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KG Basin

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10th Biennial International Conference & Exposition

P 327

Krishna-Godavari Continental Rift Basin: Shale Gas and Oil Play Systems
P K Padhy*, Shishir Kumar Das and Arun Kumar
Shale gas constitutes an important unconventional source of natural gas stored in organic rich, matured fine grained
sedimentary rock. The organic rich source rock on deep burial with geological time, results in conversion of organic matter
into oil and natural gas. A major part of the hydrocarbons is migrated and trapped in ideal locales constituting commercial
accumulations. The appreciable quantities are retained in-situ and constitute the unconventional shale gas/oil plays. In case
of shale oil/gas, shale acts as both source, reservoir as well as cap rocks. Based on the type of organic matter and maturation
level (either oil or gas window), the unconventional hydrocarbons could be shale oil or shale gas or a combination of both.
The gas in shale are held as free gas within natural fractures, pore spaces and some are stored as adsorbed gas on the organic
matters. The shale is characterized by low matrix permeability, and it requires hydraulic fracturing for shale gas production.
A number of Indian sedimentary basins possess large volumes of source rock sediments, with wide spectrum of geological age
ranging age from Proterozoic to Tertiary. The Krishna Godavari basin has evolved over the Eastern Ghat tectonic grain in
consequence of Indo-Antarctica plate separation during late Jurassic-early Cretaceous period. The pericratonic Krishna
Godavari basin, towards northeastern part, overlies orthogonally the southern extension of northwest-southeast trending
intracratonic Pranhita- Godavari Gondwana graben and thus manifesting poly-basinal evolution with wide spectrum of
tectono-sedimentary assemblages starting from Permian to Recent. Depositional environment, sedimentological and
geochemical aspects of the envisaged Permian (Kommugudem Shale), the early Cretaceous (HG-HR Raghavapuram Shale)
and Paleogene (Palakollu Shale, Vadaparru Shale and Bhimanapalli Limestone) Shale Gas/Oil Plays have been discussed.
The scope of the offshore shale oil/gas can be worth reviewing after ascertaining the potential in the onland prospective areas.
Keywords: Krishna-Godavari Basin, Permian, Early Cretaceous and Paleogene Shale Gas/ Oil plays

Shale is a fine-grained, fissile, detrital sedimentary rock
formed by consolidation of clay (4 micron size) and siltsized particles of other minerals, especially quartz and
calcite into thin, relatively impermeable layers. The quality
of shale reservoirs depends on their thickness and extent,
organic content, thermal maturity, fluid saturation,
permeability etc. Various clay types and volumes influence
the quality of the shale reservoir from the petrophysical
and geomechanical perspective (Atkins et. al., 2011).
Shale stores large amounts of organic materials compared
to other rock types and are deposited under marine, fluvial
and lacustrine environments.
The organic components of the shale are algae-plants and
marine organisms. During burial, these organic matters
(the kerogen) cracks to form hydrocarbons.
Fig.1. Geological map of Krishna-Godavari Basin


Email drpkpadhy@gmail.com

The thermal process causes the organic matter to mature

and the level of maturity determines whether the shale
contains oil, gas or both. The quantities of gas stored in the
shale reservoir depends on specific source rock
characteristics such as total organic carbon (TOC), thermal
maturity, the type of kerogen present. Shale with high
gamma (characteristics of rich organic matters), high
resistivity, high TOC content (>2-3 wt %), high maturation
value (Vro >1.0) is ideal for shale gas exploration. Source
rock within low thermal maturity (oil window with Vro
ranging from 0.6-1.0) would yield mainly shale oil.
Natural fractures are more prevalent in silica-rich and
carbonate-rich shales. The brittleness of the shale, with low
clay content (<30%), is the key factor in carrying out
successful hydrofracturing.

Shale Gas Plays of Potential Indian Basins

The concept of exploration of unconventional
hydrocarbons in India had been pioneered way back in
early nineties (Padhy, 1989, Padhy and Naik, 1991) and
later Mishra, 2008, Rao, 2010, Kumar, 2013 and others. As
per the US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
study, 2011 four Indian basins namely Cambay, KrishnaGodavari, Cauvery and Damodar are estimated to hold 63
TCF (Table-1). It may be noted that depending on the
thermal history of the basin, there is possibility of
exploration of both shale oil and gas from the sedimentary
basins of India.
Table-1: Perspective area if Indian Sedimentary basins and
recoverable Shale gas reserves.



