Skripta - E2Konacna Engleski Jezik
Skripta - E2Konacna Engleski Jezik
Skripta - E2Konacna Engleski Jezik
Terzi Milica, dipl. filolog
Engleski jezik 2
Question Formation ............................................................................................... 4
The Simple Present Tense ..................................................................................... 5
The Present Continuous Tense .............................................................................. 8
Verbs not Used with Continuous Tenses .......................................................... 10
The Present Perfect Simple Tense ......................................................................... 11
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense .................................................................. 14
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous ..................................... 16
Adjective Placement .............................................................................................. 17
Adjectives as Nouns .............................................................................................. 18
The Simple Past Tense of the Verb to be ............................................................... 18
The Simple Past Tense ........................................................................................... 21
The Past Continuous Tense ................................................................................... 24
Adverbs ................................................................................................................. 26
The Past Perfect Simple Tense ............................................................................... 27
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense ....................................................................... 30
Past Modal Verbs ................................................................................................... 32
Verbs of the Senses ............................................................................................... 32
Verb Patterns ........................................................................................................ 33
Articles .................................................................................................................. 35
The Indefinite Article .................................................................................... 35
The Definite Article ....................................................................................... 35
No Article .................................................................................................... 37
Countable and Uncountable Nouns ........................................................................ 38
Quantifiers ........................................................................................................... 39
Wish ..................................................................................................................... 40
Clauses of Contrast and Purpose ........................................................................... 41
Defining Relative Clauses ...................................................................................... 41
Non-defining Relative Clauses .............................................................................. 42
The Passive Voice ................................................................................................. 43
.................................................................................................. 51
Statements ................................................................................................. 51
Questions .................................................................................................... 53
Orders ....................................................................................................... 53
Conditional Sentences .......................................................................................... 54
The First Conditional .................................................................................... 54
The Second Conditional ................................................................................ 55
The Third Conditional ................................................................................... 55
Phrasal Verbs ....................................................................................................... 56
Exercises ................................................................................................................ 59
Literatura ............................................................................................................... 102
Nastavak s u treem licu jednine moe imati razliite oblike. Ukoliko se glagol zavrava na
vokal o nastavak e glasiti es, kao u primeru glagola go koji u 3. l. jed. glasi goes ili
glagol do koji u 3. l. jed. glasi does.
Ukoliko se glagol zavrava na ch, -sh, -x, -ss, nastavak takoe glasi es.
Na primer:
He teaches (teach predavati).
She washes (wash prati).
He kisses (kiss ljubiti).
She fixes (fix popravljati).
Ako se glagol zavrava na y i ukoliko je ispred njega suglasnik y prelazi u ie.
Na primer:
He cries (cry -plakati).
It flies (fly leteti).
Ako je ispred y samoglasnik, nema promene.
She plays (play igrati).
He stays (stay ostati).
Izuzetak je glagol have (imati) koji u treem licu glasi has.
Upitni oblik glagola u prostom sadanjem vremenu se gradi od pomonog glagola do,
odnosno does (za tree lice jednine) i osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola.
Sva pitanja se u engleskom jeziku dele na Yes/No pitanja i Wh- pitanja. Yes/No pitanja
nemaju upitnu re i na njih se moe odgovoriti sa da ili ne. Wh- pitanja poinju upitnom
reju a one su: when, what, why, where, how, how much, how many...
Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog obika pomonog glagola do (odnosno does za tree lice
jednine) i osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola.
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I do not (don't) work Ja ne radim
You do not (don't) work Ti ne radi
He does not (doesn't) work On ne radi
She does not (doesn't) work Ona ne radi
He does not (doesn't) work On ne radi
Mnoina (plural)
We do not (don't) work Mi ne radimo
You do not (don't) work Vi ne radite
They do not (don't) work Oni ne rade
Prosto sadanje vreme se koristi za:
Karakteristike subjekta
particip: hitting
particip: stopping
particip: permitting
particip: beginning
particip: travelling
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I am working Ja radim
You are working Ti radi
He is working On radi
She is working Ona radi
It is working Ono radi
Mnoina (plural)
We are working Mi radimo
You are working Vi radite
They are working Oni rade
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Am I working? Da li ja radim?
Are you working? Da li ti radi?
Is he working? Da li on radi?
Is she working? Da li ona radi?
Is it working? Da li ono radi?
Mnoina (plural)
Are we working? Da li mi radimo?
Are you working? Da li vi radite?
Are they working? Da li oni rade?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Am I working? Yes, I am / No, I'm not
Are you working? Yes, you are / No, you arent
Is he working? Yes, he is / No, he isnt
Is she working? Yes, she is / No, she isnt
Is it working? Yes, it is / No, it isnt
Are we working? - Yes, we are / No, we arent
Are you working? Yes you are / No, you arent
Are they working? Yes, they are / No, they arent
Upitni oblik Wh- questions
Jednina (singular)
Where am I working? Gde ja radim?
Where are you working? Gde ti radi?
Where is he working? Gde on radi?
Where is she working? Gde ona radi?
Where is it working? Gde ono radi?
Mnoina (plural)
Where are we working? Gde mi radimo?
Where are you working? Gde vi radite?
Where are they working? Gde oni rade?
Odrini oblik sadanjeg trajnog vremena se gradi od odrinog oblika pomonog
glagola TO BE u sadanjem vremenu i sadanjeg participa (present participle) glavnog
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I am not (I'm not) working Ja ne radim
You are not (aren't) working Ti ne radi
He is not (isn't) working On ne radi
She is not (isn't) working Ona ne radi
It is not (isn't) working Ono ne radi
Mnoina (plural)
We are not (aren't) working Mi ne radimo
You are not (aren't) working Vi ne radite
They are not (aren't) working Oni ne rade
Sadanje trajno vreme (present continuous tense) se koristi za:
Privremenu radnju
We're living in my sister's flat until we find a new house to buy. (ivimo u kui moje
sestre dok ne naemo novu kuu da kupimo.)
