Temperature Control System
Temperature Control System
Temperature Control System
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0 1 0 1 0 1
+ D
To study the performance of various types of controllers used to control the temperature
of an oven.
Temperature control is one of the most common industrial control systems that are in
operation. This equipment is designed to expose the students to the intricacies of such a system
in the 'friendly' environment of a laboratory, free from disturbances and uncertainties of plant
prevalent in an actual process. The 'plant' to be controlled is a specially designed oven having
a short heating as well as cooling time. The temperature time data may be obtained manually,
thus avoiding expensive equipment like an X-Y recorder or a pen recorder. A solid state
temperature sensor converts the absolute temperature information to a proportional electric
signal. The reference and actual temperatures are indicated in degree Celsius on a switch
selectable digital display.
The controller unit compares the reference and the measured signals to generate the
error. Controller options available to the user consist of ON-OFF or relay with two hysteresis
settings and combination of proportional, derivative and integral blocks having independent
coefficient settings. A block diagram of the complete system is shown in Fig. 1.
In addition to the above, terminals have been provided at the back of the main unit for
interfacing with a computer. This enables the user to realize the controller fully in MATLAB
environment and conduct all the experiments through a personal computer. The various
resposes, viz., open loop, close loop with a variety of controller settings etc. may be displayed
on the computer screen and also stored in excel files. Necessary software is supplied with the
unit while the user is expected to have MATLAB installed in the laboratory computer. Steps
for executing this feature are outlined in Section 4.7. It must however be emphasized that the
computerized operation is not an alternative but is an added feature. As a first experience the
student must therefore be encouraged to go through the hardware format.
The first step in the analysis of any control system is to derive its mathematical model.
The various blocks shown in Fig. 1 are now studied in detail and their mathematical
descriptions are developed. This would help in understanding the working of the complete
system and also to implement control strategies.
Kp P
Kd D
Sensor Circuit
1+ sCR I
= T
where, = rate of heat flow in Joule/sec.
T = temperature difference in C
= Constant
t = time in seconds
Under assumptions of linearity, the thermal resistance is defined as, R = Temperature-
difference/rate of heat flow = T/ = 1/. This is analogous to electrical resistance defined
by I = V/R. In a similar manner thermal capacitance of the mass is defined by
= Cd(T)/dt
which is analogous to the V-I relationship of a capacitor, namely I = C dV/dt. In the case of
C = Rate of heat flow/Rate of temperature change
The equation of an oven may now be written by combining the above two equations, implying
that a part of the heat input is used in increasing the temperature of the oven and the rest goes
out as loss. Thus
= C dT/dt + (1/R)XT,
with the initial condition T(t=0) = Tamb. Now, taking Laplace transform with zero initial
T (s ) R
= (1)
(s ) 1 + sCR
An analogous electrical network and block diagram may be drawn as in Fig.2 defined
by the equation
I = C dV/dt + V/R
Eq.(1) is an extremely simplified representation of the thermal system under
consideration and it gives rise to a transfer function of the first order and type zero. Such a
system should be easily controlled in the closed loop. Difficulties are however faced in the
system due to the following reasons:
(a) The temperature rise in response to the heat input is not instantaneous. A certain amount of
time is needed to transfer the heat by convection and conduction inside the oven. This
requires a delay or transportation lag term, exp(-sT1), to be included in the transfer function,
where T1 is the time lag in seconds.
3.2 Controller
Basic control actions commonly used in temperature control systems are
• ON-OFF or relay
• Proportional
• Proportional-Integral
• Proportional-Integral-Derivative
These are described below in some detail.
(a) ON-OFF or Relay type controllers, also referred to as two position controllers, consist of
a simple and inexpensive switch/relay and are, therefore, used very commonly in both
industrial and domestic control systems. Typical applications include air-conditioner and
refrigerators, ovens, heaters with thermostat. Solenoid operated two position valves are
commonly used in hydraulic and pneumatic systems. The basic input-output behaviour of
this controller is shown in Fig. 4. The two positions of the controller are M 1 and M2, and H
is the hysteresis or differential gap.
The hysteresis is necessary, as it enables the controller output to remain at its present
value till the input or error has increased a little beyond zero. Hysteresis helps in avoiding
too frequent switching of the controller, although a large value results in greater errors. The
response of a system with ON-OFF controller is shown in Fig. 5. Describing function
technique is a standard method for the analysis of non-linear systems, for instance, one with
an ON-OFF controller.