(sq miles)








Paleogene Shale Gas play of Cambay, Assam and Assam

Arakan; Cretaceous Shale Gas Play of Krishna Godavari
and Cauvery, Permian Shale Gas Play of Krishna
Godavari, Pranhita Godavari Damodar and Satpura;
Neoproterozoic-Cambrian Shale Gas Play of Ganga and
Proterozoic Play of Vindhyan basins hold promising. The
pilot shale gas project of ONGC drilled four wells in
Damodar valley. One well RNSG-1 flowed shale gas from
the Barren Measure formation of Permian age.

Tectono-Stratigraphy of Krishna Godavari

The Krishna-Godavari (KG) basin constitutes a typical
rifted passive margin basin. The basin was evolved over
the Eastern Ghat tectonic grain (Rao, 2001) in consequence
of Indo-Antarctica plate separation and influence of
oblique extension during late Jurassic period. The
pericratonic Krishna Godavari basin, towards north eastern
part, overlies orthogonally the southern extension of
intracratonic Pranhita-Godavari (PG) paleo rift and thus
manifests a dual rift province of basin evolution with
typical tectono-sedimentary assemblages. The KrishnaGodavari pericratonic basin is characterized by northeastsouthwest trending tectonic highs and lows, with intrabasinal ridge system (Fig.1) namely Bapatal, KazaKaikular, Tanuku and Poduru-Yanam (from northwest to
southeast). The subsurface geology depicted in NW-SE
geological section (Fig.2) confirms the continuous of the
PG graben across north eastern part of Gudivada and
Mandapeta grabens. The KG Basin bears the testimony of
tectono-sedimentation events from Permian to Recent
(Fig. 3).

Fig.2. Geological Cross section showing Tectonic and

Stratigraphic Setup of Krishna-Godavari Basin.

Fig.3. Tectono-straigraphy of KG Basin-Major Tectonic setting

and subsidence pattern (Padhy and Man Mohan, 2011).

The intracratonic tectono-sedimentation cycle of fluviolacustrine sediment (Kommuguden formation) of the

Permian age and the dominant sandstone of Mandapeta
formation of the Triassic age constitutes a southern
extension of Gondwanic sedimentation (PranhitaGodavari) in KG basin. The basin experienced a major
hiatus (late Triassic to late Jurassic), corresponding to the
Yanshanian Orogenic Moment-1 (Ravishankar et.al.,2005)
prior to the breakup of the Indo-Australo-Antartica
The early synrift sediments (Gollapalli equivalents during
Tithonian-Barremian) were deposited during early
extensional subsidence accentuated by the earlier
basement rifted fault systems. Differential basin
subsidence continued along the basement bound fault
system accommodating synrift sediments (upper Jurassic
to early Cretaceous) of fluvio-marginal marine. With the
basin tilt on account of early thermal cooling, the basin
witnessed first marine transgression (restricted) during
Aptian-Albian time depositing High Gamma High
Resistivity (HG-HR) Raghavapuram Shale. The basin tilt
also facilitated on set of south-easterly principal fluvial
systems and deposition of sediments (Fig.2).
During passive margin phase, the basin experienced
widespread extrusion of volcanic basalt (Keller et al, 2008)
during Late Maastrichtian (C29r) to Early Paleocene
(C29n) during the northward drifting of the Indian plate
over the Reunion hot spot (Curray and Munasinghe, 1991).
The drainage reorganization (southe-easterly flowing
complex) has fed enormous sediment inputs resulting in
further outbuilding of delta progradation further south-east
into coastal and offshore area accompanied with fast
synsedimentation. During Late Oligocene the basin
witnessed a higher magnitude of sea level drop (Raju et.al.,
1994, 2005) exhibiting hiatus of the order of 7.5ma.
Another major sea-level fall is prominently observed
during Late Miocene and the magnitude of hiatus from
Mio-Pliocene ranges from 5 ma to 18 ma. The hiatuses
related Late Oligocene and Late Miocene are attributed to
uplift of the Indian peninsula (Raju et al, 1994, 2005).

