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Engineering Standard


30 January 2007

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

Heat Transfer Equipment Standards Committee Members
Anizi, Salamah Salem, Chairman
Bagawi, Jamil Jarallah, Vice Chairman
Hamam, Ibrahim Hassan
Fernandez, Gabriel Thomas
Gahtani, Moraya Saif
Dossary, Musfir Abdullah
Rumaih, Abdullah Mohammad
Naffaa, Mahmoud Youniss
Moore, Mark Andrew
Anezi, Mohammed Ali

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

Scope............................................................. 2
Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
References..................................................... 2
Definitions...................................................... 4
Responsibilities.............................................. 5
Welding.......................................................... 5
Storage and Handling at Site......................... 6
Surface Preparation....................................... 6
Installation...................................................... 7
Curing and Dryout........................................ 12
Inspection, Testing and Repairs.................. 13

Previous Issue: 30 November 2004 Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin
Primary contact: Anizi, Salamah Salem on 966-3-8746139
CopyrightSaudi Aramco 2007. All rights reserved.

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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories


This standard establishes the minimum mandatory requirements for installation,

testing and inspection of hydraulic-setting refractory systems for pressure
vessels, boilers, process heaters, heat exchangers, flare tips, sulfur recovery unit
equipment and piping.


For equipment and refractory systems not covered by this standard, the Saudi
Aramco Engineer is to be contacted for guidance in determining the extent to
which this standard is applicable.


This entire standard may be attached to and made a part of purchase orders.


This standard covers the installation of new hydraulic-setting castable refractory

and the repair of existing hydraulic-setting castable refractory.

Conflicts and Deviations


Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.


Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.

Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a

Mandatory Saudi Aramco Engineering

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards


Refractory Systems
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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012


Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

Welding Requirements for Pressure Vessels

Saudi Aramco Standard Drawings


Hexsteel Details


Anchoring Details for Castable Refractory


Support Details at Nozzles and Manways for

Castable Refractory


Refractory Repairs and Terminations

Commentary Note:
The Saudi Aramco Drawings listed above and referenced in this standard shall be
used for the generation of detailed refractory system drawings, specific for each

Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirement

Form 175-328110

Refractories: Hydraulic-Setting, Castable Systems

Industry Codes and Standards

American Society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes

Welding and Brazing Qualifications

American Society for Testing and Materials


Standard Test Methods for Apparent Porosity,

Water Absorption, Apparent Specific Gravity
and Bulk Density of Burned Refractory Brick
and Shapes by Boiling Water


Standard Test Method for Pyrometric Cone

Equivalent (PCE) of Fireclay and High
Alumina Refractory Materials


Standard Test Method for Reheat Change of

Refractory Brick


Test Methods for Cold Crushing Strength and

Modulus of Rupture of Refractories


Test Methods for Size and Bulk Density of

Refractory Brick and Insulating Firebrick


Standard Practices for Determining and

Measuring Consistency of Refractory
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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012


Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

Practice for Preparing Refractory Concrete

Specimens by Casting

Steel Structures Painting Council


Commercial Blast Cleaning


Brush Blasting

Anchors: "V" or "Y" shaped hardware that supports and holds castable refractory in
Curing: The initial ambient temperature holding period following refractory
placement. Curing is required to displace all free water prior to dryout.
Dryout: The initial controlled heating of refractory linings raised to temperatures near
their service temperature after curing. Dryout is to achieve the required physical
properties of the lining at its service temperature.
Equipment Manufacturer: The company that is responsible for the fabrication of
process heaters, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, piping and flare tips to which
refractory is installed.
Hexsteel and "S" bars: Metal supports for extreme erosion-resistant castable
Metal Fiber Reinforcement: Stainless steel needles added to monolithic refractory
castables to increase strength.
MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheets for refractory material, supplied by the Refractory
Refractory Inspector: The person or company authorized by the Saudi Aramco
Inspection Department to inspect refractory installations to the requirements of this
Refractory Installer: The company that is responsible for the installation of refractory
Refractory Manufacturer: The company that manufactures refractory products from
raw materials.
Refractory Systems: A lining system that is designed to high temperatures, hot gases,
and the action of erosive materials. Components include anchors, reinforcement, vapor
barriers, and refractory materials needed for complete installation.
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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

