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G6 - Another Super Module

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is much preferred by this author to be compared to the

man who set the standard and fail, rather than be

compared to mediocrity and be considered a winner.

First Edition Fantasy G6

The Forge of the Fomorian

This adventure is intended for use with the First Edition
Game rules, and should not consider anything from the
UA manual or any errata that has appeared since. The
party of adventurers should range from 5 to 9 in size
and from levels 8 to 12. Dwarves and paladins should be
included within the group, with at least one cleric,
magic-user and thief along as well. Whether a paladin is
used or not the general bent of the group should be
Lawful and Good. The DM should deny any evil race or
class from being used. The DM should make a list of
pre-rolled characters in case the players do not have any
of the appropriate levels; one or more of these may also
be used as henchman to strengthen a small group.

By RC Pinnell

E. Gary Gygax wrote the beloved G-series of modules
back in the mid to late '70s. The first two installments
ran only 8 pages each (the last being a whopping 16) and
all came with maps on the inside of the folder-cover. It is
easy to refer to them as beloved since, from the moment
of their original printing till now it is safe to say that no
other module or series has so ingrained itself into the
fabric of the fantasy role playing community.

This is an extremely difficult adventure requiring that

players be experienced beyond just the levels of their
characters. It is potentially lethal for the whole party and
a group that does not cooperate and utilize its abilities
and resources to their absolute fullest will likely fall prey
to the denizens within.

For those that are just experiencing the revival of OSFRP

and discovering the OS adventures, the treasures that
await your opening are boundless; and you are envied
among the elders in the community. For there is no joy I
am aware of, nor excitement or thrill relative to the
game, that equals the moment when one first enters the
cabin of the hill giant chief, or creeps shivering into the
frozen crevasse of the frost giant jarl, or comes face to
face with the malevolent fire giant king in his sweltering

Recently the castle of the Cloud Giant King became a
location of great concern. When the King abandoned his
abode, fleeing south with a concubine and his most
loyal guardsmen, the castle was quickly deluged by a
force of Fog Giants. The good Cloud Giant King had
maintained a steadfast guard atop the mountain so that
caravans of the "little folk" in the valleys on either side
could transport their goods along the route that
traversed the great peak. With him suddenly gone and
the mountain pass threatened by the Fog Giants a party
of adventurers had to reach the locale and rescue the
Queen thought still to be alive within, and drive back
the nefarious Fog Giants. In doing so the group came
across a map and some hastily scripted parchments
alluding to the involvement of a subterranean race.
Returning victorious to the valley below with this

Sadly, Mr. Gygax only wrote the 3. In this author's

opinion, there aren't enough giants represented in the
published adventures that have been produced since
1978. Outside of the Judges Guild product, Under The
Storm Giant's Castle there have been no other serious
attempts to bring these creatures to the forefront, save
for those that I have dared to offer.
And perhaps that is why no others have appeared--to
produce such an adventure is to put one's self up for
comparison to those created by the originator of not only
the G-modules, but the game itself. Well, as my mother
used to always say, "if you can't stand the heat..." But it

the DM should monitor that they keep such

implemented. Failure to do so will result in hit point loss
and perhaps actual death. As a general rule, consider the
difference between actual temperature and the human
body (98.6F/37C) as being the amount a character will
suffer in hit point loss per day if left exposed to such
extreme cold.

information, the party's work was done. But the Council

of Nobles decided to investigate further, hiring anyone
that would return to the castle of the cloud giants and
follow the suggestions in the writings and the map of a
secret passage down through the mountain to the home
of this conniving race.



Wandering Monsters

If the party is the same that adventured in the G5 and

exterminated the evil fog giants assaulting the castle of
the cloud giants they will know the way back well
enough. If it is a new group they will be provided with
guides, and details of the castle regarding areas 1, 7, 30,
27 and 28. It is not necessary for a new party to tour the
entire castle, as the cloud giant Queen's nerves have
already been stretched to the limit; she will only tolerate
the group going directly to the pantry-storage (28), and
using the tunnel discovered there. She and her retinue
will otherwise have nothing to do with the group, nor
offer any advice or assistance. Using the map they
discovered earlier will lead them into the levels below
(this map is provided for new groups in this module).

Encounter occurs on a roll of 1 in 6 per each hour.