source rock geology of the important plays are enumerated

Permian Shale Gas Play (Kommugudem Shale):
This sequence of Permian age (Asselian-SakmarianTatarian) comprises of shale-coal with minor sandstone
and it is underlain by the Basement and overlain by
Mandapeta Sandstone of Triassic age.
Depositional Environment and Sedimentological
Characteristics: The cyclothemic sequences of
carbonaceous shale, coal and sandstone have been
deposited under fluvio-lacustrine environment. The core
data indicates presence of glauconite. The core logs infer
presence of shale with minor reworked thin ripple
sandstone of tidal influence (Prabhakaran et al; 2004).
Shales are dark grey to black hard compact, silty and
occasionally carbonaceous. The inter-bedded sandstones
in coal-shale are dirty white, medium to coarse grained,
feldspathic. Glauconite and pyrites are often found.
Kaolinite clays are dominant along with chlorite, smectite
and illite (Prabhakaran et al; 2004). The increasing
accommodation to sediment influx further enhanced for
preservation of organic contents and the coal-shale
developed within the sequence acts as a good gaseous
source facies. At the end the fall in base level resulted in a
sub-aerial unconformity. Around 900-1000m thickness of
Kommugudem Shale is deposited.
Log Characteristics: The GR log shows alternations of
high and low (spiky nature) due to the presence of
carbonaceous shale and feldspathic sandstone. The coal
and carbonaceous shale show high resistivity. The log
characteristics around Kommugudem-MadhavaramMandapeta West-Mandapeta-Ramachandrapuram area are
mentioned in Table-2.
Table-2: Log characteristics of shales of different formations in
KG basin.

Shale Gas Play System

In KG basin prime source rocks are distributed within
Permian, early Cretaceous and Paleogene sections. These
source facies could be potential for shale gas/oil
exploration (Fig.2). Detailed depositional environment and

Source Rock Characteristics: The Kommugudem Shale

is characterized by alternating sequences of carbonaceous
shale, sandstone and coal. It is principally gas prone source
facies. Source rock and geochemical characteristics of
Kommugudem Permian age (Fig.4) imply encouraging
scenario for shale gas exploration.

Fig.5. TOC map of Kommugudam Formation

Fig.4. Source Rock logs of wells in Mandapeta West, Kaikalur,

and Gajulapadu areas. Good source rock development is seen in
Permian (outlined with a deep blue tinted box), Upper Jurassic to
Lower Cretaceous (outlined with a pink tinted box) and Aptian
Albian (outlined with a light blue tinted box) sequences. Based
on the SR facies and lithology variations the Permian, the Upper
Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous and the Aptian-Albian sequences
have been subdivided into 2 (marked a and b), 3 (marked a to c)
and 5 (marked a to e) homogeneous units respectively. The log
columns represent TOC (%), S2 (mg HC/gm rock), HI (mg HC/g
TOC, and Tmax (centigrade).Source: PS Cube, 2007

The play maps of the average TOC and Vro of the

Kommugudem section show prospective area around
Kommugudem-West Mandapeta-Mandapeta area (Figs.5
and 6). Source rock characteristics are given in Table-3.
Table-3: Source rock characteristics of shales of different
formations in KG basin.







Raghavapuram Shale):
The HG-HR sequence, which unconformably overlies the
early rift fill sequence (Gollapalli Sandstone), marks the
marine transgression during early Cretaceous (AptianAlbian). The lithofacies above HG-HR is characterized by
high gamma-low resistivity shale of late Cretaceous age.

Fig.6. VRo map of Kommugudam Formation. The pink shade

shows the area of interest around Kommugudem,Mandapetawest-Mandapeta.

