Tin Complex in Belitung
Tin Complex in Belitung
Tin Complex in Belitung
in Belitung, Indonesia
Sutedjo Sujitno,
Adipurnama Ronojudo and
Complex tin-iron ores, i.e. tin deposits high in iron content, call for special metallurgical
treatment methods, other than those currently used in Indonesia.
The genesis of primary tin-iron ore deposits, according to recent observations, is believed to
be the result of a process combining hydrothermal activity with sedimentation ferruginous beds.
In such deposits tin content may reach up to 22% Sn in float-samples, while the grain size of
cassiterite varies from very fine to coarse. Besides the main minerals magnetite and hematite,
accessory minerals occur such as pyrrhotite, pyrite, sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, siderite
and chlorite; magnetite-hematite is sometimes intergrown with cassiterite.
The current exploration sequence: geological mapping, ground magnetics and drilling,
supports the prospectivity of such deposits. Nevertheless, a more detailed exploration
programme should be carried out together with further metallurgical studies.
Belitung island (figure 1) as one of the three "Indonesian Tin Islands" has its own
comprehensive records on the search for and the processing of primary tin deposits, dating back
to the middle of the 19th century. As is known, the "Klapa Kampit Deep Mine" on Belitung is the
only underground mine for primary tin in Indonesia. Although the mine is recognised as the
biggest deposit on Belitung, yet there is evidence of the occurence of primary tin at many other
localities, scattered around the whole island and of various dimensions. Three types of primary
tin deposits are known on Belitung:
1. Greisen deposits in granite (old Tikus mine)
2. Fault veins (fissure veins) and fracture fillings (Tebrong mine)
3. Bedding-plane veins associated with extensive ferruginious layering (Kelapa kampit
Especially the Nam Salu is well known as a magnetite-cassiterite lode of the bedding-plane
type. Its mineralogy, dominated by complex ferruginious materials, poses special problems in
mining as well as in ore treatment.
Historical Background
During the first years of primary tin mining, carried out by the Dutch Billiton Company, an
attempt was made to work a vein deposit at Tanjau mine (1859 - 1865); but mining was stopped
as production was very disappointing due to some technical problems and difficulties with the
ore processing being very costly. Nevertheless, records of successful primary tin mining on this
island do exist, e.g. of the Mayang Mengkubang vein (1897 - 1902) with a 500 tons production
(from this area PT. Timah still produced 50 tons Sn per mont in 1979). Still more interesting is
the old report on Selumar, where the North Vein was discovered in 1868 and brought into
production in 1883. Initially, it was worked not only for Sn but also for Cu. The Selumar mine as
such was started in 1906 and worked intermittently until 1930, when it was closed due to low tin
Concerning the lateritic "kerikil" deposits, the areas of main interest were concentrated in
the Mang - Tebu - Kayak - Amoy area, of the Lenggang District (East Belitung). An attempt to
treat 70 tons of kerikil was made in 1949-1952. A mining plan was designed, basically consisting
of 2 stages:
1. Treating the free cassiterite locally with conventional gravel pumps
2. Trucking the tin-bearing kerikil or boulders to a central crushing plant, for further
Yet, this project was never implemented, as it would have been uneconomic: an amount of at
least 4.000 tons Sn was needed, whereas the reserves discovered up to then were only 1,200 tons.
Also, there was no prospect of finding additional reserves in the investigated area.
The activities of PT.Timah since the seventies have mainly been directed towards intensifying
the search for "shallow depth primary tin deposits". This may soon result in an increase of the
short term production (less than 10 years). The new areas producing from this type of deposit are
Mayang complex, Batu Besi ad the non-magnetite Tebrong deposit. A recent and intensive
primary tin exploration was carried out on Belitung in 1971 - 1976 by PT. BROKEN HILL
PROPRIETARY INDONESIA based on a "Contract of Work" between the Government of
Indonesia and B.H.P. of Australia. The above mentioned Kelapa Kampit underground mine is
now under the management of that company.
