the rib
slightly concave
scalenus posterior
levator costae
The breast skin is innervated by the:
The phrenic nerve originates mainly from the 4th cervical nerve, but
also receives contributions from the 5th and 3rd cervical nerves (C3C5) in humans.
coronary sulcus,
a surface groove encircling the heart that separates the atria from
the ventricles. It contains the right coronary artery, the small
cardiac vein, the coronary sinus, and the circumflex branch of the
left coronary artery.
Superficial part
The superficial part of the cardiac plexus lies beneath the arch of
the aorta, in front of the right pulmonary artery.
It is formed by the superior cardiac branch of the left sympathetic
trunk and the lower superior cervical cardiac branch of the left
vagus nerve.
A small ganglion, the cardiac ganglion of Wrisberg, is occasionally
found connected with these nerves at their point of junction.
This ganglion, when present, is situated immediately beneath the
arch of the aorta, on the right side of the ligamentum arteriosum.
The superficial part of the cardiac plexus gives branches
Deep part
The deep part of the cardiac plexus is situated in front of the
bifurcation of the trachea, above the point of division of the
pulmonary artery, and behind the aortic arch.
It is formed by the cardiac nerves derived from the cervical ganglia
of the sympathetic trunk, and the cardiac branches of the vagus and
recurrent laryngeal nerves.
The only cardiac nerves which do not enter into the formation of the
deep part of the cardiac plexus are the superior cardiac nerve of the
left sympathetic trunk, and the lower of the two superior cervical
cardiac branches from the left vagus nerve, which pass to the
superficial part of the plexus.
Right half
The branches from the right half of the deep part of the cardiac
plexus pass, some in front of, and others behind, the right
pulmonary artery; the former, the more numerous, transmit a few
filaments to the anterior pulmonary plexus, and are then continued
onward to form part of the anterior coronary plexus; those behind
the pulmonary artery distribute a few filaments to the right atrium,
and are then continued onward to form part of the posterior
coronary plexus.
Left half
The left half of the deep part of the plexus is connected with the
superficial part of the cardiac plexus, and gives filaments to the left
atrium, and to the anterior pulmonary plexus, and is then continued
to form the greater part of the posterior coronary plexus.
pericardial artery
one of several small vessels branching from the thoracic aorta,
supplying the dorsal surface of the pericardium.
1. The reflection of pleura surrounding the root of the lung (including
the pulmonary ligament inferiorly) as parietal pleura becomes
continuous with the visceral pleura of the lung.