Depositional Environment and Sedimentological

Characteristics: The restricted marine environment,
shallow bathymetry, very slow rate of sedimentation and
the nearness to the provenance resulted in the deposition of
High Gamma-High Resistivity Shale (HG-HR) sequence
(Man Mohan and Rao, 1998, 2002). The sequence is
carbonaceous, organic rich, silty and with high thorium
and potassium content. The HG-HR sequence is
dominantly argillaceous and the lower part is more
carbonaceous. The intervening sandstones are dirty white,
light grey to grey friable to hard and compact, medium to
very fine grained, occasionally coarse and pebbly,
calcareous, moderately to well sorted. Siltstone is dirty
white, light, moderately hard, compact and calcareous.
Since this was in the transitional stage of the reversal of the
basin slope, the slope gradient was not enough to facilitate
a major fluvial system. Thus this sequence lacks huge
reservoir facies except for transgressive bar type sands

along the palaeo-shore (Man Mohan and Rao, 2002). Core

studies of Lingala area suggests sand lying over the lower
unconformity is fine to medium grained, well sorted sand
with flaser and wavy bedding, thin alternations of silty
claystone, abundant plant material, bioturbation, burrows,
claystone lenses and load structures indicating a near shore
environment. The shales are found to be rich in clay with
quartz, siderite, glauconite, orthoclase and pyrite.
Hydrocarbons are mainly entrapped within reservoirs
deposited during transgressive and regressive phases, close
to the unconformities (Fig.7). This sequence, in onland
part, wedges out towards south-west in Gudivada Graben.
At places near the basin margin, the entire sequence is
represented by arenaceous facies.

Fig.7. Schematic diagram showing types of litho facies and HC

habitat within HG-HR. The lenticular sands are deposited during
both the transgressive and regressive phases and are observed to
be found just above the lower unconformity and below the upper
unconformity. Isolated limestone reservoir found in Kaikalur-3
is the sole carbonate hydrocarbon reservoir in the basin (Man
Mohan and Rao,1998)

Log Characteristics: The sequence exhibits relatively

higher gamma and resistivity as compared to the overlying
and underlying ones. Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry
(NGS) logs display that the High Gamma-High resistivity
Shale intervals have a considerably higher Thorium and
Potassium contents.
The upper member of Raghavapuram argillaceous section
(High Gamma-Low Resistivity) unconformably overlies
on the HG-HR and is underlain by Tirupati Sandstone. The
Thorium value against this sequence show low compared
to the underlying sequence.
The lower part of HG-HR in some of the wells shows high
Gamma with abnormal high resistivity (around 100 ohmm, at places even 200 ohm-m, Table-2). The log expression
towards the lower part of the HG-HR section in
Malleswaram area is characterized by high resistivity (830 ohm. m), high porosity (around 40%) and low density

Source Rock Characteristics: HG-HR Shale is the

principle source facies having kerogen Type II and III
(Figs.4 and 8). It may be noted that maximum of 1.0
vitrinite value is observed around Penugonda-South
Mahadevpatnam-Kavitam-Vygreswaram areas with TOC
of 2.0 wt% (Figs. 9 and 10).

Fig.8. Geochemical Characteristics of the source rocks of

Raghavapuram Shale. Decreasing abundance of long chain
(C25+) n-paraffins, High abundance of hopanes and algal- derived
(C27 > C29) steranes infer oil-prone source facies. High abundance
of C20+, Low abundance of steranes (C 27<< C29) indicate
dominant terrestrial input (Prasad et.al.,2005)

In west Godavari sub-basin maximum vitrinite of 0.8-0.9

is observed in around Gajulapadu-Lellapudi-Lingala and
towards south east around Malleswaram-Bantulilli
vitrinite value of 0.9 is seen over a limited area where as
high TOC has been found in and around Gudiveda graben
GokarnapuramMahadevpatnam, Akhividu area ( 3.0 -3.5 wt%), KaikalurLingala area (average 2.0 wt % ). The expulsion efficiency
is calculated to be of 60-70%.

Paleogene Shale Gas/Oil Play

Huge thickness of Tertiary sequence is deposited in the
coastal island and off shore area. Pallakollu Shale and
Vadaparru Shale, deposited under marine condition,
constitute important source facies (Fig.11). The organic
matter is of terrestrial in nature (Type III kerogen).
Pallakullu Shale constitutes fair to good mature source
rock unit in East Godavari Sub basin. The average TOC
content varies from 0.5-2% in the western part (Narsapur-

Chintalaplli area) to 4.4% in the Amalapuram-Vetlapalem

with Tmax values in the range of 453-470oC.

