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Customizing Powerdesigner

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Customizing and Extending


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

16.5 SP02


DOCUMENT ID: DC38628-01-1652-01

Copyright 2013 by SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of
SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice.
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These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only,
without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the
materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty
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CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files ...............1
Opening Resource Files in the Editor ..................................3
Navigating and Searching in Resource Files ......................5
Editing Resource Files ..........................................................6
Saving Changes .....................................................................6
Sharing and Embedding Resource Files .............................6
Creating and Copying Resource Files .................................7
Comparing Resource Files ...................................................7
Merging Resource Files ........................................................8

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files .......................................11

Creating an Extension File ..................................................12
Attaching Extensions to a Model .......................................12
Exporting an Embedded Extension File for Sharing ........14
Extension File Properties ....................................................14
Example: Adding a New Attribute from a Property Sheet
Example: Creating Robustness Diagram Extensions ......16
Creating New Types of Objects with Stereotypes .........18
Specifying Custom Symbols for Robustness Objects ...19
Example: Creating Custom Checks on Instance Links
Example: Defining Templates to Extract Message
Descriptions ..............................................................27
Example: Creating a Generated File for the Message
Information ...............................................................29
Example: Testing the Robustness Extensions ..............30
Metaclasses (Profile) ...........................................................33
Extended Objects, Sub-Objects, and Links (Profile) .....36

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner



Stereotypes (Profile) ............................................................37

Creating New Metaclasses with Stereotypes ...............39
Criteria (Profile) ....................................................................40
Extended Attributes (Profile) ..............................................41
Creating an Extended Attribute Type ............................46
Specifying Icons for Attribute Values ............................47
Linking Objects Through Extended Attributes ..............49
Extended Collections and Compositions (Profile) ...........49
Calculated Collections (Profile) ..........................................51
Dependency Matrices (Profile) ...........................................53
Specifying Advanced Dependencies ............................55
Forms (Profile) .....................................................................56
Adding Extended Attributes and Other Controls to
Your Form .................................................................58
Example: Creating a Property Sheet Tab .....................62
Example: Including a Form in a Form ...........................65
Example: Opening a Dialog from a Property Sheet ......68
Custom Symbols (Profile) ...................................................71
Custom Checks (Profile) .....................................................72
Example: PDM Custom Check .....................................73
Example: PDM Autofix ..................................................74
Event Handlers (Profile) ......................................................76
Methods (Profile) .................................................................80
Menus (Profile) .....................................................................82
Example: Opening a Dialog Box from a Menu ..............83
Templates (Profile) ...............................................................85
Generated Files (Profile) .....................................................86
Example: JavaGenerated File and Templates ..............88
Generating Your Files in a Standard or Extended
Generation ................................................................90
Transformations (Profile) ....................................................93
Transformation Profiles (Profile) ...................................95
Developing Transformation Scripts ...............................96
XML Imports (Profile) ..........................................................97
XML Import Mappings ..................................................98


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Metamodel Mapping Properties ..................................101

Metamodel Object Properties .....................................102
Object Generations (Profile) .............................................103
Model-to-Model Generation Mappings .......................104
Global Script (Profile) ........................................................106

CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language

Definition Files .........................................................107
Settings Category: Process Language ............................109
Settings Category: Object Language ...............................110
Settings Category: XML Language ..................................112
Generation Category .........................................................112
Example: Adding a Generation Option .......................113
Example: Adding a Generation Command and Task ..114
Profile Category (Definition Files) ....................................117

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files ..........................119

Triggers Templates, Trigger Template Items, and
Procedure Templates ....................................................120
Database Generation and Reverse Engineering .............120
Script Generation ........................................................121
Extending Generation with Before and After
Statements ....................................................122
Script Reverse Engineering ........................................124
Live Database Generation ..........................................125
Live Database Reverse Engineering ..........................125
Creating Queries to Retrieve Additional
Attributes .......................................................128
Calling Sub-Queries with the EX Keyword .........128
Live Database Reverse Engineering Physical
Options ..........................................................129
Live Database Reverse Engineering Functionbased Index ...................................................131
Live Database Reverse Engineering Qualifiers . 132

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


Defining Generation and Reverse-Engineering of New

Metaclasses ...........................................................133
Adding Scripts Before or After Generation and
Reverse Engineering ..............................................133
General Category (DBMS) .................................................134
Script/Sql Category (DBMS) .............................................135
Syntax Category (DBMS) ...........................................135
Format Category (DBMS) ...........................................136
File Category (DBMS) ................................................137
Keywords Category (DBMS) .......................................139
Script/Objects Category (DBMS) ......................................141
Common Object Items ................................................143
Table Category (DBMS) ..............................................147
Column Category (DBMS) ..........................................151
Working with Null Values ...................................158
Index Category (DBMS) ..............................................159
Pkey Category (DBMS) ..............................................162
Key Category (DBMS) ................................................163
Reference Category (DBMS) ......................................165
View Category (DBMS) ...............................................168
Tablespace Category (DBMS) ....................................170
Storage Category (DBMS) ..........................................170
Database Category (DBMS) .......................................171
Domain Category (DBMS) ..........................................172
Abstract Data Type Category (DBMS) ........................173
Abstract Data Type Attribute Category (DBMS) ..........175
User Category (DBMS) ...............................................176
Rule Category (DBMS) ...............................................176
Procedure Category (DBMS) ......................................179
Trigger Category (DBMS) ...........................................180
DBMS Trigger Category (DBMS) ................................183
Join Index Category (DBMS) ......................................184
Qualifier Category (DBMS) .........................................184
Sequence Category (DBMS) ......................................185
Synonym Category (DBMS) .......................................186


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Group Category (DBMS) ............................................186

Role Category (DBMS) ...............................................187
DB Package Category (DBMS) .................................. 188
DB Package Sub-objects Category (DBMS) .............. 189
Parameter Category (DBMS) ......................................190
Privilege Category (DBMS) ........................................ 190
Permission Category (DBMS) .....................................191
Default Category (DBMS) ........................................... 192
Web Service and Web Operation Category (DBMS) ..193
Web Parameter Category (DBMS) ............................. 194
Result Column Category (DBMS) ...............................194
Dimension Category (DBMS) ..................................... 195
Extended Object Category (DBMS) ............................196
Script/Data Type Category (DBMS) ..................................196
Profile Category (DBMS) ...................................................199
Using Extended Attributes During Generation ............199
Modifying the Estimate Database Size Mechanism ....201
Calling the GetEstimatedSize Event Handler on
Another Metaclass .........................................204
Formatting the Database Size Estimation
Output ............................................................204
ODBC Category (DBMS) ....................................................205
Physical Options (DBMS) ..................................................206
Simple Physical Options ............................................. 206
Composite Physical Options .......................................208
Adding DBMS Physical Options to Your Forms .......... 209
PDM Variables and Macros ...............................................211
Testing Variable Values with the [ ] Operators ............ 212
Formatting Variable Values .........................................214
Variables for Tables and Views ................................... 215
Variables for Columns, Domains, and Constraints ..... 216
Variables for Keys ....................................................... 218
Variables for Indexes and Index Columns ...................219
Variables for References and Reference Columns ..... 219
Variables for Triggers and Procedures ........................221

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner



Variables for Rules ......................................................222

Variables for Sequences .............................................223
Variables for Synonyms ..............................................223
Variables for Tablespaces and Storages .....................223
Variables for Abstract Data Types ...............................223
Variables for Join Indexes (IQ) ....................................226
Variables for ASE & SQL Server .................................226
Variables for Database Synchronization .....................226
Variables for DB Packages and Their Child Objects ...227
Variables for Database Security .................................229
Variables for Defaults ..................................................230
Variables for Web Services .........................................230
Variables for Dimensions ............................................231
Variables for Extended Objects ...................................232
Variables for Reverse Engineering .............................233
Variables for Database, Triggers, and Procedures
Generation ..............................................................233
.AKCOLN, .FKCOLN, and .PKCOLN Macros .............234
.ALLCOL Macro ..........................................................235
.DEFINE Macro ...........................................................235
.DEFINEIF Macro .......................................................236
.ERROR Macro ...........................................................236
.FOREACH_CHILD Macro .........................................237
.FOREACH_COLUMN Macro .....................................238
.FOREACH_PARENT Macro ......................................239
.INCOLN Macro ..........................................................239
.JOIN Macro ................................................................240
.NMFCOL Macro .........................................................241
Macros ....................................................................241
.SQLXML Macro .........................................................242

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL ......245

Creating a Template and a Generated File ......................245


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Extracting Object Properties ............................................246

Accessing Collections of Sub-Objects or Related
Objects ...........................................................................247
Formatting Your Output ....................................................248
Controlling Line Breaks in Head and Tail Strings ........250
Conditional Blocks ............................................................250
Accessing Global Variables ..............................................251
GTL Operators ..................................................................252
Translation Scope ..............................................................255
Shortcut Translation ..........................................................256
Escape Sequences ............................................................256
Calling Templates ..............................................................257
Inheritance and Polymorphism ...................................257
Passing Parameters to a Template .............................260
Recursive Templates ..................................................262
GTL-Specific Metamodel Extensions ...............................262
GTL Macro Reference ........................................................264
.abort_command Macro ..............................................265
.block Macro ...............................................................265
.bool Macro .................................................................266
.break Macro ...............................................................266
.change_dir and .create_path Macros ........................266
.comment and .// Macro ..............................................267
.convert_name and .convert_code Macros .................267
.delete and .replace Macros .......................................268
.error and .warning Macros .........................................269
.execute_command Macro ..........................................269
.execute_vbscript Macro .............................................270
.foreach_item Macro ...................................................271
.foreach_line Macro ....................................................273
.foreach_part Macro ....................................................274
.if Macro ......................................................................275
.log Macro ...................................................................277
.lowercase and .uppercase Macros ............................277
.object and .collection Macros ....................................278

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner



.set_interactive_mode Macro ......................................278

.set_object, .set_value, and .unset Macros ................279
.unique Macro .............................................................281
.vbscript Macro ...........................................................281
GTL Syntax and Translation Errors ..................................283

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report

Language Files ........................................................287
Opening a Report Language File .....................................288
Creating a Report Language File for a New Language . .289
Report Language File Properties .....................................290
Values Mapping Category ..........................................291
Example: Creating a Mapping Table, and
Attaching It to a Specific Model Object ..........292
Report Titles Category ...............................................294
Example: Translating the HTML Report Previous
Button ............................................................295
All Report Titles Tab ..........................................297
Object Attributes Category .........................................298
All Classes Tab ..................................................299
All Attributes and Collections Tab ......................300
Profile/Linguistic Variables Category ..........................300
Profile/Report Item Templates Category .....................303

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner .....................305

Running Scripts in PowerDesigner ..................................307
VBScript File Samples ................................................309
Manipulating Models, Collections, and Objects
(Scripting) ......................................................................312
Creating and Opening Models (Scripting) ...................313
Browsing and Modifying Collections (Scripting) ..........314
Accessing and Modifying Objects and Properties
(Scripting) ...............................................................316
Creating Objects (Scripting) ........................................318

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Displaying, Formatting, and Positioning Symbols

(Scripting) ...............................................................320
Deleting Objects (Scripting) ........................................321
Creating an Object Selection (Scripting) .....................321
Controlling the Workspace (Scripting) ........................322
Creating Shortcuts (Scripting) .........................................323
Creating Mappings Between Objects (Scripting) ...........324
Creating and Generating Reports (Scripting) .................325
Manipulating the Repository (Scripting) .........................325
Generating a Database (Scripting) ...................................326
Reverse Engineering a Database (Scripting) ..................328
Creating and Accessing Extensions (Scripting) .............329
Accessing Metadata (Scripting) .......................................330
OLE Automation and Add-Ins ...........................................332
Creating an ActiveX Add-in .........................................334
Creating an XML File Add-in .......................................335
Launching Scripts and Add-Ins from Menus ..................338
Adding Commands to the Tools Menu ........................339

CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

Navigating in the Metamodel ............................................344
Using the Metamodel Objects Help File ..........................346
PowerDesigner Model File Format ...................................348
Example: Simple OOM XML File ................................350


Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner




SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


PowerDesigner Resource Files

The SAP Sybase PowerDesigner modeling environment is powered by XML-format

resource files, which define the objects available in each model along with the methods for
generating and reverse-engineering them. You can view, copy, and edit the provided resource
files and create your own in order to customize and extend the behavior of the environment.
The following types of resource files, based on or extending the PowerDesigner public
metamodel are provided:

Definition file: customize the metamodel to define the objects available for a specific
DBMS or language:
DBMS definition files (.xdb) - define a specific DBMS in the PDM (see Chapter 4,
DBMS Definition Files on page 119).
Process, object, and XML language definition files (.xpl, .xol, and .xsl) define a
specific language in the BPM, OOM, or XSM (see Chapter 3, Object, Process, and
XML Language Definition Files on page 107).
Extension files (.xem) extend the standard definitions of target languages to, for
example, specify a persistence framework or server in an OOM. You can create or attach
one or more XEMs to a model (see Chapter 2, Extension Files on page 11).
Report templates (.rtp) - specify the structure of a report. Editable within the Report
Template Editor (see Core Features Guide > Storing, Sharing and Reporting on Models >
Report language files (.xrl) translate the headings and other standard text in a report (see
Chapter 6, Translating Reports with Report Language Files on page 287).
Impact and lineage analysis rule sets (.rul) - specify the rules defined for generating impact
and lineage analyses (see Core Features Guide > Linking and Synchronizing Models >
Impact and Lineage Analysis).
Object permission profiles (.ppf) - customize the PowerDesigner interface to hide models,
objects, and properties (see Core Features Guide > Administering PowerDesigner >
Customizing the PowerDesigner Interface > Using Profiles to Control the PowerDesigner
User profiles (.upf) - store preferences for model options, general options, display
preferences, etc (see Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Customizing
Your Modeling Environment > User Profiles).
Model category sets (.mcc) - customize the New Model dialog to guide model creation (see
Core Features Guide > Administering PowerDesigner > Customizing the PowerDesigner
Interface > Customizing the New Model Dialog).
Conversion tables (.csv) - define conversions between the name and code of an object (see
Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Objects > Naming

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files

You can review all the available resource files from the lists of resource files, available by
selecting Tools > Resources > type.
Note: To comply with recent Microsoft recommendations, from version 16.5 onwards,
PowerDesigner no longer allows you to save modifications to resource files inside the
Program Files folder, and will propose an alternative location if you try to do so, adding
the selected directory to the list of paths for that type of resource file. If you have previously
created or modified resource files inside Program Files, your files may no longer be
available, as Windows Vista or Windows 7 actually store them in a virtual mirror at, for
example, C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program
Files\Sybase\PowerDesigner 16\Resource Files\DBMS. To restore these
files to your lists, optionally move them to a more convenient path, and add their location to
your list using the Path tool.
The following tools are available on each resource file list:

Properties - Opens the resource file in the Resource Editor.
New - Creates a new resource file using an existing file as a model (see Creating and
Copying Resource Files on page 7).
Save - Saves the selected resource file.
Save All - Saves all the resource files in the list.
Path - Specifies the directories that contain resource files to populate this list and other
places in the PowerDesigner interface where resources of this type can be selected. By
default, only the directory containing the resource files delivered in the PowerDesigner
installation is specified, but you can add as many additional directories as necessary. The
first directory in the list is the default, which is proposed whenever you save a you file.
If you plan to modify the delivered resource files or create your own, we recommend that
you store these files in a directory outside the PowerDesigner installation directory.
The root of the library belonging to your most recent repository connection is implicitly
included at the head of the list, and is scanned recursively (see Core Features Guide >
Administering PowerDesigner > Deploying an Enterprise Glossary and Library).
Note: In rare cases, when seeking resource files to resolve broken references in models, the
directories in the list are scanned in order, and the first matching instance of the required
resource is used.
Compare - Selects two resource files for comparison.
Merge - Selects two resource files for merging.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files


Check In - [if the repository is installed] Checks the selected resource file into the repository. For information about storing your resource files in the repository, see Core Features
Guide > Administering PowerDesigner > Deploying an Enterprise Glossary and Library.
Update from Repository - [if the repository is installed] Checks out a version of the selected
file from the repository to your local machine.
Compare with Repository - [if the repository is installed] Compares the selected file with a
resource file stored in the repository.

Opening Resource Files in the Editor

When working with a BPM, PDM, OOM, or XSM, you can open the definition file that
controls the objects available in your model in the Resource Editor for viewing and editing.
You can also open and edit any extension files currently attached to or embedded in your
model or access the appropriate list of resource files and open any PowerDesigner resource
To open the definition file currently used by your model:

In a PDM, select Database > Edit Current DBMS.

In a BPM, select Language > Edit Current Process Language.
In an OOM, select Language > Edit Current Object Language.
In an XSM, select Language > Edit Current Language.

To open any extension file currently attached to your model, double-click its entry inside the
Extensions category in the Browser.
To open any other resource file, select Tools > Resources > Type to open the relevant
resource file list, select a file in the list, and then click the Properties tool.
In each case, the file opens in the Resource Editor, in which you can review and edit the
structure of the resource. The left-hand pane shows a tree view of the entries contained within
the resource file, and the right-hand pane displays the properties of the currently-selected

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files

Note: You should never modify the resource files shipped with PowerDesigner. If you want to
modify a file, create a copy using the New tool (see Creating and Copying Resource Files on
page 7).
Each entry is a part of the definition of a resource file, and entries are organized into logical
categories. For example, the Script category in a DBMS language file collects together all the
entries relating to database generation and reverse engineering.
You can drag and drop categories or entries in the tree view of the resource editor and also
between two resource editors of the same type (for example two XOL editors).
Note: Some resource files are delivered with "Not Certified" in their names. Sybase will
perform all possible validation checks, however we do not maintain specific environments to
fully certify these resource files. We will support them by accepting bug reports and providing
fixes as per standard policy, with the exception that there will be no final environmental
validation of the fix. You are invited to assist us by testing fixes and reporting any continuing

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files

Navigating and Searching in Resource Files

The tools at the top of the Resource Editor help you to navigate through and search in the
resource file.


Back (Alt+Left) - Go to the previous visited entry or category. Click the down arrow to
directly select from your history.
Forward (Alt+Right) - Go to the next visited entry or category. Click the down arrow to
directly select from your history.
Lookup (Enter) - Go to the item named in the text box to the left of the tool. If more than one
item is found, they are listed in a results dialog and you should double-click on the desired
item or select it and click OK to go to it.
Click the down arrow to set lookup options:

[extension type] - select the type of extension to search, for example you can search only
Allow wildcard - Enables the use of the characters * to match any string and ? to match
any single character. For example, type is* to retrieve all extensions called
Match case - Search with case sensitivity.

Save (Ctrl+Shift+S) Save the current resource file. Click the down arrow to save the
current resource file under a new name.
Find In Items (Ctrl+Shift+F) - Search for text in entries.
Replace In Items (Ctrl+Shift+H) - Search for and replace text in entries.

Note: To jump to the definition of a template from a reference in another template (see
Templates (Profile) on page 85) or other extension, place your cursor between the percent
signs and press F12. If an extension overrides another item, right-click it and select Go to
super-definition to go to the overriden item.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files

Editing Resource Files

You can add items in the resource editor by right-click a category or an entry in the tree view.
The following editing options are available:
Edit option



Adds a user-defined entry or category .

Add items...

Opens a selection dialog box to allow you select one or more of the predefined
metamodel categories or entries to add to the present node. You cannot edit the
names of these items but you can change their comments and values by selecting
their node.


Deletes the selected category or entry.

Restore Comment Restores the default comment for the selected category or entry.
Restore value

Restores the default value for the selected entry.

Note: You can rename a category or an entry directly from the resource file tree by selecting it
and pressing the F2 key.

Saving Changes
If you make changes to a resource file and then click OK to close the resource editor without
having clicked the Save tool, the changes are saved in memory, the editor is closed and you
return to the list of resource files. When you click Close in the list of resource files, a
confirmation box is displayed asking you if you really want to save the modified resource file.
If you click Yes, the changes are saved in the resource file itself. If you click No, the changes
are kept in memory until you close the PowerDesigner session.
The next time you open any model that uses the customized resource file, the model will take
modifications into account. However, if you have previously modified the same options
directly in the model, the values in the resource file do not change these options.

Sharing and Embedding Resource Files

Resource files can be shared and referenced by multiple models or copied to and embedded in
a single model. Any modifications that you make to a shared resource are available to all
models using the resource, while modifications to an embedded resource are available only to
the model in which it is embedded. Embedded resource files are saved as part of their model
and not as a separate file.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files

Note: You should never modify the original extensions shipped with PowerDesigner. To
create a copy of the file to modify, open the List of Extensions, click the New tool, specify a
name for the new file, and then select the .xem that you want to modify in the Copy from
The File Name field displays the location of the resource file you are modifying is defined.
This field is empty if the resource file is embedded.

Creating and Copying Resource Files

You can create a new resource file in the appropriate resource file list. To create a copy of an
existing resource file, select it in the Copy from field of the New... dialog.
Warning! Since each resource file has a unique id, you should only copy resource files within
PowerDesigner, and not in Windows Explorer.
1. Select Tools > Resources > Type to open the appropriate resource file list.
2. Click the New tool, enter a name for the new file and select an existing file to copy. Select
the <Default template> item to create a minimally completed resource file.
3. Click OK to create the new resource file, and then specify a filename and click Save to
open it in the Resource Editor.
Note: You can create an extension file directly in your model from the List of Extensions.
For more information, see Creating an Extension File on page 12.

Comparing Resource Files

You can select two resource files and compare them to highlight the differences between
1. Select Tools > Resources > Type to open the appropriate resource file list.
2. Select the first resource file you want to compare in the list, and then click the Compare
tool to open a selection dialog.
The selected file is displayed in the second comparison field.
3. Select the other resource file to compare in the first comparison field.
If the resource file you want to compare is not in the list, click the Select Path tool and
browse to its directory.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files

4. Click OK to open the Compare... dialog, which allows you to review all the differences
between the files.
For detailed information about this window, see Core Features Guide > Modeling with
PowerDesigner > Comparing and Merging Models.
5. Review the differences and then click Close to close the comparison window and return to
the list.

Merging Resource Files

You can select two resource files of the same kind and merge them. Merge is performed from
left to right, the resource file in the right pane is compared to the resource file in the left pane,
differences are highlighted and merge actions are proposed in the right hand resource file.
1. Select Tools > Resources > Type to open the appropriate resource file list.
2. Select the resource file in which you want to make merge changes in the list, and then click
the Merge tool to open a selection dialog.
The selected file is displayed in the To field.
3. Select the resource file from which you want to merge in the From field.
If the resource file you want to merge is not in the list, click the Select Path tool and browse
to its directory.

4. Click OK to open the Merge... dialog, which allows you to review all the merge actions
before you complete them.
For detailed information about this window, see Core Features Guide > Modeling with
PowerDesigner > Comparing and Merging Models.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files

5. Select or reject the proposed merge actions as necessary, and then click OK to perform the

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 1: PowerDesigner Resource Files


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Extension Files

Extensions files (*.xem) allow you to customize and extend the PowerDesigner metamodel
to support your exact modeling needs. You can define additional properties for existing
objects or specify entirely new types of objects, modify the PowerDesigner interface
(reorganizing and adding property sheet tabs, Toolbox tools and menu items), and define
additional generation targets and options.
Extension files have an .xem extension and are located in install_dir/Resource
Files/Extende Model Definitions. To view the list of extensions, select Tools >
Resources > Extensions > model type. For information about the tools available in resource
file lists, see Chapter 1, PowerDesigner Resource Files on page 1.
Each extension file contains two first-level categories:

Generation - used to develop or complement the default PowerDesigner object generation

(for BPM, OOM, and XSM models) or for separate generation. For more information, see
Generation Category on page 112.
Profile - used for extending the metaclasses in the PowerDesigner metamodel. You can:
Create or sub-classify new kinds of objects:
Metaclasses drawn from the metamodel as a basis for extension.
Stereotypes [for metaclasses and stereotypes only] sub-classify metaclasses by
Criteria sub-classify metaclasses by evaluating conditions.
Add new properties and collections to objects and display them:
Extended attributes to add metadata.
Extended collections and compositions to enable manual linking between
Calculated collections to automate linking between objects.
Dependency matrices to show dependencies between two types of objects.
Forms to modify property sheets and add custom dialogs.
Custom symbols to change the appearance of objects in diagrams.
Add constraints and validation rules to objects:
Custom checks to test the validity of your models on demand
Event handlers to perform validation or invoke methods automatically.
Execute commands on objects:
Methods VBScripts to be invoked by menus or form buttons.
Menus [for metaclasses and stereotypes only] to add commands to
PowerDesigner menus.
Generate objects in new ways:

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Templates to extract text from object properties.

Generated Files - to assemble templates for preview and generation of files
Transformations to automate changes to objects at generation or on demand.
Map correspondences between different metamodels:
Object generations - to define mappings between different modules in the
PowerDesigner metamodel for model-to-model generation.
XML imports - to define mappings between an XML schema and a PowerDesigner
module to import XML files as models.

Note: Since you can attach several resource files to a model (for example, a target language
and one or more extension files) you can create conflicts, where multiple extensions with
identical names (for example, two different stereotype definitions) are defined on the same
metaclass in separate resource files. In case of such conflicts, the extension file extension
usually prevails. When two XEMs are in conflict, priority is given to the one highest in the List
of Extensions.

Creating an Extension File

You can create an extension file from the list of extension files or directly embedded in your
Note: For information about creating an extension file from the list of extension files, see
Creating and Copying Resource Files on page 7.
1. Open your model, and then select Model > Extensions to open the List of Extensions.
2. Click the Add a Row tool and enter a name for the new extension file.
3. Click the Properties tool to open the new extension file in the Resource Editor, and create
any appropriate extensions.
4. When you have finished, click OK to save your changes and return to the List of
The new XEM is initially embedded in your model, and cannot be shared with any other
model. For information about exporting your extensions and making them available for
sharing, see Exporting an Embedded Extension File for Sharing on page 14.

Attaching Extensions to a Model

Extensions can be in independent *.xem files that are attached to models or can be embedded
in model files. Independent extension files can be referenced by multiple models, and any
changes made to such a file are shared by all models that attach it. Changes made to extensions
embedded in a model file affect only that model.
Note: You should never modify the original extensions shipped with PowerDesigner. To
create a copy of the file to modify, open the List of Extensions, click the New tool, specify a


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

name for the new file, and then select the .xem that you want to modify in the Copy from
You can attach an extension file (.xem) to your model at the creation of the model by clicking
the Select Extensions button on the New Model dialog. You can subsequently attach an
extension file to your model at any time from the List of Extensions.
1. Select Model > Extensions to open the List of Extensions.
2. Click the Attach an Extension tool to open the Select Extensions dialog.
3. Review the different sorts of extensions available by clicking the sub-tabs and select one or
more to attach to your model.
By default, PowerDesigner creates a link in the model to the specified file. To copy the
contents of the extension file and save it in your model file, click the Embed Resource in
Model button in the toolbar. Embedding a file in this way enables you to make changes
specific to your model without affecting any other models that reference the shared
4. Click OK to return to the List of Extensions.

Extension files listed in grey are attached to the model, while those in black are embedded
in the model.
Note: If you embed an extension file in the model, the name and code of the extension may
be modified in order to make it respect the naming conventions of the Other Objects
category in the Model Options dialog.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Exporting an Embedded Extension File for Sharing

If you export an XEM created in a model, it becomes available in the List of Extensions, and
can be shared with other models. When you export an XEM, the original remains embedded in
the model.
1. Select Model > Extensions to open the List of Extensions.
2. Select an extension in the list.
3. Click the Export an Extension tool.
4. Type a name and select a directory for the extension file.
5. Click Save.
The extension can now be accessed by and attached to or embedded in other models.

Extension File Properties

All extension files have the same basic category structure.
The root node of each file contains the following properties:


Name / Code

Specify the name and code of the extension file, which must be unique in a model.

File Name

[read-only] Specifies the path to the extension file. If the XEM has been copied to
your model, this field is empty.

Family / Subfamily

Restricts the availability of the XEM to a particular target family and subfamily.
For example, when an XEM has the family Java, it is available only for use with
targets in the Java object language family. EJB 2.0 is a sub-family of Java.


Specifies that the XEM will be automatically attached to new models with a target
belonging to the specified family.


Groups XEMs by type for generation and in the Select Extensions dialog. Extensions having the same category cannot be generated simultaneously. If you do
not specify a category, the XEM is displayed in the General Purpose category and
is treated as a generation target.

Enable Trace

Lets you preview the templates used during generation (see Templates (Profile) on
page 85). Before starting the generation, click the Preview page of the relevant
object, and click the Refresh tool to display the templates.
When you double-click on a trace line from the Preview page, the Resource Editor
opens to the corresponding template definition.


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Specifies that the XEM is used to complement the generation of an DBMS or
language genera- language definition, so that items to be generated for the language are merged with
those of the XEM before generation, and all generated files specified by both the
language definition and the XEMs are generated (see Generated Files (Profile) on
page 86). If two generated files have identical names, the file in the XEM
overrides the one defined in the target.
Note: PowerBuilder does not support XEMs for complementary generation.

Provides a descriptive comment for the XEM.

The following categories are also available:

Generation - Contains Generation commands, options, and tasks to define and activate a
generation process (see Generation Category on page 112).
Transformation Profile - Groups transformations for application at model generation time
or on demand (see Transformations (Profile) on page 93).

Example: Adding a New Attribute from a Property Sheet

In this example, we will quickly add a new attribute directly from the property sheet of an
object. PowerDesigner will manage the creation of the extension file and creation of all the
necessary extensions.
1. Click on the Property Sheet Menu button at the bottom-left of the property sheet, to the
right of the More/Less button, and select New Attribute.
2. In the New Attribute dialog, enter Latency in the Name field, select String for the
data type.
3. Click the ellipsis button to the right of the List of values field, enter the following list of
predefined values, and then click OK:
4. [optional] Select Scheduled in the Default value field.
5. [optional] Click Next to specify the property sheet page where you want the new attribute
to appear. Here, we'll leave the default, so its inserted on the General tab.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Example: Creating Robustness Diagram Extensions

In this example, we will recreate the Robustness extension file delivered with PowerDesigner
to extend the OOM communication diagram to enable robustness analysis. Robustness
diagrams sit between use case and sequence diagram analysis, and allow you to bridge the gap
between what the system has to do, and how it is actually going to accomplish it.
In order to support the robustness diagram, we will need to define new objects by applying
stereotypes to a metaclass, specify custom tools and symbols for them, as well as defining
custom checks for instance links and producing a file to output a description of messages
exchanged between objects.
Creating the robustness extensions will enable us to verify use cases like the following, which
represents a basic Web transaction:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

A customer wants to know the value of his stocks in order to decide to sell or not, and sends a
stock value query from his Internet Browser, which is transferred from his browser to the
database server via the application server.
The first step in defining extensions, is to create an extension file (.xem) to keep them in:
1. Create or open an OOM and select Model > Extensions to open the list of extensions
attached to the model.
2. Click the Add a Row tool to create a new extension file, and then click the Properties tool
to open it in the Resource Editor.
3. Enter Robustness Analysis Extensions in the Name field, and clear the
Complement language generation check box, as these extensions do not belong to any
object language family and will not be used to complement any object language
4. Expand the Profile category, in which we will create the extensions:

For detailed information about creating extension files, see Creating an Extension File on
page 12.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Creating New Types of Objects with Stereotypes

To implement robustness analysis in PowerDesigner, we need to create three new types of
objects (boundary, entity, and control objects), which we will define in the Profile category by
extending the UMLObject metaclass through stereotypes.
1. Right-click the Profile category and select Add Metaclasses to open the Metaclass
Selection dialog.
2. Select UMLObject on the PdOOM tab and click OK to add this metaclass to the
extension file.
Note: Click the Find in Metamodel Objects Help tool to the right of the Name field (or
click Ctrl+F1) to obtain information about this metaclass and see where it is situated in the
PowerDesigner metamodel.
3. Right-click the UMLObject category and select New > Stereotype to create a stereotype
to extend this metaclass.
4. Enter Boundary in the Name field, and Boundary objects are used by
actors when communicating with the system; they can be
windows, screens, dialog boxes or menus. in the Comment field.
5. Select the Use as metaclass check box to promote the object type in the interface so that it
has its own object list and Browser category.
6. Click the Select Icon tool to open the PowerDesigner image library dialog, select the
Search Images tab, enter boundary in the Search for field, and click the Search button.
7. Select the Boundary.cur image in the results, and click OK to assign it to represent
boundary objects in the Browser and other interface elements. Click the Toolbox custom
tool check box to create a tool with the same icon for creating the new object in the
8. Repeat these steps to create the following stereotypes and icons:




Image file


Entity objects represent stored data like a database, data- entity.cur

base tables, or any kind of transient object such as a search


Control objects are used to control boundary and entity

objects, and represent transfer of information.


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

9. Click Apply to save your changes before continuing.

For detailed information about creating stereotypes, see Stereotypes (Profile) on page

Specifying Custom Symbols for Robustness Objects

We will specify diagram symbols for each of our new robustness diagram objects by adding
custom symbols to our new stereotypes.
1. Right-click Boundary stereotype and select New > Custom Symbol to create a custom
symbol under the stereotype.
2. Click the Modify button to open the Symbol Format dialog, and select the Custom Shape
3. Select the Enable custom shape check box, and select Boundary Object in the Shape
name list.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

4. Click OK to complete the definition of the custom symbol and return to the Resource
5. Repeat these steps for the other stereotypes:



Shape Name


Entity Object


Control Object

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

6. Click Apply to save your changes.

For detailed information about creating custom symbols, see Custom Symbols (Profile) on
page 71.

Example: Creating Custom Checks on Instance Links

We will now create three custom checks on the instance links that will connect the various
robustness objects. These checks, which are written in VB, do not prevent users from creating
diagrams not supported by the robustness methodology, but define rules that will be verified
when you check your model.
1. Right-click the Profile category, select Add Metaclasses to open the Metaclass Selection
dialog, select InstanceLink on the PdOOM tab and click OK to add it to the extension
2. Right-click the InstanceLink category and select New > Custom Check to create a
check under the metaclass.
3. Enter the following values for the properties on the General tab:



Incorrect Actor Collaboration


This check verifies if actors are linked to boundary

objects. Linking actors to control or entity objects
is not allowed in the robustness analysis.

Help message

This check ensures that actors only communicate with

boundary objects.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Output message

The following instance links are incorrect:

Default severity


Execute the
check by default


4. Select the Check Script tab and enter the following script in the text field:
Function %Check%(link)
' Default return is True
%Check% = True
' The object must be an instance link
If link is Nothing then
Exit Function
End if
If not link.IsKindOf(PdOOM.cls_InstanceLink) then
Exit Function
End If
' Retrieve the link extremities
Dim src, dst
Set src = link.ObjectA
Set dst = link.ObjectB
' Source is an Actor
' Call CompareObjectKind() global function defined in Global
Script pane
If CompareObjectKind(src, PdOOM.Cls_Actor) Then
' Check if destination is an UML Object with "Boundary"
If not CompareStereotype(dst, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject,
"Boundary") Then
%Check% = False
End If
ElseIf CompareObjectKind(dst, PdOOM.Cls_Actor) Then
' Check if source is an UML Object with "Boundary" Stereotype
If not CompareStereotype(src, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject,
"Boundary") Then
%Check% = False
End If
End If
End Function

Note: For more information on VBS, see Chapter 7, Scripting PowerDesigner on page
5. Select the Global Script tab (where you store functions and static attributes that may be
reused among different functions) and enter the following script in the text field:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

' This global function check if an object is of given kind
' or is a shortcut of an object of given kind
Function CompareObjectKind(Obj, Kind)
' Default return is false
CompareObjectKind = False
' Check object
If Obj is Nothing Then
Exit Function
End If
' Shortcut specific case, ask to it's target object
If Obj.IsShortcut() Then
CompareObjectKind = CompareObjectKind(Obj.TargetObject,
Exit Function
End If
If Obj.IsKindOf(Kind) Then
' Correct object kind
CompareObjectKind = True
End If
End Function
' This global function check if an object is of given kind
' and compare it's stereotype value
Function CompareStereotype(Obj, Kind, Value)
' Default return is false
CompareStereotype = False
' Check object
If Obj is Nothing then
Exit Function
End If
if (not Obj.IsShortcut() and not
Obj.HasAttribute("Stereotype")) Then
Exit Function
End If
' Shortcut specific case, ask to it's target object
If Obj.IsShortcut() Then
CompareStereotype = CompareStereotype(Obj.TargetObject,
Kind, Value)
Exit Function
End If
If Obj.IsKindOf(Kind) Then
' Correct object kind
If Obj.Stereotype = Value Then
' Correct Stereotype value
CompareStereotype = True
End If
End If
End Function
' This global function copy the standard attribute
' from source to target
Function Copy (src, trgt)
trgt.name = src.name
trgt.code = src.code

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

trgt.comment = src.comment
trgt.description = src.description
trgt.annotation = src.annotation
Dim b, d
for each b in src.AttachedRules
trgt.AttachedRules.insert -1,b
for each d in src.RelatedDiagrams
trgt.RelatedDiagrams.insert -1,d
output " "
output trgt.Classname & " " & trgt.name & " has been created."
output " "
End Function

6. Repeat these steps to create a second check by entering the following values:



Incorrect Boundary to Boundary Link

Help message

This check ensures that an instance link is not defined between two boundary objects.

Output message

The following links between boundary objects are


Default severity


Execute the check

by default



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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Check Script

Function %Check%(link)
' Default return is True
%Check% = True
' The object must be an instance link
If link is Nothing then
Exit Function
End if
If not link.IsKindOf(PdOOM.cls_InstanceLink) then
Exit Function
End If
' Retrieve the link extremities
Dim src, dst
Set src = link.ObjectA
Set dst = link.ObjectB
' Error if both extremities are 'Boundary' objects
If CompareStereotype(src, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject, "Boundary") Then
If CompareStereotype(dst, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject,
"Boundary") Then
%Check% = False
End If
End If
End Function

7. Repeat these steps to create a third check by entering the following values:



Incorrect Entity Access

Help Message

This check ensures that entity objects are accessed

only from control objects.

Output Message

The following links are incorrect:

Default Severity


Execute the check

by default


Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Check Script

Function %Check%(link)
' Default return is True
%Check% = True
' The object must be an instance link
If link is Nothing then
Exit Function
End if
If not link.IsKindOf(PdOOM.cls_InstanceLink) then
Exit Function
End If
' Retrieve the link extremities
Dim src, dst
Set src = link.ObjectA
Set dst = link.ObjectB
' Source is and UML Object with "Entity" stereotype?
' Call CompareStereotype() global function defined in
Global Script pane
If CompareStereotype(src, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject, "Entity") Then
' Check if destination is an UML Object with "Control" Stereotype
If not CompareStereotype(dst, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject,
"Control") Then
%Check% = False
End If
ElseIf CompareStereotype(dst, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject,
"Entity") Then
' Check if source is an UML Object with "Control"
If not CompareStereotype(src, PdOOM.Cls_UMLObject,
"Control") Then
%Check% = False
End If
End If
End Function


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

8. Click Apply to save your changes before continuing.

For detailed information about creating custom checks, see Custom Checks (Profile) on
page 72.

Example: Defining Templates to Extract Message Descriptions

We are going to generate a textual description of the messages in the diagram, giving for each
message, the names of the sender, message, and receiver. To do so, we will need to define
PowerDesigner Generation Template Language (GTL) templates to extract the information
and a generated file to contain and display the extracted information.
To generate this textual description, we will need to extract information from the Message
metaclass (to extract the message sequence number, name, sender, and receiver) and the
CommunicationDiagram (to gather all the messages from each diagram and sort them)
1. Right-click the Profile category, select Add Metaclasses to open the Metaclass Selection
dialog, select CommunicationDiagram and Message on the PdOOM tab and click
OK to add them to the extension file.
2. Right-click the Message category and select New > Template to create a template under
the metaclass.
3. Enter description in the Name field, and then enter the following GTL code in the
text area:
.set_value(_tabs, "", new)
.foreach_part(%SequenceNumber%, '.')
.set_value(_tabs, "
%_tabs%%SequenceNumber%) %Sender.ShortDescription% sends message
"%Name%" to %Receiver.ShortDescription%

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

The first line of the template initializes the _tabs variable, and the foreach_part
macro calculates an appropriate amount of indentation by looping through each sequence
number, and adding 3 spaces whenever a dot is found. The last line uses this variable to
indent, format, and display information extracted for each message.
4. Right-click the CommunicationDiagram category and select New > Template to
create a template under the metaclass.
5. Enter compareCbMsgSymbols in the Name field, and then enter the following GTL
code in the text area:
.bool (%Item1.Object.SequenceNumber% >=

This template resolves to a boolean value to determine if one message number is greater
than another, and the result will be used in a second template.
6. Right-click the CommunicationDiagram category and select New > Template to
create a second template, enter description in the Name field, and then enter the
following GTL code in the text area:
Collaboration Scenario %Name%:
.foreach_item(Symbols,,, %ObjectType% ==
CollaborationMessageSymbol, %compareCbMsgSymbols%)

The first line of this template generate the title of the scenario from the name of the
communication diagram. Then the .foreach_item macro loops on each message
symbol, and calls on the other templates to format and output the message information.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

7. Click Apply to save your changes before continuing.
For detailed information about templates and GTL, see Templates (Profile) on page 85
and Chapter 5, Customizing Generation with GTL on page 245.

Example: Creating a Generated File for the Message Information

Having created templates to extract information about the messages in the model, we need to
create a generated file to contain and display them on the Preview tab of the diagram property
sheet. We will define the file on the BasePackage metaclass, which is the common class for
all packages and models, and will have it loop through all the communication diagrams in the
model to evaluate the template description defined on the CommunicationDiagram
1. Right-click the Profile category, select Add Metaclasses to open the Metaclass Selection
dialog, click the Modify Metaclass Filter tool, select Show Abstract Modeling
Metaclasses, and click the PdCommon tab.
2. Select BasePackage and click OK to add it to the extension file.
3. Right-click the BasePackage category and select New > Generated File to create a file
under the metaclass.
4. Enter the following values for the file properties:



Communications Textual Descriptions

File name

%Name% Communication Description.txt



Use package
hierarchy as
file path


5. Enter the following code in the text box:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

6. Click Apply to save your changes, and then OK to close the resource editor.
7. Click OK to close the List of Extensions.
For detailed information about creating generated files, see Generated Files (Profile) on
page 86.

Example: Testing the Robustness Extensions

To test the extensions we have created, we will create a small robustness diagram to analyze
our use case.
1. Right-click your model node in the Browser, and select New > Communication
In addition to the standard Toolbox, a custom toolbox is provided with tools you have
defined to create boundary, control, and entity objects.
2. Drag the Customer actor from the Actors category in the Browser into the diagram to
create a shortcut. Then create one each of the boundary, control and entity objects, and
name them Internet Browser, Application Server, and Database
Server respectively.
3. Use the Instance Link tool in the standard Toolbox to connect the Customer to the
Internet Browser to the Application Server, to the Database
4. Create the following messages on the Messages tabs of the instance links property sheets:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files


Message name


Customer - Internet Browser

Stock value query

Internet Browser - Application Server

Ask value to app server

Application Server - Database Server

Ask value to db

Database Server - Application Server

Return value from db

Application Server - Internet Browser

Return value from app server 5

Internet Browser - Customer

Return value

5. Select Tools > Check Model to display the Check Model Parameters dialog box, in which
the custom checks we have created appear in the Instance Link category:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Click OK to test the validity of the instance links we have created.

6. Right-click the model node in the Browser and select Properties to open the model
property sheet. Click the Preview tab to review messages sent for our use case:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Metaclasses (Profile)
Metaclasses are defined in the PowerDesigner metamodel and provide the basis for your
extensions. You add a metaclass to the Profile category when you want to extend it in some
way by modifying its behavior, adding new properties, changing its property sheet or symbol,
or even excluding it from your models.
You can either make extensions to an existing type of object or create an entirely new kind of
modeling object by adding the ExtendedObject, ExtendedSubObject or
ExtendedLink metaclass (see Extended Objects, Sub-Objects, and Links (Profile) on page
In the following example, the FederationController is an entirely new type of object
created by adding the ExtendedObject metaclass and defining a stereotype on it. Various
specializations of the Table metaclass are defined through criteria and stereotypes:
Extensions are inherited, so that any extensions made to a metaclass
are available to its stereotyped children, and those that are subject to
criteria. The various extended attributes defined under the table metaclass will be available to table instances according to the following

SecurityLevel - All tables.

EncryptionKey - Tables for which the SecureTable
criterion evaluates to true.

ReplicationPath - Tables for which both the SecureTable and Replicated criteria evaluate to true.
ExternalLogin - Tables bearing either the FederatedTable or PriorityTable stereotype.
Availability - Tables bearing the PriorityTable

For example, a table bearing the FederatedTable stereotype,

and for which the SecureTable criteria evaluates to true, would
display the SecurityLevel, EncryptionKey, and ExternalLogin attributes, while a table bearing the PriorityTable stereotype, and for which both the SecureTable and
Replicated criteria evaluate to true, would display these attributes and, additionally, the ReplicationPath and Availability attributes.

1. Right-click the Profile category and select Add Metaclasses:

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

2. Select one or more metaclasses to add to the profile. The sub-tabs list metaclasses
belonging to the present module (for example, the OOM), and standard metaclasses
belonging to the PdCommon module.

[optional] Use the Modify Metaclass Filter tool to display:

All metaclasses
Concrete metaclasses - for object types that can be created in a model, such as Class
or Interface.
Abstract metaclasses -which are never instantiated but are used to define common
extensions. For example, add the Classifier metaclass to your profile to define
extensions that will be inherited by both classes and interfaces.
Note: For information about viewing and navigating among metaclasses in the
metamodel, see Chapter 8, The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel on page 343.
3. Click OK to add the selected metaclasses to your profile:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

4. [optional] Enter the following properties as appropriate:




[read-only] Specifies the name of the metaclass. Click the button to the right
of this field to open the Metamodel Objects Help for the metaclass.


[read-only] Specifies the parent of the metaclass. Click the button to the right
of this field to go to the parent. If the parent is not present in the profile, a
message invites you to add it.

Code naming

[concrete metaclasses in target files] Specifies the default format to initialize

the name to code conversion script for instances of the metaclass. The following formats are available:
firstLowerWord - First word in lowercase, then other first letters of
other words in uppercase
FirstUpperChar - First character of all words in uppercase
lower_case - All words in lowercase and separated by an underscore
UPPER_CASE - All words in uppercase and separated by an underscore
For more information on conversion scripts and naming conventions, see Core

Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Objects > Naming Conventions.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Illegal characters [concrete metaclasses in target files] Specifies a list of illegal characters that
may not be used in code generation for the metaclass. The list must be placed
between double quotes, for example:
When working with an OOM, this object-specific list overrides any values
specified in the IllegalChar property for the object language (see Settings Category: Object Language on page 110).
Enable selection Specifies that instances of the metaclass will appear in the Selection tab of the
in file generation extended generation dialog box.
Exclude from

[concrete metaclasses only] Prevents the creation of instances of the metaclass and removes all references to the metaclass from the menus, Toolbox,
property sheets and so on, to simplify the interface. For example, if you do not
use business rules, select this check box for the BusinessRule metaclass
to hide them in your models.
When several resource files are attached to a model, the metaclass is excluded
if at least one file excludes it and the others do not explicitly enable it. For
models that already have instances of this metaclass, the objects will be
preserved but it will not be possible to create new ones.


Documents the reason for the presence of the metaclass in this profile.

Extended Objects, Sub-Objects, and Links (Profile)

Extended objects, sub-objects, and links are special metaclasses that are designed to allow you
to add completely new types of objects to your models, rather than basing them on existing
PowerDesigner objects. These objects do not appear, by default, in models other than the free
model unless you add them to an extension or other resource file.

Extended objects define new types of objects that can be created anywhere.
Extended sub-objects define new types of child objects that can only be created in the
property sheet of their parent via an extended composition (see Extended Collections and
Compositions (Profile) on page 49).
Extended links define new types of links between objects.

1. Right-click the Profile category, select Add Metaclasses, and click the PdCommon subtab in the dialog to display the list of objects common to all models.
2. Select one or more of ExtendedLink, ExtendedSubObject, and
ExtendedObject and click OK to add them to your profile.
Note: To make the tools for creating extended objects and extended links available in the
Toolbox of models other than the free model, you must add them via the customization
dialog available at Tools > Customize Menus and Tools.


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

3. [optional] To create your own object add a stereotype (see Stereotypes (Profile) on page
37 and define appropriate extensions under the stereotype. To have your object appear in
the PowerDesigner interface as a standard metaclass, with its own tool, Browser category
and model list, select Use as metaclass in the stereotype definition (see Creating New
Metaclasses with Stereotypes on page 39).
4. Click Apply to save the changes.

Stereotypes (Profile)
Stereotypes subclassify metaclasses so that extensions are applied to objects only if they bear
the stereotype. Stereotypes can be promoted to the status of metaclasses with a specific list,
Browser category and custom symbol and Toolbox tool.
Note: You can define more than one stereotype for a given metaclass, but you can only apply a
single stereotype to each instance. Like other extensions, stereotypes support inheritance, so
extensions to a parent stereotype are inherited by child stereotypes.
1. Right-click a metaclass, criterion, or stereotype, and select New > Stereotype.
2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the internal name of the stereotype, which is used for scripting.


Specifies the display name of the stereotype, which will appear in the PowerDesigner interface.


Specifies a parent stereotype of the stereotype. You can select a stereotype defined
in the same metaclass or in a parent metaclass. Click the Properties button to go to
the parent stereotype in the tree and display its properties.


Specifies that the stereotype cannot be applied to metaclass instances. The stereotype will not appear in the stereotype list in the object property sheet, and can
only be used as a parent of other child stereotypes. Disables the Use as metaclass

Use as metaclass

Promotes the stereotype to the same status as standard PowerDesigner metaclasses, to give it its own list of objects, Browser category, and its own tab in
multi-pane selection boxes such as those used for generation (see Creating New
Metaclasses with Stereotypes on page 39).

No Symbol

[available when Use as metaclass is selected] Specifies that instances of the

stereotyped metaclass cannot be displayed in a diagram and are visible only in the
Browser. Disables the Toolbox custom tool.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files




Specifies an icon for stereotyped instances of the metaclass. Click the tools to the
right of this field in order to browse for .cur or .ico files.
Note: The icon is used to identify objects in the Browser and elsewhere in the
interface, but not as a diagram symbol. To specify a custom diagram symbol, see
Custom Symbols (Profile) on page 71.

Toolbox custom tool

[available for objects supporting symbols] Specifies a Toolbox tool to enable you
to create objects in a diagram. If you do not select this option, users are only able to
create objects bearing the stereotype from the Browser or Model menu. Custom
tools appear in a separate Toolbox group named after the resource file in which
they are defined.
Note: If you have not specified an icon, the tool will use a hammer icon by default.

Plural label

[available when Use as metaclass is selected] Specifies the plural form of the
display name that will appear in the PowerDesigner interface.