(b) Proportional controller is simply an amplifier of gain Kp which amplifies the error
signal and passes it to the actuator. The noise, drift and bias currents of this amplifier set
the lower limit of the input signal which may be handled reliably and therefore decide the
minimum possible value of the error between the input signal and output. Also the
saturation characteristics of this amplifier sets the linear and non-linear regions of its
operation. A typical proportional controller may have an input-output characteristics as in
Fig. 6. Such controller gives non-zero steady state error to step input for a type-0 system as
indicated earlier. The proportional (P) block in the system consists of a variable gain
amplifier having a maximum value, Kp max. of 20.
e(t) m(t)
KI / S
1000 1000
+ +
e(t) -
m(t) = K P e(t) + K I e( t ) dt = K P e(t) + 1 / TI e( t ) dt
0 0
and a block diagram representation is shown in Fig. 7. It may be easily seen that this
controller introduces a pole at the origin, i.e. increases the system type number by unity.
The steady state error of the system is therefore reduced or eliminated. Qualitatively, any
small error signal e(t), present in the system, would get continuously integrated and
generate actuator signal m(t) forcing the plant output to exactly correspond to the reference
input so that the error is zero. In practical systems, the error may not be exactly zero due to
imperfections in an electronic integrator caused by bias current needed, noise and drift
present and leakage of the integrator capacitor.
The integral (I) block in the present system is realised with a circuit shown in Fig.8
and has a transfer function
m( t ) = K P e( t ) + K I e( t ) dt + K D de( t ) / dt
= K P e( t ) + 1 / TI e( t ) dt + TD de( t ) / dt
so that in the Laplace transform domain,
M(s)/E(s) = (Kp + TDs + 1/TIs)
A simple analysis would show that the derivative block essentially increases the damping
ratio of the system and therefore improves the dynamic performance by reducing overshoot.
The PID controller therefore helps in reducing the steady state error with an improvement
in the transient response.
The derivative (D) block in this system is realised with the circuit of Fig. 9. This
has a transfer function
GD(s) = 19.97 s (approx.) (3)
The derivative gain is therefore adjustable in the range 0 to 20 approximately.
Again, the approximation is justified due to the higher tolerance in the values of large
electrolytic capacitance’s.
PID controller is one of the most widely used controller because of its simplicity.
By adjusting its coefficients KP, KD (or TD) and KI (or TI) the controller can be used with a
variety of systems. The process of setting the controller coefficients to suit a given plant is
known as tuning. There are many methods of 'tuning' a PID controller. In the present
experiment, the method of Ziegler-Nichol has been introduced which is suitable for the
oven control system, although better methods are available and may be attempted.
470 470
+ +
e(t) -
T (oC)
TIME (sec.)
A variety of experiments may be conducted with the help of this unit. The principal
advantage of the unit is that all power sources and metering are built-in and one needs only a
watch or use the built-in timer to be able to note down the temperature readings at precise time
instants. After each run the oven has to be cooled to nearly the room temperature, which may
take about 20-25 minutes with forced cooling provided. This would limit the number of runs
to about four in an usual laboratory class. The experiments suggested could be completed in
about 6-8 hours.
Temperature in in
T2=15 sec.
T1=255 sec.
Time in Seconds
Time in Seconds
Keep switch S2 to the 'SET' position and adjust reference potentiometer to the
desired output temperature, say 60.0C, by seeing on the digital display.
Connect R output to the driver input. Outputs of P, D and I must be disconnected
from driver input. Select 'HI' or 'LO' value of hysteresis. (First keep the hysteresis
switch to ‘LO’).
Switch S2 to 'MEASURE' and S1 to 'RUN' position. Read and record oven
temperature every 10 sec., for about 20 minutes.
Plot a graph between temperature and time and observe the oscillations (Fig. 15)
in the steady state. Note down the magnitude of oscillations.
Repeat above steps with the ‘HI’ setting for hysteresis and observe the rise time,
steady-state error and percent overshoot.
