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Advertising in business ismarketing communication of marketing communication



encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a

specific group) to take or continue to take some action. Most commonly, the desired result is
to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and
ideological advertising is also common. This type of work belongs to a category
called affective








increased consumption of their products or services through "branding", which involves

associating a product name or image with certain qualities in the minds of consumers. Noncommercial advertisers who spend money to advertise items other than a consumer product
or service include political parties, interest groups, religious organizations and governmental
agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of persuasion, such as a public
service announcement (PSA).
In Latin, ad vertebra means "to turn toward. The purpose of advertising may also be to
reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising
messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various old media; including mass
media such as newspaper, magazines, television advertisement, radio advertisement, outdoor
advertising or direct mail; or media such as blogs, websites or text messages.
Advertisers influence our identity by making adverts. Many people agree that they influence
our identity and they have a huge impact on our life. They influence our identity by using
things such as techniques, stereotypes and targeting our audience. Our personal identity is
who we are and what things make us up such as occupation, beliefs, personality, self-esteem,
lifestyle, relationships, and friends, how we look and what we wear. Advertisers use

techniques to grab people's attention. For example, to make a burger look tasty in advertising,
it may be painted with brown food colors, sprayed with waterproofing to prevent it from
going soggy and sesame seeds may be super-glued in place. Advertising can bring new
customers and more sales for the business. It can be expensive but can help make a business
make more money.
Advertising is how a company encourages people to but their products, services or ideas.

Egyptians used papyrus to make sales messages and wall posters. Commercial
messages and political campaign displays have been found in the ruins of Pompeii and
ancient Arabia. Lost


found advertising





in Ancient

Greece and Ancient Rome. Wall or rock painting for commercial advertising is another
manifestation of an ancient advertising form, which is present to this day in many parts of
Asia, Africa, and South America. The tradition of wall painting can be traced back to
Indian rock art paintings that date back to 4000 BC.
In ancient China, the earliest advertising known was oral, as recorded in the Classic of
Poetry (11th to 7th centuries BC) of bamboo flutes played to sell candy. Advertisement
usually takes in the form of calligraphic signboards and inked papers. A copper printing plate
dated back to the Song dynasty used to print posters in the form of a square sheet of paper
with a rabbit logo with "Jinan Lius Fine Needle Shop" and "We buy high quality steel rods
and make fine quality needles, to be ready for use at home in no time" written above and
below is considered the world's earliest identified printed advertising medium.
In Europe, as the towns and cities of the Middle Ages began to grow, and the general
populace was unable to read, instead of signs that read "cobbler", "miller", "tailor", or
"blacksmith" would use an image associated with their trade such as a boot, a suit, a hat, a
clock, a diamond, a horse shoe, a candle or even a bag of flour. Fruits and vegetables were
sold in the city square from the backs of carts and wagons and their proprietors used street
callers (town criers) to announce their whereabouts for the convenience of the customers.

In the 18th century advertisements started to appear in weekly newspapers in

England. These early print advertisements were used mainly to promote books and
newspapers, which became increasingly affordable with advances in the printing press; and
medicines, which were increasingly sought after as disease ravaged Europe. However, false
advertising and so-called "quack" advertisements became a problem, which ushered in the
regulation of advertising content.

Edo period advertising flyer from 1806 for a traditional medicine called Kinseitan
Thomas J. Barratt from London has been called "the father of modern
advertising". Working for the Pears Soap Company Barratt created an effective advertising
campaign for the company products, which involved the use of targeted slogans, images and
phrases. One of his slogans, ""Good morning. Have you used Pears' soap?" was famous in its
day and into the 20th century. Under Barratt's guidance, Pears Soap became the world's first
legally registered brand

Barratt introduced many of the crucial ideas that lie behind successful advertising and
these were widely circulated in his day. He constantly stressed the importance of a strong and
exclusive brand image for Pears and of emphasizing the product's availability through
saturation campaigns. He also understood the importance of constantly reevaluating the
market for changing tastes and mores, stating in 1907 that "tastes change, fashions change,
and the advertiser has to change with them. An idea that was effective a generation ago would
fall flat, stale, and unprofitable if presented to the public today. Not that the idea of today is
always better than the older idea, but it is different it hits the present taste." As the economy

