(UploadMB - Com) Deathtrap Dungeon
(UploadMB - Com) Deathtrap Dungeon
(UploadMB - Com) Deathtrap Dungeon
Author: Jamie Wallis
Editor: Sean Borthwick
Producer: Mike Dymond
Art Director: Martin McKenna
Cover Illustration: Mel Grant (represented by Artist Partners)
Internal Illustrations: Iain McCaig and Tony Hough
Additional Illustrations: Martin McKenna and Janine Johnston
Graphic Design: Martin McKenna
Cartography: Martin McKenna and Jamie Wallis
Typography: Jamie Wallis
Project Manager: Geoff Oades
Finance Planning: Nigel Dixon
Lead Playtester: Tim Birkbeck
Playtesters: Kirk Rockely, Chris Gooch, Karen McDonald, Mike Wilson, Conrad Blake,
Martin Bradley
FF Consultant: David Holt
Adventure Summary
Quick Play
Campaign Integration
How to use this Book
Using Maps & Miniatures
Deathtrap Dungeon
For the DM
For the Characters
The Dungeon
legal notice
The d20 conversion of Deathtrap Dungeon is 2003 Myriador Ltd, all rights reserved. 'Myriador' and the Myriador logo are trademarks of
Myriador Ltd. 'Fighting Fantasy' and the Fighting Fantasy logo are trademarks of Steve Jackson and Ian Livingstone and are used with permission. Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and
are used with permission. 'd20 System' and the 'd20 System' logo are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc., and
are used according to the terms of the d20 System License version 4.0. A copy of this License can be found at www.wizards.com/d20. The d20 conversion of Deathtrap Dungeon is presented under v1.0a of the Open Game License (OGL) and as required a copy of the OGL can be found at the
rear of this publication. All game mechanics and statistics derived from Open Game Content (OGC, as defined by the OGL) and the System
Reference Documents are to be considered OGC. Everything in the following sections, apart from Product Identity listed below (as defined by the
OGL) is also to be considered OGC: Luck, Appendix 1 New Monsters and Appendix 2 New Magic. All place names, character names, monster
names, art work, cartography, trade marks, trade dress and other elements as defined in section 1(e) of the OGL are to be considered Product
Identity, this includes but is not limited to: Fighting Fantasy, Myriador, Deathtrap Dungeon, Trial of Champions, Titan, Allansia, Chiang Mai,
Fang, River Kok, Anvil, Gilford, Dekion Strom, Ellion G'aarak, Rhana Quinn, Sarian Jax, Trialmaster, Baron Sukumvit, Horath, Lian, Throm,
Torgrim, Igbut, Chien-tai, Blood Beast, Mirror demon, Pit Fiend, Rock Grub, Syranix Fungus, Titan Cavetroll, Titan Hilltroll, Titan Troglodytes,
Winged Guardians
Printed in Canada
Deathtrap Dungeon was the sixth book of the Fighting
Fantasy series and was originally released in 1984.
This revolutionary new idea, part book part game,
gave the reader a unique experience - a fantasy adventure where you are the hero.
The Fighting Fantasy series has 59 titles to date
and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide and
has been translated into over 20 languages. The
Warlock of Firetop Mountain alone sold over 2 million
copies. Now the Fighting Fantasy books are being
re-released allowing a new generation of players to
explore the Citadel of Chaos, confront the Warlock of
Firetop Mountain or get lost in the Forest of Doom.
This book is a conversion of Deathtrap Dungeon into
a d20 role-playing game scenario. The original book
was a solo experience; this scenario has been written
to allow players to challenge the Dungeon on their
own or as part of a group of adventurers. The inclusion of the new Luck rules give the single player a
good chance of success without making groups of
players too powerful.
The Fighting Fantasy books could be picked up
and played with a minimum of preparation, this scenario has been written to reflect this including pregenerated characters, full colour maps and other play
aids to get you started quickly. For more information
about Roleplay games, Fighting Fantasy and
Deathtrap Dungeon visit the Myriador website:
Adventure Summary
Every year, on the first day of May, Baron Sukumvit
orders the doors of his Deathtrap Dungeon to be
opened. Over the years hundreds of intrepid adventurers have entered the dungeon pitting their skill and
wits against the fearsome monsters and deadly traps
within, none have ever been seen again. This year
another group of brave heroes are again vying to be
the first to succeed and claim the 25,000gp prize - will
you be the one who triumphs where so many others
have failed? Will you emerge to be hailed as the victor
in the Trial of Champions?
In addition to the books required (as stated on the
cover of this product), which are referred to as the
DMG, PHB and MM, a set of polyhedral dice (D4, D6,
D8, D10, D12 and D20) is also needed to play. Pull out
Character sheets of the four pre-generated characters
can be found in Appendix 4 - Characters
Full colour maps and pre-generated character sheets
can be downloaded free from www.myriador.com
Quick Play
so that you can get on and play the game without having to spend ages preparing. Simply hand out the pregenerated characters, get your dice ready and start
Detailed dungeon floor plan maps, pre-generated
character sheets with rules summaries and character
and monster tokens are available free to owners of this
Notes are included in the back of this book to help
you integrate this scenario into an ongoing campaign,
or visit our website: www.myriador.com where more
information can be found about Titan, the Fighting
Fantasy world.
Campaign Integration
This scenario is designed to be played as a stand-alone
adventure using one of the pre-generated 8th level
characters provided or a mini-party of newly created
6th level characters. However, guidelines and advice
are included in the appendices to help you integrate
this scenario into an on-going campaign and suggestions are included about adjusting difficulty levels
(see Appendix 3 - Campaign Play).
