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Skripta - E2Konacna Engleski Jezik

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Terzi Milica, dipl. filolog
Engleski jezik 2


Question Formation ............................................................................................... 4
The Simple Present Tense ..................................................................................... 5
The Present Continuous Tense .............................................................................. 8
Verbs not Used with Continuous Tenses .......................................................... 10
The Present Perfect Simple Tense ......................................................................... 11
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense .................................................................. 14
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous ..................................... 16
Adjective Placement .............................................................................................. 17
Adjectives as Nouns .............................................................................................. 18
The Simple Past Tense of the Verb to be ............................................................... 18
The Simple Past Tense ........................................................................................... 21
The Past Continuous Tense ................................................................................... 24
Adverbs ................................................................................................................. 26
The Past Perfect Simple Tense ............................................................................... 27
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense ....................................................................... 30
Past Modal Verbs ................................................................................................... 32
Verbs of the Senses ............................................................................................... 32
Verb Patterns ........................................................................................................ 33
Articles .................................................................................................................. 35
The Indefinite Article .................................................................................... 35
The Definite Article ....................................................................................... 35
No Article .................................................................................................... 37
Countable and Uncountable Nouns ........................................................................ 38
Quantifiers ........................................................................................................... 39
Wish ..................................................................................................................... 40
Clauses of Contrast and Purpose ........................................................................... 41
Defining Relative Clauses ...................................................................................... 41
Non-defining Relative Clauses .............................................................................. 42
The Passive Voice ................................................................................................. 43

Impersonal Passive ....................................................................................... 44

The Future Simple Tense ........................................................................................ 45
Be+Going to+Infinitive .......................................................................................... 47
The Future Continuous Tense ................................................................................ 48
The Future Perfect Tense ...................................................................................... 50
Reported Speech

.................................................................................................. 51

Statements ................................................................................................. 51
Questions .................................................................................................... 53
Orders ....................................................................................................... 53
Conditional Sentences .......................................................................................... 54
The First Conditional .................................................................................... 54
The Second Conditional ................................................................................ 55
The Third Conditional ................................................................................... 55
Phrasal Verbs ....................................................................................................... 56
Exercises ................................................................................................................ 59
Literatura ............................................................................................................... 102


Kada se postavljaju pitanja uz pomo modalnih glagola ili vremena gde postoje pomoni
glagoli (be, have, itd.) potrebno je da se zameni mesto subjekta ili pomonog glagola.
Can you drive? (Moe li da vozi?)
Why are you laughing? (Zato se smeje?)
Prosta vremena (present and past simple) koriste pomone glagole (do/does ili did) pre
subjekta. Primer:
Where do you live?(Gde ivi?)

Odrina pitanja koristimo da pokaemo iznenaenje ili kada oekujemo da e se druga

strana sloiti sa nama. Primer:
Isnt this a beautiful place? (Zar ovo nije divno mesto?)

Ako je glagol praen predlogom, predlog se nalazi na kraju pitanja. Primer:

What are you talking about? (O emu pria?)NE About what are you talking?
esto koristimo upitnu re sa predlogom. Primer:
A I am thinking. (Razmiljam.)
B What about? (O emu?)
Kada su upitne rei who/what/ which subjekt pitanja, onda ne koristimo pomone glagole.
Who wrote this? (Ko je napisao ovo?)NE Who did write this?

Koristite indirektna pitanja kada elite da zvuite ljubaznije.

Where does she live? (Gde ona ivi?)-direktno pitanje
Could you tell me where she lives? (Da li mi moe rei gde ona ivi?) indirektno
U indirektnom pitanju red rei je kao u potvrdnoj reenici (subjekat+glagol)
Can you tell where it is? (Moete li mi rei gde je?) (it is=subjekat+glagol)


Prosto sadanje vreme (simple present tense) se gradi od osnovnog oblika glagola
(infinitiv bez to).
Na primer, infinitiv sa to glagola raditi glasi to work a infinitiv bez to glasi work. Za
sva lica osim za tree lice jednine potvrdni oblik prostog sadanjeg vremena glasi work.
Za tree lice se dodaje s.
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I work Ja radim
You work Ti radi
He works On radi
She works Ona radi
It works Ono radi
Mnoina (plural)
We work Mi radimo
You work Vi radite
They work Oni rade

Nastavak s u treem licu jednine moe imati razliite oblike. Ukoliko se glagol zavrava na
vokal o nastavak e glasiti es, kao u primeru glagola go koji u 3. l. jed. glasi goes ili
glagol do koji u 3. l. jed. glasi does.
Ukoliko se glagol zavrava na ch, -sh, -x, -ss, nastavak takoe glasi es.
Na primer:
He teaches (teach predavati).
She washes (wash prati).
He kisses (kiss ljubiti).
She fixes (fix popravljati).
Ako se glagol zavrava na y i ukoliko je ispred njega suglasnik y prelazi u ie.
Na primer:
He cries (cry -plakati).
It flies (fly leteti).
Ako je ispred y samoglasnik, nema promene.
She plays (play igrati).
He stays (stay ostati).
Izuzetak je glagol have (imati) koji u treem licu glasi has.
Upitni oblik glagola u prostom sadanjem vremenu se gradi od pomonog glagola do,
odnosno does (za tree lice jednine) i osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola.
Sva pitanja se u engleskom jeziku dele na Yes/No pitanja i Wh- pitanja. Yes/No pitanja
nemaju upitnu re i na njih se moe odgovoriti sa da ili ne. Wh- pitanja poinju upitnom
reju a one su: when, what, why, where, how, how much, how many...

Upitni oblik Yes/No questions

Jednina (singular)
Do I work? Da li ja radim?
Do you work? Da ti radi?
Does he work? Da li on radi?
Does she work? Da li ona radi?
Does it work? Da li ono radi?
Mnoina (plural)
Do we work? Da li mi radimo?
Do you work? Da li vi radite?
Do they work? Da li oni rade?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Do I work? Yes, I do / No, I dont
Do you work? Yes, you do / No, you dont.
Does he work? Yes, he does / No, he doesnt
Does she work? Yes, she does / No, she doesnt
Does it work? Yes, it does / No, it doesnt
Do we work? - Yes, we do / No, we dont
Do you work? Yes, you do / No, you dont
Do they work? Yes, they do/No, they dont
Upitni oblik Wh- questions
Jednina (singular)
Where do I work? Gde ja radim?
Where do you work? Gde ti radi?
Where does he work? Gde on radi?
Where does she work? Gde ona radi?
Where does it work? Gde ono radi?
Mnoina (plural)
Where do we work? Gde mi radimo?
Where do you work? Gde vi radite?
Where do they work? Gde oni rade?

Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog obika pomonog glagola do (odnosno does za tree lice
jednine) i osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola.

Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I do not (don't) work Ja ne radim
You do not (don't) work Ti ne radi
He does not (doesn't) work On ne radi
She does not (doesn't) work Ona ne radi
He does not (doesn't) work On ne radi
Mnoina (plural)
We do not (don't) work Mi ne radimo
You do not (don't) work Vi ne radite
They do not (don't) work Oni ne rade
Prosto sadanje vreme se koristi za:

Radnje koje se ponavljaju (navike, obiaji, rutine)

I get up at 6 o'clock. (Ja ustajem u 6 sati.)

She wears a uniform at work. (Ona nosi uniformu na poslu.)
The English drink tea at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. (Englezi piju aj u 5 sati popodne.)
U ovom smislu se mogu koristiti i prilozi i fraze za uestalost (rei koje oznaavaju koliko
esto se deava radnja). To su:
Always (uvek), usually (obino), often (esto), sometimes (ponekad), never (nikad),
every day (svakog dana), every month (svakog meseca), every year (svake godine) i sl.
Zatim, once a year (jednom godinje), twice a day (dvaput dnevno), three times a
week (triput nedeljno) i sl.
Prilozi always, usually, often, sometimes, never dolaze pre glavnog glagola u
potvrdnom obliku. Fraze every day, every month, twice a year, itd. najee dolaze na
kraju reenice.
I always go to school at 8 o'clock in the morning. (Ja uvek idem u kolu u 8 sati ujutru.)
She usually drinks tea in the evening. (Ona obino pije aj uvee.)
We never eat in the living room. (Mi nikad ne jedemo u dnevnoj sobi.)

Opte istine (neto to je uvek tano)

People change money in banks. (Ljudi menjaju novac u bankama.)

A day has 24 hours. (Dan ima 24 asa.)
The Earth goes around the Sun. (Zemlja se okree oko Sunca.)
The Sava flows into the Danube. (Sava se uliva u Dunav.)

Karakteristike subjekta

He speaks English very well. (On dobro govori engleski.)

My sister plays the piano. (Moja sestra svira klavir.)


Sadanje trajno vreme (present continuous tense) se gradi od glagola TO BE u
prostom sadanjem vremenu (Present Simple Tense), tj. is/am /are+ sadanji particip
(present participle) glavnog glagola.
Sadanji particip se gradi kada se na infinitiv doda nastavak ing:
go going
sleep sleeping
work working
Ako se glagol zavrava na jedan suglasnik ispred kojeg stoji kratak, naglaen samoglasnik,
krajnji se suglasnik ispred ing udvostruava. Na primer:
hit udariti
stop prestati
permit dopustiti
begin poeti

particip: hitting
particip: stopping
particip: permitting
particip: beginning

Krajnje l se uvek uvostruava.Npr.:

travel putovati

particip: travelling

Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I am working Ja radim
You are working Ti radi
He is working On radi
She is working Ona radi
It is working Ono radi
Mnoina (plural)
We are working Mi radimo
You are working Vi radite
They are working Oni rade
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Am I working? Da li ja radim?
Are you working? Da li ti radi?
Is he working? Da li on radi?
Is she working? Da li ona radi?
Is it working? Da li ono radi?

Mnoina (plural)
Are we working? Da li mi radimo?
Are you working? Da li vi radite?
Are they working? Da li oni rade?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Am I working? Yes, I am / No, I'm not
Are you working? Yes, you are / No, you arent
Is he working? Yes, he is / No, he isnt
Is she working? Yes, she is / No, she isnt
Is it working? Yes, it is / No, it isnt
Are we working? - Yes, we are / No, we arent
Are you working? Yes you are / No, you arent
Are they working? Yes, they are / No, they arent
Upitni oblik Wh- questions
Jednina (singular)
Where am I working? Gde ja radim?
Where are you working? Gde ti radi?
Where is he working? Gde on radi?
Where is she working? Gde ona radi?
Where is it working? Gde ono radi?
Mnoina (plural)
Where are we working? Gde mi radimo?
Where are you working? Gde vi radite?
Where are they working? Gde oni rade?
Odrini oblik sadanjeg trajnog vremena se gradi od odrinog oblika pomonog
glagola TO BE u sadanjem vremenu i sadanjeg participa (present participle) glavnog
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I am not (I'm not) working Ja ne radim
You are not (aren't) working Ti ne radi
He is not (isn't) working On ne radi
She is not (isn't) working Ona ne radi
It is not (isn't) working Ono ne radi
Mnoina (plural)
We are not (aren't) working Mi ne radimo
You are not (aren't) working Vi ne radite
They are not (aren't) working Oni ne rade

Sadanje trajno vreme (present continuous tense) se koristi za:

Radnju koja se deava u trenutku govora, te se stoga uz njega esto nalaze

vremenske odrednice now (sada) i at the moment (u ovom trenutku)

She is reading a book at the moment. (Ona trenutno ita knjigu.)

Privremenu radnju

We're living in my sister's flat until we find a new house to buy. (ivimo u kui moje
sestre dok ne naemo novu kuu da kupimo.)

Planove vezane za budunost

I am visiting my sister next weekend. (Sledeeg vikenda u posetiti svoju sestru.)


Jedan broj glagola najee ne moe da bude upotrebljen u trajnim vremenima. Najvaniji
od njih su:
hear uti,
see videti ,
taste okusiti ,
smell mirisati,
remember setiti se ,
understand razumeti ,
wish eleti ,
want hteti,
know znati itd.
Oni su, umesto u present continuous tense-u koriste u present simple tense-u.
I hear a noise in the next room. (ujem nekakvu buku u susednoj sobi.)
Stop! Don't you see the red light? (Stani! Zar ne vidi crveno svetlo?)
This cake tastes good. (Ovaj kola ima dobar ukus.)
Do you remember our first dance? ( Sea li se naeg prvog plesa?)
I wish you a lot of happiness. (elim vam mnogo sree.)
I know that you don't understand me. (Znam da me ne razumete).
Neki od datih glagola menjaju znaenje u present continuous tense-u:
I see a boy in the garden. (Vidim deaka u dvoritu.)
She is seeing Milan. (Ona se via sa Milanom.)
I dont hear you. Could you repeat it, please. (Ne ujem te. Moe li da ponovi, molim te.)
I am hearing from him twice a month. (ujem se s njim dva puta meseno.)


