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Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS.2) Department

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Voluntary Retirement Scheme - State Public Sector Undertakings - Revised

Guidelines - Issued - Dharmapuri District Development Corporation Ltd. Relaxation of conditions.

Rural Development and Panchayat Raj (CGS.2) Department.
G.O. (Ms) No. 01

Dated. 07-01-2008


G.O.(Ms) No.14, Rural Development Department dated 21.1.2001

G.O. (Ms.) No. 158, Finance (BPE) Department dated 13-5-2002.
From the Project Officer and Member Secretary, Dharmapuri
District Socio-Economic Development Society
Letter No.532/04/A.1, dated 31-7-2007.

Dharmapuri District Development Corporation Limited had been
ordered to be wound up in the orders first read above. The Project Officer &
Member Secretary, Dharmapuri District Socio Economic Development Society in
the letter 3rd read above has stated that the following employees had opted for
Voluntary Retirement Scheme and they had been relieved on the Afternoon of
31-01-2005 and they had been paid a sum of Rs.1.50 lakhs each as the
minimum exgratia amount:

Thiru V.T.Prakash, Junior Assistant


Thiru V.Mohan, Driver


Thiru M.Ramasamy, Record Clerk


Thiri U.P.Anjappa, Office Assistant

Now they are representing to sanction the balance of compensation/exgratia

amount. Accordingly, She has requested the
Government to issue orders for
categorizing the Dharmapuri District Development Corporation Limited under
para 4 (c) and to relax the condition (iii) of para 7 of G.O. (Ms.) No.158,
(BPE) Department, dated 13-5-02 for the purpose of Voluntary
Retirement Scheme.
2. In G.O.(Ms.) No.158, Finance (BPE) Department, dated 13-5-02 the
Government had issued revised guidelines for Voluntary Retirement Scheme in
State Public Sector Undertakings (PSU). The said order classified the Public
Sector Undertakings as below:
State Public Sector Undertakings which are financially sound and
sustain a Voluntary Retirement Scheme from their own surplus

b) State Public Sector Undertakings which are not financially sound

but proposed to be kept as a going concern. A State Public Sector
Undertaking is defined as 'financially not sound' if it satisfies either
of the following two conditions:(i) Those State Public Sector Undertakings whose net worth has
been eroded by 50%.
(ii) Those State Public Sector Undertakings which have incurred
loss for the last 3 consecutive years.
(c) State Public Sector Undertakings which are not financially sound
and which are proposed to be closed.
3 The Government have also prescribed the following conditions for
payment of compensation, in respect of State Public Undertakings falling under
category (c) of para 4 of the said Government Order:(i)

the compensation will consist of 30 days salary (Pay + Dearness

Allowance ) for every competed year of service and 10 days for the
balance of service left until Superannuation or Rs.2.50 lakhs
whichever is less in respect of all levels of employees.


the age and service qualification shall be removed and the criteria of
minimum period of service left shall be deleted.

(iii) Atleast 90% of the employees should opt for Voluntary Retirement
Scheme within one month of the offer or else employees would be
eligible only for retrenchment compensation. Those employees who
do not opt for it would get only retrenchment compensation.
4 The Government also permitted a guaranteed minimum Voluntary
Retirement Scheme amount of Rs.1.50 lakhs shall be given to the employees of
State Public Sector Undertakings falling under all the above three categories viz
(a), (b), (c) of para 4 if the Voluntary Retirement Scheme amount calculated by
the above formula is less than Rs.1.50 lakhs.
5 The Government after careful examination have decided to accept the
proposal of the Project Officer& Member Secretary, Dharmapuri District Socio
Economic Development Society and order that the Dharmapuri District
Development Corporation Limited be categorised under para 4 (c) and also
relaxes the condition (iii) of para 7 of G.O. (Ms.) No.158, Finance (BPE)
Department date 13-5-02 for the purpose of Voluntary Retirement Scheme.
6 This order issues with the concurrence of the Finance Department vide
its U.O. No. 58393/BPE/07, dated 19-10-2007.
(By Order of the Governor)

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