Saudi Aramco Engineer: The Supervisor of the Piping and Valves Unit, Consulting
Services Department, Dhahran.
Vapor Barrier: A high-temperature coating that is applied to the shell of equipment to
protect the steel from condensing corrosive gases. For Refractory Ceramic Fibers
(RCF), the vapor barrier consists of a metal foil imbedded in RCF and high temperature
coating on the shell.
Vapor Stops: A metal ring that is welded to the shell of equipment to prevent gas
Vibration Casting: Castable installation technique where by refractory is mixed with
water and placed in a formed enclosure with the aid of which causes the refractory to
become "fluid like" and thereby flow and consolidate to the desired shape of the formed


The Refractory Installer is responsible for installing refractory systems in

accordance with the requirements of this standard and of the specific
requirements of the Refractory Manufacturer and the Equipment Manufacturer.


The Refractory Installer is also responsible for preparing a complete installation

procedure in accordance with the requirements of the Refractory Manufacturer,
the Equipment Manufacturer, and this standard.


The Equipment Manufacturer is responsible for preparing fully detailed

engineering drawings of the refractory system. As a minimum, the drawings
shall include anchorage design including spacing and orientation, refractory
thickness, all materials, surface preparation, and welding details.



All refractory anchor welding shall be in accordance with the requirements

of ASME SEC IX, QW-190, as appropriate, for fillet welds or QW-192
for stud welding, and with the requirements of SAES-W-010.


All refractory anchors, stud supports, vapor stops, and edging bars for
the support of castable refractory materials on pressure vessels and
pressure piping are to be made only with the shielded metal arc welding
(SMAW) or gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) welding processes and
shall be welded all around. For anchors, stud welding is an acceptable
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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012


Installation Requirements Castable Refractories


The Equipment Manufacturer shall submit Welding Procedure

Specifications and Performance Qualification Records to the Refractory
Inspector for review and approval prior to welding.


The Equipment Manufacturer shall prepare and have available the

detailed anchor welding procedure(s) that is to be used. This
procedure(s) shall include results of the procedure qualification tests.


For anchors welded by SMAW or GTAW, the procedure qualification

test shall include tension tests to failure on three anchors that have been
welded according to the procedure and on materials that will be used for
production welds. One welded anchor shall be bent through 90 and
shall show no evidence of failure in the weld.

Welding Details

Refractory anchorage, including anchors, studs, supports and similar

items shall not be welded within 12.5 mm of circumferential and
longitudinal seams of pressure vessels and piping. Anchors of edging
bars type shall not be welded less than 50 mm parallel to circumferential
or longitudinal seams of pressure vessels and piping.


If equipment is to be post weld heat treated, all anchors are to be welded

prior to heat treatment.

Storage and Handling at Site


Prior to placement, all refractory shall be protected from water and moisture.


Materials shall be stored off the ground and covered with tarps to protect against
water or moisture damage.


The Refractory Manufacturer's precautions, as specified on the MSDS sheets,

must be strictly followed.

Surface Preparation

All surfaces shall be clean, dry, and free from oil, grease, weld slag, and mill
scale prior to installation of refractory.


Prior to the application of refractory, all metallic surfaces shall be grit-blasted in

accordance with SSPC SP 6, "Commercial Blast Clean".


Surfaces that were previously coated with a vapor barrier or that are heavily
corroded shall be brush blasted in accordance with SSPC SP 7, "Brush

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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories




Application of hydraulic-setting refractory shall be by gunning, casting,

or vibration casting.


Test panels must be made prior to the application of castable refractory.

The testing procedures are to be performed in accordance with the
requirements of paragraph 11.


Surfaces to be lined shall be inspected prior to refractory installation.

Lining shall not be applied without prior approval of Saudi Aramco's
authorized Refractory Inspector.


Linings shall not be applied when the temperature of the backing surface
exceeds 32C.


Linings must be protected from heat-induced accelerated setting by

maintaining the temperature of the backing surface, a maximum of 32C
for a minimum of 24 hours after installation.


In order to achieve the temperature limitations specified in paragraphs

9.1.4 and 9.1.5, the backing surface may be shaded from direct sunlight,
the refractory lining may be applied indoors, or apply refractory lining at
night with proper illumination. Cooling by use of water spraying is


Linings shall not be applied in freezing weather unless all materials are
kept above 10C during the lining application and for a period 24 hours
after the lining application.