1-2. 1-6 Subterranean lizards
3-4. 3-18 Piercers
5-6. 1-2 Rust monsters
7-8. 1 Black pudding
9. 1-100 Bats
10. 1-2 Rock reptiles

Caves and Areas

1. CAVERN. Having the unpleasant duty of standing
guard here is a small band of SPRIGGAN. 6 of them will
be in their normal diminutive form having 26,25, 24, 23,
22 and 21 hit points, with 4 more in large form having
52, 50, 48 and 46 hit points while their leader has 56.
They are under orders to allow no one to pass into the
caves except NORLAND (who may or may not be alive
depending on if he survived the G5. He will not appear
in this adventure in any event). These fellows have axes
and halberds and will use both effectively. They have no
treasure, and will answer to no interrogation.

Geology of the Underworld

The caves and caverns in this setting have been created
through both natural and artificial means. The history of
their development is not essential to the exploration of
them by the party. The DM is encouraged to design any
background and chronology regarding them as he sees
fit. Dimensionally most of them are rather large as seen
on the map, but the height of their ceilings is not as
easily determinable. As a general guideline, allow the
ceiling peak to be 1' per every 20 square foot of surface
area, above the cavern floor. These will naturally be
supporting a blanket of toothy stalactites suspended
from them, awaiting any natural disturbance that might
jar them loose to fall to the floor below. Temperatures
within the caves will range from about 45F to 60F (7C to
16C) and reach their coldest (areas 13 & 14) of about 40F
(4C). Thus some means of keeping warm should be
utilized or individuals might suffer from cold damage. If
the party has access to magic that circumvents this effect

2. BASILISK CAVE. A Greater Basilisk has found this

place and taken up residence here. Many bits and pieces
of stone lay scattered about. Currently stuck inside its
gullet is a ring of feather falling. (HP: 65)
3. CLOAKER CAVERN. 4 Cloakers dwell in the south
end of this large cave. Should intruders appear to the
north they will fly out to feed upon whomever dares to
enter. They have accumulated a mere 69 SP, 88 GP and 1
gem worth base value 250 GP since they took command
of the cave (HP:39, 38, 37, 36).

Worms (HP: 61, 59, 57, 55, 53, 51). At 30' long each the
creatures are more than capable of extending themselves
out of their holes and attacking anyone attempting to
use the passage. They have little treasure to speak of, no
more than 2-8 GP and 1-6 PP each tucked at the rear of
their tunnels; with a 50% chance of each having 1-4 small
gems as well.

4. THE ROPER CAVERN. Being the largest chamber

among the Upper Caves this great cavern hosts a ceiling
that averages 70' above the cave floor. While the
vastness of the chamber from one end to the other
implies a rather large empty arena, the 3 beings that
hang suspended from its vault prove soon enough that
the place is far from vacant. 3 large Ropers hang from the
rocky canopy at different locations (see map) that allows
them to effectively reach nearly every portion of the cave
(HP: 78, 76, 74). Their only treasure is but a few PP and
gems in a gizzard each possesses.

7. THE SHE-TRAPPER'S CAVE. Why so many of these

creatures would be in one location and how they would
sustain themselves is, at first, an enigma. But little is
known about the creatures and even less about their
biology. As it so happens the trapper goes without food
during the mating cycle, which can last several months.
During this time it seeks out the opposite-gender of its
kind in deep caverns and goes about the business of
creating future generations. As in many cases found in
nature more males will be present vying for the
acceptance of a willing female. This happens to be the
case here in this cavern, as four large male trappers have
"cornered" a female and are attempting to woo her. (HP:
78, 76, 74, 72/males; 117 for the female which is a giant
specimen) Each male has brought his personal treasure
as an offering to the female that consists of the
following: 100-2000 PP/30% chance, 5-20 gems/20%
chance, 1-10 jewelry/10% chance, and any 4 items plus a
scroll/5% chance.


