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Gas Chromatograph

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P/N 03-914689-00
Rev 4

I. GC OPERATION ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................... 2
Instrument Setup................................................................................................................................................... 3
Building a Method ................................................................................................................................................. 4
Automation ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Activating the GC Method ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Making a Single Injection ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Do You Need HELP? ........................................................................................................................................... 6
GC Status.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
GC Control ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

II. HARDWARE INSTALLATION & SETUP ............................................................................................... 8

Column Installation................................................................................................................................................ 8
Optimum Capillary GC Carrier Flow Rate and Velocity......................................................................................... 9
Optimum Velocities and Flow Rates for Capillary Columns .................................................................................. 9
Detector, Carrier, and Make-up Gas Flow Rates and Gas Types....................................................................... 10

III. RECOMMENDED PARTS & SUPPLIES ............................................................................................. 11

Gas Filters........................................................................................................................................................... 11
Column and Injector Ferrules for Capillary Columns .......................................................................................... 11
Glass Injector Inserts .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Septa................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Column Quick Connect Kit .................................................................................................................................. 15
Included in This Kit (P/N 03-925751-90) ............................................................................................................ 15
Spare Parts ......................................................................................................................................................... 15

IV. METHOD DEVELOPMENT.................................................................................................................. 16

Recommended Solvents for Capillary Columns.................................................................................................. 16
Recommended Injector and GC Parameters ...................................................................................................... 17
Column Installation Measurements for Injectors & Detectors ............................................................................. 18
Units of Measure ................................................................................................................................................. 18
Non-Retained Compounds for GC Detectors...................................................................................................... 18
Other Quick Reference Items for your GC .......................................................................................................... 19

This guide is intended for the novice and experienced user. You will find this to be an invaluable reference for
setting up your GC, programming the system, and finding the most frequently needed part numbers.
Keep this guide near your GC for convenient reference.


The CP-3800 user interface is designed for maximum ease of use. The keyboard is laid out in functional sections
allowing quick access to the necessary information. There are 8 available methods, one of which must be active at
any given time. For more detailed information see the Operator’s Manual, CP-3800 Keyboard and Display.

CP-3800 Keyboard

Instrument Setup
1. Press SETUP.
2. Choose View Setup/Edit Setup using cursor keys.
3. Press ENTER.

“View Setup” allows you to check the current Instrument Configuration. Choose “Edit Setup”
if you want to change the Instrument Configuration.

Method 1 Method 1 0.00 20.00


[1] Edit Time and Date
[2] Edit Heated Zones
[3] Edit EFC
[4] Edit Column Parameters
[5] Edit Sample Delivery
[6] Edit Ethernet Setup
[7] Edit Miscellaneous Setup Parameters

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Use CURSOR keys to

highlight section … Press ENTER to access section and modify ...
TIME AND DATE „ Month / day / year
„ Time / hour: min: sec
HEATED ZONES „ Device installed in each heated zone
„ Temperature limit
„ Coolant type (Column oven, zones 1-3 only)
EFC „ Outlet pressure – atm/vacuum
„ Display units – psi, kPa, bar
„ Minimum flow – gas saver
„ Make-up gas type
„ ID (μm)
„ Carrier gas type (He, H2, N2)
SAMPLE DELIVERY „ 8400 Injectors to Use
„ Syringe Size
„ Valve Numbers (1-7)
„ Valve Type (22 choices)
MISCELLANEOUS „ Ready-in Contact State
„ FID Flame-out Enable

Building a Method
Follow these steps to build or edit a GC Method.

1. Press EDIT from the Method section of the keypad.
2. Use the INCR or DECR keys to choose desired method.
3. Press ENTER.

Typical parameters for a GC method are:

„ Column, Injector and Detector temperatures
„ Flow or Pressure program, if EFC is installed
„ Detector range and autozero
„ Valve program, if performing a manual pneumatics splitless injection, or rotating a sampling or switching
„ 8400/8410 AutoSampler or 8200 AutoSampler

Follow the method sections below to build your GC method. You can advance to any section by pressing the
appropriate section key.