Luck was a major factor in the Fighting Fantasy
series of books. The d20 system includes a range of
skills that are used where Luck was in the original
books. However, we wanted to keep the overall tone &
feel of the Fighting Fantasy books so we have
included Luck as a new Ability score.
This scenario is aimed at small parties of players
(mini-groups). The inclusion of Luck gives them an
edge that makes up for their lack of numbers. Players
should be encouraged to use Luck as often as possible
. it may make the difference between success and failure!
To reflect this, it is easier for characters to recover
Luck than it is for other Ability scores, methods of
restoring Luck are given under the heading: Restoring
Using Luck
A character may use Luck to change or influence
events, reducing the damage taken from an enemies
attack for instance, or increasing their chance of picking a lock. Luck can be used to modify a characters
skill checks, saving throws, attack rolls, and melee /
ranged damage dealt. You can also use your Luck to
reduce the damage you take from an enemies attack.
Luck checks must be resolved BEFORE the action
that they are affecting is undertaken (exception:
reducing damage taken in melee / ranged). The result
of the Luck check is applied as a modifier to the
action. You may only check Luck once per action
undertaken and the result only affects that action.
A characters Luck score is temporarily reduced by 1
every time Luck is checked.
Luck cannot be used to give a character feats or special abilities that she would not normally have. i.e. a
fighter cannot use Luck to allow her to turn / rebuke
Luck cannot be used to increase or decrease the effectiveness of a spell or magical effect.
Luck can be used to increase the chance of hitting
with a magical attack, such as a ray, by modifying the
to-hit roll or it could be used to modify the result of a
Spellcraft check to help identify a spell being cast.
Similarly it could be used to increase the chance of
making a successful saving throw to counter a spells
Restoring Luck
Luck can be restored in a number of ways. Luck cannot be increased past its starting value except by magical means (see Appendix 2 - New Magic, New Spells).
Any excess Luck points that would take a characters
Luck score above the original value are lost.
Scenario Awards
At various points in this adventure Luck points are
awarded to characters. These Luck awards can be
increased / decreased at the DM's discretion. Luck
awards are to the party as a whole, it is up to the DM
to determine how they are divided amongst the characters. E.g. if a party of 3 characters are awarded 2
Luck points the DM can either give 1 point each to 2 of
the players or 2 points to one of them. At the DM's discretion - award the points to the characters who
played the most significant role in gaining them.
Deathtrap Dungeon
For the DM
Fang, a large city in the northern province of ChiangMai, sits on the banks of the river Kok. A pleasant
enough place if one could avoid incurring the wrath of
the notoriously unstable rulers of the province, Fang
seemed destined to be nothing more than a convenient stopping point for traders and a source of supplies for passing adventurers. All this changed when
the current ruler, Baron Sukumvit, gained the throne
30 years ago and created the Trial of Champions. Now,
once a year, the river is packed with boats, the city
crammed with people who have come from hundreds
of miles around hoping to witness a victor emerge
from the Deathtrap Dungeon.
On the 1st of May each year, Fighters, Sorcerers and
heroes come to Fang to enter the test of their lives.
Survival is unlikely (no-one ever has survived) yet
many take the risk for the prize is great - a purse of
25,000gp and the freedom of Chiang-Mai for the rest
of their lives. The entrance to Sukumvit's creation, a
labyrinth filled with fearsome monsters and deadly
traps, lies inside the city itself. Designed in every malicious detail to test the bravery, skill and wits of those
The Dungeon
All rooms and corridors have 12ft. ceilings. Corridors
are rough-cut stonework either 5ft. or 10ft. wide
(Please refer to the overlay map for details). Doors are
wooden (good), unless otherwise stated in the text. All
doors are unlocked unless otherwise stated. Any
locked doors have average locks unless otherwise stated. The dungeon is lit at 100ft. intervals by Crystals
which radiate soft light in a 40ft. radius unless otherwise stated. These crystals are called Light Crystals
(see Appendix 2 - New Magic).
Doors: Good Wooden; 1 inches thick; Hardness 5;
hp 15; Break DC18
Locks: Average lock; Open lock DC25
Listen checks: All Listen check DC are calculated for
the characters standing in the adjacent square to the
door (2 ft. away) unless stated in the text. If the characters actively listen at a door (presses his ear to the
door) then reduce the Listen DC by 2.
Encounter stats: All encounter statistics have been
calculated presuming that the creature is using a onehanded weapon with one hand. If the DM decides that
the creature will use its one-handed weapon with two
hands it will gain 1 times its Strength bonus to damage (provided it has a bonus).
DM's note: There is a permanent Dimensional
Anchor effect that will prevent any magical travel
from within the Dungeon to outside of it. The door in
room 57 represents the furthest point of the spell
5. Orcs (EL5)
When the characters are within 15ft. of the east passage ask them to make a skill (Listen) check (DC7). If
they are successful they can hear talking coming from
around the corner. The voices are low, but the characters will easily recognise the language as Orc if they
speak that language, although they cannot make out
what is being said.
If the two Orcs have heard the characters approaching they will wait around the corner and attack the
characters at the most opportune moment
Orcs, Medium humanoid (2) Ftr3 (both): CR 3 each;
Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 3D10+3; hp 23, 28; Init +7
(+3 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 20 ft. (Splint
mail) base 30ft.; AC 16 (Splint mail); Attack +7 melee
(Morningstar 1D8 +3); SV Fort +4, Ref +6, Will +0; AL
CE; Str 16, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 9, Cha 9.