the smaller of the Upper Caves it is also well off the
traveled path as they say. Because of that it has served
well the injured non-player character currently sitting on
the floor with his back against the eastern wall. This
brave fellow, SHAGLICK SNORTSOOM will likely take
the party some time to come to terms with. He is a halfogre, about 7'3" in height and 300 pounds. And while
those akin to his ogre half are notoriously evil and
wicked he is not. In fact, he is NG. He is also a barbarianwarrior having followed in the footsteps of his father,
who was a great barbarian leader of the Red-Cloud tribe.
Being one, he normally possesses great stamina and
strength. At the moment, unfortunately, he is wounded
and in a lowly state of health (having only 15 HP out of
his normal 73). The DM should make up any
background desired to explain the fellow's presence
including how he came to be wounded and here; he is
offered here as a suitable henchman to a small or weak
party. His STATS are F8, NG, S18/99, I10, W12, D12,
C16, CH9. He has been without food for a week, but gets
some water from the dripping stalactites. His weapons
are a spear, knife and hand axe, and he wears softleather armor.

8. THE BONE CAVE. The floor of this chamber is

literally filled with bones of various shapes and sizes to
an average depth of 4'; a narrow passage through them
runs along the western wall and to a tunnel going south
(see map). It most cases it is not that difficult to
determine a dwarf thigh bone from an elf or human, or
that of some giant type; skulls being likewise. What is
more important is the fact that many small magical
items are present as well buried beneath the alabasterlike mound. Thoroughly searching through one 20' x 20'
square will require a full turn, and net from 1-6 items,
with 5% of them being of a magical nature. In total there
will be from 23 to 138 items within the cave; only 1- 7
will actually be magical. What is unique about these is
the fact that they are relics from ages past, artifacts of
great power. Unfortunately for those that find them, the
items are also cursed; being failed experiments of the

6. THE WORM TUNNEL. Though 40' across at its

widest this is the smallest of the Upper Caves. Passing
through this chamber and surviving is not an easy task,
thus most of the residents avoid it out of what they
know that dwells within. Along the walls and ceiling
appear holes 2' in diameter. There are dozens of them on
each side and above, and the blackness within them is
dangerous to explore, for residing within are 6 Tunnel

sunken into a level below that sits atop a flowing

underground river of lava. The heat from the river
tunnel actually pushes these "loose" monoliths upwards
of some 30-40' before their sheer weight allows them to

Smith-Lord. Thus, the DM must create each item, assign

its ability/abilities along with the curse that plagues it .
In most cases the item should be of a kind useable to a
giant sized being, but such is left to the DM.

settle back down. These are marked

9. THE BONE GUARDIAN. An ascending tunnel from

area 8 leads to here, the abode of the Guardian of the
Bones. What appears at first to be a giant statue is
actually the figure of a calcified fomorian. This poor
fellow was once an aspiring smith that was blessed with
the opportunity to apprentice with the Smith-Lord. But
his greedy need to covet things he saw led to his
accursed present state. His body has become stiff and
rigid, like a stalagmite after eons of dripping calcium has
hardened it, and moves rather slow. But move he can, as
he will attack any intruders (his move rate being 1/3
that of normal). Worse still is that his natural epidermis
has reached a point as to be effectively AC 0. As such all
blunt weapons do 1/2 damage against him, and all
slashing ones do only 1 point of their damage range;
swords must make save vs. Crushing Blow each time
they successfully strike the creature or shatter to bits.
Because of his condition The Creature strikes for 6-48
points of damage using the weapon adjustment of a
horseman's flail vs. armor if such are used. Due to his
condition his hit points are unusually high (120).

a on the map and

will sometimes be in the "up" position, blocking the

characters' progress. They may also be encountered in
the "down" position, where they will be 30-40' below the
monolith the characters are standing upon.
With the average distance between each monolith being
16' (the minimum being 12' and the maximum, 20') the
party should be able to literally jump from the higher to
the lower ones in regards to the shorter figure; other
means, such as magic ropes, boots/rings/spells of
levitation will enable the greater expanses to be forged.
Jumping will pose the greatest threat in these cases, as
each character must make an ability check by rolling
their Dexterity or less on a d20 to successfully make the
maneuver. (Hobbits will get a +6 penalty to their roll,
and dwarves a +3, while elves over 5' tall will receive a
bonus of -2)
The moving monoliths will rise above or drop below the
height of the one directly preceding it at a rate of 10' per
segment. Thus the DM must describe clearly to the
players the position of the monolith in relation to their
characters during the course of the round/turn. It is
essentially impossible to jump "up" onto the monolith
once a segment has passed; the reverse not being the
case. So timing the exact moment of the jump must be
done precisely. Anyone failing their ability check has
essentially missed and will plummet to their death unless
some other means (rope, magic, etc) will prevent it.