The Following Method

Section ... Will allow you to modify these method parameters ...
COLUMN OVEN „ Column temperature (isothermal or programmable)
„ Stabilization time
„ Coolant on/off
„ Enable coolant on/off temperature
„ Coolant timeout
INJECTOR „ Injector temperature (isothermal and programmable)
„ Coolant on/off
„ Enable coolant temperature
„ Coolant timeout
„ Split state (EFC only)
„ Split ratio (EFC only)

FLOW/PRESSURE „ Flow + Pressure (1177/1079 + Valving)

(EFC Only) „ Flow (1041/1061)

The Following
Method Section ... Will allow you to modify these method parameters ...
DETECTOR „ Detector temperature
„ Range, and autozero (time programmable)
„ Detector time constant
„ TCD filament temperature and polarity (time programmable)
„ PFPD → PMT voltage, gate width + delay, trigger level
„ TSD bead current and power (time programmable)
„ ECD contact potential and cell current
„ Detector flow (EFC only)
SAMPLE DELIVERY/ „ 8400/8410 or 8200 Sampling Parameters
VALVE TABLE „ Timed programmed events for splitless injections
(manual 1177/1079 only), or switching valves
„ For GCs with valves, consult your custom plumbing diagram
for programming
Events for a typical split and splitless injection are as follows:

Time Split Valve

Split 0.00 min On (Split)

Splitless 0.00 min Off (Splitless)

Mode 1.00 min On (Split)

„ Selects Automation Mode
„ Method Automation Parameters
„ Priority Sample

Activating the GC Method

1. Press ACTIVATE from the Method section.
2. Use the INCR or DECR keys to choose desired method.
3. Press the “ACTIVATE NOW” softkey.

NOTE: If you edit the active method, you must re-activate it before running an analysis.

Making a Single Injection
Use the following procedure if performing a single injection. If you are using the Star Chromatography
Workstation, refer to the instrument’s Operator’s Manual.
Confirm that the GC is in the Ready state. The amber “Ready” light should be illuminated.

If you are making an

injection with a ... Then ... Result
Syringe Inject the sample into the The GC method will
injector. automatically start.

Gas or Liquid Sampling Confirm the sampling valve is The gas or liquid sampling
Valve using an air in the fill position and the valve will rotate to the inject
actuator loop is loaded with sample. position and the GC method
Press START will start.

Do You Need HELP?

When the cursor moves from field to field on the display, the prompt line beneath the method
indicates the parameter range.

Pressing HELP gives the user an explanation for the specific parameter.

GC Status
The Instrument STATUS key allows the user to view the current status of the various components of the CP-3800
instrument. Note that the current status of individual components can also be viewed by pressing the relevant key in
the GC CONTROL keyboard section.
The primary status information provided using the STATUS key is the actual component temperature, carrier gas
flow and pressure (if EFC is installed), and detector analog output signal. The following is an example of a status
screen for a CP-3800 equipped with a 1079 injector and FID. Note that the status screen reflects the current state of
the instrument. If the instrument is running a method, the status fields will update as the values change during the
run at a rate of once per second. If a component is not ready or faulted, this will be indicated on the STATUS
screen. Note that the status screens are presented in location order, i.e., Front, Middle and Rear.

Method 1 Method 1 0.00 20.00


Component Set Actual
1079 Oven (°C) 250
Column Flow (ml/min) 1.0
Column Pressure (psi) 15.0
Column Oven Temp (°C) 50
FID Oven (°C) 300
FID Output (mV) 8.25

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GC Control
When one of the six GC Control keys is pressed, the user is presented with a split display. The status information
reflecting the current status of the CP-3800 appears above the bold line on the display. The information beneath the
bold line is the method parameters of the EDIT METHOD. Note that the EDIT METHOD and the ACTIVE
METHOD may be different.

