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Ece-IV-linear Ics & Applications (10ec46) - Question Paper

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Linear ICs & Applications


University Question Bank

Unit-1: Operational amplifier Fundamentals

1. Explain the working of a basic Op-amp circuit?


2. A non inverting amplifier is to amplify 100mv signal to a level of 3v using a 741 opamp design a suitable circuit?
[ June-10,6M]

3. With







inverting amplifier?


Sketch the circuit of a two input inverting summing amplifier. Explain the operation of
the circuit and derive the equation for the output voltage?


Two signals which each range from 0.1v to 1v are to be summed. Using a 741 op-amp
design a suitable inverting summing circuit?
[ June 08,6M]

6. Define the following terms as applied to an op-amp and mention their typical values for
IC 741: 1) CMRR 2) PSRR 3)Slew Rate 4) output impedance 5) input offset voltage

7. Design a non inverting amplifier to provide a gain 50 for an input of 100mv. Compute
its I/P &O/P impedances. Given Ri = 2M, R0 -75, IBmax= 500na & M = 200000

for the op-amp(741)


8. Sketch an op-amp difference amplifier circuit. Derive an equation for the output voltage
and explain the operation?
[ June-11,5M]

9. With a neat circuit diagram explain direct coupled non inverting amplifier with
necessary design steps.
10. Explain common mode voltage, common mode voltage gain and common mode
rejection ratio for operational amplifier. Show that Vocm = Vicm/ CMRR x Av


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11. Define CMRR of an op-amp. An LM 308 op-amp circuit with a closed loop gain of 33
has a common mode I/P of 1.5v. Calculate the maximum O/P voltage this might
produce. The minimum CMRR for LM308 is 80dB.
[ June-08,4M]
12. Compare a Voltage follower and an Emitter follower?

[ june-08,4M

13. Calculate the typical input and ouput resistance of a noninverting amplifier with a
voltage gain of 25, i) using 741 opamp ii) using 715 op-amp
For 741 : Zi = 2M, M= 2x105 , Z0 = 75 .
For 715 : Zi = 1M, M= 3x104 , Z0 = 75 .
[ June-08,6M]
14. What is meant by offset in an op-amp, how does it effect the performance of the opamp? If an op-amp has a bias current of 200nA & two equal resistances of 20K are
connected between inverting and ground as well sa non inverting and ground resp.,
what will be the I/P offset voltage for a tolerance of +/- 20% in resistor values? What
will be the output voltage under open loop gain of 105?
[ Jan-09,8M]
15. Prove that the open loop I/P &O/P impedance of an op-amp under closed loop condition
change due to feedback. Determine these impedances for an non inverting amplifier
with a closed loop gain of 200. The op-amp has differential I/p impedance of 2x106 &
output impedance 50. The open loop gain of Op-amp Avo- 106.
[ Jan-09,4M]

16. Sketch and explain a typical gain versus frequency graph for an op-amp? [Jan-10,4M]
17. Explain potential divider bias for an op-amp I/P, with the necessary design steps?
[June-09 & Jan-09,6M]


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Unit 2 : OP-AMP as AC Amplifiers

1. Design a capacitor coupled voltage follower using a 741 op-amp. The lower cutoff
frequency of the circuit is to be 115Hz. The load resistance is 6.8K.
2. Draw a capacitor coupled voltage follower circuit and explain functions of the
capacitors used .Also explain how these capacitors are to be chosen?
[Jan-10, 8M]

3. Design a capacitor coupled voltage follower using a 741 op-amp. The lower cut off
frequency of the circuit is to be 100Hz. The load resistance is 4.7K.Draw the circuit
and explain its operation

Sketch the circuit of a High Zin capacitor coupled voltage follower and obtain the
expression for input impedance of the circuit?[June-10,June-09,Jan-10,Jan-06, 6M]


Design a high Zin capacitor coupled voltage follower using 741 op-amp having
lower cutoff frequency 50Hz & the load resistance is 3.8k.Also determine the
minimum theoretical I/P impedance of the circuit?
[June-10,6m EE]

6. A capacitor coupled Non-Inverting amplifier using Op-amp is to have Av=100 and

Vo= 5v. The load resistance is 10k and the lower cut off frequency is to be 100Hz.
Design a suitable circuit?

