Anat Thorax QB
Anat Thorax QB
Anat Thorax QB
The right coronary artery arises from the anterior aortic sinus of the ascending aorta,
immediately above the aortic valve.
After arising from the ascending aorta, the right coronary artery first runs forwards between the
pulmonary trunk and the right auricle, and then it descends almost vertically in the right
atrioventricular groove (right anterior coronary sulcus) up to the junction of the right and the
inferior borders of the heart. At the inferior border of the heart, it turns posteriorly and runs in the
posterior atrioventricular groove (right posterior coronary sulcus) up to the posterior
interventricular groove where it terminates by anastomosing with the left coronary artery.
Branches and Distribution
1. Right conus artery: It supplies the anterior surface of the pulmonary conus (infundibulum of
the right ventricle).
2. Atrial branches: They supply the atria. One of the atrial branches—the artery of sinuatrial
node (also called sinuatrial nodal artery) supplies the SA node in 60% cases. In 40% of
individuals it arises from the left coronary artery.
3. Anterior ventricular branches: They are two or three and supply the anterior surface of the
right ventricle.The marginal branch is the largest and runs along the lower margin of the
sternocostal surface to reach the apex.
4. Posterior ventricular branches: They are usually two and supply the diaphragmatic surface of
the right ventricle.
5. Posterior interventricular artery: It runs in the posterior interventricular groove up to the apex.
It supplies the:
(a) posterior part of the interventricular septum,
(b) atrioventricular node (AV node) in 60% of the cases, and
(c) right and left ventricles.
N.B. In 10% individuals, the posterior interventricular artery arises from the left coronary
The left coronary artery arises from the left posterior aortic sinus of the ascending aorta,
immediately above the aortic valve.
After arising from ascending aorta, the left coronary artery runs forwards and to the left between
the pulmonary trunk and the left auricle. It then divides into an anterior interventricular and
circumflex artery. The anterior interventricular artery (left anterior descending/LAD) runs
downwards in the anterior interventricular groove to the apex of the heart. It then passes
posteriorly around the apex of the heart to enter the posterior interventricular groove to
terminate by anastomosing with the posterior interventricular artery—a branch of the right
coronary artery.
The circumflex artery winds around the left margin of the heart and continues in the left posterior
coronary sulcus up to the posterior interventricular groove where it terminates by anastomosing
with the right coronary artery.
The heart is supplied by the sympathetic and parasympathetic fibres via the superficial and
deep cardiac plexuses formed by the parasympathetic and sympathetic fibres.
The parasympathetic fibres are derived from vagus nerves. They are cardioinhibitory; hence
their stimulation causes slowing of the heart rate and constriction of the coronary arteries.
The sympathetic fibres are derived from upper 3–5 thoracic spinal segments. They are
cardioacceleratory, hence their stimulation increase the heart rate and causes the dilatation of
the coronary arteries. The sympathetic fibres also cause dilatation of the coronary arteries.
2. Define bronchopulmonary segments. Name the bronchopulmonary segments of
both lungs. Discuss the applied aspects.
The bronchopulmonary segments are well-defined, wedge- shaped sectors of the lung, which
are aerated by tertiary (segmental) bronchi
Segmental resection of the lung:Since each segment is an independent functional unit having its
own bronchovascular supply and potential planes of separation exist between the segments.
Localized chronic disease, such as tuberculosis, bronchiectasis or benign neoplasm is restricted
to one segment; it is, therefore, possible to dissect out and remove the diseased segment
leaving the surrounding tissue intact
The right atrium is somewhat quadrilateral chamber situated behind and to the right side of the
right ventricle. It consists of a main cavity and a small outpouching called auricle.
External Features
1. The right atrium is elongated vertically and receives superior vena cava (SVC) at its upper
end and the inferior vena cava (IVC) at its lower end.