Linings shall be applied in a manner that will ensure minimal shrinkage.

All cracks are subject to repairs.


The water used to mix refractory shall comply with the following:

The pH shall be within a range of 5.8-8.6.


The quality of the water shall be within the following limits:

Total Impurity Level

< 1000 ppm


< 300 ppm


< 300 ppm

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Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories


< 200 ppm


< 500 ppm


< 200 ppm

9.1.10 Admixtures shall not be used.

9.1.11 The water ratios as specified by the Refractory Manufacturer shall be
9.1.12 The temperature of the water and refractory shall be controlled so that
the mixed refractory is between 10C and 32C.
9.1.13 Additives to linings shall not be used unless approved by Saudi Aramco
9.1.14 Piping and equipment shall be adequately supported to prevent distortion
during lining.
9.1.15 Threaded attachments on equipment shall be protected from the lining
during application. Protection shall not interfere with the application of
the lining.
9.1.16 Equipment nozzle extensions shall be coated with grease to prevent
refractory from bonding to them.
9.1.17 All openings in equipment shall be closed by means of tapered hardwood
plugs or sheet metal sleeves that are long enough to extend beyond the
final thickness of the lining. These plugs or sleeves shall be coated with
grease, shall be snugly fitted into openings, and shall not be removed
until the refractory has set.
9.1.18 Refractory that shows signs of having set (lumps or hardness throughout)
prior to installation shall be rejected. All refractory shall be placed
within the Refractory Manufacturer's recommended time limits.
Refractory that is not used within specified time limit shall be discarded.
9.1.19 If refractory is installed in piping or vessel sections prior to their being
connected by welding a minimum gap of 100 mm at the ends of each
section shall be left unlined until the sections have been welded.
9.1.20 The second layer in double-layer linings shall not be applied until the
first layer has been cured for a minimum of 24 hours. Immediately prior
to applying the second layer, the first layer must be thoroughly wetted
with water of a quality as outlined in 9.1.9.

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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

9.1.21 Linings of each type of refractory shall be installed to the full thickness
in a single application and shall not be built up in layers. If it is
necessary to apply lining in sections to achieve full thickness in single
application, edge forms shall be beveled 10 to provide for keying of
adjoining sections. Appropriate provisions shall be made for
construction joints.



Installation of Anchors and Supports


Anchors and T studs shall be installed in accordance with AC-036397.


Details of nozzle and manway openings in refractory lined pressure

vessels and piping shall be in accordance with AB-036914.


Hexsteel shall be installed in accordance with AB-036396.

Mixing Refractory for Pneumatic Applications


Mixing of refractory materials shall be done in a paddle type mixer.


Only full contents of refractory bags or drums shall be placed in the

mixer. Fractional parts of a bag or drum shall not be used.


Dry gunning application method shall be used. Wet gunning application

requires approval of Saudi Aramco Engineer.


When fiber reinforcement is used, the fibers shall be added to the mixer
through a wire mesh screen approximately 12 mm openings to obtain
proper fiber distribution.


The refractory shall be used within 15 minutes of mixing.

Application of Pneumatically Applied Refractory


Only qualified personnel who are thoroughly experienced with

pneumatic application of refractory lining shall be employed for this


Minimum air pressure, consistent with adequate compaction of the

refractory, shall be used. The air pressure is to be determined by test
prior to application.


Gun nozzles are to be sized to enable the "nozzleman" to maintain

effective control of the application and to allow maneuverability in
confined spaces.

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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories


The "nozzleman" shall shoot at right angles to the surface that is being


The water supply and air pressure must remain constant during


All rebound material ahead of the "nozzleman" shall be removed to

prevent inclusion in the lining.


Under no circumstances shall rebound material be reused.


For a specific band all rebound and loose material shall be removed from
the surface before application of the next band is started. No rebound
material shall be allowed to accumulate at any point where the lining has
already been applied.


In vertical vessels and piping, the lining shall be applied

circumferentially in narrow bands. Application is to start at the bottom
and is to proceed upwards. The full final thickness shall be permitted to
develop in each band before the next band is applied. In no case shall a
thickness be applied that is less than the thickness that is specified to
allow the applied lining to develop into initial set. The required
thickness shall not be built up in layers.