7. With a neat circuit diagram explain the operation of a high Zin capacitor coupled
Non-inverting amplifier. Develop the expression for the input impedance of the
[June-08,june-07, June-10,Jan-06 (EE), 8M]
8. A capacitor coupled Non-inv amplifier is to be designed to have high Zin with a gain
of 40Db. If the open loop gain of op-amp is 2x105 and I/p impedance is 1.5x106
calculate the various circuit elements. The required cut off frequency is 100Hz. The
load resistance is 2.2K and i/p parasitic capacitance 15pf. Also calculate the I/P

9. A capacitor coupled INV amplifier has the following components : R1=2.7K, R2

=100K,RL = 1.5K, C1 = 3.9F, C2 = 0.68F. Determine the circuit voltage gain,
lower cutoff frequency and impedance of C1 at f1. Draw the circuit?


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10. How upper cut off frequency is decided in an op-amp &What is its necessary? [Jan09,June-10,6M]
11. A capacitor coupled Inverting amplifier using 741 Op-amp is to have Av=50 and Vo=
2.5v. The load resistance is 250 and the frequency range is 40Hz to 2kHz. Design a
suitable circuit?

12. Design a c-coupled inverting amplifier for a pass band gain of 100, f1= 120Hz
&f2=5kHz. Assume RL = 2K and use LF353 BIFET op-amp?
13. A difference amplifier has the following components : R1=R3= 6.8K, R2 = R4=
68K, C1 = 2.2F, C2 = 0.2F & C3= 1F.. Determine the circuit lower cut off
frequency and maximum differential i/p voltage that can be applied if the o/p is not to
exceeds 5v.
[June-09, June-06, 6M]

14. Draw the circuit of a capacitor coupled Non- inverting amplifier using a single
polarity supply and briefly explain?
[Dec-10,Jan-08,Jan-05, 8M]
15. A capacitor coupled Non-Inverting amplifier is to have a + 24 supply, has Av=100
and Vo= 5v. The load resistance is 5.6k and the lower cut off frequency is to be
75Hz.Using741op-amp design a suitable circuit?

16. Draw the circuit of a capacitor coupled inverting amplifier using a single polarity
supply and briefly explain?
[June-08,Jan-10, 8M]
17. A capacitor coupled Inverting amplifier is to have a + 20 supply, has Av=68 and
minimum i/p voltage of 50mV. The load resistance is 500 and the lower cut off
frequency is to be 200Hz. Using 741 op-amp
design a suitable circuit?
[June-09, Jan-09, 6M]

18. Derive the condition under which an Non-INV amplifier can be used as a voltage
follower. What will be the i/p impedance?


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UNIT-3 : Op-Amps frequency response and compensation

1. Discuss the op-amp circuit stability and show how feedback in an INV amplifier
can produce instability. Explain the conditions necessary for oscillations to occur
in an op-amp circuit?
2. What is the need of stability check in an op-amp from the frequency response.
Show how stability of an op-amp can be analyzed. When do you say an op-amp is

3. With the help of frequency and phase curve of a typical op-amp, discuss the
concept of circuit stability for high gain and low gain amplifiers? [Dec-10,12M]
4. Explain why an op-amp with a lower closed loop is more likely to be unstable.

5. E4xplain the frequency compensation technique, using a phase lead network?

6. Explain the frequency compensation technique using a phase lead network? [dec10,4m]

7. Determine the typical upper cut off frequency for a NON-INV amplifier with Av
= 100,
a) when a 741 op-amp is used and b) when a 709 is employed?
8. Define the Slew rate of an op-amp. Show how the slew rate of an op-amp can
produce distortion in a sinusoidal o/p waveform. Also explain how the slew rate
can limit the amplitude of the distortion free sine wave o/p for a given op-amp cut
off frequency?