A long, deep and wide crack in the earth 12 is the only
way for adventurers to reach the Lower Caves. Accessible
at points 10 and 11 where secret doors give egress to
ledges that look out over this great "crack", the means to
descend will require a bit of fancy footwork; magic items
that duplicate spells and spells that allow Teleportation ,
Dimension Door or Flying effects will not work in the
crack. (The spells Feather Fall/levitate and rings or items
of the same name will function within)

With an average surface area of 225 square feet, landing

on the monolith and fitting the entire party atop one
should not pose a problem. Unfortunately, clinging to
the rocky vault of the cavern above the moving ones will
be a pod of MEGALO-PIERCERS! 2-12 of these creatures
will be clinging to the ceiling above each of the moving
monoliths and should the characters be atop one when it
nears the canopy they will drop down to attack and feast
upon their victims.(AC1, M2", HD5-8, ATK 1, D: 5-30, 6-

Stacked in a line stretching from areas 10 and 11 are tall

stone monoliths of descending heights that will allow
the characters to hop down from one to the other until
reaching the cavern floor at area 13. All have a clearance
of at least 40' to the rocky ceiling above. Unfortunately,
several of the monoliths are so heavy that they have

be the entrance of a smaller cave just north of this section

though there is enough space on each side for a mansized humanoid to slip by, while to the west a tunnel
seems to lead further in that direction.

36, 7-42, 8-48. SA 95% surprise ability. SD-nil. MR std.

INT non-. AL- Neutral. SZ- L)
And if that isn't enough, also dwelling among the jagged
rocky stalactites of the cavern roof is a gigantic colony of
bats (1000-6000). These creatures are not a direct threat to
a strong party, but the use of lights, frantic movement
and noise will attract groups of them (10d10) that will
drop down to investigate, causing the party to deal with
the annoying creatures. Should the party actually begin
destroying them the death-screams will summon an
additional 100-600 that will swarm the group, causing
confusion and possibly causing them to fall off the
monolith in the mayhem.

14. THE SLIMY CAVE. This cavern is comprised of 3

sections, a small one south of the entrance cave, the main
cave, and the one to the north of it. All are the domain of
a creature that leaves a slimy trail, for the floors of each
are covered with some sticky substance. Currently
resting in the northern chamber is a Megalo-Slug having
18 HD (HP: 117). Buried in the sand at location C is a
ring of warmth. It requires 3 turns searching to find.

About mid-distance between area 11 and 13 is a ledge

along the eastern wall of the crack

b. It is generally a

These chambers are finely worked out of the earth and

stone to form sharp corners, flat wall and ceiling
surfaces and level floors. Ceiling heights range from 20'
to 30' with the highest, in the forge chamber itself being
an impressive 40'. Huge doors 7' wide by 16' high hang
on thick, metal L-hooks embedded in the walls to
support the massive 2' thick doors made of redwood and
reinforced with iron bands across; each requires a
normal Open Doors to manipulate, unless one is of giant
strength of 19 or better. Not surprisingly, the chambers
are much warmer than in the caves; reaching as high as
120F (49C) in the forge area.

safe location as the creatures of the crack do not linger

about above it. Sitting upon this away from the edge and
with its back against the wall is the skeleton of a dwarf.
It bears no items, gear or treasure, but a magic mouth
placed upon it will trigger if molested screaming out-"get back while ye can. Only death be ayonder!"
there is nothing else of interest here.
13. THE GREAT CAVE. Once the party has safely
descended the monolithic stairs they will reach the
sandy floored bottom of this enormous cavern. The
ceiling at the perimeter walls averages 12' above the
floor of the cave, while the ceiling above ranges from
that to 40'. It is large, and dark, and cold. In the northern
half of the chamber living among the rocky vault is a
colony of 12 Mobats (with 2 x 6HD, 5 x 5HD and 5 x
4HD). These will attack anyone creating a noise or
movement below; especially if lights are being used.
They will not chase anyone fleeing south, knowing what
awaits anyone that does. A pair of large, ancient Shadow
Dragons dwell in the southern section of the cavern (HP:
49 each) and will investigate any ruckus occurring to the
north that is headed their way. A cache of 20-80 gems is
buried in the southeastern end of the cave. A large
boulder (see map) sits in the center of what appears to