Sadanje svreno prosto vreme (present perfect simple tense) se gradi od glagola
TO HAVE u sadanjem prostom vremenu, tj. have/has i prolog participa (past participle)
glavnog glagola.
Proli particip se kod pravilnih glagola gradi kada se na infinitiv doda nastavak ed. Kod
nepravilnih glagola proli particip ima drugaiji oblik (tzv. trea kolona):
play played
work worked
sleep slept
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I have (I've)worked Ja sam radio
You have (You've)worked Ti si radio
He has (He's)worked On je radio
She has (She's) worked Ona je radila
It has (It's) worked Ono je radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We have (We've) worked Mi smo radili
You have (You've) worked Vi ste radili
They have (They've) worked Oni su radili
Jednina (singular)
I have (I've) slept Ja sam spavao
You have (You've) slept Ti si spavao
He has slept (He's) On je spavao
She has slept (She's) Ona je spavala
It has slept (It's) Ono je spavalo
Mnoina (plural)
We have slept (We've) Mi smo spavali
You have slept (You've) Vi ste spavali
They have slept (They've) Oni su spavali
Upitni oblik glagola sadanjeg svrenog vremena se gradi inverzijom (u odnosu na potvrdni
oblik) pomonog glagola TO HAVE (u sadanjem vremenu) i line zamenice.
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Have I worked? Da li sam ja radio?
Have you worked? Da li si ti radio?
Has he worked? Da li je on radio?

Has she worked? Da li je ona radila?

Has it worked? Da li je ono radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Have we worked? Da li smo mi radili?
Have you worked? Da li ste vi radili?
Have they worked? Da li su oni radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Have I worked?Yes, I have / No, I haven't
Have you worked? Yes, you have / No, you haven't
Has he worked? Yes, he has / No, he hasn't
Has she worked? Yes, she has/ No, she hasn't
Has it worked? Yes, it has / No, it hasn't
Have we worked? - Yes, we have / No, we haven't
Have you worked? Yes, you have / No, we haven't
Have they worked? Yes, they have / No, they haven't

Upitni oblik Wh- questions

Jednina (singular)
Where have I worked? Gde sam ja radio?
Where have you worked? Gde si ti radio?
Where has he worked? Gde je on radio?
Where has she worked? Gde je ona radila?
Where has it worked? Gde je ono radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Where have we worked? Gde smo mi radili?
Where have you worked? Gde ste vi radili?
Where have they worked? Gde su oni radili?
Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog obika glagola have (odnosno has za tree lice jednine) i
prolog participa glavnog glagola.
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I have not (haven't) worked Ja nisam radio
You have not (haven't) worked Ti ne radi
He has not (hasn't) worked On nije radio
She has not (hasn't) worked Ona nije radila
It has not (hasn't) worked Ono nije radilo


Mnoina (plural)
We have not (haven't) worked Mi nismo radili
You have not (haven't) worked Vi niste radili
They have not (haven't) worked Oni nisu radili
Sadanje svreno prosto vreme (present perfect simple tense) se koristi za:
Radnju koja je upravo zavrena, te se stoga uz njega esto nalazi vremenska
odrednica just (upravo)
She has just gone out. (Ona je upravo izala.)

Radnju koja se desila u prolosti u neko neodreeno vreme

I have travelled to America. (Putovao sam u Ameriku.)

Prolu radnju koja ima vidljive rezultate (posledice) u sadanjosti

The lift has broken down. We have to use the stairs. (Lift se pokvario. Moramo da
idemo stepenicama.)
I have washed the car. It looks lovely. (Oprao sam kola. Izgledaju odlino.)
Radnju koja se desila u prolosti ali je mogue da se ponovi u sadanjosti
I have seen wolves in that forest. You can still see them sometimes. (Video sam
vukove u toj umi. Jo uvek ih ponekad moe videti.)
Radnju koja se deava u nezavrenom vremenskom periodu
Vremenski period koji traje esto je oznaen sa today, this morning / afternoon / evening /
week / month / year / century, recently, lately...
I haven't seen him today. (Nisam ga danas video.)
He has had a lot of bad luck recently. (U poslednje vreme nije imao mnogo sree.)
U ovom znaenju esto se javljaju i prilozi ever i never da oznae ivotna iskustva
He has never eaten Chinese food. (On nikada nije jeo kinesku hranu.)
Radnju koja je poela u prolosti i jo uvek traje. U tom smislu se koriste for i since.
For se koristi da oznai vremenski period u kojem radnja traje.
We have lived here for 10 years. (ivimo ovde ve 10 godina.)
Since oznaava trenutak kada je radnja poela.
They have been friends since their schooldays. (Oni su prijatelji jo od kolskih dana.)



Sadanje svreno trajno vreme (present perfect continuous tense) se gradi od
glagola TO BE u sadanjem svrenom vremenu (present perfect tense), tj. have/has been
i sadanjeg participa (present participle) glavnog glagola
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I have been working Ja sam radio
You have been working Ti si radio
He has been working On je radio
She has been working Ona je radila
It has been working Ono je radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We have been working Mi smo radili
You have been working Vi ste radili
They have been working Oni su radili
Upitni oblik glagola u sadanjem svrenom trajnom vremenu (present perfect continuous
tense-u) se gradi kao upitni oblik present perfect simple tense-a tj. inverzijom (u odnosu na
potvrdni oblik) pomonog glagola TO HAVE i line zamenice.
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Have I been working? Da li sam ja radio?
Have you been working? Da li si ti radio?
Has he been working? Da li je on radio?
Has she been working? Da li je ona radila?
Has it been working? Da li je ono radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Have we been working? Da li smo mi radili?
Have you been working? Da li ste vi radili?
Have they been working? Da li su oni radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Have I been working? Yes, I have / No, I haven`t.
Have you been working? Yes, you have / No, you havent.
Has he been working? Yes, he has / No, he hasn`t.
Has she been working? Yes, she has/ No, she hasn`t.
Has it been working? Yes, it has / No, it hasn`t.


Have we been working? - Yes, we have / No, we haven`t.

Have you been working? Yes, you have / No, you havent.
Have they been working? Yes, they have / No, they havent.
Upitni oblik Wh- questions
Jednina (singular)
Where have I been working? Gde sam ja radio?
Where have you been working? Gde si ti radio?
Where has he been working? Gde je on radio?
Where has she been working? Gde je ona radila?
Where has it been working? Gde je ono radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Where have we been working? Gde smo mi radili?
Where have you been working? Gde ste vi radili?
Where have they been working? Gde su oni radili?
Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog obika glagola TO BE u sadanjem svrenom vremenu i
sadanjeg participa glavnog glagola.
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I have not (haven`t) been working Ja nisam radio
You have not (haven`t) been working Ti nisi radio
He has not (hasn`t) been working On nije radio
She has not (hasn`t) been working Ona nije radila
It has not (hasn`t) been working Ono nije radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We have not (haven`t) been working Mi nismo radili
You have not (haven`t) been working Vi niste radili
They have not (haven`t) been working Oni nisu radili
Sadanje svreno trajno vreme se koristi za:

Radnju koja je zapoeta u prolosti, jo uvek traje i moe se nastaviti u budunosti

She has been learning English for three years. (Ona ui engleski ve tri godine.)
U ovom kontekstu koristimo priloge for i since.
For oznaava ukupan vremenski period trajanja radnje.
I have been swimming for an hour. (Plivam ve sat vremena.)
Since oznaava poetak deavanja radnje.