Mnoina (plural)
We have not (haven't) worked Mi nismo radili
You have not (haven't) worked Vi niste radili
They have not (haven't) worked Oni nisu radili
Sadanje svreno prosto vreme (present perfect simple tense) se koristi za:
Radnju koja je upravo zavrena, te se stoga uz njega esto nalazi vremenska
odrednica just (upravo)
She has just gone out. (Ona je upravo izala.)
The lift has broken down. We have to use the stairs. (Lift se pokvario. Moramo da
idemo stepenicama.)
I have washed the car. It looks lovely. (Oprao sam kola. Izgledaju odlino.)
Radnju koja se desila u prolosti ali je mogue da se ponovi u sadanjosti
I have seen wolves in that forest. You can still see them sometimes. (Video sam
vukove u toj umi. Jo uvek ih ponekad moe videti.)
Radnju koja se deava u nezavrenom vremenskom periodu
Vremenski period koji traje esto je oznaen sa today, this morning / afternoon / evening /
week / month / year / century, recently, lately...
I haven't seen him today. (Nisam ga danas video.)
He has had a lot of bad luck recently. (U poslednje vreme nije imao mnogo sree.)
U ovom znaenju esto se javljaju i prilozi ever i never da oznae ivotna iskustva
He has never eaten Chinese food. (On nikada nije jeo kinesku hranu.)
Radnju koja je poela u prolosti i jo uvek traje. U tom smislu se koriste for i since.
For se koristi da oznai vremenski period u kojem radnja traje.
We have lived here for 10 years. (ivimo ovde ve 10 godina.)
Since oznaava trenutak kada je radnja poela.
They have been friends since their schooldays. (Oni su prijatelji jo od kolskih dana.)
She has been learning English for three years. (Ona ui engleski ve tri godine.)
U ovom kontekstu koristimo priloge for i since.
For oznaava ukupan vremenski period trajanja radnje.
I have been swimming for an hour. (Plivam ve sat vremena.)
Since oznaava poetak deavanja radnje.
It has been raining. The ground is still wet. (Padala je kia. Zemlja je jo mokra.)
Napomena: Kao to se iz prethodnih primera moe videti, sadanje svreno trajno vreme
se moe prevesti i sadanjim vremenom, u zavisnosti od konteksta.
He has been working for the same company since 1990. (On radi za istu kompaniju
od 1990. godine.)
I have been talking to my sister for more than two hours. (Razgovarala sam sa
svojom sestrom vie od dva sata.)
Tako se present perfect simple koristi uz how much i how many, a present
perfect continuous tense uz how long.
I have been working for this company for 5 years. (Radim za ovu kompaniju ve 5
I have worked for this company for 5 years. (Radim za ovu kompaniju ve 5 godina.)
I've been living in London since 1997. (ivim u Londonu od 1997.-e.)
I've lived in London since 1997. (ivim u Londonu od 1997.-e.)
Kada u engleskom jeziku koristimo vie prideva da opiemo neku imenicu, potrebno
je da ti pridevi imaju odreeni redosled.
Turkish, a Turk
Polish, a Pole
She is Turkish. -pridev (Ona je turske nacionalnosti.)
She is a Turk. -imenica (Ona je Turkinja.)
Takoe je mogua konstrukcija:
She is a Turkish woman. -imenica (Ona je Turkinja.)
Kada elite da kaete da je neko, na primer, Englez ili Engleskinja, onda je potrebno da
koristite dodatnu odrednicu man ili woman. U tom sluaju ne zaboravite neodreeni lan.
He is an English man. (On je Englez.)
She is a Japanese woman. (Ona je Japanka.)
Mnoina (plural)
We were Mi smo bili
You were Vi ste bili
They were Oni su bili
I was at the theatre last night. (Ja sam sino bio u pozoritu.)
My sister and her best friend were in London three years ago. (Moja sestra i njen
najbolji prijatelj su pre tri godine bili u Londonu.)
David was in Sarajevo last summer. (Dejvid je bio u Sarajevu prolog leta.)
Upitni oblik glagola TO BE u Simple Past Tense-u se gradi inverzijom glagola TO BE i line
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Was I? Da li sam ja bio?
Were you? Da li si ti bio?
Was he? Da li je on bio?
Was she? Da li je ona bila?
Was it? Da li ono bilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Were we? Da li smo mi bili?
Were you? Da li ste vi bili?
Were they? Da li su oni bili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Was I? Yes, I was / No, I wasnt
Were you? Yes, you were / No, you werent
Was he? Yes, he was / No, he wasnt
Was she? Yes, she was / No, she wasnt
Was it? Yes, it was / No, it wasnt
Were we? Yes, we were / No, we werent
Were you? Yes, you were / No, you werent
Were they? Yes, they were / No, they werent
Were you at home last night? (Da li si sino bio kod kue?)
Were your parents in Belgrade last summer? (Da li su tvoji roditelji bili u Beogradu
prolog leta?)
Was I clear? (Da li sam bio jasan?)
Where were Marko and Sandra three days ago? (Gde su bili Marko i Sandra pre tri
Why was he here? (Zato je on bio ovde?)