Problems and Strategy
The potential for new discoveries of on-shore alluvial tin on the one hand, with PT Timah
insistence to increase its income on the other hand, resulted in the company's long term Master
Plan as well as a short term production strategy, covering the next ten years. This includes efforts
to develop both near-surface primary tin deposits and tin bearing lateritic kerikil deposits.
Mining Potential
There are a number of advantages when mining such deposits:
1. Due to the shallow depth, mining will be simple
2. Weathering of the first 25 m or more permits the use of hydraulic methods in many cases
3. The occurrence of both eluvial and alluvial tin together is generally accompanied by sub
outcropping of the primary source; thus a better total value can be expected from these
two types of deposit combined.
The main constraints,mainly regard to beneficiation are:
1. The deposits generally occur as tin-bearing iron ore, requiring more complicated
processing methods
2. The primary tin source, rich in iron often produces alluvial/ eluvial tin concentrates with
a cement of iron oxide, derived from leaching. Without special treatment this cemented
cassiterite cannot be recovered in gravel pump mining. Locally, this kind of tin-bearing
layer is known as "tetsikoi"
3. Lateritic concentrations, gravels and gossans containing cassiterite are very common in
mineralized areas. From this type of kerikil deposit, the cassiterite occuring together with
hematite, goethite and limonite, cannot be recovered.
4. Characteristically, cassiterite has an erratic distribution. Hence, evaluation of reserves is
not an easy task.
sedimentary sequence extend over considerable distance, suggesting that magnetite and some of
the sulfides may be syngenetic in origin.
Detailed observations of bedding-plane lodes at Selumar, Pagardamar, Garumedang and Mayang
turned up inter-bedded magnetite, volcanic glass, sulphide bands and carbonates in favourable
horizons. It has been suggested that these rock types are products of exhalative sedimentary
activity. Tin mineralization however, is commonly the result of epigenetic processes.
On Belitung, primary cassiterite is usually associated with complex iron minerals and sulphides.
The following minerals occur: cassiterite, magnetite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite,
arsenopyrite, sphalerite, bismuthinite, galena, bornite, amphibole, siderite, hematite, limonite and
others. Sample taken of Batu Besi, Pagardamar and Selumar lodes consist of pyrite, chlorite,
magnetite, hematite, limonite and siderite. Surface samples of bedding-plane veins contain
massive hematite/magnetite with crystals of cassiterite widely varying in grain size.
Samples from Batu Besi contain cassiterite, hematite, magnetite, limonite and quartz.
Mineralogical observation would indicate that the magnetite was formed by sedimentary
processes, whereas cassiterite crystals are associated with quartz veins. The grain size of
cassiterite varies from very coarse to ultrafine. The tin content magnetite-cassiterite lodes varies
between 300 ppm/m and 2.6%/m. The liberation between 40 and 50# is about 45%. The iron
content varies from 22%/m to 58%/m.
Samples from the Pagardamar lode indicate that its magnetite has the same characteristics as that
of Selumar. The cassiterite appears fractured in some samples and is intergrown with magnetite.
The lode consists of magnetite, hematite, cassiterite, quartz and limonite. The grain size of its
cassiterite varies between 20# and slime-size. Float samples from this area assay 22% Sn,
showing coarse grained cassiterite. Liberation is 21.9% at - 20# and 65.36% for the -40# + 50#
Low lands, situated south of this with Bukit Batu Besi and surrounding at 15 - 40 m
that the kerikil layer subdivided into two types (Figure 2): one layer associated with sandy
material and another dominated by lateritic concretions.
In conclusion, three types of deposits are evident in zone A:
- Alluvial deposits associated with kerikil layers containing free cassiterite, as well as
weathered condition.
Primary tin deposits occurring as magnetite-cassiterite lodes gossans and greisens.
Figure 2: Soil Profile in Mine Lembong I
The mineralization in Zone B occurs in a horizon known as the iron lode. It consists of a
bedding-plane lode, small fissure fillings and greisen. In many cases the tin of this area
comes from both the magnetite-cassiterite vein and the fissure fillings distributed in the
granite as well as in the sedimentary rocks. Mining in this area was carried out on alluvial,
eluvial and primary tin deposits within the zone of weathering.