I have been living here since 1998. (ivim ovde od 1998.)

Radnju koja se do skoro deavala i ostavila jasne posledice u sadanjosti

It has been raining. The ground is still wet. (Padala je kia. Zemlja je jo mokra.)
Napomena: Kao to se iz prethodnih primera moe videti, sadanje svreno trajno vreme
se moe prevesti i sadanjim vremenom, u zavisnosti od konteksta.


Sadanje svreno prosto vreme (present perfect simple tense) se koristi

kada govorimo o radnjama koje su se dogodile u neodreenom trenutku u prolosti i
gde je jasno naznaeno da je radnja zavrena. Tako je pri upotrebi sadanjeg
svrenog vremena (present perfect tense) subjekat vie zainteresovan za rezultat

Mary has bought a new car. (Meri je kupila novi auto.)

I have broken my leg. (Slomila sam nogu.)

Present perfect continuous tense se koristi kada govorimo o radnjama za koje

nismo sasvim sigurni da su zavrene.Ovim vremenom istiemo da smo vie
zainteresovani za duinu trajanja radnje nego posledice koje ona ostavlja.

He has been working for the same company since 1990. (On radi za istu kompaniju
od 1990. godine.)
I have been talking to my sister for more than two hours. (Razgovarala sam sa
svojom sestrom vie od dva sata.)

Tako se present perfect simple koristi uz how much i how many, a present
perfect continuous tense uz how long.

How many cakes have you made? (Koliko si kolaa napravila?)

How much sugar have you bought? (Koliko si eera kupio?)
How lon have you been making cakes? (Koliko dugo pravi kolae?)

Razlika postoji i u primerima:

I have read the book. You can have it back. (Proitala sam knjigu. Moe je uzeti
I have been reading the book, so you can't have it back. (itam knjigu, pa je ne
moe uzeti natrag.)
U prvoj reenici radnja je zavrena dok u drugoj nije.


U nekim sluajevima oba vremena se mogu koristiti sa istim znaenjem. esto sa

glagolima LIVE i WORK.

I have been working for this company for 5 years. (Radim za ovu kompaniju ve 5
I have worked for this company for 5 years. (Radim za ovu kompaniju ve 5 godina.)
I've been living in London since 1997. (ivim u Londonu od 1997.-e.)
I've lived in London since 1997. (ivim u Londonu od 1997.-e.)

U sluajevima kada je duina trajanja radnje naglaena, koristiemo sadanje

svreno trajno vreme.

I have been working here for ages. (Radim ovde ve godinama.)


Kada u engleskom jeziku koristimo vie prideva da opiemo neku imenicu, potrebno
je da ti pridevi imaju odreeni redosled.

U tabeli u nastavku je prikazan redosled prideva.










Napomena: Obino se ispred imenice koristi najvie tri prideva.

U nastavku su primeri koji se odnose na odgovrajui raspored prideva na osnovu gore
navedene tabele.Izmeu prideva se ne nalaze zarezi.

A wonderful old Italian clock. (1, 3, 6, 9)

(Divan stari italijanski sat.)
A big square blue box. (2, 4, 5, 9)
(Velika kockasta plava kutija.)
A disgusting red plastic ornament. (1, 5, 7, 9)
(Odvratni crveni plastini ukras.)
Old black riding boots. (2, 5, 8, 9)
(Stare crne izme za jahanje.)



Odreeni lan the se koristi sa pridevima koji oznaavaju pripadnost naciji i koji se
zavravaju sa sh, -ch, -ss,
-ese. Ovi pridevi nemaju nastavak za mnoinu.
The Japanese are hard-working. (Japanci su vredni.)
The English are cold. (Englezi su hladni.)

Nacionalnosti koje se zavravaju sa an i jo neke kao to su Greek i Thai, imaju

funkciju i imenice i prideva. Kada se govori o narodu iz tih zemalja moe se koristiti

The Greeks are warm people. (Grci su topli ljudi.)

The Italians are beautiful. (Italijani su lepi.)

Kod nekih nacionalnosti postoji i pridev i imenica za oznaavanje nacionalnosti.

Turkish, a Turk
Polish, a Pole
She is Turkish. -pridev (Ona je turske nacionalnosti.)
She is a Turk. -imenica (Ona je Turkinja.)
Takoe je mogua konstrukcija:
She is a Turkish woman. -imenica (Ona je Turkinja.)
Kada elite da kaete da je neko, na primer, Englez ili Engleskinja, onda je potrebno da
koristite dodatnu odrednicu man ili woman. U tom sluaju ne zaboravite neodreeni lan.
He is an English man. (On je Englez.)
She is a Japanese woman. (Ona je Japanka.)


Potvrdni oblik glagol TO BE (biti) u prostom prolom vremenu glasi:
Jednina (singular)
I was Ja sam bio
You were Ti si bio
He was On je bio
She was Ona je bila
It was Ono je bilo

Mnoina (plural)
We were Mi smo bili
You were Vi ste bili
They were Oni su bili
I was at the theatre last night. (Ja sam sino bio u pozoritu.)
My sister and her best friend were in London three years ago. (Moja sestra i njen
najbolji prijatelj su pre tri godine bili u Londonu.)
David was in Sarajevo last summer. (Dejvid je bio u Sarajevu prolog leta.)

Upitni oblik glagola TO BE u Simple Past Tense-u se gradi inverzijom glagola TO BE i line
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Was I? Da li sam ja bio?
Were you? Da li si ti bio?
Was he? Da li je on bio?
Was she? Da li je ona bila?
Was it? Da li ono bilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Were we? Da li smo mi bili?
Were you? Da li ste vi bili?
Were they? Da li su oni bili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Was I? Yes, I was / No, I wasnt
Were you? Yes, you were / No, you werent
Was he? Yes, he was / No, he wasnt
Was she? Yes, she was / No, she wasnt
Was it? Yes, it was / No, it wasnt
Were we? Yes, we were / No, we werent
Were you? Yes, you were / No, you werent
Were they? Yes, they were / No, they werent

Upitni oblik Wh- questions

Jednina (singular)
Where was I? Gde sam ja bio?
Where were you? Gde si ti bio?

Where was he? Gde je on bio?

Where was she? Gde je ona bila?
Where was it? Gde je ono bilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Where were we? Gde smo i bili?
Where were you? Gde ste vi bili?
Where were you? Gde su oni bili?