Odrini oblik glagola TO BE u Past Simple Tense-u (prolom prostom vremenu) glasi:
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I was not (wasn't) Ja nisam bio
You were not (weren't) Ti nisi bio
He was not (wasn't) On nije bio
She was not (wasn't) Ona nije bila
It was not (wasn't) Ono nije bilo
Mnoina (plural)
We were not (weren't) Mi nismo bili
You were not (weren't) Vi niste bili
They were not (weren't) Oni nisu bili
My father wasn't here yesterday. (Moj otac jue nije bio ovde.)
Her sister and John weren't in Madrid last summer. (Njen sestra i Don nisu bili u
Madridu prolog leta.)
Sandra wasn't happy when she was a child. (Sandra nije bila srena kada je bila dete.)
I wasn't ill yesterday. (Jue nisam bio bolestan.)
Mnoina (plural)
Did we work? Da li smo mi radili?
Did you work? Da li ste vi radili?
Did they work? Da li su oni radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Yesterday jue, the day before yesterday prekjue, two years ago pre dve
godine, three hours ago pre tri sata, last Monday prolog ponedeljka, last year
prole godine, in 1977 1977.-e i sl.
I worked in a shop last year. (Radio sam u prodavnici prole godine.)
My brother finished his homework an hour ago. (Moj brat je zavrio domai pre sat
Last week we decided to buy a new house. (Prole nedelje smo odluili da kupimo novu
Sandra closed the window a few minutwes ago. (Sandra je zatvorila prozor pre
nekoliko minuta.)
My father built this house in 1997. (Moj otac je sagradio ovu kuu 1997.-e)
The day before yesterday Marko bought a nice hat. (Prekjue je Marko kupio lep eir.)
She was reading a book all day yesterday. (Ona je ceo dan jue itala knjigu.)
While I was watching TV, my sister was doing her homework. (Dok sam ja gledao
TV, moja sestra je radila svoj domai.)
Prolu radnju koja je due trajala a prekinuta je nekom drugom prolom radnjom.
Ta druga radnja se obino izraava prostim prolim vremenom (past simple tense):
I was watching TV when the telephone rang. (Ja sam gledao TV kada je telefon
When we arrived they were playing cards. (Kada smo stigli oni su igrali karte.)
Napomena: Glagoli koji se ne koriste u Present Continuous Tense-u, ne koriste se ni u Past
Continuous Tense-u. Umesto njih se obino koristi glagol u Past Simple Tense-u.
Prilozi su rei koje blie odreuju glagole, prideve i druge priloge, tj. oni objanjavaju kako
se neto radi, odnosno na koji nain se obavlja neka radnja.
Postoje razne vrste priloga, mi emo se ovde baviti prilozima koji se grade od prideva.
Naime, najvei broj priloga se gradi tako to se na osnovu prideva doda nastavak ly.
quick + -ly = quickly (brzo)
slow + -ly = slowly (sporo)
clear + -ly = clearly (jasno)
kind + -ly = kindly (ljubazno)
careful + -ly = carefully (paljivo)
beautiful + -ly = beautifully (lepo)
Pridevi koji se zavravaju na y, menjaju y u i.
easy + -ly = easily (lako)
happy + -ly = happily (sreno)
angry + -ly = angrily (ljuto)
Pridevi koji zavravaju na le, gube krajnje e, i dodaje im se samo y.
gentle + -y = gently (neno)
comfortable + -y = comfortably (udobno)
Neki prilozi imaju potpuno isti oblik kao pridevi. Takvi su sledei prlozi:
fast (brzo)
hard (teko, jako)
late (kasno)
early (rano)
Postoje prilozi hardly i lately, ali oni imaju drugo znaenje.
hardly (jedva)
lately (u poslednje vreme)
Prilog koji odgvara pridevu good (dobar) je nepravilan i glasi well.
She sang beautifully last night. (Ona je sino lepo pevala.)
He speaks English well. (On dobro govori engleski.)
They ran quickly. (Oni su brzo trali.)
Please, talk slowly. (Molim vas, govorite sporo.)
He always drives very fast. (On uvek vozi veoma brzo.)
Prilozi se najee nalaze na kraju reenice. Prilozi stoje iza direktnog objekta, ako on
postoji, inae posle glagola postoji sledei redosled: prilog za nain (manner), prilog za
mesto (place), prilog za vreme (time)
I didn't feel well at work yesterday morning. (Nisam se oseala dobro na poslu jue
Well je prilog za nain, at work za mesto, a yesterday morning za vreme.
Ako u jednoj reenici postoji vie priloga za vreme, na prvo mesto dolazi onaj koji pokazuje
blie vreme.
The next class is at 9 oclock, on Monday, April 27th. (Sledei as je u 9 sati
,ponedeljak, 27.-og aprila.)
Jednina (singular)
I had (Id) slept Ja sam bio spavao
You had (Youd) slept Ti si bio spavao
He had (Hed) slept On je bio spavao
She had (Shed) slept Ona je bila spavala
It had (Itd) slept Ono je bilo spavalo
Mnoina (plural)
We had (Wed) slept Mi smo bili spavali
You had (Youd)slept Vi ste bili spavali
They had (Theyd) slept Oni su bili spavali
Upitni oblik glagola u davnom prolom vremenu se gradi inverzijom (u odnosu na potvrdni
oblik) pomonog glagola TO HAVE (u prolom vremenu) i line zamenice.
Upitni oblik
Jednina (singular)
Had I worked? Da li sam ja bio radio?
Had you worked? Da li si ti bio radio?
Had he worked? Da li je on bio radio?
Had she worked? Da li je ona bila radila?
Had it worked? Da li je ono bilo radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Had we worked? Da li smo mi bili radili?
Had you worked? Da li vi ste bili radili?