[available when Use as metaclass or Toolbox Custom Tool is selected] Specifies

a default name for objects created. A counter will be automatically appended to
the name specified to generate unique names.
A default name can be useful when designing for a target language or application
with strict naming conventions. Note that the default name does not prevail over
model naming conventions, so if a name is not correct it is automatically modified.



Provides a description or additional information about the stereotype.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Creating New Metaclasses with Stereotypes

You can use stereotypes to create new kinds of objects that behave like standard
PowerDesigner metaclasses or to have objects with identical names but different stereotypes
in the same namespace (a metaclass stereotype creates a sub-namespace in the current
For examples, see Creating New Types of Objects with Stereotypes on page 18.
Note: Stereotypes defined on sub-objects (such as table columns or entity attributes), cannot
be promoted to metaclass status.
1. Create a stereotype under the metaclass on which you want to base your new metaclass. If
the new object type does not share characteristics with an existing metaclass, then use the
ExtendedObject metaclass.
Note: If the ExtendedObject or other metaclass is not visible, add it by right-clicking
the Profile category, and selecting Add Metaclass (see Metaclasses (Profile) on page
2. In the stereotype property page, select Use as metaclass.
3. [optional] Specify an icon and tool to create instances of the metaclass stereotype.
4. Click Apply to save the changes and then add extended attributes and other appropriate
extensions under the stereotype.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

In your model, the stereotypes has:
A separate list in the Model menu after the parent metaclass list (and the parent
metaclass list will not display objects with the metaclass stereotype). Objects created
in the new list bear the new metaclass stereotype by default. If you change the
stereotype, the object will be removed from the list the next time it is opened.
A separate Browser folder and command under New, when you right-click the model
or a package.
Property sheet titles based on the metaclass label.
Its own tab in multi-pane selection boxes such as those used for generation.
5. [optional: DBMS definition files] Add the new object to the Script/Objects and
define appropriate SQL statements to enable its generation and reverse-engineering (see
Defining Generation and Reverse-Engineering of New Metaclasses on page 133).

Criteria (Profile)
Criteria subclassify metaclasses so that extensions are applied to objects only if they satisfy
conditions. You can test an object instance against multiple criteria, and for sub-criteria, its
condition and any conditions specified by its parents must be met for its extensions to be
applied to the instance.
1. Right-click a metaclass and select New > Criterion.
2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the name of the criterion.


Specifies the condition which instances must meet in order to access the criterion
extensions. You can use any expressions valid for the PowerDesigner GTL .if
macro (see .if Macro on page 275). You can reference any extended attributes
defined at the metaclass level in the condition, but not those defined under the
criterion itself.
For example, in a PDM, you can customize the symbols of fact tables by creating a
criterion that will test the type of the table using the following condition:
(%DimensionalType% == "1")

%DimensionalType% is an attribute of the BaseTable object, which

has a set of defined values, including "1", which corresponds to "fact". For
more information, select Help > Metamodel Objects Help, and navigate to
Libraries > PdPDM > Abstract Classes > BaseTable.


Specifies the parent criterion of the criterion. To move the criterion to under
another parent, select the parent in the list. Click the Properties tool to open the
parent and view its properties.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files




Specifies additional information about the criterion.

3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Extended Attributes (Profile)

Extended attributes define additional metadata to capture for object instances. You can specify
a default value, allow users to freely enter numeric, string, or other types of data (or select
objects), provide an open or closed list of possible values, or calculate a value.
Note: Extended attributes are listed on a generic Extended Attributes tab in the object
property sheet, unless you insert them into forms (see Forms (Profile) on page 56). If all the
extended attributes are allocated to forms, the generic page will not be displayed.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion in the Profile category and select New >
Extended Attribute.
2. Specify the following properties as appropriate:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files




Specifies the internal name of the attribute, which can be used for scripting.


Specifies the display name of the attribute, which will appear in the PowerDesigner interface.


Provides additional information about the extended attribute.

Data type

Specifies the form of the data to be held by the extended attribute. You can choose
Boolean - TRUE or False.
Color - xxx xxx xxx where x is an integer between 0-255.
Date or Time - your local format as specified in your Windows regional
File or Path - cannot contain /// or any of the following characters: ?"<>|.
Integer or Float - the appropriate local format.
Hex - a hexadecimal.
Font - font name,font type,font size.
Font Name or Font Style - a 1-50 character string.
Font Size - an integer between 1-400.
Object - an object of the correct type and, if appropriate, with the correct
stereotype. When selecting this type you must specify an Object type and, if
appropriate, an Object stereotype, and you can also specify an Inverse
collection name (see Linking Objects Through Extended Attributes on page
Password - no restrictions.
String (single line) or Text (multi-line) - no restrictions.
Select the Validate check box to the right of the list to enforce validation of the
values entered for the attribute.
To create your own data type, click the Create Extended Attribute Type tool to
the right of the field (see Creating an Extended Attribute Type on page 46).


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Specifies that the extended attribute is calculated from other values using
VBScript on the Get Method Script, Set Method Script, and Global Script
tabs. When you select this checkbox, you must choose between:
Read/Write (Get+Set methods)
Read only (Get method)
In the following example script, the FileGroup computed extended attribute
gets its value from and sets the value of the filegroup physical option of the
Function %Get%(obj)
%Get% = obj.GetPhysicalOptionValue("on/<filegroup>")
End Function
Sub %Set%(obj, value)
obj.SetPhysicalOptionValue "on/<filegroup>", value
End Sub

Default value

[if not computed] Specifies a default value for the attribute. You can specify
the value in any of the following ways:
Enter the value directly in the list.
[predefined data types] Click the Ellipsis button to open a dialog listing
possible values. For example, if the data type is set to Color, the Ellipsis
button opens a palette window.
[user-defined data types] Select a value from the list.


[if not computed] Specifies that the value of the attribute is to be evaluated as a
GTL template at generation time. For example, if the value of the attribute is set
to %Code%, it will be generated as the value of the code attribute of the relevant
By default (when this checkbox is not selected), the attribute is evaluated literally, and a value of %Code% will be generated as the string %Code%.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



List of values

Specifies a list of possible values for the attribute in one of the following ways:
Enter a static list of semi-colon-delimited values directly in the field.
Use the tools to the right of the list to create or select a GTL template to
generate the list dynamically.
If the attribute type is Object, and you do not want to filter the list of
available objects in any way, you can leave this field blank.
To perform a simple filter of the list of objects, use the .collection
macro (see .object and .collection Macros on page 278). In the following
example, only tables with the Generated attribute set to true will be
available for selection:
.collection(Model.Tables, %Generated%==true)
For more complex filtering, use the foreach_item macro (see .foreach_item Macro on page 271):
.foreach_item (Model.Tables)
.if %Generated%
.// (or more complex criteria)
.next (\n)
If the attribute is based on an extended attribute type (see Creating an Extended
Attribute Type on page 46), this field is unavailable since the values of the
extended attribute type will be used.



Specifies that all possible values for the attribute are defined in the List of values,
and that the user may not enter any other value.

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Edit method

[if not Complete] Specifies a method to override the default action associated
with the tool to the right of the field.
This method is often used to apply a filter defined in the List of values field in the
object picker. In the following example, only tables with the Generated
attribute set to true will be available for selection:
Sub %Method%(obj)
Dim Mdl
Set Mdl = obj.Model
Dim Sel
Set Sel = Mdl.CreateSelection
If not (Sel is nothing) Then
Dim table
For Each table in Mdl.Tables
if table.generated then
Sel.Objects.Add table
end if


' Display the object picker on the selection

Dim selObj
set selObj = Sel.ShowObjectPicker
If Not (selObj is Nothing) Then
obj.SetExtendedAttribute "Storage-For-Each",
End If

End If
End Sub
Icon Set

Specifies a set of icons to display on object symbols in place of extended attribute

values (see Specifying Icons for Attribute Values on page 47).

Text format

[for Text data types only] Specifies the language contained within the text
attribute. If you select any value other than plain Text, then an editor toolbar
and (where appropriate) syntax coloring are provided in the associated form

Object type

[for Object data types only] Specifies the type of the object that the attribute
contains (for example, User, Table, Class).

Object stereotype

[for Object data types only] Specifies the stereotype that objects of this type
must bear to be selectable.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Inverse collection name

[for Object data types only, if not computed] Specifies the name under
which the links to the object will be listed on the Dependencies tab of the target
An extended collection with the same name as the extended attribute, which
handles these links, is automatically created for all non-computed extended
attributes of the Object type, and is deleted when you delete the extended attribute, change its type, or select the Computed checkbox.

Physical option

[for [Physical Option] data types only] Specifies the physical option with which
the attribute is associated. Click the ellipsis to the right of this field to select a
physical option. For more information, see Adding DBMS Physical Options to
Your Forms on page 209.

3. Click Apply to save your changes.

Creating an Extended Attribute Type

You can create extended attribute types to define the data type and authorized values of
extended attributes. Creating extended attribute types allows you to reuse the same list of
values for several extended attributes without having to write code.
1. Right-click the Profile\Shared category and select New > Extended Attribute
2. Enter the appropriate properties, including a list of values and a default value.


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

3. Click Apply to save your changes.

The new shared type is available to any extended attribute in the Data Type field. You can
also define a list of values for a given extended attribute directly in this field (see Extended
Attributes (Profile) on page 41).

Specifying Icons for Attribute Values

You can specify icons to display on object symbols in place of extended attribute values by
creating an attribute icon set with individual attribute value icons for each possible value.
1. Create an extended attribute (see Extended Attributes (Profile) on page 41).
2. Select a standard data type or an extended attribute type (see Creating an Extended
Attribute Type on page 46).
3. If appropriate, specify a list of possible values and a default value.
4. Click the Create tool to the right of the Icon set list to create a new icon set
A new icon set is created at Profile > Shared > Attribute Icon Sets initialized with the
possible values and an empty icon which matches any value for which another icon has not
been defined (=*).
5. For each value in the list, double-click it, and click the Icon tool to select an icon to
represent this value on object symbols:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Note: By default, the Filter operator field is set to =, and each icon matches exactly one
possible value. To have a single icon match multiple values, use the Between or another
operator together with a suitable Filter value. For example, in an icon set paired with a
progress attribute for which the user can enter any value between 0 and 100% progress,
you could use three icons:
Not Started - = 0
In Progress - Between 1,99
Completed - = 100
6. If appropriate, add the attribute to a form (see Forms (Profile) on page 56), to enable
users to modify its value.
7. Click OK to save your changes and return to the model.
8. To enable the display of the icon on your object symbol, select Tools > Display
Preferences, select your object type, and click the Advanced button to add your attribute
to the symbol. For detailed information about working with display preferences, see Core

Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Diagrams, Matrices, and Symbols >
Display Preferences.
Your attribute is now displayed on object symbols. In the following example, the
Employee entity is In Progress, while the Customer entity is Completed:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Linking Objects Through Extended Attributes

Specify the [Object] data type to allow users to select another object as the value of the
attribute. You must specify an Object type (metaclass) to link to, and can optionally specify an
Object stereotype to filter the objects available for selection and an Inverse collection name,
which will be displayed on the Dependencies tab on the referenced object property sheet.
For example, under the Table metaclass, I create an extended attribute called Owner, select
[Object] in the Data type field, and User in the Object type field. I name the inverse
collection Tables owned. When I set the Owner property of a table, the table will be listed
on the Dependencies tab of the user property sheet, under the inverse collection name of
Tables owned.

Extended Collections and Compositions (Profile)

Extended collections define the possibility to associate an object instance with a group of
other objects of the specified type. Extended compositions define a parent-child connection
between an object instance and a group of sub-objects derived from the
ExtendedSubObject metaclass.
For extended collections, the association between the parent and child objects is relatively
weak, so that if you copy or move the parent object, the related objects are not copied or
moved, but the connection is maintained (using shortcuts if necessary). For example, you
could associate documents containing use case specifications with the different packages of a
model by creating an extended collection under the Package metaclass and specifying
FileObject as the target metaclass.
For extended compositions, the association is stronger. Sub-objects can only be created within
the parent object and are moved, copied, and/or deleted along with their parent.
The collection or composition is displayed as a new tab in the object instance property sheet.
The property sheets of objects referenced in a collection show the object instance owning the
collection on their Dependencies tab.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion and select New > Extended Collection or
Extended Composition.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Note: If you define the collection or composition under a stereotype or criterion, its tab is
displayed only if the metaclass instance bears the stereotype or meets the criterion.
2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the name of the extended collection or composition.


Specifies the display name of the collection, which will appear as the name of the
tab associated with the collection in the parent object property sheet.


[optional] Describes the extended collection.


[extended collection only] Specifies the name to appear in the Dependencies tab
of the target metaclass. If you do not enter a value, an inverse name is automatically generated.

Target Type

Specifies the metaclass whose instances will appear in the collection.

For extended collections, the list displays only metaclasses that can be directly
instantiated in the current model or package, such as classes or tables, and not
sub-objects such as class attributes or table columns. Click the Select a Metaclass
tool to the right of this field to choose a metaclass from another type of model.
For extended compositions, only the ExtendedSubObject is available, and you
must specify a stereotype for it.

Target Stereotype

[required for extended compositions] Specifies a stereotype to filter the target

type. You can select an existing stereotype from the list or click the Create tool to
the right of this field to create a new one.

List Columns

Specifies the property columns that will be displayed by default in the parent
object property sheet tab associated with the collection. Click the Customize
Default Columns tool to the right of this field to add or remove columns.

3. Click Apply to save your changes.


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

You can view the tab associated with the collection by opening the property sheet of a
metaclass instance. The tab contains an Add Objects (and, if the metaclass belongs to the
same type of model, Create an Object) tool, to populate the collection.
Note: When you open a model containing extended collections or compositions and
associate it with a resource file that does not support them, the collections are still visible in
the different property sheets in order to let you delete objects in the collections no longer

Calculated Collections (Profile)

Calculated collections define a read-only connection between an object instance and a group
of other objects of the specified type. The collection displays as a sub-tab on the
Dependencies tab of the object property sheet. The logic of the collection is defined using
For example, in an OOM, you may need to create a list of sequence diagrams using an
operation, and can create a calculated collection on the operation metaclass that retrieves this
information. In a BPM, you could create a calculated collection on the process metaclass that
lists the CDM entities created from data associated with the process.
You can loop on calculated collections with GTL (see Accessing Collections of Sub-Objects
or Related Objects on page 247) You can use calculated collections to fine-tune impact

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

analysis to better evaluate the impact of a change. For example, in a model where columns and
domains can diverge, you can create a calculated collection on the domain metaclass that lists
all the columns that use the domain and have the same data type.
Note: Calculated collections, unlike extended collections (see Extended Collections and
Compositions (Profile) on page 49) cannot be modified by the user.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion and select New > Calculated
2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the name of the calculated collection for use in scripts.


Specifies the display name of the collection, which will appear as the name of
the tab associated with the collection in the parent object property sheet.


[optional] Describes the calculated collection.

Target Type

Specifies the metaclass whose instances will appear in the collection. The list
displays only metaclasses that can be directly instantiated in the current model
or package, such as classes or tables, and not sub-objects such as class attributes or table columns.
Click the Select a Metaclass tool to the right of this field to choose a metaclass
from another type of model.

Target Stereotype

[optional] Specifies a stereotype to filter the target type. You can select an
existing stereotype from the list or enter a new one.

List Columns

Specifies the columns displayed by default on the collection property sheet


3. Click the Calculated Collection Script tab and enter a script that will calculate which
objects will form the collection.
The following script recreates the list on the Outgoing References sub-tab on a table's
Dependencies tab:
Function %Collection%(obj, coll) ' Required
dim r
For each r in obj.outreferences
coll.Add r
' Populates collection
%Collection% = True
' Required
End Function
' Required

Note: You can reuse functions on the Global Script tab (see Global Script (Profile) on
page 106) but you should be aware that if you declare global variables they will not be
reinitialized each time the collection is calculated, and will keep their value until you
modify the resource file, or the PowerDesigner session ends. This may cause errors,


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

especially when variables reference objects that can be modified or deleted. Make sure you
reinitialize the global variable if you do not want to keep the value from a previous run.
4. Click Apply to save your changes.

5. To view the collection, open the property sheet of a metaclass instance to the
Dependencies tab and select the appropriate sub-tab.
6. [optional] Add the collection to your model reports. Calculated collections are
automatically available in the new Report Editor as lists under the appropriate metaclass
book. You can add calculated collections to a legacy report, by changing the collection of
the appropriate metaclass book or list (see Core Features Guide > Storing, Sharing and

Reporting on Models > Reports > The Legacy Report Editor > Modifying the Collection of
an Item).

Dependency Matrices (Profile)

Dependency matrices allow you to review and create links between any kind of objects. You
specify one metaclass for the matrix rows, and the same or another metaclass for the columns.
The contents of the cells are then calculated from a collection or link object.
For example, you could create dependency matrices that show links between:

OOM Classes and Classes connected by Association link objects

PDM Tables and Users connected by the Owner collection

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

PDM Tables and OOM Classes connected by extended dependencies

1. Right-click the Profile category and select Add Dependency Matrix to add the
DependencyMatrix metaclass to the profile and create a stereotype under it, in which
you will define the matrix properties.
2. On the General tab, enter a name for the matrix (for example Table Owners
Matrix) along with a label and plural label for use in the PowerDesigner interface, as
well as a default name for the matrices that users will create based on this definition.
3. Click the Definition tab to specify the rows and columns of your matrix and how they are
associated using the following properties.



Specifies the object type with which to populate your matrix rows.


Specifies the object type with which to populate your matrix columns. Click the
Select Metaclass button to the right of the list to select a metaclass from another
model type.

Matrix Cells

Specifies how the rows and columns of your matrix will be associated. You must
specify a Dependency from the list, which includes all the collections and links
available to the object.
Click the Create button to the right of the list to create a new extended collection
(see Extended Collections and Compositions (Profile) on page 49) connecting
your objects, or the Advanced button to specify a complex dependency path (see
Specifying Advanced Dependencies on page 55).
For certain dependencies, the Object type on which the dependency is based will
be displayed, and you can select an Object attribute to display in the matrix cells
along with the No value symbol, which is displayed if that attribute is not set in
any particular instance.


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4. Click OK to save your matrix and close the resource editor.

You can now create instances of the matrix in your model as follows:
Select View > Diagram > New Diagram > Matrix Name.
Right-click a diagram background and select Diagram > New Diagram > Matrix
Right-click the model in the browser and select New > Matrix Name.
Note: For information about using dependency matrices, see Core Features Guide >

Modeling with PowerDesigner > Diagrams, Matrices, and Symbols > Dependency

Specifying Advanced Dependencies

You can examine dependencies between two types of objects that are not directly associated
with each other, using the Dependency Path Definition dialog, which is accessible by clicking
the Advanced button on the Definition tab, and which allows you to specify a path passing
through as many intermediate linking objects as necessary.
Each line in this dialog represents one step in a dependency path:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files




Specifies a name for the dependency path. By default, this field is populated with
the origin and destination object types.


Specifies the dependency for this step in the path. The list is populated with all the
possible dependencies for the previous object type.

Object Type

Specifies the specific object type that is linked to the previous object type by the
selected dependency. This field is autopopulated if only one object type is available
through the selected dependency.

In the following example, a path is identified between business functions and roles, by passing
from the business function through the processes it contains, to the role linked to it by a role

Forms (Profile)
Forms present standard and extended attributes and collections as property sheet tabs or can be
used to create dialog boxes launched from menus or property sheet buttons.
Note: Unless you add them to a form, extended attributes are listed alphabetically on the
Extended Attributes tab of the object's property sheet. By creating your own form, you can
make these attributes more visible and easy to use, by organizing them logically, grouping
related ones, and emphasizing those that are most important. If you associate all of your
extended attributes with a form, the Extended Attributes tab is not displayed.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype or criterion and select New > Form to create an empty


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Note: If you define a property tab under a stereotype or criterion, it is displayed only when
the metaclass instance bears the stereotype or meets the criterion.

2. Enter the appropriate following properties:




Specifies the internal name of the form, which can be used for scripting.


Specifies the display name of the form, which will display in the tab of the property
tab or in the title bar of the dialog box.


Provides additional information about the form.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Help file

Enables the display of a Help button and specifies an action that will be performed
when the button is clicked or F1 is pressed when in the context of the form.
The action can be the display of a help file (.hlp, .chm or .html), and can specify a
specific topic. For instance:
C:\PD1500\pddoc15.chm 26204
If no help file extension is found, the string will be treated as a shell command to
execute. For instance, you could instruct PowerDesigner to open a simple text file:
notepad.exe C:\Temp\Readme.txt


Specifies the kind of form. You can choose from the following:
Dialog Box creates a dialog box that can be launched from a menu or via a form
Property Tab creates a new tab in the property sheet of the metaclass, stereotype
or criterion
Replace <standard> Tab replaces a standard tab in the property sheet of the
metaclass, stereotype or criterion. If your form is empty, it will be filled with the
standard controls from the tab that you are replacing.

Add to fa- [property tabs only] Specifies that the tab is displayed by default in the object propvorite tabs erty sheet.

3. Insert controls as necessary in your form using the toolbar on the Form tab (see Adding
Extended Attributes and Other Controls to Your Form on page 58).
4. Click the Preview button to review the layout of your form and, when satisfied, click
Apply to save your changes.

Adding Extended Attributes and Other Controls to Your Form

You insert controls into your form using the tools in the Form tab toolbar. You can reorder
controls in the form control tree by dragging and dropping them. To place a control inside a
container control (group box or horizontal or vertical layout), drop it onto the container. For
example, if you want the extended attributes GUID, InputGUID, and OutputGUID to be
displayed in a GUI group box, you should create a group box, name it GUI and drag and drop
all three extended attributes under the GUI group box.
The following tools are available:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files


Add Attribute / Collection opens a selection box in which you select standard or
extended attributes or collections belonging to the metaclass to insert into the form. If you
do not enter a label, the attribute or collection name is used as its form label. If you have
entered a comment, it is displayed as a tooltip.
The type of control associated with an attribute depends on its type: booleans are associated with check boxes, lists with combo boxes, text fields with multi-line edit boxes,
and so on. Collections are displayed as standard grids with all the appropriate tools.
Add Group Box - inserts a group box, intended to contain other controls within a named
Add Tab Window - inserts a sub-tab layout, in which each child control appears, by
default, in its own sub-tab. To place multiple controls on a single sub-tab, use a horizontal
or vertical layout.
Add Horizontal / Vertical Layout - inserts a horizontal or vertical layout. To arrange
controls to display side by side, drag them onto a horizontal layout in the list. To arrange
attributes to display one under the other, drag them onto a vertical layout in the list.
Vertical and horizontal layouts are often used together to provide columns of controls.
Include Another Form - inserts a form defined on this or another metaclass in the
present form (see Example: Including a Form in a Form on page 65).
Add Method Push Button - opens a selection box in which you select one or more
methods belonging to the metaclass to associate with the form via buttons. Clicking the
button invokes the method. If you do not enter a label, the method name is used as the
button label. If you have entered a comment, it is displayed as a tooltip.
Add Edit / Multi-Line Edit Field [dialog boxes only] inserts an edit or multi-line edit
Add Combo Box / List Box / Check Box [dialog boxes only] - inserts a combo box, list
box, or check box.
Add Text / Separator Line / Spacer - inserts the appropriate decorative control. The
separator line is vertical when its parent control is a vertical layout.
Delete deletes the currently selected control.

Select a control to specify properties to control its format and contents:




Internal name of the control. This name must be unique within the form. The name
can be used in scripts to get and set dialog box control values (see Example: Opening
a Dialog Box from a Menu on page 83).

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files




Specifies a label for the control on the form. If this field is left blank, the name of the
control is used. If you enter a space, then no label is displayed. You can insert line
breaks with \n.
To create keyboard shortcuts to navigate among controls, prefix the letter that will
serve as the shortcut with an ampersand. If you do not specify a shortcut key,
PowerDesigner will choose one by default. To display an ampersand in a label, you
must escape it with a second ampersand (for example: &Johnson && Son will
display as Johnson & Son.


[included forms] Specifies the object on which the form to be included is defined.
The list is populated with all attributes of type object and the following objects:

Form name

[included forms] Specifies the name of the form that will be included. You can:



<None> - the present metaclass

Generation Origin - for example, the CDM entity from which a PDM table was
Model - the parent model
Parent - the immediate parent object for sub-objects (for example, the table
containing a column
Parent Folder - the immediate parent object for composite objects (for example
BPM processes that contain other processes)
Parent Package - the immediate parent package

Select a standard property sheet tab name from the list.

Enter the name of a custom form defined in the extension file.
Enter the name of a GTL template to generate XML to define the form.

[container controls] Specifies the space in pixels between the left margin of the
container (form, group box, or horizontal or vertical layout) and the beginning of the
labels of its child controls.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Label space

[container controls] Specifies the space in pixels reserved for displaying the labels of
child controls between the indentation of the container and the control fields.
To align controls with the controls in a previous container, enter a negative value. For
example, if you have two group boxes, and want all controls in both to be aligned
identically, set an appropriate indentation in the first group box and set the indentation of the second group box to -1.
If a child control label is larger than the specified value, the label space property is
ignored; to display this label, you need to type a number of pixels greater than 50.

Show control
as label

[group boxes] Use the first control contained within the group box as its label.

Show Hidden

[extended attributes] Displays controls that are not valid for a particular form
(because they do not bear the relevant stereotype, or do not meet the criteria) as
greyed. If this option is not set, irrelevant options are hidden.


[dialog box entry fields] Specifies a default value for the control. For extended
attributes, default values must be specified in the attribute's properties (see Extended
Attributes (Profile) on page 41).

List of Values

[combo and list boxes] Specifies a list of possible values for the control. For extended attributes, lists of values must be specified in the attribute's properties (see
Extended Attributes (Profile) on page 41).


[combo boxes] Specifies that only the values defined in the List of values can be
entered in the combo box.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Minimum Size Specifies the minimum width (in characters) to which the control may be reduced
when the window is resized.
Line Number

Specifies the minimum number of lines to which a multiline control may be reduced
when the window is resized.

Horizontal /
Specifies that the control may be resized horizontally or, for multiline controls,
Vertical Resize vertically, when the property sheet or dialog is resized.

[included forms and dialog box entry fields] Specifies that the control is read-only,
and will be greyed in the form.

Left Text

[booleans] Places the label text to the left of the checkbox.


[booleans and methods] Specifies the form in which the boolean options or method
button are displayed.
For booleans, you can choose between a check box or vertical or horizontal radio
buttons, while for methods, you can choose from a range of standard icons or Text,
which prints the text specified in the Label field on the button.

Width/ Height

[spacers] Specify the width and height, in pixels, of the spacer.

Example: Creating a Property Sheet Tab

In this example, we will create a new property tab for the EAM Person metaclass to display
extended attributes we define to store personal information.
1. Create a new extension file (see Creating an Extension File on page 12) in an EAM, add the
Person metaclass (see Metaclasses (Profile) on page 33), and define five extended
attributes (see Extended Attributes (Profile) on page 41) to contain home contact details:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

2. Right-click the Person metaclass and select New > Form, enter Personal Details
in the Name field, select Property Tab in the Type list, and click the Add Attribute
tool to select all the new extended attributes for inclusion in the form:

3. Click OK to add the attributes to the form, and arrange them in a group box, using
horizontal layouts to align them neatly. Here, I'm using the Label field to overide the
default name of the attribute in the form for brevity:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

4. Click OK to save your changes and return to the model. When you next open the property
sheet of a person, a new Personal Details tab is available containing the extended


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Example: Including a Form in a Form

In this example, we will replace the General tab of the EAM Person metaclass by a form which
includes properties from the person and from the site to which she is assigned by including a
form defined on the Site metaclass as a read-only control in a form defined on the Person
This example builds on the extension file created in Example: Creating a Property Sheet Tab
on page 62.
1. Add the Site metaclass and create a form called Site Address. Select Property
Tab from the Type list and unselect the Add to favorite tabs option (as we do not want
this form, which duplicates standard site properties displayed in site property sheets).
2. Populate the form with standard attributes to display the complete address of the site:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

3. Create a form under the Person metaclass, select Replace General tab from the
Type list, and change the name to Contact Details.
4. Delete unwanted attributes from the list, and arrange the remaining attributes you want to
display, including the Site attribute (which is of type Object, and which will enable us
to pull in the appropriate properties from the associated site form) using horizontal and
vertical layouts.
5. Click the Include Another Form tool, select Site in the Attribute field, and enter Site
Address in the Form name field. Select the Read-Only check box to prevent editing of
the included form from the person's property sheet:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

6. Click OK to save the extensions, and return to your model. When you next open the
property sheet of a person, the General tab is replaced by the custom Contact Details tab,
and when the person is assigned to a site, the site's address details are displayed as readonly in the lower part of the form:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Example: Opening a Dialog from a Property Sheet

In this example, we will add a button to a property sheet tab, to open a dialog box, allowing you
to enter additional personal details for a person.
This example builds on the extension file developed in Example: Including a Form in a Form
on page 65.
1. Open the Personal Details form under the Person metaclass, and select Dialog
Box in the Type field, to transform it from a property sheet tab into an independent dialog:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

2. Right-click the Person metaclass and select New > Method. Enter the name
ShowPersonalDetails, and then click the Method Script tab and enter the
following script:
Sub %Method%(obj)
' Show custom dialog for advanced extended attributes
Dim dlg
Set dlg = obj.CreateCustomDialog("%CurrentTargetCode%.Personal
If not dlg is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub

3. Select the Contact Details form, and click the Add Method Push Button tool,
select the ShowPersonalDetails method, and then click OK to add it to the form.
Here, I use a horizontal layout and spacer to align the button with the right edge of the

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

4. Enter Personal... in the Label field, and then click OK to save your changes and
return to the model. Now when you open the property sheet of a person, the Contact
Details tab contains a Personal... button which opens the Personal Information dialog:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Custom Symbols (Profile)

Custom symbols modify the appearance of object symbols in diagrams along with the content
displayed on them. You can choose to enforce certain aspects of the symbol format and
content, while allowing users some liberty to change others.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion and select New > Custom Symbol.

2. Specify a default Width and Height for the symbol and then click the Modify button to
open the Symbol Format dialog, and set appropriate properties on the various tabs.
Note: If you customize the line style and arrows of a link symbol (such as a PDM
reference), your styles will override those selected in the Display Preferences dialog, and
may cause confusion and inconsistency in the model. To ensure coherence in a model
governed by a notation, select Notation for the Style and Arrows properties on the Line
Style tab.
For more information on the Symbol Format dialog (including the custom symbol options
that let you control the default format options for the symbol, and whether users can edit
them, on a per-tab basis) see Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner >
Diagrams, Matrices, and Symbols > Symbols > Symbol Format Properties.
3. Click OK to return to the resource editor and view your changes in the Preview field.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

4. Click Apply to save your changes.

Custom Checks (Profile)

Custom checks define additional rules to validate the content of your models. The logic of the
check is defined using VBScript. Custom checks appear alongside standard checks in the
Check Model dialog.
Custom checks appear with standard model checks in the Check Model Parameters dialog
(see Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Objects > Checking Models).
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion, and select New > Custom Check.
2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the name of the custom check, which is displayed under the
selected object category in the Check Model Parameters dialog. This
name is also used (concatenated) in the check function name to uniquely
identify it.


Provides a description of the custom check.

Help Message

Specifies text to display in the message box that opens when the user
right-clicks the check and selects Help.

Output message

Specifies text to display in the Output window during check execution.

Default severity

Specifies whether the check is designated by default as an error (major

problem that stops generation) or a warning (minor problem or just

Execute the check by


Specifies that the check is selected by default in the Check Model Parameters dialog.

Enable automatic cor- Specifies that an autofix is available for the check (see Example: PDM
Autofix on page 74).
Execute the automatic Specifies that the autofix is executed by default.
correction by default

3. Click the Check Script tab and enter your script (see Example: PDM Custom Check on
page 73. You can access shared library functions and static attributes defined for reuse in
the resource file from the Global Script tab (see Global Script (Profile) on page 106).


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

4. If you want to define an autofix, click the Autofix Script tab and enter your script (see
Example: PDM Autofix on page 74.
5. Click Apply to save your changes.
All custom checks defined in any resource files attached to the model are merged and all
the functions for all the custom checks are appended to build one single script. You custom
checks are displayed in the Check Model Parameters dialog box alongside the standard
model checks. If there are errors in your custom check scripts, the user will be prompted
with the following options:
Ignore- Skip the problematic script and continue with the other checks.
Ignore All - Skip this and any future scripts with problems and continue with the other
Abort - Stop the model checking.
Debug - Stop the model checking and open the Resource Editor on the script line with
the problem.

Example: PDM Custom Check

You enter the script of the custom check in the Check Script tab using VBScript. In this
example, we will write a script to verify that SAP Sybase IQ indexes of type HG, HNG,

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

CMP, or LF are not linked with columns with a data type of VARCHAR with a length higher
than 255.
The script is initialized with the following line, which must not be altered:
Function %Check%(obj)

At run-time the variable %Check% is replaced by concatenating the names of the resource file,
metaclass, any stereotypes or criteria, and the name of the check itself from the General tab,
with any spaces replaced by an underscore. The parameter obj contains the object being
We begin by defining a certain number of variables after the default function definition:

c 'temporary index column

col 'temporary column

Next, we enter the function body, which starts by setting the %Check% to true (meaning that
the object passes the test) and then iterates over each of the columns associated with the index
and tests their datatype. If a column has a varchar longer than 255, the script outputs a message
and sets the check to false (the object fails the test:
%Check%= True
if obj.type = "LF" or obj.type = "HG" or obj.type = "CMP" or obj.type
="HNG" then
for each c in obj.indexcolumns
set col = c.column
position = InStr(col.datatype,"(")
if position <> 0 then
DT_col = left(col.datatype, position -1)
DT_col = col.datatype
end if
if ucase(DT_col) = "VARCHAR" and col.length > 255 then
output "Table " & col.parent.name & " Column " & col.name & " :
Data type is not compatible with Index " & obj.name & " type " &
%Check% = False
end if

For more information about using VBScript in PowerDesigner, see Chapter 7, Scripting
PowerDesigner on page 305.

Example: PDM Autofix

If the custom check you have defined supports an automatic correction, you enter its script on
the Autofix Script tab using VBScript. In this example, we will write a script to fix a Sybase
IQ index linked with columns with an invalid data type.
The script is initialized with the following line, which must not be altered:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Function %Fix%(obj, outmsg)

At run-time the variable %Fix% is replaced by the name of the fix. The parameter obj
contains the object being checked and outmsg, the message to be output.
We begin by defining a certain number of variables after the default function definition:

c 'temporary index column

col 'temporary column

Next, we enter the function body, which starts by setting the %Fix% to false (meaning that it
does nothing) and then iterates over each of the columns associated with the index and tests
their datatype. If a column has a varchar longer than 255, the script outputs a message, deletes
the column from the collection of columns associated with the index, and sets the fix to true (it
has made a correction):
%Fix% = False
If obj.type = "LF" or obj.type = "HG" or obj.type = "CMP" or obj.type
="HNG" Then
For Each c In obj.IndexColumns
Set col = c.column
position = InStr(col.datatype,"(")
If position <> 0 Then
DT_col = Left(col.datatype, position -1)
DT_col = col.datatype
End If
If (Ucase(DT_col) = "VARCHAR") And (col.length > 255) Then
outmsg = "Automatic correction has removed column " & col.Name & "
from index."
%Fix% = True
End If
End If

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Event Handlers (Profile)

Event handlers define validation rules or other scripts to run when an event occurs on an
object. The logic of the event handler is defined using VBScript. Criteria do not support event
1. Right-click a metaclass or a stereotype and select New > Event Handler to open a
selection box, listing the available types of event handlers:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Event handler



Implements a validation rule to prevent objects from being created in an

invalid context. For example, in a BPM for ebXML, a process with a
Business Transactions stereotype can only be created under a process with
a Binary Collaboration stereotype. The script of the CanCreate event handler associated with the Business Transaction process stereotype is the
Function %CanCreate%(parent)
if parent is Nothing or
parent.IsKindOf(PdBpm.Cls_Process) then
%CanCreate% = False
%CanCreate% = True
end if
End Function
If the event handler returns True on a stereotype, then you can use the
custom tool to create the stereotyped object and the stereotype is available
in the Stereotype list on the object property sheet. If it returns True on a
metaclass, then you can create the object from the Toolbox, from the
Browser or in a list.
Note: CanCreate event handlers are ignored during model import or
reverse-engineering, since they could modify the model and make it diverge from the source.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Event handler



Instantiates objects with a predefined template. For example, in a BPM, a

Business Transaction must be a composite process with a predefined subgraph. The script of the Initialize event handler associated with the Business Transaction process stereotype contains all the functions needed to
create the sub-graph. The following script fragment is from the Initialize
event handler for a Business Transaction.
' Search for an existing requesting activity
Dim ReqSym
Set ReqSym = Nothing
If Not ReqBizAct is Nothing Then
If ReqBizAct.Symbols.Count > 0 Then
Set ReqSym = ReqBizAct.Symbols.Item(0)
End If
End If
' Create a requesting activity if not found
If ReqBizAct is Nothing Then
Set ReqBizAct =
ReqBizAct.Stereotype =
ReqBizAct.Name = "Request"
End If
If the event handler returns True on a stereotype, then the initialization
script will be launched whenever the stereotype is assigned, either with a
custom tool in the Toolbox, or from the object property sheet. If it returns
True on a metaclass, then it will be launched when you create a new object
from the Toolbox, from the Browser, in a list or in a property sheet. If it
returns true on a model, then it will be launched when you assign a target
(DBMS or object, process, or schema language) to the model at creation
time, when you change the target of the model, or when you attach an
extension to the model.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Event handler



Validates changes to object properties or triggers cascade updates when

you change tabs or click OK or Apply in an object property sheet. You can
define an error message to appear when the condition is not satisfied by
filling the message variable and setting the %Validate% variable to
In this example, the event handler verifies that a comment is added to the
definition of an object:
Function %Validate%(obj, ByRef message)
if obj.comment = "" then
%Validate% = False
message = "Comment cannot be empty"
%Validate% = True
end if
End Function


[link objects] Validates the kind and stereotype of the objects that can be
linked together as the source and destination extremities when you create a
link with a Toolbox tool or modify link ends in a property sheet. The
sourceStereotype and destinationStereotype parameters are optional.
In this example, the source of the extended link must be a start object:
Function %CanLinkKind%(sourceKind, sourceStereotype,
destinationKind, destinationStereotype)
if sourceKind = cls_Start Then
%CanLinkKind% = True
end if
End Function

OnModelOpen, On- [models] Run immediately after a model is opened, saved, or closed.
ModelSave, and
OnLanguageChangeRequest, OnLanguageChanging,
and OnLanguageChanged

[models] Run immediately:

Before the model's DBMS or language definition file is changed. If the
event handler returns false, then the language change is canceled.
After the language change, but before any transformations are applied
to objects to make them conform with the new language definition.
After the model's DBMS or language definition file is changed and the
object transformations are applied.


[models] Runs immediately after a model or a project is created from a

model or project template.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Event handler


BeforeDatabase[PDM models] Run immediately before or after generating or reverseGenerate, AfterDa- engineering a database (see Adding Scripts Before or After Generation and
tabaseGenerate, Be- Reverse Engineering on page 133).
foreDatabaseReverseEngineer, and AfterDatabaseReverseEngineer

[PDM only] Runs when the Estimate Database Size mechanic is called (see
Modifying the Estimate Database Size Mechanism on page 201).

2. Select one or more event handlers and click OK to add them.

3. Enter a name and comment to identify and document the event handler.
4. Click the Event Handler Script tab and enter a script to define the event handler. You can
access shared library functions and static attributes defined for reuse in the resource file
from the Global Script tab (see Global Script (Profile) on page 106).

5. Click Apply to save your changes.

Methods (Profile)
Methods are written in VBScript and perform actions on objects when they are invoked by
other extensions, such as menu items or form buttons.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion and select New > Method.


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the name of the method.


Provides additional information about the method.

3. Click the Method Script tab, and enter the VBscript. If appropriate, you can reuse
functions on the Global Script tab.
For more information on defining a script and using the Global Script tab, see Example:
PDM Custom Check on page 73 and Global Script (Profile) on page 106.
The following example, created under the Class metaclass, converts classes into
interfaces by copying basic class properties and operations, deleting the class (to avoid
namespace problems), and creating the new interface.
Sub %Mthd%(obj)
' Convert class to interface
' Copy class basic properties
Dim Folder, Intf, ClassName, ClassCode
Set Folder = obj.Parent
Set Intf = Folder.Interfaces.CreateNew
ClassName = obj.Name
ClassCode = obj.Code
Intf.Comment = obj.Comment
' Copy class operations
Dim Op
For Each Op In obj.Operations
' ...
Output Op.Name
' Destroy class
' Rename interface to saved name
Intf.Name = ClassName
Intf.Code = ClassCode
End Sub

Note: This script does not deal with other class properties, or with interface display, but a
method can be used to launch a custom dialog box to ask for end-user input before
performing its action (see Example: Opening a Dialog Box from a Menu on page 83).
4. Click Apply to save your changes.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Menus (Profile)
Menus specify commands to appear in the standard PowerDesigner File, Tools, and Help
menus or in contextual menus.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion and select New > Menu.
2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the internal name of the menu. This name will not appear in the menu


Provides a description of the menu.


[model and diagram only] Specifies where the menu will be displayed. You can
choose between:
File > Export menu
Help menu
Object Contextual Menu
Tools menu
Menus created on other metaclasses are only available on the contextual menu,
and do not display a Location field.

3. Use the tools on the Menu sub-tab to create the items in your menu:

Add Command - Opens a selection dialog listing methods (see Methods (Profile) on
page 80) and transformations (see Transformations (Profile) on page 93) defined in
the current metaclass and its parents to add to the menu as commands. Select one or
more and click OK.
The items are added to your menu in the format:
MenuEntry (Method/TransformationName)
You can modify the MenuEntry (and define a shortcut key by adding an ampersand
before the shortkey letter) but you must not edit the Method/TransformationName.
Note: If you modify the name of a method or transformation, you must update any
commands using the method or transformation by hand, because the name is not automatically synchronized. You can use the Replace in Items tool to locate and update
these commands.
Add Separator -Creates a menu separator under the selected item.
Add Submenu - Creates a submenu under the selected item.
Delete - Deletes the selected item.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

You can reorder items in the menu tree by dragging and dropping them. To place an item
inside a submenu item, drop it onto the submenu.

4. [optional] Click the XML sub-tab to review the XML generated from the Menu sub-tab.
5. Click Apply to save your changes.

Example: Opening a Dialog Box from a Menu

In this example, we will create a menu command to export object properties to an XML file via
a dialog box.
1. Create a new extension file (see Creating an Extension File on page 12) in a PDM and add
the Table metaclass (see Metaclasses (Profile) on page 33).
2. Right-click the Table metaclass and select New > Form. Enter Export in the Name
field, and select Dialog Box from the Type list.
3. Click the Edit Field tool to add an edit field control, and call it Filename.
4. Right-click the Table metaclass and select New > Method. Enter Export in the Name
field, click the Method Script tab and enter the following code:
Sub %Method%(obj)
' Exports an object to a file

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

' Create a dialog to input the export file name
Dim dlg
Set dlg = obj.CreateCustomDialog("%CurrentTargetCode%.Export")
If not dlg is Nothing Then
' Initialize filename control value
dlg.SetValue "Filename", "c:\temp\MyFile.xml"
' Show dialog
If dlg.ShowDialog() Then
' Retrieve customer value for filename control
Dim filename
filename = dlg.GetValue("Filename")
' Process the export algorithm...
' (Actual export code not included in this example)
Output "Exporting object " + obj.Name + " to file " +
End If
' Free dialog object
Set dlg = Nothing
End If
End Sub

5. Right-click the Table metaclass and select New > Menu. Enter Export in the Name
field, and then click the Add Command tool and select the Export method:

6. Click OK to save your changes and return to your model. When you next right-click a table
in a diagram or the browser, the Export command is available in the contextual menu.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Templates (Profile)
GTL templates extract text from PowerDesigner property values for use in generated files or
other contexts.
1. Right-click a metaclass, a stereotype, or a criterion (or the Shared category, if the
template applies to all metaclasses) and select New > Template to create a template.
2. Enter a name for the template. You should not use spaces in the name and, by convention,
templates are named in headless camelcase (for example myTemplate).
3. [optional] Enter a comment to explain the use of the template.
4. Enter GTL code (see Chapter 5, Customizing Generation with GTL on page 245) in the
text box.
In this example, myTemplate is defined on the Class metaclass, and will generate the
name of the class followed by a list of its attributes:

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Generated Files (Profile)

Generated files assemble GTL templates for generation as files or for previewing on the object
property sheet Preview tab.
1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion, and select New > Generated File.
Only objects, such as tables or classes, support file generation. However, you can still
create generated files for sub-objects, such as columns and attributes, to preview code
generated for them on their property sheet Preview tab.
2. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies a name for the generated file item in the resource editor.
If an extension attached to the model contains a generated file name identical to
one defined in the main resource file, then only the extension generated file will
be generated.

File Name

Specifies the name of the file that will be generated. This field can contain GTL
variables. For example, to generate an XML file with the code of the object for
its name, you would enter %code%.xml.
If you leave this field empty, then no file will be generated, but you can view the
code produced in the object's Preview tab.
If this field contains a recognized extension, the code is displayed with the
corresponding language editor and syntactic coloring.


Specifies the type of file to provide appropriate syntax coloring in the Preview


Specifies the encoding format for the file. Click the ellipsis tool to the right of
the field to choose an alternate encoding from the Text Output Encoding Format dialog, where you can specify the following options:
Encoding - Encoding format of the generated file
Abort on character loss - Specifies to stop generation if characters cannot
be identified and are to be lost in current encoding


Specifies additional information about the generated file.

Use package hi- Specifies that the package hierarchy should be used to generate a hierarchy of
erarchy as file
file directories.

3. Enter GTL code (see Chapter 5, Customizing Generation with GTL on page 245) or the
name of a template to populate the file in the text zone.
In the following example, a generated file is defined for OOM classes. A file will be
generated for each class in the model with a name derived from the class %Name%, and


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

containing the contents generated from the %myTemplate% template (see Templates
(Profile) on page 85):

4. Click OK to save your changes and close the resource editor.

The file is immediately available as a sub-tab on the Preview tab of the object property

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Example: JavaGenerated File and Templates

Templates contain GTL code used to generate text fragments from PowerDesigner property
values, while generated files are used to assemble templates for generation as files or for
previewing on the object property sheet Preview tab.
In this example, a generated file called Java Source is defined for classifiers. A file will be
generated for each classifier in the model with a name derived from the %sourceFilename
% template specified in the File name field, and containing the contents generated from the
%source% template:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Note: If you position your cursor between the percent signs surrounding this or any other
template name and press F12, you will either jump directly to the referenced template or, if
several templates share the same name, to a Results dialog in which you select the template to
navigate to.
The referenced template, source, contains GTL code, including references to further
templates called %isSourceGenerated%, %sourceHeader%, %package%, and

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Generating Your Files in a Standard or Extended Generation

You can use generated files to extend the standard generation for objects from OOMs, BPMs,
and XSMs or to create a separate extended generation for any type of model. For extended
generations, you can define a custom menu command.
To extend the standard BPM, OOM, or XSM generation from the Resource Editor:
1. Select the Complement language generation property in the root of the extension file
(see Extension File Properties on page 14) to have the extension file appear for selection on
the Generation dialog Targets tab.
2. Define generated files as appropriate.
3. [optional] Define options in Generation\Options (see Example: Adding a
Generation Option on page 113) to have them appear on the Generation dialog Options
4. [optional] Define commands in Generation\Commands and reference these
commands in tasks (see Example: Adding a Generation Command and Task on page 114)
to have them appear on the Generation dialog Tasks tab.
Alternatively, to define separate file generations apart from the standard language generation
for a PDM or any type of model and make them available via the Tools > Extended
Generation command
1. [OOM, BPM, and XSM only] Deselect the Complement language generation property
in the root of the extension file (see Extension File Properties on page 14).


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

2. Define generated files as appropriate.
The generation is immediately available on the Targets tab of the Generation dialog when
you select Tools > Extended Generation.
3. [optional] Create a command in the Tools menu to directly access your extended
generation in its own dialog:
a. Create a method in Profile\Model with the name you want to give to your
command, and enter the following code (where extension is the code of the
extension file):
Sub %Method%(obj)
Dim selection ' as ObjectSelection
' Create a new selection
set selection = obj.CreateSelection
' Add object of the active selection in the created selection
' Generate scripts for specific target
InteractiveMode = im_Dialog
obj.GenerateFiles "", selection, "extension"
End Sub

For more information about methods, see Methods (Profile) on page 80.
b. Create a menu in Profile\Model and select the Tools menu in the Location list
(see Menus (Profile) on page 82).
c. Add the method to the menu using the Add Command tool:

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

d. Select the command specified (for example, Tools > My Generation) to open a
custom Generation dialog, which does not have a Targets tab:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Transformations (Profile)
Transformations define sets of actions to modify objects either before or after a model
generation or on request. Transformations are commonly grouped together in transformation
Transformations can be used to:

Implement Model Driven Architecture (MDA), which uses UML modeling to describe an
application at different levels of detail. PowerDesigner allows you to create an initial
platform-independent model (PIM) (modeling the basic business logic and functionality)
and refine it progressively in different models containing increasing levels of
implementation and technology-dependent information through to a platform-specific
model (PSM). You can define transformations that will generate a more refined version of
a model, based on the desired target platform, and changes made to the PIM can be
cascaded down to the generated models.
Apply design patterns to your model objects.
Modify objects for a special purpose. For example, you can create a transformation in an
OOM that converts <<control>> classes into components.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Modify objects in a reversible way for round-trip engineering. For example, if you
generate a PDM from an OOM in order to create O/R mappings, and the source OOM
contains components, you can pre-transform components into classes for easy mapping to
PDM tables. When you update the source OOM from the generated PDM, you can use a
post-transformation to recreate the components from the classes.

Transformations can be invoked:

On demand, by selecting Tools > Apply Transformations.

Before or after model generation (see Core Features Guide > Linking and Synchronizing
Models > Generating Models and Model Objects).
Via a user-defined menu command (see Menus (Profile) on page 82).

1. Right-click a metaclass or stereotype, and select New > Transformation.

2. Enter an appropriate Name and, optionally, a Comment to explain its purpose.
3. On the Transformation Script tab, enter a VBscript to perform the transformation.
In this example, which is created in an extension attached to a CDM under the DataItem
metaclass, the script tests to see whether the data item has a list of values defined and, if this
is the case (and a domain with this same list of values does not already exist in the CDM),
creates a new domain with the list of values:
Sub %Transformation%(obj, trfm)
Dim list
list = obj.ListOfValues
if not list = "" then
output "transforming " & cstr(obj)
' Check if such a domain already exist
Dim domn, found
found = false
for each domn in obj.Model.Domains
if domn.ListOfValues = list then
found = true
end if
' Create a new domain
if not found then
set domn = obj.Model.Domains.CreateNew()
domn.SetNameAndCode obj.Name, obj.Code
domn.ListOfValues = list
end if
end if
End Sub

This transformation can be added to a transformation profile as a:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Pre-generation transformation - The transformation is called from the Generation

Options dialog. The domains are created temporarily in the CDM before generation
and then are generated to the target model (for example, to a PDM).
Post-generation transformation - The transformation can be called from the
Generation Options dialog (for a CDM-CDM generation). The domains are created in
the target CDM after generation. Alternatively, the transformation can be called at any
time by selecting Tools > Apply Transformations to create the domains in the
existing model.