Were you at home last night? (Da li si sino bio kod kue?)
Were your parents in Belgrade last summer? (Da li su tvoji roditelji bili u Beogradu
prolog leta?)
Was I clear? (Da li sam bio jasan?)
Where were Marko and Sandra three days ago? (Gde su bili Marko i Sandra pre tri
Why was he here? (Zato je on bio ovde?)
Odrini oblik glagola TO BE u Past Simple Tense-u (prolom prostom vremenu) glasi:
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I was not (wasn't) Ja nisam bio
You were not (weren't) Ti nisi bio
He was not (wasn't) On nije bio
She was not (wasn't) Ona nije bila
It was not (wasn't) Ono nije bilo
Mnoina (plural)
We were not (weren't) Mi nismo bili
You were not (weren't) Vi niste bili
They were not (weren't) Oni nisu bili
My father wasn't here yesterday. (Moj otac jue nije bio ovde.)
Her sister and John weren't in Madrid last summer. (Njen sestra i Don nisu bili u
Madridu prolog leta.)
Sandra wasn't happy when she was a child. (Sandra nije bila srena kada je bila dete.)
I wasn't ill yesterday. (Jue nisam bio bolestan.)



Prosto prolo vreme (simple past tense) pravilnih glagola se gradi od osnovnog oblika
glagola (infinitiv bez to) i nastavka ed.
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I worked Ja sam radio
You worked Ti si radio
He worked On je radio
She worked Ona je radila
It worked Ono je radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We worked Mi smo radili
You worked Vi ste radili
They worked Oni su radili
Ako se infinitiv glagola zavrava na e, nastavak glasi d
He closed (close zatvoriti)
Ako se glagol zavrava na y i ukoliko je ispred njega suglasnik, y prelazi u i. Primer:
He cried (cry -plakati)
Ako je ispred y samoglasnik, nema promene.
She played (play igrati)
He stayed (stay ostati)
Ukoliko se infinitiv zavrava na jedan suglasnik ispred koga je kratak, naglaen
samoglasnik, taj krajnji suglasnik se udvostruava pred nastavkom za prosto prolo vreme.
plan planned (planirati)
stop stopped (zaustaviti)
Nepravilni glagoli imaju posebne oblike za prolo vreme i oni se ue napamet.
Upitni oblik glagola u prostom prolom vremenu se gradi od pomonog glagola do u
prolom vremenu koji glasi did i osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola.
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Did I work? Da li sam ja radio?
Did you work? Da li si ti radio?
Did he work? Da li je on radio?
Did she work? Da li je ona radila?
Did it work? Da li je ono radilo?


Mnoina (plural)
Did we work? Da li smo mi radili?
Did you work? Da li ste vi radili?
Did they work? Da li su oni radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:

I work? Yes, I did / No, I didnt

you work? Yes, you did / No, you didnt.
he work? Yes, he did / No, he didnt
she work? Yes, she did / No, she didnt
it work? Yes, it did / No, it didnt

Did we work? Yes, we did / No, we didnt

Did you work? Yes you did / No, you didnt
Did they work? Yes, they did / No, they didnt
Upitni oblik Wh- questions
Jednina (singular)
Where did I work? Gde sam ja radio?
Where did you work? Gde si ti radio?
Where did he work? Gde je on radio?
Where did she work? Gde je ona radila?
Where did it work? Gde ono radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Where did we work? Gde smo mi radili?
Where did you work? Gde ste vi radili?
Where did they work? Gde su oni radili?
Nepravilni glagoli grade upitni oblik na isti nain.
Subjekatska i objekatska pitanja (Subject and object questions)
Kada se upitna re odnosi na subjekat reenice koja je odgovor na postavljeno pitanje,
glagol stoji u potvrdnom obliku. Ovakvo pitanje se naziva subjekatsko.
Kod reenice:
Who called you? (Ko te je pozvao?) odgovor na pitanje glasi
John called me.
Odgovor na gorenavedeno pitanje je John, to je subjekat reenice.
Kod reenice:
Who did you call last night? (Koga si pozvao sino?) odgovor na pitanje glasi
I called Robert last night.
Odgovor na gorenavedeno pitanje je Robert, to je objekat reenice.

Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog oblika pomonog glagola do u prolom vremenu i

osnovnog oblika glavnog glagola.
Odrini oblik
Nepravilni glagoli grade odrini oblik na isti nain.
Jednina (singular)
I did not (didn't) work Ja nisam radio
You did not (didn't) work Ti nisi radio
He did not (didn't) work On nije radio
She did not (didn't) work Ona nije radila
It did not (didn't) work Ono nije radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We did not (didn't) work Mi nismo radili
You did not (didn't) work Vi niste radili
They did not (didn't) work Oni nisu radili


Prosto prolo vreme se koristi za radnju koja je zavrena u prolosti. Karakteristine

vremenske odrednice uz koje se upotrebljava su:

Yesterday jue, the day before yesterday prekjue, two years ago pre dve
godine, three hours ago pre tri sata, last Monday prolog ponedeljka, last year
prole godine, in 1977 1977.-e i sl.
I worked in a shop last year. (Radio sam u prodavnici prole godine.)
My brother finished his homework an hour ago. (Moj brat je zavrio domai pre sat
Last week we decided to buy a new house. (Prole nedelje smo odluili da kupimo novu
Sandra closed the window a few minutwes ago. (Sandra je zatvorila prozor pre
nekoliko minuta.)
My father built this house in 1997. (Moj otac je sagradio ovu kuu 1997.-e)
The day before yesterday Marko bought a nice hat. (Prekjue je Marko kupio lep eir.)



Prolo trajno vreme (past continuous tense) se gradi od glagola TO BE u prostom
prolom vremenu, tj. was/were i sadanjeg participa (present participle) glavnog glagola.
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I was working Ja sam radio
You were working Ti si radio
He was working On je radio
She was working Ona je radila
It was working Ono je radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We were working Mi smo radili
You were working Vi ste radili
They were working Oni su radili
Upitni oblik glagola u prolom trajnom vremenu se gradi inverzijom (u odnosu na
potvrdni oblik) pomonog glagola TO BE (u prolom vremenu) i line zamenice.
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Was I working? Da li sam ja radio?
Were you working? Da li si ti radio?
Was he working? Da li je on radio?
Was she working? Da li je ona radila?
Was it working? Da li je ono radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Were we working? Da li smo mi radili?
Were you working? Da li ste vi radili?
Were they working? Da li su oni radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:
Was I working? Yes, I was / No, I wasnt
Were you working ? Yes, you were / No, you werent
Was he working? Yes, he was / No, he wasnt
Was she working? Yes, she was / No, she wasnt
Was it working? Yes, it was / No, it wasnt
Were we working? Yes, we were / No, we werent
Were you working? Yes, you were / No, you werent
Were they working? Yes, they were / No, they werent


Upitni oblik Wh- questions

Jednina (singular)
Where was I working? Gde sam ja radio?
Where were you working? Gde si ti radio?
Where was he working? Gde je on radio?
Where was she working? Gde je ona radila?
Where was it working? Gde je ono radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Where were we working? Gde smo mi radili?
Where were you working? Gde ste vi radili?
Where were they working? Gde su oni radili?
Odrini oblik prolog trajnog vremena se gradi od odrinog obika pomonog glagola TO BE
u prolom vremenu i sadanjeg participa glavnog glagola.
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I was not (I wasn't) working Ja nisam radio
You were not (weren't) working Ti nisi radio
He was not (wasn't) working On nije radio
She was not (wasn't) working Ona nije radila
It was not (wasn't) working Ono nije radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We were not (weren't) working Mi nismo radili
You were not (weren't) working Vi niste radili
They were not (weren't) working Oni nisu radili
Prolo trajno vreme (past continuous tense) se koristi za:

Radnju koja je trajala due vreme u prolosti

She was reading a book all day yesterday. (Ona je ceo dan jue itala knjigu.)