Figure 3: Cross Section of magnetite-cassiterite vein in Batu Besi Area
The magnetite-cassiterite vein in this zone has a strike length of nearly 3000 meters and is
thought to have further extensions to both west and east; its width ranges from 4 to 7 meters.
The tin grade varies considerably:
- the highest: 1,7% Sn over 5m (locally 2% Sn over 1,9m)
- the lowest: 0,2% Sn over 7m
Analytical data from rock samples indicate that the high tin content is associated with "quartz
breccia" in the ore body. This may be explained as the effect of hydrothermal solutions on the
rock (Figure 3). Investigations along the length of the lode show that the cassiteritecrystallized in "vugs" in which magnetite recrystallized also.
B. The Garumedang Mengkubang/Mayang Area
This area is promising as far as the bedding-plane vein type of deposit of deposit is concerned.
Such lodes occur in four zones: Garumedang, Gunung Kruing, Air Antu and Rautan/Mayang.
Fault veins are also recorded in this area (Map VI).
The area consists of a peneplain and one small monadnock: Gunung Kruing. The elevation of
Kruing hill is approximately 50 m above sea level. The following rock types occur: sandstone,
micro conglomerate, claystone, siltstone, radiolarian chert and tuff. Shale and quartzite are found
only in places. The main structures observed are joints in rocks exposed by mining activities.
Geological mapping suggest structural control of the mineralization with NE-SW and N-S
The tin in this area is associated with pyrite, pyrrhotite, magnetite, volcanic glass, tourmaline
bands and milky quartz veins. The mineralized area includes Garumedang,Kruing hill, Air Antu,
Mengkubang/Mayang and Piabung. Recently, Garumedang has been investigated by ground
magnetics, geological mapping, drilling and trenching, carried out by consultants (map VI). The
bedding-plane veins at the surface contain magnetite, oxidized sulphidic material and volcanic
glass with tourmaline bands (Figure 4). Cassiterite is associated with shearing or breccia zones.
Figure 4: Outcrop of gossan (bedding-plane lode) in Gunung Kruing
The veins of Air Antu and Mengkubang/Mayang occur close together within a distance of about
300 m (map VI). Besides bedding-plane veins, fault veins are also found in this area. Gossan has
become exposed by alluvial mining activities in the Mengkubang/Mayang area, which has also
been thoroughly investigated. In Air Antu, lead-zinc mineralization has been found, associated
with bedding-plane veins and volcanic rocks scattered on the surface. The results of tin analyses
of drillcore samples intersecting favourable though unmineralized horizons, ranged from 0-15
ppm Sn, the same as for the host rock.
C. Selumar Area
The old Selumar mine was closed in 1930 due to the worldwide recession. In this area a
magnetite bank with crinoid fossils of Middle Carboniferous age occurs. The massive magnetite
is being mined for use in jig beds (Map VII).
The Selumar area consists of a series of hills in a small plain. The Selumar hill reaches a height
of about 175 m above sea level. The area is underlined by sandstone, claystone, radiolarian chert
and siltstone. Geological mapping suggest structural control of the mineralization with NE-SW
and a N-S strike. The magnetite bank is affected by such a NE-SW fault, associated with an
enrichment of the tin content.
The tin in this area is associated with magnetite, pyrite, pyrrhotite, quartz, galena, sphalerite,
chlorite and siderite. Detailed work can only be done on the outcropping magnetite bank (Figure
5). Its western extension shows oxidized sulphides and is displaced by faulting. Detailed
observations across the lode reveal that the magnetite can be either banded or massive, that it
was subjected to recrystallization and that it has a wide range of grain sizes.
Figure 5: Magnetite bank of Selumar area
In some place, this banding is quite distinct, due to interbedded ferruginous claystone and
magnetite (Figure 6). Quartz veins in the magnetite, parallel to the layering, are common.
Cassiterite, associated with kaolin/feldspar occurs in vugs and shears. The magnetite in such
vugs or shears has been recrystallized and is very coarse grained as compared to the massive
magnetite. The banded or layered texture suggests a sedimentary origin. Pyrite may have
replaced part of the magnetite.
