Caveolin-1 and Cdc42 Mediated Endocytosis of Silica-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Hela Cells
Caveolin-1 and Cdc42 Mediated Endocytosis of Silica-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Hela Cells
Caveolin-1 and Cdc42 Mediated Endocytosis of Silica-Coated Iron Oxide Nanoparticles in Hela Cells
Open Access
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 2015, 6, 167176.
Received: 19 March 2014
Accepted: 18 December 2014
Published: 14 January 2015
This article is part of the Thematic Series "Biological responses to NPs".
* Corresponding author
Guest Editor: R. Zellner
Caveolin-1; CDC42; endocytosis inhibition; iron oxide nanoparticles;
nanoparticle uptake
Nanomedicine is a rapidly growing field in nanotechnology, which has great potential in the development of new therapies for
numerous diseases. For example iron oxide nanoparticles are in clinical use already in the thermotherapy of brain cancer. Although
it has been shown, that tumor cells take up these particles in vitro, little is known about the internalization routes. Understanding of
the underlying uptake mechanisms would be very useful for faster and precise development of nanoparticles for clinical applications. This study aims at the identification of key proteins, which are crucial for the active uptake of iron oxide nanoparticles by
HeLa cells (human cervical cancer) as a model cell line. Cells were transfected with specific siRNAs against Caveolin-1,
Dynamin 2, Flotillin-1, Clathrin, PIP5K and CDC42. Knockdown of Caveolin-1 reduces endocytosis of superparamagnetic iron
oxide nanoparticles (SPIONs) and silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles (SCIONs) between 23 and 41%, depending on the surface
characteristics of the nanoparticles and the experimental design. Knockdown of CDC42 showed a 46% decrease of the internalization of PEGylated SPIONs within 24 h incubation time. Knockdown of Dynamin 2, Flotillin-1, Clathrin and PIP5K caused no or
only minor effects. Hence endocytosis in HeLa cells of iron oxide nanoparticles, used in this study, is mainly mediated by
Caveolin-1 and CDC42. It is shown here for the first time, which proteins of the endocytotic pathway mediate the endocytosis of
silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles in HeLa cells in vitro. In future studies more experiments should be carried out with different
cell lines and other well-defined nanoparticle species to elucidate possible general principles.
Nanotechnology is expected to be a very powerful technique for
the treatment of various diseases in the 21st century. Today
nanomedicine has spread in many different subareas, which are
working highly interdisciplinary on the development of new
therapy concepts [1].
One of the most important fields is the early detection and treatment of cancer. Therefore many strategies and specific nanoparticle constructs have been explored in recent years [2-4],
although only few of them have already made their way into
practice [5]. Iron oxide nanoparticles are of special interest
Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
SPIONs were provided and characterized by MagForce AG.
SPIONs with an iron oxide core of 15 nm and a silica shell of
5 nm were modified by coupling the respective functional
groups as an ethoxy- or rather methoxysilane to the free
hydroxy groups of the surface (Figure 2). These modifications
resulted in different physicochemical properties referring to
SPIONs surface charge and their size distribution under physiological conditions (Table 1). The primary particle size was
determined by transmission electron microscopy (EM906,
Zeiss). The zeta potential and the average hydrodynamic diameter in physiological environment were measured by dynamic
light scattering (Zetasizer, Malvern Instruments Ltd). Due to the
Figure 1: Overview of well-known endocytotic pathways and the involved key proteins, target proteins inhibited in this study are marked in red
(adapted from Wieffer et al. [27], sizes of membrane ruffling from Canton et al. [28]).
Table 1: Surface modification of SPIONs and their physical properties at room temperature in aqueous dispersion (pH 7, DLS = dynamic light scattering).
Surface modification
Linker structure
Zeta potential
59 mV
136 nm
Carboxylic acid
47 mV
157 nm
Polyethylene glycol
14 mV
133 nm
Medium (DMEM, Invitrogen, Cat. No. 31885023), supplemented with 10% FBS, and cultivated in an incubator at 37 C
and 5% CO2.
synthesis route, often more than one iron core was enclosed
during growth of the silica shells. This caused aggregation and
therefore the nanoparticle suspensions were polydisperse.
The tested modifications were carboxylic acid- and PEGsilanes (Cat. No. SIC2264.0 and SIM6492.7, ABCR GmbH &
Co. KG, Karlsruhe, Germany). SPIONs had been sterilized and
pyrogen tested by MagForce AG. They were stored at 4 C in
aqueous suspension with an iron concentration of 34 mg/mL.
Cell culture
HeLa cells (human cervix carcinoma) were provided by the
group of Professor Haucke (Freie Universitt, Berlin,
Germany). They were grown in Dulbecco`s Modified Eagle
Table 2: Sequences of siRNAs used for transfection with Lipofectamine 2000 transfection reagent.
Oligo name
Clathrin heavy
Dynamin 2
Nonsense control
Catalog number
ON-TARGETplus SMARTpool-Human
ON-TARGETplus SMARTpool-Human
Knockdown efficiency
To demonstrate effective knockdown of target proteins, transfected cells were collected in every single experiment. The
expression level of target proteins was determined in comparison to non-transfected control cells by sodium dodecyl sulfate
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of cell lysates
followed by Western Blot and detection of proteins through
specific antibodys. -Actin served as a housekeeping protein to
ensure comparable amounts of proteins in every sample. Primary antibodies used in this study are shown in Table 4.
Nanoparticle exposure
Cells were grown to 7080% confluence. Before every single
experiment, nanoparticles were prewarmed to 37 C and treated
with ultrasound for 10 min to avoid sedimentation and aggregation. SPIONs were diluted with cell culture media to a concentration of 50 g Fe/mL while SCIONs were diluted to 5 g/mL.