expanded across the world during the 19th century, advertising grew alongside. In the United
States, the success of this advertising format eventually led to the growth of mail-order
In June 1836, French newspaper La Presse was the first to include paid advertising in
its pages, allowing it to lower its price, extend its readership and increase its profitability and
the formula was soon copied by all titles. Around 1840, Volney B. Palmer established the
roots of the modern day advertising agency in Philadelphia. In 1842 Palmer bought large
amounts of space in various newspapers at discounted rate then resold the space at higher
rates to advertisers. The actual ad the copy, layout, and artwork was still prepared by the
company wishing to advertise; in effect, Palmer was a space broker. The situation changed in
the late 19th century when the advertising agency of N.W. Ayer & Son was founded. Ayer and
Son offered to plan, create, and execute complete advertising campaigns for its customers. By
1900 the advertising agency had become the focal point of creative planning, and advertising
was firmly established as a profession. Around the same time, in France, Charles-Louis
Havas extended the services of his news agency, Havas to include advertisement brokerage,
making it the first French group to organize. At first, agencies were brokers for advertisement
space in newspapers. N. W. Ayer & Son was the first full-service agency to assume
responsibility for advertising content. N.W. Ayer opened in 1869, and was located in
Philadelphia. 20th century

AD 1900 advertisement for Pears soap

Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform
or influence people who receive them.

Advertising is a means of communication with the users of a product or service.

Advertisements are messages paid for by those who send them and are intended to inform
or influence people who receive them,
-Advertising Association of the UK.

Advertising is always present, though people may not be aware of it. In today's world,
advertising uses every possible media to get its message through. It does this via television,
print (newspapers, magazines, journals etc), radio, press, internet, direct selling, hoardings,
mailers, contests, sponsorships, posters, clothes, events, colors, sounds, visuals and even
people (endorsements).
The advertising industry is made of companies that advertise, agencies that create the
advertisements, media that carries the ads, and a host of people like copy editors, visualizers,
brand managers, researchers, creative heads and designers who take it the last mile to the
customer or receiver. A company that needs to advertise itself and/or its products hires an
advertising agency. The company briefs the agency on the brand, its imagery, the ideals and
values behind it, the target segments and so on. The agencies convert the ideas and concepts
to create the visuals, text, layouts and themes to communicate with the user. After approval
from the client, the ads go on air, as per the bookings done by the agency's media buying
The objectives of all business are to makes profits and a merchandising concern can
do that by increasing its sales at remunerative prices. This is possible, if the product is widely
polished to be audience the final consumers, channel members and industrial users and
through convincing arguments it is persuaded to buy it. Publicity makes a thing or an idea

known to people. It is a general term indicating efforts at mass appeal. As personal

stimulation of demand for a product service or business unit by planting commercially
significant news about it in a published medium or obtaining favorable presentation of it upon
video television or stage that is not paid for by the sponsor.
On the other hand, advertising denotes a specific attempt to popularize a specific
product or service at a certain cost. It is a method of publicity. It always intentional openly
sponsored by the sponsor and involves certain cost and hence is paid for. It is a common form
of non- personal communication about an organization and or its products idea service etc.
that is transmitted to a target audiences through a mass medium. In common parlance the
term publicity and advertising are used synonymously.


The word advertising is derived from the Latin word via, "advertero" "ad" meaning
towards and "verto" meeting towards and "verto" meaning. "I turn" literally specific thing".
Simply stated advertising is the art "says green." Advertising is a general term for and
all forms of publicity, from the cry of the street boy selling newspapers to the most celebrate
attention attracts device. The object always is to bring to public notice some articles or
service, to create a demand to stimulate buying and in general to bring together the man with
something to sell and the man who has means or desires to buy".
American marketing association has defined advertising as "any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. The
medium used are print broad cast and direct.
Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to a group a nonpersonal, oral or visual openly, sponsored message regarding a product, service, or idea. This
message called an advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for
by the identified sponsor.
Advertising is any paid form of non personal paid of presentation of ideas goods or
services by an identified sponsor.
In developing an advertising programmer, one must always start by identifying the
market needs and buyer motives and must make five major decisions commonly referred as
5M (mission, money message, media and measurement) of advertising.

It is a mass non-personal communication.
It is a matter of record.
It persuades buyers to purchase the goods advertised.

It is a mass paid communication. The communication media is diverse such as print

(newspapers and magazines)
It is also called printed salesmanship because information is spread by means of the
written and printed work and pictures so that people may be induced to act upon it.

The long term objectives of advertising are broad and general, and concern the
contribution advertising should make to the achievement of overall company objectives. Most
companies regard advertising main objective as hat of proving support to personal selling and
other forms of promotion. But advertising is a highly versatile communications tools and may
therefore by used for achieving various short and long term objectives. Among these
objectives are the following:
To do the entire selling job (as in mail order marketing).
To introduce a new product (by building brand awareness among potential buyers).
To force middlemen to handle the product (pull strategy).
To build brand preference 9by making it more difficult for middleman to sell
To remind users to buy the product (retentive strategy).
To publicize some change in marketing strategy (e.g., a price change, a new model or
an improvement in the product).
To provide rationalization (i.e. socially acceptable excuses).
To combat or neutralize competitors advertising.
To improve the moral of dealers and/or sales people (by showing that the company is
doing its share of promotion).
To acquaint buyers and prospects with the new uses of the product (to extend the


It leads to cheaper prices. "No advertiser could live in the highly competitive arena
of modern business if his methods of selling were more costly than those of his
It acquaints the public with the features of the goods and advantages which buyers
will enjoy.
It increases demand for commodities and this results in increased production.