9. Calculate the slew rate limited cut off frequency for a voltage follower circuit
using a 741 op-amp, if the peak of a sine wave o/p is to be 6v. Determine the
maximum peak value of the sinusoidal o/p voltage that will allow the 741 voltage
follower circuit to operate at 800 kHz unity gain cut off frequency. Given S=
0.5v/s. [June-09,4M]


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10. Determine the upper cutoff frequency & the maximum distortion free o/p
amplitude for a voltage follower:
When a 741 op-amp is used and F2= 800KHZ, S= 0.5v/s
When a LF353 OP-AMP is used F2= 5MHZ, S= 13v/s [June -08,6m]
11. An op-amp has a unity cross over frequency of 1MHZ. Calculate the upper cut off
frequency in the following cases:
INV-amplifier with Avc=100dB
NON-INV amplifier with Avc= 50dB
Voltage follower
Show these on the frequency response plot if Av= 120Db. [Jan-09,4M]
12. Calculate the minimum rise time and maximum undistorted o/p pulse amplitude at
that rise time foe an amplifier with closed loop gain 50, using a 741 op-amp [Jan08,4M(EE)]
13. Calculate the slew rate limited cut off frequency for a voltage follower circuit
using a 741 op-amp, if the peak of a sine wave o/p is to be 5v. Determine the
maximum peak value of the sinusoidal o/p voltage that will allow the 741 voltage
follower circuit to operate at 500 kHz unity gain cut off frequency. Given S=
0.5v/s. [June-07,6M (EE)]

14. Determine the upper cutoff frequency and maximum distortion free o/p amplitude
for a voltage follower when a 741 op-amp is used?
15. A 741 with a S== 0.5v/s is used as a voltage follower.
Calculate the slew rate limited cut-off frequency if the sine wave o/p is 5v.
If this circuit is to operate with a unity gain cut off frequency of 800KHZ ,
calculate the maximum peak value of the sinusoidal o/p voltage.
If the upper cutoff frequency is 8khz, calculate the maximum peak value
of the o/p voltage.
16. With a neat circuit diagram explain Zin mod method of frequency compensation.
Write the equation for the feedback factor.
[ Jan-09, June-09,8M]
17. List the precautions that should be obersved for op-amp circuit stability. Briefly
explain each .
[ June-08, Jan-10, June-10, 8M]


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UNIT-04: Op-Amp Applications

1. Draw the circuit of an instrumentation amplifier. Explain its characteristics. Also
show the voltage gain can be varied? [June-10, Jan-11, June-08 , 8M]

2. Using bipolar op-amps with Vcc=+/- 15v , Explain the working of precision full
wave rectifier circuit?
[ june-08, jan-09, 8M]

3. Explain current sources with a neat diagram? [June-10,4M]

4. Explain voltage scaling and buffers with a neat circuit?


5. Explain current precise current with a neat diagram? [June-09,4M]


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UNIT 5: More Applications

1. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a log amplifier using opamps. Derive the o/p voltage equation?
[ June-11, June-08 ,Jan-09,6M]

2. With a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of precision rectifier peak
detector using op-amps.?

3. Draw and explain an op-amp sample and hold circuit with signal, control and
output waveforms? [June-10,June-08, Jan-09,8M]

4. With a sketch, explain the working of Wein bridge oscillator circuit?


5. With a neat circuit explain precision clamper ?


[Jan -09,5M]

6. With a neat circuit explain the operation of triangular wave form generator? [Jan08,june-10, 8M]

7. How do we get anti log using op-amps explain in detail?


8. Explain frequency doubling technique using op-amps?


9. Explain Trans-resistance circuit using op-amps?

10. Explain Trans-conductance circuit using op-amps?




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UNIT 6: Non linear circuit Applications