4.3 Proportional Controller
Ziegler and Nichols suggest the value of KP for P-Controller as
1 T
KP = 1
K T2
Starting with a cool oven, keep switch S1 to 'WAIT' position and connect P output
to the driver input. Keep R, D and I outputs disconnected. Short 'FEEDBACK'
potentiometer setting needs some explanation here. The formula for Kp above
is for an unity feedback system and has the dimension of Volts/C. In the present
unit a temperature sensor having sensitivity of 10mV/C (0.01V/C) is used
between oven output and controller input. Thus, the Kp calculated above will need
to be divided by 0.01 to obtain the P-control potentiometer setting. KD and KI have
dimensions of sec. and sec-1 respectively hence do not require any further
consideration. These values may be set directly on the respective potentiometers.
Select and set the desired temperature to say 60.0C.
Keep switch S1 to 'RUN' position and record temperature readings as before.
Plot the observations on a linear graph paper and observe the rise time, steady-state
error and percent overshoot.
Installation Steps:
Ensure you have MATLAB 2015b version or later installed on your computer. Install the
FT232 driver provided with the hardware setup onto your computer, then click on the setup file
provided and the computer will install all the required libraries into the default toolbox folder
Experimental Procedure:
The object of this experiment is to operate the TCS-301 hardware with the help of MATLAB
commands and see the results on the computer screen. In addition provisions are there to store
the results in an excel file for further analysis. As a first step all hardware connections on the
front panel needs to be removed. The SET/MEASURE switch is to be put at MEASURE to
continuously display the temperature. Further the TECH-CAMM needs to be connected to the
TCS main unit at the back panel as well as the PC through USB while identifying the COM
port used. Then power both units and open MATLAB. On the top line of window click ‘Add
ONs’, then ‘Manage Add ONs’ and finally ‘open folder’ on TCS.
Put the OVEN switch to OFF.
(b) Operate the unit to determine the PID parameters using Ziegler-Nichol method
This part would give the user an open loop response of the oven. The various default
setting are:
(i) Starting temperature is the room temperature
(ii) Final temperature is around 80 degrees
(iii) Run time set at 600 seconds, however user may stop using the button at lower
left corner of the graphics screen when it is felt that steady temperature is
(iv) Computed values of the PID parameters will be available on the graphic screen.
All the above settings may be changed by the user any time. Following command now
will operate the oven.
x.open_loop(‘PID’) , or, x.open_loop(‘PI’) , or, x.open_loop(‘P’)
Put the OVEN switch to HEAT immediately after running the above command.
Response as shown in Fig.A will be seen on the screen.
(c) Operate the unit with PID parameters obtained above
Before this set the final temperature to a reasonable value, say 70 degrees by the
Time in Seconds
Temperature in °C
Time in Seconds
Now run the oven using the parameters computed above,
x.run_PID(), or, x.run_PI(), or, x.run_P(), or, x.run_Relay()
depending on the type of control chosen. Typical response for PID control is shown in
x.set_start(...) and x.set_ref(...)
(a) To change various parameters
x.set_P(...) Choosing a new P-value
x.set_I(...) Choosing a new I-value
x.set_D(...) Choosing a new D-value
x.set_tot_time(...) To change display time to other than 600 seconds
x.calc_PI() To calculate only PI parameters from the open
loop response
x.calc_P() To calculate only P parameters from the open
loop response
(e) To export data to an excel file and to close the program
x.export_data() Choose a suitable folder
(a) Open - loop measurement : The constant K for oven plus driver controller is given by
(b) Calculation for KP, KI, KD: The coefficient settings according to Ziegler and Nichols are
different for different types of control. The calculations for them are illustrated below.
1 T 1 255
(i) P Control : KP = 1 = x = 0.1466 V/°C
K T2 116.0 15
With temperature-sensor sensitivity of 10 mV/C and maximum gain of P-amplifier as
20, actual Kp max.=0.1V/C. Hence P-setting required for proportional control is 73%.
The Temperature vs Time plot is shown in Fig.12.
c) Results : Fig. 12-15 show the graph of temperature vs. time using P, PI, PID controller
with above coefficient settings, for a set temperature of 60.0C and also the realy control. A
comparison of the graphs with that obtained using P control only should reveal the effectiveness
of I and D controls in reducing steady-state error and percentage overshoot.
Since our intereset in mainly in the transient part of the resposes as well as the final
steady state value of the temperature, the graph may be drawn with break along the time axis,
as shown in Fig. 11-14. This would give an expanded view of the initial part of the response
for better clarity.
Time in Seconds
[1] ‘Modern Control Engineering’, K. Ogata, Prentice Hall India.
[2] ‘Applied Control Theory’, J.R. Leigh, Peter Pergamon Ltd.
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