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The Impact of ERP Systems On Firm and Business Process Performance

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The impact of ERP systems on

firm and business process
Bernhard Wieder, Peter Booth, Zoltan P. Matolcsy and
Maria-Luise Ossimitz

The impact of
ERP systems


University of Technology, Sydney, Faculty of Business, School of Accounting,

Broadway, Australia
Purpose The purpose of this article is to provide further insights into the adoption of enterprise
resource planning (ERP) systems and the impacts on organisational performance. It aims at
challenging existing claims of ERP vendors with regard to the benefits of their products and at
providing evidence of the benefits of bundling ERPS with supply chain management systems.
Design/methodology/approach A survey was conducted to collect data on several aspects of
organisational performance in companies that adopted ERPS and/or SCMS and the respective control
groups. Financial key performance indicators were used to measure overall firm performance and the
supply-chain operations reference model to operationalise performance at the business process (supply
chain) level.
Findings The key results contradict the claims of ERPS vendors insofar as no significant
performance differences were found between ERPS adopters and non-adopters, either at the business
process level, or at the overall firm level. While it could be confirmed that the longer the experience of
firms with ERPS, the higher their overall performance, no evidence was found of a similar effect on
business process (supply chain) performance. Only those ERPS adopters that also adopted SCMS
achieved significantly higher performance at the business process level.
Originality/value Despite the small size of the SCMS user sample, the results do provide some
important insights into the relationships between ERPS, SCMS and performance which might
encourage both researchers and practitioners in that field to critically reflect on the optimal mix of
modules and software packages within increasingly diverse forms of enterprise systems.
Keywords Manufacturing resource planning, Supply chain management, Performance appraisal
Paper type Research paper

The global success of enterprise resource planning systems (ERPS) has not only attracted
the interest of researchers from the IT/IS-discipline, but from all major disciplines in
business research including accounting. The emergence of ERPS has moved the topic
computerised business information systems increasingly from the IT/IS domain to the
business domain; from systems design and programming to business configuration,
process mapping and reengineering. Using the systems development life cycle (SDLC) as
conceptual reference, we observe that the efforts and weight of the critical success factors
of ERPS projects (Sumner, 1999; Stefanou, 2001) moved from systems design to
systems implementation, and implementation teams are now usually led and dominated
by classic business roles rather than IT-staff. ERPS impose their logic on organisations
and force employees to think in terms of integrated processes and to change the way they
do accounting, production planning and control, etc.

Journal of Enterprise Information

Vol. 19 No. 1, 2006
pp. 13-29
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/17410390610636850



All these changes brought about by ERPS made them a very attractive research
object of many business disciplines, and accounting is by nature the one from which
we expect an answer to the question which ultimately counts in business: Are those
systems worth the money?
Earlier approaches to this question identified non-financial performance measures
as proxies for financial value (Bhatt, 2000; Beretta, 2002; Irani, 2002). Only relatively
recently, the accounting discipline has come up with studies which for the first time
provided evidence of the economic impacts of ERPS (Poston and Grabski, 2001;
Matolcsy et al., 2002; Hunton et al., 2003; Nicolaou et al., 2003; Matolcsy et al., 2005).
The results of those studies point into the same direction, but are not entirely
consistent. They all find some evidence of immediate or delayed increases in firm
performance after ERPS adoptions, but the performance increases identified are
evident only in very few KPIs.
We argue that one of the reasons for these inconsistencies is that just relating
ERPS-adoption to publicly available financial key performance indicators (and
controlling for some other dependent variables) fails to explain the increasing diversity
and complexity of the life cycle of enterprise systems. In the emerging generation of
enterprise application integration (EAI) enabled enterprise systems, traditional
ERP-functionality cannot be isolated from the rest of the whole system and has to be
evaluated in the broader context using a multi-dimensional system of performance
The purpose of this article is to provide further insights into the impacts of several
aspects of ERPS adoption and ERPS use on firm performance and business process
performance. It aims at challenging existing claims of ERP vendors with regards to the
benefits of their products, and at providing evidence of the impact of bundling ERPS
with supply chain management systems on performance.
We use ERPS adoption, ERPS history and ERPS extension (with a supply chain
management system) as independent variables and KPIs for supply chain performance
and firm performance as dependent variables.
Our key results contradict the claims of ERPS vendors insofar as we found no
significant performance differences between ERPS adopters and non-adopters, neither
at the supply chain level, nor at the overall firm level. While we could confirm the
existence of a learning curve (i.e. the longer the experience of firms with ERPS, the
higher their overall performance), we could not confirm this effect with regards to
business process (supply chain) performance. The latter result contradicts benefits
widely associated with ERPS and supports the arguments in favour of the adoption of
supply chain management systems (SCMS), because the latter proved to have a
positive impact on business process (supply chain) performance in our study.
The main part of the article is structured as follows: First, we develop our research
model and predictions; then we explain our research method and sample and provide
the results of our statistical analysis. The interpretations of the results and limitations
are outlined in the concluding section.
Research framework and model development
Review of literature on the impact of ERPS on performance
Recent research on the impacts of ERPS on financial performance has found some
evidence supporting the claim of all major ERPS vendors that their products enable