Method 1 Method 1 0.00 20.00

Set (°C): 50 Actual (°C): 50
Stabilization Time (min): 2.00 Column Oven: Off
COLUMN OVEN, Page 1 of 2
Step Temp (°C) Rate (°C/min) Hold (min) Total (min)
Initial 50 - 2.00 2.00
1 150 10.0 1.00 13.00
2 250 20.0 5.00 23.00

Turn Oven On End Stabilization Turn Oven Off

  

Column Installation
Follow these steps to install the capillary column and set gas flow rates:
1. Cool all heated zones and replace depleted oxygen and moisture traps.
2. Replace critical injector inserts and septa.
3. Cut 2 cm from each column end.
4. Thread the nut and ferrule over the column on both ends. The ferrule should be installed
with the taper end into the nut.
5. Cut 2 cm from each column end to remove ferrule fragments.
6. Mount the capillary column in the oven.
7. Install the column 3.7 cm into the 1177 Injector or 7.5 cm into the 1079 Injector, measured from the back of the
nut. The 1041 and 1061 do not require measuring. They are installed all the way up into the injector.
8. Set the approximate column head pressure.
9. Set the split ratio and septum purge flows, 1177 and 1079 Injectors.
10. Connect the column to the detector at the appropriate distance (see Page 18).
11. Check for leaks using a leak detector. Do not use soaps or liquid-based leak detectors.
12. Set make-up and detector gas flow rates (see Page 10).
13. Set injector and detector temperatures. Do not exceed the column’s Tmax.
14. Condition the column at its recommended conditioning temperature for two hours.
15. Run test mixtures to confirm proper installation and column performance.
16. Calibrate instrument and inject samples.

1061 Flash Vaporization Part Number

„ 530 μm columns only

„ Packed column insert

Optimum Capillary GC Carrier Flow Rate and Velocity
After conditioning your column, the carrier gas flow rate should be set for optimum separation of sample
components. Since the flow rate is dependent on column temperature in a pressure regulated system, it is important
to set the carrier gas at the same column temperature for a given analysis. For convenience, the carrier gas is often
set at the initial temperature of the analysis. For a slightly faster analysis and improved separation, set the optimum
flow rate at the maximum temperature of the analysis. For critical or hard to separate peak pairs in the
chromatogram, set the optimum linear velocity at the oven temperature where they elute.
If you have Electronic Flow Control installed in your GC, setting the column flows is as simple as entering the
column dimensions and carrier gas type in SETUP and building the appropriate flow or pressure program in the
If you don’t have EFC installed, inject 5 μL of a non-retained gaseous substance compatible with the detector
(Page 18). Calculate the column velocity, then flow rate and split ratio, if applicable, using the equations below.

Column Velocity, μ (cm/sec) =

Column length (cm)
Unretained peak time (sec)

Column Flow Rate (mL/min) =

⎛ cm ⎞
μ⎜ ⎟ × π × rcol
⎝ sec ⎠
( )
2 cm2 × 60 ⎛⎜ sec ⎞⎟
⎝ min ⎠

Split Ratio =
Split vent flow (mL min )
Column flowrate (mL min )
Average Linear Velocity (μ, cm/sec)

Optimum Velocities and Flow Rates for Capillary Columns

Column ID (microns)
250 320 530
Carrier Gas mL/min cm/sec mL/min cm/sec mL/min cm/sec
He 1.3 45 1.7 35 2.8 21
H2 1.6 55 2.1 43 3.4 26
N2 0.4 14 0.5 11 0.9 7

Detector, Carrier, and Make-up Gas Flow Rates
and Gas Types
Use the following guide for determining the appropriate gases for your GC system and setting detector, carrier gas,
and make-up flow rates.