The average grade of the magnetite bank is 0,99% Sn over 6 m (Map VIII). The average iron
content is 60,26% Fe and some samples show an association of iron and lead/zinc. A wolframite
vein has also been found in this area.
Figure 6: Banding in the Selumar magnetite bank.
D. The Pagardamar-Mang-Tebu-Kluang-Amoy area
The Mang-Tebu-Kluang-Amoy area is known for its kerikil potential (Map IX). Its deposits of
tin-bearing lateritic concretions and their beneficiation have been studied in detail in the periode
Here we have the Pudas and Langsat hills, overlooking an otherwise flat area, with a dendritic
drainage pattern. Here again, joints can be observed in outcrop and possible NE-SW and N-S
faults are reflected in the displacement of bedding-plane veins.
The tin in this area is associated with magnetite, hematite, quartz, kaolin and chlorite. It occurs in
four distinct zones: The Pagardamar, Mang, Tebu and Kluang Amoy zones.
The Pagardamar zone contains a magnetite-cassiterite lode, displaced by a possible NE-SW fault
vein, which can be traced on the surface by following the distribution of gravel associated with
quartz veins. A float sample contained up to 22% Sn. The cassiterite is associated with quartz
vein and breccias. When found in outcrop it is seen in vugs and E-W shears. Treatment tests with
Pagardamar lode ore showed a good recovery. The Mang Tebu and Kayah areas are known for
their kerikil deposits but have only limited potential. However, bedding-plane veins have also
been found there and more detailed work is recommended in conjuction with further
metallurgical testing.
Complex tin iron ore occurs over nearly the whole island as kerikil, tetsikoi and primary
deposits. This discussion is mainly concerned with the first and the latter.
The evaluation of the potential reserves of a certain area should not be based on a single type of
deposit only, but should take into account all types of deposit occurring in that area, even those
of neighbouring areas. The criterion is, whether such a reserve can be worked as a single mine
unit or not. In practice, such economic units may have a radius of 5-7 km. In fact, not only the
value of the cassiterite, but also that of other economic minerals as possible by-products should
be considered. However, we must first have a better knowledge of the physical properties of
these tin-bearing rocks with regard to their processing.
1. The potential of kerikil deposits
The following factors affect the potential of such deposits:
a. Their distribution pattern, grain size and grade
b. The associated minerals/materials forming the kerikil
c. The potential of several kerikil areas
d. Laboratory investigations.
a. The distribution pattern, dimension and grade
Kerikil deposits are not evenly distributed in cross section. Their thickness ranges from
several centimeters to 1,5 metre. The grain size varies from mm - to boulder - size and
depends on the iron content of the kerikil. So does the specific gravity of course, although
this may also depend on the tin content of the Kerikil. However, grain size and tin content are
not necessarily related.
b. Associated minerals/materials forming the kerikil
The nature of the kerikil entirely depends on its iron content and that of other elements such
as Al and Mn. Four different types exist:
1. Kerikil with clay compounds; yellowish to brownish colour, with a S.G. of 1,5-2.0; its
iron and generally also its tin content is low.
2. Kerikil with ferruginous clays, containing the minerals hematite and magnetite as well as
manganese, showing signs of silification with a S.G. of about 2.5 and and containing fine
3. Kerikil dominated by hematite or magnetite with little clay. The cassiterite is fine grained
even though the deposit may be made up of pebble-size particles or large boulders.
At the Mang-Tebu area this type of kerikil has its largest distribution over an area of 4,7
hectares and a tin content varying between 10 ppm and 1,8% Sn.
4. Kerikil with limonitic clay enclosing loose sandy material. The main components are fine
to coarse grained quartz sand and limonitic cement. This type of kerikil has been named
lateritic concretion. Its distribution is more even and more extensive; it generally does not
contain tin, not even over a mineralized zone.
c. The potential of several kerikil areas
At present, only two kerikil deposits are important on Belitung: the deposit covering the
Mayang-Tebu-Kayah- Amoy zone in the Lenggang district and the Yayu deposit in the
Kelapa Kampit district.