companies to achieve faster return on investment (SAP, 2003a, b; Oracle, 2003a, b;

Peoplesoft, 2003).
Poston and Grabski (2001), for example, analyse four financial characteristics before
and after ERP adoption using univariate tests. Their results indicate that ERP
adoption leads to efficiency increase in terms of a reduction in employee numbers and
in the ratio of employees to revenues for each year following the ERP implementation.
Hunton et al. (2003) provide evidence on the impact of ERPS adoption and overall
firm performance by comparing return on assets, return on investments and asset
turnover for ERP adopters and non-adopters. Their key results do not indicate a
performance improvement for ERP adopters. However, they find that the financial
performance of adopters has not declined during their test period, whilst the
performance of non-adopters has declined during the same period.
Nicolaou et al. (2003) compare financial data of companies adopting enterprise wide
systems and of a matched control group of firms. The results from a univariate
analysis of performance differences across time periods show that firms adopting
enterprise systems have significantly higher differential performance in their second
year after the completion of the system than the control group.
All these recent examples of accounting research on the impact of ERPS on the
performance of organisations provide valuable insights into a previously
under-researched topic and they are similar in their approach in the following ways:
(1) they use only aggregated, publicly available financial accounting data to
measure performance;
(2) they do not clearly distinguish between overall firm performance and business
process performance; and
(3) the dependent variables used are essentially only ERPS adoption and the time
of adoption.
More recently, Matolcsy et al. (2005) performed a study using the same approach with
regards to (1) and (3), however they extended the analysis of performance by also
explicitly investigating financial performance indicators of core business processes in
the value-chain. They found that the adoption of ERP systems leads to sustained
operational efficiencies and improved overall liquidity. In addition, some support was
found for increased profitability some time after the adoption of ERP, and for
improvements in accounts receivable management.
While the approach in all these studies is similar, the results differ substantially. In
the following sections, we elaborate a model which as we argue can provide deeper
insights into some of the relationships between ERPS and performance by further
refining the dependant variable ERPS and by combining financial and non-financial
performance measures in our analysis.
Model foundations
Like Matolcsy et al. (2005), we use the generic framework suggested by Dehning and
Richardson (2002) as guidance for the development of our ERPS performance
measurement model. Their framework classifies existing research on IT-performance
measurement using five paths as shown in Figure 1. Based on a comprehensive review
of the financial accounting and finance literature on IT-performance measurement,
they demonstrate that most research in this field focuses on only one path (usually

