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DDR2 Controller Design Project EE577B Fall 2009

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DDR2 Controller Design Project

EE577B Fall 2009

Due Date:
Dec 11th 2009
Student Name:
Tommy Zhang Andras Zambori
Student Number: 1922-9142-34

Project Description
This Project is intended to provide the students an opportunity to learn about DDR2 SDRAM devices
and their source synchronous double data rate bus interface timing. A Verilog model provided by Denali
for 512Mb (32Mb x16 four bank) DDR2 would be used in this project. Students are going to design and
implement a DDR2 controller in Verilog HDL and simulate their designs along with Denalis DDR2
model using Cadence NC-Verilog. The DDR2 controller is going to provide a simple FIFO based frontend that would support write and read transactions like scalar, block and atomic to and from the DDR2
SDRAM. Students would refer to the JEDEC DDR2 SDRAM Standard (JESD79-2C) for all timing, bus
interface and initialization specifications. The controller would initialize the DDR2 model (chip) with the
given parameters like CAS latency and Burst length etc. Normal data transactions would start after a
successful completion of the DDR2 initialization sequence.
DDR2 part to be used for the project: Micron MT47H32M16BN-37E
System clock frequency of DDR2 controller = 500MHz
DDR2 clock to be run at 250 MHz
Oklahoma State Universitys 0.18um standard cell library to be used for synthesis. The information
on each standard cell in the library can be found at
Figure 1 shows a cartoon of DDR2 controller. Students have full freedom to improve the design to
achieve higher data bandwidth. The heart of the DDR2 controller core is the logic that would be
responsible for the following tasks:
(1) Start initialization sequence logic for the DDR2. When INITDDR input is asserted (captured high
at the positive edge of the clock) this logic would initialize the DDR2. It asserts an output signal
READY when initialization sequence is completed.
(2) Fetch the command/data queued in the input FIFOs and complete the DDR2 Transaction with
correct timing without wasting a single unnecessary cycle.
(3) Before de-queuing a read command from input Cmd/Addr FIFO the FSM must ensure that the
output FIFOs would have enough space to accommodate the data received from DRAM in
response to a read command.
(4) Match or generate correct return address for the data received from the DRAM.
(5) Refresh logic: This logic would cyclically issue DRAM refresh commands

Figure 1. EE577b DDR2 Controller Cartoon

Design Functionality
The design of the DDR2 controller is shown to be working for both the RTL and synthesized
netlist. The result of the output dump file matches that of the reference dump file for the provided
short and medium test. Since there is not enough disk quota to run the full test, the output of the dump
file for the full test is checked up to the point where the test stops running due to the simulation files
exceeding the quota. The full test up to that point was found to also match with the provided reference
Design Architecture
Initialization Engine
The DDR2 controller initialization engine follows the DDR2 initialization procedure in the DDR2
memory specification sheet to start the DDR2 controller memory clock, ready all banks for operation
and configure the various modes registers for the DDR2 operation. The state machine used in the DDR2
controller issues the correct commands in accordance with the timings and delays required in the
specification sheet.
Controller State Machine
The state machine used in the DDR2 Controller is shown in the following diagram:

When the reset signal is applied, the controller enters the Init state and runs the DDR2
initialization procedure. The controller registers and counters are initialized and set to known default

values. The DDR2 controller continues to wait in the Init state until the ready signal is asserted by the
initialization engine.
Once the ready signal is asserted, the controller transitions to the Idle state and polls the
command/address FIFO to see if it is empty. If the command/address FIFO is empty, the controller
remains in the Idle state and repeatedly polls the command/address FIFO to check if there is valid data
within the FIFO. This process is repeated until the command/address FIFO contains valid data.
On each clock cycle, the refresh counter is incremented to keep track of the time since the last
refresh operation was performed to make sure the controller issues the next refresh command before
the data in the memory is lost. To prevent other states in the controller from violating the maximum
refresh delay, the value at which the refresh counter should begin the refresh operation is the maximum
delay between refreshes minus longest operation in the controller, since the controller does not know
the command which will be run while it is in the idle state. This ensures that the maximum delay cannot
be violated.
Once the command/address FIFO is no longer empty, the controller will transition from the Idle
state to the Fetch state. In the Fetch state, the controller reads the command from the
command/address FIFO and either returns to the Idle state if the command is a NOP or proceeds to the
state to handle to corresponding operation. The transition from the Fetch state to the Idle state in the
case of an NOP command has the effect of incurring a 1 clock cycle delay which handles delay for the
NOP command. Before proceeding to the operation state for the selected command, if the operation is
a read operation, the data output FIFO is checked to make sure that there is enough space to store the
output data. If there is not enough space, the controller waits in the Fetch state until there is enough
space. Since long wait times in the Fetch state may cause the controller to miss its next refresh cycle, if
the controller is waiting in the Fetch state, it must check the refresh counter and initiate the refresh
operation if necessary.
Ring Buffer
The ring buffer is necessary due to the fact that data returned from the DDR2 memory during a
read access and its strobe signal are asynchronous and not aligned with the DDR2 controller or memory
clocks. The ring buffer is needed to bridge the communication between the controller and memory
during read operations by temporarily storing data coming from the DDR2 memory and then allowing
the DDR2 controller to read the data at the controller clock edge.
Input and Output FIFOs
There are three FIFOs used in the DDR2 controller to handle data communication of the DDR2
controller with external devices. The FIFOs are used as a synchronizing element and also allow the DDR2
controller to buffer commands while the memory is busy with an existing operation. The three FIFOs
used in the DDR2 controller are the input data FIFO, the input command/address FIFO and the output
data FIFO. All FIFOs are 32 elements deep.
Supported Operations
Once the DDR2 controller transitions from the Fetch state to the Operation state, the following
operations can be performed specified by the command issued in the command/address FIFO:
Scalar Read/Write, Block Read/Write and Atomic Read/Write
Each of the commands has its own sub-state machine which proceeds through the sequence of
operations and using the timing specified by the DDR2 memory controller specification sheet.