Advertising :
Creates and stimulates demand opens and expands the markets;
Creates goodwill which loads to an increase in sales volume;
Reduces marketing costs, particularly product selling costs.
Satisfied consumer demands by placing in the market what he needs.

It reduces distribution expenses in as much as it plays the part of thousands of

salesman at a home. Information on a mass scale relieves the necessity of
expenditure on sales promotion staff, and quicker and wider distribution leads to
diminishing of the distribution costs.
It ensures the consumers better quality of goods. A good name is the breath of the life
to an advertiser.
By paying the way for large scale production and increased industrialization,
advertising contributes its quota to the profit of the companies the prosperity of the
shareholder the uplifts of the wage earners and the solution of the unemployment
It raises the standard of living of the general public by impelling it to use to articles
of modern types which may add to his material well-being. "Modern advertising has
made the luxuries of yesterday the necessities of today ..................... It is a positive
creative force in business. It makes two blades of grass grow in the business world
where one grew before.
It establishes the goodwill of the concern for the test articles produced by it and in
course of time they sell like not cakes consumer search for satisfaction of their needs
when they purchase goods what they want from its beauty, superiority, economy,

comfort, approval, popularity, power, safety, convenience, sexual gratification and so

on. The manufactures therefore tries to improve this goodwill and reputation by
knowing the buyer behavior.
To sum up it may be said that advertising aims at committing the producers, educating the
consumer, supplementing the salesman converting the producer and the dealer to eliminate
the competitor, but above all it is a link between the produce and the consumer.



Advertising as a tool to marketing not only reaches those who buy but also those
whose opinions or authority is counted for example a manufacturer of marble tiles and
building boards advertises not only to people who intend to build houses but also to architect
and engineers.
While the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals products advertise to doctors as well as
to the general public. At time it is necessary for a manufacturer or a concern to advertise
things which it does not sell but which when sold stimulates the sales of its own product.
There are concerns like electric heaters, iron etc. because the use of these increases the
demand for their products.
Advertising should be used only when it promises to bring good result more
economically and efficiently as compared to other means of selling. There are goods for
which much time and efforts are required in creating a demand by sending salesman to
prospective buyers than by simply advertising them. In the early days of the cash register in
America it was sold by specially trained salesman who called on the prospective users and
had the difficult task of convincing them that they could no longer carry on with the old
methods, and that they urgently needed a cash register.
In our country certain publishers have found it less costly to sell their books by
sending salesman from house to house among prospective buyers than to advertise them. In
these two examples the cost of creating demand would be too high if attempted by
advertising alone under such circumstances advertising is used to make the salesman
acceptable to the people they call upon to increase the confidence of the public in the house.
Naturals when there are good profits competitors will be attracted and they should be kicked
out as and when sufficient capital is available by advertising on a large scale. Immediate
result may not justify the increased expenditure but it will no doubt secure future sales.



Several steps are required to develop an advertising campaign the number of stages and
exact order in which they are carried out may vary according to an organizations resources,
the nature of its product and the types of audiences to be reached. The major stages/step are:
1. Identifying and analyzing the advertising.
2. Defining advertising objects.
3. Creating the advertising platform.
4. Determining the advertising appropriation.
5. Selection media plan.
6. Creating the advertising message.
7. Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising.
8. Organizing of advertising campaign.




Press Advertising or Print

City, Small town, Sundays,
Daily, weekly, Fortnightly,
quarterlies, financial and
annuals, English, vernacular



or regional languages.
General or special, illustrated
or otherwise, English, Hindi,



Trade & Technical Journals,

Regional language.
Circulated all over the

Industrial year books, commercial,

country and among the

directories, telephone, Directories,

industrialist and business

references books & annuals.

Direct Mail

Circulars, catalogues,
leaflets, brochures, booklets,

folders, colanders, blotters,

diaries & other printed

Outdoor or Traffic

Poster and bills on walls,
railways stations platforms
outside public buildings


Broadcast or radio and T.V.

trains, buses.
Spot, Sectional or national


trade cost
Movie Slides and films nontheatrical and documentary
films metal plates and signs


House to house

attaches to trees.
Sampling, couponing, free
gifts, novelties, demons-


Dealer aids

Counter and widows
display demonstration given
by retailer or the advertises



Today, Internet is a big spot
for advertising.