The impact of
ERP systems




Figure 1.
Framework for evaluating
research on the effects of
IT investments

path 1), bypassing many other important factors. They also argue convincingly that
this mainstream one-dimensional approach fails to explain IT-performance and leaves
a gap between anecdotal evidence of IT-success and results of mainstream empirical
research. The IT-productivity paradox discussion and the often conflicting results of
research following alternative paths in their framework can be quoted as the most
important examples supporting their call for a more comprehensive multi-path
In the subsequent sections, we first operationalise the three objects in our model in
the context of ERPS performance measurement: IT-measures, business process
performance measures and firm performance measures. Then we make predictions
about relationships (paths) between those objects.
IT (ERPS) measures refined
The definitions of ERPS provided by the literature vary slightly, but they all have one
common theme: enterprise-wide integration of data/information and business
processes. For Markus et al. (2000), for example, ERP-systems are commercial
software packages that enable the integration of transaction-oriented data and
business processes throughout an organization, and according to Shang and Seddon
(2002) ERP software integrates management information and processes, such as
financial, manufacturing, distribution and human resources, for the purpose of
enterprise-wide management of resources. They also emphasise that ERPS are an
example, but not the only form of enterprise systems (ES). They discuss common
features of enterprise software which are often associated with ERPS[1], such as set of
packaged application software modules, real-time information processing, based on
deep knowledge of business practices gained by the vendors from their customers,
semi-finished product which has to be configured, etc.
The first comprehensive empirical analysis of the performance of ERPS uses ERPS
adoption as the only independent variable, and then compares the performance of
organisations pre and post-adoption (Poston and Grabski, 2001). Later research considers

and investigates the time-factor in more detail, or more precisely: the time-difference
between the adoption of an ERPS and when performance is measured (e.g. Hunton et al.,
2003; Matolcsy et al., 2002; Nicolaou et al., 2003; Matolcsy et al., 2005). The results of this
more recent research suggest the existence of a time-lag of approximately two years
between the adoption of an ERPS and the realisation of benefits. We therefore include the
time factor in our analysis of performance impacts of ERPS.
The second aspect of ERPS to be considered is the co-existence of other components
of enterprise systems (ES), in particular specialised supply chain management systems
(SCMS). Already back in 2001, a survey (n 89) in the US found that 59 percent of the
respondents either had already or were planning to extend their ERPS with a
SCM-solution. Of the respondents, 84 percent indicated that for any such expansion
they would prefer to use the SCMS provided by their ERP-vendor (CIO Magazine,
2001). SCM-software packages are more specialised forms of ES which integrate all
logistics functions within organisations and also support inter-organisational business
and systems integration (Tarn et al., 2002). In contrast to ERPS, SCMS usually contain
advanced planning systems (APS) functionality that supports mathematical
optimisation procedures and heuristics. Used in combination with ERPS, they partly
substitute and partly complement ERPS functionality, with the level of
substitution/complementation being primarily determined by the functionality of
either package and partly by the preferences of the organisation using them
(Davenport and Brooks, 2004; Stefanou, 2001).
We expect that the advanced features of SCMS and their functional focus lead to
higher performance along the primary activities of the value chain (Porter, 1985), and
used in conjunction with ERPS, to higher overall firm performance.
Business process performance measures
All major ERP-products on the market support logistics processes and methods in
operations management as part of their core-functionality. Therefore, we expect that
the adoption of ERPS leads to better performance in terms of both primary and
secondary[2] (support) business processes in the value chain.
Financial KPIs are doubtlessly the most important and most widely used KPIs for
firm performance, and they can also provide some valuable insights into business
process performance (Dehning and Richardson, 2002; Matolcsy et al., 2005). These
insights are, however, limited, especially if only publicly available data (from annual
reports, etc.) are used. These highly aggregated data can only be used for a very
general analysis of core processes in the value chain, e.g. the ability to turn over
inventory quickly, but do not provide deeper insights into performance at the business
process level (Kaplan and Norton, 1992). Obtaining these more detailed data on
business process performance, however, requires research beyond secondary data
analysis, i.e. a field study.
The operations management and supply chain management (SCM) literatures
provide many examples of SC-performance measurement, and the supply-chain
operations reference model (SCOR-model) published by the Supply Chain Council
(www.supply-chain.org) is considered to be the most established model for measuring
performance along this dimension; it will therefore be used for identifying and
measuring business process performance in this study. The model comprises a mix of

The impact of
ERP systems




financial and non-financial measures for flexibility, reliability, responsiveness and

costs/assets along the supply chain (see Appendix)[3].