Had they worked? Da li su oni bili radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Davno prolo prosto vreme (past perfect simple tense) se upotrebljava za:
She suddenly found that she had lost her camera. (Odjednom je shvatila da je izgubila
foto aparat.)
After we had reached the top, we began to feel tired. (Poto smo se popeli na vrh
poeli smo da oseamo umor.)
His friend tried to help him after he had lost all his money. (Prijatelji su pokuali da
mu pomognu nakon to je izgubio sav svoj novac.)
When he had finished his homework, he went to play. (Kada je zavrio domai, izaao
je da se igra.)
Because he'd spent so much, he had very little money. (Poto je bio potroio toliko,
imao je vrlo malo novca.)
Davno prolo trajno vreme (past perfect continuous tense) se gradi od glagola
HAVE u past perfect tense-u i sadanjeg participa glavnog glagola.
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I had (Id) been working Ja sam bio radio
You had (Youd) been working Ti si bio radio
He had been working (Hed) On je bio radio
She had been working (Shed) Ona je bila radila
It had been working (Itd) Ono bilo je radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We had been working (Wed) Mi smo bili radili
You had been working (Youd) Vi ste bili radili
They had been working (Theyd) Oni su bili radili
Upitni oblik
Upitni oblik glagola u sadanjem svrenom trajnom vremenu se gradi upitnim oblikom
glagola TO HAVE (u past perfect simple tense-u).
Jednina (singular)
Had I been working? Da li sam ja bio radio?
Had you been working? Da li si ti bio radio?
Had he been working? Da li je on bio radio?
Had she been working? Da li je ona bila radila?
Had it been working? Da li je ono bilo radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Had we been working? Da li smo mi bili radili?
Had you been working? Da li vi ste bili radili?
Had they been working? Da li su oni bili radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Odrini oblik
Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog oblika HAVE u davnom prolom vremenu i sadanjeg
participa glavnog glagola.
Jednina (singular)
I had not (hadnt ) been working Ja nisam bio radio
You had not (hadnt) been working Ti nisi bio radio
He had not (hadnt) been working On nije bio radio
She had not (hadnt) been working Ona nije bila radila
It had not (hadnt) been working Ono nije bilo radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We had not (hadnt) been working Mi nismo bili radili
You had not (hadnt) been working Vi niste bili radili
They had not (hadnt) been working Oni nisu bili radili
When we came Sally had been waiting for half an hour. (Kad smo mi stigli, Seli je
ekala ve pola sata.)
When I called on him he had been reading for a while. (Kada sam ga posetio, on je
itao ve neko vreme.)
The child might have imagined the situation. (Dete je moda izmislilo situaciju.)
I might have done the right thing. (Moda sam uinila pravu stvar.)
They could have played a trick on you. (Moda su te prevarili.)
Must i cant se koriste uz proli infinitiv kada govorimo o tome da se neto sigurno
desilo ili se sigurno nije desilo u prolosti.
Posle odreenih glagola, glagolski oblici koji slede imaju ing nastavak (gerund).
Takvi glagoli su:
want, hope, plan, need, expect, promise, offer, decide, refuse, try, forget, learn,
would like, would love, would prefer, would hate, (can) afford, manage, arrange,
What do you want to do this evening?
Its not very late. We dont need to go home yet.
I tried to read my book but I was too tired.
Id love to go to Australia.
Would you like to sit down?
No, Id prefer to stand, thank you.
Glagoli iza kojih mogu da se koriste glagol sa zavretkom ing ili to + infinitive:
He stopped smoking. (Prestao je da pui.)
He stopped to smoke. (Zastao je da zapali cigaretu.)
I clearly remember locking the door. (Jasno se seam da sam zakljuao vrata.)
I remembered to lock the door when I left. (Setio sam se da zakljuam vrata kad sam
I regret saying bad news to him. (ao mi je to sam mu rekla loe vesti.)
I regret to say this to you but I dont have a choice. (ao mi je to moram ovo da ti
kaem, ali nemam izbora.)
The minister went on talking about the price boom. (Ministar je nastavio da pria o
skoku cena.) - nastavak iste stvari
After discussing the economic problems, he went on to talk about trade. (Nakon
diskusije o ekonomskim problemima, nastavio je priom o trgovini.) - nastavak neim novim
She tried to keep her eyes open but she couldnt. (Pokuala je dri oi otvorene, ali
nije mogla.) - pokuati neto
If you dont like the taste of cauliflower, try cooking it with beaf. (Ako ne voli ukus
karfiola, pokuaj da ga kuva sa junetinom.) - pokuati neto novo, eksperiment ili test
Neodreeni lan (indefinite article) a/an se ispred imenica koje poinju suglasnikom ita
/ / dok se ispred imenica koje poinju samoglasnikom ita kao / n /.
a boy / boi /
an egg / n eg /
Treba obratiti panju da pri tom je vaan izgovor tako da se pie an hour, zato to se h ne
izgovara. Kod fraze a yellow car, koristi se a zato to se y izgovara kao j.
Neodreeni lan se koristi da oznai lice ili stvar koje ne poznajemo ili koje po prvi
put pominjemo. Neodreeni lan se upotrebljava iskljuivo sa imenicama u jednini.
There is a boy in the street. (Neki deak se nalazi na ulici.)
She put an apple on the table. (Stavila je jabuku na sto.)
Neodreeni lan se koristi ispred zajednikih imenica da oznai celu vrstu.
A rose is a flower. (Rua je cvet.)
A dog is a faithful animal. (Pas je verna ivotinja.)
Neodreeni lan se koristi ispred imenskog dela predikata.
I am a student. (Ja sam student.)
The ugly duckling became a beautiful swan. (Runo pae je postalo prelepi labud.)
Neodreeni lan se koristi kod odreenih izraza.