An advertisement for a diner. Such signs are common on storefronts.

Paying people to hold signs is one of the oldest forms of advertising, as with this human

A bus with an advertisement for GAP in Singapore. Buses and other vehicles are popular
media for advertisers.


Mobile Billboard in East Coast Park, Singapore

A DBAG Class 101 with UNICEF ads at Ingolstadt main railway station

A London Bus, with a film advertisement along its side.

Virtually any medium can be used for advertising. Commercial advertising media can
include wall paintings, billboards, street furniture components, printed flyers and rack cards,
radio, cinema and television adverts, web banners, mobile telephone screens, shopping carts,
web popups, skywriting, bus stop benches, human billboards and forehead advertising,
magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses, banners attached to or sides of airplanes
("logojets"), in-flight advertisements on seatback tray tables or overhead storage bins, taxicab
doors, roof mounts and passenger screens, musical stage shows, subway platforms and trains,
elastic bands on disposable diapers, doors of bathroom stalls, stickers on apples in
supermarkets, shopping cart handles, the opening section of streaming audio and video,
posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts.
Any place an "identified" sponsor pays to deliver their message through a medium is


Television advertising / Music in advertising

The television commercial is generally considered the most effective mass-market advertising












commercial airtime during popular events. The annual Super Bowl football game in the
United States is known as the most prominent advertising event on television

An infomercial is a long-format television commercial, typically five minutes or longer. The
word "infomercial" is a portmanteau of the words "information" and "commercial". The main
objective in an infomercial is to create an impulse purchase, so that the target sees the
presentation and then immediately buys the product through the advertised toll-free telephone
number or website. Infomercials describe, display, and often demonstrate product and their


features, and commonly have testimonials from customers and industry professionals.

Radio advertising
Radio advertising is a form of advertising via the medium of radio. Radio advertisements are
broadcast as radio waves to the air from a transmitter to an antenna and a thus to a receiving

Online advertising
Online advertising is a form of promotion that uses the Internet and World Wide Web for the
expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. Online ads are
delivered by an ad server.

New media
Technological development and economic globalization favors the emergence of new
communication channels and new techniques of commercial messaging.

Product placements
Covert advertising, is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For
example, in a film, the main character can use an item or other of a definite brand, as in the
movie Minority Report, where Tom Cruise's character John Anderton owns a phone with
the Nokia logo clearly written in the top corner, or his watch engraved with
the Bulgaria logo.

Press advertising

Press advertising describes advertising in a printed medium such as a newspaper, magazine,

or trade journal.


Billboard advertising
Billboards are large structures located in public places which display advertisements to
passing pedestrians and motorists. Most often, they are located on main roads with a large
amount of passing motor and pedestrian traffic; however, viewers, such as on mass transit
vehicles and in stations.

Mobile billboard advertising

Mobile billboards are generally vehicle mounted billboards or digital screens. These can be
on dedicated vehicles built solely for carrying advertisements along routes preselected by
clients, they can also be specially equipped cargo trucks or, in some cases, large banners
strewn from planes.


In-store advertising
In-store advertising is any advertisement placed in a retail store. It includes placement of a
product in visible locations in a store, such as at eye level, at the ends of aisles and near
checkout counters.

Coffee cup advertising

Coffee cup advertising is any advertisement placed upon a coffee cup that is distributed out of
an office, caf, or drive-through coffee shop.


Street advertising
This type of advertising first came to prominence in the UK by Street Advertising Services to
create outdoor advertising on street furniture and pavements.

Image advertising
Image advertising is undertaken primarily to enhance an organizations perceived importance
to a target market. Image advertising does not focus on specific products as much as it
presents what an organization has to offer. Image advertising is often used in situations where
an organization needs to educate the targeted audience on some issue.


Sheltered Outdoor Advertising

This type of advertising opens the possibility of combining outdoor with indoor
advertisement by placing large mobile, structures (tents) in public places on temporary bases.

Celebrity branding
This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money, popularity to gain
recognition for their products
And promote specific stores or products. Advertisers often advertise their products


Aerial advertising
Using aircraft, balloons or airships to create or display advertising media. Skywriting is a
notable example.

Public Service Advertising

Unlike traditional commercials, Public Service Advertisements (PSA) are primarily designed
to inform and educate rather than sell a product or service.


Cell Phone & Mobile Advertising

A relatively new form of advertising, but one that's spreading rapidly, uses cell phones, iPads,
Kindles, Nooks, and other portable electronic devices with Internet connectivity. Current
trends in mobile advertising involve major use of social media such as Twitter and Facebook.

Online Advertising
If you see an advertisement via the Internet (World Wide Web), then it is classified as online
advertising. In fact, there are ads on this very page, and most other websites you visit, as they
are the primary revenue driver for the Internet.