Languages Spoken: Orc. Skills and feats: Hide -4,
Listen +2, Move silently -4, Spot +5; Alertness, Dodge,
Improved initiative, Weapon focus (Morningstar).
Equipment: Morningstar and Splint mail each. One of
the Orcs has 1gp (see MM for more information on
6. One Down(EL2)
If the characters open the door, read the following:
The door opens to reveal a gruesome sight. A wooden frame with long spikes has sprung up from the
floor impaling one of the Barbarians that entered the
dungeon before the characters. A recess in the far
wall holds a small wooden table, standing on the
table is a silver goblet.
The Barbarian is dead. He has no equipment except
his Battleaxe, which is laying on the floor and a potion
of Cure Light Wounds tucked into his loincloth. The
Battleaxe is a magical Battleaxe +2 and the Potion of
Cure Light Wounds will heal 1D8+1 hit points.
If the characters approach the goblet, read them the
7. A Neanderthal (EL1)
If the characters look along this corridor, read them
the following:
Standing in the corridor is a large humanoid wearing hide armour and carrying a club.
The Neanderthal is facing north when first encountered. If he spots the characters he will attack.
Tactic: The Neanderthal will charge along the corridor at the nearest character.
Neanderthal, medium humanoid: CR ; Size M (5 ft.,
11 in. tall); HD 2D8 +4; hp 16; Init +0; Spd 20 ft. (Hide
Armour) 30ft. base; AC 14 (+1 Natural and Hide
Armour); Attack +5 melee (Club 1D6 +4); SV Fort +5,
Ref +0, Will +0; AL CN; Str 18, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 6,
Wis 11, Cha 8. Languages Spoken: None. Skills and
Climb +4 and jump +3; Power attack.
Equipment: Hide Armour, a Club. (see Appendix 1 New Monsters)
The Neanderthal is wearing a leather wristband with
four rat skulls hanging from it. The wristband is
cursed. If any character wears the cursed wristband
they will lose 4 temporary points of Dexterity. This
ability loss can be regained by a lesser restoration spell
or natural rest.
Draconic. Skills and feats: Balance -2, Hide +0, Listen 2, Move silently -2, Spot -2; No feats
Award the party 3 Luck points if they learn the clue
about needing the gemstones.
The pit is 50ft. deep. Any character that falls into the
pit will suffer 5D6 Falling damage. Any character who
attempts to climb down the pit without the aid of a
rope must make a successful skill (Climb) check
(DC15). At the bottom of the pit there is a passageway
that leads north (map location 29b). There is nothing
else at the bottom of the pit.
If Throm is still alive he will offer to lower a rope into
the pit and hold his end until the characters have
climbed down to investigate (Throm's stats can be
found in encounter 27). Whether the characters want
his help or not Throm will climb down after the characters.
The characters are too late to save the Elf she is dead.
If left alone, the constrictor snake will not attack the
characters just eat its meal. However, if harassed the
snake will attack.
Lying on the floor are the Elf's possessions: 2 magical
+2 Daggers; a backpack with a 4 inch high bone charm
in the shape of a monkey (this object can be used
against the Pit Fiend in encounter 53), a small silver
mirror, some unleavened bread and a note which the
Elf found earlier in the dungeon. If the characters look
at the note, read them the following:
Important: find gems that unlock door to exit. 1st , 2nd -, 3rd Diamond.
The creature in the pit eats bone. Charming.
Snake, Giant Constrictor, Huge animal: hp 50 (see
MM Appendix 1, Animals for more information)
Award the party 2 Luck for finding the note.
The four chutes that lead into this room end 10ft. up
the walls. The characters will take 1D6 Falling damage
when they drop out of the chute. Due to the chutes
being coated in a green slime that acts like Oil of
Slipperiness, it is impossible to climb back up them.
The Blood Beast cannot move out of its pool, but it
will attack at the most opportune moment.
Poison Gas: The poisonous fumes spread out 10ft.
beyond the edge of the pool.
Blood Beast Fumes (poison gas): Inhaled; Fortitude
save (DC18); Initial Unconscious (1D3 hours);
Secondary 1D6 Str + 1D6 Con.
Blood Beast: hp 70 (see Appendix 1 - New Monsters)
Appendix 1- New
Blood Beast
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice:
Face / Reach:
Climate / Terrain:
Challenge Rating:
Acidic pool
Always chaotic evil
10-15 HD (Huge)
The Blood Beast lies in a pool of acidic slime, and is
unable to leave it although it can slowly shift itself
around within the slime at its listed speed. It will try
to capture prey with its tongue and drag them into its
pool where it can devour them at its leisure.
Giant Fly
Medium Vermin
Hit Dice:
Face / Reach:
Climate / Terrain:
Challenge Rating:
Giant Flies are unintelligent combatants, they will
usually begin an attack by scooping an unsuspecting
creature up and dropping them onto a hard surface.
Thereafter they will repeatedly attack with their sharp
The Giant Fly is vermin and is not subject to mindaffecting spells or abilities.
Small Fey
Hit Dice:
Face / Reach:
Leprechauns faced with violence will throw some
Leprechaun Dust in their enemies face, or failing that
fly away invisibly. Paralysed foes will be looted for all
they are worth. Leprechauns do not kill their victims,
unless some of them have been killed first.
Invisibility (Su)
Leprechauns can make themselves invisible as a standard action. They may do this as often as they like!
