligencebased. In fact, algorithms based on swarm intelligence
are among the most popular. Good examples are ant
colony optimization [15], particle swarm optimization
[35], cuckoo search [74], bat algorithm [78], and firefly
algorithm [69], [20].
Obviously, not all algorithms were based on biological


systems. Many algorithms have been developed by using

inspiration from physical and chemical systems. Some
may even be based on music [23]. In the rest of
paper, we will briefly divide all algorithms into different
categories, and we do not claim that this categorization
is unique. This is a good attempt to provide sufficiently
detailed references.




Based on the above discussions, we can divide all

existing algorithms into four major categories: swarm
intelligence (SI) based, bio-inspired (but not SI-based),
physics/chemistry-based, and others. We will summarize
them briefly in the rest of this paper. However, we
will focus here on the relatively new algorithms. Wellestablished algorithms such as genetic algorithms are so
well known that there is no need to introduce them in
this brief paper.
It is worth pointing out the classifications here are
not unique as some algorithms can be classified into
different categories at the same time. Loosely speaking,
classifications depend largely on what the focus or
emphasis and the perspective may be. For example, if
the focus and perspective are about the trajectory of the
search path, algorithms can be classified as trajectorybased and population-based. Simulated annealing is
a good example of trajectory-based algorithms, while
particle swarm optimization and firefly algorithms are
population-based algorithms. If our emphasis is placed
on the interaction of the multiple agents, algorithms can
be classified as attraction-based or non-attraction-based.
Firefly algorithm (FA) is a good example of attractionbased algorithms because FA uses the attraction of light
and attractiveness of fireflies, while genetic algorithms
are non-attraction-based since there is no explicit attraction used. On the other hand, if the emphasis is placed on
the updating equations, algorithms can be divided into
rule-based and equation-based. For example, particle
swarm optimization and cuckoo search are equationbased algorithms because both use explicit updating
equations, while genetic algorithms do not have explicit
equations for crossover and mutation. However, in this
case, the classifications are not unique. For example,
firefly algorithm uses three explicit rules and these three
rules can be converted explicitly into a single updating
equation which is nonlinear [69], [20]. This clearly
shows that classifications depend on the actual perspective and motivations. Therefore, the classifications here
are just one possible attempt, though the emphasis is
placed on the sources of inspiration.

3.1 Swarm intelligence based

Swarm intelligence (SI) concerns the collective,
emerging behaviour of multiple, interacting agents who
follow some simple rules. While each agent may be

considered as unintelligent, the whole system of multiple

agents may show some self-organization behaviour and
thus can behave like some sort of collective intelligence.
Many algorithms have been developed by drawing inspiration from swarm-intelligence systems in nature.
All SI-based algorithms use multi-agents, inspired
by the collective behaviour of social insects, like ants,
termites, bees, and wasps, as well as from other animal
societies like flocks of birds or fish. A list of swarm intelligence algorithms is presented in Table 1. The classical
particle swarm optimization (PSO) uses the swarming
behaviour of fish and birds, while firefly algorithm
(FA) uses the flashing behaviour of swarming fireflies.
Cuckoo search (CS) is based on the brooding parasitism
of some cuckoo species, while bat algorithm uses the
echolocation of foraging bats. Ant colony optimization
uses the interaction of social insects (e.g., ants), while
the class of bee algorithms are all based on the foraging
behaviour of honey bees.
SI-based algorithms are among the most popular and
widely used. There are many reasons for such popularity,
one of the reasons is that SI-based algorithms usually
sharing information among multiple agents, so that selforganization, co-evolution and learning during iterations
may help to provide the high efficiency of most SI-based
algorithms. Another reason is that multiple agent can
be parallelized easily so that large-scale optimization
becomes more practical from the implementation point
of view.

3.2 Bio-inspired, but not SI based

Obviously, SI-based algorithms belong to a wider
class of algorithms, called bio-inspired algorithms. In
fact, bio-inspired algorithms form a majority of all
nature-inspired algorithms. From the set theory point of
view, SI-based algorithms are a subset of bio-inspired
algorithms, while bio-inspired algorithms are a subset
of nature-inspired algorithms. That is
SI-based bio-inspired nature-inspired.
Conversely, not all nature-inspired algorithms are bioinspired, and some are purely physics and chemistry
based algorithms as we will see below.
Many bio-inspired algorithms do not use directly the
swarming behaviour. Therefore, it is better to call them
bio-inspired, but not SI-based. For example, genetic
algorithms are bio-inspired, but not SI-based. However,
it is not easy to classify certain algorithms such as
differential evolution (DE). Strictly speaking, DE is
not bio-inspired because there is no direct link to any
biological behaviour. However, as it has some similarity
to genetic algorithms and also has a key word evolution, we tentatively put it in the category of bioinspired algorithms. These relevant algorithms are listed
in Table 1.


