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[ 27 2 p.

251s-256s (2009)]

Automated Ultrasonic testing of Pipeline Girth Welds, its Present Status

and Future Developments

by Cesar Buque, Jan van der Ent, Niels Prtzgen, Marcel Blinde, Tjibbe Bouma, ISHIDA Tomoyoshi
Mechanized or Automated Ultrasonic Testing of pipeline girth welds is now in common use in the on - and offshore industry. Automated
ultrasonic testing (AUT) is globally seen as more than just an alternative to the standard radiographic inspection technique not only because it
does not poses safety hazards but also because it is faster, more reliable and has better detection capabilities of critical Lack of Fusion defects in
pipeline girth welds. One of the reasons to use the AUT technique is due to its possibility to use acceptance criteria which are based upon ECA
(Engineering Critical Assessment) instead of the so-called "Good Workmanship". Usually the AUT systems are mounted on a band strapped
around the pipe. From the weld, ultrasonic data is collected from which the defect sizes and positions can be determined by experienced
operators using dedicated software algorithms. This paper discusses the RTD Rotoscan system, which is the first worldwide AUT inspection
system for new construction pipeline girth welds. The principles of AUT, the conventional RTD Rotoscan as well as the RTD phased array
Rotoscan and its advantages in comparison with conventional (multi probe) AUT are discussed. Furthermore challenges regarding the use of
AUT on Austenitic welding having a corrosion-resistant alloy layer are presented. This paper describes also latest improvements made on AUT
during the last years in order to optimize inspection philosophy and minimize the system's "Uncertainties". In addition a brand new method,
RTD IWEX, is briefly described that allows the detection and sizing of weld imperfections in 3D.
Key Words: AUT, girth weld, pipeline, Phased array, CRA, weld inspection, austenitic weld

through-thickness height.
1. Introduction

The latest RTD Rotoscan (Fig. 2) makes also use of Phased

Array technology which gives the system advanced possibilities

The use of AUT to test pipeline girth welds during pipeline

and flexibility to accurately detect and size imperfections with

construction has increased substantially around the world since

different orientations and locations in the girth welds. In addition,

the 1980's when Applus RTD introduced the worldwide first AUT

all RTD Rotoscan systems make use of specifically designed

system (the "RTD Rotoscan"). This was partly driven by the

detection and sizing algorithms allowing not only compliance

progress in flaw sizing and recording which made it possible to

with code and customer requirements but also to achieve a very

use so-called rejection/acceptance criteria for weld defects based

high Probability Of Detection (POD), together with a low false-

on fracture mechanics, instead of good workmanship criteria as

call rate (FCR).

common practice in radiography.

The RTD Rotoscan is also optimized for the automated

The development and actual use of such modern Engineering

inspection of pipeline girth welds consisting of anisotropic

Acceptance (ECA) Criteria, first in Canada and later also in other

welding materials (e.g. austenitic) in combination with a CRA

countries, supported the introduction of AUT into the industry.

layer (Corrosion Resistant Alloy). Such austenitic girth welds

RTD, after having been the first company to offer these services

cannot be inspected by conventional ultrasonics, and have to be

(cf. Fig. 1), was soon followed by other providers. Another

examined by non-conventional angle beam compression wave /

acceleration factor was the introduction of transit-distance C-scan

creep wave technique. The present paper will briefly address this

mapping in 1992 which enabled the system to cope with most

type of inspections.

existing ultrasonic procedures and acceptance criteria, because of

Despite the lack of international standards, ApplusRTD's

its capability to visualize the weld geometry such as the root

penetration and weld cap reinforcement in order to eliminate false
call rate and to a certain extent, quantify volumetric defects.
Moreover, the integrated Time-of-Flight Diffraction (ToFD)
function, together with the amplitude-based, software-aided,
sizing capability provides accurate, state-of-the-art data on defect

*Received on 13 June 2008

Applus RTD Group, 3046 NC Rotterdam, The
Applus RTD IPS, 3046 NC Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Applus RTD Singapore, Singapore
Applus RTD KK, Tokyo, Japan

Fig. 1

World wide first AUT system for girth welds: RTD

Rotoscan in 1959.


Automated Ultrasonic Testing of Pipeline Grith Welds

Fig. 3 Schematic illustration of a girth weld divided into four zones.