4. [optional] Review the Global Script tab (see Global Script (Profile) on page 106), which
provides access to definitions shared by all VBscript functions defined in the profile, and
the Dependencies tab, which lists the transformation profiles in which the transformation
is used.

Transformation Profiles (Profile)

A transformation profile groups transformations together, and makes them available during
model generation or by selecting Tools > Apply Transformations.
1. [if the Transformation Profiles category is not present] Right-click the root node, select
Add Items, select Transformation Profiles, and click OK to create this folder.
2. Right click the Transformation Profiles folder, and select New to create a
transformation profile.
3. Enter the following properties as appropriate:


Name / Com- Specify the name of the transformation profile and provide an explanation of what
it is intended to do.
Model Type / [optional] Specify the type of model with which the transformation profile can be
Family / Sub- used during generation and (if the type supports a language definition file) the
family and subfamily. If one or more of these fields is completed, the profile will
only be displayed if the model to be generated conforms to them. For example, if
you define the transformation in a PDM or PDM extension and specify Object-Oriented Model and Java, then the profile will only be available
when you select to generate the PDM into a Java OOM.

4. Click the Pre-generation tab and click the Add Transformations tool to add
transformations to perform prior to generation.
These transformations are executed before generation on the objects in your source model.
If objects are created by these transformations then they are automatically added to the list
of objects to be generated. Any changes to existing objects or new objects created by these
transformations are reversed after generation, so that your model returns to its previous
5. Click the Post-generation tab and click the Add Transformations tool to add
transformations to perform after generation. Transformations added on this tab are also

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

made available to apply outside of the context of a generation by selecting Tools > Apply
These transformations are executed on the objects generated in your target model.
6. Click Apply to save your changes.

Developing Transformation Scripts

Transformation scripts are written in VBScript using a certain number of special methods.
Transformation scripts do not require as many checks as standard scripts, because they are
always implemented in a new, empty, temporary model, which is merged with the generation
target model.
Since a source object can be transformed and have several targets, you may have problems
identifying the origin of an object, especially in the merge dialog box. The following
mechanism is used to help identify the origin of an object:

If the source object is transformed into a single object, the transformation is used as an
internal identifier of the target object.
If the source object is transformed into several objects, you can define a specific tag to
identify the result of transformation. You should use only alphanumeric characters, and we
recommend that you use a "stable" value such as a stereotype, which will not be modified
during repetitive generations.

The following methods are available when writing a transformation script:

CopyObject(source [,tag])

Duplicates an existing object, sets a source for the duplicated object, and returns a copy of
the new object.

SetSource(source, target [,tag])

Sets the source object of a generated object. It is recommended to always set the source
object to keep track of the origin of a generated object.

GetSource(target [,tag])

GetTarget(source [,tag])

Retrieves the source object of a generated object.

Retrieves the target object of a source object.
Internal transformation objects are preserved when the transformations are used via the Apply
Transformations or a custom menu command, so that they can be re-executed if you
subsequently update (regenerate) the model. For example, you generate a CDM entity A to an
OOM class B and then apply a transformation to class B in order to create class C. If you make
changes to entity A and repeat the generation to update the OOM, class B is updated and the
transformation is automatically reapplied to update class C.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

XML Imports (Profile)

XML imports allow you to define mappings between an XML schema and the PowerDesigner
metamodel (and any extensions) to enable the import of XML files complying with the
schema. You can specify initialization and post-processing scripts to manage complexities in
the import.
For an overview of creating, deploying, and using XML imports, see Core Features Guide >
Modeling with PowerDesigner > Objects > Importing Objects from XML Files.
1. [if the XML Imports category is not present] Right-click the root node, select Add
Items, select XML Imports, and click OK to create this folder.
2. Right click the XML Imports folder, and select New to create an XML import.
3. Enter the following properties as appropriate:



Specifies the name of the import, which will be used as the name of the import
command under File > Import.

First diagram

Specifies the first diagram that should be initialized in the model created from the
imported file.

Create default

Specifies to create symbols for the imported objects in the diagram.

File extension

Specifies the file extension that identifies XML documents that conform to the


Provides an explanation of the import or other additional information.

4. Click the Schema tab and click the Import tool to copy the schema, with any imports and
includes resolved, to the extension file for mapping.
Warning! If the selected schema is too permissive and allows for too many possible object
hierarchies it may not be possible to display it fully in the Mapping Editor. If you have an
example XML data file to import, you can import this in place of the schema by clicking
the Import from Sample tool and PowerDesigner will deduce a partial schema from it.
Note that while a schema obtained in this way may successfully import the sample data
file, other documents based on the same schema may not be complete if they contain other
types of objects (or attributes or collections) that, though valid for the schema, were not in
the first document.
You can click the View as Model tool to open the schema as an XML schema model.
5. [optional] Click the Extensions tab and select extension files containing extensions to the
standard PowerDesigner metamodel to provide additional metaclasses (see Extended
Objects, Sub-Objects, and Links (Profile) on page 36), attributes (see Extended Attributes

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files




(Profile) on page 41), and collections (see Extended Collections and Compositions
(Profile) on page 49) to map your XML schema to.
Attaching extension files in this way allow you to reuse previously defined extensions in
your imports or to share extensions between imports. You can also define extensions under
the Profile category in the resource file containing the XML import definition, or create
them dynamically when creating your import mappings.
[optional] Click the Initialization tab and enter VBScript to run at model creation time
before the importing of any objects. You can access shared library functions and static
attributes defined for reuse in the resource file from the Global Script tab (see Global
Script (Profile) on page 106).
[optional] Click the Post-Process tab and enter VBScript to run after all the objects have
been imported.
Click the General tab and click the Mappings button to define mappings from the
metaclasses identified in your XML schema to those in the PowerDesigner metamodel in
the Mapping Editor (see XML Import Mappings on page 98).
Click Apply to save your changes.

XML Import Mappings

You control how elements defined in an XML schema are imported by mapping them and their
attributes, compositions, and aggregations to objects in the PowerDesigner metamodel. The
XML schema is analyzed and presented as a list of metaclasses on the left side of the Mapping
Editor and the PowerDesigner metamodel (and any extensions) are displayed on the right
Note: It is not necessary to map all metaclasses (or all their contents), but only those with
which you want to work. If the PowerDesigner metamodel does not contain appropriate
metaclasses, attributes, compositions, or aggregations to map against, you can create them
dynamically here or save any existing mappings, close the Mapping Editor, define or attach
appropriate extensions, and then reopen the Mapping Editor to map to them.
1. Drag and drop an external metaclass to a PowerDesigner metaclass to create an import
mapping. Any external attributes and collections are automatically mapped to
PowerDesigner attributes with which they share a name:

By default, the Mapping Editor lists the standard attributes and collections of metaclasses,
which are normally displayed in object property sheets. To display all available properties,


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

click the Filter Properties tool, and select Show All Properties. You can also filter
the tree by using the Filter Mappings and Filter Objects tools.
Note: If no suitable metaclass exists, to create and map to a new extended metaclass based
on the ExtendedObject metaclass, drag and drop the external metaclass onto the
PowerDesigner metamodel root.
2. Drag and drop additional attributes under the metaclass to PowerDesigner attributes with
compatible data types to create mappings for them. Attributes are contained in a folder
under the metaclass and represent individual properties such as Name, Size,
DimensionalType, which have boolean, textual, numeric, or object ID values:

PowerDesigner identifies sub-object metaclasses in the schema that are limited to a single
instance and displays a 1 overlay on their icons. Attributes under such metaclasses are
treated as belonging to the parent metaclass and can be mapped to attributes under the
PowerDesigner object with which the parent is mapped:

Note: If no suitable attribute exists, to create and map to a new extended attribute, drag and
drop the external attribute onto the PowerDesigner metaclass to which its parent is
3. Drag and drop external sub-object metaclasses (compositions) under the metaclass to
PowerDesigner compositions to create mappings between them:

Any attributes under the sub-object metaclass are automatically mapped to

PowerDesigner attributes with which they share a name. Map other sub-object attributes as
Note: In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to map an external sub-object
metaclass to a PowerDesigner object metaclass, and so such mappings are also permitted.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

4. Drag and drop external collections (aggregations) under the metaclass to PowerDesigner
collections to create mappings between them:

5. In certain schemas, it may be necessary to identify attributes as references and identifiers

to link one metaclass to another through aggregation:
a) Right-click an attribute and select Declare as Object Reference to specify that it acts
as a pointer to another object. Such attributes often have a type of GUID, Token, or
NCName (PowerDesigner automatically identifies attributes of type IDRef as
references). A rounded arrow overlay is added to the attribute icon:

b) Open the metaclass that the object reference points to, select its identifying attribute,
right-click it, and select Declare as Unique Identifier. A key overlay is added to the
attribute icon:

c) The object reference attribute can now be mapped to a PowerDesigner attribute of type
object (which also bears a rounded arrow overlay):

6. [optional] Select a metaclass and enter an initialization or post-processing script to modify

the objects at or after creation (see Metamodel Mapping Properties on page 101).


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

7. [optional] Click the target model (root node) to display the global list of mappings in the
Mappings pane at the bottom of the dialog and use the arrows at the bottom of the list to
change the order in which objects are imported to ensure that dependencies are respected.
Note: To control the order in which attributes, compositions, and aggregations are
imported within objects, select the target metaclass to display its mappings in the
Mappings pane, and use the arrows at the bottom of the lists on the Attribute Mappings,
Collection Mappings, and Sub-Object Mappings sub-tabs.
8. Click Apply to save your changes.

Metamodel Mapping Properties

Metamodel mappings are mappings between metamodel objects, which control how objects
are imported or generated. Metamodel mappings are sub-objects of the PowerDesigner
metamodel object on which they are defined.
To open a metamodel mapping property sheet, select the mapping from the list at the top of the
Mapping Editor Mappings pane or parent object property sheet Mapping tab and click the
Properties tool.

The tabs available on a particular mapping property sheet depend on the objects being
mapped. The General tab contains the following properties:


Source object

Specifies the metamodel object being mapped to the target object.

Target object

Specifies the metamodel object being mapped from the source object. This object is
the parent of the mapping itself.

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files



Transformation script

[metaattribute mappings] Specifies a script to set the value of the attribute. In the
following example, from an XML import, the notnullable attribute is imported
to the Mandatory attribute and, because the sense of the attributes is reversed, the
boolean value imported is set to the opposite of the source value:
Sub %Set%(obj, sourceValue)
obj.SetAttribute "Mandatory", not sourceValue
End Sub
In the following example, from an object generation, the NumberID attribute is
generated to the Comment attribute and a text string is prepended to make clear the
origin of the value:
Function %AdjustValue%(sourceValue, sourceObject, targetObject)
Dim targetValue
targetValue = "The original process NumberID is "
%AdjustValue% = targetValue
End Function

The following tabs are also available for metaclass mappings:

Initialization - Specifies a script to initialize the metaclass to be created. In the following

example, the value of the Stereotype attribute is set to SimpleType:
Sub %Initialize%(obj)
obj.Stereotype = "SimpleType"
End Sub

Attribute Mappings - Lists the mappings of attributes under the metaclass. Select a
mapping and click the Properties tool to open its property sheet. To control the order in
which attributes are created, in order to respect dependencies between them, use the
arrows at the bottom of the list.
Collection Mappings - Lists the mappings of collections under the metaclass.
Post-Process - Specifies a script to modify the metaclass after creation and execution of
mappings. In the following example, the value of the Code attribute is copied to the Name
Sub %PostProcess%(obj)
' Copy code into name
obj.Name = obj.Code
End Sub

Metamodel Object Properties

To view the properties of metaclasses, metaattributes, and metacollections displayed in the
Mapping Editor, double-click the object node in the Mapping Editor or right-click the node
and selecting Properties.
The General tab contains the following properties:


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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files




[metaattributes and metacollections] Specifies the metaclass to which the metaobject


Parent collec- [sub-objects/compositions] Specifies the name of the composition collection that
contains the sub-objects under the parent object.

Specifies the name of the metaclass in the PowerDesigner metamodel or XML schema.

Data type

[metaattributes] Specifies the data type of the attribute.


[metaattributes] Specifies that the attribute is used to identify the metaclass for referencing by another metaclass.

Reference /

[metaattributes and metacollections] Specifies that the attribute or collection is used

to point to another metaclass to form an aggregation.


[metaclasses] Specifies that only one instance of the metaclass is possible under each
parent object.


Provides additional information about the metaobject.

The following tabs are also available for metaclasses:

Attributes - Lists the metaattributes belonging to the metaclass. Select an attribute in the
list and click the Properties tool to open its property sheet.
Collections - Lists the metacollections belonging to the metaclass. Select a collection in
the list and click the Properties tool to open its property sheet.

Object Generations (Profile)

Object generations allow you to define mappings between one PowerDesigner model type and
another based on the two metamodels (and any extensions) to enable the generation of one or
more object types.
For an overview of creating, deploying, and using object generations, see Core Features Guide

> Linking and Synchronizing Models > Generating Models and Model Objects > Generating
Model Objects > Defining Advanced Object Generations.
1. [if the Object Generations category is not present] Right-click the root node, select
Add Items, select Object Generations, and click OK to create this folder.
2. Right click the Object Generations folder, and select New to create an object

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CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

3. Enter the following properties as appropriate:


Target model Specifies the type of model that will be created or updated by the generation.
Menu command name

Specifies the name of the command that will appear in the interface under Tools >
Generate Objects. This field is initialized when you select a target model type.


Provides a description of the generation or other additional information.

4. [optional] Click the Source Extensions and/or Target Extensions tab and select
extension files containing extended attributes, collections, or metaclasses to reference in
your mappings.
Attaching extension files in this way allow you to reuse previously defined extensions in
your generations or to share extensions between generations. You can also define
extensions as appropriate under the Profile category in the resource file containing the
generation definition.
5. Click the Mappings button to define mappings from your source to target metaclasses in
the Mapping Editor (see Model-to-Model Generation Mappings on page 104).
6. Click Apply to save your changes.

Model-to-Model Generation Mappings

You control how metaclasses from one PowerDesigner model type will be generated to
metaclasses in another model type by mapping them and their attributes and collections in the
Mapping Editor. Any extensions defined for the source or target metamodels are displayed
and available for mapping.
Note: It is not necessary to map all metaclasses (or all their contents), but only those with
which you want to work. If the PowerDesigner metamodel does not contain appropriate
metaclasses, attributes, compositions, or aggregations to map against, you should save any
existing mappings, close the Mapping Editor, define or attach appropriate extensions, and
then reopen the Mapping Editor to map to them.
1. Drag and drop a metaclass from the source pane on the left to a metaclass in the Target pane
on the right. Any source attributes are automatically mapped to target attributes with which
they share a name:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Note: By default, the Mapping Editor lists the standard attributes and collections of
metaclasses, which are displayed, by default, in object property sheets. To display all
available properties, click the Filter Properties tool, and select Show All
Properties. You can also filter the tree by using the Filter Mappings and Filter
Objects tools.
2. Drag and drop additional source attributes under the metaclass to target attributes with
compatible data types to map them. Attributes are contained in a folder under the
metaclass and represent individual properties such as Name, Size, DimensionalType,
containing boolean, textual, numeric, or object ID values:
3. Drag and drop source sub-object metaclasses (compositions) under the metaclass to target
compositions to create mappings between them:
Any attributes under the source sub-object metaclass are automatically mapped to target
attributes with which they share a name. Map other sub-object attributes as necessary.
Note: In certain circumstances, it may be appropriate to map a source sub-object metaclass
to a target object metaclass, and so such mappings are also permitted.
4. Drag and drop source collections (aggregations) under the metaclass to target collections
to create mappings between them:
5. [optional] Select a metaclass and enter an initialization or post-processing script to modify
the objects at or after creation (see Metamodel Mapping Properties on page 101).
6. [optional] Click the target model (root node) to display the global list of mappings in the
Mappings pane at the bottom of the dialog and use the arrows at the bottom of the list to
change the order in which objects are generated to ensure that dependencies are respected.
Note: To control the order in which attributes, compositions, and aggregations are
generated, select the target metaclass to display its mappings in the Mappings pane, and
use the arrows at the bottom of the lists on the Attribute Mappings, Collection
Mappings, and Sub-Object Mappings sub-tabs.
7. Click Apply to save your changes.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 2: Extension Files

Global Script (Profile)

The profile contains a global script, which you can use to store functions and variables to be
reused in your scripts defined for extensions.
For example, we could imagine writing a function for obtaining the data type of an item and
reusing it in the scripts for both the custom check and autofix examples (see Custom Checks
(Profile) on page 72.
The new DataTypeBase function is entered on the Global Script tab as follows:
Function DataTypeBase(datatype)
Dim position
position = InStr(datatype, "(")
If position <> 0 Then
DataTypeBase = Ucase(Left(datatype, position -1))
DataTypeBase = Ucase(datatype)
End If
End Function

The script for the check (see Example: PDM Custom Check on page 73 can be rewritten to call
the function as follows:
Function %Check%(obj)
Dim c 'temporary index column
Dim col 'temporary column
Dim position
%Check%= True
If obj.type = "LF" or obj.type = "HG" or obj.type = "CMP" or obj.type
="HNG" then
For Each c In obj.IndexColumns
Set col = c.column
If (DataTypeBase(col.datatype) = "VARCHAR") And (col.length > 255)
Output "Table " & col.parent.name & " Column " & col.name & " :
Data type is not compatible with Index " & obj.name & " type " &
%Check% = False
End If
End If
End Function

Note: Variables defined on the Global Script tab are reinitialized each time they are
referenced in another script.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Object, Process, and XML

Language Definition Files

Language definition files provide PowerDesigner with the information necessary to model,
reverse-engineer, and generate for a particular object-oriented, business process, or XML
language. PowerDesigner provides definition files for many popular languages. You select a
language when you create an OOM, BPM, or XSM.
Language definition files have an .xol, .xpl, or .xsl extension and are located in
install_dir/Resource Files. To view the list of languages, select Tools >
Resources > Object Languages > , Process Languages, or XML Languages. For
information about the tools available in resource file lists, see Chapter 1, PowerDesigner
Resource Files on page 1.
Note: The PDM uses a different form of definition file (see Chapter 4, DBMS Definition Files
on page 119), and other model types do not have definition files but can be extended with
extension files (see Chapter 2, Extension Files on page 11).
All target languages have the same basic category structure, but the detail and values of entries
differs for each language:

Settings - contains data types, constants, namings, and events categories used to customize
and manage generation features. The types of items in this category differ depending on
the type of resource file.
Generation - contains generation commands, options, and task.
Profile - contains extensions on metaclasses.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

The root node of each file contains the following properties:



Name / Code

Specify the name and code of the language definition file.

File Name

[read-only] Specifies the path to the language definition file. If the target language
has been copied to your model, this field is empty.


[read-only] Specifies the repository version if the resource is shared via the repository.

Family / Subfamily

Specifies the family and subfamily of the language, which may enable certain
non-default features in the model. For example, object languages of the Java,
XML, IDL and SAP Sybase PowerBuilder families support reverse engineering.

Enable Trace

Lets you preview the templates used during generation (see Templates (Profile) on
page 85). Before starting the generation, click the Preview page of the relevant
object, and click the Refresh tool to display the templates.
When you double-click on a trace line from the Preview page, the Resource Editor
opens to the corresponding template definition.



Specifies additional information about the target language.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

Settings Category: Process Language

The Settings category contains the following items used to control the data types, constants,
namings, and events categories used to customize and manage BPM generation features:

Implementation [executable BPM only] Gathers options that influence the process
implementation possibilities. The following constants are defined by default:
LoopTypeList - This list defines the type of loop supported by the language. The value
must be an integer
OperationTypeList - This list defines the type of operation supported by the language.
An unsupported operation type cannot be associated with a process. The value must be
an integer
EnableEmissionCorrelation - enables the definition of a correlation for an emitted
EnableProcessReuse - allows a process to be implemented by another process
AutomaticInvokeMode - indicates if the action type of a process implemented by an
operation can be automatically deducted from the operation type. You can specify:
0 (default) - the action type cannot be deduced and must be specified
1 - the language enforces a Request-Response and a One-Way operation to be
received by the process and a Solicit-Response and a Notification operation to be
invoked by the process
2 the language ensures that a Solicit-Response and a Notification operation are
always received by the process while Request-Response and One-Way operations
are always invoked by the process

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

DataHandling - [executable BPM only] Gathers options for managing data in the
language. The following constant values are defined by default:
EnableMessageOnFlow - indicates if a message format can be associated to a flow or
not. The default value is Yes
EnableMessageVariable - enables a variable object to store the whole content of a
message format. In this case, the message format objects will appear in the data type
combo box of the variable
Choreography - Gathers objects that allow the design of the graph of activities (start, end,
decision, synchronization, transition...) Contains the following constant values defined by
EnableMultipleStarts - When set to No, ensures that no more than one start is defined
under a composite process
EnableTopLevelChoreography - When set to No, ensures that no flow or choreography
object (start, end, decision...) is defined directly under the model or a package. These
objects can be defined only under a composite process

Settings Category: Object Language

The Settings category contains the following items used to control the data types, constants,
namings, and events categories used to customize and manage OOM generation features:


Data Types - Tables for mapping internal data types with object language data types. The
following data types values are defined by default:

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

BasicDataTypes lists the most commonly-used data types. The Value column
indicates the conceptual data type used for CDM and PDM model generations.
ConceptualDataTypes lists internal PowerDesigner data types. The Value column
indicates the object language data type used for CDM and PDM model generations.
AdditionalDataTypes lists additional data types added to data type lists. Can be used
to add or change data types of your own. The Value column indicates the conceptual
data type used for CDM and PDM model generations.
DefaultDataType specifies the default data type.

Constants - contains mapping between the following constants and their default values:
Null, True, False, Void, Bool.
Namings - contains parameters that influence what will be included in the files that you
generate from an OOM:
GetterName - Name and value for getter operations
GetterCode - Code and value for getter operations
SetterName - Name and value for setter operations
SetterCode - Code and value for setter operations
IllegalChar - lists illegal characters for the object language. This list populates the
Invalid characters field in Tools > Model Options > Naming Convention. For
example, "/!=<>""'()"
Events - defines standard events on operations. This category may contain default existing
events such as constructors and destructors, depending on the object language. An event is
linked to an operation, and the contents of the Events category is displayed in the Event list

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CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

in operation property sheets to describe the events that can be used by an operation. In
PowerBuilder for example, the Events category is used to associate operations with
PowerBuilder events.

Settings Category: XML Language

The Settings category contains the Data types category that shows a mapping of internal data
types with XML language data types.
The following data types values are defined by default:

ConceptualDataTypes - The Value column indicates the XML language data type used for
model generations. Conceptual data types are the internal data types of PowerDesigner,
and cannot be modified.
XsmDataTypes- Data types for generations from the XML model.

Generation Category
The Generation category contains categories and entries to define and activate a generation
The following sub-categories are available:

Commands - contains generation commands, which can be executed at the end of the
generation process, after the generation of all files. Commands are written in GTL (see
Chapter 5, Customizing Generation with GTL on page 245), and must be included within
tasks to be evoked.

Options contains options, available on the Options tab of the Generation dialog, the
values of which can be tested by generation templates or commands. You can create
options that take boolean, string, or list values. The value of an option may be accessed in a
template using the following syntax:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

For example, for a boolean option named GenerateComment,

%GenOptions.GenerateComment% will evaluate to either true or false in a
template, depending on the value specified in the Generation dialog Options tab.
Tasks contains tasks, available on the Tasks tab of the Generation dialog, and which
contain lists of generation commands. When a task is selected, the commands included in
it are retrieved and their templates evaluated and executed.

Example: Adding a Generation Option

In this example, we will add a generation option to the Java object language.
1. Select Language > Edit Current Object Language to open the Java resource file.
2. Expand the Generation category, and then right-click the Options category and select

3. Click OK to save your changes and return to the model. Then select Language >
Generate Java code to open the Generation dialog, and click the Options tab. The new
option is listed on the tab under its comment (or its name, if no comment has been

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CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

Note: For detailed information about creating and modifying generation templates, see
Chapter 5, Customizing Generation with GTL on page 245.

Example: Adding a Generation Command and Task

In this example, we will add a generation command and associated task to the Java object
1. Create a new OOM for Java, and then select Language > Edit Current Object
2. Expand the Generation category, and then right-click the Commands category and select
3. Name the command DoCommand and enter an appropriate template:


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CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

4. Right-click the Tasks category and select New. Name the task Execute, click the Add
Commands tool, select DoCommand from the list, and then click OK to add it to the new

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CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

5. Click OK to save your changes and return to the model. Then select Language >
Generate Java code to open the Generation dialog, and click the Tasks tab. The new task
is listed on the tab under its comment (or its name, if no comment has been provided):


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files

Profile Category (Definition Files)

The language definition file Profile category can contain Stereotypes, Extended attributes,
Methods and so on, to extend the metaclasses defined in the PowerDesigner metamodel.
In object languages, the Shared/Extended Attribute Types category contains
various attributes used to control object language support within PowerDesigner. The Object
Container variable specifies the default container for implementing associations. This
attribute has an editable list of possible values for each object language, from which you can
select a default value for your language. You can, if necessary, override this default using the
Default association container model option.
For detailed information about working with the Profile category, see Chapter 2, Extension
Files on page 11.

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CHAPTER 3: Object, Process, and XML Language Definition Files


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


DBMS Definition Files

DBMS definition file provide PowerDesigner with the information necessary to model,
reverse-engineer, and generate for a particular DBMS. PowerDesigner provides definition
files for most popular DBMSs. You select a DBMS when you create a PDM.
DBMS definition files have an .xdb extension and are located in install_dir/
Resource Files/DBMS. To view the list of DBMSs, select Tools > Resources > DBMS.
For information about the tools available in resource file lists, see Chapter 1, PowerDesigner
Resource Files on page 1.
You can consult or modify the DBMS definition file attached to your PDM in the Resource
Editor by selecting Database > Edit current DBMS. When you select a category or an item in
the left-hand pane, the name, value, and related comment appear in the right side of the dialog
Warning! The resource files provided with PowerDesigner inside the Program Files
folder cannot be modified directly. To create a copy for editing, use the New tool on the
resource file list, and save it in another location. To include resource files from different
locations for use in your models, use the Path tool on the resource file list.
Each DBMS file has the following structure:

General - contains general information about the database, without any categories (see
General Category (DBMS) on page 134). All items defined in the General category apply
to all database objects.
Script - used for generation and reverse engineering. Contains the following subcategories:
SQL - contains the following sub-categories, each of which contains items whose
values define general syntax for the database:
Syntax - general parameters for SQL syntax (see Syntax Category (DBMS) on
page 135)
Format - parameters for allowed characters (see Format Category (DBMS) on page
File - header, footer and usage text items used during generation (see File Category
(DBMS) on page 137)
Keywords - the list of SQL reserved words and functions (see Keywords Category
(DBMS) on page 139)
Objects - contains commands to create, delete or modify all the objects in the database.
Also includes commands that define object behavior, defaults, necessary SQL queries,
reverse engineering options, and so on (see Script/Objects Category (DBMS) on page

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Data Type - contains the list of valid data types for the specified DBMS and the
corresponding types in PowerDesigner (see Script/Data Type Category (DBMS) on
page 196).
Customize - Retrieves information from PowerDesigner Version 6 DBMS definition
files. It is not used in later versions.
ODBC - present only if the DBMS does not support standard statements for generation. In
this case the ODBC category contains additional items necessary for live database
connection generation .
Transformation Profiles contains group of transformations used during model
generation when you need to apply changes to objects in the source or target models (see
Transformations (Profile) on page 93).
Profile - allows you to define extended attribute types and extended attributes for database
objects (see Profile Category (DBMS) on page 199).
The following properties are available on the root of a DBMS definition file:



Name / Code

Name and code of the DBMS.

File Name

[read only] Path and name of the DBMS file.


Used to classify a DBMS, and to establish a link between different database resource
files. For example, SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere, and SAP Sybase Adaptive
Server Enterprise belong to the SQL Server family.
Triggers are retained when you change target within the same family.
Merge interface allows to merge models from the same family.


Additional information about the DBMS

Triggers Templates, Trigger Template Items, and Procedure

The DBMS Trigger templates, Trigger template items, and Procedure templates are accessible
via the tabs in the Resource Editor window. In addition, for Oracle, there is a tab for database
package templates.
Templates for stored procedures are defined under the Procedure category in the DBMS tree
For more information, see Data Modeling > Building Data Models > Triggers and Procedures

Database Generation and Reverse Engineering

PowerDesigner supports generation and reverse engineering of databases through scripts and
live connections via SQL statements and queries stored in the Script/Objects category.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Generation and reverse-engineering of scripts and generation to a live connection all use the
same statements, while reverse-engineering from a live connection uses separate queries.
PowerDesigner performs generation and reverse-engineering as follows:

Generation/Update Database - Each model object selected is applied to the statements in

the Script/Objects category.
Reverse engineering:
Script - PowerDesigner parses the script and identifies object creation statements by
comparing them with the statements in the Script/Objects category.
Live connection - PowerDesigner uses the queries in the Script/Objects
category to retrieve information from the database system tables. Each column of a
query result set is associated with a variable. The query header specifies the association
between the columns of the resultset and the variable. The values of the returned
records are stored in these variables which are then committed as object attributes.

Script Generation
PowerDesigner can generate a SQL script from a PDM to create or modify a database. The
statements that control script generation are available in the Script/Objects category.
When generating a SQL script, PowerDesigner takes each object to be created in turn, and
applies the appropriate Create or other statement to create or modify the object:

Create - Creates a new object.

Alter / Modify - Modifies the attributes of an existing object.
Add - Creates a new sub-object. If keys are defined inside a table, they will be created with
an Add statement, but if they are created outside the table, then they will be created with a
table Modify statement.
Rename - Renames an object.
Drop - Drops an object (for use when an Alter statement is not possible).
ObjectComment - Adds a comment on the object.
Options - Defines the physical options of an object.
ConstName - Defines the constraint name template for object checks.

For example, in Sybase ASE 15.7, the Create statement in the Table category is the
create table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%

This statement contains the parameters for creating the table together with its owner and
physical options using variables (see Variables for Tables and Views on page 215) that extract
the necessary information from the object's properties. The %TABLDEFN% variable collects

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

the Add items in the Column, PKey, Key, and Reference categories, and the
AddTableCheck item in the Table category.
Other statements in the object categories are used to customize the PowerDesigner interface
and behavior according to database features, such as Maxlen, Permission,
EnableOwner, and AllowedADT.
Extending Generation with Before and After Statements
You can extend script generation statements to complement generation using the extension
statements. The extension mechanism allows you to generate statements immediately before
or after Create, Drop, and Modify statements, and to retrieve these statements during reverse
Extension statements are written in GTL (see Chapter 5, Customizing Generation with GTL
on page 245). During generation, the statements and variables are evaluated and the result is
added to the global script.
Note: We recommend that you avoid using GTL macros (other than .if) in generation
scripts, as they may not be resolvable when reverse engineering by script. Generating and
reverse engineering via a live database connection are not subject to this limitation.
Example - Adding an AfterCreate Statement
The extension statement AfterCreate is defined in the Table category to complement the
table Create statement by adding partitions to the table if the value of the partition extended
attribute requires it:
.if (%ExtTablePartition% > 1)

The .if macro evaluates variable %ExtTablePartition%, which is an extended

attribute that contains the number of table partitions. If the value is higher than 1, then
%CreatePartition%, defined in the Table category, will be generated as follows:
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
partition %ExtTablePartition%

This item generates the statement for creating the number of table partitions specified in
Example - Adding a BeforeCreate Statement
The extension statement BeforeCreate is defined in the User category to create the login
of a user before the user Create statement is executed:
sp_addlogin %Name% %Password%


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

The automatically generated login will have the same name as the user, and its password. The
BeforeCreate statement is displayed before the user creation statement in the Preview:

Example - Modify Statements

You can also add BeforeModify and AfterModify statements to standard Modify
Modify statements are executed to synchronize the database with the schema created in the
PDM. By default, the modify database feature does not take into account extended attributes
when it compares changes performed in the model from the last generation. You can bypass
this rule by adding extended attributes in the ModifiableAttributes list item.
Extended attributes defined in this list will be taken into account in the merge dialog box
during database synchronization.
To detect that an extended attribute value has been modified you can use the following

%OLDOBJECT% - to access an old value of the object

%NEWOBJECT% - to access a new value of the object

For example, you can verify that the value of the extended attribute ExtTablePartition
has been modified using the following GTL syntax:
.if (%OLDOBJECT.ExtTablePartition% != %NEWOBJECT.ExtTablePartition%)

If the extended attribute value was changed, an extended statement will be generated to update
the database. In the Sybase ASE syntax, the ModifyPartition extended statement is the

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

following because in case of partition change you need to delete the previous partition and
then recreate it:
.if (%OLDOBJECT.ExtTablePartition% != %NEWOBJECT.ExtTablePartition%)
.if (%NEWOBJECT.ExtTablePartition% > 1)
.if (%OLDOBJECT.ExtTablePartition% > 1)

Script Reverse Engineering

PowerDesigner can reverse engineer SQL scripts into a PDM. The statements that control
script generation are available in the Script/Objects category.
When reverse-engineering a SQL script into a PDM, PowerDesigner compares each statement
in turn with all of the Create statements defined in the DBMS definition file and when it
finds a match, extracts all of the available information to create or update PDM objects.
The statements used in script reverse engineering are the same as those for script generation
(see Script Generation on page 121).
For example, in Sybase IQ v15.2, the Create statement in the Table category is the
create[%ExtGlobalTemporaryTable%? global temporary] table
)[.Z:[[%R%?[.O:[in][on]] %DBSpace%:[%DBSpace%?
in %DBSpaceGeneratedName%]]][
on commit %OnCommit%][%NotTransactional%? not transactional][
at %.q:At%][%R%?partition by range %RevPartition%:[%PartitionKey
partition by range (%PartitionKey.Code%)

This statement contains the parameters for creating the table together with its owner and
physical options using variables (see Variables for Tables and Views on page 215) that extract
the necessary information from the object's properties.
If you are using the extension mechanism for script generation, you have to declare statements
in the list item ReversedStatements (one statement per line) for them to be properly
For example, the extension statement AfterCreate uses CreatePartition, which
must be declared in ReversedStatements to be properly reverse engineered:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Live Database Generation

PowerDesigner can generate or modify a database from a PDM to a live connection. The
statements that control live generation are available in the Script/Objects category,
except when the DBMS does not support standard SQL syntax. For example, MS Access,
which needs VB scripts to create database objects, has special generation statements defined
in the ODBC category.
When generating to a live connection, PowerDesigner takes each object to be created in turn,
and applies the appropriate Create or other statement to create or modify the object.
The statements used in live generation are the same as those for script generation (see Script
Generation on page 121).

Live Database Reverse Engineering

PowerDesigner can reverse engineer from a live database connection into a PDM. The queries
that control live reverse engineering are available in the Script/Objects category.
The following queries are used in live reverse engineering:

SqlListQuery - Retrieves a list of available objects to populate the Database Reverse

Engineering dialog. This query is memory intensive, and should retrieve the smallest

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

number of columns possible. If it is not defined, then SqlAttrQuery will be used to

populate the dialog.
SqlAttrQuery - Retrieves the object attributes to be reverse-engineered. This query is
not necessary if the object has few attributes, and the SqlListQuery can retrieve all
necessary information, as is the case for tablespaces in Sybase SQL Anywhere.
SqlOptsQuery - Retrieves the physical options to be reverse-engineered.
SqlListChildrenQuery - Retrieves lists of child objects (such as columns of an
index or key or joins of a reference) to be reverse-engineered.
SqlSysIndexQuery - Retrieves system indexes created by the database.
SqlChckQuery - Retrieves object check constraints.
SqlPermQuery - Retrieves object permissions.

Note: You can also create your own queries (see Creating Queries to Retrieve Additional
Attributes on page 128).
Each type of query has the same basic structure comprised of a comma-separated list of
PowerDesigner variables enclosed in curly braces { } followed by a select statement to extract
values to populate these variables. The values of the returned records are stored in these
variables, which are then committed as object attribute values.
For example, the SqlListQuery in the View category of Oracle 11g R1 extracts values for
eight variables:
decode (v.view_type, 'XMLTYPE', 'XML', 'View'),
decode (v.view_type, 'XMLTYPE', '%SqlXMLView.'||v.owner||
v.view_name||'1%', ''),
decode (v.view_type, 'XMLTYPE', '%SqlXMLView.'||v.owner||
v.view_name||'2%', '')
from sys.all_views v
[where v.owner = %.q:SCHEMA%]

Each comma-separated part of the header may contain the following:


Name of variable - [required] can be any standard PDM variable (see PDM Variables and
Macros on page 211), metamodel public name (see Navigating in the Metamodel on page
344) or the name of an extended attribute defined under the metaclass in the Profile (see
Profile Category (DBMS) on page 199).
ID - [optional] the variable is part of the identifier.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

... - [optional] the variable must be concatenated for all the lines returned by the SQL
query that have the same values for the ID columns. The ID and ... (ellipsis) keywords
are mutually exclusive.
Value pairs - [optional] lists conversions between retrieved values and PowerDesigner
values in the following format (where * means all other values):
(value1 = PDvalue1, value2 = PDvalue2, * = PDvalue3)

Example: Using ID to Define the Identifier

In this script, the identifier is defined as TABLE + ISKEY+ CONSTNAME through the use of
the ID keyword:
c.column_name + ', ',
systable t,
syscolumn c

In the resulting lines returned by the SQL script, the values of the fourth field are concatenated
in the COLUMNS field as long as these ID values are identical.
SQL Result set
In PowerDesigner memory

In the example, COLUMNS will contain the list of columns separated by commas, and
PowerDesigner will process the contents to remove the last comma.
Example: Converting Value Pairs
In this example, when the SQL query returns the value 25 or 26, it is replaced by JAVA in the
TYPE variable:
SELECT t.type_name, u.user_name, t.domain_id
FROM sysusertype t, sysuserperms u
WHERE [u.user_name = '%SCHEMA%' AND]
(domain_id = 25 OR domain_id = 26) AND
t.creator = u.user_id

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Creating Queries to Retrieve Additional Attributes

You can create queries to retrieve additional attributes. These attributes could be added to
SqlAttrQuery, but retrieving them in a separate query helps to avoid overloading that
item. User-created queries are only called during reverse-engineering if their names are added
to the ReversedQueries item.
To create a new query in a category, right-click the category and select New > Text Item. Enter
an appropriate name, and then add the name to the ReversedQueries item.
For example, in the Oracle family of DBMSs, SqlColnListQuery is defined in the View
c.column_name||', '
sys.all_tab_columns c
where 1 = 1
[and c.owner=%.q:OWNER%]
[and c.table_name=%.q:VIEW%]
order by
1, 2, c.column_id

This query retrieves view columns, and is enabled by adding it to ReversedQueries in the
View category.
Note: Subqueries that are called with the EX keyword from within SqlAttrQuery or other
queries (see Calling Sub-Queries with the EX Keyword on page 128) do not need to be added
to ReversedQueries.
Calling Sub-Queries with the EX Keyword
DBMS system tables may store information to be reversed in columns with LONG, BLOB,
TEXT and other incompatible data types, which PowerDesigner cannot directly concatenate
into strings.
You can bypass this limitation by using the EX keyword and creating user-defined queries and
variables in the existing reverse engineering queries with the syntax:

These user-defined variables are evaluated by sub-queries that you write.

In the following example, the value of OPTIONS is marked as containing a user-defined
query, and we see in the body of the query that the 'global partition by range' option contains a
user-defined query called :'SqlPartIndexDef', which seeks values for the variables 'i.owner'
and 'i.index_name':


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

'global partition by range

Note: Extended queries are not be added to the ReversedQueries item.

1. A query is executed to evaluate variables in a set of string statements. If the EX keyword is
present in the query header, PowerDesigner searches for user-defined queries and
variables to evaluate. You can create user-defined queries in any live database reverse
engineering query. Each query must have a unique name.
2. The execution of the user-defined query generates a resultset containing pairs of userdefined variable names (without %) and variable value for each of the variables as needed.
For example, in the following resultset, the query returns 3 rows and 4 columns by row:
Variable 1

Variable 2

Variable 3

Variable 4

Variable 5

Variable 6

3. These values replace the user-defined variables in the original query.

Live Database Reverse Engineering Physical Options
During reverse engineering, physical options are concatenated in a single string statement.
However, when the system tables of a database are partitioned (like in Oracle) or fragmented
(like in Informix), the partitions/fragments share the same logical attributes but their physical
properties like storage specifications, are stored in each partition/fragment of the database.
The columns in the partitions/fragments have a data type (LONG) that allows storing larger
amount of unstructured binary information.
Since physical options in these columns cannot be concatenated in the string statement during
reverse engineering, SqlOptsQuery (Tables category in the DBMS) contains a call to a
user-defined query that will evaluate these physical options.
In Informix SQL 9, SqlOptsQuery is delivered by default with the following user-defined
queries and variables (the following is a subset of SqlOptsQuery):
'%SqlFragQuery.FragSprt'||f.evalpos||'% %FragExpr'||f.evalpos||'%
in %FragDbsp'||f.evalpos||'% ',
informix.systables t,

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

informix.sysfragments f
t.partnum = 0
and t.tabid=f.tabid
[ and t.owner = '%SCHEMA%']
[ and t.tabname='%TABLE%']

After the execution of SqlOptsQuery, the user-defined query SqlFragQuery is

executed to evaluate FragDbsp n, FragExpr n, and FragSprt n. n stands for
evalpos which defines fragment position in the fragmentation list. n allows to assign unique
names to variables, whatever the number of fragment defined in the table.
FragDbsp n, FragExpr n, and FragSprt n are user-defined variables that will be
evaluated to recover information concerning the physical options of fragments in the database:
User-defined variable

Physical options

FragDbsp n

Fragment location for fragment number n

FragExpr n

Fragment expression for fragment number n

FragSprt n

Fragment separator for fragment number n

SqlFragQuery is defined as follows:

{A, a(E="expression", R="round robin", H="hash"), B, b, C, c, D,
d(0="", *=",")}
'FragDbsp'||f.evalpos, f.dbspace,
'FragExpr'||f.evalpos, f.exprtext,
'FragSprt'||f.evalpos, f.evalpos
informix.systables t,
informix.sysfragments f
t.partnum = 0
and f.fragtype='T'
and t.tabid=f.tabid
[ and t.owner = '%SCHEMA%']
[ and t.tabname='%TABLE%']

The header of SqlFragQuery contains the following variable names.

{A, a(E="expression", R="round robin", H="hash"), B, b, C, c, D,
d(0="", *=",")}

Only the translation rules defined between brackets will be used during string concatenation:
"FragSprt0", which contains 0 (f.evalpos), will be replaced by " ", and "FragSprt1", which
contains 1, will be replaced by ","
SqlFragQuery generates a numbered resultset containing as many pairs of user-defined
variable name (without %) and variable value as needed, if there are many variables to


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

The user-defined variable names are replaced by their values in the string statement for the
physical options of fragments in the database.
Live Database Reverse Engineering Function-based Index
In Oracle 8i and later versions, you can create indexes based on functions and expressions that
involve one or more columns in the table being indexed. A function-based index precomputes
the value of the function or expression and stores it in the index. The function or the expression
will replace the index column in the index definition.
An index column with an expression is stored in system tables with a LONG data type that
cannot be concatenated in a string statement during reverse engineering.
To bypass this limitation, SqlListQuery (Index category in the DBMS) contains a call to
the user-defined query SqlExpression used to recover the index expression in a column
with the LONG data type and concatenate this value in a string statement (the following is a
subset of SqlListQuery):
decode(i.index_type, 'BITMAP', 'bitmap', ''),
decode(substr(c.column_name, 1, 6), 'SYS_NC',
c.column_position||'%', c.column_name)||' '||c.descend||', ',
user_indexes i,
user_ind_columns c
and c.index_name=i.index_name
[ and i.table_owner='%SCHEMA%']
[ and i.table_name='%TABLE%']
[ and i.index_name='%INDEX%']

The execution of SqlListQuery calls the execution of the user-defined query

SqlExpression is followed by a user-defined variable defined as follow:
where 1=1
[ and table_owner='%SCHEMA%']
[ and table_name='%TABLE%']

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

The name of the user-defined variable is unique, it is the result of the concatenation of "Xpr",
table name, index name, and column position.
Live Database Reverse Engineering Qualifiers
A qualifier allows the use of the object qualifier that is displayed in the dropdown list box in the
upper left corner of the Database Reverse Engineering dialog box. You use a qualifier to select
which objects are to be reverse engineered.

You can add a qualifier section when you customize your DBMS. This section must contain
the following items:

enable: YES/NO
SqlListQuery (script) : this item contains the SQL query that is executed to retrieve the
qualifier list. You should not add a Header to this query

The effect of these items are shown in the table below:






Qualifiers are available for selection. Select one as required.

You can also type the name of a qualifier. SqlListQuery is
executed to fill the qualifier list


Only the default (All qualifiers) is selected. You can also type
the name of a qualifier


Dropdown list box is grayed.



SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

In Adaptive Server Anywhere 7, a typical qualifier query is:
.Qualifier.SqlListQuery :
select dbspace_name from sysfile

Defining Generation and Reverse-Engineering of New Metaclasses

You can extend your DBMS to include new metaclasses that are not present in the standard
PowerDesigner metamodel. Many DBMSs contain such metaclasses, which are defined by
creating a stereotype on an existing metaclass, and you can also create your own. To include
these objects in generation and reverse-engineering, you must add them to the Script/
Objects category, and define appropriate SQL statements and queries.
1. Create a new metaclass in your DBMS definition file by defining a new stereotype on an
existing metaclass and selecting the Use as metaclass option (see Creating New
Metaclasses with Stereotypes on page 39).
2. Define appropriate extended attributes (see Extended Attributes (Profile) on page 41) and
other extensions as appropriate to accurately define the nature of your object.
3. Right-click the Script/Objects category, select Add Items, select your new object in
the list, and then click OK to add it to the category.
4. Right-click the new object entry, and select Add Items to add the necessary script items to
it. As a minimum, to enable the generation and reverse engineering of the object, you must
add the following items:


5. Click OK to add these script items to your object, and enter the appropriate SQL
statements and queries. You will need to enter values for each of these items. For guidance
on syntax, see Common Object Items on page 143.
6. [optional] To control the order in which this and other objects will be generated, use the
Generation Order item (see Script/Objects Category (DBMS) on page 141).

Adding Scripts Before or After Generation and Reverse Engineering

You can specify scripts to be used before or after database generation or reverse engineering.
1. Open the Profile folder. If there is no entry for Model, then right-click the Profile folder and
select Add Metaclasses.
2. On the PdPDM sub-tab, select Model and then click OK to add the Model item to the
Profile folder.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

3. Right-click the Model item, and select New > Event Handler (see Event Handlers
(Profile) on page 76).
4. Select one or more of the following event handlers depending on where you want to add a


5. Click OK to add the selected event handlers to the Model item.

6. Select each of the event handlers in turn, click its Event Handler Script tab, and enter the
desired script.
7. Click OK to confirm your changes and return to the model.

General Category (DBMS)

The General category is located directly beneath root, and contains high-level items that
define the basic behavior of the DBMS.



Specifies whether the generation of check parameters is authorized. The following settings are available. If this item is set to No, no variables linked to
check parameters will be evaluated during generation and reverse-engineering.


Specifies whether constraint names are supported by the DBMS. If this item is
set to Yes, table and column constraint names are generated in addition to the
constraints themselves.


Specifies whether integrity constraints are supported by the DBMS. If this item
is set to Yes, primary, alternate, and foreign key check boxes are available for
database generation and modification


Specifies whether the generation of multiple check parameters for tables and
columns is supported by the DBMS. If this item is set to Yes, multiple check
parameters are generated, with the first constraint concatenating all the validation business rules, and additional constraints generated for each constraint
business rules attached to the object. If this item is set to No, all business rules
(validation and constraint) are concatenated into a single constraint expression.


Specifies the user stereotype to be used to indicate a schema (object owner).


Specifies whether SQL syntax is supported by the DBMS. If this item is set to

Yes, SQL syntax is supported and the SQL Preview is available.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies whether unique constraint names for objects are required by the
DBMS. If this item is set to Yes, all constraint names (including index names)
must be unique in the database. Otherwise constraint names must be unique
only at the object level.


Specifies the user stereotype to be used to indicate a user (permissions grantee).

Script/Sql Category (DBMS)

The SQL category is located in the Root > Script category and contains sub-categories that
define the SQL syntax for the DBMS.

Syntax Category (DBMS)

The Syntax category is located in the Root > Script > SQL category, and contains the
following items that define the DBMS-specific syntax:



Specifies the character used to enclose a multi-line commentary.

/* */


Specifies the end of block character, which is used to end expressions for
triggers and stored procedures.


Specifies the field separation character.


Specifies the identifier delimiter character. When the beginning and end delimiters are different, they must be separated by a space character.


Specifies the character used to enclose a single line commentary.



Specifies the character used to enclose string values.

Note that the same quote must be used in the check parameter tab to enclose
reserved words used as default.


Specifies the continuation character. Some databases require a continuation

character when a statement is longer than a single line. For the correct character, refer to your DBMS documentation. This character is attached to each
line just prior to the linefeed.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies the end of statement character, which is used to terminate create table,
view, index, or the open/close database, and other statements.
If empty, BlockTerminator is used instead.


Specifies the use of BlockTerminator. The following settings are


Yes - BlockTerminator is always used

No - BlockTerminator is used for triggers and stored procedures

Format Category (DBMS)

The Format category is located in the Root > Script > SQL category, and contains the
following items that define script formatting:



Specifies that object codes are systematically enquoted during the generation.
The following settings are available:

Yes Quotes are systematically added to object codes during generation

No - Object codes are generated without quotes


Specifies if the case sensitivity for identifiers is managed using double quotes.
Enable this option if the DBMS you are using needs double quotes to preserve
the case of object codes.

DateTimeFormat /
OdbcDateTimeFormat / DateFormat /
OdbcDateFormat /
TimeFormat /

Specify the format for generating date and time test data to a script or live
database connection.

yyyy/yy, mm, dd - Years, months, and days.

HH, MM, SS - Hours, minutes, and seconds.

For example, you can define the following value for the DateTimeFor-

mat item for SQL: yy-mm-dd HH:MM.