Mirror Demon
Medium Outsider (Chaos, Evil)
Hit Dice:
Face / Reach:
Climate / Terrain:
Challenge Rating:
Immunities (Ex)
The Mirror Demon is immune to damage from poison
and electricity.
Resistances (Ex)
The Mirror Demon has cold, fire and acid resistance of
Telepathy (Su)
The Mirror Demon can communicate using telepathy
with any intelligent creature within 100 feet - however, they very rarely use this ability.
Neanderthal (caveman)
Medium Humanoid
Hit Dice:
Face / Reach:
Climate / Terrain:
Challenge Rating:
Always chaotic neutral
Neanderthal Characters
Neanderthals are a brutish bunch, and typically those
who excel within their primitive culture are
Neanderthals are uninspired when it comes to battletactics; they tend to run towards the enemy yelling
and screaming incomprehensible war cries.
Occasionally, when hungry, they may try to creep up
on an unawares enemy and then proceed to rush from
concealment, attacking in their usual fashion. They
favour crude spears and improvised blunt weapons,
as they lack the ability to make iron weapons.
Rock Grub
Large Vermin
Hit Dice:
Face / Reach:
Climate / Terrain:
Challenge Rating:
Any underground
Solitary or Group (1-3)
Always neutral
8-9 HD (Large), 10-14 HD
The Rock Grub will partially emerge from its burrow
and attack any living thing it finds. If it is not lured
out into the open, it will receive a Cover bonus to its
AC of at least +4.
Immune to mind-influencing effects.
Skeleton Warrior
Medium Undead
Hit Dice:
Skeleton Warriors
use no particular
tactics when
other than striking at the nearest threat.
Immunities (Ex)
Skeleton Warriors have cold immunity. Because they
lack flesh or internal organs, they take only half damage from piercing or slashing weapons.
Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning, and disease. Not subject to critical
hits, subdual damage, ability damage, energy drain,
or death from massive damage.
The process for creating a Skeleton Warrior is more
difficult than that for a simple animated skeleton. The
creator must cast an animate dead spell on only one
target. The caster then sacrifices 100xp to empower the
skeleton's fighting ability, and the target becomes a
Skeleton Warrior.
Fungus, Syranix
Large Plant
Hit Dice:
Always neutral
4-5 HD (Large)
The Syranix Fungus resembles a large brown boulderlike object about 8 feet across, although it is soft and
spongy in texture. The outer skin of the fungus is very
elastic, and it can squeeze
through gaps no more
than a hand wide. The
flexibility of the fungus
crushing attacks
but its skin is
exceptiona lly
v ulnera ble
with a sharp implement. Should this happen, the
entire fungus will deflate, spewing a thick cloud of
spores into the air around it. These spores will stick to
any creatures nearby, which will cause great discomfort! If a creature is killed by these spores, and the
body is left, another Syranix Fungus will grow from
the corpse in 2D4 days.
A Syranix Fungus makes no attempt to defend itself in
combat. It is therefore considered to be a helpless
Immunities (Ex)
Immune to mind-influencing effects, poison, sleep,
paralysis, stunning, and polymorphing. Not subject to
critical hits.
Trolls are large, ugly humanoids related to Ogres,
Orcs, Goblins, and a variety of lesser crossbreeds.
They may be found in many lands, but always doing
what they most enjoy - being thoroughly evil! From
the civilised Troll mercenaries of Port Blacks and to
the savage Hilltrolls of the Moonstone Hills and
beyond, these creatures delight in torture, death and
worse. There are a number of different types of Troll,
found in different areas of the world.
Titan Cavetroll
Medium Humanoid
Hit Dice:
Always chaotic evil
4 HD (Medium), 5-6 HD
Trolls are large, ugly humanoids related to Ogres,
Orcs, Goblins, and a variety of lesser crossbreeds.
They may be found in many lands, but always doing
what they most enjoy - being thoroughly evil! From
the civilised Troll mercenaries of Port Blacks and to
the savage Hilltrolls of the Moonstone Hills and
beyond, these creatures delight in torture, death and
worse. There are a number of different types of Troll,
found in different areas of the world.
Troll Characters
Those Trolls that rise above the general thuggish rabble of their fellows usually aspire to become Fighters.
Trolls enter combat with gleeful abandon, hewing and
clawing at foes left right and centre. Of all Trolls, only
Seatrolls tend to bother with ambush tactics, pouncing
on unsuspecting victims who stray too close to the
water's edge and dragging them to their doom.
Titan Hilltroll
Large Humanoid
Hit Dice:
Titan Troglodytes
Large Humanoid
Hit Dice:
1D8 (hp 4)
+2 (Dex)
20 ft
13 (+1 size, +2 Dex)
Hand axe +0 melee or Shortbow +4
Hand axe 1D6-1 or Shortbow 1D6
Face / Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./ 5ft..
Darkvision, Light Sensitivity
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +0
Str 8, Dex 15, Con 10, Int 9, Wis 10,
Cha 9
Listen +5, Spot +2
Weapon focus (Shortbow)
Climate / Terrain:
Challenge Rating:
Any underground
Hunting group (3-8), band
(10-30) or tribe (50-200)
Usually chaotic evil
By character class
The flying guardian costs
6,000 gp to create, which
includes 250 gp for the body.
The creator must be 10th level
and able to cast arcane spells.
Completing the ritual drains
900 XP from the creator and
requires alarm, fly, lesser planar
binding, and stone shape.
Darkvision (Ex)
Titan Troglodytes can see up to 90 feet in total darkness, although they cannot see through magical darkness. Darkvision is in black and white only.