Flow Rates, mL/min Gas Type

Carrier + Carrier Make-up
Detector Make-up Hydrogen* Air 1 Air 2 Gas Gas
TCD 30/30 – – – He, N2, H2, Same as
(reference Ar carrier
FID (0.020" 30 30 300 – He, H2, N2 He, N2
flame tip)
ECD 30 – – – N2, Ar/CH4 N2, Ar/CH4
(He, H2)**
TSD 30 4.0 175 – He, N2 He, N2
PFPD Element specific – refer to PFPD Operator’s Manual He, H2, N2 –
Inlet Cylinder 80 psi 40 psi 60 psi 60 psi
Pressure ~560 kPa ~280 kPa ~420 kPa ~420 kPa
Purity (%) 99.999 99.999 Zero Zero
Grade Grade

* Total H2 flow including any used for carrier or makeup gas.

** He may be used only when capillary column flow rates are <10 mL/min.

Gas Filters
Carrier and detector filters should always be installed to further clean high purity gases, reduce detector noise, and
protect the chromatography system from potential contamination. The following filters are recommended for GC
Filter Description Part
Moisture Gas Filter „ Installed between gas tank and GC inlet CP17971
„ Molecular sieve
„ Removes water vapor
„ Change filter when indicator shows filter is spent
Charcoal Gas Filter „ Installed between gas tank and GC inlet CP17972
„ Activated charcoal
„ Removes organic contaminants
„ Change filter when indicator shows filter is spent
Oxygen Gas Filter „ Installed between carrier gas filter and GC inlet CP17970
„ Removes oxygen and water vapor
„ Recommended with capillary columns
„ Required for ECD
„ Change filter when indicator shows filter is spent

Column and Injector Ferrules for Capillary Columns

Column ID Polyimide Graphite Polyimide/Graphite
Ferrule Size (microns) (10/pk) (10/pk) (10/pk)
No hole – SGO726841 – 28-694590-01
1/16" fitting
0.4 mm ID 250 28-694586-01 CR211104 CR213104
1/16" Fitting
0.5 mm ID 320 03-908361-01 CR211105 CR213105
1/16" fitting
0.8 mm ID 530 28-694552-01 CR211108 CR213108
1/16" fitting
5 mm ferrule for – – 03-925342-01 –
Insert (1079)
O-ring for 1177 88-501031-00
Viton® (pkg of 25)
Graphite Seal 03-926119-30

Glass Injector Inserts
Capillary injector inserts have a direct effect on analysis results. They are chosen depending on the injection mode
(split, splitless, on-column, flash vaporization) and sample characteristics.
„ The split and splitless inserts create a homogenous mixture of sample and carrier gas, transfer a representative
sample into the column and minimizing molecular weight discrimination.
„ The on-column temperature programmable inserts for the 1079 provide quantitative sample transfer and retain
the liquid sample during cold sample introduction.
„ The flash vaporization insert (1061) provides an expansion volume for large samples and minimizes non-
volatile sample components from entering the column.
Insert variations for all injection modes are available for dirty sample matrices, labile compounds, and large volume
injections. Inserts should be replaced as soon as a loss in chromatographic performance is seen. Note that all the
1079 inserts are deactivated.

Mode Insert 1177 Description Part Number

Deactivated glass wool packing. Enhances sample mixing
Packed to ensure linear split.
Split Mode 03-926119-36
4.0 mm ID

The insert be packed with quartz wool, glass beads, etc.

Unpacked Can be used with the full range of capillary columns. 03-926119-27
4.0 mm ID

The narrow bore minimizes dead volume, ensuring

Splitless Open Single efficient transfer of sample to the column. Loosely pack
Mode Goose Neck with quartz wool for hot splitless injections. 03-926119-26
(isothermal) 2 mm ID

Trace analysis. The low surface area makes it ideal for

thermolabile and polar compounds. Used with narrow to
2.0 mm ID wide bore columns (50 - 320 μm). 03-926119-24

Deactivated glass wool packing. Can be used for split,

Split/ Packed splitless.
Splitless 2 mm ID

Mainly used with SPME, this insert is designed for

Open maximum analyte transfer from the SPME fiber.
SPME 03-926119-98
0.75 mm ID

Mode Insert 1079 Description Part Number
Fritted Enhances sample mixing to ensure linear split,
3.4 mm ID instantaneous sample vaporization.
Split Mode 03-926119-46

Open Can be packed with quartz wool, glass beads, etc.