Applus RTD, well known as the pioneer in the AUT market

for girth weld inspection, introduced and patented the zonal
concept already in 1952. Since then this concept has now become
Fig. 2 The most recent RTD Phased Array Rotoscan for AUT on
pipeline girth welds. This unit was first introduced to the
market in August 2008. The phased array probes emulate
the multi-zone inspection approach as required by most
codes and standards.

the world standard and has been described in a number of codes

and standards.
The amplitude in a channel corresponding with a particular
zone, indicates a possible defect in that zone.
For each zone on both sides of the weld a different transducer

system has been qualified in various countries for different

is needed in different configurations such as pulse echo, tandem

individual customers and for a variety of weld processes, pipe

and ToFD. The number of transducers required for the inspection

diameters, and wall thicknesses, and has demonstrated its on- and

of a weld is related to the wall thickness, weld bevel configuration

offshore capabilities even under harsh field conditions. World-

and the number of inspection zones and in some cases it can be

wide applications proved that, contrary to expectations, ultrasonic

easily be more than twelve.

inspection does not lead to higher weld repair rates than

The inspection system is often calibrated on flat bottom

radiography. Between early 1989 and the present, over 30,000km

holes/and or notches, whereby each zone has a corresponding flat

of pipeline (representing over 2,000,000 welds) have been

bottom hole. The echo caused by a flat bottom hole is set at a pre-

inspected with the RTD Rotoscan alone.

determined value. Calibrating such a system is time consuming,

Development work continues to increase sizing accuracy

even further. Applus RTD just finalized the design and proto type

because each transducer must be optimized, both its exact location

with respect to the weld and its sensitivity.

of a matrix phased array system with 1024 channels. The

For optimum defect sizing, the ultrasonic beams are set such

advantages of such a system are going to be presented in this

that they hit an embedded defect perpendicularly, thus allowing

paper. Applus RTD's latest innovation ("RTD IWEX") is the

maximum reflection. AUT of girth welds generally assumes that

future of AUT. This technology allows a much higher detection

imperfections/defects are have the same orientation as the weld

and sizing accuracy without the use of reference blocks (also so-

bevel orientation, which is not always the case.

called calibration blocks). The principles of this revolutionary

technology are going to be briefly discussed in this paper.

Therefore, in conventional AUT systems each part of the

weld is interrogated by a matched angle beam for the particular
zone and weld preparation it is intended for, offering best possible

2. Conventional AUT of Girth welds

sizing and ensuring a maximum POD.

A known potential problem in mechanized ultrasonic

In AUT applications an automated scanning system carrying

inspection is that, especially in the root region, it is difficult to see

a set of ultrasonic transducers at both sides of the weld is rapidly

the difference between geometry and defect signals. In RTD

rotated in a controlled manner for volumetric weld inspection in

Rotoscan this is solved by digitization of signals from the root,

one single scan around the circumference.

whereby these signals are displayed in the form of a C-scan map..

The transducer arrangement is designed on the basis of the

This enables the use of the geometry of the weld as a reference in

weld bevel configuration, in such a way that all defects that can be

interpretation, just like one does in radiographic inspection.

expected are detected with maximum probability and with

However it has to be emphasized that in case of small root

minimum false call rate. To achieve this, the weld thickness is

penetration or no penetration at all it is still very difficult to

traditionally divided into small zones of typically 2-3 mm in

distinguish between geometry and defect signals in the root

vertical height (Fig. 3). In this zonal discrimination concept each


single zone is covered by an optimized separate transducer or

The same goes for detection and quantification of porosity.

transducer combination. For more specific details on this subject

Since porosity gives mostly only minor reflections, the only

the reader is referred to .

accurate way to achieve a reliable detection of porosity is by


27 2009 2


means of pattern recognition. The use of C-scan mapping,

supported by ToFD, makes this possible (Fig. 4).
The use of ToFD technique is important. ToFD is used as a
"safety net" in detection, and also for sizing and positioning of

3. Phased AUT on Girth Welds

3.1 What is Phased Array

defects in through thickness direction. Some codes already

As it can be deducted from the Fig. 5 Phased array

require the use of ToFD in mechanized inspection of pipeline

technology is a technical solution for generating and receiving

girth welds, in addition to pulse echo technique.

ultrasound using an ultrasonic transducer consisting of an array of

The use of computers for data acquisition and storage not

elements that can be individually pulsed simultaneously or one

only enables a coherent display of signals, highly comprehensible

after other following a certain pre-determined sequence. Most

for the operator, but also opens the way to automatic

details of ultrasonic inspection remain unchanged. For example

interpretation. The signals from the weld are in this case directly

for an ultrasonic inspection the ultrasonic transducer is selected

compared to the requirements of the applicable code or standard

according to the desired ultrasonic beam angle, focal distance and

in terms of defect amplitude, length and through thickness height.

