Application For An Order: Form C1
Application For An Order: Form C1
Application For An Order: Form C1
Form C1
Children Act 1989 except care and supervision orders, Section 8 orders and orders related to
enforcement of a contact order.
If you are applying for a section 8 order or an order related to enforcement of a contact order you will need to use
a different application form (Form C100 for Section 8 orders and Form C79 for enforcement). Booklet 'CB1 Making an application - children and the family courts' gives more information. These leaflets are available from
your local court or online at
If you are applying for one of the following private law Children Act 1989 orders you must file a separate
completed FM1 form with this application:
A parental responsibility order (sections 4(1)(c), 4ZA(1)(c) or 4A(1)(b) of the Children Act 1989) or an
order terminating parental responsibility (sections 4(2A), 4ZA(5) or 4A(3) of that Act).
An order appointing a childs guardian (section 5(1) of the Children Act 1989) or an order terminating the
appointment (section 6(7) of that Act).
An order giving permission to change a childs surname or remove a child from the United Kingdom
(sections 13(1) or 14C of the Children Act 1989).
A special guardianship order or an order varying or discharging such an order (section 14D of the
Children Act 1989).
If you are applying for a care or supervision order, you will need to use Form C110A, which is available online at
Cafcass/CAFCASS CYMRU will carry out checks as it considers necessary.
Cafcass - Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (in England); CAFCASS CYMRU - Children
and Family Court Advisory and Support Service Wales.
The family court sitting at
Important Note
You should only answer question 7 if you are applying for a Parental Responsibility Order.
1 About you (the person completing this form known as 'the applicant')
your title, full name, address, telephone number, date of birth and relationship to each child above
your solicitors name, address, reference, telephone, FAX and DX numbers.
Solicitors fee
account no.
C1 Application for an order (11.14)
4 The respondent(s)
Appendix 3 Family Proceedings Rules 1991; Schedule 2 Family Proceedings Courts (Children Act 1989) Rules 1991
8 Social Services
For each child in paragraph 2 state:
whether the child is known to the Social Services. If so, give the name of the social worker and the address
of the Social Services department.
whether the child is, or has been, on the Child Protection Register. If so, give details of registration.
12 Other adults
the full name of any other adults (for example, lodgers) who live at the same address as any child
named in paragraph 2
whether they live there all the time
whether, to your knowledge, the adult has been involved in a court case concerning a child. If so, give
the date and the name of the court.
13 Your reason(s) for applying and any plans for the child(ren)
State briefly your reasons for applying and what you want the court to order.
Do not complete this section if this form is accompanied by a supplementary form.