Table of Content
Table of Content
Table of Content
student. Management studies are not exception. Scope of the project at this level is very
wide ranging. On the other hand it provide sound basis to adopt the theoretical
knowledge and on the other hand it gives an opportunities for exposure to real time
This study is an internal part of our MBA program and to do this project in a short period
was a heavy task.
Intention, dedication, concentration and hard work are very much essential to complete
any task. But still it needs a lot of support, guidance, assistance, co-operation of people to
make it successful.
I bear to imprint of my people who have given me, their precious ideas and times to
enable me to complete the research and the project report. I want to thanks them for their
continuous support in my research and writing efforts.
Table of Content
1. Introduction
2. Significance of Study
3. Objective of Study
4. Research Methodology
Literature Review
Conceptual Framework
Operational Definition
10. Bibliographies
11. Annexure
A number of technocrats are seeking to set up shop on their own and capitalize on
opportunities. In the highly dynamic economic climate that surrounds us today, few
traditional business models may survive. Countries across the globe are realizing that it
is not the conglomerates and the gigantic corporations that fuel economic growth any
more. The essence of any economy today is the small and medium enterprises. For
example, in the US, 50% of the exports are created by companies with less than 20
employees and only 7% are created by companies with 500 or more employees. This
growing trend can be attributed to rapid advances in technology in the last decade.
Knowledge driven industries like InfoTech, health-care, entertainment and services have
become the cynosure of bourses worldwide. In these sectors, it is innovation and
technical capability that are big business-drivers. This is a paradigm shift from the earlier
physical production and economies of scale model. However, starting an enterprise is
never easy. There are a number of parameters that contribute to its success or downfall.
Experience, integrity, prudence and a clear understanding of the market are among the
sought after qualities of a promoter. However, there are other factors, which lie beyond
the control of the entrepreneur. Prominent among these is the timely infusion of funds.
This is where the venture capitalist comes in, with money, business sense and a lot more.