Titan Troglodytes gain a +2 Racial bonus to listen
checks. This is included in the statistic block above.
Winged Guardians
Large Construct
Hit Dice:
Face / Reach:
Climate / Terrain:
Challenge Rating:
Solitary, Pair, or Flock (3-6)
Always neutral
6-8 HD (Large)
Light Crystals
The Light Crystal was added by Baron Sukumvit
much later in the creation of the Dungeon so that the
people entering could hold a weapon and shield without having to worry about carrying a light source.
The Light Crystals are simple in design in that they
are just a continual flame cast into a large crystal.
Potion of Fortune
When the contents of this bottle have been imbued,
the recipient may restore 1D4+3 Luck points.
Caster Level: 4th; Prerequisites: Brew Potion, Restore
Luck; Market price 300 gp.
Appendix 3 - Campaign
This section has been added to Deathtrap Dungeon
for those DMs amongst you that wish to incorporate
this scenario into your ongoing campaign, rather than
play the 'quick version'.
Character Level
This adventure is designed to be played by a single
character of 8th level or a mini-party of 1 - 4 6th level
characters. Four pre-rolled 8th level characters are
provided in Appendix 4 - Characters with 4 pre-rolled
6th level characters available for download from
www.myriador.com .
A. Market District
The Market District is the largest and most heavily
populated of Fang's five Districts. The huge open air
market (A2 on the overlay map) runs on a daily basis.
Just about any item imaginable can be found within
this market including the less desirable items like poisons. The Thieves Guild, run by Ethan Amashar, and
the Merchants Guild, run by Wendle Yorisar, have
long since resolved their disputes in this area of the
city. The Thieves Guild used to send regular pickpockets, cat burglars and muggers to the Market
District and trade began to drop off because of it. Now
the Thieves Guild receives a regular payment from the
Merchants Guild to stay away, which suits both parties.
The Market District is also home to most of the inns
and taverns of the city as well as several bathhouses.
The Market District harbour (A4 on the overlay map)
is always a busy place but thanks to the Harbour
Master, Hubba Thangfane, it always runs smoothly.
Merchant ships from the city of Zengis are a regular
sight as are passenger ships and ocean going vessels
using Fang as a stopping point before venturing into
the Western Ocean via the Ekaad Delta at the far western side of Chiang-Mai. The harbour has its own
patrol of Militia both on land and water. During times
of threat or war the city can close the South Gate
Bridge (a magnificent steel structure that spans the
river between the Old Town and Military Districts - C4
on the overlay map) or despatch its five warships (or
both). Regular checks are made on merchant vessels
entering the city for contraband materials. Any one
caught smuggling is dealt with swiftly.
Fang is busiest during the week leading up to the
Trial of Champions (week of Sowing on the ChiangMai calendar). All of the inns, taverns and guest houses are full of travellers and adventurers wanting to
catch a glimpse of the entrants entering the Deathtrap
Dungeon (A3 on the overlay map) and possibly witness one of them emerge at the other end.
B. Temple District
C. Military District
Only Military and Naval personnel are allowed within this District. The two Tower Gates, located in the
14ft high wall by the West Gate, have their portcullises closed at all times, except to allow access to authorised personnel. The South Gate Bridge has a small
garrison positioned on the west side.
The various buildings within this District are mainly
barracks and stores. No shops, inns, taverns or bathhouses are present here.
Within this District is a large harbour area that is
divided into two sections; The Naval harbour (C2 on
the overlay map), which holds Fang's five warships
docked within it and Baron Sukumvit's personal harbour (C3 on the overlay map) where his own ship (The
Ebony Sovereign) is docked.
Sorcery Tower - School of Magic
The Sorcery Tower (C1 on the overlay map) is the
tallest and grandest looking building within the city.
Several smaller towers reach towards the skies but
none as impressive as the central tower, which stands
almost 300ft. high. The school's High Sorcerer is an
aging Mountain Elf by the name of Szordrin the
Grand. The tower is home to many Sorcerers and
Wizards of varying degrees of expertise. The lower
levels of the schools house the apprentices and the
study rooms, while the higher levels (not often trodden by students) are said to hold dimensional portals
to other worlds. Whether this is true or not cannot be
said, the only man who knows the tower inside out is
Szordrin and he is always reluctant to expose the towers secrets.
At any given time, there are at least 50-75 apprentice
Wizards and Sorcerers within the school. Not all of
these (in fact hardly any) will go on to become fully
fledged magic users due to the high standards of the
school and the nature of the examinations.
There are regular patrols that walk the walls lining
the city. A typical patrol will consist of 4 guards and
there are two sets of patrols per guard tower. The
guard towers have sleeping quarters for off duty
guards and ammunition stores holding dozens of
arrows and throwing spears.
The West and East Gates (A1 and B4 on the overlay
map) both have two pairs of huge sturdy double,
metal lined wooden doors almost a foot thick
(Hardness 7, Hit points 80 each) which are only
opened to allow large quantities of soldiers in or out.
A smaller section of one of the doors opens enough to
allow a horse and cart through and a single door for
foot visitors. There are always 25 foot soldiers at each
of the Main City Gates and 10 members of Captain
Aris Aelbornn's Golden Archer Regiment.
D. Palace District
The Palace District is the smallest of the City Districts'.