scan pattern for that specific inspection. Therefore very often

Such automatic interpretation software can take over a lot of the

different sets of transducers are required making the inspection

routine work from the operator, thus avoiding subjective errors.

costly. In the case of phased array technology a large variety of

In the case of RTD Rotoscan the software also allows for

inspection parameters (beam angle, focal distance and scan

automatic generation of site reports, thus avoiding typing errors

pattern) can be achieved using the same transducer and by

and increasing feedback speed.

applying time delays in the pulsing sequence. The time delays

Nowadays RTD Rotoscan is used efficiently in a number of

values are calculated using time-of-flight from the focal spot, and

onshore and offshore pipe construction applications. Specific

the scan assembled from individual "Focal Laws". Also,

applications for AUT systems like Rotoscan are:

modifying a prepared set-up is quick in comparison with

* Cross-country and lay barge projects

* Riser and riser bundle manufacture
* Steel catenary risers (SCR's)
* Pipe with CRA layer
* Different types of steels including austenitic steels and 9%
Nickel steels
* etc.

physically adjusting conventional transducers.

3.2 Advantages of Phased Array technology in AUT
The use of array technology in girth weld AUT offers many
advantages and potentials when compared with conventional
AUT. For example, in conventional AUT of pipeline girth welds,
a new transducer set has to be composed in hardware for each new

With an inspection cycle time of usually a few minutes,(

application (i.e. combination of wall thickness and weld

cycle time consist of calibration ; inspection of weld and transport

geometry). In case of phased array this job preparation is reduced

time in case of on-shore application) the conventional RTD

to optimization of the probe system's main beam characteristics

Rotoscan is of proven value to the offshore and onshore industry

(beam angles, beam widths and focal points) by means of

as the NDT activities are removed from the critical path, saving

software settings (Fig. 5).

e.g. barge days. Furthermore the industry benefits greatly from

When phased array technology is used rather than fixed

the instantaneous availability of real-time inspection data, as

transducers, the beam characteristics can be controlled and thus

immediate feedback to welding crews improves field monitoring

optimized with one system and performed by one linear phased

of the welding process, consequently reducing overall repair rates.

Fig. 5
Fig. 4

Screenshot with a typical view on a situation where

porosity and lack of fusion were detected. In this
particular figure ultrasonic indications caused by porosity
are clearly visible.

Phased array simulation. Using phased array system the

only changes needed on the transducer setup are made by
software settings. Beam angle, beam spread, beam width
and beam directivity can thus be easily programmed for
different jobs without physically changing the transducer


Automated Ultrasonic Testing of Pipeline Grith Welds

array transducer, without changing the hardware. When the linear

generally austenitic welds. Ultrasonic inspection of such welds is

phased array contains enough elements, configurations for

difficult and requires special attention from AUT 245). Main

multiple element transducers such as tandem transducers can be

reasons for that are the coarse grain structure of austenitic welds

formed in this way. The flexibility offers operational benefits and

and the strong dependence of the sound velocity on the

reduction in preparation and inspection time.

crystallographic grain orientation which in combination result in

Calibration of a phased array system can be done with

strong ultrasonic reflections (Fig. 6).

software settings. The linear phased array is placed on a fixed

Compression waves suffer significantly less from these

distance from the centre line of the weld. The signals can be

phenomena than shear waves (Fig. 6) which inevitable leads to the

optimized without physically moving the transducer, which is the

use of focused angle beam compression and creep wave probes

case in a conventional system. Preparing and calibrating the

instead of shear wave probes.

phased array system for the weld inspection, therefore, consumes

The AUT inspection set-up for austenitic welds is similar to

less time than in the case of a conventional system. Furthermore,

the standard inspection configuration for ferritic girth welds in

rather than applying a large number of individual probes a phased

that the wall thickness is divided into a number of depth zones.

array system only requires one probe at either side of the weld. In

The inspection philosophy however is different as the selected

addition to the two phased array transducers, two probes for the

probes are not dictated by the weld bevel configuration (as for

TOFD function are necessary. Since ToFD usually uses a higher

AUT of ferritic girth welds), but are designed to minimize

frequency than pulse-echo does, ApplusRTD Rotoscan has the

reflections out of the anisotropic weld structure or interface

ability to use separate ToFD probes rather than use the phased

between weld and parent metal that could interfere with the

array probes for ToFD. Dependent on the application in some

inspection result interpretation.