Marketing mix consist of four important variables of marketing, i.e. 4Ps-Product, Price,
Promotion and Place. Apart from the traditional 4 Ps, there are also other variables, i.e.
Packaging, Position, and Pace.
Advertising is an element of promotion. However, it not only assists in promoting the
product, but also affects the other variables of marketing mix. This can be explained as
Advertising and Product: A product is normally a set of physical elements, such as quality,
shape, size, colour and other features. The product may be of very high quality .At times, the
product is so designed that it requires careful handling and operations. Buyers must be
informed and educated on the various aspects of the product. This can be effectively done
through advertising. Thus, advertising plays the role of information and education.
2. Advertising and Price: The price is the exchange value of the product. A marketer may
bring out a very high quality product with additional features as compared to competitors. In
such a case, price would be definitely high. But buyers may not be willing to pay a high price
would be definitely high. Here comes advertising.
Advertising can convince buyers regarding the superiority of the brand and thus its value for
money. This can be done by associating the product with prestigious people, situations, or
events. Alternatively when a firm offers a low price products the job of advertising needs to
stress the price advantage by using hard hitting copy. It is not just enough to convince, but it
is desirable to persuade the buyer. Thus advertising plays the role of conviction and
3. Advertising and Place : Place refers to physical distribution and the stores where the goods
are available Marketer should see to it that the goods are available at the convenient place and
that too at the right time when the buyers need it. To facilitate effective distribution and
expansion of market, advertising is of great

Significance. Thus advertising do help in effective distribution and market expansion.

4. Advertising and Promotion: Promotion consists of advertising, publicity, personal selling
and sales promotion technique. Businessmen today have to face a lot of competition. Every
seller needs effective promotion to survive and succeed in this competitive business world.
Advertising can play a significant role to put forward the claim of seller, and to counter the
claims of
Competitor. Through effective advertising, sellers can face competition and also help to
develop brand image and brand loyalty.
5. Advertising and Pace: Pace refers to the speed in marketing decisions and actions. It
involves among other things the launch of new products or brand variations at greater speed
than before. As and when new brands are launched, advertising plays an important role of
informing, educating and persuading the customers to buy the product.
6. Advertising and Packaging: The main purpose of packaging is protection of the product
during transit, and preservation of quality and quantity. Nowadays, marketers take lot of
efforts to develop and design attractive packages as they carry advertising value. A creatively
design package attract the attention of the customers. It also carries an assurance of quality
and creates confidence in the minds of customers to buy the product.
7. Advertising and Positioning: Product positioning aims at creating and maintaining a
distinct image of the brands in the minds of the customers. Through advertising the marketer
can convey the positioning of the brand and accordingly can influence the buying decision of
the target audience.



Advertising is the integral part of every day's life. It is a pervasive method of marketing in
society. Though the methods by which marketers advertise have changed over the decades,
the role and purpose of advertising has changed over the period of time. Without advertising
modern society cannot survive Advertising is useful to society in following ways. Encourage
Purchasing Encouraging people to purchase goods and services is the main role of
advertising. Some industries rely on advertising more than others: A cereal company, for
instance, must advertise more aggressively, due to the wide arrange of competing products,
than a power company that faces little to no competition. Advertisers often influence
members of society to purchase products based on instilling a feeling of scarcity or lack.
.Reflect cultural trends advertising bridges the gap among people by communicating varied
culture through advertising message. It bring variation in the social life.
Promotes Economic growth: Advertising contributes to bring about all round
development of the economy by increasing demand and by encouraging economic
activities it fuels the desire to shop and, in turn, shopping stimulates the economy.
Improves standard of living: Advertising is an economic activity. It provides
opportunities to people to improve their income. It motivates people to consume more
material and thereby improves their standard of living.
Provides employment: Effective advertising generates demand for goods and
services. High demand calls for more production which requires more of physical and
human resources thus creating employment opportunities.


Advertising and Brand building.

