Philippine Standard On Auditing 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During The Audit
Philippine Standard On Auditing 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During The Audit
Philippine Standard On Auditing 450 Evaluation of Misstatements Identified During The Audit
Scope of this PSA .......................................................................................1
Effective Date .............................................................................................2
Definitions ................................................................................................4
Accumulation of Identified Misstatements ..........................................................5
PSA 450
Scope of this PSA
Effective Date
For purposes of the PSAs, the following terms have the meanings attributed
PSA 700, Forming an Opinion and Reporting on Financial Statements, paragraphs 1011.
PSA 320, Materiality in Planning and Performing an Audit.
PSA 450
Accumulation of Identified Misstatements
The auditor shall determine whether the overall audit strategy and audit plan
need to be revised if:
PSA 450
The auditor shall also communicate with those charged with governance the
effect of uncorrected misstatements related to prior periods on the relevant
classes of transactions, account balances or disclosures, and the financial
statements as a whole.
Written Representations
See footnote 3.
PSA 450
The auditor shall include in the audit documentation:5 (Ref: Para. A25)
PSA 240, The Auditors Responsibilities Relating to Fraud in an Audit of Financial Statements,
paragraphs A1A6.
PSA 450
PSA 450
A10. PSA 700 requires the auditor to evaluate whether the financial
statements are prepared and presented, in all material respects, in
accordance with the requirements of the applicable financial reporting
framework. This evaluation includes consideration of the qualitative
aspects of the entitys accounting practices, including indicators of
possible bias in managements judgments,9 which may be affected by the
auditors understanding of managements reasons for not making the
Evaluating the Effect of Uncorrected Misstatements (Ref: Para. 1011)
A11. The auditors determination of materiality in accordance with PSA 320
is often based on estimates of the entitys financial results, because the
actual financial results may not yet be known. Therefore, prior to the
auditors evaluation of the effect of uncorrected misstatements, it may be
necessary to revise materiality determined in accordance with PSA 320
based on the actual financial results.
A12. PSA 320 explains that, as the audit progresses, materiality for the
financial statements as a whole (and, if applicable, the materiality level
or levels for particular classes of transactions, account balances or
disclosures) is revised in the event of the auditor becoming aware of
information during the audit that would have caused the auditor to have
determined a different amount (or amounts) initially.10 Thus, any
significant revision is likely to have been made before the auditor
evaluates the effect of uncorrected misstatements. However, if the
auditors reassessment of materiality determined in accordance with PSA
320 (see paragraph 10 of this PSA) gives rise to a lower amount (or
PSA 450
The identification of a number of immaterial misstatements within the same account balance or
class of transactions may require the auditor to reassess the risk of material misstatement for that
account balance or class of transactions.
PSA 450
These circumstances are only examples; not all are likely to be present
in all audits nor is the list necessarily complete. The existence of any
circumstances such as these does not necessarily lead to a conclusion
that the misstatement is material.
PSA 720, The Auditors Responsibilities Relating to Other Information in Documents Containing
Audited Financial Statements.
PSA 450
A17. PSA 24013 explains how the implications of a misstatement that is, or
may be, the result of fraud ought to be considered in relation to other
aspects of the audit, even if the size of the misstatement is not material in
relation to the financial statements.
A18. The cumulative effect of immaterial uncorrected misstatements related to
prior periods may have a material effect on the current periods financial
statements. There are different acceptable approaches to the auditors
evaluation of such uncorrected misstatements on the current periods
financial statements. Using the same evaluation approach provides
consistency from period to period.
Considerations Specific to Public Sector Entities
A19. In the case of an audit of a public sector entity, the evaluation whether a
misstatement is material may also be affected by the auditors
responsibilities established by law, regulation or other authority to report
specific matters, including, for example, fraud.
A20. Furthermore, issues such as public interest, accountability, probity and
ensuring effective legislative oversight, in particular, may affect the
assessment whether an item is material by virtue of its nature. This is
particularly so for items that relate to compliance with law, regulation or
other authority.
Communication with Those Charged with Governance (Ref: Para. 12)
A21. If uncorrected misstatements have been communicated with person(s)
with management responsibilities, and those person(s) also have
governance responsibilities, they need not be communicated again with
those same person(s) in their governance role. The auditor nonetheless
has to be satisfied that communication with person(s) with management
responsibilities adequately informs all of those with whom the auditor
would otherwise communicate in their governance capacity.14
A22. Where there is a large number of individual immaterial uncorrected
misstatements, the auditor may communicate the number and overall
monetary effect of the uncorrected misstatements, rather than the details
of each individual uncorrected misstatement.
A23. PSA 260 requires the auditor to communicate with those charged with
governance the written representations the auditor is requesting (see
paragraph 14 of this PSA).15 The auditor may discuss with those charged
with governance the reasons for, and the implications of, a failure to correct
misstatements, having regard to the size and nature of the misstatement
judged in the surrounding circumstances, and possible implications in
relation to future financial statements.
PSA 450
PSA 450