"Automobile Maintenance Workstation (Amw) " Business Development Plan
"Automobile Maintenance Workstation (Amw) " Business Development Plan
"Automobile Maintenance Workstation (Amw) " Business Development Plan
Development Plan
. . . . .. Submitted in fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of
Chapter: One.
1.1. Background
The study is about the automobile workshop industry of Bangladesh, with major concentration
given on its service prospective. According to Bangladesh Automobile Workshop Associations
(BAWA), the automobile workshop sector in Bangladesh is one of the most developed hi-tech
sectors, which is contributing in the improvement of the country's economy (BAWA, 20013).
This is further confirmed by Bangladesh Association of Automobile Industries (BAAI), which
stated that the automobile workshop Industry in Bangladesh is paying the second largest revenue
to the Government's exchequer (BAAI, 2013). The industry has achieved self-sufficiency by
providing 95% of the total service line requirement of the local street market. In addition, leading
automobile workshop companies are also aiming to expand their business in the service market,
comparatively more focus being given on the developed markets. The volume of services may
not be enormous, but it is nevertheless growing. An added opportunity, in terms of waiver
facility, has been presented to Bangladesh by The World Trade Organizations (WTO)
Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). The Leastdeveloped country (LDC) status of Bangladesh has facilitated the country, more specifically, the
automobile workshop industry, in qualifying for such chance. According to the aforementioned
facility, the Least-developed countries have been exempted from meeting patent regulations.
Until 1st January 2016, those countries are allowed to produce or manufacture automobile, as
well as, service essential workshops without maintaining potential client. However, services to
the other Least-developed countries from Bangladesh are possible on the condition that the
importing countries either have no or insufficient drug manufacturing capability. Among the 49
Least-developed countries, Bangladesh is the only country which has a very strong loyalty
service base in automobile workshops. This presents Bangladesh with a golden opportunity to
emerge as a major player in national market due to its advantageous position in basic
infrastructure, in comparison to the other Least-developed countries.
Research method:
There is mainly two research approach available, qualitative and quantitative. To conduct my
research I have to use both methods because the research work contains both theoretical and
numerical informations. Additionally, my research type would be exploratory to make my
research more effective and clear. This method is more detailed and significant in the research
The sample size of my research is 100 and I have made a questionnaire for the participants to do
a feasibility test on market and product of AMW. The test will leave a great effect on my research
outcome. Moreover, I will arrange a focus group discussion with 5 to 6 professional who are
presently involved in automobile and other automobile related industry to add value to my
feasibility test. Moreover, I am going to follow non-probability sampling technique to perform
my research.
local business (Peng, M, 2009). Along with this important model I am going to use few more
effective and useful tools for my research project and they are:
Ansoff Matrix
SWOT analysis
Porters value chain
VRIO model
1.6. Assumptions
Our assumption is the political stability in the predictable future since strikes has the main barrier
of this business. Also we have forecast in all your key assumptions on these sectors on different
circumstance with prices, sales volume, timing, product or service delivery, marketing
awareness, business development, client endorsement etc. in our Dhaka city and also
In the research methodology we have compiling this business proposal on completely based on
assumption in financial sectors. We have discussion on feasibility analysis in theory and
sensitivity analysis in financial and marketing sales forecast segment. Where we have analysis of
ten prices or profit decries and ten percent costing or expense increase.
Also manipulate the service assumption by worker gap or manpower requisition whereas this is
the service level business, as far we need to be create a concept of break down analysis or
backup service efficiency of competiveness in the automobile service sector in Bangladesh.
We have also the finding in general assumption in 1st year analysis where we will completely
finalized out VAT and TAX section as in thirty present in a year and VAT in fifteen percent of the
product and service sales in every month. Now it make in excellent progress in to five years
financial projection according to be a member of all association in automobile sector. As a new
company we have to build the great relationship with our competitor.
Also finalize Market and Distribution considerations are indicative and based on the assumption
that banks will employ their individual service and product sales marketing and distribution
strategy for service or product development.
1.7. Timescale
Timescale is one of the most important facts to take in account because timescales helps to
understand the profitability of a company in long run. However, this Business Development Plan
is for the first three years of the business.