Firm performance measures

The existing empirical studies investigating the financial performance implications of
ERPS use primarily financial ratios (and some limited market data). However, there is
little overlap in terms of the precise measures used, as Table I illustrates.
Interestingly, there is no agreement in the accounting literature with regards to
which (of those) KPIs measure overall firm performance or business process
performance best in the context of ERPS evaluation. There are even substantially
different views as to whether certain KPIs measure firm performance or business
process performance.
For classification purposes, we follow the approach taken by Matolcsy et al. (2005),
who use net profit margins and the current ratio as indicators of firm performance and
fixed asset turnover, sales days outstanding, accounts payable days, inventory
turnover and sales change as examples of process measures. Accordingly, we classify
residual income, return on assets, return on investments and return on sales as firm
performance measures (underlined in Table I), and all remaining measures as business
process performance measures.
In contrast to the studies mentioned above, we use a field study (survey), which
provides us with more flexibility with regards to the selection of financial performance
measures (because we do not have to rely on publicly available financial data). In
addition, we are able to include respondents perceptions about their companys
performance compared to other firms in their industry. We use return on investment
(ROI) as indicator of the profitability of the capital employed and operating profits as
an absolute[4] KPI of profitability. Non-operating results are excluded, because we do
not think that they are influenced by ERPS. We also include the dynamic components
of operating profits, namely, sales growth rate and cost reduction. In addition to these
accrual-based performance measures, we include cash flow as an indicator of a firms
performance in terms of liquidity (Matolcsy et al., 2005).


Poston and Grabski

Nicolaou et al.
Hunton et al. (2003) (2003)
Residual Income at

Table I.
Financial and market
measurements used in
prior literature


Number of

Matolcsy et al. (2005)

Return on assets

Return on assets

Net profit margin

Return on
Asset turnover

Return on sales

Current ratio

Asset turnover

Fixed asset turnover

Sales days outstanding
Accounts payable days
Inventory turnover
Sales change

Notes: SG&A = Selling, general and administrative expenses; COGS Costs of goods sold.
(The measures in italics Oare deemed to be firm performance measures.)

As mentioned in the introduction, our key objective is to investigate impacts of several
aspects of ERPS adoption on firm performance and business process performance. We
use ERPS adoption, ERPS history and ERPS extension with a SCMS as independent
variables and KPIs for supply chain performance and firm performance as dependent
The model shown in Figure 2 comprises all main relationships investigated in our
study. Our model development leads to the following predictions:

We predict better firm performance for ERPS users than for non-ERPS


For ERPS users we predict that the longer the experience with ERPS,
the better their firm performance.


We predict better firm performance for ERPS users extending their

ERPS with SCMS than for ERPS users that do not.


We predict better supply chain performance for ERPS users than for
non-ERPS users.


For ERPS users we predict that the longer the experience with ERPS,
the better their supply chain performance.


We predict better supply chain performance for ERPS users extending

their ERPS with SCMS than for ERPS users that do not.

The impact of
ERP systems


P3 (control) We predict a positive impact of supply chain performance on firm

Research method
Sample and descriptive statistics
In March 2001, a questionnaire was mailed out to the Chief Information Officer (or
equivalent) of 2,170 Australian companies sourced from the Australian Business
Journal BRW top-500 list and a Connect4 database. The large target sample was
used to identify a sufficiently comprehensive set of firms who were either using or
intending to use both ERPS and SCMS. A follow up letter was sent out in April. A total
of 68 responses to this first stage of the survey were received by the third week of