The information, used to estimate the ore reserves, dates back from 1950, by which time an
amount of 70 tons had been treated as a trial.
Ore reserve specification:
: 120.000 m
: 164.000 m
: 302.000 tons
: 0.25-52 % Sn
: 1.400 tons
One advantage is that the deposits in these three areas are all located within a distance of 7
km from each other, i.e. the distance considered small enough to serve a central treatment
Reserves at Yayu:
Information collected in 1979, indicates a reserve of 121,739 tons at 0,15% to 0,30% Sn. The
tin potential depends here mainly on the occurrence of primary tin in this area. There are of
course additional areas of as yet unknown potential, such as the Rautan-Air Antu complex as
indicated by recent work. From the literature we know of areas such as Senyubuk, the
Telinga-Barus-Bukian complex and Tajam-Kepenai, containing kerikil deposits.
d. Laboratory Investigations
The laboratory work carried out so far has been aimed at supporting the exploration activities
and at assisting in mining and processing of the deposits. Gravity separation tests have been
carried out to recover tin from this complex tin ore (6). Ore from Batu Besi, Selumar and
Pagardamar has been treated, the latter yielding the best recovery. Size analysis has been
done on kerikil samples of the Mang-Tebu complex. After crushing and grinding, liberation is
65,44% at about 65# reaching 90% at about 150#.
2. The potential of magnetite-cassiterite veins (primary deposits)
Potential for such deposits roughly coincides with that of kerikil deposits. Unfortunately,
both potentials have to be considered separately for reasons of mining and economy.
Reserves have been recorded from old mines such as Senyubuk, Garumedang, Kelapa
Kampit and Selumar. Based on P.T. TIMAH work, the following areas with potential for
alluvial, eluvial, kerikil, as well as primary deposits are listed according to their priority:
I. The Burung Mandi- Batu Besi area
II. The Garumedang-Air Antu-Air Rautan area
III. The Selumar area
IV. The Pagardamar-Wang-Tebu area
The Kelapa Kampit area is not listed as it is situated in the P.T. B.H.P.I. contract area. The
discussions below are based on recent data.
I. The Burung Mandi-Batu Besi Area
The tin potential of this area is derived from several types of deposit, namely greisens,
fissure-fillings in weathered granite, bedding-plane lodes and vault veins. There are two
tin zones: Burung Mandi and Batu Besi.
The nagnetite-cassiterite veins at Burung Mandi have an indicated strike length of
approximately 2000 m and a width of 1-2 m (two veins). The potential reserves, down to
a depth of 40 m, at a specific gravity of 2, would be around 480.000 tons. Greisens and
fissure-fillings in the vicinity would increase the tonnage to around 700.000 tons of ore.
A vein zone having a length of 3.000 m and an average width of 6 m is indicated at Batu
Besi. If 40 m is taken as a depth limit, the potential reserves would be around 1.440.000
tons. The importance of other types of tin mineralization such as greisens, fissure filling
and a bedding-plane vein south of the other ones, ensures potential reserves at Batu Besi
of not less than 2.500.000 tons. The combined reserves of the Batu Besi and Burung
Mandi zones would therefore be around 3.000.000 tons. Extensions and additional tin
reserves from other deposits could increase the potential of this area 3-5 million tons of
The Garumedang-Air Antu-Air Rautan-Mayang area
This area contains a complex of fairly rich bedding-plane veins. According to old records,
the tin content reaches almost 1.5% - 2% Sn over a vein width of 0.7-2 m. The remaining
ore reserves at the Garumedang underground mine, according to Dutch records, is around
110.000 tons having a grade of 2% Sn over 1.5 m. At Gunung Kruing three parallel veins
systems have been discovered, with potential reserves of approximately 200.000 tons, in
addition to some kerikil and alluvial reserves.
The Air Antu zone is subdivided into a western and an eastern zone. Underground mining
has been undertaken in the past. The tin lode has a length of approximately 2.000 m and a
width of 1-2 m. This would give potential reserves of about 200.000 tons down to a depth
of 40 m at a specific gravity of 2.
