This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
Issue Date
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Issue for use
This document is the property of Dubai Municipality and its issue is controlled. No part of this document
should be reproduced or copied without the prior written permission of Dubai Central Laboratory Department.
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
Table of Contents
General provisions
Publications referred to
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
With a view to have a comprehensive set of Dubai Municipality Standards which would be
consistent and fulfill local needs and yet be at par with International requirements, Dubai
Central Laboratory is developing standards taking guidance as much possible and required
from International and Regional Norms.
This Dubai Municipality Standard (DMS) describes the Technical Requirements for the
Operation of Ready Mixed Concrete Plants for certification purposes.
The standard has been prepared under DCL Certification Scheme for Ready-Mixed Concrete
Plants and Central Batching Units for use of DCL ICS and by other interested
persons/organizations. The standard is issued after validation.
Text affected
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
General provisions
Compliance with ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems and these technical
requirements shall be the primary bases for certifying ready-mixed concrete plants
and Central Batching Units under the DCL Certification Scheme
Production facilities,
These technical requirements are generic and shall be used in combination with the
applicable concrete specifications as defined below [2.3].
All the required facilities of testing shall be made available to meet the standard test
method and specification requirements.
Material formed by mixing cement, coarse and fine aggregate, and water, with or
without the incorporation of admixtures and additions, which develops its properties
by hydration of cement.
Ready-mixed concrete
Concrete delivered in a fresh state by a person or body who is not the user. The
concrete may be produced off site or on site.
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
Concrete specifications
Applicable concrete specifications as agreed between the purchaser and the readymixed plant, include (but not limited to) the following:
BS EN 206-1
BS EN 206-9
ASTM C 94/C94M
BS 8500-1
BS 8500-2
ACI 305
This term is refers to the purchaser/user of the concrete and also the specifier of the
concrete specifications and other project specific requirements.
Constituent materials
Refers to the main components of ready-mixed concrete which are cement, aggregate,
and water.
Material added during the mixing process in small quantities related to the mass of
cement to modify the properties of fresh or hardened concrete.
Finely divided material used in concrete in order to improve certain properties or to
achieve special properties.
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
3.1.1 Cement
Cement and other cementitious materials shall be stored in weather tight bins or
silos protected from external- and cross-contamination and allowing free
movement to discharge opening.
3.1.2 Aggregates
The plant shall have a system for unloading and stockpiling aggregates such as
to prevent harmful segregation and breakage.
Each size and type shall have separate bins or compartments with provisions
against inter-mixing.
Bins and stockpiles shall be protected from contamination and shall have
appropriate identification to prevent inter-mixing of different materials.
3.1.3 Water
The plant shall have adequate supply of water under constant or regulated pressure
to ensure accurate measurement of discharged volume.
3.1.4 Admixtures
The plant shall provide adequate storage and handling of admixtures to prevent
contamination and appropriate to the manufacturer's handling instructions for the
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
Run concrete plant with flaked ice before mixing or transporting concrete.
The time between adding the water to the concrete mix and placing it at the
construction site shall not exceed 90 minutes, in cases where extended time is
required, the responsible engineer at the construction site may approve the
extension of the placing time provided that acceptable provisions are taken to
keep the fresh concrete inside the mixers in good workable condition.
All the precautions to be taken shall be subject to Engineers or clients approval the
ready mix supplier shall demonstrate all approved precautions.
The temperature of concrete shall not exceed as per client agreement.
Batching equipment
The load indication of the scale shall be readable from the batching control
room, either directly or through remote indicating devices.
The scales shall undergo full calibration at least once every six months; and
each time the scale is moved or relocated.
For purposes of regular checking of the accuracy of the weighing scales, the
plant shall have set of calibrated test weights equivalent to 10 % of the
capacity of the weighing scales. The test weights shall be accurate to 0.01%.
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
The volume indicating device shall be readable from the batching control
room, either directly or through a remote indicating device.
The weigh batchers and volumetric batchers shall have automatic control
mechanism for stopping the flow of materials when the desired quantity has
been reached.
The system shall have provisions for ensuring that materials are not
unintentionally discharged into the mix.
Data Loggers and Recorders - The plant shall be equipped with automatic data
loggers and recorders to keep records of the data during the batching process.
Plant mixer
The plant mixer shall be capable of mixing the concrete completely (central
mixing) or partially (shrink mixing).
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Plant mixer shall be equipped with a timing device that will prevent the
premature discharge of the batch before the mixing time has elapsed.
Truck mixers
The truck mixers shall be provided with suitable measuring and dispensing
Re-mixing of concrete which has commenced to set shall not be allowed and
in no case shall such concrete be used in works.
Pumping concrete through delivery pipes may be permitted but only with prior
approval of the Engineer and client.
The method of Transport and Delivery and placing concrete shall be to the
approval of the Engineer or Client.
3.5.2 Truck mixers shall be equipped with a metal plate indicating the gross volume of the
drum, the loading capacity, and the minimum and maximum mixing speeds of
rotation of the drum.
Ticketing system
The plant shall have a ticketing system that is able to issue a delivery ticket with the
following information:
Name of purchaser
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
The plant shall develop and prepare a "quality plan" for all processes needed to ensure
that the concrete is supplied having the quality and in the quantity agreed with the
purchaser. The quality plan shall include the following:
Required records to provide evidence that the product meets the requirements.
Order processing
The plant shall establish a system for order processing that shall cover the following:
Review of verbal or written enquiries in order to:
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
Purchaser communication
The plant shall provide all necessary information to the purchaser related to the
supply of the concrete; and shall obtain purchaser's agreement in case of deviations
from the terms of the purchase order. The plant shall investigate complaints related to
compliance with the purchaser's specifications.
The plant shall establish procedures and implement initial testing for new
concrete composition (new materials and combinations of materials) before
Initial test shall be repeated if there has been change, either in the constituent
materials or in the specified requirements.
Initial tests and acceptance of results shall be carried out in accordance with
the provisions of the applicable concrete specifications.
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
Concrete production
The batching equipment shall conform to the requirements stated in [3.3] and
shall be operated in accordance with the applicable concrete specification.
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
Tests required,
4.7.2 The system of description of materials and finished product shall provide traceability
of all constituent materials, admixtures and additions, between suppliers' description
and those used in the product realization.
4.7.3 The documentation shall provide traceability of the entire process from verbal or
written enquiry up to the delivery tickets for the finished product (i.e. enquiry,
quotations, orders, batching instructions, delivery tickets).
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
The plant shall identify and document the level of knowledge, training, and skills
required for personnel involved in different levels of operation.
Ensure that relevant staff are competent to perform their functions and are
aware of the effects of those functions on quality;
Ensure that personnel have been adequately trained to carry out their assigned
duties and responsibilities;
Ensure that the testing of materials, design and control of concrete mixes, and
their constituents, are under the supervision of an experienced concrete
technologist who had adequate educational background and training.
This copy is issued for Emirates Beton Readymix, no others are entitled to use this copy.
DMS 026: 2011
Publications referred to
BS EN 206-1
BS EN 206-9
BS 8500-1
BS 8500-2
ACI 305
CIRIA C577 Guide to the Construction of Reinforced Concrete in the Arabian Peninsula
and CS136