Scalar Read/Write
The scalar read and write operation operates on a single word out of the accessed burst length
of four words. The scalar read and write is needed when an operation is to be performed on a number
of words less than the size of the burst length. For the scalar read command, the controller stores the
very first value read to the output data FIFO. The other words in the burst length are ignored. For the
scalar write command, only the first word is written to the memory and then the data mask is applied to
prevent subsequent words from being overwritten
Block Read/Write
The block read and write operations allow the DDR2 controller to perform operations on a large
set of data successively to achieve high throughput and perform faster than several smaller separate
commands on the same amount of data. The block read and write commands have a SZ parameter
which determines the number of words to be operated on. Since the SZ always specifies a number of
words which is a multiple of the burst length, all accesses in a block operation are useful and no data is
ignored or masked. The DDR2 controller uses the SZ parameter to select a sub-state machine to
perform the row and column accesses. For larger block sizes, the DDR2 controller must simultaneously
issue the row and column access commands and handle the memory DQ and DQS signals when the
control for the two signals begin to overlap.
Atomic Read/Write
The atomic operations allow the device issuing the instruction to the DDR2 controller to
guarantee data synchronization such that both the access to memory and the following logic operation
will occur one after the other without being interrupted by unpredictable system scheduling. Atomic
operations are necessary to implement multi-process operating systems as well as provide the basic
synchronization mechanisms for locks, barriers and semaphores. For an atomic read operation, the data
word provided to the controller is operated on by the data specified by the instruction, which is first
read from the DDR2 memory. The result is computed and then stored back to the address specified by
the instruction. The old data read from the memory is then sent to the output data FIFO. For an atomic
write operation, the supplied data word is combined with the data word stored in the DDR2 memory
and the specified operation is performed then written back to the original DDR2 memory address. The
atomic operations use the Read-to-Write timings described in the DDR2 memory data sheet, which
allows a write operation to follow a read operation to the same row and column without incurring a
precharge and activate delay between the two operations. This speeds up the atomic operations
The atomic operations support the following logic operations:
Posted CAS
The DDR2 controller uses the posted CAS mode to issue the row and column operations into
order to allow the controller to quickly issue the entire operation sequence. The use of the posted CAS
scheme increases the efficiency and throughput of the controller by taking advantage of the additive
latency. In the configuration used for our project, the column latency is 4 cycles and the additive latency
is 3 cycles. Thus if the column command is issued right after the row command, the operation will only
incur the delay of the column latency. Issuing the entire sequence of row and column operations frees
the controller to handle other operations on other banks. If the posted CAS scheme were not used, then
the controller would have to issue the row command first and then wait and do nothing until it is time to