2. The upper anterior part is prolonged to the left to form the right auricular appendage, the right
auricle. The margins of the auricle are notched. The right auricle overlaps the roots of the
ascending aorta completely and infundibulum of the right ventricle partly.
3. A shallow vertical groove called sulcus terminalis extends along the right border between the
superior and inferior vena cavae. The upper part of the sulcus contains the sinuatrial (SA) node.
Internally it corresponds to crista terminalis.
4.The vertical right atrioventricular groove lodges the right coronary artery and the small cardiac
Internal Features
The interior of the right atrium is divided into two parts:
(a) main smooth posterior part – the sinus venarum
(b) rough anterior part – the atrium proper.
The two parts are separated from each other by crista terminalis.
The interior of right atrium also presents septal wall of the right atrium. Developmentally it is
derived from septum primum and septum secundum. The septal wall when viewed from within
the right atrium presents the following features:
1. Fossa ovalis, a shallow oval/saucer-shaped depression in the lower part, formed by
septum primum. It represents the site of foramen ovale in the foetus.
2. Annulus ovalis/limbus fossa ovalis, forms the distinct upper and lateral margin of the
fossa ovalis. It represents the free edge of the septum secundum. Inferiorly the annulus
ovalis is continuous with the left end of the valve of IVC.
3. Triangle of Koch, a triangular area bounded in front by the base of septal leaflet of
tricuspid valve, behind by anterior margin of the opening of coronary sinus and above by
the tendon of Todaro—a subendocardial ridge. The atrioventricular node lies in this
4. Torus aorticus, an elevation in the anterosuperior part of the septum produced due to
bulging of the right posterior (non-coronary) sinus of ascending aorta.
The 3rd–6th spaces are typical intercostal spaces because the blood and nerve supply of 3rd–
6th intercostal spaces is confined only to thorax.The 3rd–6th spaces are typical intercostal
spaces because the blood and nerve supply of 3rd–6th intercostal spaces is confined only to
1. Brachiocephalic (innominate) artery.
2. Left common carotid artery.
3. Left subclavian artery.
The arch of aorta develops from the following sources:
1. Aortic sac.
2. Left horn of aortic sac.
3. Left fourth aortic arch artery.
4. Left dorsal aorta (between the attachment of the fourth
aortic arch (artery) and 7th cervical intersegmental artery.
6. Describe with the help of labelled diagrams, features & impressions on the
mediastinal surfaces of right & left lungs. Give microscopic structure of lungs.
7. Discuss the left and right lung under: Coverings & its nerve supply, lobes
Parietal Pleura
The parietal pleura is thicker than the visceral pleura and lines the walls of the pulmonary cavity.
divide parietal pleura, according to the surface, which it lines, covers or the region in which it
lies. Thus parietal pleura is divided into the following four parts :
1. Costal pleura.
2. Diaphragmatic pleura.
3. Mediastinal pleura.
4. Cervical pleura.
The parietal pleura is supplied by the somatic nerves and is sensitive to pain:
Costal and peripheral part of the diaphragmatic pleura is supplied by the intercostal nerves.
Mediastinal and central part of the diaphragmatic pleura is supplied by the phrenic nerve.
The visceral pleura is supplied by the autonomic (sympathetic) nerves (T2–T5) and is
insensitive to pain.
Referred pain of pleura: The pain from central diaphragmatic pleura and mediastinal pleura is
referred to the neck or shoulder through phrenic nerves (C3, C4, and C5) because skin at these
sites has same segmental supply through the supraclavicular nerves (C3, C4, and C5).
The right lung is divided into three lobes: superior, middle, and inferior by two fissures—(a) an
oblique fissure and (b) a horizontal fissure.
The left lung is divided into two lobes: (a) superior and (b) inferior by an oblique fissure.
2. Veins
(a) Right and left brachiocephalic veins.
(b) Upper half of the superior vena cava (SVC)
(c) Left superior intercostal vein.
