2. at the end of the chapter, you may give justifications of your study, or the
reasons why you undertook the study and that your attempt to confirm,
negate, or improve the findings with new knowledge. This is called
bridging the gap.
3. be sure to acknowledge the contributions of the authors and writers or
they should from part of your bibliography.
Functions of a Theory
A theory is important since it establishes its direction, a target, or an objective to
be attained.
A. It provides the study with conceptual or theoretical framework, the
process for hypothesizing and contemplating its end result.
B. It gives you insight on the past findings or the current status of the topic
you are working on.
C. It gives information on what objectives and methodologies are to be used
to attain the purposes of the study.
D. It gives information on what future studies can be made to add knowledge
to the present and current status of the topic.
Review of Literature: Rhetorical Functions
Situates the current study within a wider disciplinary conversation.
Illustrates the uniqueness, importance of and need for your particular project.
Justifies methodological choices.
Demonstrates familiarity with the topic and appropriate approaches to
studying it.
An Effective Literature Review should
Flesh out the background of your study.
Critically assess important research trends or areas of interest.
Identify potential gaps in knowledge.
Establish a need for current and/or future research projects.
Tips on drafting a literature review
Categorize the literature into recognizable topic clusters:
stake out the various positions that are relevant to your project,
build on conclusions that lead to your project, or
demonstrate the places where the literature is lacking.
Avoid Smith says X, Jones says Y literature reviews.
Avoid including all the studies on the subject.
Avoid polemics, praise, and blame.
Writing Literature Reviews: Key Point
You are entering a scholarly conversation already in progress. The literature
review shows that youve been listening and that you have something
valuable to say.
After assessing the literature in your field, you should be able to answer the
following questions:
Why should we study (further) this research topic/problem?
What contributions will my study make to the existing literature?