Figure 2.
Research model



Table II.
Industry classification of

April. As 296 questionnaires were returned by Australia Post due to incorrect

addresses, the actual sample size was 1,874 firms. The low response rate might have
been due to over-surveying in Australias industry, the length of survey, but also to
errors in the underlying address databases[5].
In a second follow-up stage, a telephone survey, we had to exclude several sections
from our questionnaire, because it was too long for a telephone survey. Accordingly,
we had to drop some research questions we had initially set up. The sample for stage 2
was selected from the initial large sample reduced by all companies which had either
responded already or had moved location. Out of this sample, we selected those 49
firms who had responded to a previous survey on similar topics (see Booth et al. (2000)
for details). Of those firms that participated, 38 of those firms participated in the second
stage of the survey. The final sample of respondents comprised 106 companies or 5.7
percent of the actual sample size.
During the process of data entry, another four companies had to be eliminated due
to clearly inconsistent data or irrelevance for this study (e.g. non-profit organizations).
So the final sample used for our analysis comprised 102 companies from all sectors of
the economy (see Table II).
All primary sector, manufacturing sector and retail/wholesale companies (69.6
percent) were considered to be eligible for testing predictions 1c, 2c and 3. In this
article, we refer to this sample as SCM-companies.
The average operating revenue in the financial year preceding the survey was Mio
A$7,506 and the average number of full-time employees (or equivalents) was 6,683. The
average number of regular suppliers (2,832) and customers (276,688) were relatively
large, considering the relatively small size of the Australian market and economy.
A total of 48 percent of the respondents indicated that their company was fully
Australian owned, 20 percent were majority Australian owned, and 23 percent were
either dominated or fully owned by a foreign entity. The remaining 9 percent of
respondents to the survey did not answer this question.



Diversified resource/mining
Others (primary sector)
Total: primary sector
Assembly-line production
Batch production
Process production
Project/unit production
Total: secondary sector
Retail/wholesale and transport
Financial services, banking/finance, insurance
Healthcare, tourism and leisure
Media, telecommunications, software, IT-services
Property, infrastructure and facilities
Others (services sector)
Total: tertiary sector



Measures of key variables

The selection criteria for the key variables used in our study have already been
discussed in detail. In this section, their actual measurement is explained.
Respondents were provided with a short version of our definition of ERPS and were
asked whether they had ever considered implementing such a system. If so, their ERPS
status was categorised as follows:
(1) system analysis is still in progress;
(2) rejection;
(3) implementation is still in progress; or
(4) have adopted and gone-live.
Only go-live companies (4) were included in the test group. Implementers (3) were
excluded from our analysis, because we considered them to be in a transition state
which qualified them neither as ERPS users nor as non-users. Respondents who ticked
either (1) or (2) were treated as non-users. The same set of questions was used to
categorise respondents in terms of SCMS-use.
We also asked ERPS users to provide us with the go-live year and month, the ERPS
vendor and product name, the current version/release and details on the modules used
at the time the survey was conducted. This information was used to verify the ERPS
status and to provide the basis for generating a measure of ERPS history.
All ERP products from vendors other than the big-3 (SAP AG, Oracle, and
Peoplesoft) were verified to ensure that they really met the definition of ERPS used in
our research. Three respondents who claimed to be ERPS users had to be reclassified
as non-ERP users after this investigation. The final sample contained 49 (48 percent of
102) ERPS users and 40 (39.2 percent) non-users. A total of nine respondents were just
in the implementation process and 4 did not answer this question. Hence, the ratio of
companies in the test-group for P1a and P2a to those in the control group was 55.1 to
Due to the short history of SCMS, especially in Australia, only seven organisations
in our sample had adopted SCMS by the time the survey was conducted, six of which
also used ERPS, i.e. 12.3 percent of all ERPS users also used SCMS.
As mentioned earlier in this article, five firm KPIs were selected with reference to
earlier accounting literature. Respondents were asked to rate their comparative firms
performance on those criteria on a seven-point Likert scale (1 not at all satisfactory,
7 outstanding).
The same scale was used to measure the performance at the business
process/supply chain level. Those questions were derived from the SCOR-model,
which contains supply chain measures from four areas: Flexibility, reliability,
responsiveness and costs/assets. Only the responses of SCM-companies were used in
our tests of P1c, P2c and P3 (see appendix for details).
Statistical analysis and results
Statistical analysis
Performance of ERPS users and non-ERPS users (P1a & P2a). In our first analysis, we
tested for differences between ERPS users (49 valid responses) and non-users (40) with
regards to the two levels of performance identified in our model (P1a and P2a). As the