What a lovely dress! (Kakva divna haljina!)
What a pity! (Kakva teta!)
What a beautiful girl! (Kako lepa devojka!)
She is such an actress! (Ona je takva glumica!)
Have a nice trip! (Srean put!)
Odreeni lan se koristi da oznai pojmove od kojih samo jedan postoji na svetu.
the earth
the past
the sun
the weather
Odreeni lan se koristi ispred imena reka, mora, okeana, planinskih venaca,
pustinja, poluostrva, grupe ostvra
Adriatic sea
Tatra Mountains
Iberian Peninsula
Odreeni lan se koristi ispred imena pripadnika narodnosti da oznai celu naciju.
the French
the Swiss
Odreeni lan se koristi ispred imena javnih zgrada i institucija (hotela, muzeja,
galerija, pozorita, bioskopa) u gradu.
Odeon Cinema
National Museum
Modern Art Gallery
Globe Theatre
Odreeni lan se koristi ispred naziva zemalja u mnoini, onih zemalja koje u nazivu
sadre re republika ili su skup vie celina.
United States of America
United Kingdom
Czech Republic
Ako govorite o jeziku bez rei language onda se lan ne stavlja ispred jezika, a ako
se koristi re language onda se stavlja odreeni lan.
French is difficult.
The French language is difficult.
Odreeni lan moe da se koristi ispred nebrojivih ili apstraktnih imenica koje su
dodatno odreene nekom frazom ili reenicom
The coffee in my cup is too hot to drink.
The Japanese he speaks is often heard in the countryside.
The intelligence of animals is variable but undeniable.
Postoje stvari koje se u engleskom jeziku kau sa lanom ili bez njega, a ne postoji
lingvistiko objanjene zato je tako
The human race
Neke imenice mogu biti i brojive i nebrojive, ali onda imaju razliito znaenje.
An iron pegla
A glass- aa
A light-lampa
Two times-dva puta
Imenice u mnoini
Gorenavedene imenice nemaju jedninu. Koristi se glagol za mnoinu i ne mogu se koristiti
sa a/an.
Ako se predmeti sastoje dva dela (scissors, jeans) mogu se koristiti sa izrazom a pair, a
onda je glagol u jednini (a pair of scissors is...)
Ovo su primeri nekih izraza koji se mnogo smatrati i jedninom i mnoinom:
choir, class, club, committee, family, government, jury, school, staff, team, union, the BBC,
board of directors, the Conservative Party, Manchester United, the Ministry of Health
Uz njih se mogu koristiti glagoli i u jednini i mnoini. Primeri:
Most ili most (of) the+imenica u mnoini
Most (of) the-odreeno
Ako se eli izraziti elja suprotna injeninom stanju stvari ili aljenje za neim koristi
se glagol wish i iza njega odgovarajui oblik glavnog glagola. Umesto izraza WISH,
moete koristiti izraz IF ONLY.
Ako je elja vezana za sadanjost, taj glagol e biti u prostom prolom vremenu
(past simple tense).
I wish I had enough money to buy a new car. (Voleo bih da imam dovoljno novca da
kupim novi auto.)
I wish I didn't have to work. (Voleo bih da ne moram da radim.)
If only I could learn to drive. (Voleo bih da nauim da vozim.)
Glagol TO BE za sva lica glasi WERE
I wish I were rich. (Voleo bih da sam bogat.)
She wishes she were an actress. (Ona bi volela da je glumica.)
If only I were smarter. (Voleo bih da sam pametniji.)
Ako je elja vezana za prolost, koristi davno prolo vreme (past perfect tense)
I wish I had done that. (Voleo bih da sam to uinio.)
They wish they hadn't been there yesterday. (Oni bi voleli da jue nisu bili tamo.)
If only I had finished in time. (Voleo bih da sam zavrio na vreme.)
For+gerund, noun
This cloth is for cleaning.
Odredbena odnosna reenica (defining relative clause) blie odreuje imenicu ili
zamenicu na koju se odnosi. Ona se ne moe izostaviti jer bez nje reenica ili nema
smisao ili ga menja.
The police have caught the thief who stole the jewels. (Policija je uhvatila lopova koji je
ukrao dragulje) who stole the jewels je odredbena odnosna reenica (defining relative
Ove reenice poinju odnosnim zamenicama who, whose, whom, which, where, that.
Belgrade, which is the capital of Serbia, has about 2 million inhabitants. (Beograd,
koji je glavni grad Srbije, ima oko 2 miliona stanovnika) which is the capital of Serbia je
umetnuta odnosna reenica (non-defining relative clause) i odvaja se zarezima od glavne
Odnosne reenice poinju odnosnim zamenicama who, which, whom, whose
U umetnutim odnosnim reenicama za stvari i ivotinje, koristi se odnosna zamenica
which (ali ne i that kao to je sluaj sa odredbenim odnosnim reenicama.)
Mary gave the book, which she had already read, to her best friend. (Meri je knjigu,
koju je ve bila proitala, dala svojoj najboljoj drugarici.)
U umetnutim odnosnim reenicama za osobe koristimo odnosnu zamenicu who (ali
ne i that kao to je sluaj u odredbenim odnosnim reenicama)
Ivo Andric, who was born in Travnik, was a great writer. (Ivo Andri, koji je roen u
Travniku, bio je veliki pisac.)
U sluajevima kada je who objekat reenice, umesto njega se moe koristiti whom.
Milan, whom I saw yesterday, is today in London. (Milan, koga sam jue video, je
danas u Londonu.)
Varijanta sa who
Milan, who I saw yesterday, is today in London. je manje formalna i ee se koristi.