The Fortified Palace of Baron Sukumvit Charavask is
located within this area (D1 on the overlay map) and
has restricted access to its grounds. The following
people reside within the Palace: Baron Sukumvit
Charavask - Ruler of Fang and Chiang-Mai; Aronkhon
Charavask - Sukumvit's 16 year old son and heir to the
City and Kingdom; Lord Varn Chavesk - Army
General and Zaragan the court Sorcerer.
The large open spaces of land surrounding the
palace have been utilised as training grounds for the
troops (D2 on the overlay map). Jousting fences,
archery ranges and wooden dummies are just some of
the apparatus used by Lord Chavesk to train his
troops to the high standard he requires.
Fang is ruled by Baron Sukumvit Charavask, eldest
son of Arkat Charavask who died over 30 years ago.
Known for his violent rages and outbursts of vile temper, especially when his judgment is questioned,
Sukumvit rules the city with an iron hand. Despite his
tendencies to overreact when opposed and his unpredictable temper, the Baron has gained the grudging
respect of the populous, though few can be said to
love him. He is clearly an intelligent and capable ruler,
Spot +6, Swim +5; Improved Initiative, Improved critical (Longsword), Leadership, Mounted Combat,
Ride-by attack, Skill focus (Ride), Spirited Charge,
Weapon focus (Lance, heavy),
Weapon focus
(Longsword), Weapon specialisation (Lance, Heavy),
Weapon specialisation (Longsword). Equipment: Ring
of Protection +5, Amulet of Natural Armour +4,
Longsword +4.
The stats below are given for Aronkhon without his
battle dress on.
Aronkhon Charavask, male human (16 yrs old) Ftr2:
CR 2; Size M (6 ft., 0 in. tall); HD 2D10+2; hp 22; Init +4
(+4 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 18 (+4 Dex, Ring of Protection
+4); Attack +6 melee (Longsword 1D8+4), or +10
ranged (Longbow 1D8+4); SV Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +2;
AL NE; Str 15, Dex 18, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 15.
Languages Spoken: Common. Skills and feats: Climb
+5, Hide +1, Listen +1, Move silently +1, Ride +9, Spot
+1, Swim +4; Mounted Archery, Mounted Combat,
Point blank shot, Weapon focus (Longbow).
Equipment: Longsword +2, Longbow +2, 20 +2 arrows,
Ring of Protection +4
Lord Varn Chavesk (Army General), male human
Ftr9: CR 9; Size M (6 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 9D10+18; hp 94;
Init +6 (+2 Dex, +4 Improved initiative); Spd 20 ft. (30ft.
base); AC 26 (Half Plate +4, Large Steel Shield +3);
Attack +16/ +11 melee (Bastard sword 1D10+8); SV
Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +2; AL CN; Str 17, Dex 15, Con 15,
Int 14, Wis 9, Cha 12. Languages Spoken: Abyssal,
Common, Elven. Skills and feats: Climb +10, Hide +4,
Listen +6, Move silently +4, Ride +14, Spot +6, Swim
+5. Exotic weapon proficiency: (Bastard Sword),
Improved Initiative, Improved critical (Bastard
Sword), Leadership, Mounted Combat, Ride-by
attack, Spirited Charge, Weapon focus (Lance, heavy),
Weapon focus (Bastard Sword), Weapon specialisation (Bastard sword). Equipment: Half Plate +4, Large
Steel Shield +3, Bastard Sword +3
Rhana Quinn
ellion gaarak
In order for Rhana to hit her opponent, she must do the following; Roll a D20 and add her combat modifier for the weapon she is using (+6 for her Quarterstaff). If the result is equal to or
greater than her opponents Armour Class (AC), then she has hit. Rhana then rolls her damage
for the weapon she is using (1D6 +2 for her Quarterstaff).
If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Rhana's AC, then the monster has scored a hit
and Rhana looses hit points (hp).
When Rhana's hp reaches 0, she is unconscious. If they reach -10, she is dead.
In order for Ellion to hit her opponent, she must do the following: Roll a D20 and add her combat modifier for the weapon she is using (+13 / +8 for her Heavy Mace). If the result is equal to
or greater than her opponents Armour Class (AC), then she has hit. Ellion then rolls her damage
for the weapon she is using (1D8+6 Heavy Mace).
If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Ellion's AC, then the monster has scored a hit
and Ellion looses hit points (hp).
When Ellion's hp's reach 0, she is unconscious. If they reach -10, she is dead.
Rhana has a number of skills that she can use during the course of this adventure. In order for
Rhana to succeed at a skill, she must roll equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill modifier. An example of this would
be that Rhana is listening at a door. In order to hear the conversation on the other side she must
make a skill (Listen) check (DC15). She rolls a D20 and adds the listen modifier (+5).
Rhana's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+1 / -1) is her modifier to swim with all of
her equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried).
Balance- Use this skill when you need to keep your balance on a ledge etc.
Climb- Use this skill to climb the tallest mountain or descend the deepest pit.
Concentrate- Use this skill when you need to focus your mind or cast a spell in combat.
Hide- Use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen.
Jump- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables.
Listen- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors.
Move silently- You can sneak up on an enemy, or slink away without being heard.
Search- You can find simple traps, hidden doors, and other details not readily apparent.
Spot- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a Camouflaged monster.
Swim- You can swim.
Ellion has a number of skills that she can use during the course of this adventure. In order for
Ellion to succeed at a skill, she must roll equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill modifier. An example of this would
be that Ellion is listening at a door. In order to hear the conversation on the other side she must
make a skill (Listen) check (DC15). She rolls a D20 and adds her listen modifier (+5).