AMW is going to provide both the products and services for its customers and our product and
services are:
Services: The main product of our company is car repair and maintenance services. The services
we are going to provide are something that people need daily basis in their life. Car is a
important part of our life and any technical difficulties waste our time and energy both, so the
repairing services are going to give our customers a relief and it will save a lot of time, because
we are using the most undated technologies for our services.
Moreover, we are going to offer some basic car maintenance short course which will be useful
for both existing and new customers. In addition, our company is going to provide a special car
selection advice service regarding cars for the people who are going to buy new cars and I think
this will add extra value to our services because there is no other company who are actually
providing service like this. However, we have the unique or distinguishing key to grab the
market is free computerized vehicle diagnosis on Sunday of each week for first 6 months.
We have a special service called AMW membership card, it will give our customers to buy
membership for one year, and it will cost them 600. Our members will get all kind of car
repairing service over the year and discounts on products. We are expecting around 40
clients/members in first year.
Products: products that we are going to offer are basic items that are necessary to repair and
maintain a car. The products are: cars small parts, car security products and decorations.
Fortunately one of our friends has an importing business based on car parts, so all our products
are going to come from abroad and we will be able to give our customers any items that they
need regarding their car repayment.
large auto part companies. These companies are more consolidated that the repair company, have
deeper pockets, an almost limitless number of substitute customers, and finally they are the
single most important supplier to AMW. Therefore, these companies will set whatever price they
wish to.
Additionally, because the customers see the service as undifferentiated and a "commodity" with
little value separation between competitors (if they offer a suitable level of quality) buyer power
is also very high, and also the costs of our services are not cheap, and buyers are willing to
search for the most favorable combination of price and acceptable service. The barriers to entry
and exit are moderately low in this company. Switching costs are virtually non-existent and the
costs to entry and exit the market are low.
The large number of competitors in this field including substitutes means that the pricing for
such services are very competitive. The only way to have an advantage in this company is a low
cost leadership principal applied aggressively to all aspects of the business or to build up
customer relations to a point where the switching costs will be arise.
The technological revolution in computers has enhanced our abilities to diagnose and repair our
clients vehicles. AMW will remain on the cutting edge by establishing the use of computer
diagnostic equipment in its workstation. The company will continue to seek new ways to provide
a better service through digital technology in the age of digitalized Bangladesh.
Future Services
The company does not have any plans to create further services at this time but the product and
service development will strictly follow-up during the development season.
the permission to drive or get a driving license. However, our target market is divided into min
two groups and they are:
Clients will refer to those individuals, organizations, or professionals who want to be a certified
member of the company. The company will give them a membership card in exchange of money
and they will get a lot of benefits and services from our company for one year. In addition they
will be able to extend the period of the card anytime they want.
Customers on the other hand will refer as a general people who owns car or wants to buy a car.
We are going to serve different segment of customers. For example- medium to high income
level customers, new car owners, professional and businessman.
The place of AMW will serve as advantage. Not many workshops are concentrated in that richer
part of Dhaka. The ones present are inside universities and are of average quality. Also this
companys promising experience is gives in for high product differentiation. Hence to conclude it
can be said the competition amongst Automobile Maintenance Workstation and other Workshop
will be low. Rivalry amongst existing venues is relatively low since people rent them on the basis
of availability and convenience.
Bargaining power of Suppliers: Since AMW will be relatively bigger company the
bargaining power of suppliers will tend to be relatively low. Regarding the venue
construction materials can be bought at cheaper price. Supplies for the target affiliates
and service demand will be low. A little less bargaining power since AMW, will be
offering quite a lot in terms of the quality of the workshop (interiors, the full-experience).
While considering the audience or crowd as buyers, the bargaining power will be low. This is
because loyal customer of different service, but the corporate clients can pay higher price to see
their favorites perform live.
Threat of Substitutes:
The issue of threat from substitutes related to Automobile Maintenance Workstation is very
complex. Automobile Maintenance Workstation will provide with creative input as to how to
make the event show more lucrative, in terms of service announcement, posters / billboard add,
real marketing and e-marketing. Even though Automobile Maintenance Workstation will charge
a bit level wise and earn premiums from corporate customers etc., the experience at AMW will
be unparalleled. Hence it can be stated that the threat level of substitutes is low.