issue to the column operation or keep track of outstanding operations after it issues the row command
so that it can issue the column command after the correct timing delay.
Bank Interleaving
Bank interleaving improves the throughput of the DDR2 memory by storing successive address
multiples of the burst length in different banks. If an operation goes to the DDR2 controller requesting
two burst sizes of data, the DDR2 controller can then issue the first half of the access to one bank and
the second half of the access to a second bank. The two accesses can operate independently and in
parallel since they are accessing data in different banks, increasing the throughput of the system. If
bank interleaving were not used, then in the previous example, both accesses would have to go to the
same bank. Since the bank can only handle one operation at a time, the two accesses would have to
occur one after the other instead of in parallel.
Manual Precharge
To improve the performance of the DDR2 controller, manual precharge is done when required
by an operation rather than auto precharging after each access. The benefits of manual precharge are
quicker completion times for each operation since the operation does not have to precharge and close
the active row after each access. The cost of this optimization is more logic complexity as well as a large
array of registers to store the state of each column to mark if the column has been accessed. Since
there are 210 columns and four banks, the size of the array which keeps track of the state of the charge
in the columns is 4096 bits. Each time a column is used in a read or write operation, the corresponding
bit to that column in the array is changed from a value of 0 to 1 to indicate that the column has been
used for this precharge cycle. If a column which has already been used is accessed again, the controller
must then precharge all the columns in that bank and activate the row again before the access can
proceed. The amount of performance gained by the manual precharge optimization is access
dependent. The optimization works best if the accesses are random or sequential. However, if the
access tends to reuse the same columns repeated, this optimization can result in lower performance and
memory throughput because instead of precharging after each operation and paying the delay upfront,
the controller must precharge when it discovers that the next operation requires access to a spent
column, which delays the access for that operation.
Last Write Access Caching
To solve the problem of a repeated access to the same address which negates the performance
benefits of manual precharge and results in a lower throughput of the DDR2 memory controller, the last
write operation to the DDR2 memory is cached. The effect of this caching is if a write access to some
address is followed by a read access to the same address, the cache can return the previously written
data immediately without having to access the memory to access the data. The benefits to this scheme
are twofold: First, the access is much faster since the memory does not have to be accessed. And
second, this prevents the DDR2 memory from having to precharge and delay the current operation. The
second benefit is especially advantageous if the access patterns are:
write addrA, read addrA
write addrB, read addrB

write addrZ, read addrZ

In the above case, manual precharge would perform worse than auto precharge because each
pair of operations requires a precharge due to the same address being accessed. No performance is
gained from manually controlling precharge even though there are 210-1 columns which are unused each
time the controller precharges. With the last write caching scheme, we prevent the controller from

having to precharge each time since the result is returned without having to access the memory. The
size of the write cache used is the word size of the largest operation, which is the block read of size 16.
In addition to caching the data, we also need to cache to address so that it can be matched to the
address of the access as well as a valid bit for each word to determine if any value has yet been cached.
With the given word size of 16 bits: The size of the data cache is 16*16 = 256 bits, the address cache is
25*16 = 400 bits, the valid bits = 16. The total size of the last write cache is 672 bits.
The result of using manual precharging and last write caching is much better throughput from
the DDR2 controller, since the two schemes complement each others weaknesses. Manual precharge
improves performance for random and sequential accesses to memory while last write caching protects
the manual precharge from having to continuously precharge when the same location in memory is
written then read. Manual precharging also complements last write caching, since last write caching by
itself is useless when the accesses are random or sequential.
DDR2 Controller Simplifications
Due to lack of memory to perform synthesis on the entire controller with all optimizations, the
manual precharge was changed from keeping track of the state of all columns to controlling only banks.
This involved changing the controller from keeping track of all columns across all four banks to just
keeping track of accesses to the same banks. This was done instead of keeping track of the columns
since the size of the array and the logic operations to the 4096 bit array increased the logic complexity
of the controller and caused the Synopsys synthesis tool to exceed the memory on the user account and
crash at around 50% of the synthesis operation. The banking optimization resulted in better
performance for the old mid sized test pattern. But for the current set of test patterns, keeping track of
only banks results in less performance gain than just auto-precharging after each access. Thus this
feature was not included in final submission. The final submission uses last write caching only.

Number of ports:
Number of nets:
Number of cells:
Number of references:
Combinational area:
Noncombinational area:
Total cell area:


----------------------------------------------------------clock CLK (rise edge)
clock network delay (ideal)
inAddr_reg[2]/CLK (DFFPOSX1)
0.00 #
0.00 r
inAddr_reg[2]/Q (DFFPOSX1)
0.19 f
U5424/Y (INVX2)
0.26 r
U5179/Y (BUFX4)
0.37 r
U4904/Y (INVX4)
0.46 f
U7378/Y (XNOR2X1)
0.57 f
U7379/Y (NAND2X1)
0.63 r
U7380/Y (NOR2X1)
0.69 f
U7381/Y (NAND3X1)
0.80 r
U5308/Y (INVX1)
0.87 f
U5062/Y (AND2X2)
0.99 f
U7601/Y (NAND2X1)
1.05 r
U7602/Y (NOR2X1)
1.13 f
U7610/Y (AOI21X1)
1.26 r
U4976/Y (NAND2X1)
1.32 f
U7642/Y (NOR3X1)
1.45 r
U4867/Y (NAND2X1)
1.50 f
U5174/Y (AND2X2)
1.63 f
U8065/Y (NAND2X1)
1.72 r
U5141/Y (INVX2)
1.83 f
U8037/Y (OAI21X1)
1.91 r
readData_reg[0]/D (DFFSR)
1.91 r
data arrival time
clock CLK (rise edge)
clock network delay (ideal)
readData_reg[0]/CLK (DFFSR)
2.00 r
library setup time
data required time
----------------------------------------------------------data required time
data arrival time
----------------------------------------------------------slack (MET)

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