3. Nerves
(a) Phrenic nerves(rightandleft).
(b) Vagus nerves (right and left).
(c) Sympathetic trunks and cardiac nerves (right and left).
(d) Left recurrent laryngeal nerves.
5. Tubes
(a) Trachea.
(b) Esophagus.
6. Muscles
(a) Sternohyoid.
(b) Sternothyroid.
(c) Longus colli.
The parasympathetic fibres are derived from vagus nerves. They are cardioinhibitory; hence
their stimulation causes slowing of the heart rate and constriction of the coronary arteries.
The sympathetic fibres are derived from upper 3–5 thoracic spinal segments. They are
cardioacceleratory, hence their stimulation increase the heart rate and causes the dilatation of
the coronary arteries. The sympathetic fibres also cause dilatation of the coronary arteries.
It is formed by the:
(a) superior cervical cardiac branch of left cervical sympathetic trunk, and
(b) inferior cervical cardiac branch of left vagus nerve.
The superficial cardiac plexus gives branches to
(a) deep cardiac plexus
(b) right coronary artery
(c) left anterior pulmonary plexus.
It is formed by:
(a) all the cardiac branches derived from three cervical and upper 4 or 5 thoracic ganglia of the
sympathetic chains except the superior cervical cardiac branch of left cervical sympathetic
chain, and
(b) all the cardiac branches of vagus and recurrent laryngeal nerves except the inferior cervical
cardiac branch of the left vagus nerve.
The right and left halves of the plexus distributes branches to
(a) corresponding coronary arteries and pulmonary plexus
(b) separate branches to the atria.
● The sensations of pain arising due to the ischemia of the heart pass through the
sympathetic fibres to reach the upper five thoracic spinal segments (T1–T5) and follow
the usual somatosensory pathway to the central nervous system.
● The pain fibres pass from thoracic ganglia to the spinal nerves
● The cell bodies of the first order sensory neurons are located in the dorsal root ganglia of
T1– T5 spinal nerves.
● Hence cardiac pain is referred mainly in the area of distribution of these nerves, i.e.,
pectoral region and medial aspect of the arm and forearm.
● Sometimes cardiac pain is referred to the neck and mandible. It is because of the
connection of sympathetic fibres with the cervical nerves.
10. Describe azygos vein under: formation, course and tributaries, termination and
The coronary sinus is the largest vein of the heart and lies in the posterior part of the
atrioventricular groove (left posterior coronary sulcus).
It develops from the left horn of the sinus venosus and a part of the left common cardinal vein.
2. Sinuses of pericardium
3. Thoracic duct
Thoracic duct drains lymph from whole of the body except the right upper quadrant of the body
which is drained by the right lymphatic duct (Fig. 23.1).
Extent: The thoracic duct extends to the upper end of cisterna chyli on the posterior abdominal
wall at the lower border of T12 vertebra to the junction of left internal jugular and left subclavian
veins at the root of the neck.
1. Vertebral column.
2. Right posterior intercostal arteries. 3. Thoracic duct.
4. Azygos vein.
5. Hemiazygos veins (terminal parts). 6. Descending thoracic aorta.
To the right:
1. Right lung and pleura. 2. Azygos vein.
3. Right vagus nerve.
To the left:
1. Arch of aorta.
2. Left subclavian artery.
3. Thoracic duct.
4. Left lung and pleura.
5. Left recurrent laryngeal nerve. 6. Descending thoracic aorta.
A PDA is most commonly funnel shaped with the larger aortic end (ampulla) distal to the left
subclavian artery, then narrowing toward the pulmonary end, with insertion at the junction of the
main and left pulmonary arteries
The presence of the ductus arteriosus in the fetal circulation is essential to allow right-to-left
shunting of nutrient-rich, oxygenated blood from the placenta to the fetal systemic circulation,
thereby bypassing the fetal pulmonary circuit
Several changes occur at birth to initiate normal functional closure of the ductus arteriosus
within the first 15 to 18 hours of life.