The capital requirement to make such a site is quite high. Hence workshop trying to enter will
need a relatively high amount to capital for the business to startup and operate. This reduces
some pressure from the threat of new workshop.
Moreover, the company will have a high level of product and service differentiation relative to
existing places. This in turn will pose a threat to newer workshop trying to barge in. Another
issue might surface if existing workshop try to retaliate by bringing up their value to the level of
the icon industry in automobile sector. Since most of the big venues are government owned, they
tend to inefficient. So, as we conclude it can be said that the threat of entry is quite low.
After doing Porters five forces analysis it can be concluded that the industry attractiveness is
quite high as competition is low. The investment in this industry deems to be profitable.
The chart showing, around 55% participants are somewhat unsatisfied, 15% very satisfactory
with the top performing car repair service in Dhaka. On the other hand, 25% said very poor and
around 5% superior. So, the chart is showing that most of the people are not satisfied with the
service they are getting at the moment and AMW will be able to fill that gap at the same time, it
will be able to build a strong position in the market very easily.
2. How would you rate the automobile maintenance modern service in Dhaka?
According to the chart around 60% participants think the present automobile maintenance
service in Dhaka is very poor. This indicates a good possibility for our company to make place
for itself in Dhaka city. On the other hand the number of people who said it is very satisfactory is
around 15% it is really low compare to 60%. However, the result is really encouraging for AMW
because this company is going to start its journey base of modern technology.
3. In thinking about your most recent experience with your automobile service
provider, was the quality of customer service you received:
According to the result around 50% people has negative experience with the automobile
customer service on the other hand just around 5% said very satisfactory, it means the customer
service is not up to the mark at this moment. I think the idea of providing best customer service
of our company will gain a great number of customers in future as a result long term profit
According to the chart 50% of the participants have rated about average to the fact of concerns
resolves ration. In addition 20% rated poor and around 15% said somewhat satisfactory on the
other hand, less than 10% rated very satisfactory and only 5% said superior. So, the result says
most of the people are not happy with the process. However, the way AMW will provide its
services to its customers will erase disappointment of the customers of automobile servicing in
Dhaka city.
5. The damaged car or vehicle carrier and the mobile hospitality system service from
workshop made the customer service experience more satisfying
In this
agree the
on the
other hand only 5% strongly disagree. There is a huge gap between 55% and 5% so; this means
most of the participants are positive about the idea of mobile hospitality and I think this services
will add extra value to the journey of AMW because this service is not available in the market at
the moment.
6. The automated phone system made the customer service experience more satisfying
According to the result more than 55% participants strongly agree the idea of customer care
phone service and very few really disagree about the fact. This means the customer care phone
service is valid to the customers and it will add value to the business of AMW in the long run.
7. Would you go to the automobile workshop for sort-out each problem and bargain
them about service rate where you will completed it on website was in Dhaka?
In this chart around 50% strongly agree, 30% agree the web based online service of automobile
on the other hand, around 5% strongly disagree, and only around 3% disagree the fact. However,
I think this idea will take our business very far towards its goal of becoming market leader.
Moreover, there is a gap between customer expectation and actual performance. Furthermore, it
substantiates the notion that the Bangladesh lags behind in this sector of the industry than foreign
developed nations. Hence, adding value to this segment can pave the way for benchmarking and
in return profitability.
It can be concluded that it will be feasible and the market is very attractive, since the posh
venues has very high interest amongst the respondents and however, extra revenue on the side
will definitely increase profitability and enhance customer experience.
In this chart the result of the question is very exiting 65% people strongly agreeing the fact of 30
minutes repair service and 25% agree the idea. On the other hand, only 2% strongly disagree and
around 5% disagree. This means almost 80% participants like the idea of 30 minute repair and it
will bring a great sales rate for the company because I think 30min service is one of the
companies value added service.
2. Do you think the course (1 month) that AMW is offering, going to be helpful for
According to the chart around 60% participants strongly agree and 30% agree to the fact that the
1 month course AMW is offering is going to be helpful for them. On the other hand only 10%
participants strongly disagree the fact. This means the idea of the course is really effective and it
will help a good number of people who own car or wants to buy one.