Shale unit with good to very good source rock

characteristics (TOC in the range of 4.2 to 26.3%, and S2:
3.3- 45.6mg HC/g rock) in off shore wells also. It may be
noted that the Paleogene section experiences high pressure.

Fig. 9. TOC map of Raghavapuram Formation

Fig.11. Source Rock logs in Narsapur, Matsyapuri and Shallow

offshore wells show source rock development in Upper
Paleocene to Oligocene sequence. Based on the SR facies and
lithology variations the sequence has been subdivided into 5
(marked a to e) homogeneous units. The log columns represent
TOC (%), S2 (mg HC/gm rock), HI (mg HC/g TOC, and Tmax
(deg. centigrade). Source : PS Cube, 2007

Fig.10. VRo map of Raghavapuram Formation.The pink shade

shows areas of interest for shale gas/oil. (A) GajulapaduLellapudi-Lingala (B) South Mahadevpatnam (C) MalleswaramBantumilli .

The organic facies representing Palakollu Shale differs

from the overlying Vadaparru Shale, by virtue of higher
Gammacerane and C28 sterane contents in Palakollu Shale
extracts suggesting contribution from dominantly marine
source precursors in comparison to Vadaparru Shale
(Prasad et.al.,2005).
Vadaparru Shale formation of Eocene age, a dominantly
argillaceous unit with minor limestone and sandstone
intercalations is rich in organic matter (av. range of TOC
0.8-7.2%) . Higher bitumen yields varying from 15008700ppm suggests better oil-prone source facies.
Distribution of organic matter and remaining generation
potential show increasing richness from the onland to
present coast line and further offshore area. Vadaparru

The Bhimanpalli limestone also exhibits presence of

source facies at places (Prasad et.al., 2005). Lithologically
Bhimanapalli formation (middle Eocene) consists of
highly fossiliferous limestone with thin sand and shale
beds at places. The abundance of organic matter varies
from poor to very good (TOC: 0.3 to 14.6%). The source
rock characteristics are remarkably improved towards
southwest around Narsapur area with better organic
richness (av.TOC: 3%; max. TOC: 14.6%) and the
generation potential (av. S2: 7.5 and max. S2: 37). The
Bhimanapalli sediment is also adequately mature for
generation of hydrocarbons around Mori and West Mori
areas with av. TOC values greater than 2% (max. TOC:
10%) and good remaining generation potential (av. S2: 4
and max. S2: 10) with moderate level of maturity at Tmax:
440oC (Prasad et.al., 2005).
Some of the Mio-Pliocene reservoirs of Krishna-Godavari
basin are characterized by dominance of biogenic methane
and mixed gas (thermogenic and biogenic) with carbon
isotopic values ranging from -50 to -67 per mil. The coastal
area and in shallow offshore area presence of biogenic gas
has been established in Neogene sequence. Possible
unconventional gas can be explored from the biogenic
source rock.

Shale gas play could be one of the important resources for
fossil fuel energy of India. Indian sedimentary basins have
thick organic rich source sequences deposited over wide
geological age. Based on geology and detailed subsurface
geochemical data, prevalence of three Shale Gas Play
Systems of Permian, early Cretaceous and Paleogene age
have been envisaged in Krishna-Godavari basin. The
Permian sediments with high thermal maturity could yield
gas where as the early Cretaceoous and Paleogene appear
to be more of shale gas/oil. Permian shale gas play appears
to be prospective around Kommugudem-West Mandapeta
Mandapeta area. The prospective areas for early
Cretaceous shale gas/oil play is around South
Mahadevpatnam-Kavitam-Penugonda, Kaikalur-LingalaGajulapadu.
The Paleogene shale oil/gas play including Bhimanapalli
Limestone (thermogenic as well as biogenic gas) appears
promising in island and shallow off-shore area.

Authors are grateful to Director (Expl) for his
encouragement and according permission to publish the
paper. Authors appreciate Shri D Loknath and Shri GTM
Brahmaji Rao, KG Basin for providing the TOC and
Vitrinite distribution maps. The support rendered from
time to time by colleagues Shri Y Ramesh Chandra, Shri
A K Rai, Shri S K Jha, Dr S R Rao, Shri Deepak Advani,
Shri Vinay Kumar of COD-Shale Gas has been greatly

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