cases a set of two extra probes is added to detect transverse

3.3 Phased Array technology in AUT of girth welds
Using linear phased arrays, the number of transducers can be
drastically reduced. With one pair of linear phased array
transducers, all configurations required can be made to inspect all

Instead of the traditional shear wave, dual crystal focused

angle beam compression waves and creep wave probes are used to
enable the full penetration of ultrasonic waves through the weld
volume, not hampered by the structure of the involved dissimilar
metals and austenitic coarse grain size structure.
4.2 AUT data on CRA: data evaluation and presentation

zones from both sides. Instead of a separate transducer, a

For the ultrasonic inspection of austenitic welds and CRA

different set of delay times is used for each configuration. A

layers, having dissimilar interface(s) and anisotropic material

normal pulse echo configuration will be obtained when a group of

structure (compare Fig. 7 and Fig. 8), the standard AUT pulse

active elements is used for both transmitting and receiving. An

echo presentation is not adequate to present all the essential

active group of elements (typically up to 32) can be multiplexed

features required for the correct interpretation of the AUT CRA

along an entire array (with typically up to 128 elements) enabling

inspection channels 2) . As illustrated in Fig. 9 the used

the index point of the beam to be shifted. A tandem configuration

compression wave has to pass the primary and coincidence

is formed when the reflected beam from one active group is

interface between the carbon steel and the austenitic weld

received by another active group elsewhere on the array. The

material, identified with the green and red borders. In order to

receiving group may also partially overlap the transmitting group,

identify the Primary and Coincidence interface position, the RTD

thus eliminating limitations caused by physical crystal dimensions

in conventional transducers.
The PRF (pulse repetition frequency) of a PA system is
identical to that of the conventional systems. This ensures the
same high measuring point density for a full inspection sequence
(cycle), maintaining the same scanning speed. During a cycle of
sequences all probe functions as previously programmed are
activated to provide full volumetric weld cross section coverage.
4. AUT on pipelines with Corrosion-Resistant Alloy layer
4.1 Preliminary considerations
Pipelines with corrosion-resistant alloy layers inside have

Fig. 6

Typical ultrasonic reflections as caused by the grain

morphology when inspecting austenitic weld using
conventional shear waves (top image) and when using
compression waves (bottom image).

27 2009 2


Rotoscan result presentation has been enhanced with an image

the screen and to be able to correlate / evaluate the indications

format being referred to as "All channels mapping" presentation.

present at the primary and /or coincidence interface within the

In this context "All channels mapping" has to be understood as

weld volume to increase the confidence level. This technique is

stacked C-scans in color, with each c-scan originating from a

called "primary/coincidence technique".

certain transducer focused to a certain area of the weld


With the function "all channel mapping" all ultrasonic wave

form information (A-screen dynamic range 0-100% FSH) derived

The "all-channels mapping" facility within the AUT system

from inspection gates, are digitized with a high sampling

software is an essential feature to visualize the inspection result on

frequency. Recorded amplitude and corresponding transit

distance are converted into a color pattern. In this presentation a
coherent display is obtained showing the defect position(s) and
geometrical features (e.g. noise out from the interface) in relation
to the weld centerline. For more details on this the reader is
referred to van der Ent et al.2).
5. AUT on pipelines with Corrosion-Resistant Alloy layer
It is well-known that all welded structures will always
contain different types of imperfections. It is also known that not
all flaws necessarily affect structural integrity or service

Fig. 7 Light microscopic image showing an austenitic girth weld

in CRA (metallurgical bonded) clad pipeline (austenitic
welding material having coarse grains).

performance of a welded structure, in this case newly welded

pipelines. These facts are implicitly recognized by most welding
fabrication codes which based on different so-called Engineering
Critical Assessment criteria (ECA) specifying the level of
acceptance of imperfections in new girth welds.
Quantitative characterization of weld integrity based on ECA
considerations has conclusively proven that knowledge on
accuracy with which weld imperfections can be sized, particularly
in terms of defect height and defect orientation is of paramount
importance 2). To achieve the required sizing accuracy new
inspection concepts combined with new physical algorithms are
needed. Two of the most prominent methods being close to
market introduction are presented in the paragraphs below.

Fig. 8 Light microscopic macro showing a ferritic girth weld in

carbon steel pipeline. In comparison with Fig. 7 it can be
seen that in this case the grain structure is much finer.