3. Will you consider going to the automobile advice center to get advice before you buy
a new car?
According to the chart 50% people strongly agree on the other hand only 5% strongly disagree to
the fact of AMW advice centre. Additionally, 20% participants agree and 15% participants are
disagreeing with the fact. However, more than average people like the idea of advice center. This
means the company will get advantage on the advice centre idea and it will add value to the
company reputation.
4. As a customer if the workshop will import the auto parts then it will work as more
customer satisfaction.
In this chart, around 60% participants strongly agreed the idea of importing auto parts on the
other hand just around 5% disagree the idea. So, the result showed a huge advantage of
importing auto parts for the automobile company and the idea of importing automobile parts will
be able to get extra attention from the customers of AMW once it starts its journey.
5. Do you think online check back service with a live streaming or streaming video of
service your cars each and every diagnosis and repairing operation?
This is quite confusing results I have got during the survey around 50% strongly agree and 30%
strongly disagree the live streaming in website. People strong agree and strongly disagree almost
same with chart. But the good side is 20% agree with the idea which makes a positive feedback
for the idea and I think it is a valid idea indeed.
Finally, the product and services we are going to provide are really useful for all the car users
and I believe those products and services are going to add value to our sales and increase
profitability, there is no doubt that AMW product and services are feasible.
Construction: it is going to be a very important part of our project because the land we
have is not ready for a starting of a automobile workstation. There is a small two stare
building which I am going to consider as the main office of the company. And the
building needs to design in base of our company characteristics. We are going to give it a
posh look in its decoration because our customers are going to sit there and watch the car
repairing live from the building. And the main work station is going to be at the other side
of the building where we need to do some contraction regarding the need of repairing
Sound systems and cameras: there will be many cameras around the main working
station and sound system so that we can talk or give command to our workers from the
office. The customers are going to sit at the office where they will be able to watch the
work going on at the station. So we are going to use high quality video system for the
Tools &Equipments: the tools and equipments we are going to use is the most updated
version of car repairing equipments available in the market at the moment. We will try to
use the best tools needed to service a car.
Machines: to run our workstation we will need few very important giant machines at our
workstation before we start our business. Because, those machines are need to set on the
workshop are before start using. So, we are going to get few machines from the local
market and few necessary modern machines from Japan under the reference of our two
service investors, because they have a very strong connection over there.
Internet service and softwares: to run the business we are going to use computer and
internet vastly, to get the best out of online service we are going to get the best internet
connection of town. Moreover, important softwares will be customized to make our
services more effective and easy. We are going to use those softwares for HR, Finance,
Customer service and many other purposes.
To conclude, it can be said that the company is going to use all the available and best
technologies to run the business, most of all few are going to imported from abroad to fulfill the
need and it is a great potential to add value to the business with the use of technology. So, the
technology of the company is feasible.
Bangladesh is 3rd world country- this is why we didnt grow the best the best modern technology
uses habituate as fast as the 1st world county. Now days we have it but we didnt know how to
maintain it. Our weather, people and nature are so different from those 1st world countries
weather people and nature. So, we have to change our habituate. Recently Bangladeshi govt. has
decided that all automobile importers should import the latest model to back three years model
old vehicle. So that reason now the importers are import the modern vehicle which has
completely operate by electrical circuit unit (ECU).
We have some sales projection, profit and loss review; net profit and expense lots of areas are
ensure that we have on right track. Where we also analysis the expense/time value of money
returns, debt of equity, Increases & decreases rate operation barrier, service barrier, sales ethics,
techniques, branding, core marketing, financing, identification of strengths and weakness of this
business, sales management techniques practical examples, forming the organizations
appropriate size, location and legal aspects of business, preparation of financial statement, profit
& loss account, balance sheet, business planning & control, analyzing market and customer
behavior reaching the customers, e- marketing, managing financial requirements from bank,
financial projections, purchase (material) budget, overhead budget, commercial, marketing
expenses budget recording transactions, cash book, sales book, purchase book, debtor ledger,
creditor ledger, etc. however, AMW organizational structure is given below:
Changes in Policy
The policy supersedes all previous employee manuals and development. While every effort is
made to keep the contents of the policy, General Automation Ltd reserves the right to modify,
suspend, or terminate any of the policies, procedures, and/or benefits described in the manual
with or without prior notice to employees.