Brands are the identification that differentiates one business from another (through
name, symbol etc.). However, today brands can also be defined as the personality they reflect
to people in relation to status, emotional characteristics and subjective quality. They give the
consumers a perceived knowledge of the product, its and uniqueness before they buy it.
Brands Ensure delivery of service as promised by them. For example, Pizza Company
A claims to deliver pizza within a certain time and Pizza company B claims to deliver most
delicious Pizzas. It makes easy for the consumers to identify what they want and which brand
to choose for it. It is important for a brand to accomplish the claim advertised to retain Brand
Advertising is one of the key elements in building a brand, which is equally important
to the marketer and consumers. Brand personality acts as a potent brand differentiator and
offers sustainable competitive advantage. Advertising by creating or reinforcing brand's
personality enhances brand value or equity which in turn can be leveraged through brand
extension. Brand personality also helps brands to gain market share, command price premium
and insulates from discounting Brands. Building a strong brand name is key factor for
business success. In the competitive business environment of today, consumer sophistication
has altered business practices.
Organizations are forced to anticipate customers' needs and convey clear messages to
consumers by establishing strong brand names and focusing on brand building.
A brand's practical attributes and symbolic values are inherent elements that help the brand
appeal on consumers' minds and emotion. When consumers relate brands with symbols, it
becomes easier for an organization to raise consumer interest. For instance, Lexus is known
for luxury, or Apple is known for innovation. Therefore, in consumers' minds, a brand is more
than just a recognizable name: it is a promise that needs to be met on a regular basis.
Advertising is important for building brand awareness. By raising consumer interest
and making consumers awareness of their products and services, firms not only expand their
customer base, but they also keep their loyal customers and increase their market share. In
other words, the more aware consumers are of a brand, the more likely they are to buy from a
particular business.




Advertising budget is an estimation of total expenses that are to be incurred on
advertising during a given period of time. The Advertising budget includes items of
expenditure relating to Advertising programmers, cost of space, advertising material
(Including advertising copy) production expenses, media expenses, agency commission and
advertising research etc.
In the most elementary form, it states the proposed advertising expenditure and
informs and suggests the company management of the anticipated cost of executing the
advertising plan.
It is the translation of advertising plan into money. The advertising budget must be
realistic, flexible and adequate for the advertising programmers. The advertising budget must
consider the advertising goals and the size must relate to advertising needs. It should be
tailored to suit the needs of the business enterprises.
An advertising budget will show also how much, where and for what purposes the
amount provided in the budget is to be spent. The amount provided in the advertising budget
is not fixed arbitrarily but is determined on scientific lines keeping in view the nature of the
product, size of the market to be covered by the enterprise, types of consumers and the
strategy of the competitors etc. it is a plan for the companys future advertising programmer.
It provides a programmer of the best assortment of types of advertising to be undertaken
along with its time table and frequency. In addition to planning function, the advertising
budget also serves as a control of advertising expenditure.


A headline is a word or phrase printed in large letters above the advertising message.
Headline gives in brief a fair, idea of the contents of the copy.
A good headline attracts attention and arouses interest. So that the reader would be
induced to read the advertisement. Normally, the headline finds 10010 of the entire copy.
Some advertising men believe that 50% to 75% of the performance of an advertisement must
be credited to the headline. As people go through a newspaper or a magazine the headline is
the only thing that attracts its attention. Thus the headline carriages the heaviest burden of
attracting readers to the advertisement.

Role of Headline:
A headline plays a significant role in advertise by performing the following important
A. to attract attention of readers to the ad;
B. to attract attention of the target consumers easily and quickly and to persuade them to read
the whole of the ad;

C. to create curiosity and interest in the ad;

D. to make the illustration and the copy more meaningful;
E. to introduce a unique selling proposition;
F. to sort out useful ads from useless ads;


A slogan is phrase or sentence used repeatedly by a company or an organization or an
advertiser to aid in the formulation of his message. A slogan is repeatedly used to create
certain kind of effect on the minds of people. Slogan is an important part of advertising copy.
Like headlines and illustrations, slogans are Communication devices which are used to
present an idea rapidly and concisely. It may be used throughout an advertising campaign or
over a period of many years. Some advertisers develop and use new slogans for each new
advertising campaign. A slogan suggests the thing and he advertises. It suggests the use of
product again and again or several times so that readers know it by heart.
Generally, slogans are used for headlines in advertisements. They are similar in
structure to the summarizing headlines and try to summarize some advertising idea just as a
headline does. Slogans are mainly used in outdoor advertising. In such outdoor advertising, a
slogan becomes headline and the sales message. Slogans are generally developed from
incidents in the life of a product; such incident that optimize the use or value of a product
when the incident is happily expressed in a pleasing phrase and is used in Advertising. The
right frame having appeal becomes a good slogan .A slogan sentence used repeatedly by a
company of any organization to create an impression in the minds of the customers.
A slogan should suggest the thing it advertises. Slogans be used for headlines in
advertisements because of the limitation on the length of a copy in this medium. The slogan
then becomes headline and sales message all in one.
Good slogans are not invented monthly by the advertiser. But they develop from
incidents in the life of a product of clause of a product etc. Then an incident is happily
expressed in a pleasing phrase and used in advertising, it becomes a good slogan e.g.
1. Any surface that needs painting needs Asian Paints.
2. A filter so true that the taste comes through. (Bristol Cigarette).