• Spontaneous respirations result in increased blood oxygen content.
• Prostaglandin levels decrease because of placental ligation and increased metabolism of
prostaglandins within the pulmonary circulation by prostaglandin dehydrogenase.
The right lung is divided into three lobes: superior, middle, and inferior by two fissures—(a) an
oblique fissure and (b) a horizontal fissure.
1. Oblique fissure: A long oblique fissure runs obliquely downwards and forwards crossing
the posterior border about 6 cm (2 inches) below the apex and inferior border about 7.5
cm (3 inches) lateral to the midline. It separates the superior and middle lobes from the
inferior lobe
2. Horizontal fissure: A short horizontal fissure is present only in the right lung. It starts from
oblique fissure at the midaxillary line and runs horizontally forward to the anterior border
of the lung. It separates the superior and middle lobes.
3. Trensversus thoracis
4. Pleural recesses
in areas of pleural reflection on to the diaphragm and mediastinum, the space between the
parietal and visceral pleura is greatly expanded. These expanded regions of pleural cavity are
called pleural recesses. They are essential for lung expansion during deep inspiration. Thus
pleural recesses serve as reserve spaces of pleural cavity for the lungs to expand during deep
inspiration. The recesses of pleura are as follows:
5. Pulmonary ligament
The pleura surround the root of the lung similar to the cuff (sleeve) of the jacket around the wrist
It extends down as a fold called pulmonary ligament.
The pulmonary ligament extends from the root of the lung as far down as the diaphragm
between the lung and the mediastinum.
The fold is filled with loose areolar tissue and contain few lymphatics.
1. It provides a dead space into which the pulmonary veins can expand during increased
venous return as during exercise.
2. It allows the descent of the root of the lung with the descent of diaphragm during
inspiration. As a result, the apex of lung comes down from the tough suprapleural
membrane leaving an empty space below the membrane.
Now the apex of lung can expand into this empty space.
6. Sternal angle
The manubrium makes a slight angle with the body at this junction called sternal angle or angle
of Louis. It is recognized by the presence of a transverse ridge on the anterior aspect of the
7. Ist rib
Distinguishing Features
1. It is shortest, broadest, and most acutely curved.
2. Its shaft is flattened above downwards so that it has upper and lower surfaces, and outer and
inner borders.
3. Its head is small, rounded, and bears a single circular articular facet to articulate with the side
of first thoracic vertebra.
4. Its angle and tubercle coincide.
5. It has no costal groove on its inner surface.
6. Its neck is rounded and elongated. It is directed upwards, backwards and laterally.
7. Its anterior end is larger and thicker.
8. Interatrial septum
The interior of right atrium also presents septal wall of the right atrium. Developmentally it is
derived from septum primum and septum secundum. The septal wall when viewed from within
the right atrium presents the following features:
● Fossa ovalis, a shallow oval/saucer-shaped depression in the lower part, formed by
septum primum. It represents the site of foramen ovale in the foetus.
● Annulus ovalis/limbus fossa ovalis, forms the distinct upper and lateral margin of the
fossa ovalis. It represents the free edge of the septum secundum. Inferiorly the annulus
ovalis is continuous with the left end of the valve of IVC.
● Triangle of Koch, a triangular area bounded in front by the base of septal leaflet of
tricuspid valve, behind by anterior margin of the opening of coronary sinus and above by
the tendon of Todaro—a subendocardial ridge. The atrioventricular node lies in this
● Torus aorticus, an elevation in the anterosuperior part of the septum produced due to
bulging of the right posterior (non-coronary) sinus of ascending aorta.
9. Brachycephalic vein
There are two brachiocephalic veins: (a) right and (b) left. Each of them is formed behind the
sternoclavicular joint by the union of corresponding internal jugular and subclavian veins. They
unite to form SVC. Both are devoid of valves.