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3.1 Toolbox Talk 1 - First Aid Awareness - First Aid and Basic Resuscitation

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Fi t Aid A


Toolbox 1
What is First Aid and
basic resuscitation

2012 AEA International Holdings Pte. Ltd. All rights reserved.

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What is First Aid?

First Aid is the first care provided to
manage an illness or injury
Why is it important to know First Aid?

There are some simple things that you

can do to

reduce injury

improve the condition

save lives

If you are prepared, you can act

Some actions can make things worse

In some situations, the first minutes are

the most important

What is Resuscitation?

Resuscitation is re-establishing
re establishing breathing
and circulation.

CPR Cardio (heart) Pulmonary (lung)


Resuscitation can save the life of someone

who isnt breathing or their heart isnt

Sudden Cardiac Arrest the heart stops,

often because of a heart attack. This is a
common cause of death

People have a chance of surviving if

bystanders act immediately.

performing CPR

In an emergency, assess the situation

Look for danger!
Firstly, always make sure that you are not in
You cant help anyone if you get hurt too.
e look
oo a
at whether
e e there
e e is
s further
u e da
ge to:

the victim

other people

What can be a hazard?

anything that can cause harm to you or
others such as


Fire, smoke, gas

Live electrical p
power lines

Blood / body fluids (infection risk)

First response - HHHC


If there are any, MOVE away.

Can you move the victim away
safely? If not Call for help.


Is the patient Awake?

Is the patient Breathing?


Call for an AED

& an Ambulance

th chest:
h t

If not Awake & not Breathing resuscitate


IF there are body fluids (vomit, blood), protect

yourself against infection. Use GLOVES if
available and be sure not to touch your face.

Is a defibrillator available?

A defibrillator ((also called AED

Automatic External Defibrillator) is a
machine which delivers an electric
shock to the heart

They are often in many public places

They can save lives

Image: AED
in action

Check if the victim is awake

tl tap
t their
th i shoulders
h ld
d askk loudly:
l dl
Are you OK?

If the p
person is AWAKE
If they are responsive, leave the person in the
position in which you found them (provided
there is no further danger), Call for HELP if
needed. Stay with them until help arrives.

How would you activate the emergency response

Wh t number
b would
ld you dial?
di l?

If the person is NOT awake

Are they breathing normally?
If YES place in recovery position. Kneel to one
side of the victim:

Take the arm closer to you and place it on the


Hold the other arm, bring it across the chest and

put their hand against the cheek. (hand on
opposite cheek)

With your other hand, gently pull the knee (same

side as the arm you are holding) towards you as
you roll the victim onto their side.

Recovery position helps to

keep the airway open, and
allows vomit to drain out.

Check if the victim is awake

Gently tap their shoulders and ask
loudly: Are you OK?

If the person is NOT AWAKE

cannot be woken


not breathing normally or only


Call for HELP! Call for Help or

send someone to get help. Call the
appropriate Emergency Service.

Get the AED if available

or send someone to get the AED

Compressions: steps
1. Kneel at the victims side.
2. Make sure they are lying on their back
on a firm,
fl t surface.
3. You may need to open the shirt or
remove it if in the way of compressions
or to apply the AED
4. Put the heel of one hand on the center
of the chest, on the lower half of the
breastbone. Put the heel of yyour other
hand on top of the first hand.
5. Push straight down on the chest at least
2 inches (5 cm) with each compression.

Push hard & fast

6. Push hard at a rate of at least 100
compressions a minute and cycle 30
compressions followed by 2 breaths.
7. Continue until patient starts breathing.

Airway: steps
To open the airway prior to
rescue breaths:
1. Tilt the head by pushing
back on the forehead.
2. Lift the chin by putting your
fingers on the bony part of
the chin. Do not press the
soft tissues of the neck or
under the chin.
3. Lift the chin to move the
jjaw forward. This lifts the
tongue from the back of
the throat, thus opening
the airway.

Rescue breaths
If you can, give 2 breaths after every 30 chest
compressions otherwise just do continuous chest
Give 2 breaths (rescue breaths)
1. Pinch the soft part of the nose closed, using the index
finger and thumb.
2. Allow the mouth to open, but maintain chin lift.
3. Take a normal breath and place your lips around victims
mouth, making sure you have a good seal, using a
device if available.
4. Blow steadily into the mouth while watching for the
chest to rise, taking about 1 second.
5. Maintaining head tilt and chin lift, take your mouth away
and watch for the chest to fall as air passes out.
6. Continue with chest compressions and rescue breaths
7 Remember! If you cant
can t or don
dontt want to give the
breaths, just do continuous chest compressions,
pushing HARD & FAST!


AED / Defibrillator
As soon as the defibrillator arrives, switch on the
defibrillator and attach the defibrillator pads.
If more than
th one rescuer is
i present,
t CPR should
h ld b
continued while this is carried out.

Using the AED Defibrillator:

1. Follow the spoken/visual directions.
2. The victim must not be touched while the AED is
analysing the rhythm.
3 If a shock is indicated
indicated, ensure that the victim
is not touched.
4. Push shock button as directed.
5. Resume CPR immediatelyy starting
g with chest
6. Repeat every 2 minutes.

The AED will re-analyse the rhythm. Follow the AEDs

voice/visual prompts. If no shock is indicated,
immediately resume CPR.

HAZARDS? Ensure no danger

HELLO! Check for response,
if unresponsive

Activate emergency response

Get an

If no breathing or only
Start & continue CPR:
C - push hard & fast
A - open the airway
B - breathing

AED checks rhythm

shock if indicated
Repeat every
2 minutes

I will be available for the
next 30 minutes if you
have any questions you
would like to ask.

Thank You!

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