Characteristics of a Good Slogan:

A good slogan should:
1. Contain a definite sales idea:
2. be compact in their construction:
3. Be hardly more than 7 words long
An ideal slogan is short, simple, easily remembered and filled with pleasing suggestion of the
product. The simplest slogans are the hardest to create. To create a good slogan is to define
what you want to say in as many words as necessary.



The childrens market, where resistance to advertising is weakest, is the pioneer for
ad creep. Kids are among the most sophisticated observers of ads. They can sing the jingles
and identify the logos, and they often have strong feelings about products. What they
generally don't understand, however, are the issues that underlie how advertising works. Mass
media are used not only to sell goods but also ideas: how we should behave, what rules are
important, who we should respect and what we should value.
Youth is increasingly reduced to the role of a consumer. Not only the makers of toys,
sweets, ice cream, breakfast food and sport articles prefer to aim their promotion at children
and adolescents. For example, an ad for a breakfast cereal on a channel aimed at adults will
have music that is a soft ballad, whereas on a channel aimed at children, the same ad will use
a catchy rock jingle of the same song to aim at kids.
Advertising for other products preferably uses media with which they can also reach
the next generation of consumers. Key advertising messages exploit the emerging
independence of young people. Cigarettes, for example, are used as a fashion accessory and
appeal to young women. Other influences on young people include the linking of sporting
heroes and smoking through sports sponsorship, the use of cigarettes by popular characters in
television programmes and cigarette promotions.
Research suggests that young people are aware of the most heavily advertised
cigarette brands. Product placements show up everywhere, and children aren't exempt. Far
from it. The animated film, Food fight, had thousands of products and character icons from
the familiar (items) in a grocery store.
Childrens books also feature branded items and characters, and millions of them
have snack foods as lead characters. Business is interested in children and adolescents
because of their buying power and because of their influence on the shopping habits of their
parents. As they are easier to influence they are especially targeted by the advertising
business. The marketing industry is facing increased pressure over claimed links between
exposure to food advertising and a range of social problems, especially growing obesity




PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and in the short span of a little more than a decade
it became the country's largest selling soft drinks company. The Company has investedheavil
y in India making it one of the largest multinational investors. The group has built an
expansive beverage, snack food and exports business and to support the operations are the
groups of 43 bottling plants in India, of which 15 are company owned and 28 are franchisee
owned. PepsiCo stays committed to providing its consumers with best quality beverages. Its
diverse portfolio of brands include the flagship cola brand Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, 7Up, Mirinda,
Mountain Dew, Slice fruit drink, Tropicana brand 100% fruit juices in the various flavors,
Aquafina packaged drinking water, the Gatorade plus local brands Lehar Evervess Soda and
Dukes Lemonade and Mangola. PepsiCo is also a dominant player in snack food segment
in India. PepsiCo's snack food company Frito-Lay is the leader in the branded potato chip
market. It manufactures Lay's22
Potato Chips; Cheetos extruded snacks, Uncle Chips, Kurkure and Lehar brands, and
Quaker Oats. PepsiCo is one of the largest MNC exporters in the India and its export business
consists of three categories: agribusiness, commodities and Pepsi system sales. PepsiCo has


madethe significant investments with the Punjab Agriculture University to develop thecompr
ehensive agro-technology program that has helped thousands of the farmers across India












products.PepsiCo has leveraged its knowledge in the contract farming to develop seaweedcult
ivation in the Tamil Nadu and has partnered with the Government of Punjab to help farmers
of the state through the utilization of developed technology for the citrus farming. As part of








committedleader in the promotion of rainwater harvesting, water conservation recycling andr

eduction of effluent discharge. PepsiCo has also established the zero waste centers and PET
recycling supply chains and assisted victims of natural disasters .PepsiCo stays dedicated in








bysupporting rural water supply schemes, administering medical camps in villages, providing
computers to rural schools and creating opportunities for women in rural areas through
vocational training as an alternate means of the livelihood



PepsiCo has established its business operations in India in 1989 and has grown to become the
one of the countrys leading food and the beverage companies. One of the largest
multinational investors in the country, PepsiCo has established a business, which aims to
serve the long term dynamic, needs of Indian consumers. Initially PepsiCo has joint
venture with the Punjab government-owned Punjab. Agro Industrial Organization
and the Voltas India Limited. This joint venture marketed and sold Lehar Pepsi until
1991, when the use of foreign brands was allowed, PepsiCo bought out its partners and











was banned from the import in India, in 1970, for having refused to release the list of itsingr
edients and in 1993, the ban was lifted, with Pepsi
These controversies are a reminder of "India's sometimes acrimonious relationship with t h e
huge multinational companies." Indeed, some argued that PepsiCo and
coco cola company have been major target in part because they are well
known companies that drawn plenty of attention.