9.4.10 In large vessels and piping, where the height of the bands needed to
provide effective bonding would be too small to be practical, multiple
crews or sectionalizing may be used.
9.4.11 The top of each band shall be cut back to the shell with a steel trowel.
The cut shall be made at right angles to the shell, at a location where the
full thickness of the refractory has been applied. All refractory above
this location shall be removed and discarded. The bottom of each
successive band shall be securely bonded to the top of the preceding
band before the latter has developed an initial set.
9.4.12 The same general procedures shall be used for horizontal equipment with
the exception that horizontal equipment can be rotated for either casting
or gunning in the flat position.
9.4.13 The lining shall be screeded to the final required thickness after
placement and any deficiencies shall be immediately corrected.
Smoothing, trowelling, and floating are not permitted.
9.4.14 When application is interrupted before completion of the entire lining,
any refractory that is applied at a thickness less than the full thickness
shall be removed by cutting back to the shell with a steel trowel. The cut
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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

shall be beveled into the adjacent lining by approximately 10 and all

material above the line shall be discarded.
9.4.15 During a period of interruption in application, the curing of the lining
that has already been applied may be completed.
9.4.16 Immediately prior to resuming application, the exposed surface of lining
to which a bond must be made shall be thoroughly wetted with water of a
quality as outlined in 9.1.9.


Mixing Refractory for Casting Applications


Mixing of refractory materials shall be done in a paddle type mixer.


Only full contents of refractory bags or drums shall be placed in the

mixer. Fractional parts of a bag or drum shall not be used.


When fiber reinforcement is used, the fibers shall, in order to obtain

proper fiber distribution, be added to the mixer through a wire mesh
screen with approximately 12 mm openings.


The quantity of refractory material that is mixed in one mixing shall not
be greater than the quantity that can be placed prior to initial set or 15
minutes after addition of water, whichever is shorter. Materials not used
within this time shall be discarded. Precautions shall be made to prevent
the separation of aggregates and cement prior to placement.


The amount of water that is used shall be the minimum amount that will
give the proper consistency for placement. This amount is not to exceed
the Refractory Manufacturer's specified amount.


The "ball in hand" test described in ASTM C860 shall be used to

determine the correct consistency.

Application of Cast Refractory


Only qualified personnel who are thoroughly experienced with cast

application of refractory lining shall be employed for this work.


Forms shall be s rigidly constructed and sufficiently tight to prevent

excessive leakage. The surface that are in contact with the lining shall be
uniform, reasonably smooth, and suitably coated to prevent bonding of
refractory to the forms. Forms shall be designed to facilitate their
removal without damage to the refractory.

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Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012



Installation Requirements Castable Refractories


Refractory shall be applied in a manner that will minimize section



Refractory shall be compacted by spading or vibrating. Compacting

shall be done with care to avoid segregation of materials, damage to
previously applied portions of the lining, or damage to the equipment.


Work shall not be terminated until a panel or section is complete. When

work is resumed, the contact surface of the lining that is in place shall be
thoroughly cleaned, roughened, and wetted with water of a quality as
outlined in 9.1.9. Any excess water shall be removed.


Curing shall be carried out whenever the application is interrupted.

Application of Vibration Casting


The refractory materials to be used shall be manufactured specifically for

vibration casting and shall be fine grain and evenly distributed.


Additives used to promote flow shall be used in strict accordance with

the Refractory Manufacturer's instructions.


Forms used shall be made of steel sheet and shall be rigidly constructed.

Curing and Dryout


10.1.1 All new linings shall be cured and dried out in accordance with the
Refractory Manufacturer's recommendations and/or the standard
procedures as defined in 10.2 and 10.3 below.
10.1.2 During dryout, the equipment must be properly supported to prevent
damage to the lining and equipment.


10.2.1 Castables shall be cured after an initial set of 1 to 3 hours. All exposed
lining shall be cured by means of a fine water spray or by the application
of a membrane-curing compound. If a water spray is used, the surface
shall be kept damp for a minimum of 24 hours.
10.2.2 If forms were used during placement, these forms shall remain in place
for a minimum of 24 hours.

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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

10.2.3 During the curing period, the temperature of the shell and refractory
material shall be maintained between 4C and 32C.
10.2.4 Lined equipment shall not be moved during curing.