Note that some of Ellion's skills have a slash separating two figures (i.e. Climb +6 / +0). The first
number given is Ellion's modifier without her Armour penalty (-2 for her shield and -4 for her
Breastplate). Ellion's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+7 / -3) is her modifier to swim
with all of her equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried).
Balance- Use this skill when you need to keep your balance on a ledge etc.
Climb- Use this skill to climb the tallest mountain or descend the deepest pit.
Concentrate- Use this skill if you need to focus your mind or cast a spell in combat.
Hide- Use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen.
Jump- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables.
Listen- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors.
Move silently- You can sneak up on an enemy, or slink away without being heard.
Search- You can find simple traps, hidden doors, and other details not readily apparent
Spellcraft- you can identify a spell being cast or a spell effect.
Spot- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a Camouflaged monster.
Swim- You can swim.
These are features that either give Rhana special capabilities or improve ones that she already
has. Listed below are Rhana's feats and a brief description of each one:
Dodge - Allocate an enemy and gain a +1 AC bonus against that person.
Silent spell- You can cast a spell without the verbal component. The spell is cast as if it were one
level higher.
Weapon finesse (Dagger) - You may use your Dex bonus for melee attacks with this weapon.
Racial Abilities:
Low light vision- half elves can see twice as far as humans in starlight, moonlight and similar
Immune to magical sleep- half elves are immune to magical induced sleep
+2 save against enchantment- half elves gain a +2 bonus against enchantment spells or effects
The Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck points. The Potions of Cure Moderate
Wounds will heal 2D8 +3 hit points each.
These are features that give Ellion special capabilities, or improve ones that she already has.
Listed below are Ellion's feats and a brief description of each one.
Alertness- +2 bonus on Listen and Spot checks (incorporated in the stats).
Lightning Reflexes - +2 to Reflex checks.
Weapon focus (Heavy Mace)- You are especially good with the Heavy Mace. You add +1 to your
attack roll with this weapon.
Turn undead - You can turn undead as a supernatural ability.
Ellion worships the Deity Sindla. Her God grants her the use of spells.
Spells per day are: 0 level- 6; 1st level- 5 +1; 2nd level- 4 +1; 3rd level 4 +1 and 4th level 2 +1. Her
domains are: Good (all good spells are cast at +1 level) and Luck (use good fortune once a day
and re-roll a dice roll you just made) - see PHB Chapter 11 for a list of Clerical Domain spells
Spells: Ellion will typically revise the following spells per day:0 level - Create Water, Detect
Magic, Detect Poison x2 and Light X2. 1st level - Protection from Evil (Good domain spell),
Command X2, Cure Light Wounds x2 and Doom. 2nd level - Aid (Luck domain spell), Cure
Moderate Wounds x2, Delay Poison and Lesser Restoration. 3rd level - Protection from
Elements-Sonic (Luck domain spell), Dispel Magic X2 and Summon Monster III X2. 4th level Holy Smite (Good domain spell), Cure Critical Wounds, Neutralise Poison.
Spontaneous casting- Ellion can channel any spell revised into a cure spell (not Domain spells).
Potions: The Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck points. The Potions of Cure Moderate
Wounds will heal 2D8 +3 hit points each.
Ellion Garrak
Hit Points
Hit Dice:
Rhana Quinn
Hit Points
Half-elf / female
Sorcerer / 8
Hit Dice:
+2 (+2 Dex)
30ft. (6 squares)
Armour Class:
Attacks (Damage):
Special Qualities:
Str 13 (+1), Dex 14 (+2), Con 16 (+3), Int 14 (+2), Wis 14 (+2), Chr 19
(+4) Luck 14 (+2)
Balance +5, Climb +2, Concentration +13, Hide +3, Jump +3, Listen +5,
Spells castable per day (6/7/7/6/4); base DC = 14+ spell level): 0 levelDaze,Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Ghost Sound,
Mage Hand,Open / Close, Ray of Frost; 1st level- Charm Person,
Detect Secret Doors, Mage Armour and Spider Climb, True Strike; 2nd
level- Acid Arrow and Alter Self, Invisibility; 3rd level: Displacement,
Lightning Bolt; 4th level - Minor Globe of Invulnerability.
hit points
Dekion strom
sarian jax
In order for Dekion to hit his opponent, he must do the following; Roll a D20 and add his combat modifier for the weapon he is using (+15 / +10 for his Scimitar). If the result is equal to or
greater than his opponents Armour Class (AC), then he has hit. Dekion then rolls his damage
for the weapon he is using (1D6 +8 for his Scimitar).
If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Dekion's AC, then the monster has scored a
hit and Dekion looses hit points (hp).
When Dekion's hp reaches 0, he is unconscious. If they reach -10, he is dead..
In order for Sarion to hit his opponent, he must do the following: Roll a D20 and add
his combat modifier for the weapon he is using (+9 / +4 for his Shortsword). If the
result is equal to or greater than his opponent's Armour Class (AC), then he has hit.
Sarion then rolls his damage for the weapon he is using (Shortsword 1D6 +3).
If a monster's roll to hit is equal to or greater than Sarion's AC, then the monster has
scored a hit and Sarion looses hit points (hp).
When Sarion's hp reaches 0, he is unconscious. If it reaches -10, he is dead.
Dekion has a number of skills that he can use during the course of this adventure. In order for
Dekion to succeed at a skill, he must roll equal to or greater than the Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill modifier. An example of this would
be that Dekion is listening at a door. In order to hear the conversation on the other side he must
make a skill (Listen) check (DC15). He rolls a D20 and adds the listen modifier (+2).