The chambers serve as accommodations for those giants

and evil dwarfs seeking to learn the art of smith-craft
from the Master Smith, SLO-VAN, demigod of the
fomorian giants. Occupancy of the rooms is determined
by who gets there first. Fomorian giants from around the
realm are known to trek to the location and seek the
mentorship of the demigod. At present, a small band of
Spriggan is occupying most of the chambers. It is this
group, led by a notorious villain, that was behind the
coup attempt of the cloud giant castle sitting atop the
mountain. For it is their leader that seeks the knowledge
of the Smith-Lord, wishing to gain the ability to
construct great weapons with which to launch a waragainst-humanity to wipe out the race. At present, only
a few Cyclops assistants are present in the facility, along
with a few other guests here for their own purpose.

at a rate of 3 per hour until the wearer's normal

maximum limit is reached. It can only do this 2 times per
day and if the process is interrupted (the cloak is
removed by any means for whatever purpose) the cycle
is broken and is lost for the remainder of the day;
leaving the 2nd attempt if the first is ruined.

(Note that the fomorian demigod is not aware of the plot

of the Spriggan against the humans or the cloud giants)
15. SOUTH OUTER CHAMBER. This large chamber is
currently occupied by 6 Spriggan (HP: 30, 29, 28, 27, 26,
25 or 55, 54, 53, 52, 51, 50 depending on which size they
are in when the party enters). Several large tables and a
dozen chairs are standing about, some occupied some
not. The beings each carries a hand axe, knife and
halberd that they will use immediately when intruders
approach. They are simply guards, and will divulge no
information should they be captured and/or
interrogated. Should a combat be going against them
one will attempt to flee down the tunnel to the north.

18. STORAGE ROOM. This chamber is filled with tons

of sundry items associated with smith craft (hammers,
tongs, aprons, etc) suited for various sizes of users. It
also contains a dozen large wooden barrels 8' high and 5'
at their widest girth filled with chunks of coal-like
material. These chunks range from 12 pounds and a foot
long to just a few ounces and a few inches. Hidden
among these, perhaps intentionally so, is a Loadstone.
Finding it will require at least an hour of searching.

16. NORTH OUTER CHAMBER. This chamber is

identical to the one south of it and contains the same
furnishings and occupants. Hit points are the same and
they will react just as their kin if surprised. If an alert has
been sounded to the south they will rush to that location
to assist their fellow guardsmen. Neither these nor the
others mention possess or carry any treasure. If an alert
has been issued one of these fellows will attempt to flee
down the passage to the east and eventually warn the
chieftain (at 27) of the invaders.

19. ASSISTANTS' QUARTERS. This large chamber is

home to 2 LESSER CYCLOPS (HP: 97, 95) serving their
apprenticeship under SLO-VAN. The room contains two
large cots, a table and two chairs, and a large footlocker
beneath each bed; the contents of each being extra fur
clothing, sandals, and the mummified heads of past
victims kept as trophies. There is a 10% chance they will
be here when the party first reaches area 15, but
otherwise are at the forge with their Master.

17. THE SECRET CHAMBER. Accessible via 2 secret

doors (the northern one requiring travel along a winding
and lengthy corridor and the southern portal a mere
turn to the south) that deliver the curious investigator to
a locked door, one might wonder if treasure lay beyond
the sealed device. In fact one does, in the form of a
beautiful succubus sent here as punishment by the SmithLord himself. Though she could easily teleport out and
escape, she knows doing so would only make things
worse for her later. (HP: 45) Why she is being punished
and what her interest is in the demigod is up to the DM
to create if desired. The only treasure in the room (that is
not hers by the way) is a crumpled cloak in the
southwest corner of the chamber. When worn and the
hood is pulled up over the wearer's head the device will
bestow invisibility. However, violent movement can
drive the hood down which will disrupt the effect. Thus
running is not possible when invisible unless the hood is
held tightly on. The device also regenerates lost hit points