Madonna, whose parents were born in Italy, is a famous American singer. (Madona,
iji su roditelji roeni u Italiji, je poznata amerika pevaica.)
Which se takoe moe odnositi ne samo na re iza koje stoji ve i na celu reenicu.
She gave me her watch as a present, which was very nice of her. (Dala mi je svoj sat
na poklon, to je bilo veoma lepo od nje.)
Lini pasiv znai da je objekat aktivne reenice postaje subjekat aktivne reernice.
Svaki glagol koji zahteva objekat (prelazni glagol) moe da formira lini pasiv.
Potrebno je obratiti panju na vreme u kojem se nalazi glagol zavisne reenice. Ako je u
sadanjem vremenu, onda treba koristiti infinitiv, a ako je u prolom onda proli infinitiv.
People say that she is a dancer. (AKTIV)
She is said to be a dancer.(PASIV)
People believe that they stole the jewels. (AKTIV)
They are believed to have stolen the jewels.(PASIV)
Mnoina (plural)
We will (Well) work Mi emo raditi
You will (Youll) work Vi ete raditi
They will (Theyll) work Oni e raditi
Upitni oblik glagola u ovom vremenu se gradi inverzijom (u odnosu na potvrdni oblik)
modalnog glagola will i
line zamenice
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Will I work? Da li u ja raditi?
Will you work? Da li e ti raditi?
Will he work? Da li e on raditi?
Will she work? Da li e ona raditi?
Will it work? Da li e ono raditi?
Mnoina (plural)
Will we work? Da li emo mi raditi?
Will you work? Da li ete vi raditi?
Will they work? Da li e oni raditi?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I will not (wont) work Ja neu raditi
You will not (wont) work Ti nee raditi
He will not (wont) work On nee raditi
She will not (wont) work Ona nee raditi
It will not (wont) work Ono nee raditi
Mnoina (plural)
We will not (wont) work Mi neemo raditi
You will not (wont) work Vi neete raditi
They will not (wont) work Oni nee raditi
Prosto budue vreme (future simple tense) koristimo:
She will travel to Jamaica next year. (Ona e putovati na Jamajku sledee godine.)
Will it rain tomorrow? (Hoe li padati kia sutra?)
Za razliku od prostog budueg vremena o ijoj je upotrebi bilo rei, kada govorimo o
svojim planovima i odlukama donetim ranije, koristimo konstrukciju
A: Ive got a headache.
B: I will get you an aspirin.
(Boli me glava.)
(Doneu ti aspirin.)
(Odluka koja nije mogla biti doneta ranije jer B nije znao da A boli glava.)
I bought the tickets for the cinema. Im going to see a film. (Kupio sam karte za
bioskop. Ii u da gledam film.)
(im je kupio karte znai da je odluku doneo pre trenutka govora, odnosno da je planirao.)
Ponekad je razlika izmeu upotrebe ova dva naina izraavanja budunosti veoma
mala. Kada koristimo going to konstrukciju, mi znamo da e se neto desiti na
osnovu neega to sada moemo jasno videti, dakle iznosimo predvianje zasnovano
na nekom dokazu .
Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain. (Pogledaj te sive oblake. Pae kia.)
I feel terrible. I think I`m going to be sick. (Oseam se grozno. Mislim da e mi
Marko will probably arrive at about 6 o`clock. (Marko e verovatno stii oko 6 sati.)
Za duu radnju u budunosti, koju prekida neka kraa radnja. Kraa radnja je uvek u
simple present tense-u.
I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight. (Gledau televiziju kada ona stigne
I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives. (Ja u ekati kada stigne autobus.)
I am going to be staying at the Madison Hotel, if anything happens and you need to
contact me. (Ja u odsedati u hotelu Medison, ako se bilo ta dogodi i treba da me
When I arrive at the party, everybody will be celebrating. Some will be dancing. Others
will be talking. A few people will be eating pizza. They always do the same thing. (Kada
stginemo na urku, svi e slaviti. Neki e plesati. Neki e razgovarati. Nekoliko ljudi e jesti
picu. Oni uvek rade jedno te isto.)
By the end of this year I will have lived in this town for five years. (Do kraja ove
godine, bie pet godina kako ivim u ovom gradu.)
Susan will have finished her homework by that time. (Suzan e to tog vremena
zavriti domai zadatak.)
They will have built the new bridge in five years' time. (Oni e sagraditi novi most
kroz pet godina.)
Sarah: John bought a present for his wife. (Sara: Don je kupio poklon svojoj eni.
Sarah said that John had bought a present for his wife. (Sara je rekla da je Don
kupio poklon svojoj eni.)
Milan: They are working in the garden. (Milan: Oni rade u bati.)
Milan said that they were working in the garden. (Milan je rekao da oni rade u bati.)
We have made a cake. (Napravili smo tortu)
They said that they have made a cake. (Oni su rekli da su napravili tortu.)
Mark: Paul will do it. (Mark: Pol e to uraditi.)
Mark said that Paul would do it. (Mark je rekao da e to Pol uraditi.)
Ako se radi o Yes/No pitanjima nakon uvodnog glagola dolazi if (ili whether)
a zatim prepriano
pitanje. Pravilo o slaganju vremena vai i
Ann: Are you English? (An: Da li ste vi Englezi?)
Ann asked if they were English (An je pitala da li su oni Englezi.)
Naredbe se najee uvode glagolom tell (rei). Jo se javljaju order, command (oba u
znaenju narediti) dok se molbe uvode glagolom ask (zamoliti)
Imperativ iz direktnog govora postaje infinitiv u indirektnom, dok negativni
imperativ (prohibitiv) postaje negativni infinitiv.