Employee Status
Executing Level
Indicative Designations
Office Staff
Sr. Office Staff
Sr. Technician
Executive Officer,
Sales Officer, Accounts Officer, Asst.
Operating Level
Sr. Executive- Marketing & Sales, Sr.
Programmer, Sr. Engineer
Asst. Manager, Asst. System Analyst
Marketing & Sales Manager, Accounts
Directing Level
Strategic Level
Compensation Policies
The policy of Automobile Maintenance Workstation Ltd. to keep the compensation structure
competitive keeping in mind the fast changing employment and business environment so that
Retain existing employees
Attract suitable candidates
Reward performance and productivity
Give sense of self-worth to the employees
Keep the structure dynamic
Successful working conditions and relationships depend upon successful communication. It is
important that employees stay aware of changes in procedures, policies, and general information.
It is also important to communicate ideas, suggestions, personal goals, or problems as they affect
work at Automobile Maintenance Workstation Ltd.
Year 1
Company Website
Total Expenses
Fixed Assets
Building Construction
Imported Machinery
Local Machinery
Furniture & Fixtures
Office equipments
Land (5 Years)
Total Cost
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Total cars in
Servicing Charge
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Products (predicted)
Total Sales
38, 000
Total customer
Training fees
Year 2
Year 3
Yr. 1
Yr. 2
Yr. 3
Finally, according to the cash flow AMW will be able to cover its investment
till the beginning of third year from the starting year of the company.
However the company will have enough capital left to cover its regular
business activities and this is really a great advantage for any new business.
So, the company has potential to earn high amount of profit in the long run
and it clearly indicates, financial feasibility of AMW.
1. Unattractive Packaging
2. high Viscosity
4. Availability of Products
4. Technology Leader
5. Promotion
5. Reasonable Pricing
2. Environmental Regulations
3. Environmental Friendly
3. Hybrid Cars
4. Economic instability
5. Public Transport
5. OEM and Mass Production
Add Value
Add Value
Add Value
Add Value
vital to take all the strategic and operational decisions for a company. It is a wealth for our
business and business activities.
Titas transports
Mir tyre & battery agency
Car trackers
Vehicle centre
Dhaka car.com
Bronze ltd
Moreover, those are the companies who are in the automobile industry of Bangladesh already
and they have experience in the field for many years and I think they can add automobile
servicing to their product list anytime.
Finally, AMW has a clear goal and effective tools to cope up with all the competitions in the
market. The company has focused on technologies to provide automobile maintenance services
and unique ideas like AMW advice center, mobile customer services etc for customer services,
these tools will take the company long way near future.
(Source: Biswas, 2007).
Professionals & business owners: the second target customer or core customers are the
professional and business owners because according to the research most professional and
business owners prefer to have a car to save time and to establish a class in the society.
Finally, he reason behind selecting them as our core customer is that they are the group of people
who are able to afford a car and often needs car services.
However, the services company is going to provide is totally modern technological base and
effective for the car maintenance at the same time it will save a lot of time of our customers. Few
examples of our services are given below:
Main services:
Car servicing
Membership card
therefore work with total reassure and coolness, URSM practically any sort of today's paint
Electrical Control System
It is designed for easy procedure and dependability. All machinery are accepted, planned or
specialized by CCC, UL, ETL, CSA or CE.
o Digital temperature readout.
o Spray and bake temperature settings.
o Bake timer.
Car Collision Repair Bench
Uses for o Hydraulic tilting platform for easier loading and unloading.
o The pulling tower can move arbitrarily at any position around the platform.
o Double tower provides more possibilities for collision repairing.
o Hydraulic cylinder vertically in pulling tower, with strong and accurate pulling power.
o With different body repairing tools for any kinds of car collision.
o Accurate mechanical measuring system to measure 3-dimensional data of car body.
o Abundant car data is prepared and updated to the latest.
o The unique design of clamp provides easy and fast installment clamping for all kinds of
light vehicle.