3.4 mm ID Can be used with the full range of capillary columns. 03-926119-45

Packed Packed with 10% OV-101 on Chromosorb W-HP.

3.4 mm ID Can be used with the full range of capillary columns. 03-926119-54

Splitless Open Can be packed with quartz wool, glass beads, etc.
3.4 mm ID Can be used with the full range of capillary columns. 03-926119-45

Splitless Open The narrow bore minimizes dead volume, ensuring

Mode 2 mm ID efficient transfer of sample to the column.

Splitless Open Trace analysis. The low surface area makes it ideal for
(Temperature 0.5 mm ID thermolabile and polar compounds. Used with narrow to
Ramp Mode) wide bore columns (50 - 320 µm). 03-926119-49

Split/Splitless Packed Deactivated glass wool packing. Can be used for split,
(Temperature 2 mm ID splitless and temperature ramp modes.
Ramp Mode) 03-926119-53

SPME Mode Open Mainly used with SPME, this insert is designed for
0.8 mm ID maximum analyte transfer from the SPME fiber. 03-926119-48

High Tapered The tapered internal design allows sealing 0.18 - 0.32 mm
Performance insert for ID capillary columns inside the insert. The low surface
Mode column area makes it ideal for thermolabile and polar compounds. 01-900109-06

On-Column Tapered On-column insert for large bore (0.53 mm) capillary
Mode insert for columns. Like the high performance insert the column is
column sealed within the insert. 01-900109-07

Septa allow the syringe needle to enter the GC injector, yet maintain a leak-free seal in the GC system. They are
available in several different types of materials and sizes depending on injector model and analysis needs. The
septum chosen for a GC analysis should exhibit low bleed, resist leaks, and be easy to pierce when performing
Septa should be changed every 50 to 100 injections or when you note a change in peak retention time or ghost
peaks. It is preferable to change septa routinely, rather than after leaks develop, thus minimizing instrument
downtime and sample loss. Change the septum at the end of the workday, then keep the column oven temperature
hot enough to prevent bleed from accumulating overnight. Using a needle guide, a syringe free of burrs, or an
autosampler will prolong the septum life because a single hole will be repeatedly pierced allowing easier re-sealing.

Septa Description Dimensions Qty Reference

BTO „ Red silicone rubber 9 mm 50 CR298713
„ Tmax: 400 °C 9.5 mm 50 CR298705
„ Low bleed 11.5 mm 50 CR298777
„ Long injection life
„ Center Guide
Marathon „ Red silicone rubber 9 mm 25 CR239778
„ Tmax: 300 °C 9.5 mm 25 CR239188
„ Low bleed 11.5 mm 25 CR239787
„ Recommended autosamplers
Standard „ Beige silicone rubber with 9.5 mm 25 00-997628-02
Teflon® face
„ Tmax: 250 °C 9.5 mm 100 00-997628-03
„ Standard septa for Varian GCs 11.5 mm 25 00-997630-02
11.5 mm 100 00-997630-03

Size your septa here

9.5 mm 11.5 mm
1041 On-column 1079 Injector
1061 Flash Vaporization

Column Quick Connect Kit
This kit simplifies the installation of capillary columns into Varian injectors and detectors. The kit contains split
capillary column nuts, reusable jacketed graphite ferrules (for 250μ, 320μ, 530μ ID columns) and a column depth
scale. No felt tip pen, typewriter correction fluid or tape is needed to mark column depth for any injector or
detector. The split nut design allows you to remove the nut from the column when the column is stored without
having to remove the ferrule. The split capillary column nuts are knurled so that all tightening can be done by hand.
No tools are required.