Ann: Open the window. (An: Otvori prozor.)
Ann told me to open the window. (An mi je rekla da otvorim prozor.)
Ann: Dont open the window. (An: Nemoj da otvori prozor.)
Ann told me not to open the window. (An mi je rekla da ne otvaram prozor.)
Tom: Please, pass me the glass, John. (Tom: Molim te, Done, dodaj mi au.)
Tom: John, will you pass me the glass, please. (Done, da li bi mi dodao au, molim
Tom: John, could you pass me the glass, please. (Done, da li bi mogao da mi doda
su molbe i kao takve se u indirektnom govoru uvode na isti nain, glagolom ask.
Tom asked John to pass him a glass. (To je zamolio Dona da mu doda au.)
U glavnoj reenici se moe desiti da se takoe javi present simple tense. To se deava
kada govorimo o naunim injenicama ili drugim izvesnim radnjama.
If you heat ice it turns to water. (Ako zagreva led pretvorie se u vodu.)
If there is an economy crisis prices go up. (Ako nastane ekonomska kriza cene rastu.)
If someone had stolen my car, I would have called the police. (Da mi je neko ukrao
auto, pozvala bih policiju.)
U uslovnoj reenici se takoe mogu javiti neke varijacije. Umesto past perfect
tense-a moe se javiti
past perfect continuous tense.
If we had been travelling by car, the accident might not have happened at all. (Da
smo putovali autom, moda do nesree ne bi ni dolo.)
Popunite reenice koristei odgovarajui upitni izraz.
1. Tom wont be late, ______________?
2. You are tired, ______________?
3. Youve got a camera, ______________?
4. Sue doesnt know Ann, ______________?
5. Jacks on holiday, ______________?
6. You can speak German, ______________?
7. He wont mind if I use his phone, ______________?
8. There are a lot of people here, ______________?
9. This isnt very interesting, ______________?
10. There was a lot of traffic, ______________?
11. You havent got a car, ______________?
12. Lets go for a walk, ______________?
13.Dont drop the vase, ______________?
14. Lets go out tonight, ______________?
15.Open the door, ______________?
16. You are not going out today, ______________?
17. This wont take long, ______________?
18.She was very beautiful, ______________?
19. The children can read French, ______________?
20.Bill came on a bicycle, ______________?
21.Mary paints portraits, ______________?
22.Bill puts the money in the bank, ______________?
23.Bill put the money in the bank, ______________?
14. Jako je uzbudljivo raditi stvari koje nikada ranije niste radili, zar ne?
15. Rei u ovo samo jednom!Daj mi tu okoladu, hoe li?
16. Poto je renovirala kuu bila je vrlo uzbunena, zar ne?
17. To je ba interesantan film, zar ne?
18. Bilo ti je dosadno, zar ne?
19. Hajde da sluamo rok,hoemo li?
20. Ne itaj tu dosadnu knjigu,hoe li?
21. Zabavljaju me zabavni ljudi.
22. Bila sam oputena dok sam sluala tu oputajuu muziku.
23. Iritantno je to danas nema dobrog deza.
24. Depresivno je sluati depresivne ljude,zar ne?
25. Marko je bio zainteresovan da slua te interesantne ljude,zar ne?
26. Bili su jako uzbuneni i uplaeni kada su videli saobraajnu nesreu.
27. Oputeno je biti oputen vikendom.
28. On je zapanjen koliko je ona pametna.
29. Marija je zainteresovana za njegovog brata a on je zainteresovan za nju.To je ba
4. We went to see the Crown Jewels. They are kept in the Tower of London.
5. Football first started in Britain. It is now popular in many countries.
6. Michelangelo lived until he was 90. Hes one of Italys greatest artists.
Popunite reenice koristei present perfect simple ili present perfect continuous
glagola datih u zagradama. (U nekim sluajevima oba mogu da se upotrebe).
1. We __________________ (walk) ten kilometres.
2. You __________________ (walk) too fast. Thats why you are tired.
3. I __________________ (make) sausage rolls for the party all the morning.
4. A: How many __________________ (you, make)?
B: I __________________ (make) 200.
5. That boy __________________ (eat) seven ice-creams.
6. I __________________ (pull) up 100 flowers.
7. I __________________ (pull) up flowers all day.
8. He __________________ (ride); thats why he is wearing breeches.
9. I __________________ (ride) all the horses in this stable.
10.What a lovely smell. Mary __________________ (make) jam.
11. I only __________________ (hear) from him twice since he went away.
12. I __________________ (hear) from her regularly. She is very good correspondent.
13. I __________________ (polish) this table all the morning and she isnt satisfied with it
14. I __________________ (look) for mushrooms but I (not find) any.
15. __________________ (you, hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged!
Thats not new; I __________________ (know) it for ages.
16. The driver of that car __________________ (sound) his horn for the last ten minutes.
17. It __________________ (rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so
the match __________________ (be) postponed.
18. Ellen: Where are you and your family going to live?
Ian: Well, we _________________ (talk) about that for weeks, but we
_________________ (decide) anything yet.
19. Tina: Excuse me. _________________ (you, stand) in this queue for a long time?
Larry: Yes, I _________________ (queue) for almost an hour.
20.Sara: Why are you crying?
Joe: Because my brother _________________ (have) an accident. He
_________________ (break) both his legs.
21.Susan: Excuse me. Whose is this bag? Who _________________ (leave) it here?
Wally: I dont know. I _________________ (sit) here all afternoon, but I
_________________ (notice) it until now.
Popunite reenice koristei present perfect simple ili present perfect continuous
glagola datih u zagradama. (U nekim sluajevima oba mogu da se upotrebe).