20. APPRENTICES' QUARTERS. This is the barracks of

6 FOMORIAN GIANTS come to study under the great
Master Smith (HP: 100, 98, 96, 94, 92, 90). The chamber
contains cots enough for all, two large tables and a half
dozen large chairs. What treasure they brought with
them they handed over to their Master as payment for
the instruction they are receiving. There is a 10% chance
all will be here when the party first reaches area 15, a
25% chance that half will be here and the other half at
the forge, or otherwise the place will be vacant.
21. GUEST QUARTERS. One of four chambers
occupied by the Spriggan, brought here by their leader
who was behind the attempted assault upon the castle of
the Cloud Giants atop the mountain, this one is
currently filled with 13 females (HP: 18/36, 3 x 17/34, 3
x 16/32, 2 x 15/30, 2 x 14/28, 2 x 12/24; representing the
difference from small/large sizes possible). Generally

will not be easy for a creature hovers in the air above it

serving as a guard for the demigod. The monster is a
round spherical thing about 6' in diameter, has one large
central eye and several small ones at the end of stalk like
appendages sprouting from it. It is, in fact a BEHOLDER
(HP: 75).

non-combatant, they will rush to defend any intruders

assaulting their young across the hall, but will otherwise
attempt to negotiate for their safety. The chamber
contains enough beds for all, several tables and chairs
for each in both small and large versions. Sacks filled
with moldy foodstuff and other sundry items needed by
them to make the journey here are shoved beneath the
cots. The females were shabby clothing (no armor) and
carry only long-knives (equal to short swords) for their
own defense. They possess no treasure.

25. ASSISTANTS' QUARTERS. This large chamber is

home to 2 LESSER CYCLOPS (HP: 93, 91) serving their
apprenticeship under SLO-VAN. The room contains two
large cots, a table and two chairs, and a large footlocker
beneath each bed; the contents of each being extra fur
clothing, sandals, and the mummified heads of past
victims kept as trophies. There is a 15% chance they will
be here when the party first reaches area 15, but
otherwise are at the forge with their Master.

22. GUEST QUARTERS. This chamber smells of urine

and feces and is noisy when entered as a brood of 9
young Spriggan are running about playing and yelping
and fighting amongst themselves. At sizes ranging from
3' to 6' they could be potential opponents were it not for
the fact that they are not even adolescents and are more
afraid of a party of intruding humans; as any group of
small humanoid children would be. Thus they are noncombatants and possess no means to attack or defend
themselves. The chamber is otherwise littered with rugs
and bed rolls and filth.

26. HALL OF TROPHIES. The walls of this chamber

support several valuable items that any party would
likely love to their hands on. In the southern alcove of
this room hangs a golden skull-shaped sconce that when
worn by a humanoid shaman or witchdoctor will double
the amount of spells the wearer may memorize, and will
allow 1 additional spell of the next two spell levels
above that the recipient is normally restricted to. If worn
by a human cleric it will increase his or her spell holding
capacity by 1 per spell level. It must be donned at the
start of each day and not removed until all spells known
are used, or the wearer goes to sleep for at least 8 hours.
If removed sooner it loses its ability for 8 hours. Upon
the eastern wall of this alcove hangs a magic trident +1/
+3 vs. S-M sized beings. Hanging upon the western wall
in this section is a giant +2 battleaxe that does 1-12/1-10
normal damage in addition to the magic bonus, but
requires a minimum strength of 19 to wield; being twice
the size and 8 times the weight of a standard version. On
the eastern wall of the main section hangs a suit of scale
armor fashioned from a Gold Dragon sized to fit a giant
of no less than 9' in height. It bestows protection vs.
dragon breath (fire & chlorine gas) resulting in the
wearer suffering either 1/2 or no damage depending on
his or her Save throw. In addition it allows the wearer to
assume the form of animals of man-size or larger 2 x per
day, remaining in such forms unless/until a dispel
magic is cast upon him; the assumed form does not gain