Dve radnje koje su se u prolom vremenu paralelno deavale

While I was watching TV, my sister was doing her homework. (Dok sam ja gledao
TV, moja sestra je radila svoj domai.)

Prolu radnju koja je due trajala a prekinuta je nekom drugom prolom radnjom.
Ta druga radnja se obino izraava prostim prolim vremenom (past simple tense):


I was watching TV when the telephone rang. (Ja sam gledao TV kada je telefon
When we arrived they were playing cards. (Kada smo stigli oni su igrali karte.)
Napomena: Glagoli koji se ne koriste u Present Continuous Tense-u, ne koriste se ni u Past
Continuous Tense-u. Umesto njih se obino koristi glagol u Past Simple Tense-u.

Prilozi su rei koje blie odreuju glagole, prideve i druge priloge, tj. oni objanjavaju kako
se neto radi, odnosno na koji nain se obavlja neka radnja.
Postoje razne vrste priloga, mi emo se ovde baviti prilozima koji se grade od prideva.
Naime, najvei broj priloga se gradi tako to se na osnovu prideva doda nastavak ly.
quick + -ly = quickly (brzo)
slow + -ly = slowly (sporo)
clear + -ly = clearly (jasno)
kind + -ly = kindly (ljubazno)
careful + -ly = carefully (paljivo)
beautiful + -ly = beautifully (lepo)
Pridevi koji se zavravaju na y, menjaju y u i.
easy + -ly = easily (lako)
happy + -ly = happily (sreno)
angry + -ly = angrily (ljuto)
Pridevi koji zavravaju na le, gube krajnje e, i dodaje im se samo y.
gentle + -y = gently (neno)
comfortable + -y = comfortably (udobno)
Neki prilozi imaju potpuno isti oblik kao pridevi. Takvi su sledei prlozi:
fast (brzo)
hard (teko, jako)
late (kasno)
early (rano)
Postoje prilozi hardly i lately, ali oni imaju drugo znaenje.
hardly (jedva)
lately (u poslednje vreme)
Prilog koji odgvara pridevu good (dobar) je nepravilan i glasi well.


She sang beautifully last night. (Ona je sino lepo pevala.)
He speaks English well. (On dobro govori engleski.)
They ran quickly. (Oni su brzo trali.)
Please, talk slowly. (Molim vas, govorite sporo.)
He always drives very fast. (On uvek vozi veoma brzo.)

Prilozi se najee nalaze na kraju reenice. Prilozi stoje iza direktnog objekta, ako on
postoji, inae posle glagola postoji sledei redosled: prilog za nain (manner), prilog za
mesto (place), prilog za vreme (time)
I didn't feel well at work yesterday morning. (Nisam se oseala dobro na poslu jue
Well je prilog za nain, at work za mesto, a yesterday morning za vreme.
Ako u jednoj reenici postoji vie priloga za vreme, na prvo mesto dolazi onaj koji pokazuje
blie vreme.
The next class is at 9 oclock, on Monday, April 27th. (Sledei as je u 9 sati
,ponedeljak, 27.-og aprila.)


Davno prolo prosto vreme (past perfect simple tense) se gradi od pomonog glagola
TO HAVE prolom prostom vremenu (past simple tense-u), tj. had i prolog participa
glavnog glagola.
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I had (Id) worked Ja sam bio radio
You had (Youd) worked Ti si bio radio
He had worked (Hed) On je bio radio
She had worked (Shed) Ona je bila radila
It had worked (Itd) Ono bilo je radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We had (Wed) worked Mi smo bili radili
You had (Youd) worked Vi ste bili radili
They had (Theyd) worked Oni su bili radili


Jednina (singular)
I had (Id) slept Ja sam bio spavao
You had (Youd) slept Ti si bio spavao
He had (Hed) slept On je bio spavao
She had (Shed) slept Ona je bila spavala
It had (Itd) slept Ono je bilo spavalo
Mnoina (plural)
We had (Wed) slept Mi smo bili spavali
You had (Youd)slept Vi ste bili spavali
They had (Theyd) slept Oni su bili spavali
Upitni oblik glagola u davnom prolom vremenu se gradi inverzijom (u odnosu na potvrdni
oblik) pomonog glagola TO HAVE (u prolom vremenu) i line zamenice.
Upitni oblik
Jednina (singular)
Had I worked? Da li sam ja bio radio?
Had you worked? Da li si ti bio radio?
Had he worked? Da li je on bio radio?
Had she worked? Da li je ona bila radila?
Had it worked? Da li je ono bilo radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Had we worked? Da li smo mi bili radili?
Had you worked? Da li vi ste bili radili?
Had they worked? Da li su oni bili radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:

I worked? Yes, I had / No, I hadn't

you worked? Yes, you had / No, you hadn't
he worked? Yes, he had / No, he hadn't
she worked? Yes, she had / No, she hadn't
it worked? Yes, it had / No, it hadn't

Had we worked? - Yes, we had / No, we hadn't

Had you worked? Yes, you had / No, we hadn't
Had they worked? Yes, they had / No, they hadn't

Upitni oblik Wh- questions

Jednina (singular)
Where had I worked? Gde sam ja bio radio?
Where had you worked? Gde si ti bio radio?
Where had he worked? Gde je on bio radio?

Where had she worked? Gde je ona bila radila?

Where had it worked? Gde je ono bilo radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Where had we worked? -Gde smo mi bili radili?
Where had you worked? Gde ste vi bili radili?
Where had they worked? Gde su oni bili radili?
Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog oblika prolog vremena glagola have i prolog participa
glavnog glagola.
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I had not (hadn't ) worked Ja nisam bio radio
You had not (hadn't) worked Ti nisi bio radio
He had not (hadn't) worked On nije bio radio
She had not (hadn't) worked Ona nije bila radila
It had not (hadn't) worked Ono nije bilo radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We had not (hadn't) worked Mi nismo bili radili
You had not (hadn't) worked Vi niste bili radili
They had not (hadn't) worked Oni nisu bili radili

Davno prolo prosto vreme (past perfect simple tense) se upotrebljava za:

Radnju koja se zavrila pre neke druge prole radnje

She suddenly found that she had lost her camera. (Odjednom je shvatila da je izgubila
foto aparat.)

