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Kirow 7 Methods of Switches and Crossing Renewal

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10 11:50 Seite 1


Pre-fabricated switch panels are transported by rail or road to
site and unloaded the day before adjacent to the track. Alternatively the switch is built up in panels on an assembly place near
the track, where the crane picks up the panels.
Depending on access and site restrictions the unloading place
can be at some distance from the old switch because the Multi
Tasker travels easily with the panel over one km or more.
After removing the old switch parts the crane has time to pick up
the new switch parts from any distant unloading place while the
ballast is exchanged, levelled and compacted.
After the ballast is prepared the Multi Tasker inserts the switch
panels within less than 30 minutes per panel including travelling.
Old switch parts are slung with chains to speed up the process.
New parts are slung with soft nylon straps that treat the switches
very gently avoiting notches.


Same as 1. or 3. but working from adjacent track only.

But with the special lifting beam that can adjust the centre of
gravity valuable time is saved at the slinging process.


The most efficient method: Pre-fabricated panels are directly delivered to site on Switch Tilter wagons. No intermediate loading
and unloading is necessary. The loading deck of the Switch Tilter
can be tilted. Such also wide panels can be transported which
otherwise would be out of gauge.

Usually normal lifting beams with chains or nylon straps are used
to sling the switch panels and it can be difficult to find the centre
of gravity.
As a result the panel can hang inclined. The slinging process
then has to be repeated until the panel hangs level.

The prefabricated panels come with mounted drives and every

installation prepared such that the switch is ready after laying by
the crane. There is no intermediate loading and unloading, the
panels come from the factory and are installed directly in the

The special Multi Tasker 250 have hydraulic attachments with

rail clamping beams that can grab the old switch panels without
any need for a slinger.

With the special lifting beam the panel can be levelled by moving
the centre of gravity. This mechanism can be activated by remote control or from the cabin. The slinging process is done in
the shortest time possible.

The installation process is very fast because the wagons can be

parked near to the hole reducing travelling time for the crane.
With a lifting beam with centre of gravity adjustment the switch
laying is possible within 15 minutes per panel.


Main steps are the same as method 1.

The two cranes can be used separately for taking out the old
switch in breathtaking time because each crane can work from
one end.

When working with two cranes there are no issues with centre of
gravity of the panels during lifting. The two small Multi Tasker can
use the same lifting beam that come with the tilting wagons.


The Tracklayer can pick up the panel from any assembly place
off the track. It can travel off road wherever required.
The Tracklayer requires only one blocked track. The adjacent
line can be kept open for traffic.
After switch laying the Tracklayer can leave the track to the side
in order to open the line for traffic.
One panel is laid in less than 30 minutes depending on the travel distance.
Due to the combination of steered crawler movement and side
walking with the support legs the Tracklayer can move in any direction independent of the track.


In case the switch is built up on an assembly place which is distant to the site or the pre-fabricated panels could not be unloaded near the hole the Tracklayer has to transport these panels
over a longer distance.
Since the Tracklayer is travelling on its crawlers and has to be
managed around obstacles by side stepping always a longer distance is better done with rail wheels.
For that the Tracklayer can be equipped with foldable rail drives
that allow the empty machine to travel on rail.
The panel is placed on a trolley and transported to site.
The Tracklayer can be equipped with a small loading crane and
winches in order to manage the trolleys.


The most efficient method for working with the Tracklayer is the
supply of the panels with tilting wagons right to the construction
site and the unloading and laying of the switch panels with the
Tracklayer in the following steps:
- the sections are lifted off the wagons by the Tracklayer.
- the wagon is pulled from underneath
- the load is lowered
- the Tracklayer moves with load to the installation point
- puts the panel right in place and
- moves back to the wagons to unload the next panel.
This operation requires only one track. The travelling time is minimized.
No unloading and storing process in between is necessary the
switch is transported right from the switch manufacturer to site.