23. GUEST QUARTERS. Similar to the chamber north

of it (21) this room is home to the male Spriggan guards
first encountered at locations 15 and 16. Thus there are
12 cots, some tables and chairs, and sacks beneath the
beds all similar in description to the above mentioned
chamber. In addition there are extra halberds leaning
against the walls between the beds and extra armor
stuffed beneath them. Extensive searching among the
sacks mentioned will yield from 1-1000 CP, 1-1000 SP, 11000 EP, 1-1000 GP, requiring at least 3 turns be spent.
24. THE TREASURE CHAMBER. This long wide
corridor is accessible only via a secret door at the west
end of the narrower hall leading to it. The northern half
of the chamber is piled high, up to 6' in places, with
copper, silver, and gold pieces (120,000, 60,000 and
30,000 respectively). Buried and hidden in and
underneath all this are several magic items of value (+1
dwarf plate mail, +1 shield, +2 hammer of throwing, +1
long sword/cursed, helm of invisibility--functions as the
spell, useable 3 x per day--, +1 cloak of protection, +1
ring of protection, ring of warmth). Getting to all this

somehow defeated his giant hammer is equal to a +3

weapon doing 2-24/1-12 damage if wielded by someone
with a strength of 19-24, a height of at least 7' and a
weight of no less than 325 pounds. Magical means/
items may be help compensate for these requirements.

any special abilities of the normal version of the creature

but can use the standard attack/defend abilities.
27. GUEST QUARTERS. This chamber is currently
occupied by the Spriggan Chief and his body guard of 9
(HP: 32/64 for chief, 31/62, 30/60, 29/58, 28/56, 27/54,
26/52, 3 x 25/50; with the differences representing the
sizes possible). The chief, LUGROT, learned about this
facility through dealings with the fomorian giants and
has come to persuade the SMITH-LORD to teach him
the skills of weapon-craft in his quest to exterminate
humanity. Upon arrival he learned of the cloud giant
castle atop the mountain, and determined it to be a great
place to call his own and from which to launch his evil
campaign. Sending his agents to infiltrate the place and
work their way into the good giants' confidences, all was
going well until a party of humans and their allies
responded to the cloud giant Queen's pleas for help.
Now, Lugrot and his small band are in a kind of stasis,
not sure which move to make next. The chief and his
guard wear the best available armor (for AC1) and will
use either size and any weapon of proficiency to defeat a
party of intruders. The chamber is fitted with cots
enough for all, some tables and chairs and footlockers
beneath the beds. In addition Lugrot wears a Necklace of
Missiles, and a Ring of Spell Turning. His footlocker
contains 1000 CP, 1000 SP, 1000 EP, 500 GP; with his
guardsmen's' holding only 1/10th of each apiece.


ascend southward for about 240' and end at a cave
opening in the mountains allowing access.
30. SECONDARY EXIT TUNNEL. This winding tunnel
descends for 2 miles before emerging from the
mountains and into the valley below.


Cover by Nathan Nada

Maps by Andreas Claren

This adventure is dedicated my son and daughter-Jarred and Alison-- who still patiently listen to me
ramble on about D&D.
APPENDICES, SLO-VAN (Fomorian demigod)
AC: -5
Move: 15"
Hit Points: 201
# Of Attacks: 2
Damage/Attack: 10-40 (+14)
Special Attacks: See Below
Special Defenses: +3 OB weapon to hit; blunt types do
only 1 HP of damage; all others 1/2 if Save vs. R is made
MR: 50%
Size: L (15' tall)
Alignment: NE
Worshipper's Alignment: fomorian giants; NE dwarfs
Symbol: Hammer
Plane: Prime Material Plane
Cleric/Druid: 14th level druid
Fighter: As 16+ HD monster
MU/I: 16th level magic user
S: 25 (+7, +14), I:18, W:18, D:15, C:23, CH:6

28. FORGE OF THE SMITH-LORD. This huge chamber

is constantly hot (120F/49C) with a flurry of activity
occurring between the huge anvil at the north end of the
room and the huge forge built into the north wall. The
Smith-Lord, SLO-VAN will be present 60% of the time
supervising his 4 assistants, the Cyclops as they go about
creating works of wonder. He and they will not go to
assist the Spriggan should the evil gnome-kin raise a cry
of alarm. His only concern is his anvil and forge. Should
a party breech this area he will immediately determine if
they are good or not, and use all his abilities to defeat
intruders that have not been sanctioned to approach the
forge chamber. With 201 HPS and the aide of his 4
assistants it is not likely a party will triumph against the
demigod. If a battle is going terribly against him he will
teleport away, leaving revenge for another day. If he is

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