Consult the Script\DataType\PhysDataType item (see Script/
Data Type Category (DBMS) on page 196) to see how PowerDesigner converts the date and time data types in your DBMS into its internal conceptual
data types.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



EnableOwnerPrefix / EnableDtbsPrefix

Specifies that object codes can be prefixed by the object owner (%OWNER%),
the database name (%DBPREFIX%), or both (%QUALIFIER%). The following settings are available:

Yes enables the Owner Prefix and/or Database Prefix options in the
Database Generation dialog to require one or both prefixes for objects.
No - The Owner Prefix and Database Prefix options are unavailable

Note: EnableOwnerPrefix enables the Ignore identifying owner

model option for tables and views.

[generation only] Specifies invalid characters for names. If there is an illegal

character in a Code, the code is set between quotes during generation.
If the name of the table is "SALES+PROFITS", the generated create statement
will be:
Double quotes are placed around the table name to indicate that an invalid
character is used. During reverse engineering, any illegal character is considered as a separator unless it is located within a quoted name.

LowerCaseOnly /

When generating a script, all objects are generated in lowercase or uppercase

independently of the model Naming Conventions and the PDM codes. The
following settings are available:

Yes - Forces all generated script characters to lowercase or uppercase.

No - Generates all scripts unchanged from the way objects are written in the

Note: These items are mutually exclusive. If both are enabled, the script is
generated in lowercase.

Specifies the maximum length of a script line.

File Category (DBMS)

The File category is located in the Root > Script > SQL category, and contains the following
items that define script formatting:



Specifies header text for a modify database script.


Specifies footer text for a modify database script.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies that multiple scripts are allowed. The following settings are available:

Yes enables the One File Only check box in the Generate database,
Generate Triggers and Procedures, and Modify Database parameters windows. If you deselect this option, a separate script is created for each table
(named after the table, and with the extension defined in the TableExt
item), and a global script summarizes all the single table script items.
The One File Only check box is unavailable, and a single script includes all
the statements.

The file name of the global script is customizable in the File Name field of the
generation or modification windows and has the extension specified in the
ScriptExt item.
The default name for the global script is CREBAS for database generation,
CRETRG for triggers and stored procedures generation, and ALTER for database modification.

Specifies the text for the database generation script footer.


Specifies the text for the database generation script header.


Specifies the default script extension when you generate a database or modify a
database for the first time.


Specifies the statement for executing a script. Used inside the header file of a
multi-file generation to call all the other generated files from the header file.
Example (Sybase ASE 11):
Corresponds to the %STARTCMD% variable (see PDM Variables and Macros
on page 211).


Specifies the extension of the scripts used to generate each table when the
EnableMultiFile item is enabled and the "One File Only" check box is not
selected in the Generate or Modify windows.



Specifies footer text for a triggers and procedures generation script.


Header script for triggers and procedures generation.


[when using a single script] Specifies text to display in the Output window at
the end of trigger and procedure generation.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




[when using multiple scripts] Specifies text to display in the Output window at
the end of trigger and procedure generation.


Specifies the main script extension when you generate triggers and stored
procedures for the first time.


[when using a single script] Specifies text to display in the Output window at
the end of database generation.


[when using multiple scripts] Specifies text to display in the Output window at
the end of database generation.

Keywords Category (DBMS)

The Keywords category is located in the Root > Script > SQL category, and contains the
following items that reserve keywords.
The lists of SQL functions and operators are used to populate the PowerDesigner SQL editor
to propose lists of available functions to help in entering SQL code.



Specifies a list of SQL functions to use with characters and strings.

char_length() etc


Specifies a statement for validating the transaction by live connection.


Specifies a function to convert any type to a string.

ConvertDateToMonth, ConvertDateToQuarter, ConvertDateToYear

Specifies a function to extract the relevant period from a date.


Specifies a list of SQL functions to use when converting values between hex
and integer and handling strings.
inttohex() etc

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a list of SQL functions to use with dates.

datename() etc


Specifies a list of SQL functions to use with group keywords.

max() etc


Specifies a list of SQL operators to use when comparing values, boolean, and
various semantic operators.
not like etc


Specifies a list of SQL functions to use with numbers.

asin() etc


Specifies a list of SQL functions to use when estimating, concatenating and

SQL checks.
host_id() etc

Reserved Default

Specifies a list of keywords that may be used as default values. If a reserved

word is used as a default value, it will not be enquoted.
Example (SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 10) - USER is a reserved default
Create table CUSTOMER (
Username varchar(30) default USER
When you run this script, CURRENT DATE is recognized as a reserved default


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a list of reserved keywords. If a reserved word is used as an object

code, it is enquoted during generation (using quotes only in DBMS > Script >
SQL > Syntax > Quote).


Specifies the operator used to concatenate two strings.

Script/Objects Category (DBMS)

The Objects category is located in the Root > Script > SQL category (and, possibly within
Root > ODBC > SQL), and contains the following items that define the database objects that
will be available in your model.
The following items are located in the Root > Script > Objects and Root > ODBC > Objects
categories, and apply to all objects:

MaxConstLen - Specifies the maximum constraint name length supported by the target
database for tables, columns, primary and foreign keys. This value is used during model
checking and returns an error if the code exceeds the defined value. The constraint name is
also truncated at generation time.
Note: PowerDesigner has a maximum length of 254 characters for constraint names. If
your database supports longer constraint names, you must define the constraint names to
fit in 254 characters or less.
EnableOption - Specifies that physical options are supported by the target DBMS for the
model, tables, indexes, alternate keys, and other objects and enables the display of the
Options tab in object property sheets. For more information, see Physical Options
(DBMS) on page 206.
GenerationOrder - Specifies the generation order of database objects. Drag and drop
entries in the Ordered List tab to adjust the order in which objects will be created.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Note: If an object does not appear on the list, it will still be generated, but after the listed
objects. You can add and remove items using the tools on the tab. Sub-objects, such as
Sequence::Permissions, can be placed directly below their parent object in the list
(where they will be indented to demonstrate their parentage) or separately, in which case
they will be displayed without indentation. Extended objects (see Defining Generation and
Reverse-Engineering of New Metaclasses on page 133) cannot be added to this list, and are
generated after all other objects.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Common Object Items

The following items are available in various objects located in the Root > Script > Objects



Specifies the statement required to add the object inside the creation statement of another object.
Example (adding a column):
%20:COLUMN% %30:DATATYPE% [default %DEFAULT%]
[[constraint %CONSTNAME%] check (%CONSTRAINT%)]


Specifies the statement required to alter the object.


Specifies a list of attributes that should be ignored when performing a

comparison before launching an update database.


Specifies a list of attributes which, when changed, should give rise to an

alter statement. Each attribute in the list is mapped to the alter statement that
should be used.

BeforeCreate/ AfterSpecify extended statements executed before or after the main Create, Drop
Create / BeforeDrop / or Modify statements (see Script Generation on page 121).
AfterDrop / BeforeModify / AfterModify

Specifies a constraint name template for the object. The template controls
how the name of the object will be generated.
The template applies to all the objects of this type for which you have not
defined an individual constraint name. The constraint name that will be
applied to an object is displayed in its property sheet.
Examples (ASE 15):


Table: CKT_%.U26:TABLE%
Column: CKC_%.U17:COLUMN%_%.U8:TABLE%
Primary Key: PK_%.U27:TABLE%

[generation and reverse] Specifies the statement required to create the object.
create table %TABLE%

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies default values for physical options (see Physical Options (DBMS)
on page 206) that will be applied to all objects. These values must respect
SQL syntax.
in default_tablespace


Specifies the statement required to drop the object.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
if exists( select 1 from sys.systable
where table_name=%.q:TABLE%
and table_type in ('BASE', 'GBL TEMP')[%QUALIFIER%?
and creator=user_id(%.q:OWNER%)]
) then drop table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
end if


Specifies whether an object is supported.


Enables the definition of owners for the object. The object owner can differ
from the owner of the parent table. The following settings are available:

Yes - The Owner list is enabled in the object's property sheet.

No Owners are not supported for the object.

Note that, in the case of index owners, you must ensure that the Create
statement takes into account the table and index owner. For example, in
Oracle 9i, the Create statement of an index is the following:
create [%UNIQUE%?%UNIQUE% :[%INDEXTYPE% ]]index
Where %QUALIFIER% refers to the current object (index) and %TABLQUALIFIER% refers to the parent table of the index.



Enables support for synonyms on the object.

Footer / Header

Specify the object footer and header. The contents are inserted directly after
or before each create object statement.


Specifies the maximum constraint name length supported for the object in
the target database, where this value differs from the default specified in
MaxConstLen (see .Script/Objects Category (DBMS) on page 141).

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies the maximum code length for an object. This value is used when
checking the model and produces an error if the code exceeds the defined
value. The object code is also truncated at generation time.

Modifiable Attributes

Specifies a list of extended attributes that will be taken into account in the
merge dialog during database synchronization (see Script Generation on
page 121).
Example (ASE 12.5):


Specifies physical options (see Physical Options (DBMS) on page 206)

available to apply when creating an object.
Example (ASA 6):
in %s : category=tablespace


Specifies a list of available permissions for the object. The first column is
the SQL name of permission (SELECT for example), and the second column is the shortname that is displayed in the title of grid columns.
Example (table permissions in ASE 15):

Reversed Queries

Specifies a list of additional attribute queries to be called during live database reverse engineering (see Live Database Reverse Engineering on page

Reversed Statements

Specifies a list of additional statements that will be reverse engineered (see

Script Reverse Engineering on page 124).


Specifies a SQL query to retrieve additional information on objects reversed

by SQLListQuery.
Example (Join Index in Oracle 10g):
select index_owner, index_name,
outer_table_owner || '.' || outer_table_name ||
'.' || outer_table_column || '=' || inner_table_owner || '.' || inner_table_name || '.' || inner_table_column || ','
from all_join_ind_columns
where 1=1
[ and index_owner=%.q:OWNER%]
[ and index_name=%.q:JIDX%]

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a SQL query for listing objects in the reverse engineering dialog.
The query is executed to fill header variables and create objects in memory.
Example (Dimension in Oracle 10g):
select d.owner, d.dimension_name
from sys.all_dimensions d
where 1=1
[ and d.dimension_name=%.q:DIMENSION%]
[ and d.owner=%.q:SCHEMA%]
order by d.owner, d.dimension_name


Specifies a SQL query to retrieve physical options from objects reversed by

SqlListQuery. The result of the query will fill the variable %OPTIONS% and must respect SQL syntax.
Example (Table in SQL Anywhere 10):
select u.user_name, t.table_name,
'in '+ f.dbspace_name
from sys.sysuserperms u
join sys.systab t on (t.creator = u.user_id)
join sys.sysfile f on (f.file_id = t.file_id)
where f.dbspace_name <> 'SYSTEM'
and t.table_type in (1, 3, 4)
[ and t.table_name = %.q:TABLE%]
[ and u.user_name = %.q:OWNER%]


Specifies a SQL query to reverse engineer permissions granted on the object.

Example (Procedure in SQL Anywhere 10):
u.user_name grantee, 'EXECUTE'
from sysuserperms u, sysprocedure s, sysprocperm p
where (s.proc_name = %.q:PROC% ) and
(s.proc_id = p.proc_id) and
(u.user_id = p.grantee)

Default Variable
In a column, if the type of the default variable is text or string, the query must retrieve the value
of the default variable between quotes. Most DBMS automatically add these quotes to the
value of the default variable. If the DBMS you are using does not add quotes automatically,
you have to specify it in the different queries using the default variable.
For example, in IBM DB2 UDB 8 for OS/390, the following line has been added in
SqlListQuery in order to add quotes to the value of the default variable:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

case(default) when '1' then '''' concat defaultvalue concat ''''
when '5' then '''' concat defaultvalue concat '''' else defaultvalue

Table Category (DBMS)

The Table category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how tables are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for tables:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableSynonym
Header, Footer
Maxlen, MaxConstLen
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a statement for customizing the script to modify the table constraints
within an alter table statement.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
add [constraint %CONSTNAME% ]check (%.A:CONSTRAINT%)


Specifies a list of abstract data types on which a table can be based. This list
populates the Based On field of the table property sheet.
You can assign an abstract data type to a table, the table will use the properties
of the type and the type attributes become table columns.
Example (Oracle 10g):

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



AlterTable Footer

Specifies a statement to be placed after alter table statements (and

before the terminator).
AlterTableFooter = /* End of alter statement */

AlterTable Header

Specifies a statement to be placed before alter table statements. You

can place an alter table header in your scripts to document or perform initialization logic.
AlterTableHeader = /* Table name: %TABLE% */

DefineTable Check

Specifies a statement for customizing the script of table constraints (checks)

within a create table statement.
check (%CONSTRAINT%)

DropTable Check

Specifies a statement for dropping a table check in an alter table

alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
delete check


Specifies a statement for enabling insertion of data into a table containing an

identity column.
Example (ASE 15):
set identity_insert [%QUALIFIER%]%@OBJTCODE% off


Specifies a statement for disabling insertion of data into a table containing an

identity column.
Example (ASE 15):
set identity_insert [%QUALIFIER%]%@OBJTCODE% on


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




[modify] Specifies a statement for renaming a table. If not specified, the

modify database process drops the foreign key constraints, creates a new table
with the new name, inserts the rows from the old table in the new table, and
creates the indexes and constraints on the new table using temporary tables.
Example (Oracle 10g):
rename %OLDTABL% to %NEWTABL%
The %OLDTABL% variable is the code of the table before renaming, and the
%NEWTABL% variable is the new code.


Specifies a SQL query to reverse engineer table checks.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
select u.user_name, t.table_name,
case(lcase(left(h.check_defn, 5))) when 'check'
then substring(h.check_defn, 6) else h.check_defn
from sys.sysconstraint k
join sys.syscheck h on (h.check_id = k.constraint_id)
join sys.systab t on (t.object_id = k.table_object_id)
join sys.sysuserperms u on (u.user_id = t.creator)
where k.constraint_type = 'T'
and t.table_type in (1, 3, 4)
[ and u.user_name = %.q:OWNER%]
[ and t.table_name = %.q:TABLE%]
order by 1, 2, 3

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



SqlListRefr Tables

Specifies a SQL query used to list the tables referenced by a table.

Example (Oracle 10g):
select c.owner, c.table_name, r.owner,
from sys.all_constraints c,
sys.all_constraints r
where (c.constraint_type = 'R' and c.r_constraint_name = r.constraint_name and c.r_owner =
[ and c.owner = %.q:SCHEMA%]
[ and c.table_name = %.q:TABLE%]
union select c.owner, c.table_name,
r.owner, r.table_name
from sys.all_constraints c,
sys.all_constraints r
where (r.constraint_type = 'R' and r.r_constraint_name = c.constraint_name and r.r_owner =
[ and c.owner = %.q:SCHEMA%]
[ and c.table_name = %.q:TABLE%]


Specifies a query used to retrieve registered schemas in the database. This

item is used with tables of XML type (a reference to an XML document stored
in the database).
When you define an XML table, you need to retrieve the XML documents
registered in the database in order to assign one document to the table, this is
done using the SqlListSchema query.
Example (Oracle 10g):
SELECT schema_url FROM dba_xml_schemas


Specifies a SQL query to reverse engineer column and table statistics. See
SqlStatistics in Column on page 151.


Specifies a sub-query used to improve the performance of SqlAttrQuery (see

Common object items on page 143).


[generation and reverse] Specifies a statement for adding a table comment. If

not specified, the Comment check box in the Tables and Views tabs of the
Database Generation box is unavailable.
Example (Oracle 10g):
comment on table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE% is
The %TABLE% variable is the name of the table defined in the List of Tables,
or in the table property sheet. The %COMMENT% variable is the comment
defined in the Comment textbox of the table property sheet.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a list of types (for example, DBMS: relational, object, XML) for
tables. This list populates the Type list of the table property sheet.
The XML type is to be used with the SqlListSchema item.


Specifies whether the same name for index and constraint name may be used
in the same table. The following settings are available:

Yes The table constraint and index names must be different, and this will
be tested during model checking
No - The table constraint and index names can be identical

Column Category (DBMS)

The Column category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how columns are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for columns:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify
BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Maxlen, MaxConstLen
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a statement for customizing the script for modifying column constraints within an alter table statement.
Example (Oracle 10g):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
add [constraint %CONSTNAME%] check (%.A:CONSTRAINT

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



AlterTableAdd Default

Specifies a statement for defining the default value of a column in an alter

Example (SQL Server 2005):
[[ constraint %ExtDeftConstName%] default %DEFAULT
% ]for %COLUMN%


Specifies if a column check constraint, built from the check parameters of the
column, can or cannot be added in a table using an alter table statement. The following settings are available:

Yes - AddColnChck can be used to modify the column check constraint in an alter table statement.
No - PowerDesigner copies data to a temporary table before recreating the
table with the new constraints.

See also AddColnChck.

AltEnableTS Copy

Enables timestamp columns in insert statements.


Specifies a statement for binding a rule to a column.

Example (ASE 15):
[%R%?[exec ]][execute ]sp_bindrule [%R%?['[%QUALIFIER%]%RULE%'][[%QUALIFIER%]%RULE%]:['[%QUALIFIER
%]%RULE%']], '%TABLE%.%COLUMN%'


Specifies whether a column can be null.

Column Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a comment to a column.

comment on column [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%.%COLUMN% is

DefineColn Check

Specifies a statement for customizing the script of column constraints

(checks) within a create table statement. This statement is called if
the create, add, or alter statements contain %CONSTDEFN%.
[constraint %CONSTNAME%] check (%CONSTRAINT%)


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a statement for dropping a column check in an alter table

statement. This statement is used in the database modification script when the
check parameters have been removed on a column.
If DropColnChck is empty, PowerDesigner copies data to a temporary
table before recreating the table with the new constraints.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
drop constraint %CONSTNAME%


Specifies a statement for dropping a column computed expression in an alter

table statement.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
alter %COLUMN% drop compute

DropDefault Constraint

Specifies a statement for dropping a constraint linked to a column defined

with a default value
Example (SQL Server 2005):
[%ExtDeftConstName%?alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
drop constraint %ExtDeftConstName%]


Specifies whether business rules may be bound to columns for check parameters. The following settings are available:

Enable ComputedColn

Yes - The Create and Bind entry of Rule are generated

No - The check is generated inside the column Add order

Specifies whether computed columns are permitted.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies whether predefined default values are permitted. The following

settings are available:

Yes - The default value (if defined) is generated for columns. It can be
defined in the check parameters for each column. The %DEFAULT%
variable contains the default value. The Default Value check box for
columns must be selected in the Tables & Views tabs of the Database
Generation box
No - The default value can not be generated, and the Default Value check
box is unavailable.

Example (AS IQ 12.6):

EnableDefault is enabled and the default value for the column employee
function EMPFUNC is Technical Engineer. The generated script is:
create table EMPLOYEE
EMPNUM numeric(5)
not null,
EMP_EMPNUM numeric(5)
DIVNUM numeric(5)
not null,
not null,
default 'Technical Engineer',
EMPSAL numeric(8,2)
primary key (EMPNUM)


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies whether the Identity keyword is supported. Identity columns are

serial counters maintained by the database (for example Sybase and Microsoft
SQL Server). The following settings are available:

Yes - Enables the Identity check box in the column property sheet.
No - The Identity check box is not available.

When the Identity check box is selected, the Identity keyword is generated in
the script after the column data type. An identity column is never null, and so
the Mandatory check box is automatically selected. PowerDesigner ensures

Only one identity column is defined per table

A foreign key cannot be an identity column
The Identity column has an appropriate data type. If the Identity check
box is selected for a column with an unsupported data type, the data type is
changed to numeric. If the data type of an identity column is changed to an
unsupported type, an error is displayed.

Note that, during generation, the %IDENTITY% variable contains the value
"identity" but you can easily change it, if needed, using the following syntax :
[%IDENTITY%?new identity keyword]

Specifies whether default values are assigned to columns containing Null

values. The following settings are available:

ModifyColn Chck

Yes - The With Default check box is enabled in the column property sheet.
When it is selected, a default value is assigned to a column when a Null
value is inserted.
No - The With Default check box is not available.

Specifies a statement for modifying a column check in an alter table

statement. This statement is used in the database modification script when the
check parameters of a column have been modified in the table.
If AddColnChck is empty, PowerDesigner copies data to a temporary
table before recreating the table with the new constraints.
Example (AS IQ 12.6):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
modify %COLUMN% check (%.A:CONSTRAINT%)
The %COLUMN% variable is the name of the column defined in the table
property sheet. The % CONSTRAINT % variable is the check constraint built
from the new check parameters.

AltEnableAddColnChk must be set to YES to allow use of this statement.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



ModifyColn Comp

Specifies a statement for modifying a computed expression for a column in an

alter table.
Example (ASA 6):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
alter %COLUMN% set compute (%COMPUTE%)


Specifies a statement for modifying a column default value in an alter

table statement. This statement is used in the database modification script
when the default value of a column has been modified in the table.
If ModifyColnDflt is empty, PowerDesigner copies data to a temporary table before recreating the table with the new constraints.
Example (ASE 15):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
replace %COLUMN% default %DEFAULT%
The %COLUMN% variable is the name of the column defined in the table
property sheet. The %DEFAULT% variable is the new default value of the
modified column.


Specifies a statement for modifying the null/not null status of a column in an

alter table statement.
Example (Oracle 10g):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
modify %COLUMN% %MAND%


Specifies a statement for modifying a column. This is a different statement

from the alter table statement, and is used in the database modification script when the column definition has been modified.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%


Specifies the mandatory status of a column. This item is used with the
NULLNOTNULL column variable, which can take the "null", "not null" or
empty values. For more information, see Working with Null values on page


Specifies a statement for renaming a column within an alter table

Example (Oracle 10g):
alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
rename column %OLDCOLN% to %NEWCOLN%


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a SQL query to reverse engineer column check parameters. The

result must conform to proper SQL syntax.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
select u.user_name, t.table_name,
c.column_name, k.constraint_name,
case(lcase(left(h.check_defn, 5))) when 'check'
then substring(h.check_defn, 6) else h.check_defn
from sys.sysconstraint k
join sys.syscheck h on (h.check_id = k.constraint_id)
join sys.systab t on (t.object_id = k.table_object_id)
join sys.sysuserperms u on (u.user_id = t.creator)
join sys.syscolumn c on (c.object_id = k.ref_object_id)
where k.constraint_type = 'C'
[ and u.user_name=%.q:OWNER%]
[ and t.table_name=%.q:TABLE%]
[ and c.column_name=%.q:COLUMN%]
order by 1, 2, 3, 4


Specifies a SQL query to reverse engineer column and table statistics.

Example (ASE 15):
[%ISLONGDTTP%?{ AverageLength }
%))]:null] as average_length
:{ NullValuesRate, DistinctValues, AverageLength }
[%ISMAND%?null:(count(*) - count(%COLUMN%)) * 100 /
count(*)] as null_values,
[%ISMAND%?null:count(distinct %COLUMN%)] as distinct_values,
%)):avg(datalength(%COLUMN%))]:null] as average_length


Specifies a statement for unbinding a rule to a column.

Example (ASE 15):
[%R%?[exec ]][execute ]sp_unbindrule '%TABLE%.%COLUMN%'

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Working with Null Values

The NullRequired item specifies the mandatory status of a column. This item is used with the
NULLNOTNULL column variable, which can take the "null", "not null" or empty values. The
following combinations are available
When the Column Is Mandatory
"not null" is always generated whether NullRequired is set to True or False as shown in the
following example:
create domain DOMN_MAND char(33) not null;
create domain DOMN_NULL char(33)
create table

char(33) not null,
DOMN_MAND not null,
DOMN_NULL not null,

When the Column Is not Mandatory

If NullRequired is set to True, "null" is generated. The NullRequired item should be used
in ASE for example, where nullability is a database option, and the "null" or "not null"
keywords are required.
In the following example, all "null" values are generated:

create domain DOMN_MAND char(33) not null;

create domain DOMN_MAND char(33)
create table

char(33) null,

If NullRequired is set to False, an empty string is generated. However, if a column attached

to a mandatory domain becomes non-mandatory, "null" will be generated.
In the following example, "null" is generated only for COLUMN_NULL3 because this
column uses the mandatory domain, the other columns generate an empty string:

create domain DOMN_MAND char(33) not null;

create domain DOMN_NULL char(33)
create table TABLE_1
COLUMN_NULL1 char(33)



SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Index Category (DBMS)

The Index category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how indexes are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for indexes:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify
BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner
Header, Footer
Options, DefOptions
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
Note: For information about using variables in the SqlListQuery to reverseengineering function-based indexes, see Live Database Reverse Engineering
Function-based Index on page 131

Specifies a statement for adding a column in the Create Index statement. This parameter defines each column in the column list of the Create
Index statement.
Example (ASE 15):
%COLUMN% is the code of the column defined in the column list of the
table. %ASC% is ASC (ascending order) or DESC (descending order) depending on the Sort radio button state for the index column.


Specifies that changes in the order of the collection should not provoke a
modify database order.


Specifies the value to be assigned to the Cluster keyword. If this parameter is

empty, the default value of the %CLUSTER% variable is CLUSTER.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



CreateBefore Key

Controls the generation order of keys and indexes. The following settings are


Yes Indexes are generated before keys.

No Indexes are generated after keys.

Specifies the default type of an index.

Example (DB2):

DefineIndex Column Specifies the column of an index.


Enables the Sort property in Index property sheets, which allows sorting in
ascending or descending order. The following settings are available:

Yes The Sort property is enabled for indexes, with Ascending selected
by default. The variable %ASC% is calculated, and the ASC or DESC
keyword is generated when creating or modifying the database
No Index sorting is not supported.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):

A primary key index is created on the TASK table, with the PRONUM column
sorted in ascending order and the TSKNAME column sorted in descending
create index IX_TASK on TASK (PRONUM asc, TSKNAME

Enables the creation of cluster indexes. The following settings are available:


Enables the creation of function-based indexes. The following settings are



Yes - The Cluster check box is enabled in index property sheets.

No Cluster indexes are not supported.

Yes - You can define expressions for indexes.

No Function-based indexes are not supported.

Specifies a Statement for adding a comment to an index.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
comment on index [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%.%INDEX% is


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a list of available index types.

Example (IQ 12.6):


Specifies whether the index type is mandatory for indexes. The following
settings are available:

Yes The index type is mandatory.

No - The index type is not mandatory.


Specifies the maximum number of columns that may be included in an index.

This value is used during model checking.

SqlSysIndex Query

Specifies a SQL query used to list system indexes created by the database.
These indexes are excluded during reverse engineering.
Example (AS IQ 12.6):
select u.user_name, t.table_name, i.index_name,
from sysindex i, systable t, sysuserperms u
where t.table_id = i.table_id
and u.user_id = t.creator
and i.index_owner != 'USER'
[and u.user_name=%.q:OWNER%]
[and t.table_name=%.q:TABLE%]
select u.user_name, t.table_name, i.index_name,
from sysindex i, systable t, sysuserperms u
where t.table_id = i.table_id
and u.user_id = t.creator
and i.index_type = 'SA'
[and u.user_name=%.q:OWNER%]
[and t.table_name=%.q:TABLE%]


Specifies whether index names must be unique within the global scope of the
database. The following settings are available:

Yes Index names must be unique within the global scope of the database.
No Index names must be unique per object

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Pkey Category (DBMS)

The Pkey category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how primary keys are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for primary keys:

Create, Drop
Options, DefOptions

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies whether clustered constraints are permitted on primary keys.


Determines whether a Create Index statement is generated for every

Primary key statement. The following settings are available:



Yes - Clustered constraints are permitted.

No - Clustered constraints are not permitted.

Yes - Automatically generates a primary key index with the primary key
statement. If you select the primary key check box under create index
when generating or modifying a database, the primary key check box of
the create table will automatically be cleared, and vice versa.
No - Primary key indexes are not automatically generated. Primary key
and create index check boxes can be selected at the same time.

Specifies a statement for adding a primary key comment.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies the use of the Sp_primarykey statement to generate primary

keys. For a database that supports the procedure to implement key definition,
you can test the value of the corresponding variable %USE_SP_PKEY% and
choose between the creation key in the table or launching a procedure. The
following settings are available:

Yes - The Sp_primarykey statement is used to generate primary

No - Primary keys are generated separately in an alter table

Example (ASE 15):

If UseSpPrimKey is enabled the Add entry for Pkey contains:
UseSpPrimKey = YES
Add entry of
[%USE_SP_PKEY%?[execute] sp_primarykey %TABLE%,
:alter table [%QUALIFIER%]%TABLE%
add [constraint %CONSTNAME%] primary key [%IsClustered%] (%PKEYCOLUMNS%)

Key Category (DBMS)

The Key category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how keys are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for keys:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify
BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a statement for adding an alternate key comment.

AllowNullable Coln

Specifies whether non-mandatory columns are permitted. The following settings are available:

Yes - Non mandatory columns are permitted.

No - Non mandatory column are not permitted.


Specifies that changes in the order of the collection should not provoke a
modify database order.


Specifies whether clustered constraints are permitted on alternate keys.


Yes - Clustered constraints are permitted.

No - Clustered constraints are not permitted.

Specifies a reverse-engineering query for obtaining the alternate key indexes

of a table by live connection.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
select distinct i.index_name
from sys.sysuserperms u
join sys.systable t on
join sys.sysindex i on
where i."unique" not in ('Y', 'N')
[ and t.table_name = %.q:TABLE%]
[ and u.user_name = %.q:SCHEMA%]

UniqConstAuto Index

Determines whether a Create Index statement is generated for every

key statement. The following settings are available:


Yes - Automatically generates an alternate key index within the alternate

key statement. If you select the alternate key check box under create index
when generating or modifying a database, the alternate key check box of
the create table will automatically be cleared, and vice versa.
No - Alternate key indexes are not automatically generated. Alternate key
and create index check boxes can be selected at the same time.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Reference Category (DBMS)

The Reference category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how references are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for references:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify
BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
CheckOn Commit

Specifies that referential integrity testing is performed only after the COMMIT. Contains the keyword used to specify a reference with the CheckOnCommit option.


Specifies a list of declarative referential integrity constraints allowed for

delete. The list can contain any or all of the following values, which control the
availability of the relevant radio buttons on the Integrity tab of reference
property sheets:


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a list of declarative referential integrity constraints allowed for

update. The list can contain any or all of the following values, which control
the availability of the relevant radio buttons on the Integrity tab of reference
property sheets:



Specifies a statement to define a join for a reference. This is another way of

defining the contents of the create reference statement, and corresponds to the %JOINS% variable.
Usually the create script for a reference uses the %CKEYCOLUMNS%
and %PKEYCOLUMNS% variables, which contain the lists of child and
parent columns separated by commas.
If you use %JOINS%, you can refer to each paired parent and child columns
separately. A loop is executed on Join for each paired parent and child columns, allowing to have a syntax mix of PK and FK.
Example (Access 2000):
P=%PK% F=%FK%

EnableChange JoinOrder

Specifies whether, when a reference is linked to a key as shown in the Joins tab
of reference properties, the auto arrange join order check box and features are
available. The following settings are available:


Specifies whether clustered constraints are permitted on foreign keys.

EnablefKey Name

Yes - Clustered constraints are permitted.

No - Clustered constraints are not permitted.

Specifies the foreign key role allowed during database generation. The following settings are available:


Yes - The join order can be established automatically, using the Auto
arrange join order check box. Selecting this check box sorts the list according to the key column order. Clearing this check box allows manual
sorting of the join order with the move buttons.
No - The auto arrange join order property is unavailable.

Yes - The code of the reference is used as role for the foreign key.
No - The foreign key role is not allowed.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Determines whether a Create Index statement is generated for every

foreign key statement. The following settings are available:

Yes - Automatically generates a foreign key index with the foreign key
statement. If you select the foreign key check box under create index when
generating or modifying a database, the foreign key check box of the
create table will automatically be cleared, and vice versa.
No Foreign key indexes are not automatically generated. Foreign key
and create index check boxes can be selected at the same time.


Specifies a statement for adding an alternate key comment.


Specifies a SQL query used to list the joins in a reference.

Example (Oracle 10g):
p.column_name, f.column_name
from sys.user_cons_columns f,
sys.all_cons_columns p
where f.position = p.position
and f.table_name=%.q:TABLE%
[ and p.owner=%.q:POWNER%]
and p.table_name=%.q:PARENT%
and f.constraint_name=%.q:FKCONSTRAINT%
and p.constraint_name=%.q:PKCONSTRAINT%
order by f.position
:select p.column_name, f.column_name
from sys.all_cons_columns f,
sys.all_cons_columns p
where f.position = p.position
and f.owner=%.q:SCHEMA%
and f.table_name=%.q:TABLE%
[ and p.owner=%.q:POWNER%]
and p.table_name=%.q:PARENT%
and f.constraint_name=%.q:FKCONSTRAINT%
and p.constraint_name=%.q:PKCONSTRAINT%
order by f.position]


Specifies the use of the Sp_foreignkey statement to generate a foreign

key. The following settings are available:

Yes - The Sp_foreignkey statement is used to create references.

No - Foreign keys are generated separately in an alter table statement using the Create order of reference.

See also UseSpPrimKey (Pkey on page 162).

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

View Category (DBMS)

The View category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how views are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for views:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableSynonym
Header, Footer
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a list of view types for which a view index is available.

Example (Oracle 10g):


Specifies a query used to retrieve registered schemas in the database. This

item is used with views of XML type (a reference to an XML document stored
in the database).
When you define an XML view, you need to retrieve the XML documents
registered in the database in order to assign one document to the view, this is
done using the SqlListSchema query.
Example (Oracle 10g):
SELECT schema_url FROM dba_xml_schemas


Specifies a sub-query used to improve the performance of SqlAttrQuery.


Specifies a list of types (for example, DBMS: relational, object, XML) for
views. This list populates the Type list of the view property sheet.
The XML type is to be used with the SqlListSchema item.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies whether the With Check Option check box in the view property
sheet is available. If the check box is selected and the ViewCheck parameter is not empty, the value of ViewCheck is generated at the end of the
view select statement and before the terminator.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
If ViewCheck is set to with check option, the generated script is:
create view TEST as
with check option;


Specifies a statement for adding a view comment. If this parameter is empty,

the Comment check box in the Views groupbox in the Tables and Views tabs
of the Generate Database box is unavailable.
Example (Oracle 10g):
[%VIEWSTYLE%=view? comment on table [%QUALIFIER%]
%VIEW% is


Specifies a view usage. The value defined is displayed in the Usage list of the
view property sheet.
Example (Oracle 10g):
materialized view

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Tablespace Category (DBMS)

The Tablespace category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how tablespaces are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for tablespaces:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
Tablespace Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a tablespace comment.

Storage Category (DBMS)

The Storage category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how storages are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for storages:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
Storage Comment


Specifies a statement for adding a storage comment.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Database Category (DBMS)

The Database category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how databases are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for databases:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
BeforeCreate Database

Controls the order in which databases, tablespaces, and storages are generated. The following settings are available:

Yes [default] Create Tablespace and Create Storage statements are generated before the Create Database statement.
No - Create Tablespace and Create Storage statements are generated after
the Create Database statement


Specifies the command for closing the database. If this parameter is empty, the
Database/Close option on the Options tab of the Generate Database box is

EnableMany Databases

Enables support for multiple databases in the same model.


Specifies the command for opening the database. If this parameter is empty,
the Database/Open option on the Options tab of the Generate Database box is
Example (ASE 15):
The %DATABASE% variable is the code of the database associated with the
generated model.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Domain Category (DBMS)

The Domain category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how domains are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for domains:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies the syntax for binding a business rule to a domain.

Example (ASE 15):
[%R%?[exec ]][execute ]sp_bindrule [%R%?['[%QUALIFIER%]%RULE%'][[%QUALIFIER%]%RULE%]:['[%QUALIFIER
%]%RULE%']], %DOMAIN%


Specifies whether business rules may be bound to domains for check parameters. The following settings are available:


Yes - The Create and Bind entry of Rule are generated

No - The check inside the domain Add order is generated

Specifies whether check parameters are generated.

This item is tested during column generation. If User-defined Type is selected
for columns in the Generation dialog box, and EnableCheck is set to Yes for
domains, then the check parameters are not generated for columns, since the
column is associated with a domain with check parameters. When the checks
on the column diverge from those of the domain, the column checks are
The following settings are available:


Yes - Check parameters are generated

No - Variables linked to check parameters are not evaluated during generation and reverse

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies whether default values are generated. The following settings are

Yes - Default values defined for domains are generated. The default value
can be defined in the check parameters. The %DEFAULT% variable
contains the default value
No - Default values are not generated


Specifies a SQL query to retrieve and list domain default values in the system
tables during reverse engineering.


Specifies a statement for adding a user-defined data type comment.


Specifies the syntax for unbinding a business rule from a domain.

Example (ASE 15):
[%R%?[exec ]][execute ]sp_unbindrule %DOMAIN%

Abstract Data Type Category (DBMS)

The Abstract Data Type category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can
contain the following items that define how abstract data types are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for abstract data types:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a statement for adding an abstract data type comment.


Specifies a list of abstract data types which can be used as data types for
abstract data types.
Example (Oracle 10g):

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a list of those users able to invoke abstract data types.


Specifies a statement for creating an abstract data type body.

Example (Oracle 10g):
create [or replace ]type body [%QUALIFIER%]%ADT%

EnableAdtOn Coln

Specifies whether abstract data types are enabled for columns. The following
settings are available:

EnableAdtOn Domn

Yes - Abstract Data Types are added to the list of column types provided
they have the valid type.
No - Abstract Data Types are not allowed for columns.

Specifies whether abstract data types are enabled for domains. The following
settings are available:

Yes - Abstract Data Types are added to the list of domain types provided
they have the valid type
No - Abstract Data Types are not allowed for domains

Enable Inheritance

Enables inheritance for abstract data types.


Specifies a statement for installing a Java class as an abstract data class (in
ASA, abstract data types are installed and removed rather than created and
deleted). This item is equivalent to a create statement.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
install JAVA UPDATE from file %.q:FILE%


Specifies a list of available instantiation mechanisms for SQL Java abstract

data types.


Specifies a statement for installing a Java class as an abstract data class.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
remove JAVA class %ADT%


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Abstract Data Type Attribute Category (DBMS)

The Abstract Data Types Attribute category is located in the Root > Script > Objects
category, and can contain the following items that define how abstract data type attributes are
modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for abstract data type

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify
BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop, Modify
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a list of abstract data types which can be used as data types for
abstract data type attributes.
Example (Oracle 10g):
If you select the type OBJECT for an abstract data type, an Attributes tab
appears in the abstract data type property sheet, allowing you to specify the
attributes of the object data type.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

User Category (DBMS)

The User category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how users are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for users:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a statement for adding a user comment.

Rule Category (DBMS)

The Rule category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how rules are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for rules:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



ColnDefault Name

Specifies the name of a default for a column. This item is used with DBMSs
that do not support check parameters on columns. When a column has a
specific default value defined in its check parameters, a name is created for
this default value.
The corresponding variable is %DEFAULTNAME%.
Example (ASE 15):
The EMPFUNC column of the EMPLOYEE table has a default value of
Technical Engineer. The D_EMPFUNC_EMPLOYEE column
default name is created:
create default D_EMPFUNC_EMPLOYEE
as 'Technical Engineer'


Specifies the name of a rule for a column. This item is used with DBMSs that
do not support check parameters on columns. When a column has a specific
rule defined in its check parameters, a name is created for this rule.
The corresponding variable is %RULE%.
Example (ASE 15):
The TEASPE column of the Team table has a list of values - Industry, Military,
Nuclear, Bank, Marketing - defined in its check parameters:
The R_TEASPE_TEAM rule name is created and associated with the TEASPE column:
create rule R_TEASPE_TEAM
as @TEASPE in ('Industry','Military','Nuclear','Bank','Marketing')
execute sp_bindrule R_TEASPE_TEAM, "TEAM.TEASPE"


Specifies the maximum length that the DBMS supports for the name of the
column Default name


Specifies a statement for adding a rule comment.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



UddtDefault Name

Specifies the name of a default for a user-defined data type. This item is used
with DBMSs that do not support check parameters on user-defined data types.
When a user-defined data type has a specific default value defined in its check
parameters, a name is created for this default value.
The corresponding variable is %DEFAULTNAME%.
Example (ASE 15):
The FunctionList domain has a default value defined in its check
parameters: Technical Engineer. The following SQL script will
generate a default name for that default value:
create default D_FunctionList
as 'Technical Engineer'


Specifies the name of a rule for a user-defined data type. This item is used with
DBMSs that do not support check parameters on user-defined data types.
When a user-defined data type has a specific rule defined in its check parameters, a name is created for this rule.
The corresponding variable is %RULE%.
Example (ASE 15):
The Domain_speciality domain has to belong to a set of values. This
domain check has been defined in a validation rule. The SQL script will
generate the rule name following the template defined in the item UddtRuleName:
create rule R_Domain_speciality
as (@Domain_speciality in ('Industry','Military','Nuclear','Bank','Marketing'))
execute sp_bindrule R_Domain_speciality, T_Domain_speciality


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Procedure Category (DBMS)

The Procedure category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how procedures are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for procedures:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner, EnableSynonym
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies the statement for creating a function.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
create function [%QUALIFIER%]%FUNC%[%PROCPRMS%?


Specifies the statement for creating a user-defined function, a form of procedure that returns a value to the calling environment for use in queries and
other SQL statements.
Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
create function [%QUALIFIER%]%FUNC% (<arg> <type>)
RETURNS <type>


Specifies the statement for creating a stored procedure.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
create procedure [%QUALIFIER%]%PROC% (IN <arg>

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies the statement for dropping a function.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
if exists(select 1 from sys.sysprocedure where
proc_name = %.q:FUNC%[ and user_name(creator) =
%.q:OWNER%]) then
drop function [%QUALIFIER%]%FUNC%
end if


Specifies whether functions are allowed. Functions are forms of procedure

that return a value to the calling environment for use in queries and other SQL

Function Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a function comment.


Specifies a list of available procedure template types.


Specifies the maximum length of the name of a function.

Procedure Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a procedure comment.

Trigger Category (DBMS)

The Trigger category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how triggers are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for triggers:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a template to define default trigger names.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):

EnableMulti Trigger


Enables the use of multiple triggers per type.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a list of trigger event attributes to populate the Event list on the
Definition tab of Trigger property sheets.


Specifies a character to separate multiple trigger events.


Specifies a list of available trigger template types.


Specifies a list of trigger time attributes to populate the Time list on the
Definition tab of Trigger property sheets.

Trigger Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a trigger comment.


Specifies whether trigger names must be unique within the global scope of the
database. The following settings are available:

Yes Trigger names must be unique within the global scope of the database.
No Trigger names must be unique per object

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



UseErrorMsg Table

Specifies a macro for accessing trigger error messages from a message table in
your database.
Enables the use of the User-defined radio button on the Error Messages tab of
the Trigger Rebuild dialog box (see Data Modeling > Building Data Models >

Triggers and Procedures > Generating Triggers and Procedures > Creating
User-Defined Error Messages).
If an error number in the trigger script corresponds to an error number in the
message table, the default error message of the .ERROR macro is replaced
your message.
Example (ASE 15):
select @errno = %ERRNO%,
@errmsg = %MSGTXT%
from %MSGTAB%
where %MSGNO% = %ERRNO%
goto error

%ERRNO% - error number parameter to the .ERROR macro

%ERRMSG% - error message text parameter to the .ERROR macro
%MSGTAB% - name of the message table
%MSGNO% - name of the column that stores the error message number
%MSGTXT% - name of the column that stores the error message text

See also UseErrorMsgText.

UseErrorMsg Text

Specifies a macro for accessing trigger error messages from the trigger template definition.
Enables the use of the Standard radio button on the Error Messages tab of the
Trigger Rebuild dialog box.
The error number and message defined in the template definition are used.
Example (ASE 15):
select @errno = %ERRNO%,
@errmsg = %MSGTXT%
goto error
See also UseErrorMsgTable.



Specifies a list of available times available for trigger on view.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

DBMS Trigger Category (DBMS)

The DBMS Trigger category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can
contain the following items that define how DBMS triggers are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for DBMS triggers:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Alter, AlterStatementList, AlterDBIgnored
Enable, EnableOwner
Header, Footer
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a character to separate multiple trigger events.


Specifies a list of trigger event attributes to populate the Event list on the
Definition tab of Trigger property sheets for the selected scope, for example,
schema, database, server.


Specifies a list of available scopes for the DBMS trigger. Each scope must
have an associated Events_scope item.


Specifies a list of trigger time attributes to populate the Time list on the
Definition tab of Trigger property sheets.

Trigger Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a trigger comment.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Join Index Category (DBMS)

The Join Index category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how join indexes are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for join indexes:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify
BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner
Header, Footer
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlOptsQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies the SQL statement used to define joins for join indexes.
Table1.coln1 = Table2.coln2


Enables support for attaching multiple columns to a join index. In Oracle 9i,
this is called a bitmap join index.

JoinIndex Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a join index comment.

Qualifier Category (DBMS)

The Qualifier category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how qualifiers are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for qualifiers:


For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a label for <all> in the qualifier selection list.

Sequence Category (DBMS)

The Sequence category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how sequences are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for sequences:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner, EnableSynonym
Options, DefOptions
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies the command for renaming a sequence.

Example (Oracle 10g):
rename %OLDNAME% to %NEWNAME%

Sequence Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a sequence comment.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Synonym Category (DBMS)

The Synonym category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how synonyms are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for synonyms:

Create, Drop
Enable, EnableSynonym
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies whether synonyms may have a type of alias.

Group Category (DBMS)

The Group category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how groups are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for groups:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a command for adding a user to a group.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
grant membership in group %GROUP% to %USER%


Group Comment

Specifies a statement for adding a group comment.


Allows groups to be object owners.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a SQL query for listing the members of a group.

Example (ASE 15):
select g.name, u.name
[%CATALOG%.]dbo.sysusers u, [%CATALOG%.]dbo.sysusers g
u.suid > 0 and
u.gid = g.gid and
g.gid = g.uid
order by 1, 2


Specifies a command for removing a user from a group.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):
revoke membership in group %GROUP% from %USER%

Role Category (DBMS)

The Role category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how roles are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for roles:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies a command for adding a role to a user or to another role.

Example (ASE 15):
grant role %ROLE% to %USER%

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a SQL query for listing the members of a group.

Example (ASE 15):
SELECT r.name, u.name
l.suid = u.suid
and s.id
and r.uid = s.lrid



Specifies a command for removing a role from a user or another role.

DB Package Category (DBMS)

The DB Package category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how database packages are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for database packages:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableSynonym
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery, SqlPermQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.


Specifies a list of those users able to invoke database packages.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies a template for defining the body of the database package. This
statement is used in the extension statement AfterCreate.
Example (Oracle 10g):
create [or replace ]package body [%QUALIFIER%]
%DBPACKAGE% [.O:[as][is]][%IsPragma% ? pragma serially_reusable]
]end[ %DBPACKAGE%];

DB Package Sub-objects Category (DBMS)

The following categories are located in the Root > Script > Objects category:

DB Package Procedure
DB Package Variable
DB Package Type
DB Package Cursor
DB Package Exception
DB Package Pragma

Each contains many of the following items that define how database packages are modeled for
your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for database packages:


For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
DBProcedure Body

[database package procedures only] Specifies a template for defining the body
of the package procedure in the Definition tab of its property sheet.
Example (Oracle 10g):

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




[database package procedures and cursors only] Specifies the available types
for procedures or cursors.
Example (Oracle 10g: procedure):
in nocopy
in out
in out nocopy
out nocopy

Parameter Category (DBMS)

The Parameter category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how parameters are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for database packages:


For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Privilege Category (DBMS)

The Privilege category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how privileges are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for privileges:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies the grant option for a privileges statement.

Example (Oracle 10g):
with admin option


Allows you to revoke inherited privileges from groups and roles.


Specifies revoke option for a privileges statement.


Specifies a list of available system privileges.

Example (ASE 15):


Permission Category (DBMS)

The Permission category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how permissions are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for permissions:

Create, Drop

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies the grant option for a permissions statement.

Example (ASE 15):
with grant option


Allows you to revoke inherited permissions from groups and roles.


Specifies the revoke option for a permissions statement.

Example (ASE 15):

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Default Category (DBMS)

The Default category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain the
following items that define how defaults are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for defaults:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Specifies the command for binding a default object to a domain or a column.

When a domain or a column use a default object, a binddefault statement is
generated after the domain or table creation statement. In the following example, column Address in table Customer uses default object CITYDFLT:
create table CUSTOMER (
ADDRESS char(10) null
If the domain or column use a default value directly typed in the Default list,
then the default value is declared in the column creation line:


default 'StdAddr' null


Enables PUBLIC to own public synonyms.


Specifies the command for unbinding a default object from a domain or a

Example (ASE 15):
[%R%?[exec ]][execute ]sp_unbindefault


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Web Service and Web Operation Category (DBMS)

The Web Service and Web Operation categories are located in the Root > Script > Objects
category, and can contain the following items that define how web services and web
operations are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for web services and web

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Enable, EnableOwner
Header, Footer
MaxConstLen (web operations only)
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
Enable Namespace

Specifies whether namespaces are supported.


Specifies whether security options are supported.

OperationType List

[web operation only] Specifies a list of web service operation types.

Example (DB2 UDB 8.x CS):


[web service only] Specifies a list of web service types.

Example (SQL Anywhere 10):


Specifies whether web service operation names must be unique in the database.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



WebService Comment/ WebOperation


Specifies the syntax for adding a comment to web service or web service

Web Parameter Category (DBMS)

The Web Parameter category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can
contain the following items that define how web parameters are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for web parameters:


For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.

Allows default values for web service parameters.

ParameterDttp List

Specifies a list of data types that may be used as web service parameters.

Result Column Category (DBMS)

The Result Column category are located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can
contain the following items that define how web services and web operations are modeled for
your DBMS.





Specifies a list of data types that may be used for result columns.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Dimension Category (DBMS)

The Dimension category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can contain
the following items that define how dimensions are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for dimensions:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Header, Footer
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
AddAttr Hierarchy

Specifies the syntax for defining a list of hierarchy attributes.

Example (Oracle 10g):


Specifies the syntax for defining an attribute.

Example (Oracle 10g):
attribute %DIMNATTR% determines [.O:[(%DIMNDEPCOLNLIST%)][%DIMNDEPCOLN%]]


Specifies the syntax for defining a dimension hierarchy.

Example (Oracle 10g):
hierarchy %DIMNHIER% (

AddJoin Hierarchy

Specifies the syntax for defining a list of joins for hierarchy attributes.
Example (Oracle 10g):
join key [.O:[(%DIMNKEYLIST%)][%DIMNKEYLIST%]] references

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Specifies the syntax for dimension level (attribute).

Example (Oracle 10g):

Extended Object Category (DBMS)

The Extended Object category is located in the Root > Script > Objects category, and can
contain the following items that define how extended objects are modeled for your DBMS.


[Common items]

The following common object items may be defined for extended objects:

AfterCreate, AfterDrop, AfterModify

BeforeCreate, BeforeDrop, BeforeModify
Create, Drop
Header, Footer
ReversedQueries, ReversedStatements
SqlAttrQuery, SqlListQuery

For a description of each of these common items, see Common object items on
page 143.
AlterStatement List

Specifies a list of text items representing statements modifying the corresponding attributes


Specifies the syntax for adding a comment to an extended object.