5.1 The RTD Matrix Phased Array

The development of the newest generation of RTD Rotoscan,
the RTD Matrix Phased Array Rotoscan, has just been finalized
and is now entering the validation phase in the USA (Fig. 10).
This solution, consisting of 1024 PA channels, has the major
advantage to focus and to steer the beam in two different
directions, allowing a volumetric insonification of the
imperfections and/or defects. A girth weld can thus be inspected
using a variety of probe angles and hence accurate sizing of tilted
and skewed defects is possible and significantly improved.

Fig. 9

The CRA inspection technique makes use of specially

designed compression wave probes to avoid reflections
from the anisotropic welding structure. As can be seen
from the figure the compression wave has to pass the
primary and coincidence (opposite) interface between the
carbon steel and the austenitic weld material, identified
with the green and red borders.


Future generation AUT: quantitative 3D imaging of


To date, the performance of all ultrasonic technologies used

in the oil & Gas industry depend on the quality of the so-called
calibration blocks, and because of that the interpretation of the


Automated Ultrasonic Testing of Pipeline Grith Welds

Fig. 11 Example of the imaging and sizing accuracy that can be

achieved with RTD IWEX. The three bore holes on the
left sample have a 0.5 mm diameter. The center of the
holes are separated 1mm and 1.5 mm respectively. On the
IWEX image (right side) all three bore holes are clearly

6. Conclusions
After many years of persistent pioneering and marketing by
Fig. 10

The RTD Matrix Phased Array unit consisting of 1024

channels (top image). The image below illustrates the
flexibility that can be achieved while using Matrix
Phased Array technology. The matrix-like arrangement of
PA elements enables the operator to steer side ways and
focus the beam in the lateral direction

ApplusRTD, AUT of pipeline girth welds is now offered by a

number of NDT providers as a worldwide service and has reached
a high level of professionalism. Primary key factors in the
ultimate success of pipeline AUT became its capability to
discriminate between defects and geometry indications, to detect

results achieved is not straight forward, and special interpretation

and quantify porosity and to use ECA criteria. These three factors

skills and special training (Level III) are needed in order to be

(including mapping of weld geometry such as root penetration and

able to read and interpret the results.

cap reinforcement) helped to avoid false calls, thus reducing the

Furthermore the most used ultrasonic technologies in use

number of unnecessary repairs. AUT practices, now used by all

have strong limitations. For example testing using pulse echo

AUT providers, are still based on the zonal concept patented by

technique and ToFD has have been proven to sufficiently reliable

ApplusRTD in 1952. Developments in pipeline AUT are still in

to assess weld integrity.

However, quantitative defect

progress. Defect detection, characterization and sizing will, in the

characterization with pulse-echo remains challenging because the

future, be further enhanced by efficient use of array technologies,

signal amplitude caused by the reflection at the defect is very

like IWEX technology.

dependent of defect orientation. TOFD has good sizing


capabilities, but only very limited capabilities in flaw

characterization. Data display is not straightforward and require
operator skill and experience. A better and more reliable

The authors would like to acknowledge the pre-work

ultrasonic inspection would be achieved if a methodology would

performed by Jan De Raad, Frits Dijkstra and few others which

be used that allows direct imaging of defects. Such a technology

ensured that this paper could be made in the required quality.

is RTD IWEX (Inverse Wavefield EXtrapolation). The physical


basis of this new imaging process is the Rayleigh II integral for

back propagation which gives the possibility to extrapolate a wave
field from known values at a certain surface to any location in
space. The principles of IWEX are discussed in detail in3).
The potential of IWEX for ultrasonic testing of steel
components has been demonstrated by several examples by which
2D and 3D images of embedded and surface defects were made
(Fig. 11). The investigations have shown that location, shape,
orientation and height of the defect are imaged with high
accuracy. The interpretation of the results is straightforward,
making the use of reference blocks superfluous .


A. De Sterke. NDT, 74 conference, Lacenster, (1974).

J.van der Ent. 12th Asia pacific conference (2006).
N. Prtzgen. PhD Thesis. TU Delft, Netherlands (2007).
F. H. Dijkstra and Jan de Raad, Duplex Conference in Maastricht
(NL), Manuscript 106 (1997).
Dutch patent registrated under nr: 1024726, PCT/NL2004/000874,

Email contact:
* Dr. Cesar Buque, email: cesar.buque@applusrtd.com
**** Tomoyoshi Ishida; email: tishida-isc@tempo.ocn.ne.j

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