For example, the flower algorithm [72], or flower

pollination algorithm [76], developed by Xin-She Yang
in 2012 is a bio-inspired algorithm, but it is not a SIbased algorithm because flower algorithm tries to mimic
the pollination characteristics of flowering plants and
the associated flower consistency of some pollinating

3.3 Physics and Chemistry Based

Not all metaheuristic algorithms are bio-inspired,
because their sources of inspiration often come from
physics and chemistry. For the algorithms that are not
bio-inspired, most have been developed by mimicking
certain physical and/or chemical laws, including electrical charges, gravity, river systems, etc. As different
natural systems are relevant to this category, we can even
subdivide these into many subcategories which is not
necessary. A list of these algorithms is given in Table 1.
Schematically, we can represent the relationship of
physics and chemistry based algorithms as the follows:

/ bio-inspired algorithms
Physics algorithms
Chemistry algorithms
nature-inspired algorithms
Though physics and chemistry are two different subjects,
however, it is not useful to subdivide this subcategory
further into physics-based and chemistry. After all, many
fundamental laws are the same. So we simply group
them as physics and chemistry based algorithms.

3.4 Other algorithms

When researchers develop new algorithms, some
may look for inspiration away from nature. Consequently, some algorithms are not bio-inspired or
physics/chemistry-based, it is sometimes difficult to put
some algorithms in the above three categories, because
these algorithms have been developed by using various
characteristics from different sources, such as social,
emotional, etc. In this case, it is better to put them in
the other category, as listed in Table 1

3.5 Some Remarks

Though the sources of inspiration are very diverse,
the algorithm designed from such inspiration may be
equally diverse. However, care should be taken, as true
novelty is a rare thing. For example, there are about
28,000 living species of fish, this cannot mean that
researchers should develop 28000 different algorithms
based on fish. Therefore, one cannot call their algorithms
trout algorithm, squid algorithm, ..., shark algorithm.
In essence, researchers try to look for some efficient
formulas as summarized by Yang [73] as the following
generic scheme:

[x1 , x2 , ..., xn ]t+1 = A [x1 , x2 , ..., xn ]t ; ...;

(p1 , p2 , ..., pk ); (w1 , w2 , ..., wm ) ,

which attempts to generate better solutions (a population

of n solutions) at iteration t + 1 from the current
iteration t and its solution set xi , (i = 1, 2, ..., n). This
iterative algorithmic engine (i.e., algorithm A) also uses
some algorithm-dependent parameters (p1 , ..., pk ) and
some random variables (w1 , ..., wm ). This schematic
representation can include all the algorithms listed in
this paper. However, this does not mean it is easy
to analyze the behaviour of an algorithm because this
formula can be highly nonlinear. Though Markov chains
theory and dynamical system theory can help to provide
some limited insight into some algorithms, the detailed
mathematical framework is still yet to be developed.
On the other hand, it is worth pointing out that studies
show that some algorithms are better than others. It is
still not quite understood why. However, if one looks
at the intrinsic part of algorithm design closely, some
algorithms are badly designed, which lack certain basic
capabilities such as the mixing and diversity among
the solutions. In contrast, good algorithms have both
mixing and diversity control so that the algorithm can
explore the vast search space efficiently, while converge
relatively quickly when necessary. Good algorithms such
as particle swarm optimization, differential evolution,
cuckoo search and firefly algorithms all have both global
search and intensive local search capabilities, which may
be partly why they are so efficient.

The sources of inspiration for algorithm development
are very diverse, and consequently the algorithms are
equally diverse. In this paper, we have briefly summarized all the algorithms into 4 categories. This can be a
comprehensive source of information to form a basis or
starting point for further research. It is worth pointing
out that the classifications may not be unique, and this
present table is just for the purpose of information only.
Based on many studies in the literature, some algorithms are more efficient and popular than others. It
would be helpful to carry out more studies, but this
does not mean that we should encourage researchers to
develop more algorithms such as grass, sky, or ocean
Currently, there may be some confusion and distraction in the research of metaheuristic algorithms. On the
one hand, researchers have focused on important novel
ideas for solving difficult problems. On the other hand,
some researchers artificially invent new algorithms for
the sake of publications with little improvement and
no novelty. Researchers should be encouraged to carry
out truly novel and important studies that are really
useful to solve hard problems. Therefore, our aim is to
inspire more research to gain better insight into efficient
algorithms and solve large-scale real-world problems.