The impact of
ERP systems




test for normal distribution of the test group and control group was negative,
nonparametric two-independent sample tests (Mann-Whitney U test and two-sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test) were used.
Table III summarises the results of our tests of P1a and P2a. Despite the fact that
ERPS users on average scored higher in all dimensions of performance, we could not
find any significant differences between the two samples, neither in terms of firm
performance, nor in terms of performance along the supply chain. Even a 1-tailed
interpretation of our tests does not change this fact.
These overall results are partly contradicting those of recent studies quoted in the
literature review, which actually concluded that there are some significant differences
in financial performance between ERPS adopters and non-adopters (Hunton et al., 2003;
Nicolaou et al., 2003; Matolcsy et al., 2005). What was even more surprising was the fact
that ERPS users did not score significantly higher than the control group in the area of
logistics/supply chain management, one of the core domains of ERPS. A closer look at
all individual scores within the aggregate measure supply chain KPIs revealed that
ERPS users did actually score higher in all 23 individual KPIs (see Appendix), but it
also shoed that these differences were only significant in the following four individual
categories (at the 0.05-level): Relative level of manufacturing labour costs, relative level
of finished goods inventory holding costs, time required to produce an item and
percentage of shipping errors.
In the case of firm performance indicators, the ERPS users also showed higher
means in all individual categories, but none of these differences were significant. We
expected further insights into the reasons for the partly surprising results by testing
for performance differences with regards to ERPS history and ERPS adoption (use).
ERPS history and performance (P1b and P2b). Three types of tests were performed
to identify differences between companies with longer ERP-experience and more recent
adopters. In the first test, an ERPS history scale was used which measures the number
of months between the go-live date and the day the survey was completed. As the
observations on this scale were normally distributed, we used standard correlations
(Pearson, Kendall and Spearman) to test our predications.
The results of this first test confirm our predictions with regards to the relationship
between ERPS history and firm performance, but not about the impact of ERPS history
on supply chain performance.
Grouping variable: ERPS use

Table III.
Mann-Whitney U test and
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
for ERPS/non-ERPS

Mann-Whitney U
Wilcoxon W
Asymp. Sig. (two-tailed)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (two-tailed)
Note: a Only SCM-companies included

Firm (financial KPIs)

Supply chain KPIsa

2 0.841


In the second test, we split the group of ERPS users into two sub-groups of mature
ERPS users and recent ERPS adopters. We used the median (five years) as a cut-off
point, which also complies with recent research which suggests that there is a time-lag
of benefit realisation and that the positive impact on performance starts to become
significant after approximately two years and tends to increase over years. The results
of the nonparametric two-sample tests confirmed the results of the correlations shown
in Table IV.
To gain further insights into the time-dimension of performance of ERPS, we used
trend analysis (linear and polynomial), as shown in Figure 3.
The performance impact of ERPS-history as indicated by the linear trendline is
approximately 6 percent per annum, which is quite remarkable. The third order
polynomial trendline partly confirms existing literature on the short and long-term
performance implications of ERPS implementations, namely, a performance dip after
going live, a recovery and finally a stage of net benefit realisation. In contrast to
ERPS use in months

Firm (financial KPIs)

Supply chain KPIsa

Pearson correlation

Correlation coefficient
Sig. (one-tailed)

0.394 * *


Kendalls tau_b

Correlation coefficient
Sig. (one-tailed)

0.243 *


Spearmans rho

Correlation coefficient
Sig. (one-tailed)

0.382 * *


Notes: *Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (one-tailed); * *Correlation is significant at the 0.01
level (one-tailed); a Only SCM-companies included