Ovo vreme se upotrebljava u zavisnim reenicama uz after. Takoe se mogu

pojaviti i prilozi when i because

After we had reached the top, we began to feel tired. (Poto smo se popeli na vrh
poeli smo da oseamo umor.)
His friend tried to help him after he had lost all his money. (Prijatelji su pokuali da
mu pomognu nakon to je izgubio sav svoj novac.)
When he had finished his homework, he went to play. (Kada je zavrio domai, izaao
je da se igra.)
Because he'd spent so much, he had very little money. (Poto je bio potroio toliko,
imao je vrlo malo novca.)



Davno prolo trajno vreme (past perfect continuous tense) se gradi od glagola
HAVE u past perfect tense-u i sadanjeg participa glavnog glagola.
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I had (Id) been working Ja sam bio radio
You had (Youd) been working Ti si bio radio
He had been working (Hed) On je bio radio
She had been working (Shed) Ona je bila radila
It had been working (Itd) Ono bilo je radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We had been working (Wed) Mi smo bili radili
You had been working (Youd) Vi ste bili radili
They had been working (Theyd) Oni su bili radili

Upitni oblik
Upitni oblik glagola u sadanjem svrenom trajnom vremenu se gradi upitnim oblikom
glagola TO HAVE (u past perfect simple tense-u).
Jednina (singular)
Had I been working? Da li sam ja bio radio?
Had you been working? Da li si ti bio radio?
Had he been working? Da li je on bio radio?
Had she been working? Da li je ona bila radila?
Had it been working? Da li je ono bilo radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Had we been working? Da li smo mi bili radili?
Had you been working? Da li vi ste bili radili?
Had they been working? Da li su oni bili radili?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:

I been working? Yes, I had / No, I hadnt

you been working? Yes, you had / No, you hadnt
he been working? Yes, he had / No, he hadnt
she been working? Yes, she had/ No, she hadnt
it been working? Yes, it had / No, it hadnt

Had we been working? - Yes, we had / No, we hadnt

Had you been working? Yes, you had / No, we hadnt
Had they been working? Yes, they had / No, they hadnt


Upitni oblik Wh- questions

Jednina (singular)
Where had I been working? Gde sam ja bio radio?
Where had you been working? Gde si ti bio radio?
Where had he been working? Gde je on bio radio?
Where had she been working? Gde je ona bila radila?
Where had it been working? Gde je ono bilo radilo?
Mnoina (plural)
Where had we been working? Gde smo mi bili radili?
Where had you been working? Gde ste vi bili radili?
Where had they been working? Gde su oni bili radili?

Odrini oblik
Odrini oblik se gradi od odrinog oblika HAVE u davnom prolom vremenu i sadanjeg
participa glavnog glagola.
Jednina (singular)
I had not (hadnt ) been working Ja nisam bio radio
You had not (hadnt) been working Ti nisi bio radio
He had not (hadnt) been working On nije bio radio
She had not (hadnt) been working Ona nije bila radila
It had not (hadnt) been working Ono nije bilo radilo
Mnoina (plural)
We had not (hadnt) been working Mi nismo bili radili
You had not (hadnt) been working Vi niste bili radili
They had not (hadnt) been working Oni nisu bili radili


Davno prolo trajno vreme se upotrebljava za radnju koja je trajala do nekog

trenutka u prolosti. Tako se ne naglaava da je radnja zavrena nego se potencira
njeno trajanje
esto se uz ovo vreme koriste for i since

When we came Sally had been waiting for half an hour. (Kad smo mi stigli, Seli je
ekala ve pola sata.)
When I called on him he had been reading for a while. (Kada sam ga posetio, on je
itao ve neko vreme.)



Modalni glagoli se mogu kombinovati sa prolim infinitivom (perfect infinitive).

Proli infinitiv se gradi od glagola HAVE i prolog participa glavnog glagola npr. have
been, have taken, have gone

Should (ili shouldnt) u kombinaciji sa prolim infinitivom oznaava radnju koja je

u prolosti bila pogrena ili zbog koje se subjekt kaje.

I should have listened to your advice. (Trebalo je da posluam tvoj savet.)

She shouldnt have given up her job. (Nije trebalo da da otkaz na poslu.)
Shouldnt se esto koristi za kritikovanje nekoga.
You shouldnt have worn that dress in the street. (Nije trebalo da nosi tu haljinu na

Modalni glagoli may, might i could se kombinuju sa prolim infinitivom kada

govorimo o tome da se neto moda desilo u prolosti.

The child might have imagined the situation. (Dete je moda izmislilo situaciju.)
I might have done the right thing. (Moda sam uinila pravu stvar.)
They could have played a trick on you. (Moda su te prevarili.)

Must i cant se koriste uz proli infinitiv kada govorimo o tome da se neto sigurno
desilo ili se sigurno nije desilo u prolosti.

She must have been terrified. (Mora da je bila preplaena.)

Robert cant have spoken to Mr. Markovi. He doesnt know a word of Serbian.
(Robert sigurno nije razgovarao sa gospodinom Markoviem. On ne zna ni re srpskog.)


Glagoli ula su:
Look, feel, smell, sound, taste+pridev (adjective)
He looks nice. (On izgleda lepo.)
It smells great. (Divno mirie.)
We sound bad. (Zvuimo loe.)


Look, feel, smell, sound, taste like+imenica (noun)

They look like businessmen. (Oni izgledaju kao biznismeni.)
It feels like cotton. (Poput pamuka je.)
She looks like a famous person. (Ona izgleda kao slavna linost.)
Look, feel, smell, sound, taste as if+glagol (verb)
He looks as if he had too much food. (Izgleda kao da se prejeo.)
It sounds as if someone is knocking on the door. (Zvui kao da neko kuca na vratima.)
It sounds as if it is raining. (Zvui kao da pada kia.)
Feel like znai eleti ili biti raspoloen za neto.
Primer: I dont feel like going out. (Nisam raspoloen za izlazak.)


Posle odreenih glagola, glagolski oblici koji slede imaju ing nastavak (gerund).
Takvi glagoli su:

enjoy, cant stand, mind, detest, consider, risk, continue, suggest

I enjoy dancing.
I dont mind getting up.
Marijana suggested going to the cinema.

Posle odreenih glagola koristi se to + infinitive. Takvi glagoli su:

want, hope, plan, need, expect, promise, offer, decide, refuse, try, forget, learn,
would like, would love, would prefer, would hate, (can) afford, manage, arrange,
What do you want to do this evening?
Its not very late. We dont need to go home yet.
I tried to read my book but I was too tired.
Id love to go to Australia.
Would you like to sit down?
No, Id prefer to stand, thank you.