Column Depth Scale

Included in This Kit (P/N 03-925751-90)

Description Quantity
Column Depth Scale 1 each
Knurled Split Nut 2 each
Graphite Jacketed Ferrule 2 each
(0.4 mm ID)
Graphite Jacketed Ferrule 2 each
(0.5 mm ID)
Graphite Jacketed Ferrule 2 each
(0.8 mm ID)

Spare Parts

Description Quantity Part Number

Graphite Jacketed Ferrule 10 each 03-925384-04
(0.4 mm ID)
Graphite Jacketed Ferrule 10 each 03-925384-05
(0.5 mm ID)
Graphite Jacketed Ferrule 10 each 03-925384-06
(0.8 mm ID)

Recommended Solvents for Capillary Columns
The choice of solvents for a chromatographic analysis depends on the component solubility, detector, and the
polarity of the analytical column. Solvents should ideally match the polarity of the column, especially when
injecting large volumes and performing on-column or splitless injections. Non-polar columns perform best with
non-polar solvents. Polar columns perform best with polar solvents, however, they also perform well with non-
polar solvents.
Below are recommended solvents for non-polar, intermediate, and polar phase columns.

Column Phase Recommended Solvent Boiling Point (°C)

Non-Polar „ Pentane 36.1
„ 100% Methyl „ n-Hexane 69.0
„ 5% Phenyl, 95% Methyl „ Cyclohexane 80.7
„ Isooctane 99.3
„ Benzene 80.1
„ Toluene 110.6
„ Ethyl Ether 34.6
„ Methyl tert-butyl ether 55.2
„ Methylene Chloride 39.8
„ Carbon Tetrachloride 76.7
„ Carbon Disulfide 46.5
Intermediate „ Ethyl Acetate 77.0
„ 50% Phenyl, 50% Methyl „ Acetone 56.5
„ Methyl iso-butyl ketone 127.0
„ Acetonitrile 81.6
Polar „ Methanol 64.7
„ Polyethylene Glycol „ Ethanol 78.5
„ n-Propanol 97.2
„ n-Butanol 117.7

For optimum results with capillary columns:

„ Use small injection volumes whenever possible (~1 μL) for on-column and splitless injections
„ Small ID columns with thin film coatings accommodate smaller injection volumes
„ Large ID columns with thicker coatings can accommodate larger injection volumes
„ Replace injector inserts and septa frequently, as often as every 50 injections
„ Use non-polar solvents whenever possible

Recommended Injector and GC Parameters
Injector On-Column, Flash Vaporizing Split Splitless
(1041/1061) (1079/1177) (1079/1177)
Column For For For
„ Large Bore Capillary Columns All All
(530 μm ID) Capillary Capillary
„ Packed Columns
Columns Columns

Sample Volume „ 0.1 to 2 Large Bore Capillary Columns 0.2 to 2 0.2 to 1

in μL „1 to 5 Packed Columns
Injection Rate „ 0.5 to 5 Large Bore Capillary Columns 50 for CP-8400 A/S 10 for 8200
in μL/sec „1 to 10 Packed Columns 10 for 8200 A/S A/S

Column Installation Measurements for Injectors & Detectors

Units of Measure
Weight/ Weight/ Volume/
Name Abbreviation weight volume volume
Parts per ‰ mg/g μg/μL mL/L
Thousand mg/mL
Parts per ppm μg/g ng/μL nL/mL
Million mg/kg μg/mL μL/L
Parts per ppb ng/g pg/μL nL/L
Billion μg/kg ng/mL
Parts per ppt pg/g fg/μL pL/L
Trillion ng/kg pg/mL

Non-Retained Compounds for GC Detectors

Recommended Non-Retained
Detector Compounds
FID Methane, propane, butane
TCD Air, methane, butane
ECD Methylene chloride headspace vapors
TSD Acetonitrile headspace vapors, butane
PFPD Sulfur hexafluoride, methane, propane,
MS Carbon dioxide

Not to Scale

Varian, Inc.
2700 Mitchell Drive
Walnut Creek, CA 94598/usa

Other Quick Reference Items for your GC



























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