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State Investment House V CA

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November 16, 1999; STATE INVESTMENT HOUSE, INC. petitioner, vs.



This case stemmed from State Investment House, Inc. (SIHI_ v Cheng Ban Yek Co. (CBY), Inc. et al where SIHI is
the plaintiff which is about an action for foreclosure of mortgage.

(1) Def CBY is a domestic corporation that manufactures edible oil bearing the brand Baguio Oil. It had a millions of
pesos of obligations with SIHI and other creditors like def. Allied Banking Corporation (ALLIED),who is the creditor of
SIHI in the principal amount of P10 million, exclusive of interests, service charges, penalties, and attorneys fees.
(2)Dec: 28, 1982, CBY , SIHI, and other creditors of CBY entered into an Agreement for the restructuring of CBYs
existing obligations to its creditors, but excluding defendant ALLIED and several other creditors who did not sign said
(3) The parties executed a Mortagage Indenture dates Dec 28, 1082 to secure the prompt and full payment of the
obligations.Parties to the mortgage: CBY and FOUR SEAS as Mortgagors and SIHI and 15 other creditors of CBY
as mortgagees involving 23 parcels of registered lands and the improvements therein.
This mortgage was modified several times.Moreover, as additional security to said Agreement, the parties also agreed
that the Existing Comprehensive Surety Agreement previously executed by defendant Alfredo Ching would continue to
subsist and that he would remain solidarily liable with CBY for the payment of the amounts owed.
(4) June 28, 1986: CBY defaulted. August 8, 1988: the CBY Creditors Committee, pursuant to the Mortagage
agreement, declared all of CBYs obligations due and payable. SIHI sent another letter dated August 9, 1989 likewise
declaring the same. April 16, 1990, SIHI notified the Creditors Committee that it would institute proceedings for the
enforcement of the remedies granted under the agreement. April 20, 1990, Creditors Committee authorized SIHI to
institute the foreclosure proceedings provided that the proceeds of the foreclosure sale would be distributed and
applied to all of CBYs obligations under the terms of the Agreement previously mentioned
(5) May 10, 1990: SIHI filed a case with the RTC against CBY, FOUR SEAS, and Alfredo Ching, and impleading
twenty-two (22) other creditors of CBY including herein petitioner ALLIED, allegedly because they hold inferior or
subordinate mortgage rights to the properties sought to be foreclosed
(6) January 31, 1991: ALLIED filed its Answer to the complaint, denying that its interests in the mortgaged properties
in question are subordinate in right to that of plaintiff SIHI, alleging among other things that it was not a party to the
Agreement attached to the complaint as Annex B and, therefore, not bound by its provisions; likewise denying that
it was a party to the Fourth Amendatory Agreement also attached to the complaint as its Annex S which it claimed
was never valid, binding and effective for lack of consent on the part of the other creditors as shown by the fact that
they did not sign the same; claiming that defendant CBY owes it the principal amount P10 million, exclusive of
interest, service charges, penalties, and attorneys fees;
(7) However, on January 31, 1991, plaintiff SIHI, for the consideration of P33 million, entered into a Deed of
Assignment with FIL-NIPPON transferring to the latter all its rights, interests, claims, and causes of action arising out
of the case.
(8) April 16, 1991: FIL-NIPPON filed a Motion for Substitution of Party Plaintiff in lieu of plaintiff SIHI which
motion was opposed by defendant ALLIED on the grounds that it has a counterclaim against SIHI arising from
irregularities, excesses, abuses and inimical acts committed by it in managing defendant CBY; that as long as

said counterclaim has not been finally resolved, the substitution of plaintiff SIHI would be improper; and that
if at all, FIL-NIPPON can intervene and be a co-plaintiff.
(9) July 4,1991: RTC: Fil-NIPPONs motion for substitution was granted. Allieds MfR: DENIED. ALLIED appealed to
the CA. CA favoured ALLIED and ordered SIHI to continue as plaintiff. Hence this petition.

ISSUE: WON the substitution should be granted

HELD: No, it shouldnt.

The rule on substitution of parties in case of transfer of interest is found in Section 19, Rule 3, which states:

"Sec. 19. Transfer of Interest - In case of any transfer of interest, the action may be continued by or against the original party, unless the court
upon motion directs the person to whom the interest is transferred to be substituted in the action or joined with the original party.

ALLIED: for as long as the counterclaim is not finally resolved, the substitution of party plaintiff despite the objection of
private respondent and which may result in the discharge of the petitioner as original plaintiff, would be improper. If at
all, Fil-Nippon can intervene in the case below and be co-plaintiff with SIHI. Allied also points out that the counterclaim
for damages is based on quasi-delict, which is a legal source of obligation.

It has been held that a transferee pendente lite does not have to be included or impleaded by name in order to be
bound by the judgment because the action or suit may be continued for or against the original party or the transferor
and still be binding on the transferee.
More specifically , this Court has ruled that a transferee pendente lite is a proper party in the case but it is not an
indispensable party.[5]
CA is correct in ruling that SIHI should continue to be the plaintiff, and Fil-Nippon should be impleaded as coplaintiff. The order of the trial court authorizing the substitution of parties failed to take into account the fact that there
is a counterclaim for damages contained in Allied Banks Answer arising from the alleged inimical acts committed by
SIHI in manipulating the operations of CBY that drained the latters resources to the prejudice of its creditors. The
counterclaim for damages is severable and independent of SIHIs cause of action under the Agreement dated
December 28, 1982 entered into by SIHI, CBY and other creditors of CBY for the restructuring of CBYs existing
obligations. CA is right in saying that, the alleged acts of SIHI that gave rise to the complaint (counterclaim) for
damages do not arise out of the foreclosure of mortgage which is the subject of the original case.

MAIN POINT: Even if FIL-NIPPON assumed all the rights and obligations of SIHI in the case, the assignment cannot
bind or prejudice ALLIED who did not consent to the assignment. The counterclaim for actual, moral and other
damages should be pursued and enforced against the real party-in-interest, which is SIHI, which cannot be
discharged from the case over the opposition of ALLIED. WHY? Because all the allegations are PERSONAL ACTS of
SIHI. Such assumption of risk clearly does not include liability for the purely personal acts of abuses, irregularities,
nepotism, etc.

FIL-NIPPON cannot be substituted as its debtor under said counterclaim without its consent, in view of NCC. 1293
providing thatNovation which consists in substituting a new debtor in the place of the original one, may be made even without the knowledge or against the will
of the latter but not without the consent of the creditor. xxx

SIHIs DEFENSE: NCC 1293 doesnt apply because Sec. 17.7 of the Agreement which it and its creditors had
executed expressly allows the assignment which it had made in favor of FIL-NIPPON. ALLIEDS ANSWER: So
what?! I am not a party to that agreement. Duh. So you cant bind me under it.
To reiterate, Fil-Nippon, as transferee of SIHIs interests pendente lite, is not even an indispensable party in the case.


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