The concentration of the SCIONs was chosen after preliminary
experiments. It could be shown that 5 g Fe/mL provides the
lowest background fluorescence combined with a good intracellular signal. In both setups the cell culture media contains
SCIONs in excess to the internalization rate of the cells. Afterward cells were exposed to nanoparticles for 24 h (SPIONs) or
4 h (SCIONs). To ensure natural behavior of nanoparticles in
cell culture media, the plates were left without any movement
or shaking during the exposition. During the incubation time of
cells with nanoparticles no or only minor differences of the cell
numbers were observed, which confirmed no severe impact of
the treatment on cell viability within the observation period.
Fluorescence microscopy
Spinning disk confocal microscopy was used to detect SCIONs
inside cells. The applied system was the Zeiss Axiovert 200Mbased spinning disc confocal microscope (PerkinElmer Life
Sciences Inc., MA, USA). Microscopy and quantitative
analyses were performed with the software Volocity (Improvision Inc.). For quantitative determination of SCIONs per cell at
least 140 single cells were analyzed in single layers in each
experiment. To calculate an average fluorescence intensity of
SCIONs for a whole cell population, the overall fluorescence of
the dye Alexa Fluor 555 in every single cell was determined.
Therefore the sensitivity of the nanoparticle channel was
adjusted to the distinct vesicles containing SCIONs. To exclude
background fluorescence of extracellular adherent SCIONs,
single cells were marked by the help of fluorescently labeled
transferrin (Transferrin From Human Serum, Alexa Fluor 488
Conjugate, Invitrogen, Cat.No. T-13342). After that the mean
intensity of the SCION fluorescence per cell was determined.
This procedure was the same for every sample. Experiments
were repeated four times.
Table 4: Primary antibodies with source and dilution used for detection of target proteins.
Catalog number
Caveolin-1 (N20)
Purified mouse Flotillin-1
Cdc42 polyclonal
Monoclonal anti-PIP5K2A
Monoclonal anti--actin
Anti-Dynamin II polyclonal
Antibody Clathrin
Transfection efficiency
Knockdown of target proteins was confirmed by determination
of the expression level of the respective proteins in transfected
and non-transfected cells in every single experiment.
Semi-quantitative determination of proteins in cell lysates
showed efficient knockdown for Clathrin, Dynamin 2,
Flotillin-1, PIP5K and CDC42 (Figure 3). In case of
Caveolin-1 around 5060% knockdown efficiency has been
achieved (Figure 3a). This was sufficient to detect an effect on
the endocytosis of nanoparticles. -Actin was used as a housekeeping protein to ensure comparable amounts of proteins in
every sample.
Carboxylated SPIONs
HeLa cells with a knockdown of Caveolin-1 contained 23% less
carboxylated SPIONs compared to non-transfected control cells
Figure 3: Representative X-ray films with knockdown efficiency of target proteins (red labels), -Actin serves as the protein loading control for comparable protein contents in the horizontal lines, control siRNA = siRNA with nonsense sequence, untreated = control cells without siRNA treatment;
(a) Knockdown efficiency of Flotillin-1, Caveolin-1, Clathrin and Dynamin-2; (b) Knockdown efficiency of CDC42 and PIP5K.
(Figure 5). The iron levels per cell amounted to 12.0 0.5 pg
for Caveolin-1 depleted cells and 15.5 1.2 pg for control cells.
This effect is statistically significant ( = 95%, p = 0.0466).
Knockdown of Flotillin-1 (17.9 1.9 pg Fe/cell) and Clathrin
(17.7 1.9 pg Fe/cell) resulted in slightly more nanoparticles
inside the cells. However, this effect is statistically not significant (Figure 5).
PEGylated SPIONs
Compared to control cells (17.7 2.5 pg Fe/cell), HeLa cells
contained 33% less iron (11.8 0.8 pg Fe/cell) if the
expression level of Caveolin-1 was reduced (Figure 6). Knockdown of Flotillin induced no detectable difference
(19.4 2.1 pg Fe/cell), while knockdown of Clathrin produced
an elevated iron content per cell of 25.6 1.7 pg and therefore
Figure 7: Fluorescence image of Hela cells which were incubated with SCIONs (iron concentration 5 g/mL, incubation time 4 h), blue = DAPI
(nuclei), green = Transferrin Alexa Fluor 488 conjugate (cytosol), red = Alexa Fluor 555 (SCIONs); (a) Control cells without siRNA treatment;
(b) Cells with knockdown of Caveolin-1.
The aim of the study was to elucidate, how human cancer cells
internalize iron oxide nanoparticles with silica shells, which
have no target function for a special application or receptor.
Therefore the human cervical cancer cell line HeLa was chosen
as a model cell line. Hela cells are a well-established malignant
cell line, which was widely used to study the uptake of iron
oxide nanoparticles [18,21,24,32], gold nanoparticles [33,34]
and other particle systems like quantum dots [35] or polymer
particles [36,37]. To gain insights into the molecular mechanisms, which are involved in the endocytosis of iron oxide
nanoparticles, and how the uptake is influenced by parameters
like size and surface composition of nanoparticles would be
very useful in the development of therapeutic approaches.
This study shows for the first time, that Caveolin-1 and CDC42
play an important role in the endocytosis of SCIONs and
SPIONs with negative surface charge and a primary diameter
around 17 to 30 nm in HeLa cells in vitro. Depending on the
nanoparticle used, 69 to 87% in addition of the endocytosed
particles were taken up through Caveolin-1 and CDC42 dependent pathways. Because of the heterogeneous nanoparticle
suspensions, involvement of more than one specific pathway is
not surprising. Endocytosis through Caveolin-1 and CDC42 is
characterized by vesicles of 30 to 80 nm [27,28], which
excludes bigger agglomerates from uptake. For future experi-
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