Script/Data Type Category (DBMS)

The Data Type category provides mappings to allow PowerDesigner to handle DBMSspecific data types correctly.
The following variables are used in many of the entries:


%n - Length of the data type

%s - Size of the data type
%p - Precision of the data type

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Lists mappings to convert from specialized data types (such as XML, IVL, MEDIA, etc) to standard PowerDesigner data types. These mappings are used to help
conversion from one DBMS to another, when the new DBMS does not support
one or more of these specialized types. For example, if the XML data type is not
supported, TXT is used.


Lists mappings to convert from PowerDesigner (Internal) data types to DBMS

(Physical Model) data types.
These mappings are used during CDM to PDM generation and with the Change
Current DBMS command.
Examples (ASE 15):


The PowerDesigner A%n datatype is converted to a char(%n) for ASE

The PowerDesigner VA%n datatype is converted to a varchar(%n) for
ASE 15.

Lists mappings to convert from DBMS (Physical Model) data types to PowerDesigner (Internal) data types.
These mappings are used during PDM to CDM generation and with the Change
Current DBMS command.
Examples (ASE 15):


The ASE 15 sysname datatype is converted to a VA30 for PowerDesigner.

The ASE 15 integer datatype is converted to a I for PowerDesigner.

Lists the storage sizes of DBMS data types. These values are used when estimating the size of a database.
Examples (ASE 15):


The ASE 15 smallmoney requires 8 bytes of space.

The ASE 15 smalldatetime requires 4 bytes of space.

Lists mappings to convert from live database (ODBC) data types to DBMS
(Physical Model) data types during database reverse engineering.
These mappings are used when data types are stored differently in the database
(often due to the inclusion of a default size) than in the DBMS notation.
Examples (ASE 15):

A float(8) in an ASE 15 database is reversed as a float.

A decimal(30,6) in an ASE 15 database is reversed as a decimal.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Lists mappings of DBMS (Physical Model) data types to database (ODBC) data
types for use when updating and reverse engineering a database.
These mappings are used when data types that are functionally equivalent but
different to those specified in the PDM are found in an existing database to avoid
the display of unnecessary and irrelevant differences in the Merge dialog.
Examples (ASE 15):


A unichar is treated as equivalent to a unichar(1) in an ASE 15

A float(1) is treated as equivalent to a float(4) in an ASE 15

Lists mappings to convert from DBMS (Physical Model) abstract data types to
PowerDesigner (Internal) abstract data types.
These mappings are used to populate the Type field and display the appropriate
properties in abstract data type property sheets and with the Change Current
DBMS command.
Examples (Oracle 11g):


The Oracle 11g VARRAY abstract data type is converted to an Array for
The Oracle 11g SQLJ_OBJECT datatype is converted to a JavaObject
for PowerDesigner.

Lists mappings to convert from PowerDesigner (Internal) abstract data types to

DBMS (Physical Model) abstract data types.
These mappings are used with the Change Current DBMS command.
Examples (Oracle 11g):


The PowerDesigner List abstract data type is converted to a TABLE for

Oracle 11g.
The PowerDesigner Object abstract data type is converted to an OBJECT
for Oracle 11g.

Lists the abstract data types that may be used as types for columns and domains in
the DBMS.
Example (ASE 15):



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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Lists mappings to convert from DBMS data types (Physical Model) to data types
permitted as procedure parameters (Trigger).
These mappings are used to populate the Data type field in ADT procedure
parameter property sheets
Examples (Oracle 11g):

The Oracle 11g DEC data type is converted to a number.

The Oracle 11g SMALLINT datatype is converted to an integer.

Profile Category (DBMS)

The Profile category is used to extend standard PowerDesigner objects. You can refine the
definition, behavior, and display of existing objects by creating extended attributes,
stereotypes, criteria, forms, symbols, generated files, etc, and add new objects by creating and
stereotyping extended objects and sub-objects.
You can add extensions in either:

your DBMS definition file - you should save a backup of this file before editing it.
a separate extension file - which you attach to your model.

For detailed information about working with profiles, including adding extended attributes
and objects, see Chapter 2, Extension Files on page 11.

Using Extended Attributes During Generation

Extended attributes can be taken into account during generation. Each extended attribute
value can be used as a variable that can be referenced in the scripts defined in the Script
Some DBMSs include predefined extended attributes. For example in PostgreSQL, domains
include default extended attributes used for the creation of user-defined data types.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

You can create as many extended attributes as you need, for each DBMS supported object.
Note: PowerDesigner variable names are case sensitive. The variable name must be an exact
match of the extended attribute name.
For example, in DB2 UDB 7 OS/390, the extended attribute WhereNotNull allows you to
add a clause enforcing the uniqueness of index names if they are not null.
In the Create index order, WhereNotNull is evaluated as follows:
create [%INDEXTYPE% ][%UNIQUE% [%WhereNotNull%?where not

If the index name is unique, and if you set the type of the WhereNotNull extended attribute
to True, the "where not null" clause is inserted in the script.
In the SqlListQuery item:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

case indextype when '2' then 'type 2' else 'type 1' end,
case uniquerule when 'D' then '' else 'unique' end,
case uniquerule when 'P' then 'primary' when 'U' then 'unique' else
'' end,
case clustering when 'Y' then 'cluster' else '' end,
case uniquerule when 'N' then 'TRUE' else 'FALSE' end
where 1=1
[ and tbname=%.q:TABLE%]
[ and tbcreator=%.q:OWNER%]
[ and dbname=%.q:CATALOG%]
order by
1 ,2 ,3

Modifying the Estimate Database Size Mechanism

By default, the Estimate Database Size mechanism uses standard algorithms to calculate the
sizes of tablespaces, tables, columns, and indexes and adds them together to provide an
indication of the size that the database will require. You can override the algorithm for one or
more of these types of objects or include additional objects in the calculation by adding the
GetEstimatedSize event handler to the appropriate object in the Profile category and
entering a script to calculate its size.
1. Select Database > Edit Current DBMS to open the DBMS definition file, and expand the
profile category.
2. Right-click the metaclass for which you want to provide a script to calculate the object
size, select New > Event Handler to open a selection dialog, select the
GetEstimatedSize event handler, and then click OK to add it under the metaclass.
3. Click the Event Handler Script tab in the right pane and enter appropriate code to
calculate the size of your chosen object.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

In the following example, we look at extracts of a GetEstimatedSize event handler

defined on the Table metaclass to estimate the size of the database by calculating the size
of each table as the total size of all its columns plus the total size of all its indexes.
Note: For examples of the GetEstimatedSize event handler in use on the Table and
other metaclasses, see the Sybase IQ v15.2 and HP Neoview R2.4 DBMS definition files.
In this first extract from the script, the GetEstimatedSize function opens and the size
of each table is obtained by looping through the size of each of its columns. The actual
work of calculating the column size is done by the line:
ColSize = C.GetEstimatedSize(message, false)

, which calls the GetEstimatedSize event handler on the Column metaclass (see
Calling the GetEstimatedSize Event Handler on Another Metaclass on page 204):
Function %GetEstimatedSize%(obj, ByRef message)
' First compute global database setting variable we will need.
' Get table size and keep column size for future use
Dim ColSizes, TblSize, ColSize, C
Set ColSizes = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
TblSize = 0 ' May be changed to take into account table
definition initial size.
for each C in obj.Columns
' Start browsing table columns and use event handler defined
on column metaclass (if it exists).
ColSize = C.GetEstimatedSize(message, false)


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

' Store column size in the map for future use in indexes.
ColSizes.Add C, ColSize
' Increase the table global size.
TblSize = TblSize + ColSize
Dim RawDataSize
RawDataSize = BlockSize * int(obj.Number * TblSize / BlockSize)
' At this point, the RawDataSize is the size of table in

Next the size of the table indexes is calculated directly in the script without making a call to
an event handler on the Index metaclass, the line outputting index sizes is formatted and
the size of the indexes added to the total database size:
' Now calculate index sizes. Set up variables to store indexes
Dim X, XMsg, XDataSize
XMsg = ""
for each X in obj.Indexes
XDataSize = 0
' Browsing index columns and get their size added in
For each C in X.IndexColumns
XDataSize = XDataSize + ColSizes.Item(C.Column)
XDataSize = BlockSize * int(obj.Number * XDataSize /
' Format the display message in order to get size
information in output and result list.
XMsg = XMsg & CStr(XDataSize) & "|" & X.ObjectID & vbCrLf
' Add the index size to table size.
RawDataSize = RawDataSize + XDataSize

Finally the size information is formatted for output (see Formatting the Database Size
Estimation Output on page 204). Each table is printed on a separate line in both the Output
and Result List windows, and its total size including all columns and indexes is given:
' set the global message to table size and all indexes
(separate with carriage return).
message = CStr(RawDataSize) & "||" & obj.ShortDescription &
vbCrLf & XMsg
%GetEstimatedSize% = RawDataSize
End Function

Once all the tables have been processed, PowerDesigner calculates and prints the total
estimated size of the database.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Calling the GetEstimatedSize Event Handler on Another Metaclass

You can call a GetEstimatedSize event handler defined on another metaclass to use this
size in your calculation. For example, you may define GetEstimatedSize on the Table
metaclass, and make a call to GetEstimatedSize defined on the Column and Index
metaclasses to use these sizes to calculate the total size of the table.
The syntax of the function is as follows, where message is the name of your variable
containing the results to print:

In general, we recommend that you use the function in the folllowing form:
GetEstimatedSize(message, false)

The use of the false parameter (which is the default, but which is shown here for clarity)
means that we call the GetEstimatedSize event handler on the other metaclass, and use
the default mechanism only if the event handler is not available.
Setting the parameter to true will force the use of the default mechanism for calculating the
size of objects (only possible for tables, columns, and join indexes):
GetEstimatedSize(message, true)

Formatting the Database Size Estimation Output

You can format the output for your database size estimation. Sub-objects (such as columns and
indexes) contained in a table are offset, and you can print additional information after the
The syntax for the output is as follows:


object-size - is the size of the object.

compartment - is a one-digit number, which indicates that the size of the object should be
excluded from the total size of the database and should be printed after the database size
has been calculated. For example, you may include the size of individual tables in your
calculation of the database size and print the sizes of tablespaces separately after the
ObjectID - is unneccessary for objects, such as tables, but required for sub-objects if
you want to print them to the Result List.
label - is any appropriate identifying string, and is generally set to
ShortDescription, which prints the type and name of the selected object.

For example, in the event handler defined on the Table metaclass (having calculated and
stored the size of a table, the size of all the columns of type LONG contained in the table, and
the size of each index in the table), we create a message variable to print this information. We
begin by printing a line giving the size of a table:


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

message = CStr(TableSize) & "||" & objTable.ShortDescription & vbCrLf

We then add a line printing the total size of all the columns of type LONG in the table:
message = message & CStr(LongSize) & "||Columns of type LONG" &

We then add a line printing the size of each index in the table:
message = message & CStr(IndexSize) & "|" & objIndex.ObjectID &

In the event handler defined on the Tablespace metaclass (having calculated and stored the
size of a tablespace), we create a message variable to print this information after the database
size calculation has been printed.
We begin by overriding the default introduction to this second compartment:
message = ":1||Tables are allocated to the following tablespaces:"

We then add a line printing the size of each tablespace in the table
message = message + CStr(tablespaceSize) & ":1||" &

The result gives the following output:

Estimate of the size of the Database "Sales"...

Estimated size



6096 KB

Table 'Invoices'
Columns of type LONG (35 KB)
Index 'customerFKeyIndex' (976 KB)
Index 'descriptionIndex' (1976 KB)

Tables are allocated to the following tablespaces:

Estimated size
-------------6096 KB

-----------------------------------Tablespace 'mainStorage'

ODBC Category (DBMS)

The ODBC category contains items for live database generation when the DBMS does not
support the generation statements defined in the Script category.
For example, data exchange between PowerDesigner and MSACCESS works with VB scripts
and not SQL, this is the reason why these statements are located in the ODBC category. You

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

have to use a special program (access.mdb) to convert these scripts into MSACCESS database

Physical Options (DBMS)

For some DBMSs, additional options are used to specify how an object is optimized or stored
in a database. In PowerDesigner, these options are called physical options and are displayed
on the Physical Options and Physical Options (Common) tabs of object property sheets.
To appear on the Physical Options tab, an option must be defined in the Script\Objects
\object\Options item (see Common Object Items on page 143). Default values can be
stored in Options or in DefOptions. To appear on the Physical Options (Common) tab
(or any other property sheet tab), the physical option must, additionally be associated with an
extended attribute (see Adding DBMS Physical Options to Your Forms on page 209).
During generation, the options selected in the model for each object are stored as a SQL string
in the %OPTIONS% variable, which must appear at the end of the Create statement of the
object, and cannot be followed by anything else. The following example uses the correct
create table

During reverse engineering by script, the section of the SQL query determined as being the
physical options is stored in %OPTIONS%, and will then be parsed when required by an
object property sheet.
During live database reverse engineering, the SqlOptsQuery SQL statement is executed to
retrieve the physical options which is stored in %OPTIONS% to be parsed when required by
an object property sheet.
You can use PowerDesigner variables (see PDM Variables and Macros on page 211) to set
physical options for an object. For example, in Oracle, you can set the following variable for a
cluster to make the cluster take the same name as the table.
Cluster %TABLE%

For information about setting physical options, see Data Modeling > Building Data Models >
Physical Implementation > Physical Options.

Simple Physical Options

Simple physical options must contain a name, and may contain a %d, %s, or other variable to
let the user specify a value, and keywords to specify permitted values and defaults.
Simple physical options are specified on a single line using the following syntax:
name [=] %s|%d|%variable% [: keywords]


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Everything entered before the colon is generated in scripts. The name is required by
PowerDesigner, but you can place it between carets (<name>) if you need to exclude it from
the final script. The %d or %s variables require a numeric or string value, and you can also use a
PowerDesigner variable or GTL snippet.
Physical Option

Generates As



for instance %s

for instance string

<Partition-name> %s


You can insert a colon followed by comma-separated keywords to control your options:

Value and result


Allows the user to associate the object with an object of the specified kind. The
following settings are available:


Note: In Oracle, the storage composite physical option is used as a

template to define all the storage values in a storage entry to avoid having to
set values independently each time you need to re-use them same values in a
storage clause. For this reason, the Oracle physical option does not include the
storage name (%s).
qualified metaclass collection - For example: Model.Tables or Ta-

on %s : category=storage


Specifies a list of pipe-separated values permitted for the option.


Specifies a default value for the option.

dquoted=yes and

Specifies that the value is enclosed in double or single quotes.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files


Value and result


Specifies that the option is displayed with a <*> suffix in the left pane of the
Physical Options tab and can be added to the right pane as many times as necessary. If the option is selected in the right pane and you click the same option in
the left pane to add it, a message box asks you if you want to reuse the selected
option. If you click No, a second instance of the option is added to the right pane.


Specifies that the database name is inserted as a prefix (see tablespace options in
DB2 OS/390).

and nextmand=yes

Specifies that the previous or next physical option is required for the present
option and that if the present option is added to the right pane, then the previous or
next option is also added.

Physical Option

Generates As

ccsid %s : list=ascii|ebcdic| ccsid ascii

unicode, default=ascii
table=%s : category=Model.Ta- table="table"
bles, dquoted=yes
<flashback_archive> %s


Composite Physical Options

Composite physical options are specified over multiple lines, and contain one or more
dependent options. If you add the composite option to the right pane of the Physical Options
tab, all the dependant options are added with it. If you add a dependant option, the composite
option is added as well to contain it.
Composite physical options are defined with the following syntax:
name [=] [%s|%d|%variable%] : composite=yes[, keywords]

Everything entered before the colon is generated in scripts. The name is required by
PowerDesigner, but you can place it between carets (<name>) if you need to exclude it from
the final script. The %d or %s variables require a numeric or string value, and you can also use a
PowerDesigner variable or GTL snippet.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

The composite=yes keyword is required for composite options, and can be used in
conjunction with any of the simple physical option keywords or any of the following:

Value and result


Specifies that the option is a composite option containing dependant options

surround by curly braces.


Specifies that the dependant options are separated by commas.


Specifies that the ensemble of dependant objects are contained between parentheses.


Specifies that at least one of the dependant options must be set.

Physical Option
<list> : composite=yes, multiple=yes
<frag-expression> %s
in %s : category=storage
<using_block> : composite=yes,parenthesis=yes
using vcat %s
using stogroup %s : category=storage, composite=yes
priqty %d : default=12
secqty %d
erase %s : default=no, list=yes
| no

Generates As
in storage
in storage2
(using vcat string
using stogroup storage
priqty value
secqty value
erase no)

Adding DBMS Physical Options to Your Forms

Many DBMSs use physical options as part of the definition of their objects. The most
commonly-used physical options are displayed on a form, Physical Options (Common),

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

defined under the appropriate metaclass. You can edit this form, or add physical options to
your own forms.
Note: PowerDesigner displays all of the available options for an object (defined at Script/
Objects/object/Options category) on the Physical Options tab (see Physical
Options (DBMS) on page 206).
For a physical option to be displayed in a form, it must be associated with an extended attribute
with the type physical option.
1. Right-click the metaclass and select New Extended Attribute from Physical Options to
open the Select Physical Options dialog:

Note: This dialog will be empty if no physical options are defined at Script/
2. Select the physical option required and click OK to create an extended attribute associated
with it.
3. Specify any other appropriate properties.
4. Select the form in which you want to insert the physical option and click the Add Attribute
tool to insert it as a control (see Adding Extended Attributes and Other Controls to Your
Form on page 58).
Note: To change the physical option associated with an extended attribute, click the ellipsis to
the right of the Physical Options field in the Extended Attribute property sheet.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

PDM Variables and Macros

The SQL queries recorded in the DBMS definition file items make use of various PDM
variables, which are written between percent signs. These variables are replaced with values
from your model when the scripts are generated, and are evaluated to create PowerDesigner
objects during reverse engineering.
For example, in the following query, the variable %TABLE% will be replaced by the code of the
table being created:
CreateTable = create table %TABLE%

Note: You can use these variables freely in your own queries, but you cannot change the
method of their evaluation (ie, %TABLE% can only ever evaluate to the code of the table). You
can alternately, access any object properties using GTL (see Chapter 5, Customizing
Generation with GTL on page 245) and the public names available through the
PowerDesigner metamodel (see Chapter 8, The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel on page
The evaluation of variables depends on the parameters and context. For example, the
%COLUMN% variable cannot be used in a Create Tablespace query, because it is only
valid in a column context.
These variables can be used for all objects supporting these concepts:



Comment of Object or its name (if no comment defined)


Generated code of User owning Object or its parent. You should not use
this variable for queries on objects listed in live database reverse dialog
boxes, because their owner is not defined yet


Database prefix of objects (name of Database + '.' if database defined)


Whole object qualifier (database prefix + owner prefix)


SQL text defining physical options for Object


The parsed SQL text defining physical options of the object


Constraint name of Object


Constraint SQL body of Object. Ex: (A <= 0) AND (A >= 10)


Column constraint definition. Ex: constraint C1 checks (A>=0) AND



Concatenation of Server expression of business rules associated with


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




True if the object (table, column, index) name and code are identical
(AS 400 specific)


Parent table qualifier (database prefix + owner prefix)


The generated code of the user owning the parent table

Testing Variable Values with the [ ] Operators

You can use square brackets [ ] to test for the existence or value of a variable.
You can use square brackets to

Include optional strings and variables, or lists of strings and variables in the syntax of SQL
statements: [%variable%]
Test the value of a variable and insert or reconsider a value depending of the result of the
test: [%variable%? true : false]
Test the content of a variable [%variable%=constant? true : false]




Tests for the existence of the variable.

Generation: Generated only if variable exists and is not assigned NO
Reverse: Evaluated if the parser detects a SQL statement corresponding to the variable and it is not assigned NO or FALSE.

true : false]

Tests for the existence of the variable and allows conditional output.
Generation: true is generated if variable exists and is not assigned
NO or FALSE. Otherwise, false is generated.
Reverse: If the parser detects variable and it is not assigned NO or
FALSE, true is reversed. Otherwise, false is reversed. variable is set
to True or False as appropriate.

[%variable%=constant? true :

Tests the value of the variable and allows conditional output.

Generation: If variable equals constant, true is generated. Otherwise,
false is generated.
Reverse: If the parser detects thatvariable equals constant, true is
reversed. Otherwise, false is reversed.


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files



[.Z: [item1]

Specifies that the items do not have a significant order.

Generation: .Z is ignored
Reverse: The items can be reversed in any order they are encountered.

[.O: [item1]

Specifies that the items are synonyms, only one of which should be
Generation: Only the first item listed is generated.
Reverse: The reverse parser must find one of the items to validate the
full statement.



If %OPTIONS% (physical options for the objects visible in the object property sheet) exists
and is not assigned NO or FALSE, it is generated to the value of %OPTIONS%.

[default %DEFAULT%]

If the statement default 10 is found during reverse engineering, %DEFAULT% is

assigned the value 10, but the statement is not mandatory and reversing continues even if it
is absent. In script generation, if %DEFAULT% has a value of 10, it is generated as
default 10 otherwise nothing is generated for the block.

[%MAND%? not null : null ]

If %MAND% is evaluated as true or contains a value other than False or NO, it is generated
as not null. Otherwise it is generated as null.


If %DELCONST% contains the value RESTRICT, it is generated as on delete



Because of the presence of the .Z variable, both of the following statements will be
reversed correctly even though the column attributes are not in the same order:
Create table abc (a integer not null default 99)
Create table abc (a integer default 99 not null)


This statement will generate procedure. During reverse engineering, the parser will
match either procedure or proc keywords.

Note: A string between square brackets is always generated. For reverse engineering,
placing a string between square brackets means that it is optional and its absence will not
cancel the reversing of the statement.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

create [or replace] view %VIEW% as %SQL%

A script containing either create or create or replace will be correctly reversed

because or replace is optional.

Formatting Variable Values

You can specify a format for variable values. For example, you can force values to lowercase
or uppercase, truncate the length of values, or place values between quotes.
You embed formatting options in variable syntax as follows:

The variable formatting options are the following:



Mandatory field, if a null value is returned the translate call fails


Extracts the first y characters or, for -y, the last y characters.
If x is specified, and y is lower than x, then blanks or zeros are added to
the right of the extracted characters to fill the width up to x. For -x, the
blanks or zeros are added to the left and the output is right-justified.
If the M option is appended, then the first x characters of the variable are
discarded and the next y characters are output.
Thus, for an object named abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(with parentheses present simply to demonstrate padding):




L[F], U[F], and c

Converts the output to lowercase or uppercase. If F is specified, only the

first character is converted. c is equivalent to UF.

q and Q

Surrounds the variable with single or double quotes.

Trims leading and trailing whitespace from the variable.

Converts number to hexadecimal.

You can combine format codes. For example, the template (%12.3QMFU:Name%) applied
to object abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz generates ("Lmn").


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Variables for Tables and Views

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of tables and
The following variables are available for tables:



Generated code of Table


Name of Table


Code of Table


Comment of Table


List of primary key columns. Ex: A, B


Complete body of Table definition. It contains definition of

columns, checks and keys


Abstract data type name


Owner of the class object


Qualifier of the class object


List of columns used for a cluster


Table indexes definition


Table type

The following variables are available for views:




Generated code of View


View name


View code


List of columns of View. Ex: "A, B, C"


SQL text of View. Ex: Select * from T1


Contains Keyword "with check option" if this option is selected in View


Complete view creation order. Ex: create view V1 as select * from T1


Style of view: view, snapshot, materialized view

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




True is it is a view (and not a snapshot)


Read-only=0, Updatable=1, Check option=2

The following variables are available for tables and views:




Element contained in the XML schema


XML schema

Variables for Columns, Domains, and Constraints

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of columns,
domains, and constraints. Parent table variables are also available.
The following variables are available for columns:





Generated code of Column


Position of Column in List of columns of Table


Name of Column


Code of Column


Contains Keyword "primary" if Column is primary key column


TRUE if Column is part of a primary key


TRUE if Column is part of an alternate key


TRUE if Column is part of a foreign key


Compute constraint text


Code of the previous column in the list of columns of the table


Code of the next column in the list of columns of the table


Mandatory status of a column. This variable is always used with NullRequired item, see Working with Null Values on page 158


CLUSTER keyword for the primary key when it is defined on the same

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




CLUSTER keyword for the alternate key when it is defined on the

same line


Average length


TRUE if the column datatype has a variable length


TRUE if the column datatype is a long datatype but not an image or a



TRUE if the column datatype is an image or a blob


TRUE if the column datatype contains characters

The following variables are available for domains:




Generated code of Domain (also available for columns)


Name of the default object associated with the domain (SQL Server

The following variables are available for constraints:




Unit attribute of standard check


Format attribute of standard check


Data type. Ex: int, char(10) or numeric(8, 2)


Data type code. Ex: int, char or numeric


Data type length. Ex: 0, 10 or 8


Data type precision. Ex: 0, 0 or 2


TRUE if Read-only attribute of standard check has been selected


Default value


Minimum value


Maximum value


List of values. Ex: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




SQL constraint associated with List of values. Ex: C1 in (0, 1, 2, 3, 4,



SQL constraint associated with Min and max values. Ex: (C1 <= 0)
AND (C1 >= 5)


TRUE if Domain or column is mandatory


Contains Keywords "null" or "not null" depending on Mandatory attribute


Contains Keyword "null" if Domain or column is not mandatory


Contains Keyword "not null" if Domain or column is mandatory


Keyword "identity" if Domain or Column is identity (Sybase specific)


Keyword "with default" if Domain or Column is with default


TRUE if the upper-case attribute of standard check has been selected


TRUE if the lower-case attribute of standard check has been selected


SQL constraint associated with upper only values


SQL constraint associated with lower only values


SQL constraint associated with cases (upper, lower, first word capital,

Variables for Keys

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of keys.





List of columns of Key. Ex: "A, B, C"


TRUE when Key is Primary key of Table


Constraint name of primary key


Constraint name of alternate key


Constraint name of the key


True if the key has more than one column


Cluster keyword

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Variables for Indexes and Index Columns

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of indexes and
index columns.
The following variables are available for indexes:



Generated code of index


Generated code of the parent of an index, can be a table or a query table



Index name


Index code


Contains Keyword "unique" when index is unique


Contains index type (available only for a few DBMS)


List of index columns with separator, on the same line. Example: A asc, B
desc, C asc


Contains keywords "primary", "unique" or "foreign" depending on index



Contains keyword "cluster" when index is cluster


Used for defining an index within a table definition

The following variables are available for index columns:




Contains keywords "ASC" or "DESC" depending on sort order


TRUE if index column sort is ascending

Variables for References and Reference Columns

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of references and
reference columns.
The following variables are available for references:



Generated code of reference


Generated code of parent table

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Name of parent table


Code of parent table


Qualifier of parent table. See also QUALIFIER.


Generated code of child table


Name of child table


Code of child table


Qualifier of child table. See also QUALIFIER.


Reference name


Reference code


Foreign key (reference) constraint name


Constraint name of primary key used to reference object


List of parent key columns. Ex: C1, C2, C3


List of child foreign key columns. Ex: C1, C2, C3


Contains Update declarative constraint keywords "restrict", "cascade", "set null" or "set default"


Contains Delete declarative constraint keywords "restrict", "cascade",

"set null" or "set default"


Minimum cardinality


Maximum cardinality


Parent table owner name


Child table owner name


TRUE when check on commit is selected on Reference (ASA 6.0



Reference number in child table collection of references


References joins.

The following variables are available for reference columns:


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Generated code of parent table column (primary key)


Generated code of child table column (foreign key)


Generated code of primary key column


Primary key column name


Generated code of foreign key column


Foreign key column name


Alternate key column code (same as PK)


Alternate key column name (same as PKNAME)


Primary key column data type


Primary column owner


Foreign key column default value


Primary key column data type used in procedure declaration. For example: without length

Variables for Triggers and Procedures

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of triggers and
The following variables are available for triggers:



Order number of Trigger (in case DBMS support more than one trigger of
one type)


Generated code of trigger


Trigger type. It contains Keywords "beforeinsert", "afterupdate", ...etc.


Trigger event. It contains Keywords "insert", "update", "delete"


Trigger time. It contains Keywords NULL, "before", "after"


Reference order number in List of references of Table


Error number for standard error


Error message for standard error

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Name of Table containing user-defined error messages


Name of Column containing Error numbers in User-defined error table


Name of Column containing Error messages in User-defined error table


SQL script of trigger or procedure.


Trigger body (only for Oracle live database reverse engineering)


Trigger description (only for Oracle live database reverse engineering)


Trigger definition


Trigger scope (keywords: database, schema, all server)

%TRGSCOPEOWNER Trigger scope owner


Trigger scope owner plus dot

The following variables are available for procedures:




Generated code of Procedure (also available for trigger when Trigger is implemented with a procedure)


Generated code of Procedure if Procedure is a function (with a return value)


List of parameters of the procedure

Variables for Rules

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of rules.





Generated code of Rule


Rule name


Rule code


Rule client expression


Rule server expression

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Variables for Sequences

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of sequences.



Name of sequence


Name of the owner of the sequence

Variables for Synonyms

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of synonyms.



Generated code of the synonym


Base object of the synonym


Owner of the base object


Qualifier of the base object


Private (default) or public


Synonym of alias (DB2 only)


True for a private synonym


True for a public synonym

Variables for Tablespaces and Storages

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of tablespaces and



Generated code of Tablespace


Generated code of Storage

Variables for Abstract Data Types

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of abstract data
types and their child objects.
The following variables are available for abstract data types:



Generated code of Abstract data type

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Type of Abstract data type. It contains keywords like "array", "list", ...


Abstract data type size


Abstract data type Java file


TRUE if Abstract data type is of type array


TRUE if Abstract data type is of type list


TRUE if Abstract data type is of type structure


TRUE if Abstract data type is of type object

%ISJAVAOBJECT% TRUE if Abstract data type is of type JAVA object


TRUE if Abstract data type is of type JAVA class


Contains Definition of Abstract data type


Abstract data type body


Abstract data type supertype


Abstract data type final


Abstract data type instantiable


Abstract data type body with ODBC


Abstract data type spec with ODBC


Abstract data type supertype qualifier

%SUPEROWNER% Abstract data type supertype owner



Abstract data type authorization


Abstract data type JAVA name


Abstract data type JAVA data


Attributes part of abstract data type definition


Methods part of abstract data type definition

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

The following variables are available for abstract data type attributes:



Generated code of Abstract data type attribute


Abstract data type attribute JAVA name

The following variables are available for abstract data type procedures:



Procedure code


Procedure type (constructor, order, map)


Procedure type (procedure, function)


Procedure body (begin... end)


Procedure return type


Procedure parameters


Procedure final


Procedure member


Procedure instantiable


Procedure super-procedure


True if the procedure is a constructor


Procedure JAVA name


True if procedure is mapped to a static JAVA variable


True in specifications, undefined in body

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Variables for Join Indexes (IQ)

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of IQ join indexes.



Generated code for join index


Complete body of join index definition


List of references (for live database connections)


List of reference joins (for live database connections)


Qualifier for the fact table


Fact (base table)


List of columns


From clause


Where clause

Variables for ASE & SQL Server

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of objects for ASE
and SQL Server.



Name of Rule object associated with Domain


Name of Default object associated with Domain


Use sp_primary key to create primary keys


Use sp_foreign key to create foreign keys

Variables for Database Synchronization

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of objects during
database synchronization.





Old owner name of Object. See also OWNER


New owner name of Object. See also OWNER


Old qualifier of Object. See also QUALIFIER


New qualifier of Object. See also QUALIFIER


Old code of Table

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




New code of Table


Old code of Column


New code of Column


Old code of Sequence


New code of Sequence

Variables for DB Packages and Their Child Objects

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of database
packages and their child objects.
The following variables are available for database packages:



Generated code of the database package


Initialization code at the end of the package


Database package specification


Database package body


Database package initialization code


Database package authorization (old privilege)


Database package authorization


True for public sub-object


Database package body with ODBC


Database package spec with ODBC

The following variables are available for database package procedures:




Procedure code


Procedure type (procedure, function)


Procedure body (begin... end)


Procedure return type

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Procedure parameters

The following variables are available for database package variables:




Variable code


Variable type


Variable of constant type


Variable default value for constant

The following variables are available for database package types:




Type code


List of variables


True if type is a subtype

The following variables are available for database package cursors:




Cursor code


Cursor return type


Cursor query


Cursor parameter

The following variables are available for database package exceptions:




Exception code

The following variables are available for database package parameters:


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Parameter code


Parameter type


Parameter data type


Parameter default value

The following variables are available for database package pragmas:




Pragma directive


Pragma directive on object

%DBPKPRAGMAPARAM Pragma directive parameter


Variables for Database Security

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of database
security objects.



List of privileges for a grant order


List of privileges for a revoke order


List of permissions for a grant order


List of permissions for a revoke order


Permissions on a specific list of columns


Bitmap of specific columns with permissions


Name of the user


Name of the group


Name of the role


Generic name used to design a user, a group, or a role


Password for a user, group, or role


Database objects (table, view, column, and so on)


SQL grant/revoke order for a database object

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




SQL grant/revoke order for an ID (user, group, or role)


Option for grant: with grant option / with admin option


Option for revoke: with cascade


User that grants the permission


Member of a group or member with a role


List of groups separated by the delimiter


List of members (users or roles) of a group or role separated by the



List of parent roles of a user or role


Schema definition

Variables for Defaults

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of defaults.



Binded object

Variables for Web Services

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of Web services.
The following variables are available for web services:



Only generated code of the web service


Generated code of the web service and local path


Web service type


SQL statement


Local path

The following variables are available for web service operations:


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Only generated code of the web operation


Generated code of the operation, service, and local path


We operation type


SQL statement


Web operation parameters list

The following variables are available for web service security:




Connection user required for web service


Connection secured


Authorization required

The following variables are available for web service parameters:




List of web parameters


Web parameter name


Web parameter type


Web parameter data type


Web parameter default value

Variables for Dimensions

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of dimensions.



Generated code of dimension


Dimension definition

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Dimension attribute (level)


Level table owner


Level table


Level column


Level columns list


Dimension hierarchy


List of child key columns


List of child key columns


Level list for hierarchy


Attribute of hierarchy


First attribute of hierarchy

%DIMNATTRHIERLIST% List of attributes of hierarchy


Parent level for hierarchy


Dimension dependant attribute


Dependent column


List of dependent columns

Variables for Extended Objects

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation and reverse-engineering of extended





Generated code for extended object


Generated code for extended sub-object


Generated code for parent of extended sub-object


Generated code for owner of extended sub-object


Parent object qualifier (database prefix and owner prefix)

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Complete body of the extended object definition. Contains definition

of extended collection listed in DefinitionContent DBMS item.

Variables for Reverse Engineering

PowerDesigner can use variables during the reverse engineering of objects.



Set to TRUE during reverse engineering


Allow to skip a word. The string is parsed for reverse but not generated


Allow to skip a numeric value. The numeric value is parsed for reverse but
not generated


Allow to skip all Text. The text is parsed for reverse but not generated


True if Current user is Connected one


Catalog name to be used in live database connection reverse queries


Variable representing a user login and the object belonging to this user in
the database. You should use this variable for queries on objects listed in
database reverse dialog boxes, because their owner is not defined yet.
Once the owner of an object is defined, you can use SCHEMA or OWNER


Data type size of column or domain. Used for live database reverse, when
the length is not defined in the system tables


One value from the list of values in a column or domain


Allow to reverse engineer permissions set on a database object


Allow to reverse engineer privileges set on a user, a group, or a role

Variables for Database, Triggers, and Procedures Generation

PowerDesigner can use variables in the generation of databases, triggers, and procedures.



Generation date & time


Login name of User executing Generation


Path where File script is going to be generated


Name of File script where SQL orders are going to be written


Description to explain how to execute Generated script

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




TRUE if upper case generation option is set


TRUE if lower case generation option is set


Name of DBMS associated with Generated model


Code of Database associated with Generated model


Name of the data source associated with the generated script


Use stored procedure primary key to create primary keys (SQL Server


Use stored procedure foreign key to create primary keys (SQL Server


Repeat a statement for each alternate, foreign, or primary key column in a table.
.AKCOLN("statement","prefix","suffix","last_suffix", "condition")




Statement to repeat for each column


Prefix for each new line


Suffix for each new line

last suffix

Suffix for the last line


Alternate key code (if condition argument is left empty the macro returns a statement for each alternate key in the table)

In a trigger for the table TITLEAUTHOR:

message .AKCOLN("'%COLUMN% is an alternate key column'","", "",

"", "AKEY1")

generates the following trigger script:

message 'TA_ORDER is an alternate key column',

message .FKCOLN("'%COLUMN% is a foreign key column'","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

message 'AU_ID is a foreign key column,

TITLE_ISBN is a foreign key column;'
message .PKCOLN("'%COLUMN% is a primary key column'","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

message 'AU_ID is a primary key column',
'TITLE_ISBN is a primary key column';

Note: For columns, these macros only accept the %COLUMN% variable.

Repeats a statement for each column in a table




Statement to repeat for each column


Prefix for each new line


Suffix for each new line

last suffix

Suffix for the last line

In a trigger for the table AUTHOR, the following macro:
.ALLCOL("%COLUMN% %COLTYPE%","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

AU_ID char(12),
AU_LNAME varchar(40),
AU_FNAME varchar(40),
AU_BIOGRAPH long varchar,
AU_ADVANCE numeric(8,2),
AU_ADDRESS varchar(80),
CITY varchar(20),
STATE char(2),
AU_PHONE char(12);

Defines a variable and initializes its value
.DEFINE "variable" "value"

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Variable name (without % signs)


Variable value (may include another variable surrounded by % signs)

In a trigger for the table AUTHOR, the following macro:
message 'Error: Trigger(%TRIGGER%) of table %TABLE%'

generates the following trigger script:

message 'Error: Trigger(T_AUTHOR) of table AUTHOR';

Defines a variable and initializes its value if the test value is not null
.DEFINEIF "test_value" "variable" "value"




Value to test


Variable name (without % signs)


Variable value (may include another variable surrounded by % signs)

For example, to define a variable for a default data type:

.ERROR Macro
Handles errors.
.ERROR (errno, "errmsg")





Error number


Error message

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

.ERROR(-20001, "Parent does not exist, cannot insert child")

Repeats a statement for each parent-to-child reference in the current table fulfilling a
.FOREACH_CHILD ("condition")




Reference condition (see below)


Statement to repeat




Restrict on update


Cascade on update


Set null on update


Set default on update


Restrict on delete


Cascade on delete


Set null on delete


Set default on delete

In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
-- Cannot delete parent "%PARENT%" if children still exist in

generates the following trigger script:

-- Cannot delete parent "TITLE" if children still exist in
-- Cannot delete parent "TITLE" if children still exist in "SALE"

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

-- Cannot delete parent "TITLE" if children still exist in

Repeats a statement for each column in the current table fulfilling a condition.
.FOREACH_COLUMN ("condition")




Column condition (see below)


Statement to repeat




All columns


Primary key columns


Foreign key columns


Alternate key columns


Non-modifiable columns (columns that have Cannot Modify selected as a check



Triggering columns (primary key columns, foreign key columns; and non-modifiable columns)

In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
-- "%COLUMN%" cannot be modified

generates the following trigger script:

-- "TITLE_ISBN" cannot be modified
-- "PUB_ID" cannot be modified


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Repeats a statement for each child-to-parent reference in the current table fulfilling a
.FOREACH_PARENT ("condition")




Reference condition (see below)


Statement to repeat


Selects references defined with ...


All references


Non-mandatory foreign keys


Mandatory foreign keys


Non-modifiable foreign keys

In a trigger for the table SALE, the following macro:
-- Cannot modify parent code of "%PARENT%" in child "%CHILD%"

generates the following trigger script:


Cannot modify parent code of "STORE" in child "SALE"

Cannot modify parent code of "TITLE" in child "SALE"

Repeats a statement for each primary key column, foreign key column, alternate key column,
or non-modifiable column in a table.

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files




Statement to repeat for each column


Prefix for each new line


Suffix for each new line

last suffix

Suffix for the last line

In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
.INCOLN("%COLUMN% %COLTYPE%","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

TITLE_ISBN char(12),
PUB_ID char(12);

.JOIN Macro
Repeats a statement for column couple in a join.




Statement to repeat for each column


Prefix for each new line


Suffix for each new line

last suffix

Suffix for the last line

In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
where .JOIN("%PK%=%FK%", " and", "", ";")
message 'Reference %REFR% links table %PARENT% to %CHILD%'

generates the following trigger script:

message 'Reference TITLE_PUB links table PUBLISHER to TITLE

Note: For columns, the macro JOIN only accepts the variables %PK%, %AK%, and %FK


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

Repeats a statement for each non-modifiable column in a table. Non-modifiable columns have
Cannot Modify selected as a check parameter.




Statement to repeat for each column


Prefix for each new line


Suffix for each new line

last suffix

Suffix for the last line

In a trigger for the table TITLE, the following macro:
.NMFCOL("%COLUMN% %COLTYPE%","",",",";")

generates the following trigger script:

TITLE_ISBN char(12),
PUB_ID char(12);


Uses the client and/or server expression of a business rule in the trigger template, template
item, trigger, and procedure script.
.CLIENTEXPRESSION(code of the business rule)
.SERVEREXPRESSION(code of the business rule)

The business rule ACTIVITY_DATE_CONTROL has the following server expression:
activity.begindate < activity.enddate

In a trigger based on template AfterDeleteTrigger, you type the following macro in the
Definition tab of the trigger:

This generates the following trigger script:

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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

activity.begindate < activity.enddate

Represents a SQL/XML query in the definition of a trigger, a procedure or a function.
Use one of the following tools:

The Insert SQL/XML Macro tool opens a selection dialog box where you choose a global
element from an XML model. The XML model must be open in the workspace, mapped to
a PDM, and have the SQL/XML extension file attached. Click OK in the dialog box and
the SQLXML macro is displayed in the definition code, with the code of the XML model
(optional) and the code of the global element.
The Macros tool, where you select .SQLXML( ) in the list. The SQLXML macro is
displayed empty in the definition code. You must fill the parentheses with the code of an
XML model (optional), followed by :: and the code of a global element. The XML model,
from which you choose a global element, must be open in the workspace, mapped to a
PDM, and have the SQL/XML extension file attached.

After generation, the SQLXML macro is replaced by the SQL/XML query of the global
.SQLXML(code of an XML model::code of a global element)

Note: the code of an XML model is optional.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files

In a trigger for the table EMPLOYEE, the following macro:

generates the following trigger script:


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CHAPTER 4: DBMS Definition Files


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Customizing Generation with


The PowerDesigner Generation Template Language (GTL) is used to extract model object
properties as text. GTL is written in templates and generated files defined under metaclasses in
language definition and extension files. It powers generation of code for business process,
object-oriented and XML languages, and can be used to define new generations for any model.
When you launch a generation from a model, PowerDesigner generates a file for each instance
of each metaclass for which you have defined a generated file (see Generated Files (Profile) on
page 86) by evaluating the templates it calls and resolving any variables.
GTL is object-oriented, supporting inheritance and polymorphism for reusability and
maintainability, and provides macros for testing variables and iterating through collections,
A GTL template can contain text, macros, and variables, and can reference:

metamodel attributes, such as the name of a class or data type of an attribute

collections, such as the list of attributes of a class or columns of a table
other elements of the model, such as environment variables

Note: Though GTL can be used to extend generation in a PDM, the standard generation is
primarily defined using a different mechanism (see Database Generation and Reverse
Engineering on page 120).

Creating a Template and a Generated File

GTL templates are commonly used for generating files. If your template is going to be used in
generation, it must be referenced in a generated file.
1. Open your language definition or extension file in the resource editor (see Opening
Resource Files in the Editor on page 3).
2. If necessary, add a metaclass to the Profile category (see Metaclasses (Profile) on page 33)
and then right-click it and select New > Template (see Templates (Profile) on page 85).
3. Enter helloWorld as the name of the template and enter the following code in the text
Hello World!
This template is being generated for the %Name% object.

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Note: We recommend that you name your templates using headless camelCase, (starting
with a lowercase letter), in order to avoid clashes with property and collection names
which, by convention use full CamelCase.
4. Right-click the metaclass again, and select New > Generated File (see Generated Files
(Profile) on page 86).
5. Enter myFile as the name of the generated file, and enter the following code in the text
box to call your template:

6. Click OK to save your changes in the resource file and return to your model.
7. Create an instance of the metaclass on which you defined the template and generated file,
open its property sheet, and click the Preview tab.
8. Select the myFile sub-tab to preview what would be generated for this object.

Extracting Object Properties

Object properties are referenced as variables and enclosed between percent signs:
%variable%. Variable names are case sensitive, and property names are, by convention,
defined in CamelCase.
Properties are extracted as the following types:

String - returns text.

Boolean - returns true or false.
Object - returns the object ID or null.
This file is generated for %Name%, which is a %Color% %Shape%.
This file is generated for MyObject, which is a Red Triangle.

Standard properties defined in the PowerDesigner public metamodel (see Chapter 8, The
PowerDesigner Public Metamodel on page 343) are referenced using their public names,
which are written in CamelCase. You can infer public names for many properties from their
labels in object property sheets, but in case of doubt, click the Property Sheet Menu button at
the bottom of the property sheet and select Find in Metamodel Objects Help to review all
available properties for the object.
Extended attributes (see Extended Attributes (Profile) on page 41) are referenced by their
Name defined in the resource editor.
Note: To access an extended attribute defined in another extension file attached to the model,
prefix the name with the .D formatting option. For example:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL


Accessing Collections of Sub-Objects or Related Objects

An OOM contains a collection of classes and classes contain collections of attributes and
operations. To iterate over a collection, use the .foreach_item macro.
%Name% contains:
\n\t%Name% (%Color% %Shape%)
MyObject contains:
Widget1 (Red Triangle)
Widget2 (Yellow Square)
Widget3 (Green Circle)

Standard collections defined in the PowerDesigner public metamodel (see Chapter 8, The
PowerDesigner Public Metamodel on page 343) are referenced using their public names,
which are written in CamelCase. You can infer public names for many collections from their
labels in object property sheet tabs, but in case of doubt, click the Property Sheet Menu
button at the bottom of the property sheet and select Find in Metamodel Objects Help to
review all available collections for the object.
Extended collections (see Extended Collections and Compositions (Profile) on page 49 and
Calculated Collections (Profile) on page 51) are referenced by their Name.
You can use the following keywords to access information about a collection:



(object) Returns the first element of the collection.


(boolean) Returns True if the collection is empty, or false if it contains one or

more members.


(integer) Returns the number of elements in the collection. You can use this keyword for defining criteria based on collection size, for example Attributes.Count>=10.

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

%Name% is associated with %AttachedRules.Count% business rules,
of which the first is %AttachedRules.First.Name%.
myClass is associated with 3 business rules,
of which the first is myRule.

Formatting Your Output

You can change the formatting of variables by embedding formatting options in variable
syntax. New lines and tabs are specified using the \n and \t escape sequences respectively.

The following variable formatting options are available:




Extracts the first y characters or, for -y, the last y characters.
If x is specified, and y is lower than x, then blanks or zeros are added to the
right of the extracted characters to fill the width up to x. For -x, the blanks
or zeros are added to the left and the output is right-justified.
If the M option is appended, then the first x characters of the variable are
discarded and the next y characters are output.
Thus, for an object named abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
(with parentheses present simply to demonstrate padding):





L[F], U[F], and c

Converts the output to lowercase or uppercase. If F is specified, only the

first character is converted. c is equivalent to UF.

q and Q

Surrounds the variable with single or double quotes.

Removes indentation and aligns text on the left border.

Trims leading and trailing whitespace from the variable.

Converts number to hexadecimal.

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL



Returns the human-readable value of an attribute used in the PowerDesigner interface when this value differs from the internal representation.
For example, the value of the Visibility attribute is stored internally
as +, but is displayed as public in the property sheet. The template
%Visibility% generates as +, but %.D:Visibility% generates as public.
Note: You can access extended attributes defined in another extension file
by prefixing them with the .D option (see Extracting Object Properties on
page 246).

Escapes XML forbidden characters.

[deprecated use the ! power evaluation operator instead, see GTL Operators on page 252].

This file is generated for %.UQ:Name%. It has the form of a %.L:Color% %.L:Shape%.
This file is generated for "MYGADGET". It has the form of a red
The following template is applied to object abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Controlling Line Breaks in Head and Tail Strings

The head and tail strings in a macro block are only generated when necessary. If the block
returns nothing then the head and tail strings do not appear, which can help to control the
creation of new lines.
The text and new lines in the head and tail of each .foreach_item loop are only printed if the
collection is not empty. When this template is applied to a class with attributes but no operations, the
text // Operations and the new lines specified before and after the operations list will not be
class "%Code%" {
.foreach_item(Attributes, // Attributes\n,\n\n)
%DataType% %Code%
.if (%InitialValue%)
= %InitialValue%
.foreach_item(Operations, // Operations\n,\n\n)
%ReturnType% %Code%(...)
class "C1" {// Attributes
int a1 = 10
int a2
int a3 = 5
int a4
Note: To print a blank space between the curly brace and the string // Attributes, you must
enclose the head string in double-quotes:
.foreach_item(Attributes," // Attributes\n",\n)

Conditional Blocks
Place text containing a variable between square brackets to have it appear only if the variable
resolves to a non-null value.
You can also use a form similar to C and Java ternary expressions to print a string if the variable
is true or not null:
[variable ? ifNotNull]


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

You can optionally include a string to print if the variable is evaluated to false, null, or the
empty string:
[variable ? ifNotNull :ifNull]

Attribute %Code%[ = %InitialValue%];

A1 =0;
A2 =100;
A4 =10;

The class %Name% is [%Abstract%?Abstract:Concrete].

Result if the Abstract property is selected:
The class myClass is Abstract.
Result if the Abstract property is not selected:
The class myClass is Concrete.

Accessing Global Variables

You can insert information such as your user name and the current date with global variables.



(object) Returns the UID of the model. Use %ActiveModel.Name%

to obtain the name of the model.


(struct) Returns the model generation options.


(boolean) Returns true in the Preview tab, false when generated to a



(string) Returns the current system date and time formatted using local


(string) Returns the current user login.


(string) Returns a new universally unique identifier.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

This file was generated from %ActiveModel.Name% by %CurrentUser% on
This file was generated from My Model by jsmith on Tuesday, November 06, 2012 4:06:41 PM.

GTL Operators
GTL supports standard arithmetic and logical operators along with some advanced template
The following standard arithmetical and logical operators are supported, where x and y can be
numbers or templates resolving to numbers:


Assignment operator.

== and !=

Equal to and not equal to operators.

> and <

Greater than and less than operators.

>= and <=

Greater than or equal to and less than or equal to operators.

&& and ||

Logical AND and logical OR operators.


Addition operator.


Subtraction operator.


Multiplication operator.


Division operator.