10.3.1 Adequately calibrated temperature measuring devices shall be installed
to monitor the temperature. When dryout is by auxiliary burners,
temperature monitoring must be provided on the gas outlet and burner
10.3.2 The maximum dryout temperature must be controlled so as not to reduce
the mechanical properties or chemical composition of the materials of
the lined equipment.
10.3.3 When dryout is done in a furnace, the temperature measuring devices
shall be installed on the refractory side and on the external surfaces of
equipment to indicate differentials between metal and refractory
10.3.4 Unless otherwise specified by the Refractory Manufacturer, the
minimum holding times during dryout shall be 1 hour per 25 mm of
refractory thickness.


Inspection, Testing and Repairs


11.1.1 All inspection shall be carried out in accordance with Saudi Aramco
Inspection Requirement Form 175-328110 and the requirements of this
11.1.2 All testing shall be done in accordance with the ASTM standards as
referenced in this standard.
11.1.3 All testing shall be conducted by a fully qualified independent


Prequalification Testing
11.2.1 Procedure and crew prequalification testing shall be carried out by the
Refractory Installer prior to any lining. This requirement shall apply to
gunning, casting or vibration casting a panel to the production thickness.

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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

11.2.2 Documented evidence of the application crew's prequalification shall be

made available to the Refractory Inspector prior to production.
11.2.3 If material is to be gunned, each "nozzleman" shall "gunnite" a test panel
that is 1 m x 1 m and that is equal in thickness to the production
thickness of lining. The panel position shall be the same as the
equipment position during production application (e.g., for a vertical
wall application, the test panel shall be in the vertical position).
11.2.4 For vibration cast refractory, a mock up test employing the same
prequalified refractory materials, vibrating equipment, and mixing
procedure shall be performed prior to placement.
11.2.5 A test panel shall be constructed so that the back may be removed for
visual examination of the sample.
11.2.6 The cast or gunned test panels shall be cured for 24 hours and shall then
be hammer tested and inspected for correct curing and for voids,
cracking, deformation, or honeycombing.
11.2.7 If refractory is metallic-fiber reinforced, the test panel shall be cut into
four pieces. The cut edges will be examined for dispersion of metallic
fibers, laminations, inclusions, and voids.
11.2.8 Satisfactory results shall qualify both the crew and the application

Production Testing
11.3.1 Production tests shall be conducted during refractory application as
specified by the Refractory Inspector. However, two production samples
shall be taken at least once per shift or with each change of the
"nozzleman" or the installer. One sample shall be sent to a laboratory,
and the other sample shall remain on the job site or in the shop for
possible future testing.
11.3.2 Samples taken during production shall be tested for cold crushing
strength and density in accordance with ASTM C133, ASTM C134 and
ASTM C862. Samples from materials being cast shall be taken from the
mixer and shall be cast into molds. Samples from refractory being
gunned shall be cut from a gunned panel.
11.3.3 Test results shall be compared with the Refractory Manufacturer's
product data sheet. Test values that indicate cold crushing strength that
is less than 90% of the Refractory Manufacturer's minimum value shall
be cause for rejection.
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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

11.3.4 Test values for density shall be within 81 kg/m (5 lbs/ft) of the
Refractory Manufacturer's published values. Test values outside this
range shall be cause for rejection.
11.3.5 The Refractory Installer shall keep an accurate log of installation so that
location of refractory that is presented by the production samples can be
determined in case it becomes necessary to remove this refractory.
11.3.6 At the completion of curing and drying, the lining shall be randomly
checked for voids or damaged areas. The check shall be conducted by
lightly tapping with a 1-pound hammer. It shall be sounded at random
by lightly striking the surface with a one-pound ball-peen hammer and
by audibly noting the presence of voids and insufficient hardness. If the
refractory is questionable or defective, it will produce a dead dull sound.
The size of dull sounding areas shall be investigated, and samples test
results shall be compared before a decision is made on removal of the
refractory. Visual examination and hammer testing shall be repeated
after furnace dryout. Hammer testing shall not replace refractory sample
11.3.7 Any refractory that is found to be defective due to presence of voids,
honeycombing, insufficient curing, or construction damage shall be
totally removed to the full thickness of the layer and shall be relined to
comply with this standard.