Moreover, the products that company is going to provide are the basic parts of a vehicle to keep
it long-lasting and well maintained, security items like- fire distinguisher, bumper, censor, digital
lock system etc to make it save from any risk. Additionally, items that need to decorate a car to
make it more attractive and beautiful.
The Market
The market of the automobile workshop is really big in Dhaka city. Now days every family
wants to have a car according to their income and car loans has make it more flexible for
automobile customers to buy a car. According to the daily star, there are total 14m cars running
in the Dhaka city, 3.5m among them are private cars (The Daily Star, 2011). This information
indicates there is a huge need of servicing centre in Dhaka city. Moreover, the location that the
company has chosen for its workstation is in the central of industrial area. There is a huge
market for car repairing centers. Generally, the industrial areas got a high number of cars for
their industrial work or for private use; in addition, professionals and owners of the industries
count as the high income citizens of a country. So I think the location will add extra value to the
business of AMW and our early feasibility test has shown a high market feasibility of the
Cost: total start-up cost of the company is around 63,050 and the cost is distributed amongland, constructions, equipments, machineries and other assets. Moreover, the company will
spend its capital on marketing, operations, personnel and legal factors as well.
Volume: the company is expecting 1,800 car servicing in year one, 2,520 car in year two and
3,600 cars in year three. Additionally, AMW is expecting 40 membership cards in year one, 50
cards in year two and 70 in year three. Moreover, in case of basic training the company is
expecting 20 trainee in year one, 30 trainee in year two and 40 trainee in year three.
Profit analysis: according to the financial projection the company will star earning profit from
the end of the year two. The overall profitability of the company is showing really positive result.
And the company is expecting they will be able to get all their investment capital till the start of
year three which is really a good indication for the profitability in long run. Moreover, the
financial feasibility test has come fresh and positive as well.
To provide the new age world class automobile services and widespread products under one
To fulfill the gap of a modern, well organized automobile workshop in the market through the
best use of modern technology and increase the automobile maintenance knowledge among the
general people by giving the best possible advice regarding automobile.
Core values:
Being loyal to its customers is the first and foremost priority of the company. In addition it will
provide the best innovative way of giving its customers automobile services and increasing
awareness regarding automobile maintenance. Moreover, along with other factors gaining
customers satisfaction through world class services is the core of company values.
Internal marketing
Things that is within the company and they influence the company many ways to achieve its
marketing goals are called internal marketing. Things that are inside the company and will help
AMW to achieve its marketing goals are: customer service, AMW advice centre and training for
its employees. According to the company this elements will help it to achieve its marketing goal
at many ways and they will add value to the company profitability.
External marketing
Generally, external means outside of the company that influence a company many ways and help
them to achieve their goal. In case of marketing there is a marketing mix called 7Ps that the
company needs to assure to get market penetration and market development. They are:
Product: the main product of the company is car servicing and maintenance. Moreover,
basic car maintenance course, car parts, decoration items etc are also will be provided to
its customers.
Price: the price of the services is really low compare to its competitors. For servicing
average charge will be 20, for training fees would be the same for one month. Moreover,
the membership will charge only 600 per year. However, cost leadership is the main
strategy for the pricing.
Place: the place that where the products/company is going to available are: company
workstation, internet, local shops etc.
Promotion: for promotion the company has chosen the easiest ways to reach its
customers and they are: social network, newspaper, and radio and AMW advice center.
Physical Evidence: the product and services will be available at the workstation, online
and advice centre. AMW its customers best customer service experience and a homely
environment at the workshop as a result customers will feel like they are at their home
during their car repairing or other service process.
Process: the company is going to open its workshop door 8 am in the morning for its
customers and it will stay open till 11 am in the night. Moreover, the customers will get
24 hour customer services by mobile and internet.
People: people who are going to involved in the marketing process are the managing
director- who is going to set goals and make strategies, engenders- who will decide the
technical service factors and marketing manager- who is going to do the main task of
marketing process planning the marketing activities and achieve the goal set by the top
level. Lastly 24 hour customer service will be available for the customers.