Logical bitfield and operator

In this example, the template in the left column produces the output on the right:
Base number=



Base number=


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

The following advanced template operators are also supported:


Dereferencing operator - Corresponds to a double evaluation, returning a template

instead of text, using the syntax:
%*template [(P1,P2...)]%
For information about template parameters, see Passing Parameters to a Template
on page 260.
In the following example, a local variable is returned normally and in a dereferenced
.set_value(C, Code)

Power evaluation operator - Evaluates the results of the evaluation of the variable as
a template.
In the following example, a local variable is returned normally and in a powerevaluated form:
.set_value(C, %%MyAttribute%%)
The ! operator may be applied any number of times. For example:
This outputs the results of the evaluation of the evaluation of the evaluation of
template t.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL



Existence operator - Tests whether a template, local variable, or property is present,

and returns false if it is not.
For example:
.set_value (myVariable, 20, new)
.unset (myVariable)

Visibility operator - Tests whether an object property is visible in the interface, and
returns false if it is not.
For example, to test if the Type field is displayed in the General tab of a database
property sheet in a DMM (meaning that a Replication Server extension file is
attached to the model), enter the following:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Translation Scope
The initial scope of a template is always the metaclass on which it is defined. All standard and
extended attributes, collections, and templates defined on the active object metaclass and its
parents are visible, but only one object is active at any given time.
The following template is applied to a package P1, which contains a class C1, which contains
operations O1 and O2, which each contain parameters P1 and P2. The scope changes, affecting the
value of the %Name% variable, as each collection is traversed. The Outer keyword is used to return
temporarily to previous scopes:
\n\t*%Name% in %Outer.Name%
\n\t*%Name% in %Outer.Name% in %Outer.Outer.Name%
\n\t\t*%Name% in %Outer.Name% in %Outer.Outer.Name% in
*C1 in P1
*O1 in C1 in P1
*P1 in O1 in
*P2 in O1 in
*O2 in C1 in P1
*P1 in O2 in
*P2 in O2 in

C1 in P1
C1 in P1
C1 in P1
C1 in P1

The Outer scope is restored when you leave a .foreach_item block. Nested scopes form a
hierarchy that can be viewed as a tree, with the top level scope being the root. Use Parent instead of
Outer to climb above the scope of the original object. For example, nothing will be output if the
following template is applied to the parameter P1:
%Name% in %Outer.Name% in %Outer.Outer.Name%
However, this template will produce output:
%Name% in %Parent.Name% in %Parent.Parent.Name%
P1 in O1 in C1

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Shortcut Translation
Shortcuts are dereferenced during translation, so that the scope of the target object replaces the
scope of the shortcut. This is different from VB Script where shortcut translation retrieves the
shortcut itself. You can use the %IsShortcut% variable to test whether an object is a
shortcut, and the Shortcut keyword to access the properties of the shortcut itself.
In this example, the template is applied to an OOM package P1 containing two classes and two
shortcuts to classes in P2:
\n*Class %Code% [%IsShortcut% ? From package %Package.Name% : Local


Local Object
Local Object
From package P2
From package P2

Note: If your model contains shortcuts to objects in another model that is not open, a dialog
box invites you to open the target model. You can use the .set_interactive_mode
macro to change this behavior (see .set_interactive_mode Macro on page 278).

Escape Sequences
GTL supports a number of escape sequences to simplify the layout of your templates and
generated files, and to make reserved characters accessible.
The following escape sequences can be used inside templates:


Escape sequence



New line. For examples of using new lines in macro blocks, see Controlling Line Breaks in Head and Tail Strings on page 250.





\ at end of line

Continuation character (ignores the new line)

. at beginning of line

Comment. Ignores the line.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Escape sequence


.. at beginning of line

Dot character (to generate a macro).


Percent character.

Calling Templates
You can call a template from a generated file or from another template by entering its name
surrounded by percentage signs. Object properties, collections, and local and global variables
are called in the same way. At generation time, a template call is replaced by the template
content, which is then resolved to its final textual value.

%Name% - Calls the object's Name property

%myTemplate% - Calls the %myTemplate% template
%CurrentDate% - Calls the %CurrentDate% global variable (see Accessing Global
Variables on page 251)

Breaking templates into concise units and calling them at generation time helps with
readability and reuse. For example, you can define a commonly-used condition in one
template and reference it in multiple other templates:
The %isInner% template is defined as:
.bool (%ContainerClassifier%!=null)
The %QualifiedCode% template calls the %isInner% template to test if the class is an inner
.if (%isInner%)
The %QualifiedCode% template is applied to the C1 class, which is an inner class to C2.

Inheritance and Polymorphism

Templates are defined on a particular metaclass in a language definition file or extension and
are inherited by and available to the children of the metaclass. For example, a template defined

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

on the Classifier metaclass is available to templates or generated files defined on the Class and
Interface metaclasses.
GTL supports the following OO concepts as part of inheritance:

Polymorphism - The choice of the template to be evaluated is made at translation-time. A

template defined on a classifier can access templates defined on its children (class,
interface). In the following example, the content of %definition% depends on whether
a class or an interface is being processed:

Template overriding - A template defined on a given metaclass can be overridden by a

template of the same name defined on a child class. In the following example the template
defined on the Classifier metaclass is overridden by the one defined on the Class


You can view the overridden parent by right-clicking the child template and selecting Go
to Super-Definition. You can specify the use of the parent template by prefixing the
template call with the :: qualifying operator. For example:
Template overloading - You can overload your template definitions and test for different
conditions. Templates can also be defined under criteria (see Criteria (Profile) on page 40)
or stereotypes (see Stereotypes (Profile) on page 37), and the corresponding conditions are
combined. At translation-time, each condition is evaluated and the appropriate template
(or, in the event of no match, the default template) is applied. For example:

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

You can define the same template multiple times in the hierarchy of a language definition file
and extensions files, and PowerDesigner will resolve it using inheritance rules. For example,
the myLang OOM language definition file and the myExtension extension file each
contain a template %t% defined on each of the Classifier and Class metaclasses:
myLang Language Definition File

myExtension Extension File

myFile generated file
%t% template
%t% template

myOtherFile generated file
%t% template
%t% template

The Class and Interface metaclasses both inherit from the Classifier metaclass,
and each will generate a myFile and a myOtherFile.
The following template calls are possible in myLang/Classifier/myFile (which
cannot access the templates in myExtension):
Template Call in myFile

Template Called

%t% or


%Classifier::t% or


The following template calls are possible in myExtension/Classifier/
myOtherFile (which can access both its own templates and those in myLang):
Template Call in myOtherFile

Template Called

%t% or


%Classifier::t% or


%myLang::t% or




Note: For an extension file to reach templates defined in a language definition file, the
Complement language generation property in the extension must be selected (see Extension
File Properties on page 14).

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Passing Parameters to a Template

You can pass parameters to a template, using the syntax:%t(p1,p2...)%.
Parameter values cannot contain any % characters (you cannot pass a template), and are
separated by commas. They are retrieved in the template using local variables with the names
@1, @2, ....
The following template call:
calls %myTemplate%:
The weather today is %@1% and %@2%, with a high of %@3% and a low of
The weather today is fine and sunny, with a high of 24 and a low of


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

The template %Attributes% is defined as follows:
.if (%Visibility% == %@1%)
%DataType% %Code%
The template %AttributeList% calls %Attributes% three times, passing a different
visibility value each time to loop over only the attributes that have this visibility:
Class "%Code%" attributes:
// Public
// Protected
// Private
Class "C1" attributes :
// Public
int height
int width
// Protected
int shape
// Private
int cost
int price

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Recursive Templates
A template can call itself, but such a template should contain some kind of criteria or scope
change to avoid an infinite loop.
Class C1 is inner to class C2, which is in turn inner to C3. The template %topContainerCode
% tests whether the present classifier is inner to another, and if so, calls itself on the container classifier
to perfom the same test until it reaches a classifier that is not inner, at which point it prints the code of
the top container:
.if (%isInner%)

GTL-Specific Metamodel Extensions

A number of calculated attributes and collections are provided as GTL-specific extensions to
the metamodel.
The following calculated attributes are metamodel extensions specific to GTL:

GTL-Specific Attributes



isSelected (boolean) - True if the object is part of the selection in

the generation dialog
isShorctut (boolean) - True if the object was accessed by dereferencing a shortcut


GenOptions (struct) - Gives access to user-defined generation



ActualComment (string) - Cleanedup comment (with /**, /*, */

and // removed)


RoleAMinMultiplicity (string)
RoleAMaxMultiplicity (string)
RoleBMinMultiplicity (string)
RoleBMaxMultiplicity (string)

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL


GTL-Specific Attributes


MinMultiplicity (string)
MaxMultiplicity (string)
Overridden (boolean)
DataTypeModifierPrefix (string)
DataTypeModifierSuffix (string)
@<tag> [Java-specific] (string) - Javadoc@<tag> extended attribute with additional formatting


MinCardinality (string)
MaxCardinality (string)
SimpleTypeAttribute [XML-specific]
@<tag> [Java-specific] (string) - Javadoc@<tag> extended attribute with additional formatting


@<tag> [Java-specific] (string) - Javadoc@<tag> extended attribute with additional formatting


DeclaringInterface (object)
GetSetAttribute (object)
Overridden (boolean)
ReturnTypeModifierPrefix (string)
ReturnTypeModifierSuffix (string)
@<tag> [Java-specific] (string) - Javadoc@<tag> extended attribute with additional formatting (especially for @throws,
@exception, @params)


DataTypeModifierPrefix (string)
DataTypeModifierSuffix (string)

The following calculated collections are metamodel extensions specific to GTL:

Metaclass name

Collection name


Generated <metaclass-name> List - Collection of all objects of

type <metaclass-name> that are part of the selection in the generation dialog

PdCommon. BaseClassifierMapping


PdCommon. BaseAssociationMapping


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

GTL Macro Reference

GTL supports macros to express template logic, and to loop on object collections. Macro
keywords are prefixed by a . (dot) character, which must be the first non-blank character in the
line, and you must respect the use of line breaks in the macro syntax.
Note: Macro parameters can be delimited by double quotes, and this is required if the
parameter value includes commas, braces, leading or trailing blanks. The escape sequence for
double quotes inside a parameter value is \". When the macro parameters specify that a
parameter is of type simple template, this means that it can contain text, variables, and
conditional blocks, but no macros. Parameters of type complex template can additionally
include macros.
The following macros are available:


Conditional and loop / iterative macros:

.if Macro on page 275 - evaluates conditions.
.foreach_item Macro on page 271 iterates on object collections.
.foreach_line Macro on page 273 iterates on lines of a multi-line text block.
.foreach_part Macro on page 274 iterates on parts of a string.
.break Macro on page 266 breaks a loop.
Formatting and string manipulation macros:
.lowercase and .uppercase Macros on page 277 - change the case of a text block.
.convert_name and .convert_code Macros on page 267 - convert codes into names or
names into codes.
.delete and .replace Macros on page 268 - perform operations on substrings.
.unique Macro on page 281 - filters redundant lines from a text block.
.block Macro on page 265 - adds a header and a footer to a text block.
Generation command macros - for use when writing GTL in the context of the execution of
a generation command:
.vbscript Macro on page 281 - embed VB script code inside a template.
.execute_vbscript Macro on page 270 - launch vbscripts.
.execute_command Macro on page 269 - launch executables.
.abort_command Macro on page 265 - stop command execution.
.change_dir and .create_path Macros on page 266 - change directory or create a path.
.log Macro on page 277 - write log messages.
Miscellaneous macros:
.set_object, .set_value, and .unset Macros on page 279 - create local objects or
.comment and .// Macro on page 267 - inserts a comment in a template.

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

.object and .collection Macros on page 278 - returns a collection of objects based on
the specified scope and condition.
.object and .collection Macros on page 278 - return an object or collection based on the
specified scope and condition.
.bool Macro on page 266 - evaluates a condition.
.set_interactive_mode Macro on page 278 defines whether the GTL execution must
interact with the user.
.error and .warning Macros on page 269

.abort_command Macro
This macro stops a generation command.
.if %_JAVAC%
.execute_command (%_JAVAC%,%FileName%)

For information about generation commands, see Generation Category on page 112.

.block Macro
This macro wraps a block of output with a header and/or a footer, if the output is not empty.
.block [(head)]


The following parameters are available:




[optional] Generated only if block-input is not empty.

Type: Simple template


Specifies the text to output between the head and tail.

Type: Complex template


[optional] Generated only if block-input is not empty.

Type: Simple template

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL



.block (<b>)
.endblock (</b>)

<b>My comment is in bold!<b>

Note: The <b> tags would not be generated if no
comment were entered for a particular object.

.bool Macro
This macro returns true or false depending on the value of the condition specified.
.bool (condition)

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the condition to be evaluated.

Type: Condition



.bool(%.3:Code%= =ejb)


.break Macro
This macro can be used to break out of .foreach loops.
.set_value(_hasMain, false, new)
.if (%Code% == main)
.set_value(_hasMain, true)

.change_dir and .create_path Macros

These macros change the current directory or create the specified path as part of a generation
.change_dir (path)
.create_path (path)

The following parameters are available:


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




Specifies the directory to go to or to create.

Type: Simple template (escape sequences ignored)




Changes the path to write to to C:\temp.


Creates the new directory C:\temp\mydir.

For information about generation commands, see Generation Category on page 112.

.comment and .// Macro

These macros are used to insert comments in a template. Lines starting with .//
or .comment are ignored during generation.
.// This is a comment
.comment This is also a comment

.convert_name and .convert_code Macros

These macros convert the object name to its code (or vice versa).
Use the following syntax to convert a name to a code:
.convert_name (expression[,"separator"[,"delimiters"],case])

Use the following syntax to convert a code to a name:

.convert_code (expression[,"separator"[,"delimiters"]])

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text to be converted. For .convert_name, this is generally the %Name
% variable and may include a suffix or prefix.
Type: Simple template


[optional] Character generated each time a separator declared in delimiters is found

in the code. For example, "_" (underscore).
Type: Text

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




[optional] Specifies the different delimiters likely to exist in the input code or name,
and which will be replaced by separator. You can declare several separators, for
example "_ " and "-"
Type: Text


[optional for .convert_name only] Specifies the case into which to convert
the code. You can choose between:

firstLowerWord - First word in lowercase, first letters of subsequent

words in uppercase

FirstUpperChar - First character of all words in uppercase

lower_case - All words in lowercase and separated by an underscore
UPPER_CASE - All words in uppercase and separated by an underscore

.delete and .replace Macros

These macros delete or replace all instances of the given string in the text input.
.delete (string)

.replace (string,new-string)


The following parameters are available:




Specifies the string to be deleted.

Type: Text


[.replace only] Specifies the string with which to replace string.

Type: Text


Specifies the text to be parsed for instances of the string to delete or replace.
Type: Complex template






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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL





.replace(" ", _)
Customer Name


.error and .warning Macros

These macros are used to output errors and warnings during translation. Errors stop
generation, while warnings are purely informational and can be triggered when an
inconsistency is detected while applying the template on a particular object. The messages are
displayed in both the object Preview tab and the Output window.
.error message
.warning message

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text of the message.

Type: Simple template

.error no initial value supplied for attribute %Code% of class

.execute_command Macro
This macro is launches executables as part of a generation command. If there is a failure for
any reason (executable not found or output sent to stderr), then command execution is
.execute_command (cmd [,args [,mode]])

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the path to the executable

Type: Simple template (escape sequences ignored)

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




[optional] Specifies arguments for the executable.

Type: Simple template (escape sequences ignored)


[optional] Specifies the execution mode.You can choose from:

cmd_ShellExecute - runs as an independent process

cmd_PipeOutput - blocks until completion, and shows the executable
output in the output window

.execute_command(notepad, file1.txt, cmd_ShellExecute)

For information about generation commands, see Generation Category on page 112.

.execute_vbscript Macro
This macro is used to execute a VB script specified in a separate file as part of a generation
.execute_vbscript (vbs-file [,script-parameter])

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the path to the VB script.

Type: Simple template (escape sequences ignored)


[optional] Passed to the script through the ScriptInputParameters

global property.
Type: Simple template

.execute_vbscript(C:\samples\vbs\login.vbs, %username%)
The result of the script is available in the ScriptResult global property (see Manipulating
Models, Collections, and Objects (Scripting) on page 312). The active object of the current translation
scope can be accessed through the ActiveSelection collection as ActiveSelection.Item(0).

For information about generation commands, see Generation Category on page 112.


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

.foreach_item Macro
This macro iterates over a collection of sub-objects or related objects.
.foreach_item (collection [,head [,tail [,filter [,order]]]])

.next [(separator)]

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the collection over which to iterate.

Type: Simple template
[optional] Specifies text to be generated before the output, unless the collection is


Type: Text
[optional] Specifies text to be generated after the output, unless the collection is empty.


Type: Text
[optional] Specifies a filter to apply to the collection before iteration.


Type: Simple condition

[optional] Specifies the order in which the collection will be iterated in the format:
%Item1.property% <= %Item2.property%


When the comparison evaluates to true, %Item1% will be placed after %Item2%.
By default, the collection is ordered alphabetically by name.
Type: Simple condition

Specifies the text to output for each item in the collection.

Type: Complex template


[optional] Specifies text to be generated between each instance of output.

Type: Text

Note: If parameter values contain commas, braces, or leading or trailing blanks, they must be
delimited with double-quotes. To escape double-quotes inside a parameter value, use \".

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Simple list:
*%Code% (%DataType%)[ = %InitialValue%];
*available (boolean) = true;
*actualCost (int);
*baseCost (int);
*color (String);
*height (int) = 10;
*width (int) = 5;
*name (int);
With head and tail:
.foreach_item(Attributes,Attributes:\n,\n\nEnd of Attribute List)
*%Code% (%DataType%)[ = %InitialValue%];
*available (boolean) = true;
*actualCost (int);
*baseCost (int);
*color (String);
*height (int) = 10;
*width (int) = 5;
*name (int);
End of Attribute List
With filter:
*%Code% (%DataType%)[ = %InitialValue%];
*available (boolean) = true;
*actualCost (int);


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

With reverse alphabetical ordering:
.foreach_item(Attributes,,,, %Item1.Code% <= %Item2.Code% )
*%Code% (%DataType%)[ = %InitialValue%];
*width (int) = 5;
*name (int);
*height (int) = 10;
*color (String);
*baseCost (int);
*available (boolean) = true;
*actualCost (int);

.foreach_line Macro
This macro iterates over the lines of the multiline block of text using the special
%CurrentLine% local variable.
.foreach_line (input [,head [,tail]])

.next [(separator)]

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text over which to iterate.

Type: Simple template


[optional] Specifies text to be generated before the output, unless there is no

Type: Text


[optional] Specifies text to be generated after the output, unless there is no output.
Type: Text


Specifies the text to output for each line in the input.

Type: Complex template


[optional] Specifies text to be generated between each line of output.

Type: Text

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

* %CurrentLine%
* This is my comment.
* It is a Java style documentation comment.
* It spans several lines.

.foreach_part Macro
This macro iterates over the parts of a string divided by a delimiter using the special
%CurrentPart% local variable.
.foreach_part (input [,"delimiter" [,head [,tail]]])


The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text over which to iterate.

Type: Simple template


Specifies the sub-string that divides the input into parts. You can specify multiple
characters including ranges. For example [A-Z] specifies that any capital letter
acts as a delimiter.
By default, the delimiter is set to ' -_,\t' (space, dash, underscore, comma,
or tab).
Note: The delimiter must be surrounded by single quotes if it contains a space.
Type: Text


[optional] Specifies text to be generated before the output, unless there is no

Type: Text


[optional] Specifies text to be generated after the output, unless there is no output.
Type: Text


Specifies the text to output for each part in the input.

Type: Complex template


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




[optional] Specifies text to be generated between each part of output.

Type: Text

For example:
This template is applied to My class:
.foreach_part (%Name%)
This template is applied to My class:
.foreach_part (%Name%,' -_',tbl_)
This template is applied to MyClass:
.foreach_part (%Name%,[A-Z])

.if Macro
This macro is used for conditional generation.
.if[not] condition

[(.elsif[not] condition
.endif [(tail)]

The following parameters are available:

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




Specifies the condition to evaluate, in the form:

variable [operator comparison]
Where comparison may be :

Text, or a simple template

true or false
null or notnull

If no operator and condition are specified, the condition evaluates to true unless
the value of the variable is false, null, or the empty string.
If variable and comparison are not integers, the operators perform a string
comparison that takes into account embedded numbers. For example:
Class_10 > Class_2
You can chain conditions together using the and or or logical operators.
Type: Simple template

Specifies the output if the condition is true.

Type: Complex template


[optional] Specifies text to be generated after the output, unless the output is
Type: Text

Simple .if block:
.if %Abstract%
This class is abstract.
Result (if the Abstract property is selected):
This class is abstract.
With two conditions and an .else clause:
.if (%Abstract%==false) && (%Visibility%=="+")
This class is public and concrete.
This is not a public, concrete class.
Result (if the Abstract property is not selected and the Visibility property is set to Public):
This class is public and concrete.


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

With an .elseif clause:
.if (%Abstract%==false) && (%Visibility%=="+")
This class is public and concrete.
.elsif (%Visibility%=="+")
This class is public.
This is not a public, concrete class.

.log Macro
This macro logs a message to the Output window Generation tab as part of a generation
.log message

.log undefined environment variable: JAVAC

For information about generation commands, see Generation Category on page 112.

.lowercase and .uppercase Macros

These macros convert text blocks to the specified case.



The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text to convert.

Type: Complex template

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




Applied to
This is my comment.
this is my comment.

.object and .collection Macros

These macro return a single object OID or a collection of objects as a concatenation of semicolon terminated OIDs, and are generally used to create templates returning objects for use by
other templates.
.collection (scope [,filter])
.object (scope [,filter])

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the collection over which to iterate.

Type: simple-template returning a collection scope


[optional] Specifies a filter condition to filter the collection.

Type: simple-template

.object(Attributes, (%.1:Code%>= a) and (%.1:Code% <= e))
.collection(Attributes, (%.1:Code%>= a) and (%.1:Code% <= e))

.set_interactive_mode Macro
This macro is used to define if the GTL execution must interact with the user or not.

The following parameters are available:


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




Specifies the level of interaction required. You can choose between:

im_Batch - Suppresses dialog boxes and always uses default values. For
example, if your model contains external shortcuts and the target model for
the shortcuts is closed, this mode will automatically open the model without
user interaction.

im_Dialog - Displays information and confirmation dialog boxes that

require user interaction for the execution to keep running.

im_Abort - Suppresses dialog boxes and aborts execution if a dialog is


.set_object, .set_value, and .unset Macros

These macros are used to define a local variable of object (local object) or value type or to
unset them.
Use the following syntax to create a local object:
.set_object ( [scope.] name [,object-ref [,mode]])

Use the following syntax to create a local variable:

.set_value ( [scope.] name, value [,mode])

Use the following syntax to remove a local object or variable:

.unset ( [scope.] name)

The following parameters are available:




[optional] Specifies the qualifying scope. If no scope is set, then the scope is the
object with the current scope. Use the this keyword to explicitly give a scope
of the current object, or Parent to give a scope of the parent object.
Type: Simple-template returning an object or a collection scope


Specifies the name of the object or variable, which you can reference elsewhere
in the template in the form of %name%.
Type: Simple-template


[.set_object only - optional] Specifies an object reference. If no reference is

specified or an empty string is given, the variable is a reference to the active object
in the current translation scope.
Type: [scope.]object-scope]

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




[.set_value only] Specifies the value to give to the variable.

Type: Simple template (escape sequences ignored)


[optional] Specifies the mode of creation. You can choose between:

new - Forces the (re)-definition of the variable in the current scope. Recommended when a variable with the same name may already be defined in a
previous scope.
update [default] If a variable with the same name already exists, update the
existing variable. Otherwise define a new one.
newifundef - Define the variable in the current scope if it has not been defined
in an outer scope. Otherwise do nothing.

.set_object(Attribute1, Attributes.First)
.set_value(FirstAttributeCode, %Attributes.First.Code%)
%FirstAttributeCode% (OID: %Attribute1%)
a1 (OID: 63442F85-48DF-42C8-92C1-0591F5D34525)
.set_value(this.key, %Code%-%ObjectID%)
.set_value(i, 1, new)
The first call to %i?% outputs true as the variable i is defined, and the second outputs false,
because it has been unset.

Note: You can use the dereferencing operator, * (see GTL Operators on page 252), to convert
the value of a variable set with the .set_value macro to a template name. For example, the
following code is equivalent to %Code%.:
.set_value(i, Code)


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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

.unique Macro
This macro outputs a block in which each line of the text generated is unique, and is often used
for calculating imports, includes, typedefs, or forward declarations in languages such as Java,
C++ or C#.


The following parameters are available:




Specifies the text block to be processed.

Type: Complex template
[optional] Specifies text to be generated after the output, unless the collection is


Type: Text

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.String;

.vbscript Macro
This macro is used to embed VBScript code inside a template as part of a generation
command. The result of the script is available as the ScriptResult array
.vbscript [(script-param-list)]

.endvbscript [(tail)]

The following parameters are available:




Specifies the parameters to pass to the script through the ScriptInputArray table.
Type: List of simple-template arguments separated by commas


Specifies theVBscript to run.

Type: Text

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CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL




Appended to the output, if there is one

Type: Text

This simple script accepts the two words hello and world as input parameters, and returns them
as a single string with a space in between them:
.vbscript(hello, world)
ScriptResult = ScriptInputArray(0) + " " + ScriptInputArray(1)
hello world


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

This script accepts an attribute code, reviews it against all the attribute codes in the current model, and
appends a 1 to it if it matches any other code:
Dim attrCode
attrCode = ScriptInputArray(0)
While (attrFound(attrCode))
attrCode = attrCode + "1"
Function attrFound(attrCode)
Dim found, attr
found = False
For Each attr in ActiveSelection.Item(0).Attributes
If attr.Code = attrCode Then
found = True
Exit For
End If

For Each attr in ActiveSelection.Item(0).InheritedAttri-

If attr.Code = attrCode Then

found = True
Exit For
End If
attrFound = found
End Function

ScriptResult = attrCode
Note: The active object of the current translation scope is accessed as ActiveSelection.Item(0) (see Manipulating Models, Collections, and Objects (Scripting) on page 312).

For information about generation commands, see Generation Category on page 112.

GTL Syntax and Translation Errors

Error messages stop the generation of the file in which errors have been found, these errors are
displayed in the Preview tab of the corresponding object property sheet.
Error messages have the following format:
target::catg-path full-template-name(line-number)
active-object-metaclass active-object-code):
error-type error-message

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

You may encounter the following syntax errors:
Syntax error message

Description and correction

condition parsing error

Syntax error in a boolean expression

expecting .endif

Add an .endif or .if (see .if Macro on page 275).

.else with no matching .if

.endif with no matching .if
expecting .next
.next with no matching .foreach

Add an appropriate .next or .foreach to the

collection block (for example, see .foreach_item Macro
on page 271).

expecting .end%s

Add an appropriate .end to the macro block (for example, see .unique Macro on page 281).

.end%s with no matching .%s

Add an appropriate .macro to the .endmacro (for

example, see .vbscript Macro on page 281).

missing or mismatched parentheses

Correct any mismatched parentheses.

unexpected parameters: extra-params

Remove any unnecessary parameters

unknown macro

Replace with a valid macro (see GTL Macro Reference

on page 264).

.execute_command incorrect syntax

The correct syntax is displayed in the Preview tab, or in

the Output window (see .execute_command Macro on
page 269).

Change_dir incorrect syntax

See .change_dir and .create_path Macros on page 266.

convert_name incorrect syntax

See .convert_name and .convert_code Macros on page


convert_code incorrect syntax

set_object incorrect syntax
set_value incorrect syntax
execute_vbscript incorrect syntax

See .set_object, .set_value, and .unset Macros on page

See .execute_vbscript Macro on page 270.

Translation errors are evaluation errors on a variable when evaluating a template:


Translation error message

Description and correction

unresolved collection: collection

Unknown collection (see Accessing Collections of SubObjects or Related Objects on page 247).

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL

Translation error message

Description and correction

unresolved member: member

Unknown member, null object member, or expecting a

string instead of an object (see Extracting Object Properties on page 246).

null object
expecting object variable: object
no outer scope

Invalid use of the Outer keyword (see Translation

Scope on page 255).

VBScript execution error

VB script error (see .vbscript Macro on page 281).

Deadlock detected

Deadlock due to an infinite loop.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 5: Customizing Generation with GTL


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Translating Reports with Report

Language Files

When you create a report, you select a report language, which contains all the framing text
used in the generation of the report for the selected language, such as report section titles, types
of model objects, and their properties. PowerDesigner ships with support for English
(default), French, and simplified and traditional Chinese. You can edit these files, or use them
as the basis for creating your own files for translations into other languages.
Report language files have an .xrl extension and are stored in install_dir/Resource
Files/Report Languages. To view the list of report languages, select Tools >
Resources > Report Languages. For information about the tools available in resource file
lists, see Chapter 1, PowerDesigner Resource Files on page 1.
In the following example, Entity Card, Entity Description, and Entity Annotation are shown in
English and French as they will appear in the Report items pane:

The report language files use GTL templates (see Chapter 5, Customizing Generation with
GTL on page 245) to factorize the work of translation. Report Item Templates interact with
your translations of the names of model objects and Linguistic Variables (that handle syntactic
peculiarities such as plural forms and definite articles) to automatically generate all the textual

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

elements in a report and dramatically reduce (by around 60%) the number of strings that must
be translated in order to render reports in a new language.
For example the French report title Liste des donnes de l'entit MyEntity
is automatically generated as follows:

the List - object collections report item template (see Profile/Report Item Templates
Category on page 303) is translated as:
Liste des %@Value% %ParentMetaClass.OFTHECLSSNAME% %%PARENT%%

in which the following variables are resolved:

%@Value% - resolves to the object type of the metaclass (see Object Attributes
Category on page 298), donnes.
%ParentMetaClass.OFTHECLSSNAME% %%PARENT%% - resolves to the
object type of the parent metaclass, as generated by the OFTHECLSSNAME linguistic
variable (see Profile/Linguistic Variables Category on page 300), l'entit.
%%PARENT%% - resolves to the name of the specific object (see Object Attributes
Category on page 298), MyEntity.

Opening a Report Language File

You can review and edit report language files in the Resource Editor.
1. Select Tools > Resources > Report Languages to open the List of Report Languages,
which lists all the available .xrl files:

2. Select a report language and click the Properties tool to open it in the Resource Editor.
Note: You can open the .xrl file attached to a report open in the Report Editor by selecting
Report > Report Properties, and clicking the Edit Current Language tool beside the


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Language list. You can change the report language by selecting another language in the
For more information about the tools available in the List of Report Languages, see
Chapter 1, PowerDesigner Resource Files on page 1.

Creating a Report Language File for a New Language

You can translate reports and other text items used to generate PowerDesigner reports into a
new language.
1. Select Tools > Resources > Report Languages to open the List of Report Languages,
which shows all the available report language resource files.
2. Click the New tool, and enter the name that you want to appear in the List of Report
3. [optional] Select a report language in the Copy from list.
4. Click OK to open the new file in the Report Language Editor.
5. Open the Values Mapping category, and translate each of the keyword values (see Values
Mapping Category on page 291).
6. Open the Profile > Linguistic Variables category to create the grammar rules necessary
for the correct evaluation of the report item templates (see Profile/Linguistic Variables
Category on page 300).
7. Open the Profile > Report Items Templates category, and translate the various templates
(see Profile/Report Item Templates Category on page 303). As you translate, you may
discover additional linguistic variables that you should create.
8. Click the All Classes tab to view a sortable list of all the metaclasses available in the
PowerDesigner metamodel (see All Classes Tab on page 299). Translate each of the
metaclass names.
9. Click the All Attributes and Collections tab to view a sortable list of all the attributes and
collections available in the PowerDesigner metamodel (see All Attributes and Collections
Tab on page 300). Translate each of the attribute and collection names.
10. Click the All Report Titles tab, and review the automatically generated report titles (see
All Report Titles Tab on page 297). This tab may take several seconds to display.
11. Click the Save tool, and click OK to close the Report Language Editor. The report
language file is now ready to be attached to a report.

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CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Report Language File Properties

All report language files can be opened in the Resource Editor, and have the same basic
category structure.

The root node of each file contains the following properties:





Specifies the name of the report language.


Specifies the code of the report language.

File Name

[read-only] Specifies the path to the .xrl file.


Specifies additional information about the report language.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Values Mapping Category

The Values Mapping category contains a list of keywords values (such as Undefined, Yes,
False, or None) for object properties displayed in cards, checks, and lists. You must enter a
translation in the Value column for each keyword in the Name column:

This category contains the following sub-categories:




Contains a Standard mapping table for keywords of object properties in cards

and checks, which is available to all models. You have to provide translations
for keywords values in the Value column.
Example: Embedded Files.


Contains a Standard mapping table for keywords of object properties in lists,

which is available to all models. You have to provide translations for keywords
values in the Value column.
Example: True.

You can create new mapping tables containing keywords values specific to particular types of
model objects.

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CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Example: Creating a Mapping Table, and Attaching It to a Specific Model Object

You can override the values in the Standard mapping tables for a specific model object by
creating a new mapping table, and attaching it to the object.
In the following example, the DisplayMap mapping table is used to override the Standard
mapping table for PDM columns to provide custom values for the Displayed property, which
controls the display of the selected column in the table symbol. This situation can be
summarized as follows:





Not Displayed

1. Open the Values Mapping > Lists category.

2. Right-click the Lists category, select New > Map Item to create a new list, and open its
property sheet.
3. Enter DisplayMap in the Name field, enter the following values in the Value list, and click


Name: TRUE, Value: Displayed.

Name:FALSE, Value: Not Displayed.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

4. Right-click the Lists category, select New > Category, name the category Physical Data
Model, and click Apply.
5. To complete the recreation of the PDM Object Attributes tree, right-click the new Physical
Data Model category, select New > Map Item, name the category Column, and click
6. Click the Name column to create a value and enter Displayed, which is the name of the
PDM column attribute (property).
7. Click the Value column and enter DisplayMap to specify the mapping table to use for that

8. Click Apply to save your changes. When you generate a report, the Displayed property
will be shown using the specified values:

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Report Titles Category

The Report Titles category contains translations for all the possible report titles that appear in
the Available Items pane in the Report Editor, those that are generated with the Report Wizard,
and other miscellaneous text items.

This category contains the following sub-categories:



Common Objects

Contains the text items available to all models. You must provide translations of
these items here.
Example: HTMLNext provides the text for the Next button in an HTML report.

Report Wizard

Contains the report titles generated with the Report Wizard. You must provide
translations of these items here.
Example: Short description title provides the text for a short description section
when you generate a report with the Report Wizard.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files




Contain the report titles and other text items available to each model. These are
automatically generated, but you can override the default values.
Example: DataTransformationTasks list provides the text for the data transformation tasks list of a given transformation process in the Data Movement Model.

By default (with the exception of the Common Objects and Report Wizard sub-categories)
these translations are automatically generated from the templates in the Profile category (see
Profile/Report Item Templates Category on page 303). You can override the automatically
generated values by entering your own text in the Localized name field, which will depress
the User-Defined button to indicate that the value is no longer generated.
Note: The All Report Titles tab (see All Report Titles Tab on page 297) displays the same
translations shown in this category in a simple, sortable list form. You may find it more
convenient to check and, where appropriate, to override generated translations on this tab.
Example: Translating the HTML Report Previous Button
The HTML report Previous button is a common object available to all models, and located in
the Common Objects category. You must translate this text item manually along with the other
items in this, and the Report Wizard categories.
1. Open the Report Titles > Common Objects category.
2. Click the HtmlPrevious entry to display its properties, and enter a translation in the
Value box. The User-Defined button is depressed to indicate that the value is no longer

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CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

3. Click Apply to save your changes.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

All Report Titles Tab

The Report Titles tab lists all the report titles and other miscellaneous text items available in
the Report Titles category on the General tab, but the flat structure makes it more convenient to
work with.

For each report listed in the Name column, you can review or override a translation in the
Localized Name column. You can sort the list to group similarly-named objects, and translate
identical items together by selecting multiple lines.

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CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Object Attributes Category

The Object Attributes category contains all the metaclasses, collections and attributes
available in the PowerDesigner metamodel, organized in tree form:

This category contains the following sub-categories:




Contain text items for metaclasses, collections and attributes available to

each model, for which you must provide translations.
Example: Action provides the text for an attribute of a process in the
Business Process Model.

Common Objects

Contains text items for metaclasses, collections and attributes available to

all models, for which you must provide translations.
Example: Diagram provides the text for a diagram in any model.

For each item the name is given, and you must provide a translation in the Localized name
field. This value is retrieved by the templates you have specified in the Profile category to
generate default report titles (see Report Titles Category on page 294).


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

For metaclasses only, the linguistic variables you have specified (see Profile/Linguistic
Variables Category on page 300) are listed along with the results of their application to the
translations given in the Localized name field. If necessary, you can override the
automatically generated values by entering your own text in the Value column, which will
depress the User-Defined button to indicate that the value is no longer generated.
All Classes Tab
The All Classes tab lists all the metaclasses available in the Object Attributes category on the
General tab but the flat structure makes it more convenient to work with.

For each metaclass listed in the Name column, you must enter a translation in the Localized
Name column. You can sort the list to group similarly-named objects, and translate identical
items together by selecting multiple lines.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

All Attributes and Collections Tab

The All Attributes and Collections lists all the collections and attributes available in the Object
Attributes category on the General tab, but the flat structure makes it more convenient to work

For each attribute or collection listed in the Name column, you must enter a translation in the
Localized Name column. You can sort the list to group similarly-named objects, and translate
identical items together by selecting multiple lines.

Profile/Linguistic Variables Category

The Linguistic Variables category contains templates, which specify grammar rules to help
build the report item templates.
Examples of grammar rules include the plural form of a noun, and the correct definite article
that must precede a noun (see Profile/Report Item Templates Category on page 303).


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Specifying appropriate grammar rules for your language, and inserting them into your report
item templates will dramatically improve the quality of the automatic generation of your
report titles. You can create as many variables as your language requires.
Each linguistic variable and the result of its evaluation is displayed for each metaclass in the
Object Attributes category (see Object Attributes Category on page 298).
The following are examples of grammar rules specified as linguistic variables to populate
report item templates in the French report language resource file:

GENDER Identifies as feminine a metaclass name %Value%, if it finishes with "e" and
as masculine in all other cases:

.if (%.-1:@Value% == e)

For example: la table, la colonne, le trigger.

CLSSNAMES Creates a plural by adding "x" to the end of the metaclass name %Value
%, if it finishes with "eau" or "au" and adds "s" in all other cases:

.if (%.-3:@Value% == eau) or (%.-2:@Value% == au)


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CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files


For example: les tableaux, les tables, les entits.

THECLSSNAME Inserts the definite article before the metaclass name %Value% by
inserting " l' ", if it begins with a vowel, "le" if it is masculine, and "la" if not:

.if (%.1U:@Value% == A) or (%.1U:@Value% == E) or (%.1U:@Value% == I)

or (%.1U:@Value% == O) or (%.1U:@Value% == U)
.elsif (%GENDER% == M)
le %@Value%
la %@Value%

For example: l'association, le package, la table.

OFTHECLSSNAME Inserts the preposition "de" plus the definite article before the
metaclass name %Value%,if it begins with a vowel or if it is feminine, otherwise "du".

.if (%.1U:@Value% == A) or (%.1U:@Value% == E) or (%.1U:@Value% == I)

or (%.1U:@Value% == O) or (%.1U:@Value% == U) or (%GENDER% == F)
du %@Value%

For example: de la table, du package.

OFCLSSNAME Inserts the preposition " d' " before the metaclass name %Value%,, if it
begins with a vowel, otherwise "de".

.if (%.1U:@Value% == A) or (%.1U:@Value% == E) or (%.1U:@Value% == I)

or (%.1U:@Value% == O) or (%.1U:@Value% == U)
de %@Value%

For example: d'association, de table.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

Profile/Report Item Templates Category

The Report Item Templates category contains a set of templates that, in conjunction with the
translations that you will provide for metaclass, attribute and collection names, are evaluated
to automatically generate all the possible report titles for report items (book, list, card etc.)

You must provide translations for each template by entering your own text. Variables (such as
%text%) must not be translated.
For example the template syntax for the list of sub-objects contained within a collection
belonging to an object is the following:
List of %@Value% of the %ParentMetaClass.@Value% %%PARENT%%

When this template is evaluated, the variable %@Value% is resolved to the value of the
localized name for the object, %ParentMetaClass.@Value% is resolved to the value of
the localized name for the parent of the object, and %%PARENT%% is resolved to the name for
the parent of the object.
In this example, you translate this template as follows:

Translate the non-variable items in the template. For example:

Create a linguistic variable named OFTHECLSSNAME to specify the grammar rule used in
the template (see Profile/Linguistic Variables Category on page 300).

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CHAPTER 6: Translating Reports with Report Language Files

This template will be reused to create report titles for all the lists of sub-objects contained
within a collection belonging to an object.
Note: You cannot create or delete templates.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


Scripting PowerDesigner

When working with large or multiple models, it can be tedious to perform repetitive tasks,
such as modifying objects using global rules, importing or generating new formats, or
checking models. Such operations can be automated through scripts.
You can access and modify any PowerDesigner object using Java, VBScript, C#, or many
other languages. In this chapter, we focus primarily on writing VBScript to execute in
PowerDesigner's Edit/Run Script dialog, but you can also call add-ins from PowerDesigner
menus (see Launching Scripts and Add-Ins from Menus on page 338) or script the
PowerDesigner application via OLE automation (see OLE Automation and Add-Ins on page
The following script illustrates the basic syntax of VBScript applied to manipulating
PowerDesigner models and objects, including:

Declaration of local variable

Assignment of value to a local variable (with the specific case of object)
Condition operator: If Then / Else / End If
Iteration on a list: For Each / Next
Definition and call of a procedure: Sub
Definition and call of a function: Function
Error handling using On Error statements

' This is a VBScript comment.

Dim var ' Declaration of a local variable
var = 1 ' Value assignment for simple type
Set var = ActiveModel ' Value assignment for an object. ActiveModel
is a PowerDesigner global property
If not var is Nothing Then ' Condition on an object, testing if it is
Dim objt ' Declaration of another local variable
For Each objt In ActiveModel.Children ' Loop on the Children
object collection
DescribeObject objt ' Procedure call with objt as a parameter
(without parentheses). The procedure is defined below.
output "There is no active model" ' Output is a PowerDesigner
procedure that writes text to the Output window
End If
' This is a procedure - a method that does not return a value
Sub DescribeObject(objt)
Dim desc ' A variable declaration inside the procedure
desc = ComputeObjectLabel(objt) ' A function call with objt as
parameter (with parentheses). The function is defined below.

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

' We retrieve the value returned by the
function in the variable desc
output desc ' Displays the object description in the output
End Sub
' This is a function - a method that returns a value
Function ComputeObjectLabel(objt)
Dim label ' Declare a local variable to store the object label
label = "" ' Initialize the label variable with a default value
If objt is nothing then
label = "There is no object"
ElseIf objt.IsShortcut() then ' IsShortcut is a PowerDesigner
function available on objects
label = objt.Name & " (shortcut)" ' Concatenation of two strings
On Error Goto 0 ' Disables script execution abort on error
label = objt.Name ' Assigns the object's Name property to the
local variable
On Error Resume Next ' Reactivates script execution error
End If
ComputeObjectLabel = label ' The value is returned by assigning an
implicit variable with same name than the function
End Function

Note: VBScript can also be used to create custom checks, event handlers, transformations,
and methods in an extension file (see Chapter 2, Extension Files on page 11) and embedded in
or called from GTL templates (see .execute_vbscript Macro on page 270 and .vbscript Macro
on page 281).
The examples in this chapter are intended to introduce the basic concepts and techniques for
controlling PowerDesigner by script. For complete documentation of the PowerDesigner
metamodel, select Help > Metamodel Objects Help. For full documentation of VBScript,
see the Microsoft MSDN site.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Running Scripts in PowerDesigner

You can run VBScript scripts in your PowerDesigner client by selecting Tools > Execute
Commands to open the Edit/Run Script dialog. Output from the script is printed to the
Output window.

The following tools are available on the Edit/Run Script dialog toolbar:

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner


Editor Menu [Shift+F11] - Contains the following commands:

New [Ctrl+N] - Reinitializes the field by removing all the existing content.
Open... [Ctrl+O] - Replaces the content of the field with the content of the selected file.
Insert... [Ctrl+I] - Inserts the content of the selected file at the cursor.
Save [Ctrl+S] - Saves the content of the field to the specified file.
Save As... - Saves the content of the field to a new file.
Select All [Ctrl+A] - Selects all the content of the field.
Find... [Ctrl+F] - Opens a dialog to search for text in the field.
Find Next... [F3] - Finds the next occurence of the searched for text.
Find Previous... [Shift+F3] - Finds the previous occurence of the searched for
Replace... [Ctrl+H] - Opens a dialog to replace text in the field.
Go To Line... [Ctrl+G] - Opens a dialog to go to the specified line.
Toggle Bookmark [Ctrl+F2] Inserts or removes a bookmark (a blue box) at the
cursor position. Note that bookmarks are not printable and are lost if you refresh
the tab
Next Bookmark [F2] - Jumps to the next bookmark.
Previous Bookmark [Shift+F2] - Jumps to the previous bookmark.

Edit With [Ctrl+E] - Opens the previewed code in an external editor. Click the down
arrow to select a particular editor or Choose Program to specify a new editor. Editors
specified here are added to the list of editors available at Tools > General Options >
Save [Ctrl+S] - Saves the content of the field to the specified file.
Print [Ctrl+P] - Prints the content of the field.
Find [Ctrl+F] - Opens a dialog to search for text.
Cut [Ctrl+X], Copy [Ctrl+C], and Paste [Ctrl+V] - Perform the standard clipboard
Clear - Deletes the script in the dialog.
Undo [Ctrl+Z] and Redo [Ctrl+Y] - Move backward or forward through edits.
Multiple levels of Undo and Redo are supported but , if you run a script that modifies
objects in several models, you must use the Undo or Redo commands in each of the
models called by the script.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner


Run [F5] - Runs the script. Output is printed to the Output window.
If a compilation error occurs, a message box is displayed, a brief error description
appears in the dialog's Result pane, and the cursor is set at the error position.
You can catch errors using the On Error Resume Next statement, unless the
script is called in the im_Abort interactive mode (see .set_interactive_mode Macro
on page 278).
Find in Metamodel Objects Help [Ctrl+F1] - Opens the PowerDesigner metamodel
objects help file, which provides detailed information about all the attributes, collections, and methods available for each metaclass.

VBScript File Samples

PowerDesigner ships with a set of script samples, that you can use as a basis to create your own
scripts, and which are located in the VB Scripts folder of the PowerDesigner installation
directory. These scripts are intended to show you the range of tasks you can perform on
PowerDesigner models using VBScript.
Warning! You should always make a backup copy of the sample script before making changes
to it.
Model Scan Sample
The following script browses any model, looping through any packages and listing the objects
contained in them:
Option Explicit ' Forces each variable to be declared
'before assignment
InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Supresses the display of dialogs
' get the current active model
Dim diag
Set diag = ActiveDiagram ' the current diagram
If (diag Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "There is no Active Diagram"
Dim fldr
Set Fldr = diag.Parent
End If
' Sub procedure to scan current package and print information on
' objects from current package and call again the same sub
' on all child packages
Private Sub ListObjects(fldr)
output "Scanning " & fldr.code
Dim obj ' running object
For Each obj In fldr.children
' Calling sub procedure to print out information on the object
DescribeObject obj

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

' go into the sub-packages
Dim f ' running folder
For Each f In fldr.Packages
'calling sub procedure to scan children package
ListObjects f
End Sub
' Sub procedure to print information on current object in output
Private Sub DescribeObject(CurrentObject)
if CurrentObject.ClassName ="Association-Class link" then exit sub
'output "Found "+CurrentObject.ClassName
output "Found "+CurrentObject.ClassName+" """+CurrentObject.Name
+""", Created by "+CurrentObject.Creator+" On
End Sub

Model Creation Sample

The following script creates a new OOM model, then creates a class with attributes and
ValidationMode = True 'Forces PowerDesigner to validate
' actions and return errors in the event of a forbidden action
InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Supresses PowerDesigner dialogs
' Main function
' Create an OOM model with a class diagram
Dim Model
Set model = CreateModel(PdOOM.cls_Model, "|Diagram=ClassDiagram")
model.Name = "Customer Management"
model.Code = "CustomerManagement"
' Get the class diagram
Dim diagram
Set diagram = model.ClassDiagrams.Item(0)
' Create classes
CreateClasses model, diagram
' Create classes function
Function CreateClasses(model, diagram)
' Create a class
Dim cls
Set cls = model.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Class)
cls.Name = "Customer"
cls.Code = "Customer"
cls.Comment = "Customer class"
cls.Stereotype = "Class"
cls.Description = "The customer class defines the attributes and
behaviors of a customer."
' Create attributes
CreateAttributes cls
' Create methods
CreateOperations cls
' Create a symbol for the class
Dim sym
Set sym = diagram.AttachObject(cls)
CreateClasses = True
End Function


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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

' Create attributes function
Function CreateAttributes(cls)
Dim attr
Set attr = cls.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Attribute)
attr.Name = "ID"
attr.Code = "ID"
attr.DataType = "int"
attr.Persistent = True
attr.PersistentCode = "ID"
attr.PersistentDataType = "I"
attr.PrimaryIdentifier = True
Set attr = cls.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Attribute)
attr.Name = "Name"
attr.Code = "Name"
attr.DataType = "String"
attr.Persistent = True
attr.PersistentCode = "NAME"
attr.PersistentDataType = "A30"
Set attr = cls.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Attribute)
attr.Name = "Phone"
attr.Code = "Phone"
attr.DataType = "String"
attr.Persistent = True
attr.PersistentCode = "PHONE"
attr.PersistentDataType = "A20"
Set attr = cls.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Attribute)
attr.Name = "Email"
attr.Code = "Email"
attr.DataType = "String"
attr.Persistent = True
attr.PersistentCode = "EMAIL"
attr.PersistentDataType = "A30"
CreateAttributes = True
End Function
' Create operations function
Function CreateOperations(cls)
Dim oper
Set oper = cls.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Operation)
oper.Name = "GetName"
oper.Code = "GetName"
oper.ReturnType = "String"
Dim body
body = "{" + vbCrLf
body = body + " return Name;" + vbCrLf
body = body + "}"
oper.Body = body
Set oper = cls.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Operation)
oper.Name = "SetName"
oper.Code = "SetName"
oper.ReturnType = "void"
Dim param
Set param = oper.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Parameter)
param.Name = "newName"
param.Code = "newName"
param.DataType = "String"
body = "{" + vbCrLf

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

body = body + " Name = newName;" + vbCrLf
body = body + "}"
oper.Body = body
CreateOperations = True
End Function

Manipulating Models, Collections, and Objects (Scripting)

You can manipulate the contents of a model by creating or opening it and then descending
from the model root through collections of objects. A number of global properties, functions,
and constants are available in any context and provide entry points for your scripts.
The following global properties provide access to the Workspace and models it contains:

ActiveWorkspace - Retrieves the current Workspace.