Inspection of Anchors and Supports

11.4.1 The strength of each anchor and stud attachment shall be checked with a
hammer blow.
11.4.2 All refractory anchors and their attachment welds shall be visually
inspected for complete fusion around the base of the anchor and at the
"T" stud plate. Any anchor that is not straight or that shows incomplete
fusion shall be subjected to a bend test as described in paragraphs 11.4.3
and 11.4.4.
11.4.3 A total of 5% of all anchor welds shall be subjected to a bend test. If any
of these samples shows cracks or failure at the weld, they shall be
rejected. Succeeding and preceding anchors in the same course shall be
bend tested until five consecutive welds in each direction are found to be
11.4.4 Bend testing shall be accomplished through use of a method that will
bend the anchor through approximately 30 and back to the normal
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Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012


Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

11.5.1 The method of repair, curing and retesting shall be in accordance with
the original installation procedure. Any part of a single layer lining,
except hexmesh or S-bar linings, which is defective, shall be removed
for the full thickness of the refractory material. The minimum area
removed shall be approximately one square foot. The surface shall be
cleaned of all refuse and pre-wet prior to refractory replacement. Saudi
Aramco Inspector shall determine the extent of the repair.
11.5.2 Where needed, additional refractory anchors shall be installed in
accordance with AD-036916.
11.5.3 Refractory that is under repair shall have exposed surfaces of the joint
thoroughly wetted with water of a quality as outlined in 9.1.9 prior to
placement of refractory.
11.5.4 Refractory lining cracks with a width of 3 mm (1/8") and larger and a
depth of more than 20% of refractory thickness shall be repaired.


Checklist for Refractory Installation

Figure 1 is a checklist of activities that shall be used by the Refractory Installer
for the installation of castable refractory.

30 January 2007

Revision Summary
Revised the "Next Planned Update". Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and
reissued with no other changes.

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Document Responsibility: Heat Transfer Equipment

Issue Date: 30 January 2007
Next Planned Update: 30 January 2012

Installation Requirements Castable Refractories

Figure 1 Refractory Installation Checklist


Prior To Installation
( )
Verify the types of
materials supplied,
data sheets and]
mixing instructions
( )
Verify availability of
MSDS sheets

Weather Protection
( )
Verify that materials
are properly stored
( )
Verify that equipment
to be lined is prepared
for inclement weather

( )
Number of vibrators
( )
( )
Attachment method
( )
Operating condition
( )

( )
Verify approved
detail drawings

Equipment - Mixers
( )
Verify number and type
are adequate
( )
Back up mixer is available
( )
Location relative to work
( )

Curing Compound Applicators

( )
Type and size
( )
( )
( )
Working conditions

( )
( )
( )


Inspect surface
Inspect anchor
layout and welding
Review welding

Gunnite Rig
( )
Number of Rigs
( )
( )
Operating Condition
( )
( )
Sufficient Hose
( )
Nozzle type

Air Compressors
( )
( )
Operating Condition
( )
Sample Molds
( )
( )

( )
( )
Weather protection
( )
( )
Form release
( )
Position of forms
for proper thickness
( )
( )
( )
( )
Water source
( )
Storage container
( )
Introduction of metallic
fiber reinforcement
( )
Percentage of metallic
( )
( )
Method of adding water
( )
Water quality
( )
Water temperature
( )
Mixing time
( )
Mix temperature
( )
Water percentage
Inspection after Dryout
( )
( )
hammer testingnats

Surface Preparation
and Anchorage
( )
Surface preparation
meets spec
( )
Welding procedures
( )
Anchor welds. Bend
tests, cracks
( )
Squaring of old refractory
( )
Anchor layout
( )
Hammer testing
( )
Competence of operator
( )
Pre-qualification of
gun operator
( )
Material feed rate
( )
( )
( )
Curing compound
( )
Maintenance of gun
( )
Gunning technique
( )
Air pressure
( )
( )
Cut back
( )
Construction joints
( )
Inspection after Curing
( )
( )
Construction joints
( )
Hammer testing

Casting and Vibration Casting

( )
Vibrator frequency
( )
Movement of material
( )
Time between mixing
and placement
( )
Mixing per checklist
( )
Forms per checklist
( )
Curing compound applied
( )
Total casting time
( )
Water content
( )
Vibration arrangement
( )
Batch size
( )
Anchor loss
Production Sampling
( )
Proper molds and size
( )
Frequency of samples
( )
Sampling procedure
matches installation
( )
( )
( )
Firing equipment
( )
Burner locations
relative to refractory
( )
Dryout schedule
( )
Thermocouple locations
( )
Recording equipment

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