PepsiCos Campaign
The analysis of Pepsi, 7 UP and Mountain Dew from the portfolio of PepsiCo puts forth
some interesting aspects about the evolution of these brands. Pepsi was one of the first
products to Indian markets after the economic reforms of 1991.
Pepsi began with the Yehi hai Right Choice Baby campaign, which has been one of the
most memorable campaigns of the brand, featuring celebrity endorsers such as Shah Rukh
Khan among others. The focus, as is clearly evident, is on the product with the youth as its
target segment. Yeh Dil Mange More and Yeh Pyaas Hai Badi were some of the later
Yeh Dil Mange More campaign was again a great success, having balanced the emotional
as well as the functional appeal of the product. Featuring Sachin Tendulkar and many other
leading stars at that point of time, this was also one of the longest campaigns carried out by
Pepsi. The company however failed to maintain the trend and leverage it. Instead of
moving on to a complete emotional appeal platform, the company decided on a product
based promotion campaign. Though there is still some amount of emotional appeal to its
campaigns, the principal focus is on the product - it being a preferred thirst quencher.


7 UP
In its early days, 7 UP inherited the global Fido-Dido campaign for promotion in India as
well. However, with changing times and a contextual difference in India, a much more
focused campaign was required. This led to the Keep It Cool campaign, which was targeted
primarily at the youth and the teenager segment. Hence the appeal was at a more subtle,
emotional level, which was meant to convey a potential lifestyle statement. The recent
campaign of Bheja Fry essentially leverages on the same emotional appeal where the Keep
It Cool campaign has been somewhat tweaked to have a local appeal.


Mountain Dew

Mountain Dew is the latest entrant in the product portfolio. This product too has the appeal
of being the drink of a daredevil or the No Fear personality. The campaigns launched
include Do the Dew and Dar Ke Aagey Jeet Hai. The initial campaign was unclear in terms
of its appeal and the target segment, as a result of which the brand suffered some jolts in
the beginning.


Data analysis
Respondents classification according to age
Age (in years)

No. of respondents


Pie chart







Above chart reveals that 44% of the respondents are in the group of 15-20, 50% are
in the group of 21-40 and 6% are in the group of 41-60.


Table 2
Respondent classification according to sex

No. of respondent






Above chart reveals that 60% of the respondents are males and 40% of them are


Table 3
Have you seen the advertisement of PepsiCo cold drink?

No. of respondents



yes; 100%


Above chart reveals that all respondents are see advertisements of PepsiCo cool


Table 4
Could you recall any advertisement of Pepsi Cola?

No. of respondents


No.of respondents





theadvertisement of PepsiCo cool drinks and 12% of respondents didnt recall an
yadvertisement of PepsiCo cool drinks


Table 5
Did the advertisements of PepsiCo cool drinks create awareness about
brands and make to consume product?

No. of respondents






Above chart reveals that among 100 respondents 84% of the respondents agreed
that advertisement of PepsiCo cool drinks create awareness about brands and
make to consume product


Table 6
Did the Famous personalities and slogans are necessary for the
advertisements of PepsiCo cool drinks?
Cant say

No. of respondents



Can't say



Above chart reveals that among 100 respondents 79% of respondents views that famous
personalities and slogans are necessary for the advertisements of PepsiCo cool drinks while
15% views that no, and 6% of the respondents view that cant say


Table 7
Do you satisfied with the performance/quality of product which is seen
by advertisements PepsiCo of cool drinks

No. of respondents


No. of respondents


Above chart reveals that among 100 respondents 86% of the
respondentsviewthat they satisfied with the performance of /quality of product which is seen
byadvertisement of PepsiCo cool drinks while 14% of the respondents said no.


Table 8
Do you think advertisements of PepsiCo cool drinks should been regular
time to get effective?

Cant say

No. of respondents


no. of respondents



cant say


Above chart reveals that among 100 respondents 64% of the respondents said that
advertisements of PepsiCo cool drinks should be in regular time to get effective while32%
advertisements of PepsiCo cool drinks should be in regular time to get effectives


Advertising creative
Some of the most successful advertisement creative produced by various
ad agencies in India are shown below.


In todays world which is fast moving & dynamic, peoples wants, need and desires
are changing; its very important to know them and give them what they want. This is the
main objective of advertising where ad agency plays major role in market research, making
of creative, launching it in the market, taking the feedback of consumer and making any
product famous and acceptable among consumers. Ad agencies are playing an important role
in shaping present and future of not just selected brand but of entire company.

There is no one -- sure-fire -- best way to advertise your product or service. It is

important to explore the various advertising media and select those which will most
effectively convey your message to your customers in a cost-efficient manner. Always
remember, advertising is an investment in the future of your business.






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