ActiveModel, ActivePackage, and ActiveDiagram - Retrieves the model,
package, or diagram with current focus.
ActiveSelection - Read-only collection of the objects selected in the active diagram.
Models - Read-only collection of models open in the current Workspace.
RepositoryConnection - Retrieves the current repository connection (see
Manipulating the Repository (Scripting) on page 325).

The following global functions are commonly used to create or open models and perform
actions upon them:


CreateModel() and OpenModel() - Create and open a model (see Creating and
Opening Models (Scripting) on page 313).
Output() - Prints text to the Script tab of PowerDesigner's Output window.
IsKindOf() - Tests the metaclass of the object.
ExecuteCommand() - Launches an external application

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

EvaluateNamedPath() and MapToNamedPath() - Manage named paths in

model files.
BeginTransaction(), CancelTransaction(), and EndTransaction() Start, cancel, and commit transactions.

The following global constants provide information about the instance of PowerDesigner:

UserName - Retrieves the user login name.

Version - Returns the PowerDesigner version.
HomeDirectory - Returns the application home directory.
RegistryHome - Returns the application registry home path.
Viewer - Returns True if the running application is a Viewer version that has limited
ValidationMode - By default, PowerDesigner performs various checks to validate
your actions and gives an error in the case of a forbidden action. You can set
ValidationMode = False (which turns off validation rules such as name
uniqueness or link extremities) to improve performance or if your algorithm temporarily
requires an invalid state.
InteractiveMode - Specifies the level of interaction required. You can choose
im_Batch [default] - Suppresses dialog boxes and always uses default values. For
example, if your model contains external shortcuts and the target model for the
shortcuts is closed, this mode will automatically open the model without user
im_Dialog - Displays information and confirmation dialog boxes that require user
interaction for the execution to keep running.
im_Abort - Suppresses dialog boxes and aborts execution if a dialog is encountered.
ShowMode [OLE-specific] - Checks or changes the visibility status of the main
application window. Returns True if the application main window is visible and not
Locked [OLE-specific] - When set to True, ensures that PowerDesigner continues to
run even after an OLE client disconnects.

For detailed information about all the global properties, constants, and functions, select Help
> MetaModel Objects Help and navigate to Basic Elements.

Creating and Opening Models (Scripting)

You create models and open existing models using the CreateModel() and
OpenModel() global functions. The model with the current focus is accessible via the
ActiveModel global property, and the models currently open in the workspace are
available from the Models global collection.
This script creates a new OOM targeting the Analysis language, creates some classes in it,
displays them in the diagram, and then saves the model and closes it:

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Dim NewModel
set NewModel = CreateModel(PdOOM.Cls_Model, "Language=Analysis|
If NewModel is Nothing then
msgbox "Failed to create UML Model", vbOkOnly, "Error" ' Display an
error message
output "The UML model has been created" ' Display a message in
NewModel.SetNameAndCode "MyOOM", "MyOOM" 'Initialize model name and
For idx = 1 to 12 'Create classes and display them
Set obj=NewModel.Classes.CreateNew()
obj.SetNameAndCode "C" & idx, "C" & idx
Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (obj)
NewModel.Save "c:\temp\MyOOM.oom" ' Save the model
NewModel.Close ' Close the model
Set NewModel = Nothing ' Release last reference to object to free
End If

This script verifies that the previously created model exists, and then opens it in the
Dim MyModel, FileName
FileName = "c:\temp\MyOOM.oom"
On Error Resume Next ' Avoid generic scripting error message
Set MyModel = OpenModel(FileName)
If MyModel is nothing then ' Display an error message box
msgbox "Failed to open Model:" + vbCrLf + FileName, vbOkOnly,
Else ' Display a message in Output
output "The OOM has been opened."
End If

Browsing and Modifying Collections (Scripting)

Most metamodel navigation is performed by descending from the model root through
collections of objects to collections of sub-objects or associated objects. An OOM contains a
collection of classes and classes contain collections of attributes and operations. You can
obtain information about and browse the members of a collection through scripting, as well as
adding, removing, and moving objects in the collection.
To browse the members of a collection, navigate to the parent object and then use a For
each loop. This script prints the names of all the tables in an open PDM:
Dim MyModel
Set MyModel=ActiveModel
For each t in MyModel.Tables
Output "* " & t.Name


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

When you browse a collection, both full objects in the collection and any shortcuts will be
Note: For information about accessing collections defined in extensions, see Creating and
Accessing Extensions (Scripting) on page 329.
The following kinds of collections appear in the metamodel:

Compositions - contain objects that will be deleted if the parent is deleted. For example,
the PdPDM/Tables and PdPDM/Table/Columns collections are compositions.
Aggregations - reference objects that will continue to exist if the parent is deleted. For
example, the PdCommon/NamedObject/AttachedRules collection (inherited by
most objects) is an aggregation.
Unordered collections - contain objects with no significant order. For example, the
PdCDM/Entity/Relationships collection is unordered.
Ordered collections - contain objects where the user chooses the order. For example, the
PdPDM/Table/Columns collection is ordered.
Read-only collections - can only be browsed. For example, the global Models collection
(all open models) is read-only.

The following properties are available for all collections:

Count - Retrieves the number of objects in the collection.

Item[(index)] - Retrieves the specified item in the collection as an object. Item(0) is
the first object (and the default) and Item(-1) is the last object.
MetaCollection - Retrieves the metadefinition of the collection as an object.
Kind - Retrieves the type of objects the collection can contain.
Source - Retrieves the object on which the collection is defined.

The following methods are available for modifying writeable collections:

CreateNew([kind] and CreateNewAt(index[,kind]) - [compositions only]

Creates a new object at the end of the collection or at the specified index (default, -1). The
kind parameter (for example, PdPDM.cls_Table) is only needed if the collection
supports multiple kinds of objects.
Add(object) - Inserts the specified object at the end of the collection.
Insert([index][, object]) - Inserts the specified object in the collection at the
specified index position (default, -1).
Move(index2, index1) - Moves the object at position index1 to position index2 in the
Remove(object[, delete = y|n]) and RemoveAt([index][, delete =
y|n]) - Removes the specified object or the object at the specified index (default, -1)
from the collection. For aggregations, you can additionally specify to delete the object
(objects removed from a composition are always deleted).

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Clear([delete = y|n]) - Removes all objects from the collection and optionally
deletes them.

The following script:

Creates a PDM,
Creates objects in the model's Tables and BusinessRules unordered composition
collections, and
Adds some objects to table T1's AttachedRules ordered aggregation collection and
then manipulates that collection:

Dim MyModel, t, r, sym

set MyModel = CreateModel(PdPDM.Cls_Model,"DBMS=SYASA12")
MyModel.SetNameAndCode "MyPDM" , "MyPDM"
'Create tables and rules
For idx = 1 to 12
Set t=MyModel.Tables.CreateNew()
t.SetNameAndCode "T" & idx, "T" & idx
Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (t)
Set r=MyModel.BusinessRules.CreateNew()
r.SetNameAndCode "BR" & idx, "BR" & idx
'Attach rules to Table 1
Dim MyTable
Set MyTable=MyModel.FindChildByName("T1",cls_table)
For idx = 1 to 10
MyTable.AttachedRules.Add(MyModel.FindChildByName("BR" &
'Print list of rules attached to Table 1
Output "Rules Attached to T1 (" & MyTable.AttachedRules.Count & ")"
For each r in MyTable.AttachedRules
Output "* " & r.Name
'Modify attached rules by insertion, move and removal
MyTable.AttachedRules.Insert 3,
MyTable.AttachedRules.Move 5,0
'Print modified list of rules
Output "Modified Rules Attached to T1 (" &
MyTable.AttachedRules.Count & ")"
For each r in MyTable.AttachedRules
Output "* " & r.Name

Accessing and Modifying Objects and Properties (Scripting)

You can access and modify any PowerDesigner object and its properties by script. Objects
include not only standard design objects (such as tables, classes, processes, and columns), but
also diagrams and symbols and functional objects (such as a report or repository). An object


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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

belongs to a metaclass of the PowerDesigner metamodel and inherits properties, collections
and methods from its metaclass.
Root objects, such as models, are accessed using global properties and functions (see
Manipulating Models, Collections, and Objects (Scripting) on page 312), while standard
objects are accessed by browsing collections (see Browsing and Modifying Collections
(Scripting) on page 314) or individually through the following methods:

The following parameters are available:



Name / Code /

Specifies the name or code of, or the path to the object. For example, to find the
column Address in the table Customer in the package Sales from the
context of the model node, you could search by name Address or by path


Specifies the metaclass of the object to find in the form cls_PublicName.

For example, to find a column, select cls_Column.
These metaclass ids are unique within their model library but, in cases such as
packages, which appear in multiple types of models, you must prefix the id with
the name of the module (PdOOM.cls_Package). When you create a model,
you must use the module prefix (for example PdPDM.cls_Model).


The following parameters are optional:

"Stereotype" - Specifies that the object to find must bear the specified ster-


"LastFound" - Specifies to begin the search after this object. This parameter

is used when several objects have the same path value, and can be used to
launch a find in a while loop that uses the previous match as the last found
CaseSensitive=y|n - [default: y] Specifies that the search is case sensitive.
IncludeShortcuts - [default: n] Specifies that shortcuts can be found.
UseCodeInPlaceOfName - [ByPath, default: n] Specifies that the object can
be found by its code (Default=n).
PathSeparator - [ByPath, default= /, \, or ::)] Specifies the character to separate nodes in the path.

You can get standard attribute values using the dot notation (object.attribute) or using the
following methods:

GetAttribute("attribute") - retrieves the value stored for the attribute

GetAttributeText("attribute") - retrieves the value displayed for the attribute

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

You can set attribute values using the dot notation (object.attribute=value) or using the
following methods:

SetAttribute "attribute", value

SetAttributeText "attribute", "value"

Note: For information about getting and setting extended attribute values see Creating and
Accessing Extensions (Scripting) on page 329
The following script opens a sample OOM, finds a class by name and a parameter by path, and
then prints and modifies some of their properties:
Dim MyModel, C, P
'Open model file
Set MyModel=OpenModel(EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\" & "UML2
'Obtain class and parameter
Set C=MyModel.FindChildByName("OrderManager",cls_Class)
Set P=Mymodel.FindChildByPath("SecurityManager/CheckPassword/
'Print initial values
Output "Initial Values:"
PrintProperties C, P
'Modify values
C.Comment="This class controls orders."
C.SetAttributeText "Visibility", "private"
'Print revised values
Output "Revised Values:"
PrintProperties C, P
'Procedure for printing values
Sub PrintProperties(MyClass, MyParam)
output "Class: " & MyClass.Name
output vbTab & "Comment: " & MyClass.Comment
output vbTab & "Visibility: " &
output vbTab & "Persisted as: " &
output "Parameter: " & MyParam.Parent & "." & MyParam.Name
output vbTab & "Data type: " & MyParam.DataType
output vbTab & "Parameter type: " &
End Sub

Creating Objects (Scripting)

You should generally create objects via the collection under the parent object using the
CreateNew() method. The CreateObject(kind) method is also available on model
This script creates a class in an OOM, sets some of its properties, and then creates an attribute
under the class, in each case creating the objects inside collections:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Dim MyModel
Set MyModel = ActiveModel
Dim MyClass
' Create a class
Set MyClass = MyModel.Classes.CreateNew()
If MyClass is nothing Then
' Display an error message box
msgbox "Fail to create a class", vbOkOnly, "Error"
output "The class has been created."
' Set Name, Code, Comment, Stereotype and Final attributes
MyClass.SetNameAndCode "Customer", "cust"
MyClass.Comment = "Created by script"
MyClass.Stereotype = "MyStereotype"
MyClass.Final = true
' Create an attribute inside the class
Dim MyAttr
Set MyAttr = MyClass.Attributes.CreateNew()
If not MyAttr is nothing Then
output "The attribute has been created."
MyAttr.SetNameAndCode "Name", "custName"
MyAttr.DataType = "String"
' Reset the variable in order to avoid memory leaks
End If
End If

You can also create objects using the CreateObject(kind) method. This script creates a
class inside an OOM and sets some of its properties:
Dim MyModel
Set MyModel = ActiveModel
Dim MyClass
' Create a class
Set MyClass = MyModel.CreateObject(cls_Class)
MyClass.SetNameAndCode "Another Class", "Class2"
MyClass.Comment = "Created by CreateObject"

When creating a link object, you must define its extremities. This script creates two classes
and joins them by an association link:
Dim MyModel
Set MyModel = ActiveModel
Dim MyFirstClass, MySecondClass, MyAssociation
' Create classes
Set MyFirstClass = MyModel.Classes.CreateNew()
MyFirstClass.SetNameAndCode "Class1", "C1"
Set MySecondClass = MyModel.Classes.CreateNew()
MySecondClass.SetNameAndCode "Class2", "C2"
' Create association
Set MyAssociation = MyModel.Associations.CreateNew()
MyAssociation.Name = "A1"
' Define its extremities
Set MyAssociation.Object1 = MyFirstClass
Set MyAssociation.Object2 = MySecondClass

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Displaying, Formatting, and Positioning Symbols (Scripting)

When you create an object, it will not appear in a diagram unless you use the
AttachObject() or AttachLinkObject() method. Symbols are objects in their own
right that can be accessed via collections on the parent object or diagram. You can position a
symbol using the Position() method and change its format using the LineWidth and
other formatting attributes.
The following script creates two classes, joins them by an association link, and displays all
three symbols in the active diagram:
Dim MyModel, MyDiagram, C1, C2, A1
Set MyModel = ActiveModel
Set MyDiagram = ActiveDiagram
' Create classes
Set C1 = MyModel.Classes.CreateNew()
C1.SetNameAndCode "C1", "C1"
Set C2 = MyModel.Classes.CreateNew()
C2.SetNameAndCode "C2", "C2"
' Display class symbols
' Create association
Set A1 = MyModel.Associations.CreateNew()
A1.SetNameAndCode = "A1", "A1"
' Define its extremities
Set A1.Object1 = C1
Set A1.Object2 = C2
' Display Association symbol

The following script creates an EAM and four architecture areas, aligns them in a square, and
formats the top-left area:
Dim NewModel, idx, obj, sym
set NewModel = CreateModel(PdEAM.Cls_Model,
NewModel.SetNameAndCode "MyEAM" , "MyEAM"
For idx = 1 to 4
Set obj=NewModel.ArchitectureAreas.CreateNew()
obj.SetNameAndCode "A" & idx, "A" & idx
Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (obj)
dim A1, A2, A3, A4, X1, Y1
set A1 =
set A2 =
set A3 =
set A4 =


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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

X1 = A1.Position.X
Y1 = A1.Position.Y
' Move symbols for them to be adjacent
A2.Position = NewPoint(X1 + A1.Width, Y1)
A3.Position = NewPoint(X1, Y1 - A1.Height)
A4.Position = NewPoint(X1 + A1.Width, Y1 - A1.Height)
A1.DashStyle = 2
A1.LineWidth = 3

Deleting Objects (Scripting)

You can delete objects using the Delete method.
The following script creates a new CDM, populates it with entities and relationships, and then
deletes entity E5 and relationship R8:
Dim MyModel, obj, sym, idx
set MyModel = CreateModel(PdCDM.Cls_Model)
MyModel.SetNameAndCode "MyCDM" , "MyCDM"
'Create entities
For idx = 1 to 12
Set obj=MyModel.Entities.CreateNew()
obj.SetNameAndCode "E" & idx, "E" & idx
Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (obj)
'Create relationships
For idx = 2 to 11
Set obj=MyModel.Relationships.CreateNew()
obj.SetNameAndCode "R" & idx-1, "R" & idx-1
Set obj.Object1 = MyModel.FindChildByName("E" &
Set obj.Object2 = MyModel.FindChildByName("E" & (idx
Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachLinkObject (obj)
'Delete objects

Creating an Object Selection (Scripting)

You can create a selection of objects using the CreateSelection() method. You can
perform actions on the selection such as changing properties or format or moving them to
another package.
The following script creates a PDM, populates it with tables and then makes a selection of
tables and moves them into a package:
Dim MyModel, obj, sym
set MyModel = CreateModel(PdPDM.Cls_Model,"DBMS=SYASA12")
MyModel.SetNameAndCode "MyPDM" , "MyPDM"
'Create tables
For idx = 1 to 12
Set obj=MyModel.Tables.CreateNew()

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

obj.SetNameAndCode "T" & idx, "T" & idx
Set sym=ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (obj)
'Create package
Dim MyPackage
Set MyPackage=MyModel.Packages.CreateNew()
MyPackage.SetNameAndCode "P1", "P1"
ActiveDiagram.AttachObject (MyPackage)
'Create selection
Dim MySelection
Set MySelection = ActiveModel.CreateSelection
For idx = 1 to 5
MySelection.Objects.Add(MyModel.FindChildByName("T" &
'Move selection to package

To add all the tables to the selection, use the AddObjects method:
MySelection.AddObjects MyModel,cls_table

To remove an object from the selection, use the Remove method:


Controlling the Workspace (Scripting)

You can access the current workspace using the ActiveWorkspace global property, open,
save, and close workspaces, and add folders and documents to it.
The following script constructs a simple folder structure in a workspace and adds and creates
several models in it:
Option Explicit
' Close existing workspace and save it to Temp
Dim workspace, curentFolder
Set workspace = ActiveWorkspace
workspace.Load "%_EXAMPLES%\mywsp.sws"
Output "Saving current workspace to ""Example directory :
workspace.Save "%_EXAMPLES%\Temp.SWS"
workspace.Name = "VBS WSP"
workspace.FileName = "VBSWSP.SWS"
workspace.Load "%_EXAMPLES%\Temp.SWS"
dim Item, subitem
for each Item in workspace.children
If item.IsKindOf(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceFolder) Then
ShowFolder (item)
renameFolder item,"FolderToRename", "RenamedFolder"
deleteFolder item,"FolderToDelete"
curentFolder = item
ElsIf item.IsKindOf(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceModel) Then
ElsIf item.IsKindOf(PdWsp.cls_WorkspaceFile) Then


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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

End if
Dim subfolder
'insert folder in root
Set subfolder =
subfolder.name = "Newfolder(VBS)"
'insert folder in root at pos 6
Set subfolder = workspace.Children.CreateNewAt(5,
subfolder.name = "Newfolder(VBS)insertedAtPos5"'
' add a new folder in this folder
Set subfolder =
subfolder.name = "NewSubFolder(VBS)"
subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\pdmrep.rtf")
subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\cdmrep.rtf")
subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\project.pdm")
subfolder.AddDocument EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\demo.oom")
dim lastmodel
set lastmodel = subfolder.AddDocument
lastmodel.name = "Computers"
'detaching model from workspace
workspace.Save "%_EXAMPLES%\Final.SWS"

For more information about properties and methods available on the workspace, select Help >
MetaModel Objects Help and navigate to Libraries/PdWSP/Workspace.

Creating Shortcuts (Scripting)

You create a shortcut in a model using the CreateShortcut() method.
The following script acts on an OOM and creates a shortcut of the class C1 from package P1 in
package P2:
Dim obj, shortcut, recipient
' Get class to shortcut
Set obj = ActiveModel.FindChildByPath("P1/C1",cls_Class)
' Get package to create shortcut in
Set recipient = ActiveModel.FindChildByPath("P2",PdOOM.cls_Package)
' Create shortcut
Set shortcut = obj.CreateShortcut(recipient)
If not shortcut is nothing then
output "The class shortcut has been successfully created"
End If

The following script creates a shortcut of the class C1 from model O1 package P1 directly
under model O2:

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Dim targetmodel, usingmodel, obj, shortcut
For each m in Models
Output m.Name
If m.Name="O1" then 'Get model with object to shortcut
Set targetmodel=m
End If
If m.Name="O2" then 'Get model to create shortcut in
Set usingmodel=m
End If
' Get object to shortcut
Set obj = targetmodel.FindChildByPath("P1/C1",cls_Class)
' Create shortcut
Set shortcut = obj.CreateShortcut(receivingmodel)
If not shortcut is nothing then
output "The class shortcut has been successfully created"
End If

Creating Mappings Between Objects (Scripting)

You can create data sources in a model and from there create mappings from source objects in
other models to objects in the first model using scripts.
The following script creates an OOM and a PDM, populates them with classes and tables, then
creates a data source in the OOM, associates the PDM with it and creates mappings:
'Create an OOM and a PDM
set MyOOM = CreateModel(PdOOM.Cls_Model,
MyOOM.SetNameAndCode "MyOOM", "OOM"
set MyPDM = CreateModel(PdPDM.Cls_Model,
MyPDM.SetNameAndCode "MyPDM", "PDM"
'Create classes and tables
For idx = 1 to 6
Set c=MyOOM.Classes.CreateNew()
c.SetNameAndCode "Class" & idx, "C" &
Set t=MyPDM.Tables.CreateNew()
t.SetNameAndCode "Table" & idx, "T" &
'Create a data source in the OOM and add
Dim ds, m1
Set ds = MyOOM.DataSources.CreateNew()
ds.SetNameAndCode "MyPDM", "PDM"
ds.AddSource MyPDM

"|DBMS=Sybase SQL Anywhere

the PDM as its source

'Create a mapping between C1 and T6

set m1 = ds.CreateMapping(MyOOM.FindChildByName("Class1",cls_class))
m1.AddSource MyPDM.FindChildByName("Table6",cls_table)
' Retrieve mappings for each class in the OOM
For each c in MyOOM.Classes
Dim m, sc
set m = ds.GetMapping(c)


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

If not m is nothing then
Output c.Name & vbtab & "Mapped to: "
for each sc in m.SourceClassifiers
output vbtab & vbtab & "- " & sc.Name
Output c.Name & vbtab & "No mapping defined."
End if

For more information about objects mapping, see Core Features Guide > Linking and
Synchronizing Models > Object Mappings.

Creating and Generating Reports (Scripting)

You can create a report, browse its contents, and generate it as HTML or RTF using scripting.
To create a report, use the CreateReport() method on a model. For example:
Dim model
Set model = ActiveModel

To browse the reports in a model, use the Reports collection. For example:
Dim model
Set model = ActiveModel
For each m in model.Reports
Output m.Name

To generate a report as RTF or HTML, use the GenerateRTF() or GenerateHTML()

set m = ActiveModel
For each r in m.Reports
filename = "C:\temp\" & r.Name & ".htm"
r.GenerateHTML (filename)

Manipulating the Repository (Scripting)

You can connect to the repository and check documents into and out of it by script and iterate
on the latest versions of repository documents through the RepositoryConnection
object. You can manage repository folders and branches and LDAP and SMTP servers and the
repository password policy, but you cannot manipulate repository users and groups.
The following script opens a repository connection, creates a new PDM and checks it in, and
then loops over the creation of tables, and further consolidations, before closing the

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Dim rc
Set rc = RepositoryConnection
Output "Before consolidation"
ListChildren rc
Dim NewModel
Set NewModel = CreateModel(PdPDM.Cls_Model, "|Language=SYASIQ1540")
NewModel.Name = "My PDM"
NewModel.ConsolidateNew rc
For i = 1 to 5
For j = 1 to 5
Output "After consolidation"
ListChildren rc
Sub ListChildren(rc)
For each c in rc.ChildObjects
Output c.Name & "(Modified: " & c.ModificationDateInRepository &
End Sub

To check out a model, use the CheckOut method.

For detailed information about the members, collections, and methods available for scripting
the repository, select Help > MetaModel Objects Help and navigate to Libraries/

Generating a Database (Scripting)

You can generate a PDM as a SQL script or directly to a live database connection using the
GenerateDatabase() method. You can generate test data with the
GenerateTestData() method.
The following script fragment opens an example PDM and then calls procedures to generate
various scripts:
Dim GenDir, MyModel
GenDir = "C:\temp\"
Set MyModel=OpenModel(EvaluateNamedPath("%_EXAMPLES%\" &
GenerateDatabaseScripts MyModel 'Generate a SQL script to create the
ModifyModel MyModel 'Modify each table in the model
GenerateAlterScripts MyModel - Generate alter scripts to modify the
GenerateTestDataScript MyModel - generate test data to load into the


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

This procedure generates a SQL script to create the database:
Sub GenerateDatabaseScripts(m)
Dim opts
Set opts = m.GetPackageOptions()
InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Avoid displaying generation window
opts.GenerateODBC = False ' Force sql script generation rather
than ODBC
opts.GenerationPathName = GenDir
opts.GenerationScriptName = "MyScript.sql"
m.GenerateDatabase ' Launch the Generate Database feature
End Sub

To generate to a live database connection, you would connect to the database (using the
ConnectToDatabase() method) and then set the GenerateODBC property to true.
Note: For more information about the generation options, select Help > MetaModel Objects
Help and navigate to Libraries/PdPDM/BasePhysicalPackageOptions.
This procedure modifies the model by adding a new column to each table:
Sub ModifyModel(m)
dim pTable, pCol
For each pTable in m.Tables
Set pCol = pTable.Columns.CreateNew()
pCol.SetNameAndCode "az" & pTable.Name, "AZ" & pTable.Code
pCol.Mandatory = False
End Sub

This procedure generates an alter script to modify the database:

Sub GenerateAlterScripts(m)
Dim pOpts
Set pOpts = m.GetPackageOptions()
InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Avoid displaying generate window
' set generation options using model package options
pOpts.GenerateODBC = False ' Force sql script generation rather than
pOpts.GenerationPathName = GenDir
pOpts.DatabaseSynchronizationChoice = 0 'force already saved apm as
pOpts.DatabaseSynchronizationArchive = GenDir & "model.apm"
pOpts.GenerationScriptName = "MyAlterScript.sql"
m.ModifyDatabase ' Launch the Modify Database feature
End Sub

This procedure generates test data to load to the database:

Sub GenerateTestDataScript(m)
Dim pOpts
Set pOpts = m.GetPackageOptions()
InteractiveMode = im_Batch ' Avoid displaying generate window
' set generation options using model package options
pOpts.TestDataGenerationByODBC = False ' Force sql script generation
rather than ODBC
pOpts.TestDataGenerationDeleteOldData = False

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

pOpts.TestDataGenerationPathName = GenDir
pOpts.TestDataGenerationScriptName = "MyTestData.sql"
m.GenerateTestData ' Launch the Generate Test Data feature
End Sub

Reverse Engineering a Database (Scripting)

You can connect to a database using the ConnectToDatabase() method, and reverse
engineer the schema to a PDM using ReverseDatabase().
To connect to a database via a user or system data source, define a constant in the form
"ODBC:datasourcename" . For example:
Const cnxDSN = "ODBC:ASA 9.0 sample"

To use a data source file, define a constant with the full path to the DSN file. For example:
Const cnxDSN = "\\romeo\public\DATABASES\_filedsn

This script creates a new PDM, connects to a database via a system data source, sets reverse
options and reverses all objects to the PDM:
' Define ODBC data source and PDM file
Const cnxDSN = "ODBC:MyDatabase"
Const cnxUSR = "MyUser"
Const cnxPWD = "MyPassword"
Const filename = "C:\temp\MyReversedDB.pdm"
Dim pModel, pOpt
' Create model with appropriate DBMS
Set pModel=CreateModel(PdPDM.cls_Model, "|DBMS=Sybase SQL Anywhere
' Hide dialogs
InteractiveMode = im_Batch
' Connect to the database
pModel.ConnectToDatabase cnxDSN, cnxUSR, cnxPWD
' Set reverse options to reverse all listed objects via ODBC
Set pOpt = pModel.GetPackageOptions()
pOpt.ReversedScript = False
pOpt.ReverseAllTables = true
pOpt.ReverseAllViews = true
pOpt.ReverseAllStorage = true
pOpt.ReverseAllTablespace = true
pOpt.ReverseAllDomain = true
pOpt.ReverseAllUser = true
pOpt.ReverseAllProcedures = true
pOpt.ReverseAllTriggers = true
pOpt.ReverseAllSystemTables = true
pOpt.ReverseAllSynonyms = true
' Reverse database to model and then save model


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner


Creating and Accessing Extensions (Scripting)

You can create extensions by script to define additional properties, new metaclasses, forms,
and any other type of extension to the standard metamodel.
The following example creates an EAM, then creates an extension inside it, defines a new type
of object called tablet derived from the MobileDevice metaclass, and creates an
extended attribute and new custom form for it:
Dim MyModel, MyExt, MyStype, MyExAtt, MyForm, FormDef
set MyModel =
MyModel.SetNameAndCode "MyEAM" , "MyEAM"
'Create extension
Set MyExt = MyModel.ExtendedModelDefinitions.CreateNew()
MyExt.Name = "MyExtension"
MyExt.Code = "MyExtension"
'Create stereotype
Set MyStype = MyExt.AddMetaExtension(PdEAM.Cls_MobileDevice,
MyStype.Name = "Tablet"
MyStype.UseAsMetaClass = true
'Create extended atrribute
Set MyExAtt =
MyExAtt.Name = "TabletType"
MyExAtt.Label = "Type"
MyExAtt.DataType = "12" ' (String) For a full list of values,
' see ExtendedAttributeTargetItem in the Metamodel objects help
MyExAtt.ListOfValues = "iPad;Android;Playbook;Windows8"
MyExAtt.Value = "iPad"
'Create form to replace General tab
Set MyForm = MyStype.AddMetaExtension(Cls_FormTargetItem)
MyForm.Name = "ReplaceGeneral"
MyForm.FormType = "GENERAL"
'Assemble form definition
FormDef = "<Form><StandardNameAndCode Attribute=""NameAndCode"" />"
& vbcrlf
FormDef = FormDef + "<StandardAttribute Attribute=""Comment"" />" &
FormDef = FormDef + "<ExtendedAttribute Attribute=""TabletType"" />"
& vbcrlf
FormDef = FormDef + "<StandardAttribute Attribute=""KeywordList"" /
MyForm.Value = FormDef

You can get and set extended attribute values using the following methods:


Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

SetExtendedAttribute "resource.attribute" "value"
SetExtendedAttributeText "resource.attribute" "value"

You can access collections defined in an extension using the following methods:

GetCollectionByStereotype("stereotype" - for new types of objects defined in

an target or extension file (see Creating New Metaclasses with Stereotypes on page 39).
GetExtendedCollection("resource.collection") - for extended collections and
compositions (see Extended Collections and Compositions (Profile) on page 49).
GetCalculatedCollection("resource.collection") - for calculated collections
(see Calculated Collections (Profile) on page 51).
GetCollectionByName("resource.collection")-for any kind of collection.

The following script uses the GetCollectionByStereotype() method to access the

collection of tablets and the SetExtendedAttribute method to set the tablet type:
Dim col, obj
'The collection of tablets is not directly accessible
set col = ActiveModel.GetCollectionByStereotype("Tablet")
'Create an array to hold the values to assign to tablet properties
Dim myArray(3)
myArray(0) = "Tablet1, T1, PlayBook"
myArray(1) = "Tablet2, T2, Android"
myArray(2) = "Tablet3, T3, iPad"
myArray(3) = "Tablet4, T4, iPad"
CreateObjects col, myArray
'Procedure to assign values to properties
Sub CreateObjects(compColl, dataArray)
For Each line In dataArray
Dim myProps
myProps = split(line, ",")
set obj = compColl.CreateNew()
obj.Name = myProps(0)
obj.Code = myProps(1)
'Special syntax for setting extended attribute
obj.SetExtendedAttribute "MYEXT.TabletType", myProps(2)
End Sub

Accessing Metadata (Scripting)

You can explore the structure of the PowerDesigner metamodel as a standalone model or
starting from object instances in your model.
For general information about accessing and navigating in the metamodel, see Chapter 8, The
PowerDesigner Public Metamodel on page 343. Metaclasses (such as
CheckModelInternalMessage and FileReportItem) that are not accessible by


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

script are visible in Metamodel.oom, but bear the <<notScriptable>> stereotype and are
not listed in the Metamodel Object Help file.
You can access metaclasses, metaattributes, and metacollections by iterating over collections
descending from the MetaModel root or individually through the following methods:

GetMetaClassByPublicName (name) - to access a metaclass by its public name.

GetMetaMemberByPublicName (name) - to access a metaattribute or a metacollection by
its public name

The following script traverses the metamodel by library and lists each concrete class:
for each l in MetaModel.Libraries
for each c in l.Classes
if c.Abstract = false then
Output l.PublicName + "." + c.PublicName
end if

The following script locates the BaseClass root and shows the first two levels of inheritance
under it:
set root = MetaModel.GetMetaClassByPublicName("PdCommon.BaseObject")
for each c in root.Children
output c.PublicName
for each cc in c.Children
output "
" + cc.PublicName

The following script obtains a table in a PDM, and then shows the metaclass of which the
object is an instance, the parent metaclass and metalibrary to the metaclass, and all the
attributes and collections that are available on that metaclass:
Dim object
Set object = ActiveModel.FindChildByName("myTable",cls_Table)
Output "Object: " + object.Name
Dim metaclass
Set metaclass = object.MetaClass
Output "Metaclass: " + metaclass.PublicName
Output "Parent: " + metaclass.Parent.PublicName
Output "Metalibrary: " + metaclass.Library.PublicName
Output "Attributes:"
For each attr in metaclass.attributes
Output " - " + attr.PublicName
Output "Collections:"
For each coll in metaclass.collections
Output " - " + coll.PublicName

Properties and collections are read-only for all metamodel objects.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

OLE Automation and Add-Ins

OLE Automation provides a way to communicate with PowerDesigner from another
application using the COM architecture. You can write a program using any language that
supports COM, such as Word or Excel macros, VB, C++, or PowerBuilder.You can create
executables that call PowerDesigner or add-ins that are called by PowerDesigner.
VBScript programs that run from within PowerDesigner and OLE Automation programs are
very similar, but OLE requires you to work through a PowerDesigner application object, and
to use stronger typing. You must:

Create an instance of the PowerDesigner Application object and release it when your script
Dim PD As PdCommon.Application
Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application")
'Enter script here
'Once script is finished, release PD object
Set PD = Nothing

If PowerDesigner is currently running, this instance will be used; otherwise a new instance
will be launched. If you do not specify a version number, the most recent version is used.
To specify a specific version, use the syntax:
Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application.version")

Prefix all global properties and functions (see Manipulating Models, Collections, and
Objects (Scripting) on page 312) with the PowerDesigner Application object. For
example, to access the model with focus using a PowerDesigner application object called
PD, use the following syntax:

Specify object types whenever possible. For example, instead of simply using Dim cls,
you should use:
Dim cls as PdOOM.Class

If your model contains shortcuts, we recommend that you use the following syntax to
avoid runtime errors when the target model is closed:
Dim obj as PdCommon.IdentifiedObject

Adapt the object class ID syntax to the language when you create object. For VBScript,
VBA and VB and other languages that support enumeration defined outside a class, you
can use the syntax:
Dim cls as PdOOM.Class
Set cls = model.CreateObject(PdOOM.cls_Class)

For C# and VB.NET, you can use the following syntax (where PdOOM_Classes is the
name of the enumeration):
Dim cls As PdOOM.Class
Set cls = model.CreateObject(PdOOM.PdOOM_Classes.cls_Class)


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

For other languages such as JavaScript or PowerBuilder, you have to define constants that
represent the objects you want to create. For a complete list of class ID constants, see file
VBScriptConstants.vbs in the PowerDesigner OLE Automation directory.
Add references to the object type libraries you need to use. For example, in a VBA editor,
select Tools > References:

This script is launched from outside PowerDesigner, creates an instance of the PowerDesigner
Application object, and then uses it to create two OOMs through OLE Automation:
'* Purpose: This script displays the number of classes defined in an
OOM in the output window.
Option Explicit
' Main function
Sub VBTest()
' Defined the PowerDesigner Application object
Dim PD As PdCommon.Application
' Get the PowerDesigner Application object
Set PD = CreateObject("PowerDesigner.Application")
' Get the current active model
Dim model As PdCommon.BaseModel
Set model = PD.ActiveModel
If model Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "There is no current model."
ElsIf Not model.IsKindOf(PdOOM.cls_Model) Then
MsgBox "The current model is not an OOM model."
' Display the number of classes
Dim nbClass
nbClass = Model.Classes.Count
PD.Output "The model '" + model.Name + "' contains " +
CStr(nbClass) + " classes."
' Create a new OOM
Dim model2 As PdOOM.Class

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Set model2 = PD.CreateModel(PdOOM.cls_Model)
If Not model2 Is Nothing Then
' Copy the author name
model2.Author = Model.Author
' Display a message in the output window
PD.Output "Successfully created the model '" + model2.Name + "'."
MsgBox "Cannot create an OOM."
End If
End If
' Release the PowerDesigner Application object
Set PD = Nothing
End Sub

OLE Automation samples for different languages are provided in the OLE Automation
directory within your PowerDesigner installation directory.

Creating an ActiveX Add-in

You can create ActiveX add-ins to provide additional features to PowerDesigner, and call
them through menu items.
To operate as a PowerDesigner add-in, the ActiveX add-in must implement the IPDAddIn
interface, which defines the following methods, invoked by PowerDesigner to dialog with
menus and execute the commands defined by the add-in:

HRESULT Initialize([in] IDispatch * pApplication) and HRESULT

Uninitialize() - The Initialize() method initializes communication between
PowerDesigner and the add-in. PowerDesigner provides a pointer to its application object,
defined in the PdCommon type library, which allows you to access the PowerDesigner
environment (output window, active model etc.). The Uninitialize() method is
called when PowerDesigner is closed to release all global variables and clean all
references to PowerDesigner objects.
BSTR ProvideMenuItems([in] BSTR sMenu, [in] IDispatch
*pObj) - is invoked each time PowerDesigner needs to display a menu, and returns an
XML text that describes the menu items to display. It is called once without an object
parameter at the initialization of PowerDesigner to fill the Import and Reverse menus.
When you right-click a symbol in a diagram, this method is called twice: once for the
object and once for the symbol. Thus, you can create a method that is only called on
graphical contextual menus.
The DTD for menu definition is as follows:
<!ELEMENT Menu (Command | Separator | Popup)*>
<!ELEMENT Command>
<!ATTLIST Command
<!ELEMENT Separator>
<!ELEMENT PopUp (Command | Separator | Popup)*>


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

For example:
ProvideMenuItems ("Object", pModel)

returns the following text:

<Popup Caption="&Perforce">
<Command Name="CheckIn" Caption="Check &In"/>
<Command Name="CheckOut" Caption="Check &Out"/>

BOOL IsCommandSupported([in] BSTR sMenu, [in] IDispatch *

pObject, [in] BSTR sCommandName) - allows you to dynamically disable
commands defined in a menu. The method must return true to enable a command and false
to disable it.
HRESULT DoCommand(in BSTR sMenu, in IDispatch *pObj, in
BSTR sCommandName) - implements the execution of a command designated by its
name. For example:
DoCommand ("Object", pModel, "CheckIn")

Note: To use your add-in, save it to the Add-ins directory beneath your PowerDesigner
installation directory and enable it through the PowerDesigner General Options window (see

Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Customizing Your Modeling
Environment > General Options > Add-Ins).

Creating an XML File Add-in

You can create XML add-ins to group multiple commands for calling executable programs or
VB scripts and add them to PowerDesigner menus.
The following illustration helps you understand the XML file structure:

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

Note: The DTD is available at PD_installdir\Add-ins\XMLAddins.dtd.

The Profile is the root element of the XML file add-in descriptor and can contain:

A Shared element - which defines the menus that are always available and their
associated methods, along with a GlobalScript attribute, which can contain a global
script for shared functions.
One or more Metaclass elements - which define commands and menus for a specific
metaclass, identified by its public name prefixed by its Type Library public name.

Both these elements can contain sub-elements as follows:


Menus contains Menu elements that specify a location, which can be one of:
FileImport - shared only
FileExport - metaclass only
FileReverse - shared only
Object - metaclasses only (default)
Each Menu element can contain:
A Command element - whose Name must be equal to the name of a Method, and whose
Caption defines the name of the command that appears in the menu.

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

A Separator element - which indicates that you want to insert a line in the menu.
A Popup element - which defines a sub-menu item that may in turn contain
commands, separators, and popups.
Methods contains Method elements, which define the methods used in the menus, and
which are defined by a name and a VBScript. A method defined under a metaclass has the
current object as a parameter. Inheritance is taken into account, so that a menu defined on
the metaclass PdCommon.NamedObject will be available on PdOOM.Class.

The following example defines two menu items for the Perforce repository and the methods
that are called by them:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Metaclass Name="PdOOM.Model">
<Menu Location="Tools">
<Popup Caption="Perforce">
<Command Name="CheckIn" Caption="Check In"/>
<Command Name="CheckOut" Caption="Check Out"/>
<Method Name="CheckIn">
Sub %Method%(obj)
execute_command( p4, submit %Filename%, cmd_PipeOutput)
End Sub
<Method Name="CheckOut">
Sub %Method%(obj)
execute_command( p4, edit %Filename%, cmd_PipeOutput)
End Sub

The following example defines a global script which is referenced by a method defined under a
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Option Explicit
Function Print (obj)
Output obj.classname &amp; &quot; &quot; &amp; obj.name
End Function
<Metaclass Name="PdOOM.Class">
<Popup Caption="Transformation">

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

<Command Name="ToInt" Caption="Convert to interface"/>
<Method Name="ToInt">
Sub %Method%(obj)
Print obj
&quot;&quot;, cmd_InternalScript)
End Sub

Note: To use your add-in, save it to the Add-ins directory beneath your PowerDesigner
installation directory and enable it through the PowerDesigner General Options window (see

Core Features Guide > Modeling with PowerDesigner > Customizing Your Modeling
Environment > General Options > Add-Ins).

Launching Scripts and Add-Ins from Menus

You can extend PowerDesigner menus to add commands to call scripts defined in resource
files or externally and to launch executables and ActiveX add-ins. XML add-ins can be used to
group and organize multiple commands. You can extend the File, Tools, and Help menus, and
the contextual menus available on objects in the Browser and diagrams.
You can modify PowerDesigner menus in the following ways:

Custom commands - are defined directly in PowerDesigner and can call executable
programs or VB scripts (see Adding Commands to the Tools Menu on page 339).
Menu and method extensions are specified in a DBMS or language definition or
extension file and define commands for a specific target or model type (see Menus
(Profile) on page 82).
ActiveX Add-Ins are written in languages such as VB, C#, C++ or any language
supporting COM, and permit more complex interactions with PowerDesigner, such as
enabling and disabling menu items based on object selection, and interaction with the
windows display environment (see Creating an ActiveX Add-in on page 334).
Note: The XML syntax used to define menus in an ActiveX or XML add-in is the same as
that used in the creation of a menu extension, and you can use the resource editor menu
XML page (seeMenus (Profile) on page 82) to help you construct the syntax for your addins.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

XML Add-Ins define multiple commands to call executable programs or VB scripts.

Commands linked to the same applications (for example, ASE, IQ etc.) should be gathered
into the same XML file (see Creating an XML File Add-in on page 335).

Adding Commands to the Tools Menu

You can create your own menu items in the PowerDesigner Tools menu to access
PowerDesigner objects using your own scripts or executable programs. You can define up to
256 commands in the Customize Commands dialog, and control the contexts (model,
diagram, and target type) in which they appear.
1. Select Tools > Execute Commands > Customize Commands and click the Add a row
2. Enter the following properties:



Specifies the name of the command that will appear in the menu. Names
must be unique and can contain a pick letter (&Generate Java will appear as
Generate Java)


Specifies a submenu in which to place the command. You can enter your
own or select one of:
<None> - directly under Tools > Execute Commands
Check Model
Import - also appears under File > Import
Reverse - also appears under File > Reverse-Engineer

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner




Specifies when the command is available. By default the command is

available at all times (*/*/*). Click the ellipsis button to restrict the
display of the command to a specific:
Model type - for example OOM/*/*
Model and Diagram type - for example OOM/Class diagram/


Model, Diagram, and Target type - for example OOM/Class diagram/Java. By default, the list contains extensions available for
the chosen model type. Click the Path tool to navigate to another folder
containing extensions or DBMS or language definition files.


Specifies whether the command will launch an executable or VBScript.

Command Line

Specifies the path to the executable or script file to run. Click the ellipsis
button to navigate to a file. If your file is a VBScript, you can review or edit
the script by clicking the Edit With tool in the toolbar.


Specifies text that is displayed in the status bar when you select the command.

[S]how in Menu

Specifies that the command should be displayed. Deselect this field to hide
the command while retaining its definition.

Accelerator Key

Associates one of ten reserved keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-Shift-0 to CtrlShift-9 with the command.

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner

3. Click OK to save your changes.

Your command is now available under Tools > Execute Commands.

Note: Customized Commands are saved by default in the Registry at

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Sybase\PowerDesigner v
\PlugInCommands\submenu and are available only to the user defining them. To
make them available to all users, create an entry at the same location under
The name of the entry is the name of the command, and its value takes the following
syntax, in which only the commandline parameter is mandatory and must be terminated
by a | (pipe) character
[Hide:][Key:accelerator:][Script:]commandline[ |comment]

If you want to insert a pipe within a command, you must escape it with a second pipe.

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CHAPTER 7: Scripting PowerDesigner


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


The PowerDesigner Public


The PowerDesigner public metamodel is an abstraction of the metadata for all the
PowerDesigner models, describing the elements of a model, and the syntax and semantics of
their manipulation.
You can review the public metamodel in PowerDesigner by opening install dir
\Examples\MetaModel.oom, and find exhaustive documentation of all the metamodel
objects, collections, and methods available via scripting, by selecting Help > Metamodel
Objects Help (see Using the Metamodel Objects Help File on page 346).
This OOM and help file help you understand the structure of your models, especially when
working with:

Generation Template Language (GTL) templates (see Chapter 5, Customizing Generation

with GTL on page 245).
VB scripts (see Chapter 7, Scripting PowerDesigner on page 305).
PowerDesigner XML model files (see PowerDesigner Model File Format on page 348).

The metamodel is divided into the following main packages:

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

PdBPM - Business Process Model

PdCDM - Conceptual Data Model
PdCommon - contains all objects shared between two or more models, and the abstract
classes of the model. For example, business rules, which are available in all models, and
the BaseObject class, from which all model objects are derived, are defined in this
package. Other model packages are linked to PdCommon by generalization links
indicating that each model inherits common objects from the PdCommon package.
PdEAM - Enterprise Architecture Model
PdFRM - Free Model
PdGLM - Glossary Model
PdILM - Data Movement Model (the DMM was previously named Information Liquidity
Model or ILM, and the PdILM library name has been retained for backwards
PdLDM - Logical Data Model
PdMTM - Merise Model (available in French only)
PdOOM - Object Oriented Model
PdPDM - Physical Data Model
PdPRJ - Project
PdRMG - Repository
PdRQM - Requirements Model
PdXSM - XML Model
PdWSP - Workspace

Each of these top-level packages contains the follow kinds of sub-objects, organized by
diagram or, in the case of PdCommon, by sub-packages:

Features - All the features implemented by classes in the model. For example, Report
(available in all models) belongs to PdCommon, and AbstractDataType belongs to
Objects - Design objects in the model
Symbols - Graphical representation of design objects

Navigating in the Metamodel

You can expand and collapse the packages in the Browser to explore their contents. Doubleclick a diagram to display it in the canvas.
Each metaclass has a name, contains zero or more attributes and assumes zero or more roles in
associations with other classes, which allow you to identify collections. The PowerDesigner
public metamodel uses standard UML concepts:


Public Names - Each object in the metamodel has a name and a code corresponding to the
public name of the object, which is the unique identifier of the object in a model library or
package. Public names are referenced in PowerDesigner XML model files and when using
SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

GTL and scripting. The public name often matches the object's name in the
PowerDesigner interface, but where the two diverge, the public name must be used in
scripts and GTL templates.
Classes - are used to represent metadata in the following ways:
Abstract classes - are used only to share attributes and behaviors, and are not visible in
the PowerDesigner interface.
Instantiable/Concrete classes - correspond to objects displayed in the interface. They
have their own attributes and behaviors in addition to those they inherit from abstract
classes through generalization links. For example, NamedObject is an abstract
class, which contains standard attributes like Name, Code, Comment,
Annotation, and Description, which are inherited by most PowerDesigner
design objects.
Class attributes - are object properties. Classes linked to other classes with generalization
links usually contain derived attributes that are calculated from the attributes or collections
of the parent class. Neither derived attributes, nor attributes migrated from navigable
associations, are stored in the model file. Non-derived attributes are proper to the class, and
are stored in the model and saved in the model file.
Associations - express the semantic connections between classes. In the association
property sheet, the roles carry information about the end object of the association.
PowerDesigner objects are linked to other objects using collections, and the role at the
other end of the association gives the name of the collection for an object. For example,
NamedOject has a collection of business rules called AttachedRules, and
BusinessRule has a collection of objects called Objects:

When associations have two roles, only the collection with the navigable role will be saved
in the XML file. In the case, only the AttachedRules collection is saved.
Compositions express an association where the children live and die with the parent and,
when the parent is copied, the child is also copied. For example, Table has a composition
association with the Column class:

Generalizations - show the inheritance links existing between a more general, usually
abstract, class and a more specific, usually instantiable, class. The more specific class
inherits from the attributes of the more generic class, these attributes are called derived
attributes. For example, Class inherits from Classifier

Each diagram shows classes the connections between metaclasses via associations and
generalizations. Classes in green are defined in the current diagram, while classes in purple are

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

present only to provide context. To investigate a purple class, right-click it and select Related
Diagrams > diagram to open the diagram where it is defined.
In the following example, BusinessRule is being defined, while NamedObject and
BaseModel are present only to show inheritance and composition links:

Double-click any class to show its property sheet and review the following tabs:

General - provides the public name in the Name and Code fields, a Comment providing a
brief description of the class, and shows whether it is Abstract.
Note: Objects, such as RepositoryGroup that do not support scripting bear the
<<notScriptable>> stereotype.
Attributes - lists the properties defined directly on the class, but not those that it inherits
via any parent classes.
Associations - lists the migrated associations for the class, which represent collections.
The Role B column lists the collections for the class, while the Role A column lists the
collections in which the class figures.
Operations - lists the methods available for scripting.
Dependencies - contains the following sub-tabs (among others):
Generalizations - lists the generalization links where the current class is the child and
inherits attributes from a parent class.
Specializations - lists the generalization links where the current class is the parent and
its children inherit attributes from it.
Shortcuts - lists the shortcuts created for the current object.
Notes - may include further information on the Description or Annotation sub-tabs.

Using the Metamodel Objects Help File

PowerDesigner provides documentation of the metamodel available from Help > Metamodel
Objects Help.
The file can be opened from the Edit/Run Script dialog (see Running Scripts in
PowerDesigner on page 307) or from a metaclass in a resource file (see Metaclasses (Profile)
on page 33) by clicking the Find in MetaModel Help button or pressing Ctrl+F1. It can also


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

be opened from any object property sheet by pressing Ctrl+F1 or clicking the Property Sheet
Menu button and selecting Find in MetaModel Help.

The three top-level nodes contain the following documentation:


What you can find...

Basic Elements

Provides general information on:

Collections of objects - provide the principal way of navigating the

metamodel (see Browsing and Modifying Collections (Scripting) on
page 314).
Structured Types - used for positioning symbols in diagrams (see Displaying, Formatting, and Positioning Symbols (Scripting) on page 320).
Global properties, constants, and functions - provide entry points for
scripting (see Manipulating Models, Collections, and Objects (Scripting) on page 312).