The load is gently lifted under the main frame and there is no
issue about centre of gravity or load swing. The panel can be
placed easy, fast and accurately on the ground by only one operator that moves the machine by remote control while standing
right at the joint of the two panels with perfect visibility at safe
distance at the same time.

The switch laying is usually done within less than 20 minutes per


Multi Tasker picks up panel from side and drives to the hole

Multi Tasker picks up panel from side and drives to the hole

Multi Tasker picks up panel from Switch Tilter from side and drives to the hole

2 Multi Tasker pick up panel from Switch Tilter and drive to the hole

Tracklayer picks up panel from assembly place

Tracklayer picks up panels and places them on the trolleys

Tilting wagon tilted down, Tracklayer unloads panel

Panel is installed in the hole

Panel is installed in the hole

Panel is installed in the hole

Panel is installed in the hole

Panel is installed in the hole

Panels are driven on trolleys to the hole, Tracklayer drives on railwheels

Tracklayer drives with panel into the hole and installs first panel

Pick up of second and all subsequent panels

Pick up of second and all subsequent panels

Pick up of second and all subsequent panels from Switch Tilter

Pick up of second and all subsequent panels from Switch Tilter

Pick up of second and all subsequent panels from assembly place

Tracklayer picks up panels from the trolleys and installs them in the hole

Tracklayer picks up second and subsequent panels and installs them in the hole

Installation of second and all subsequent panels

Installation of second and all subsequent panels

Installation of second and all subsequent panels

Installation of second and all subsequent panels

Installation of second and all subsequent panels, Tracklayer can leave to the side

After installation Tracklayer can leave to the side, trolleys can be driven away and lifted off

After installation Tracklayer can leave to the side

The crane can work either on an adjacent track or on the

line the switch is built in.
Crane hook moves
against lifting beam

Switch Tilter in transport position

Two Multi Tasker remove old switch panels

Transport of panel
from assembly place
to the hole

Trolley for switch


Panel Transport
Wagon in train

Multi Tasker works

between obstacles

Panel is taken by
crane inclined

Switch Tilter tilted

down for unloading
by Multi Tasker

Two Multi Tasker

KRC250UK work together in tandem unloading switch
panels from Switch

Working with adjacent line open

Foldable railwheels
on the Tracklayer for
driving on the track

Panel Transport
Wagon tilted down
for unloading by

Multi Tasker installs

panel perfectly level

and levelled by lifting beam centre of

gravity device

Multi Tasker picked

up panel and drives
to the hole

Installation of panel
by two Multi Tasker
KRC250UK in
tandem work

Installation of panel
by Tracklayer

Installation of panel
by Multi Tasker

Track laying in tandem work with the

Multi Tasker

info@kirow.de or

Multi Tasker carries

panel through station


Heinrich Deklerk
+49 (0) 174 / 30 86 068
Michael Hartmann
+49 (0) 174 / 30 86 029
+ Panels can be stored or built up at whatever convenient
distance along the track (up to 1 km no problem)
- Panels need to be stored or built up at a reachable distance
to the side from the track (5 to 15 m)
+ Crane can work on single line or on adjacent line. If panels
are stored alongside the track only one track needed.

+ See 1. Multi Tasker with panels

+ Less people for slinging and much faster operation

+ Switch Tilter can be unloaded at whatever convenient distance

along the track (up to 1 km no problem)
- Two tracks needed for unloading Switch Tilter

+ As 1 or 3 unloading at whatever convenient distance along

the track
- Two tracks needed because only working from the side

Tracklayer picked up
panel and drives to
the hole

Installation of panel
by Tracklayer

+ Panels can be picked up independent from track and the

Tracklayer is passing rough terrain
+ Only one track needed

+ Possibility to cope with long distances

- Many lifting activities add up time
- Additional shunting machine necessary because TL cannot
pull and brake panel on trolleys
- Also on rail wheels TL can travel only walking speed
+ Only one track needed

+ Unloading directly from tilting wagon on the same track

+ Only one track needed



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