There is no initial risk yet for the marketing process. The political and economical environment
is really stable at Bangladesh at the moment but if any new problem arises among any of this
factor then company can face a huge trouble during its marketing process. Marketing insatiability
can stop or delay the marketing campaign or other marketing related activities, economical
instability can do the same harm to the marketing campaign. On the other hand, the marketing
budget can be a risk, if at any point the budget projection goes wrong. However , I believe
company will not face any of this problem because it has extra capital after its starting cost
which the company will be able to use for its marketing process if needed.
Marketing Forecast
Company Website
Total Expenses
Yr. 1
Yr. 2
Yr. 3
Year 01: in the starting year the company is going to focus on its construction, decoration and
marketing plans. This period is to make a strong base of the company so that it can cope up with
all its risks and barriers in the long run. Finance and marketing are the most important facts at
that time and the company will make sure both of the action is going smooth and properly,
because if there is many problem with finance management then the company will not be able to
start its journey. On the other hand, marketing is the main tool for a company to attract its
customers and approach them to buy their product/services.
Year 02: in the year two the company will sit and observe its operation activities and other
activities related to its business. The main task that the company is going to do is making sure
that all the plans are going right finance is sufficient and all other departments are at their place
working on their best possible ways. At the end of year two the company will start evaluating
both year one and two to find our all their mistakes and faults, at the same time the solutions to
those problems.
Year 03: the company will work on their lickings in this stage to make sure they can get the
maximum profitability. After solving all their problems and copping up with risk and barriers
now it will start panning on its new workstation on Narayangonje, which is situated near Dhaka
city and link to other main cities of the country. So if they can built a workstation their then it
would be a root to other cities of the country.
The management team of the company is highly qualified, a group of energetic and enthusiastic
people, who are very passionate about cars and always wants stay engaged with the automobile
industry. The company has two most important members who are engineers and wealth for the
company they will be the main driven source of the company. However, the company is going to
hire the best employees for its every department. The whole company management team list is
given below:
Managing Director
Deputy Managing Director
Senior Engineer
Head of HR
Employee 2
Employee 3
Employee 4
Head of Operations
Marketing and Sales
Finance Manager
The operations team or sector will be reflective deep-rooted to all departments so as to carry out
the functions with no difficulty as well as to improve cross department functionality. The
operatives will work under different departments and work on an assignment basis so as to make
the operations successful and fruitful. These operatives added jointly will form the operations
unit. The operatives will be the sustain formation for the company and strategies set by the toplevel administration and the diverse departments. At first the customers will go to the customer
service depart, where they will discuss their problems then they will be send to the engineers or
workers according to the damage of the vehicle or their needs. The workstation team will always
keep updating every action they take to the operation manager and manager will inform it to
other department, this way the whole company will involve in the operation plan.
processes to reach our customers, which are not seen yet in our country. Our customers will get
us 24/7 for their service and this is really rare and useful for customers during any problem
related to automobile. So, the customer service will bring us a really good reputation along with
increasing sales.
Month 1
Month 2
Construction works
Month 3
Construction works
Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7
Month 8
Marketing Starts
Month 9
Marketing Continues
Month 10
Month 11
Testing Continues
Month 12
This is one of the most important parts of a business plan. A company needs to have sufficient
financial support to run its business. In this part of the plan I am going to overview present and
future the financial position of AMW. The financial projection of the company is given below:
Table: operational expenses & fixed asset forecast
Office Maintenance
Legal and Accounting
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Utility Cost
Workshop Maintenance
Erection & Installation
Fixed Assets
Building Constriction
Imported Machinery
Local Machinery
Furniture & Fixtures
Office equipment
Land (5 Years)
Yr. 1
Yr. 2
Yr. 3
Other Income
Gross Profit
Payroll Expenses
Payroll Taxes and Benefits
Operating Expenses
Erection & Installation
Interest Expense
Legal and Accounting
Office Maintenance
Utility Cost
Workshop Maintenance
Total Operating Expenses
Earnings before Taxes
Income Taxes
Owners Draws/Dividends
Retained earnings
Yr. 1
Yr. 2
Yr. 3
According to the tables of profit and loss, balance sheet the company will begin its profit earning
from the end of year two and it will be able to gain capital around 152,026 in year three. The
financial projection of the company is looking good and it is indicating a long term profitability
of the company. However, after all the tests and evaluation of the company position it is easy to
say that the company has the ability to run and succeed in the present market of Bangladesh.