1. Peter: You __________________ (telephone) for ages. __________________ (you, not
nearly, finish)?
Jack: I __________________ (not get) through yet. I __________________ (try) to get
our Paris office but the line __________________ (be) engaged all morning.
2. Ann __________________ (fail) her driving tests three times because shes so bad at
reversing. But she __________________ (practice) reversing for the last week and I
think she __________________ (get) a bit better at it.
3. Tom: I __________________ (often, wonder) why Bill left the country so suddenly.
Peter: Actually, I __________________ (just, find) out.
4. He __________________ (play) the bagpipes since six oclock this morning. He
4. We had to wait for a long time but we didn't complain. We waited pa__________.
5. Nobody knew George was coming to see us. He arrived unex______________.
6. Mike keeps fit by playing tennis reg ______________.
Popunite reenice koristei past simple, present perfect simple ili present perfect
continuous glagola datih u zagradama.
1. I __________________ (never, eat) raw fish.
2. My friend __________________ (live) in Ottawa when he was a boy.
3. Bob __________________ (visit) many countries during the past three years.
4. Bob and I __________________ (work) hard all this week, and now we are resting.
5. Tim is badly hurt. He __________________ (fall) downstairs yesterday.
6. I __________________ (just, shake) hands with Dons father.
Dovrite reenice koristei past continuous (I was doing), past perfect (I had
done) ili past perfect continuous (I had been doing).
1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours _were having_ (have) a party.
2. We were good friends. We _had known_ (know) each other for a long time.
3. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he
_________________________________ (walk) so fast.
4. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She
______________________________ (run).
5. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They
_______________________________________ (eat).
6. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were
empty but their stomachs were full. They___________________________________ (eat).
7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He _______________________________
(look) for his contact lens.
8. When I arrived, Kate ________________________________ (wait) for me. She was
rather annoyed with me because I was late and she_________________________
(wait) for a very long money.
4. I don't believe that you have lost your keys again! (CAN'T)
You _______________________________
5. Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat. (MIGHT)
They ______________________________
11. I ___________________ (wait) Jim for ages and he still ___________________ (not
show up). I must ___________________ (ask) him ___________________ (not do)
that any more.
12. If I had a typewriter I __________________(type) it myself.
13. Youre too far from here, I ___________________ (not hear) what you
___________________ (say).
14.Sorry, Im late. How long ___________________ (you, wait) for me?
15. If he _____________________(eat) all that he will be ill.
16. You would have seen my garden at its best if you _____________________ (be) here
last week.
17. Im so sorry. I wish I _______________ (tell) the truth.
18. If he had asked you, _____________________(you, accept)?
19.How long ___________________ (you stay) at the party last night?
20.Generally, Mike ___________________ (not like) playing basketball, but last Saturday,
while he ___________________ (watch) us playing he ___________________ (feel) a
need to play with us, so I suppose he ___________________ (play) tomorrow.
21.More tourists would come to this country if it _____________________ (have) a better
22. If I _____________________ (had) a map I would have been all right.
23.Sandra told me she ___________________ (never, be) to London before, so I asked her
___________________ (she, go) with me the following week.
24. Ill be very angry if he _____________________ (make) any more mistakes.
25. What ___________________ (this, make) of? I _________________ (not
know), but I ___________________ (know) that it ___________________ (make) in
Italy. It ___________________ (write) on the label.
26.Rome _____________________ (be captured) by her enemies if the geese hadnt
27. If you knew you had only six weeks to live how you ___________(spend) those six
28.What would you do if the lift __________________(get) stuck between two floors?
29. If I find your passport I _______________(telephone) you at once.
Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajue vreme (past simple ili present perfect).
Throughout the summer of 1980 Joan ______________(CONTINUE) to divide her time
between Paris and London.
There`s not much more to do, now that we ___________(SOLVE) the main problem.
Quite early in the negotiations, they ______________(AGREE) to lower prices.
In 1788 he _______________(FINISH) his last work in Vienna.
When he was 12, his parents ___________(MOVE) to Spain.
You should go away somewhere for the weekend. A change of ________will do you good.
At first my parents refused to let me go off travelling on my own, but then they had a
change of_____________.
After a very slow start, the car chase gives the film a much needed change of
The win marked a change in the _______________ of the team, which had lost its previous
six games.
Despite the operation on his eye, there has been no significant change in the patient`s
Anti-smoking campaigners yesterday called for a change in the ____________to make it
illegal for people to smoke in bars and cafes.
The legalization of divorce reflected a change in __________towards marriage.
a problem
a challenge
a possibility
a smell
an ambition
The findings show a_______________difference between the opinions of men and women.
As a child I had an ______________ friend called Polly. (IMAGINE)
We hope very much to find a ____________solution to the problem. (SATISFY)
He has described the government as corrupt and _____________. (COMPETENCE)
He`s very ________________about German literature. (KNOWLEDGE)
The school offers courses in every subject _____________. (IMAGINE)
If you`re ______________
manager? (SATISFY)
Complete the gap with the appropriate form of the word in capitals at the end of the line.
______________, there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision. (INCREASE)
for detail and many of his works are mistaken for photographs.
for languages, and has taught himself Russian, Greek and Polish.
for figures, and he leaves all the accounting work to his wife, Jane.
at DIY and wouldn`t dream of getting a builder in to do anything.
example __________________
familiar ___________________
sad ______________________
deaf _____________________
New English File Upper -Intrermediate, Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Oxford
University Press, 2007
New Headway Upper-Intermediate, J. Soars, Oxford University Press, 2007
M. Terzi, Materijal sa predavanja u PDF formi na predmetu Engleski jezik 2, Visoka kola
strukovnih studija za informacijone tehnologije