The impact of
ERP systems


Table IV.
Correlations for ERPS
history and performance

Figure 3.
ERPS-history and firm



existing literature which stipulates a recovery period of about two years (Hunton et al.,
2003; Nicolaou et al., 2003; Matolcsy et al., 2005), the data collected from our sample
suggests that firms recover by far later, namely, approximately four to five years after
the implementation.
We acknowledge that the R2 for both trendlines is quite low, which suggests that
there are many other factors which have an impact on performance. However,
ERPS-history clearly has some impact, and it seems that firms need much longer for
recovering from the aftershock of ERPS implementations than often stipulated.
ERPS extensions (SCMS) and supply chain performance (P1c and P2c). For the
reasons mentioned before, the weak impact of ERPS history on supply chain
performance was surprising. So we hoped to gain further insights into this result by
comparing the performance scores of ERPS users with SCMS (test group) and without
(control group).
The fact that only 12.3 percent of all ERPS users had also SCMS in place limits the
statistical explanatory power of our analysis. However, the results of our analysis
might still give useful indications and provide paths for future research. The results of
the independent sample statistics are depicted in Table V. In the absence of positive
results from tests for normal distribution, nonparametric two-independent sample tests
were used again.
These results provide an indication that ERPS users that also adopted SCMS
perform by far better along the supply chain (mean 5.0) than ERPS users that did not
use additional SCMS (mean 4.24). However, we could not confirm prediction 1c,
namely, that the adoption of a SCMS in a ERPS user company also directly leads to
firm performance increases.
Supply-chain performance and firm performance (P3). Prediction 3 was tested only
for control purposes rather than for gaining new insights, because unless important
additional factors impact negatively on firm performance, high performance in the core
business processes would very likely lead to higher firm performance. Correlation
results indeed confirmed our predication (one-tailed):
Pearson correlation: 0.363, p 0.007;
Kendalls tau_b: 0.213, p 0.024; and
Spearmans rho: 0.304, p 0.022.
Grouping variable: SCMS & ERPS use

Table V.
Extended ERPS (ERPS

Mann-Whitney U
Wilcoxon W
Asymp. Sig. (two-tailed)
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z
Asymp. Sig. (two-tailed)

Firm (financial KPIs)

Supply chain KPIs


0.024 *
0.036 *

Notes: * Significant at the 0.05 level (one-tailed); * * Significant at the 0.01 level (1one-tailed)

Summary of main results

Figure 4 summarises the main results of our analysis. We found no support for our
prediction that ERPS users will have significantly higher performance scores at both
the core business process level and at firm level (P1a and P2a). These findings
contradict frequently claimed benefits of ERPS implementations.
However, we confirmed that longer experience with ERPS has a positive impact on
firm performance and that ERPS extended by SCMS impact positively on business
process performance (supply chain KPIs). The latter result, however, is only indicative
due to a small sample size.

The impact of
ERP systems


Conclusions, limitations and future research

The main objective of this article was to investigate impacts of several aspects of ERPS
adoption and ERPS use on firm performance and business process performance. We
use ERPS adoption, ERPS history and ERPS extension (with a SCMS) as independent
variables and KPIs for supply chain performance and firm performance as dependent
Perception-based measures were used to capture both financial and non-financial
performance indicators. We used independent samples tests to identify performance
differences between ERPS users and non-ERP users, and we then analysed
performance differences within the groups of ERPS users based on two criteria:
ERPS history and the extension of the ERPS using SCM-software. This study is the
first empirical study investigating the impact of several aspects of ERPS-adoption on
both core business processes (supply chain performance) and overall firm performance.
Probably the most striking result is that we did not find any significant
performance differences between ERPS adopters and the control group neither at the
supply chain level, nor at the overall firm level. However, we found that the longer ago
an ERPS was initially implemented, the higher the overall firm performance, but
again surprisingly not the supply chain performance.
One of the explanations for the absence of a positive impact on firm performance in
the shorter run offered in literature is that the costs of the ERPS investment tend to
exceed short and medium-term productivity increases (Dehning and Richardson, 2002).
While our findings partly support this argument, they also reveal that even companies
who have implemented ERPS long ago do not perform better in their core business

