HW 6
HW 6
HW 6
Note: In all written assignments, please show as much of your work as you can. Even if you
get a wrong answer, you can get partial credit if you show your work. If you make a mistake,
it will also help the grader show you where you made a mistake. Your submitted homework
should be printed out (i.e., please dont hand in hand-written answers, unless you need to
hand-annotate the printed text, or draw a figure). See the class web-page for more
information about handing in homework assignments.
a) Suppose you (a sender connected to a LAN on the UMass campus) want to send an IP
datagram to a friend whose laptop is connected to a LAN, at Boston University in
Boston. Does your laptop know the 48-bit MAC address of your friends laptop at BU?
If so, how does it get the MAC address, if not, then explain why it does not need to
know the MAC address.
b) Consider the link-layer frame that arriving at your friends computer that contains the
IP datagram that you sent from your UMass-connected computer. Consider the source
MAC address in that frame - what is the network device (host, router) whose MAC
address is the source MAC address in that frame?
c) Now consider the IP datagram inside the frame arriving at your friends computer.
What is the network device (host router) whose IP address is the source IP address in
the IP datagram contained in that frame?
Problem 2. ARP and Learning Switches. Consider the network shown below.
Suppose that source node A wants to send an IP datagram, encapsulated in an Ethernet frame
to node H. Before doing so, A uses ARP to find Hs MAC address. A then sends an Ethernet
frame to H and H then sends a reply back to A. Suppose that initially the switch tables are
empty at all switches, and that all ARP tables are empty.
a) Give the switch tables for S1, S2, S3 and S4 after the ARP request packet is received at
b) How many of hosts A through I receive the ARP request?
c) Give the switch tables for S1, S2, S3 and S4 after the ARP reply packet has been sent by
H and has been received at A.
d) Give the switch tables for S1, S2, S3 and S4 after the IP datagram has been sent by A
and has been received at H.
e) How many of hosts A through I receive the frame containing the A-to-H datagram?
Problem 3: In this problem well consider three multiple access LAN protocols TDMA,
polling, and CSMA/CD. Suppose there are 100 nodes on the LAN. In TDMA, assume that
each slot is 10 milliseconds long, that each node is assigned one frame per second, and that a
frame takes 10 milliseconds to send. In the case of polling, assume that a polling request
takes 1 milliseconds to get from the central polling node to any node in the network.
a) Suppose that nodes on the LAN want to send a lot of network traffic and so any given
node almost always has a frame that it wants to send. For each of the three multiple
access LAN protocols, what is longest possible time that a node can wait before
successfully (i.e., collision free) send its frame into the LAN.
b) Now suppose that there is almost no traffic in the LAN, so that whenever a node has a
frame to send, there are no other nodes that also have a frame to send. In this case, for
each of the three multiple access LAN protocols, what is the average amount of time
until a node is able to successfully send its frame?