Bio-inspired (not SI-based) algorithms

Atmosphere clouds model
Yan and Hao
Biogeography-based optimization
Brain Storm Optimization
Differential evolution
Storn and Price
Dolphin echolocation
Kaveh and Farhoudi
Japanese tree frogs calling
Hernandez and Blum
Eco-inspired evolutionary algorithm Parpinelli and Lopes
Egyptian Vulture
Sur et al.
Fish-school Search
Lima et al.
Flower pollination algorithm
Gene expression
Great salmon run
Group search optimizer
He et al.
Human-Inspired Algorithm
Zhang et al.
Invasive weed optimization
Mehrabian and Lucas
Marriage in honey bees
Maia et al.
Paddy Field Algorithm
Premaratne et al.
Roach infestation algorithm
Queen-bee evolution
Shuffled frog leaping algorithm
Eusuff and Lansey
Termite colony optimization
Hedayatzadeh et al.
Physics and Chemistry based algorithms
Big bang-big Crunch
Zandi et al.
Black hole
Central force optimization
Charged system search
Kaveh and Talatahari
Electro-magnetism optimization
Cuevas et al.
Galaxy-based search algorithm
Gravitational search
Rashedi et al.
Harmony search
Geem et al.
Intelligent water drop
River formation dynamics
Rabanal et al.
Self-propelled particles
Simulated annealing
Kirkpatrick et al.
Stochastic difusion search
Spiral optimization
Tamura and Yasuda
Water cycle algorithm
Eskandar et al.

[14], [3]
[72], [76]


Table 1. A list of algorithms

[69], [71]
[37], [38]

Swarm intelligence based algorithms

Accelerated PSO
Yang et al.
Ant colony optimization
Artificial bee colony
Karaboga and Basturk
Bacterial foraging
Bacterial-GA Foraging
Chen et al.
Bat algorithm
Bee colony optimization
Teodorovic and DellOrco
Bee system
Lucic and Teodorovic
Wedde et al.
Wolf search
Tang et al.
Bees algorithms
Pham et al.
Bees swarm optimization
Drias et al.
Comellas and Martinez
Cat swarm
Chu et al.
Consultant-guided search
Cuckoo search
Yang and Deb
Eagle strategy
Yang and Deb
Fast bacterial swarming algorithm Chu et al.
Firefly algorithm
Fish swarm/school
Li et al.
Good lattice swarm optimization
Su et al.
Glowworm swarm optimization
Krishnanand and Ghose
Hierarchical swarm model
Chen et al.
Krill Herd
Gandomi and Alavi
Monkey search
Mucherino and Seref
Particle swarm algorithm
Kennedy and Eberhart
Virtual ant algorithm
Virtual bees
Weightless Swarm Algorithm
Ting et al.
Other algorithms
Anarchic society optimization
Shayeghi and Dadashpour
Artificial cooperative search
Backtracking optimization search
Differential search algorithm
Grammatical evolution
Ryan et al.
Imperialist competitive algorithm
Atashpaz-Gargari and Lucas
League championship algorithm
Social emotional optimization
Xu et al.


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Iztok Fister Jr. received his B.Sc. degree in Computer Science in
2011 from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
of the University of Maribor, Slovenia. Currently, he is working
towards his M.Sc. degree. His research activities encompasses swarm
intelligence, pervasive computing and programming languages.

Xin-She Yang received his Ph.D degree in Applied Mathematics

from University of Oxford, UK. Now he is a Reader in Modelling
and Simulation at Middlesex University, UK, an Adjunct Professor at
Reykjavik University, Iceland, and a Distuiguished Guest Professor at
Xian Polytechnic University, China. He is also the IEEE CIS Chair for
the Task Force on Business Intelligene and Knowledge Management,
and the Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Mathematical
Modelling and Numerical Optimisation (IJMMNO).

Iztok Fister graduated in computer science from the University of

Ljubljana in 1983. He received his Ph.D degree from the Faculty of
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor,
in 2007. He works as an assistant in the Computer Architecture
and Languages Laboratory at the same faculty. His research interests
include program languages, operational researches and evolutionary

Janez Brest received his B.S., M.Sc, and Ph.D degrees in computer
science from the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, in 1995,
1998 and 2000, respectively. He is currently a full professor at the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University
of Maribor.

Dusan Fister is a student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering

and Computer Science of the University of Maribor. His research activities encompasses GPS solutions, swarm intelligence and operating

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