Provides exhaustive documentation of all scriptable properties, collections,

and methods for metamodel objects, organized by module.


Includes an expandable hierarchy showing all the metaclasses in the PowerDesigner metamodel, a VBScript code sample, and a list of the class ID
constants used to identify objects in certain contexts (see Accessing and
Modifying Objects and Properties (Scripting) on page 316).

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

To obtain information about the properties, collections and methods available for a particular
metaclass, navigate to it under the Libraries category, or locate it in the index. All properties,
collections, and methods are listed in the index.
Each metaclass shows the hierarchy of ancestors from which it is descended and inherits.
After a brief description and symbol, it then lists:

Specific Members - a table which lists the properties, collections, and methods defined
directly on this metaclass
Full definition - which lists, in separate tables, the properties, collections, and methods
inherited from each of its ancestors. For example, the Table metaclass (located at
Libraries\PdPDM\Table) inherits members from:

PowerDesigner Model File Format

PowerDesigner models are made up of objects, the properties and interactions of which are
explained in the public metamodel. Models can be saved in either binary or XML file formats.
Binary files are smaller and significantly quicker to open and save, but XML model files can
be edited by hand or programatically (and DTDs are provided for each model type in the DTD
folder in the installation directory).
Warning! You can modify an XML model file using a text or XML editor, but you should take
care, as even a minor syntax error may render the file unusable. If you create an object in an
XML file by copy and paste, make sure that you remove the duplicated OID. PowerDesigner
will automatically assign an OID to the new object when next you open the model.
The following elements are used in PowerDesigner XML files:


<o:object> - A PowerDesigner model object. The first time the object is mentioned in
a collection, PowerDesigner assigns it an id using the <o:object Id="XYZ"> syntax
(where XYZ is a unique identifier automatically assigned to an object when it is found for
the first time) or references it with the <o:object Ref="XYZ"/> syntax. Object
definition is only used in composition collections, where the parent object owns the
children in the association.
<c:collection> - A collection of objects linked to another object. You can use the
PowerDesigner metamodel to visualize the collections of an object. For example

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

<a:attribute> - An object is made up of a number of attributes each of which you can

modify independently. For example <a:ObjectID>.

PowerDesigner XML model files have an <o:model> element at their root, which contains
collections defined in the PowerDesigner metamodel. The model object and all the other
object elements that it contains define their attributes and collections in sub-elements. The
definition of an object implies the definition of its attributes and its collections.
PowerDesigner checks each object and drills down the collections of this object to define each
new object and collection in these collections, and so on, until the process finds terminal
objects that do not need further analysis.
You can search for an object in the metamodel using its object name in the XML file in order to
better understand its definition. Once you have found an object in the metamodel you can read
the following information:

Each PowerDesigner object can have several collections corresponding to other objects to
interact with, these collections are represented by the associations existing between
objects. The roles of the associations (aggregations and compositions included)
correspond to the collections of an object. For example, each PowerDesigner model
contains a collection of domains called Domains.
Usually associations have only one role, the role is displayed at the opposite of the class for
which it represents a collection. However, the metamodel also contains associations with
two roles, in such case, both collections cannot be saved in the XML file. You can identify
the collection that will be saved from the association property sheet: the role where the
Navigable check box is selected is saved in the file.
In the following example, association has two roles which means Classifier has a
collection Actors, and Actor2 has a collection ImplementationClasses:

If you display the association property sheet, you can see that the Navigable check box is
selected for role ImplementationClass, which means that only collection
ImplementationClass will be saved in file.

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

Attributes with the IOBJECT data type are attributes in the metamodel while they appear
as collections containing a single object in the XML file. This is not true for Parent and
Folder that do not contain any collection.

Example: Simple OOM XML File

In this example, we will explore the structure of a simple OOM model file containing two
classes and one association.

The file starts with several lines stating XML and model related details.


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

The first object to appear is the root of the model <o:RootObject Id="01">. RootObject is a
model container that is defined by default whenever you create and save a model. RootObject
contains a collection called Children that is made up of models.
In our example, Children contains only one model object that is defined as follows:
<o:Model Id="o2">

Below the definition of the model object, you can see the series of ModelOptions attributes.
Note that ModelOptions is not restricted to the options defined in the Model Options dialog
box of a model, it gathers all properties saved in a model such as intermodel generation
After ModelOptions, you can identify collection <c:ObjectLanguage>. This is the object
language linked to the model. The second collection of the model is <c:ClassDiagrams>. This
is the collection of diagrams linked to the model, in our example, there is only one diagram
defined in the following paragraph:
<o:ClassDiagram Id="o4">

Like for model options, ClassDiagram definition is followed by a series of display preference
Within the ClassDiagram collection, a new collection called <c:Symbols> is found. This
collection gathers all the symbols in the model diagram. The first object to be defined in
collection Symbols is AssociationSymbol:
<o:AssociationSymbol Id="o5">
<a:CenterTextOffset>(1, 1)</a:CenterTextOffset>
<a:SourceTextOffset>(-1615, 244)</a:SourceTextOffset>
<a:DestinationTextOffset>(974, -2)</a:DestinationTextOffset>
<a:Rect>((-6637,-4350), (7988,1950))</a:Rect>

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner


CHAPTER 8: The PowerDesigner Public Metamodel

<a:FontList>DISPNAME 0 Arial,8,N

AssociationSymbol contains collections <c:SourceSymbol> and <c:DestinationSymbol>. In

both collections, symbols are referred to but not defined: this is because ClassSymbol does not
belong to the SourceSymbol or DestinationSymbol collections.
<o:ClassSymbol Ref="o6"/>
<o:ClassSymbol Ref="o7"/>

The association symbols collection is followed by the<c:Symbols> collection. This collection

contains the definition of both class symbols.
<o:ClassSymbol Id="o6">
<a:Rect>((-18621,6601), (-11229,12675))</a:Rect>
<a:FontList>ClassStereotype 0 Arial,8,N

Collection <c:Classes> follows collection <c:Symbols>. In this collection, both classes are
defined with their collections of attributes.
<o:Class Id="o10">
<o:Attribute Id="o14">

Attribute is a terminal object: there is not further ramification required to define this object.
Each collection belonging to an analyzed object is expanded, and analyzed and the same
occurs for collections within collections.
Once all objects and collections are browsed, the following markups appear:


SAP Sybase PowerDesigner


%-(x,y)% subtraction operator 252
! power evaluation operator 252
!= not equal to operator 252
? existence operator 252
example 27
See extension files
[ ] operators 212
[] conditional block 250
* dereferencing operator 252
%*(x,y)% multiplication operator 252
%/(x,y)% division operator 252
.// macro 267
\\ escape sequence 256
\n escape sequence 256
\t escape sequence 256
%&(x,y)% logical bitfield and operator 252
&& logical AND operator 252
%% escape sequence 256
+ visibility operator 252
%+(x,y)% addition operator 252
< less than operator 252
<= less than or equal to operator 252
= assignment operator 252
== equal to operator 252
> greater than operator 252
>= greater than or equal to operator 252
|| logical OR operator 252

A formatting option (align left) 248
.abort_command macro 265
abstract classes 344
abstract data type attributes
AllowedADT 175
DBMS definition file 175
abstract data types
ADTComment 173
AllowedADT 173
DBMS definition file 173
EnableAdtOnColn 173
EnableAdtOnDomn 173
Install 173

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

PDM variables 223

Remove 173
ActiveDiagram global property 312, 320
%ActiveModel% global variable 251
ActiveModel global property 312, 313
ActiveSelection global collection 312
ActiveWorkspace global property 312, 322
add-in 334
DoCommand 334
Initialize 334
IsCommandSupported 334
method 334
ProvideMenuItems 334
Uninitialize 334
Add 143
add-ins 305
ActiveX 334
launching 338
XML file 335
Add() method 314
AddColIndex 159
AddColnChck 151
AddColnCheck 151
adding items in resource files 6
AdditionalDataTypes 110
AddJoin 184
AddMetaExtension() method 329
AddObjects() method 321
AddQuote 136
AddSource() method 324
AddTableCheck 147
ADTComment 173
AfterCreate 143, 188
AfterDatabaseGenerate event handler 76, 133
AfterDatabaseReverseEngineer event handler 76,
AfterDrop 143
AfterModify 143
.AKCOLN PDM macro 234
AKeyComment 163
All Attributes and Collections tab 300
All Classes tab 299
All Report Titles tab 297
.ALLCOL PDM macro 235


AllowedADT 147, 173, 175
AllowNullableColn 163
AltEnableAddColnChk 151
Alter 143
AlterDBIgnored 143
AlterFooter 137
AlterHeader 137
AlterStatementList 143
AlterTableFooter 147
AlterTableHeader 147
PDM variables 226
associations 344
AttachLinkObject() method 320
AttachObject() method 320
attribute icon sets 47
attribute value icons 47
attributes 344
creating from a property sheet 15
Attributes collection 330
auto-attach 14
autofixes 74

BasicDataTypes 110
BeforeCreate 143
BeforeCreateDatabase 171
BeforeDatabaseGenerate event handler 76, 133
BeforeDatabaseReverseEngineer event handler 76,
BeforeDrop 143
BeforeModify 143
BeginTransaction() global function 312
Bind 151, 172, 186, 187
BinDefault 172
.block macro 265
BlockComment 135
BlockTerminator 135
.bool macro 266
.bool macro 266
testing in GTL 266
.break macro 266

calculated collections 51
CancelTransaction() global function 312


CanLinkKind event handler 76

changing in GTL 277
.lowercase macro 277
.uppercase macro 277
CaseSensitivityUsingQuote 136
.change_dir macro 266
CharFunc 139
CheckNull 151
CheckOnCommit 165
CheckOut() method 325
Choreography category
process language 109
class attributes 344
classes 344
Clear() method 314
CloseDatabase 171
Cluster 159
code property
.convert_code macro 267
converting in GTL 267
.collection macro 278
accessing first item 247
Add() method 314
calculated collections 51
Clear() method 314
.collection macro 278
Count keyword 247
Count property 314
counting members 247
CreateNew() method 314, 318
CreateNewAt() method 314
extended collections 49
extended compositions 49
First keyword 247
.foreach_item macro 247, 271
GetCalculatedCollection() method 329
GetCollectionByStereotype() method 329
GetExtendedCollection() method 329
Insert() method 314
IsEmpty keyword 247
Item property 314
iterating over in GTL 271
Kind property 314
MetaCollection property 314
modifying by script 314
Move() method 314

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

Outer scope 255
Parent scope 255
Remove() method 314
returning by GTL 278
scope 255
Source property 314
testing for members 247
ColnDefaultName 176
ColnRuleName 176
ColumnComment 151
AddColnChck 151
AddColnCheck 151
AltEnableAddColnChk 151
Bind 151
CheckNull 151
ColumnComment 151
ConstName 151
DBMS definition file 151
DefineColnCheck 151
DropColnChck 151
DropColnComp 151
EnableBindRule 151
EnableComputedColn 151
EnableDefault 151
EnableIdentity 151
EnableNotNullWithDflt 151
MaxConstLen 151
ModifyColnComp 151
ModifyColnDflt 151
ModifyColnNull 151
ModifyColumn 151
null values 158
NullRequired 151, 158
PDM variables 216
Permission 151
Rename 151
SqlChckQuery 151
SqlPermQuery 151
SqlStatistics 151
Unbind 151
variables 234
creating custom commands 338, 339
.comment macro 267
. // 267
.comment 267
in GTL 267

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

Commit 139
comparing resource file 7
Complement language generation 14, 90
composite physical options 208
ConceptualDataTypes 110
concrete classes 344
conditional blocks 250
.block macro 265
in GTL 265
conditional processing
GTL 275
.if macro 275
connecting to databases by script 326, 328
ConnectToDatabase() method 328
Consolidate() method 325
ConsolidateNew() method 325
Constants category
object language 110
ConstName 147, 151, 162, 163, 165
PDM variables 216
conversion tables 1
.convert_code macro 267
.convert_name macro 267
ConvertFunc 139
copying resource files 7
Count keyword 247
Count property 314
Create 143
.create_path macro 266
CreateBeforeKey 159
CreateBody 188
CreateDefault 172
CreateFunc 179
CreateModel() global function 312
CreateModel() method 313
CreateNew() method 314, 318
CreateNewAt() method 314
CreateObject() method 318
CreateReport() method 325
CreateSelection() method 321
CreateShortcut() method 323
creating data sources by script 324
creating mappings by script 324
creating metaclasses from stereotypes 39
creating resource files 7
criteria 40
csv (conversion tables) 1
%CurrentDate% global variable 251


%CurrentUser% global variable 251
custom checks 72
autofixes 74
example 21, 73, 74
script 73
custom commands
adding to menus 338, 339
custom properties
See extended attributes
custom symbols 71
example 19
CustomFunc 179
CustomProc 179

D formatting option (interface values) 248
DashStyle property 320
data sources
AddSource() method 324
creating by script 324
Data Type category (DBMS) 196
data types 46, 112, 196
database package templates 120
database security
PDM variables 229
database synchronization
PDM variables 226
AfterCreate 122
BeforeCreate 122
BeforeCreateDatabase 171
CloseDatabase 171
connecting by script 326, 328
ConnectToDatabase() method 328
database package templates 120
DBMS definition file 171
EnableManyDatabases 171
estimating size 201, 204
EX keyword 128
GenerateDatabase() method 326
GenerateTestData() method 326
generating by script 326
generating test data by script 326
generation 120122, 125, 133, 199
GetPackageOptions() method 326, 328
live connection 125
ModifyDatabase() method 326
object generation order 141
OpenDatabase 171


PDM variables 233

physical options 129, 206
procedure templates 120
reverse engineering 120, 124, 125, 128, 129,
reverse-engineering by script 328
ReverseDatabase() method 328
ReversedQueries 128
ReversedStatements 124
scripts 121, 124
trigger template items 120
trigger templates 120
See also DBMS definition files
DataHandling category
process language 109
DataTypes category
XML language 112
DateFormat 136
DateFunc 139
%CurrentDate% global variable 251
DateTimeFormat 136
DB package cursors
DBMS definition file 189
DB package exceptions
DBMS definition file 189
DB package pragmas
DBMS definition file 189
DB package types
DBMS definition file 189
DB package variables
DBMS definition file 189
DB packages
AfterCreate 188
CreateBody 188
DBMS definition file 188
PDM variables 227
DBMS definition files 1, 119
[ ] operators 212
abstract data type attributes 175
abstract data types 173, 223
AfterCreate 122
ASE 226
BeforeCreate 122
columns 151, 158, 216
constraints 216
Data Type category 196
database package templates 120
database security 229

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

database synchronization 226
databases 171, 233
date formats 136
DB package cursors 189
DB package exceptions 189
DB package pragmas 189
DB package types 189
DB package variables 189
DB packages 188, 227
DBMS triggers 183
defaults 192, 230
dimensions 195, 231
domains 172, 216
EnableOption 141
estimating database size 201, 204
EX keyword 128
extended attributes 199, 206
extended objects 196, 232
extensions 206, 209
File category 137
Format category 136
forms 209
General category 134
generation 120122, 125, 133, 199
GenerationOrder 141
GetEstimatedSize 201, 204
groups 186
index columns 219
indexes 159, 219
introduction 119
join indexes 184, 226
keys 162, 163, 218
Keywords category 139
live database connection 125
live database generation 205
MaxConstLen 141
Objects category 141, 143, 147, 151, 158, 159,
162, 163, 165, 168, 170173, 175,
176, 179, 180, 183196
ODBC category 205
parameters 190
PDM macros 211, 234242
PDM variables 211, 212, 214216, 218, 219,
221223, 226, 227, 229233
permissions 191
physical options 129, 206, 208, 209
Physical Options (Common) tab 206
Physical Options tab 206
primary keys 162

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

privileges 190
procedure templates 120
procedures 179, 221, 233
Profile category 199
properties 119
qualifiers 184
reference columns 219
references 165, 219
result columns 194
reverse engineering 120, 124, 125, 128, 129,
131133, 233
ReversedQueries 128
ReversedStatements 124
roles 187
rules 176, 222
scripts 121, 124
sequences 185, 223
SQL category 135
SQL Server 226
storages 170, 223
synonyms 186, 223
Syntax category 135
tables 143, 147, 215
tablespaces 170, 223
testing values 212
time formats 136
trigger template items 120
trigger templates 120
triggers 180, 221, 233
users 176
views 168, 215
Web operations 193
Web parameters 194
Web services 193, 230
DBMS triggers
DBMS definition file 183
DclDelIntegrity 165
DclUpdIntegrity 165
Default association container 117
default variable 143
DefaultDataType 110
DBMS definition file 192
PDM variables 230
DefaultTriggerName 180
DefIndexColumn 159
DefIndexType 159
.DEFINE PDM macro 235
DefineColnCheck 151


.DEFINEIF PDM macro 236
DefineJoin 165
DefineTableCheck 147
DefOptions 143
.delete macro 268
Delete() method 321
deleting items in resource files 6
Delimiter 135
dependencies 344
dependency matrices 53
dependency paths 55
dependency paths 55
ActiveDiagram global property 312, 320
AttachLinkObject() method 320
AttachObject() method 320
displaying symbols by script 320
dialog boxes
creating from forms 56
example 68
DBMS definition file 195
PDM variables 231
.change_dir 266
changing in GTL 266
Bind 172
BinDefault 172
CreateDefault 172
DBMS definition file 172
EnableBindRule 172
EnableCheck 172
EnableDefault 172
EnableOwner 172
PDM variables 216
SqlListDefaultQuery 172
UddtComment 172
Unbind 172
UserTypeName 172
Drop 143
DropColnChck 151
DropColnComp 151
DropFunc 179
DropTableCheck 147

Edit/Run Script editor 307
editing resource files 6


embedding resource files 6

Enable 143
EnableAdtOnColn 173
EnableAdtOnDomn 173
EnableAlias 186
EnableAscDesc 159
EnableBindRule 151, 172
EnableChangeJoinOrder 165
EnableCheck 134, 172
EnableCluster 159, 162, 163, 165
EnableComputedColn 151
EnableConstName 134
EnableDefault 151, 172
EnableDtbsPrefix 136
EnablefKeyName 165
EnableFunc 179
EnableFunction 159
EnableIdentity 151
EnableIntegrity 134
EnableJidxColn 184
EnableManyDatabases 171
EnableMultiCheck 134
EnableMultiFile 137
EnableMultiTrigger 180
EnableNotNullWithDflt 151
EnableOption 141
EnableOwner 159, 172, 179, 180, 185
EnableOwnerPrefix 136
EndTransaction() global function 312
.error macro 269
.ERROR PDM macro 236
error messages 236
.error macro 269
in GTL 269
escape sequences
\\ backslash 256
\n new line 256
\t tab 256
%% percent sign 256
EvaluateNamedPath() global function 312
Event 180
event handlers
AfterDatabaseGenerate 76, 133
AfterDatabaseReverseEngineer 76, 133
BeforeDatabaseGenerate 76, 133
BeforeDatabaseReverseEngineer 76, 133
CanCreate 76
CanLinkKind 76

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

GetEstimatedSize 76, 201, 204
Initialize 76
OnLanguageChanged 76
OnLanguageChangeRequest 76
OnLanguageChanging 76
OnModelClose 76
OnModelOpen 76
OnModelSave 76
OnNewFromTemplate 76
Validate 76
EventDelimiter 180
Events category
object language 110
EX keyword 128
.foreach_item 27
creating a property sheet tab 62
creating custom check autofix 74
creating custom check script 73
creating custom checks 21
creating custom symbols 19
creating generated files 29
creating stereotypes 18
creating templates 27
extended attribute 15
extension files 15
extensions 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 27, 29, 30
generated files 88
generation commands 114
generation options 113
generation tasks 114
including a form in a form 65
opening a dialog box from a form 68
opening a dialog from a menu 83
templates 88
XML model file format 350
excluding metaclasses from models 33
.execute_command macro 269
launching with GTL 269
.execute_command macro 269
.execute_vbscript macro 270
ExecuteCommand() global function 312
extension files 14
extensions 14
extended attribute types
type 46

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

extended attributes 41, 206

accessing in other extension files 246
adding to forms 41
attribute value icons 47
creating from a property sheet 15
creating types for 46
data types 46
displaying in forms 58
example 15
generation 199
specifying objects as data types 49
extended collections 49
displaying in forms 58
extended compositions 49
extended generation 90
extended links 36
extended model definitions
See extension files
extended objects 36
DBMS definition file 196
generation 133
PDM variables 232
reverse engineering 133
extended sub-objects 36
ExtendedLink metaclass 36
ExtendedModelDefinitions collection 329
ExtendedObject metaclass 36
ExtendedSubObject metaclass 36, 49
extension category 14
extension files 1, 11
attaching to a model 12
auto-attach 14
category 14
Complement language generation 14
conflict resolution 11
creating 12, 16
embedded 12
example 15
exporting from a model 14
Generation category 14
properties 14
shared 12
trace mode 14
Transformation Profile category 14
See also extensions
extensions 11, 206, 209
accessing by script 329
AddMetaExtension() method 329
attaching to a model 12


calculated collections 51
collections 329
criteria 40
custom checks 21, 72
custom symbols 19, 71
dependency matrices 53, 55
event handlers 76, 133, 201, 204
example 15, 16, 18, 19, 21, 27, 29, 30, 83
exporting from a model 14
extended attribute types 46
extended attributes 15, 41, 47, 49, 58, 199
extended collections 49, 58
extended compositions 49
extended links 36
extended objects 36
extended sub-objects 36
ExtendedModelDefinitions collection 329
forms 56, 58, 62, 65, 68
generated files 29, 86, 88, 90, 245
Generation category 11
GetCalculatedCollection() method 329
GetCollectionByStereotype() method 329
GetExtendedAttribute() method 329
GetExtendedAttributeText() method 329
GetExtendedCollection() method 329
global script 106
in DBMS definition files 199
menus 82, 338
metaclasses 33
methods 58, 80, 82, 338
object generations 101, 103, 104
object language definition files 117
process language definition files 117
Profile category 11
SetExtendedAttribute() method 329
SetExtendedAttributeText() method 329
stereotypes 18, 37, 39, 329
templates 27, 85, 88, 245
transformation profiles 95
transformations 93, 96
UseAsMetaclass property 329
XML imports 97, 98, 101
XML language definition files 117
external applications
ExecuteCommand() global function 312

File category (DBMS)
AlterFooter 137


AlterHeader 137
EnableMultiFile 137
Footer 137
Header 137
ScriptExt 137
StartCommand 137
TableExt 137
TrgFooter 137
TrgHeader 137
TrgUsage1 137
TrgUsage2 137
TriggerExt 137
Usage1 137
Usage2 137
FindChildByCode() method 316
FindChildByName() method 316
FindChildByPath() method 316
First keyword 247
FKAutoIndex 165
.FKCOLN PDM macro 234
FKeyComment 165
creating by script 322
Footer 137, 159
.foreach_item macro 271
.foreach_line macro 273
.foreach_part macro 274
foreign key
variable 240
Format category (DBMS)
AddQuote 136
CaseSensitivityUsingQuote 136
DateFormat 136
DateTimeFormat 136
EnableDtbsPrefix 136
EnableOwnerPrefix 136
IllegalChar 136
LowerCaseOnly 136
MaxScriptLen 136
TimeFormat 136
UpperCaseOnly 136
formatting options
A (align left) 248
D (interface values) 248
H (hexadecimal) 214, 248
L (lowercase) 214, 248

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

LF (first character lowercase) 214, 248
M (delete substring) 214, 248
Q (double quotes) 214, 248
q (single quotes) 214, 248
T (trim whitespace) 214, 248
U (uppercase) 214, 248
UF (first character uppercase) 214, 248
X (escape XML characters) 248
forms 209
adding buttons 58
adding controls 58
creating dialog boxes 56
creating property tabs 56
dialog box example 68
displaying extended attributes 58
displaying extended collections 58
form-in-form example 65
property sheet example 62
replacing property tabs 56
function based indexes 131
FunctionComment 179

General category (DBMS)
EnableCheck 134
EnableConstName 134
EnableIntegrity 134
EnableMultiCheck 134
SqlSupport 134
UniqConstName 134
generalizations 344
generated files 86, 88, 90, 245
example 29
GenerateDatabase() method 326
GenerateHTML() method 325
GenerateRTF() method 325
GenerateTestData() method 326
generating database objects 141
generating databases by script 326
generating models 103
generating test data by script 326
generation 120
extended generation 90
%GenOptions% global variable 251
live connection 125
PDM extended objects 133
script after 133
script before 133
scripts 121, 122

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

generation category 112

Generation category 11, 14
generation commands 112, 114
.abort_command macro 265
aborting 265
GTL 265
generation options 112, 113
generation tasks 112, 114
Generation Template Language
GenerationOrder 141
%GenOptions% global variable 251
GetAttribute() method 316
GetAttributeText() method 316
GetCalculatedCollection() method 329
GetCollectionByStereotype() method 329
GetEstimatedSize 201, 204
GetEstimatedSize event handler 76
GetExtendedAttribute() method 329
GetExtendedAttributeText() method 329
GetExtendedCollection() method 329
GetMapping() method 324
GetMetaClassByPublicName() method 330
GetMetaMemberByPublicName() method 330
GetPackageOptions() method 326, 328
global script 72, 76, 80, 106
global variables 106
%ActiveModel% 251
%CurrentDate% 251
%CurrentUser% 251
%GenOptions% 251
%NewUUID% 251
%PreviewMode% 251
go to super-definition 5
GrantOption 190, 191
GroupFunc 139
Bind 186
DBMS definition file 186
SqlListChildrenQuery 186
SqlPermQuery 186
Unbind 186
GTL 85, 86, 245
aborting generation commands 265
accessing extended attributes in other
extension files 246
breaking loops 266
calling templates 257
changing directory 266


changing text case 277
collections 247
comments 267
conditional blocks 250, 265
conditional generation 275
controlling user interaction 278
converting names and codes 267
creating generated files 245
creating paths 266
creating templates 245
defining local variable and value types 279
deleting substrings 268
embedding VBScript 281
errors 283
escape sequences 256
executing VBScript 270
extended attributes 246
formatting text 248
generated files 245
global variables 251
GTL operators 252
head string 250
inheritance 257
introduction 245
%IsShortcut% 256
iterating over a collection 271
iterating over lines in a text block 273
iterating over parts of a string 274
launching executables 269
line breaks 250
macros 264
metamodel extensions 262
new line 250
object properties 246
Outer scope 255
outputting unique lines 281
overloading templates 257
overriding templates 257
parameters 260
Parent scope 255
polymorphism 257
printing error messages 269
printing warning messages 269
properties 246
recursive templates 262
replacing substrings 268
returning collections by OID 278
returning objects by OID 278
scope 255


%Shortcut% 256
shortcuts 256
syntax errors 283
tail string 250
templates 245
testing boolean conditions 266
text blocks 250
translation errors 283
writing log messages 277
GTL macros
. // 267
.abort_command 265
.block 265
.bool 266
.break 266
.change_dir 266
.collection 278
.comment 267
.convert_code 267
.convert_name 267
.create_path 266
.delete 268
.error 269
.execute_command 269
.execute_vbscript 270
.foreach_item 247, 271
.foreach_line 273
.foreach_part 274
.if 275
.log 277
.lowercase 277
.object 278
.replace 268
.set_interactive_mode 278
.set_object 279
.set_value 279
.unique 281
.unset 279
.uppercase 277
.vbscript 281
.warning 269
GTL operators
! power evaluation 252
!= not equal to 252
? existence 252
%-(x,y)% subtraction 252
* dereferencing 252
%*(x,y)% multiplication 252
%/(x,y)% division 252

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

%&(x,y)% logical bitfield and 252
&& logical AND 252
+ visibility 252
%+(x,y)% addition 252
< less than 252
<= less than or equal to 252
= assignment 252
== equal to 252
> greater than 252
>= greater than or equal to 252
|| logical OR 252

H formatting option (hexadecimal) 214, 248
head string 250
Header 137, 159
HomeDirectory global constant 312

IdentifierDelimiter 135
.if macro 275
IllegalChar 136
impact and analysis rule sets 1
Implementation category
process language 109
.INCOLN PDM macro 239
index columns
PDM variables 219
IndexComment 159
AddColIndex 159
Cluster 159
CreateBeforeKey 159
DBMS definition file 159
DefIndexColumn 159
DefIndexType 159
EnableAscDesc 159
EnableCluster 159
EnableFunction 159
EnableOwner 159
Footer 159
Header 159
IndexComment 159
IndexType 159
MandIndexType 159
MaxColIndex 159
PDM variables 219

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

SqlSysIndexQuery 159
UniqName 159
IndexType 159
inheritance 257
Insert() method 314
Install 173
instantiable classes 344
InteractiveMode global property 312
inverse collections 49
IsEmpty keyword 247
IsKindOf() global function 312
%IsShortcut% 256
Item property 314

.JOIN PDM macro 240
join indexes
AddJoin 184
DBMS definition file 184
EnableJidxColn 184
JoinIndexComment 184
PDM variables 226
JoinIndexComment 184

AKeyComment 163
AllowNullableColn 163
ConstName 163
DBMS definition file 163
EnableCluster 163
MaxConstLen 163
PDM variables 218
primary keys 162
SqlAkeyIndex 163
UniqConstAutoIndex 163
UniqInTable 163
Keywords category (DBMS)
CharFunc 139
Commit 139
ConvertFunc 139
DateFunc 139
GroupFunc 139
ListOperators 139
NumberFunc 139
OtherFunc 139
ReservedDefault 139


ReservedWord 139
Kind property 314

L formatting option (lowercase) 214, 248
LF formatting option (first character lowercase)
214, 248
Libraries collection 330
Library property 330
line breaks
controlling in GTL 250
LineComment 135
LineWidth property 320
Linguistic Variables category 300
link objects
creating by script 318
link symbols
setting extremities by script 320
ListOperators 139
live database generation 205
local variables
defining in GTL 279
.set_object 279
.set_value 279
.unset 279
Locked global property 312
.log macro 277
.log macro 277
writing to in GTL 277
.break macro 266
breaking in GTL 266
.lowercase macro 277
lowercase 277
LowerCaseOnly 136

M formatting option (delete substring) 214, 248
MandIndexType 159
Mapping Editor 101, 104
XML imports 98
creating by script 324
GetMapping() method 324
metamodel 98, 104
metamodel objects 102


properties 101
retrieving by script 324
SourceClassifiers collection 324
MapToNamedPath() global function 312
MaxColIndex 159
MaxConstLen 141, 147, 151, 163, 165
MaxDefaultLen 176
MaxFuncLen 179
Maxlen 143
MaxScriptLen 136
mcc (model category sets) 1
MDA 93
creating custom commands in 338, 339
customizing via extensions 82, 338
customizing via XML add-ins 338
example 83
launching add-ins from 338
launching scripts from 338
merging resource files 8
metaclass 33
Metaclass property 330
metaclasses 33
adding to extension file 33
creating from stereotypes 39
creating new 36
excluding from model 33
ExtendedLink 36
ExtendedObject 36
ExtendedSubObject 36, 49
extending 33
subclassifying with criteria 40
subclassifying with stereotypes 37
MetaCollection property 314
abstract classes 344
associations 344
attributes 344
Attributes collection 330
calculated attributes 262
calculated collections 262
class attributes 344
classes 344
concrete classes 344
dependencies 344
extending by script 329
generalizations 344
GetMetaClassByPublicName() method 330

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

GetMetaMemberByPublicName() method
GTL-specific extensions 262
instantiable classes 344
Libraries collection 330
Library property 330
Metaclass property 330
MetaModel global property 330
Metamodel Objects Help 343, 346
metamodel.oom 343
navigating 344
notScriptable stereotype 344
operations 344
Parent property 330
PdBPM 343
PdCDM 343
PdCommon 343
PdEAM 343
PdFRM 343
PdGLM 343
PdILM 343
PdLDM 343
PdMTM 343
PdOOM 343
PdPDM 343
PdPRJ 343
PdRMG 343
PdRQM 343
PdWSP 343
PdXSM 343
PowerDesigner 343
public names 344
PublicName property 330
shortcuts 344
specializations 344
XML model file format 348, 350
MetaModel global property 330
metamodel objects
properties 102
Metamodel Objects Help 343, 346
metamodel.oom 343
methods 80
adding to menus 82, 338
attaching to form buttons 58
model category sets 1
model checks
creating custom checks 72
model file format
bin 348

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

DTD 348
XML 348, 350
model generation 103
%ActiveModel% global variable 251
ActiveModel global property 312
CreateModel() global function 312
CreateObject() method 318
creating by script 313
Models global collection 312
opening by script 313
OpenModel() global function 312
Models global collection 312, 313
ModifiableAttributes 143
ModifyColnComp 151
ModifyColnDflt 151
ModifyColnNull 151
ModifyColumn 151
ModifyDatabase() method 326
Move() method 314
MoveToPackage() method 321

name property
.convert_name macro 267
converting in GTL 267
named paths
EvaluateNamedPath() global function 312
MapToNamedPath() global function 312
Namings category
object language 110
navigating in resource files 5
new line 250
NewPoint() global function 320
%NewUUID% global variable 251
.NMFCOL PDM macro 241
not certified resource files 3
notScriptable stereotype 344
NullRequired 151, 158
NumberFunc 139

.object macro 278
Object Attributes category 298
Object container 117
object generations 103
initialization scripts 101


mapping properties 101
mappings 104
post-processing scripts 101
object language definition files 1
AdditionalDataTypes 110
BasicDataTypes 110
ConceptualDataTypes 110
Constants category 110
data types 110
Default association container 117
DefaultDataType 110
Events category 110
extensions 117
generation category 112
generation commands 112, 114
generation options 112, 113
generation tasks 112, 114
Namings category 110
Object container 117
profile category 117
properties 107
Settings category 110
object permission profiles 1
object properties 246
accessing by script 316
modifying by script 316
object selections
ActiveSelection global collection 312
AddObjects() method 321
CreateSelection() method 321
creating by script 321
MoveToPackage() method 321
Remove() method 321
accessing by script 316
creating by script 318
creating shortcuts by scripts 323
Delete() method 321
deleting by script 321
displaying in diagrams by script 320
FindChildByCode() method 316
FindChildByName() method 316
FindChildByPath() method 316
GetAttribute() method 316
GetAttributeText() method 316
IsKindOf() global function 312
.object macro 278
Outer scope 255
Parent scope 255


returning by GTL 278

scope 255
SetAttribute() method 316
SetAttributeText() method 316
Symbols collection 320
Objects category (DBMS)
abstract data type attributes 175
abstract data types 173
Add 143
AfterCreate 143
AfterDrop 143
AfterModify 143
Alter 143
AlterDBIgnored 143
AlterStatementList 143
BeforeCreate 143
BeforeDrop 143
BeforeModify 143
columns 151, 158
Create 143
databases 171
DB package cursors 189
DB package exceptions 189
DB package pragmas 189
DB package types 189
DB package variables 189
DB packages 188
DBMS triggers 183
default variable 143
defaults 192
DefOptions 143
dimensions 195
domains 172
Drop 143
Enable 143
EnableOption 141
extended objects 196
GenerationOrder 141
groups 186
indexes 159
join indexes 184
keys 162, 163
MaxConstLen 141
Maxlen 143
ModifiableAttributes 143
Options 143
parameters 190
permissions 191
primary keys 162

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

privileges 190
procedures 179
qualifiers 184
references 165
result columns 194
ReversedStatements 143
roles 187
rules 176
sequences 185
SqlAttrQuery 143
SqlListQuery 143
SqlOptsQuery 143
storages 170
synonyms 186
tables 143, 147
tablespaces 170
triggers 180
users 176
views 168
Web operations 193
Web parameters 194
Web services 193
ODBC category 205
Locked global property 312
ShowMode global property 312
OLE Automation 305, 332
OnLanguageChanged event handler 76
OnLanguageChangeRequest event handler 76
OnLanguageChanging event handler 76
OnModelClose event handler 76
OnModelOpen event handler 76
OnModelSave event handler 76
OnNewFromTemplate event handler 76
OpenDatabase 171
opening resource files 3
OpenModel() global function 312
OpenModel() method 313
operations 344
Options 143
OtherFunc 139
Outer 255
Output window
Output() global function 312
Output() global function 312
templates 257
templates 257

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

parameters 260
DBMS definition file 190
Parent 255
Parent property 330
.create_path 266
creating in GTL 266
specifying for resource files 1
PdBPM 343
PdCDM 343
PdCommon 343
PdEAM 343
PdFRM 343
PdGLM 343
PdILM 343
PdLDM 343
PDM macros 211
.ERROR 236
.JOIN 240
PDM variables 211
[ ] operators 212
abstract data types 223
ASE 226
columns 216
constraints 216
database security 229
database synchronization 226
databases 233
DB packages 227
defaults 230
dimensions 231
domains 216
extended objects 232
formatting 214


index columns 219
indexes 219
join indexes 226
keys 218
procedures 221, 233
reference columns 219
references 219
reverse engineering 233
rules 222
sequences 223
SQL Server 226
storages 223
synonyms 223
tables 215
tablespaces 223
testing values 212
triggers 221, 233
views 215
Web services 230
PdMTM 343
PdOOM 343
PdPDM 343
PdPRJ 343
PdRMG 343
PdRQM 343
PdWSP 343
PdXSM 343
Permission 147, 151, 179
DBMS definition file 191
GrantOption 191
RevokeOption 191
physical options 209
composite options 208
default value 206
defining defaults in a DBMS file 143
defining in a DBMS file 143, 206
DefOptions DBMS item 143
extended attributes 206
list of values 206
Options DBMS item 143
Physical Options (Common) tab 206
Physical Options tab 206
reverse engineering 129
simple options 206
Physical Options (Common) tab 206
Physical Options tab 206
PkAutoIndex 162
.PKCOLN PDM macro 234


PKeyComment 162
platform-independent models 93
platform-specific models 93
polymorphism 257
Position property 320
metamodel 343
XML model file format 350
ppf (object permission profiles) 1
Preview tab
%PreviewMode% global variable 251
%PreviewMode% global variable 251
primary key
variable 240
primary keys
ConstName 162
DBMS definition file 162
EnableCluster 162
PkAutoIndex 162
PKeyComment 162
UseSpPrimKey 162
DBMS definition file 190
GrantOption 190
RevokeOption 190
System 190
procedure templates 120
ProcedureComment 179
CreateFunc 179
CustomFunc 179
CustomProc 179
DBMS definition file 179
DropFunc 179
EnableFunc 179
EnableOwner 179
FunctionComment 179
MaxFuncLen 179
PDM variables 221, 233
Permission 179
ProcedureComment 179
SqlPermQuery 179
process language definition files 1
Choreography category 109
DataHandling category 109
extensions 117
generation category 112
generation commands 112, 114
generation options 112, 113

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

generation tasks 112, 114
Implementation category 109
profile category 117
properties 107
Settings category 109
See extension files
profile category
object language definition files 117
process language definition files 117
XML language definition files 117
Profile category 11
DBMS definition files 199
promoting a stereotype to metaclass 37
promoting a sterotype to metaclass 39
properties 246
property sheets
example 62
form-in-form example 65
property tabs
creating from forms 56
replacing by forms 56
public names 344
PublicName property 330

Q formatting option (double quotes) 214, 248
q formatting option (single quotes) 214, 248
DBMS definition file 184
Quote 135

recursive templates 262
reference columns
PDM variables 219
CheckOnCommit 165
ConstName 165
DBMS definition file 165
DclDelIntegrity 165
DclUpdIntegrity 165
DefineJoin 165
EnableChangeJoinOrder 165
EnableCluster 165
EnablefKeyName 165
FKAutoIndex 165

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

FKeyComment 165
MaxConstLen 165
PDM variables 219
SqlListChildrenQuery 165
UseSpFornKey 165
RegistryHome global constant 312
Remove 173
Remove() method 314, 321
Rename 147, 151
.replace macro 268
Report Item Templates category 303
report language files 1, 287
All Attributes and Collections tab 300
All Classes tab 299
All Report Titles tab 297
creating 289
Linguistic Variables category 300
Object Attributes category 298
opening 288
properties 290
Report Item Templates category 303
Report Titles category 294
translation example 295
Values Mapping category 291
report templates 1
Report Titles category 294
CreateReport() method 325
creating by script 325
GenerateHTML() method 325
GenerateRTF() method 325
generating by script 325
Reports collection 325
translating 287
Reports collection 325
checking documents in by script 325
checking documents out by script 325
checking resource files into 1
CheckOut() method 325
comparing resource files 1
connecting by script 325
Consolidate() method 325
ConsolidateNew() method 325
RepositoryConnection global property 312
updating resource files from 1
RepositoryConnection global property 312
ReservedDefault 139
ReservedWord 139


resource editor
See also resource files
resource files
adding items 6
checking into the repository 1
comparing 7
comparing with the repository 1
conversion tables 1
copying 7
creating 7
csv (conversion tables) 1
DBMS definition files 1
deleting items 6
editing 6
embedding 6
extension files 1
impact and analysis rule sets 1
mcc (model category sets) 1
merging 8
model category sets 1
navigating in 5
not certified 3
object language definition files 1
object permission profiles 1
opening 3
paths 1
ppf (object permission profiles) 1
process language definition files 1
report language files 1
report templates 1
repository 1
restoring defaults 6
rtp (report templates) 1
rul (impact and analysis rule sets) 1
saving 6
searching 5
sharing 6
updating from the repository 1
upf (user profiles) 1
user profiles 1
xdb (DBMS definition files) 1
xem (extension files) 1
XML language definition files 1
xol (object language definition files) 1
xpl (process language definition files) 1
xrl (report language files) 1
xsl (XML language definition files) 1
restoring defaults in resource files 6


result columns
DBMS definition file 194
retrieving mappings by script 324
reverse engineering 120
attributes 128
EX keyword 128
extending 128
function based indexes 131
live connection 125
live databases 129, 131, 132
PDM extended objects 133
PDM variables 233
physical options 129
qualifiers 132
ReversedQueries 128
ReversedStatements 124
script after 133
script before 133
scripts 124
reverse-engineering databases by script 328
ReverseDatabase() method 328
ReversedQueries 128
ReversedStatements 124, 143
RevokeOption 190, 191
robustness diagrams
creating custom checks 21
creating custom symbols 19
creating extension for 16
creating generated files 29
creating stereotypes 18
creating templates 27
testing extension 30
Bind 187
DBMS definition file 187
SqlListChildrenQuery 187
SqlPermQuery 187
Unbind 187
rtp (report templates) 1
rul (impact and analysis rule sets) 1
RuleComment 176
ColnDefaultName 176
ColnRuleName 176
DBMS definition file 176
MaxDefaultLen 176
PDM variables 222
RuleComment 176
UddtDefaultName 176

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

UddtRuleName 176

saving resource files 6
Outer 255
Parent 255
ScriptExt 137
accessing extensions 329
accessing object properties 316
accessing objects 316
ActiveModel global property 313
browsing collections 314
changing symbol format 320
checking documents into the repository 325
checking out of the repository 325
connecting to databases 326, 328
connecting to the repository 325
create shortcut 323
CreateModel() method 313
creating data sources 324
creating extensions 329
creating link objects 318
creating mappings 324
creating models 313
creating object selections 321
creating objects 318
creating reports 325
creating shortcuts 323
creating symbols 320
databases 326, 328
deleting objects 321
Edit/Run Script editor 307
extending the metamodel 329
folders 322
generating databases 326
generating reports 325
generating test data 326
global constants 312
global functions 312
global properties 312
introduction 305
launching scripts via custom commands 338,
mappings 324
metamodel 330
Metamodel Objects Help 346
Models global collection 313

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

modifying collections 314

modifying object properties 316
navigating in the metamodel 330
notScriptable stereotype 344
OLE Automation 332
opening models 313
OpenModel() method 313
positioning symbols 320
reports 325
repository 325
reverse-engineering databases 328
running scripts 307
sample scripts 309
transactions 312
VBScript example 305
workspace 322
searching in resource files 5
SequenceComment 185
DBMS definition file 185
EnableOwner 185
PDM variables 223
SequenceComment 185
.set_interactive_mode macro 278
.set_object macro 279
.set_value macro 279
SetAttribute() method 316
SetAttributeText() method 316
SetExtendedAttribute() method 329
SetExtendedAttributeText() method 329
Settings category
object language 110
process language 109
XML language 112
sharing resource files 6
%Shortcut% 256
shortcuts 344
CreateShortcut() method 323
creating by script 323
in GTL 256
ShowMode global property 312
Source property 314
SourceClassifiers collection 324
specializations 344
SQL category (DBMS) 135
SQL Server
PDM variables 226
SqlAkeyIndex 163


SqlAttrQuery 143
SqlChckQuery 147, 151
SqlContinue 135
SqlListChildrenQuery 165, 186, 187
SqlListDefaultQuery 172
SqlListQuery 143
SqlListRefrTables 147
SqlListSchema 147, 168
SqlOptsQuery 143
SqlPermQuery 147, 151, 168, 176, 179, 186, 187
SqlStatistics 151
SqlSupport 134
SqlSysIndexQuery 159
.SQLXML PDM macro 242
SqlXMLTable 147
SqlXMLView 168
StartCommand 137
stereotypes 37
example 18
promoting to metaclass 37, 39
Use as metaclass 18, 37, 39
UseAsMetaclass property 329
StorageComment 170
DBMS definition file 170
PDM variables 223
StorageComment 170
A (align left) 248
aligning left 248
converting to first character lowercase 214,
converting to first character uppercase 214,
converting to lowercase 214, 248
converting to uppercase 214, 248
deleting substrings 214, 248
.foreach_part macro 274
iterating over in GTL 274
L (lowercase) 214, 248
LF (first character lowercase) 214, 248
M (delete substring) 214, 248
Q (double quotes) 214, 248
q (single quotes) 214, 248
surrounding in double quotes 214, 248
surrounding in single quotes 214, 248
T (trim whitespace) 214, 248
trimming whitespace 214, 248
U (uppercase) 214, 248


UF (first character uppercase) 214, 248

subclassifying metaclasses with criteria 40
subclassifying metaclasses with stereotypes 37
creating 339
deleting in GTL 248, 268
deleting in PDM variables 214
M (delete substring) 214, 248
replacing in GTL 268
creating by script 320
DashStyle property 320
formatting by script 320
LineWidth property 320
NewPoint() global function 320
Position property 320
positioning by script 320
Symbols collection 320
DBMS definition file 186
EnableAlias 186
PDM variables 223
Syntax category (DBMS)
BlockComment 135
BlockTerminator 135
Delimiter 135
IdentifierDelimiter 135
LineComment 135
Quote 135
SqlContinue 135
Terminator 135
UseBlockTerm 135
syntax errors 283
System 190

T formatting option (trim whitespace) 214, 248
TableComment 147
TableExt 137
AddTableCheck 147
AllowedADT 147
AlterTableFooter 147
AlterTableHeader 147
ConstName 147
DBMS definition file 147
DefineTableCheck 147
DropTableCheck 147

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

MaxConstLen 147
PDM variables 215
Permission 147
Rename 147
SqlChckQuery 147
SqlListRefrTables 147
SqlListSchema 147
SqlPermQuery 147
SqlXMLTable 147
TableComment 147
TypeList 147
UniqConstraintName 147
TablespaceComment 170
DBMS definition file 170
PDM variables 223
TablespaceComment 170
tail string 250
templates 85, 88, 245
calling 257
example 27
F12 5
jumping to referenced template 5
Outer scope 255
overloading 257
overriding 257
Parent scope 255
passing parameters 260
recursive 262
referencing shortcuts 256
scope 255
Terminator 135
testing PDM variable values 212
formatting in GTL 248
text blocks
changing case in GTL 277
.foreach_line macro 273
iterating over in GTL 273
.lowercase macro 277
outputting unique lines in GTL 281
.unique macro 281
.uppercase macro 277
Time 180
TimeFormat 136
Tools menu
creating custom commands in 338, 339
trace mode 14

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

BeginTransaction() global function 312
CancelTransaction() global function 312
EndTransaction() global function 312
Transformation Profile category 14
transformation profiles 95
transformations 93
transformation profiles 95
transformation scripts 96
translation errors 283
TrgFooter 137
TrgHeader 137
TrgUsage1 137
TrgUsage2 137
trigger template items 120
trigger templates 120
TriggerComment 180
TriggerExt 137
DBMS definition file 180
DefaultTriggerName 180
EnableMultiTrigger 180
EnableOwner 180
Event 180
EventDelimiter 180
PDM variables 221, 233
Time 180
TriggerComment 180
UseErrorMsgTable 180
UseErrorMsgText 180
TypeList 147, 168

U formatting option (uppercase) 214, 248
UddtComment 172
UddtDefaultName 176
UddtRuleName 176
UF formatting option (first character uppercase)
214, 248
Unbind 151, 172, 186, 187
UniqConstAutoIndex 163
UniqConstName 134
UniqConstraintName 147
UniqInTable 163
UniqName 159
.unique macro 281
unique identifiers
%NewUUID% global variable 251
.unset macro 279


upf (user profiles) 1
uppercase 277
.uppercase macro 277
UpperCaseOnly 136
Usage1 137
Usage2 137
Use as metaclass 18, 37, 39
UseAsMetaclass property 329
UseBlockTerm 135
UseErrorMsgTable 180
UseErrorMsgText 180
user interaction
controlling in GTL 278
.set_interactive_mode macro 278
user profiles 1
UserName global constant 312
%CurrentUser% global variable 251
DBMS definition file 176
SqlPermQuery 176
UserTypeName 172
UseSpFornKey 165
UseSpPrimKey 162

ValidationMode global property 312
Values Mapping category 291
foreign key 240
primary key 240
columns 234
.vbscript macro 281
VBScript 80, 96, 309
embedding in GTL 281
example 305
.execute_vbscript macro 270
executing with GTL 270
.vbscript macro 281
Version global constant 312
ViewCheck 168
ViewComment 168
Viewer global constant 312
DBMS definition file 168
PDM variables 215
SqlListSchema 168
SqlPermQuery 168
SqlXMLView 168


TypeList 168
ViewCheck 168
ViewComment 168
ViewStyle 168
ViewStyle 168

.warning macro 269
in GTL 269
.warning macro 269
Web operations
DBMS definition file 193
Web parameters
DBMS definition file 194
Web services
DBMS definition file 193
PDM variables 230
accessing by script 322
ActiveWorkspace global property 312, 322
Children collection 322
modifying by script 322
saving by script 322

X formatting option (escape XML characters) 248
xdb (DBMS definition files) 1
xem (extension files) 1
See extension files
extensions for importing 97
importing objects from 98
XML file
add-in 335
structure 335
XML imports 97
initialization scripts 101
mapping properties 101
mappings 98
post-processing scripts 101
XML language definition files 1
DataTypes category 112
extensions 117
generation category 112
generation commands 112, 114

SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

generation options 112, 113
generation tasks 112, 114
profile category 117
properties 107
Settings category 112

Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner

XML model file format 350

xol (object language definition files) 1
xpl (process language definition files) 1
xrl (report language files) 1
xsl (XML language definition files) 1




SAP Sybase PowerDesigner

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