The Air Rautan or Mengkubang vein has a length of about 1.800 m, whereas mining at
Mine 65 - VII A has unconvered a bedding-plane lode about 200 m. Recent geological,
geophysical and drilling data proved that the Air Rautan-Mengkubang and Mayang veins
are identical, with a total length of approximately 2,900 m. Systematic rilling suggests
that typical tin-rich sections have a length of about 1.500 m, adepth of 50 m and width of
10 m. At a specific gravity of 2, the potential reserves would be around 150.000 tons.
There is also a potential kerikil reserve of 1.400 m length, an average width of 30 m and
an average depth of 1,5 m. At a specific gravity of 1,8, this reserve would be around
115.000 tons. The total potential of this area adds up to approximately 650.000 tons.
The Selumar area
This area is the site of a former underground mine, which was closed in 1930. The rocks
can still be studied from the ore dump. Sulphide minerals such as pyrite, pyrrhotite,
sphalerite, galena and chalcopyrite have been found. As mentioned before, banded
structures can be seen in the magnetite quarry, which according to Dutch records has a
fairly high tin content (Map VIII). The magnetite-cassiterite lode is the extension of a
gossan exposed near the old shaft. This would indicate a vein length of about 2.000 m.
Dutch records mention 71.000 tons of ore reserves having a tin content of 1,5%. Further
evaluation may result in another 100.000 tons of ore in several reserve blocks. There are
other tin veins besides the long main lode, namely Vein I and Vein II; available surface
data suggest that these two veins have an ore potential of around 640.000 tons.
The Selumar area is expected to have potential reserves similar to those of Kelapa
Kampit. This would be around a million tons of ore with a grade of 1 - 1,5% of Sa.
Besides tin, wolframite veins have also been encountered in the area. Detailed
investigations on the quality and quantity of the wolframite have yet to be carried out.
The Pagardamar- Mang-Tebu area
The Mang-Tebu-Kluang-Amoy area is known for its kerikil reserves. However, in the
Tebu area, tin veins also occur, usually as bedding-plane lodes. Sulphides and iron
minerals occur as associated minerals. The Tebu vein is around 1.500m and the
Pagardamar vein around 1.700 m long. The width of the veins varies from 1,5 to 4 m. the
two veins have combined potential reserves of around 750.000 tons of ore. Besides the
bedding-plane lodes, there are alluvial and kerikil reserves as well.
Tin veins have also been in the Amoy area, which is now better known as the Lutung
mine area. They occur as fissure-fillings and bedding-plane veins. This area is estimated
to have potential reserves of around 100.000 tons of ore. Mining activities are being
conducted at present.the tin vein reserves in the Pagardamar-Mang-Tebu area would add
up to around 1.000.000 tons of ore.
1. In Belitung, outside the areaof the Kelapa Kampit Deep Mine, still other primary tin
deposits occur, although smaller in size and at a shallow depth, but with economical
2. Potential should be understood as the combined potential reserves for different types
of tin deposit occurring in neighbouring areas. These area the kerikil, the magnetitetin ore, the eluvial and possibly the alluvial deposits.
3. The areas considered having such a combined potential, where exploration and
mining is soon to start:
a. The Batu Besi - Burung Mandi area
b. The Mengkubang - Rautan area
c. The group of areas in Pagardamar-Mang-Tebu-Kayak-Amoy
4. Other areas that are geologically promising and where further exploration should be
undertaken are the Senyubuk, Kepenai and Semutik areas.
5. Good indications for primary tin exist in the Papan, Lintang, Air-Nangka and Badau
areas. Exploration should be intensified there too.
6. Selumar: this area needs special attention, with further intensive exploration work.
Some positive factors for future mining at Selumar:
a. Part of the ore reserves are known and proven. There is some geological support
for the possibility of development of the reserves.
b. It is shallow in depth
c. It records the occurrence of Pb, Zn and Cu as accessory minerals.
The Kluang and Amoy (or Lutung) areas also have indications for the occurence of:
alluvial, kerikil as well as primary deposits.
Table 1. List Of Core Sample Analyses