1. With wave forms ,explain the working of
Zero- crossing detector
Voltage- level detector
2. A capacitor coupled zero-crossing detector is to handle a 2khz square wave with a
peak-peak amplitude of 10v. Design a circuit using a 741 with =/-15V supply.
Estimate the minimum op-amp slew rate to give a reasonably undistorted o/p. Also,
calculate the lowest sine wave input frequency that can be applied without the phase
shift error exceeding 3. [June-09,8M]
3. With a neat circuit diagram explain the operation of INV Schmitt trigger? [June09,6M]
4. An INV Schmitt trigger circuit is to have UTP= 0V & LTP=1V. Design a suitable
circuit using a bipolar op-amp with +/- 15V supply?
[ June-08,7M]
5. An INV Schmitt trigger circuit is to have UTP= 0V & LTP=2.5V. Design a suitable
circuit using a bipolar op-amp with +/- 18V supply?
[ June-10,8M]
6. Sketch the circuit of an op-amp a stable multivibrator show the voltage waveforms at
various points in the circuit and explain its operation? [ Dec-10,6M]
7. Draw the circuit of an op-amp mono-stable multivibrator & explain its operation?
8. What are the advantages of active filters over passive filters?


9. Design an astable multivibrator that can produce an o/p with ton=toff= 1ms. The opamp is driven with a =/-15V supply, Draw the waveforms across the capacitor,
feedback, and o/p. Vh= 0.1v maximum.
10. Using a 741 op-amp design a second order low pass filter to have a cut off frequency
of 5khz. [Jan-09,Dec-10,8M]
11. Using a 741 op-amp design a second order low pass filter to have a cut off frequency
of 2khz. Draw the circuit & indicate the frequency response of the filter? [Jan10,10M]
12. Sketch the circuit of a second order active high pass filter explain its working?


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13. Using a 741 op-amp design a second order high pass filter to have a cut off frequency
of 7khz. [June-08,Dec-10,6M]

14. Using a 741 op-amp design a second order high pass filter to have a cut off frequency
of 15khz. [June-09,6M]


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UNIT 7: Voltage Regulators

1. Briefly explain the standard representation of 78xx regulators? [Jan-11,6M]
2. List and briefly explain the characteristics of their terminal IC regulators. What are
the limitations of these regulators?
3. Explain the terms line, load regulation & ripple rejection for a dc voltage regulator?
4. Using 7805 design a current source to deliver a 0.2A current to a 22,10w load. Take
Iq= 4.2mA.
5. Design a voltage regulator using IC723 to get a voltage o/p of 5v [jan-10,8M]
6. Design a voltage regulator using IC723 to get a voltage o/p of 25v [june-08,7M]
7. With a neat schematic explain the salient features of a 723 regulator? [June-09,8M]
8. Explain the working of a series voltage regulator with current limit protection? [Jan11,8M]
9. Design a 723 based voltage regulator to provide constant V0= 20v and Iomax=
250mA. Given Vin-unreg=30v +/-10% [Jan-11,6M]
10. Explain the principle of operation of a switching regulator. Discuss its advantages and
disadvantages? [ Jan-10,June-10,June-08,June-09,Jan-11,June-12,8M]


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UNIT 8: Other Linear IC Applications:

1. Draw and explain the functional diagram of 555 timer?
2. Explain mono-stable multivibrator using 555 Ic?



3. Design a mono stable multivibrator using 555 timer to obtain a pulse width of 10ms?
4. Explain A stable multivibrator using 555 Ic?


Write explanatory note on PLL? [Jan-10,Jan-09, 5M]

6. Explain the following for a PLL

Lock in range, ii) capture range, iii) pull in time

[June-08,Jan-11, 6M]

7. Explain 566 as a voltage controlled oscillator? [June-09,5M]

8. Briefly explain the working of a 4 bit binary weighted resistor DAC? [Jan-11,6M]
9. With a neat sketch explain the working of a R-2R ladder network? [ June-10,June09.8M]
10. Explain dual slope ADC with a neat diagram? [ June-09,5M]
11. Explain the successive approximation ADC using a simplified block diagram ? [ JAN11,Jan-09,Jan-10,June-08,6M]

12. A 3 bit ADC o/ps all 1s when Vi=2.55v, find its,

Resolution in mv/Lsb ii) Digital o/p when Vi=1.28v



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