Note that some of Dekion's skills have a slash separating two figures (i.e. Climb +10 / +6). The
first number given is Dekion's modifier without his Armour penalty (-2 for his Chainmail shirt
and -2 for his Large Steel Shield). Dekion's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+8 / -3)
is his modifier to swim with all of his equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried).
Balance- Use this skill when you need to keep your balance on a ledge etc.
Climb- Use this skill to climb the tallest mountain or descend the deepest pit.
Hide- Use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen.
Jump- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables.
Listen- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors.
Move silently- You can sneak up on an enemy, or slink away without being heard.
Search- You can find simple traps, hidden doors, and other details not readily apparent.
Spot- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a Camouflaged monster.
Swim- You can swim.
Are features that give Dekion special capabilities, or improve ones that he already has. Listed
below are Dekion's feats and a brief description of each one:
Blind-fight - In melee, every time a character misses because of concealment, the character can
re-roll the miss chance percentile roll one time to see if the character actually hit.
Cleave - If the character deals a creature enough damage to make it drop (typically by dropping
it to below 0 hit points, killing it, etc.), the character gets an immediate, extra melee attack
against another creature in the immediate vicinity. The character cannot take a 5-foot step
before making this extra attack. The extra attack is with the same weapon and at the same
bonus as the attack that dropped the previous creature. The character can use this ability once
per round.
Dodge - During the character's action, the character designates an opponent and receives a +1
Dodge bonus to Armour Class against attacks from that opponent.
Great Cleve - As Cleave, except that the character has no limit to the number of times the character can use it per round.
Power attack - On the character's action, before making attack rolls for a round, the character
may choose to subtract a number from all melee attack rolls and add the same number to all
melee damage rolls. This number may not exceed the character's base Attack bonus.
Weapon focus (Scimitar)- You are especially good with the scimitar. You add +1 to your attack
roll with this weapon.
Weapon specialisation (Scimitar)- Your extra training allows you to gain +2 damage with this
The Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck points. The Potions of Cure Moderate Wounds
will heal 2D8 +3 hit points each.
Sarion has a number of skills that he can use during the course of this adventure. In
order for Sarion to succeed at a skill, he must roll equal to or greater than the
Difficulty Class (DC) number for the skill in question on a D20 while adding the skill
modifier. An example of this would be that Sarion is listening at a door. In order to
hear the conversation on the other side he must make a skill (listen) check (DC15). He
rolls a D20 and adds his listen modifier (+10).
Sarion's Swim skill, which is separated by the slash, (+6 / +1) is his modifier to swim
with all of his equipment on (-1 to Swim checks for every 5lbs carried).
Appraise- Use this skill to determine the approximate value of an item.
Balance- Use this skill when you need to keep your balance on a rocking boat etc.
Climb- Use this skill to climb the tallest mountain or descend the deepest pit.
Disable device- Use this skill to disable traps both mechanical and magical.
Hide- Use this skill to sink into the shadows and remain unseen.
Jump- Use this skill to leap over pits, vault low fences or leap onto tables.
Listen- Use this skill to hear approaching enemies or to listen at doors.
Move silently- You can sneak up on an enemy, or slink away without being heard.
Open lock- Sarion can open locks with the aid of lock picks.
Pick pockets- Sarion can steal from people without them knowing.
Search- You can find traps, hidden doors, and other details not readily apparent.
Spot- Use this skill to spy a rogue hiding in the shadows or a Camouflaged monster.
Tumble- Sarion can use his acrobatics to avoid combat.
Swim- You can swim.
Are features that give Sarion special capabilities, or improve ones that he already has.
Listed below are Sarion's feats and a brief description of each one.
Alertness- Due to your keen senses you gain a +2 bonus to Listen and Spot checks.
Dodge- You are adept at dodging blows. Designate an opponent and receive a +1
bonus to AC against attacks from that opponent.
Improved initiative- +4 to initiative roll.
Point blank shot- You gain a +1 to hit and damage with ranged weapons up to 30ft.
Sneak attack- If Sarion catches his opponents flatfooted he gains additional damage
Evasion- Any attack that would require a save for half damage deals no damage (if
the save was successful).
Uncanny dodge- You can never be caught flatfooted, nor can you be outflanked.
The Potion of Fortune will restore 1D4+3 Luck points. The Potions of Cure Moderate
Wounds will heal 2D8 +3 hit points each. Potion of Spider Climb (see DMG Chapter
Sarian Jax
Hit Points
Dekion Strom
Hit Points
Hit Dice:
Str 14 (+2), Dex 20 (+5), Con 13 (+1), Int 15(+2), Wis 17 (+3),
Cha 14 (+2), Luck 16 (+3)
Balance +8, Climb +13, Disable device +12, Hide +16, Jump
+8, Listen +12, Move silently +16, Open lock +16, Pick
pockets +12, Search +12, Spot +11, Tumble +16, Swim +6 /
Alertness, Dodge, Point blank shot and improved
Evasion, Uncanny dodge, Sneak Attack
Balance +7 / +3, Climb +15 / +11, Hide +7 / +3, Jump +15 / +11,
Listen +3, Move silently +4 / +0, Search +2, Spot +2, Swim +8 /
Hit Dice:
Bonus Feats:
Human / male
Medium (6ft. 2in)
Fighter / 8
8D10+24 (hp 90)
+3 (+3 Dex)
20ft. (4 squares)
base 30ft.
Armour Class:
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