Figure 4.
Summary of main results



processes (supply chain) than companies with a shorter ERPS history (and non-ERPS
adopters). We can summarise that the ERPS-users in our study failed to achieve higher
supply chain performance, both in the short and long-term, and they failed to achieve
higher overall firm performance, although the latter improved with time since the
adoption (learning curve). The shape of this learning curve suggests that it takes
companies (in Australia) much longer to recover from the aftershock of
ERP-implementations than often suggested.
Finally, we found some evidence supporting our prediction that extending ERPS
with additional solutions for supply chain management actually has a positive impact
on an organisations performance along the supply chain.
We acknowledge that there are several limitations to our research, the most
important one being the low response rate to our survey and the small sample size. We
are aware that this limits explanatory power of our results.
We also made some observations which are not explicitly included in our analysis,
but which might also create incentives for further research. We noticed, for example,
that there is some confusion about the term ERPS and its relation to other forms of
enterprise systems. We assume this confusion is stimulated by the ERP-vendors in two
ways: On the one hand, we found that more and more vendors of small functional
software packages seem to use the label ERP inappropriately, e.g. for small
accounting packages with integrated inventory management. On the other hand, it is
observed that the large ERP-vendors SAP, Oracle and Peoplesoft start to change their
interpretation and use of the term ERP and package their traditional products in a
variety of solutions, which make it increasingly difficult to classify them as ERP, SCM,
CRM, etc. In fact, future research in enterprise systems will have to redefine its
underlying typologies of enterprise systems based on this ongoing changes in the
business systems landscape. This will open a pathway for research into, e.g. the
optimum scope of integration and advantages and disadvantages of various
integration approaches (ERPS, SCMS, CRMS, DW, Enterprise Application Integration,

1. Similar examples are provided by Lee and Lee (2000) and Tarn et al. (2002).
2. Secondary (support) processes such as accounting, IT, human resource management, are not
considered in this study.
3. The individual performance indicators are listed in the Appendix.
4. The measure was, however, relative in the sense that we asked respondents to benchmark
their company against the industry.
5. The fact that 269 questionnaires were returned by the receivers because of the addressed
companies having moved location gave reason to assume that a very large number of other
questionnaires has not reached the addressee, but was not voluntarily returned by the
receiver. This assumption was confirmed in the second stage of the survey, a telephone
survey, which revealed that many of the addressees selected in this second stage had never
received the questionnaire by mail, although we had not got their letters back marked
return to sender.

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The impact of
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Appendix. Components of aggregated KPIs
The scores for firm performance were obtained asking the following question: Please rate your
firms performance on the criterion (1 not at all satisfactory, 4 satisfactory,
7 outstanding):
Return on investment;
Operating profits;
Sales growth rate;
Cost reduction programs; and

The measurement of the SCM-KPIs was based on the following question: Please rate
your firms performance in the following attributes compared to other similar firms
(1 not at all satisfactory, 4 satisfactory, 7 outstanding):

Relative level of logistics and distribution costs.

Relative level of manufacturing labour costs.
Relative level of maintenance costs.
Relative level of re-work costs.
Relative level of materials inventory holding costs.
Relative level of obsolete inventory costs.
Relative level of work in progress inventory costs.
Relative level of finished goods inventory holding costs.
Speed at filling orders.
Percentage of deliveries made on time.
Stockout probability.
Backorder level.
Time required producing an item.


Percentage of shipping errors.

Percentage of customers who complain.
The extent to which we can change the output level of products produced.
The ease with which we can change the output level of products produced.
The extent to which we can change planned delivery dates.
The ease with which we can change planned delivery dates.
The extent to which we can change the variety of products produced.
The ease with which we can change the variety of products produced.
The extent to which we can introduce and produce new products.
The ease with which we can introduce and produce new products.

Corresponding author
Bernhard Wieder can be contacted at: Bernhard.Wieder@uks.edu.au

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The impact of
ERP systems


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