Glagoli iza kojih mogu da se koriste glagol sa zavretkom ing ili to + infinitive:

love, like, prefer, hate

Za radnju koja se vri iz zadovoljstva, koristi se nastavak -ING tj. gerund:
She likes going shopping. (Ona voli da kupuje.)
U odreenoj prilici, tj. kad je ideja iz nekog razloga dobra, iza ovih glagola bi trebalo
upotrebiti to + infinitiv:
I like to go shopping on Mondays. (Volim da kupujem ponedeljkom.)


Meutim, esto ne postoji nikakava razlika:

Ana likes dancing. (Ana voli da plee.)
I prefer travelling by car.
(Vie volim da putujem kolima.)
I hate being late. (Mrzim da kasnim.)


Ana likes to dance. (Ana voli da

ili I prefer to travel by car.

(Vie volim da putujem kolima.)
I hate to be late. (Mrzim da

Neki glagoli menjaju znaenje u zavisnosti od toga da li su praeni infinitivom sa to ili

-ing formom glagola.

He stopped smoking. (Prestao je da pui.)
He stopped to smoke. (Zastao je da zapali cigaretu.)
I clearly remember locking the door. (Jasno se seam da sam zakljuao vrata.)
I remembered to lock the door when I left. (Setio sam se da zakljuam vrata kad sam
I regret saying bad news to him. (ao mi je to sam mu rekla loe vesti.)
I regret to say this to you but I dont have a choice. (ao mi je to moram ovo da ti
kaem, ali nemam izbora.)
The minister went on talking about the price boom. (Ministar je nastavio da pria o
skoku cena.) - nastavak iste stvari
After discussing the economic problems, he went on to talk about trade. (Nakon
diskusije o ekonomskim problemima, nastavio je priom o trgovini.) - nastavak neim novim
She tried to keep her eyes open but she couldnt. (Pokuala je dri oi otvorene, ali
nije mogla.) - pokuati neto
If you dont like the taste of cauliflower, try cooking it with beaf. (Ako ne voli ukus
karfiola, pokuaj da ga kuva sa junetinom.) - pokuati neto novo, eksperiment ili test


Neodreeni lan (indefinite article) a/an se ispred imenica koje poinju suglasnikom ita
/ / dok se ispred imenica koje poinju samoglasnikom ita kao / n /.
a boy / boi /
an egg / n eg /
Treba obratiti panju da pri tom je vaan izgovor tako da se pie an hour, zato to se h ne
izgovara. Kod fraze a yellow car, koristi se a zato to se y izgovara kao j.

Neodreeni lan se koristi da oznai lice ili stvar koje ne poznajemo ili koje po prvi
put pominjemo. Neodreeni lan se upotrebljava iskljuivo sa imenicama u jednini.
There is a boy in the street. (Neki deak se nalazi na ulici.)
She put an apple on the table. (Stavila je jabuku na sto.)
Neodreeni lan se koristi ispred zajednikih imenica da oznai celu vrstu.
A rose is a flower. (Rua je cvet.)
A dog is a faithful animal. (Pas je verna ivotinja.)
Neodreeni lan se koristi ispred imenskog dela predikata.
I am a student. (Ja sam student.)
The ugly duckling became a beautiful swan. (Runo pae je postalo prelepi labud.)
Neodreeni lan se koristi kod odreenih izraza.
What a lovely dress! (Kakva divna haljina!)
What a pity! (Kakva teta!)
What a beautiful girl! (Kako lepa devojka!)
She is such an actress! (Ona je takva glumica!)
Have a nice trip! (Srean put!)


Odreeni lan (definite article) the se isped imenica koje poinju suglasnikom izgovara kao
/ / dok se ispred imenica koje poinju samoglasnikom odreeni lan ita kao / i: /
the book / buk /
the eyes / i: z /
Odreeni lan se koristi za opisivanje odreenih, poznatih lica i stvari.
The man you met is my friend. (ovek kog si upoznao je moj prijatelj.)
The book on the table is mine. (Knjiga na stolu je moja.)
Odreeni lan se koristi ispred superlativa i rednih brojeva.
She is the prettiest girl in the class. (Ona je najlepa devojka u razredu.)
The first act of the play was the best. (Prvi in drame je bio najbolji.)


Odreeni lan se koristi da oznai pojmove od kojih samo jedan postoji na svetu.
the earth
the past
the sun
the weather


Odreeni lan se koristi ispred imena reka, mora, okeana, planinskih venaca,
pustinja, poluostrva, grupe ostvra
Adriatic sea
Tatra Mountains
Iberian Peninsula

Odreeni lan se koristi ispred imena pripadnika narodnosti da oznai celu naciju.
the French
the Swiss


Odreeni lan se koristi ispred imena javnih zgrada i institucija (hotela, muzeja,
galerija, pozorita, bioskopa) u gradu.
Odeon Cinema
National Museum
Modern Art Gallery
Globe Theatre

Odreeni lan se koristi ispred naziva instrumenata.

She plays the guitar. (Ona svira gitaru)
Odreeni lan se koristi ispred naziva dnevnih novina.
the Guardian, the Blic


Odreeni lan se koristi ispred naziva zemalja u mnoini, onih zemalja koje u nazivu
sadre re republika ili su skup vie celina.
United States of America
United Kingdom
Czech Republic

Odreeni lan se koristi ispred poimenienih prideva.

The old do not have a place in our society.
The government needs to create more jobs for the unemployed.



lan se ne koristi:
Sa imenicama u mnoini i nebrojivim imenicama kada govorimo uopteno o neemu
Apples are very good for your health.
We drink coffee and tea.
Ispred imena jezika i obroka
She speaks French.
We had lunch with John.
Ispred imena igara i sportova
Marko plays chess very well.
Many people like playing basketball.
Ispred linih imena i imena gradova, drava
Martin likes swimming.
France is a beautiful country.
I live in New York.
Ispred pojedinanih planina i jezera
Mount Kilimanjaro
Lake Victoria
Ispred naziva mostova, ulica, parkova, trgova, bolnica
London Bridge
Hyde Park
Trafalgar Square
Memorial Hospital
Brown Street
Ispred nedeljnih i mesenih asopisa
Time, Vouge
Ispred naziva kolskih predmeta
U mnogim uobiajenim izrazima
By day danju, po danu
At night nou
At home kod kue
At work na poslu
In bed u krevetu
By car kolima
At present -trenutno


Obratite panju na sledee:

Ako govorite o jeziku bez rei language onda se lan ne stavlja ispred jezika, a ako
se koristi re language onda se stavlja odreeni lan.
French is difficult.
The French language is difficult.

Odreeni lan moe da se koristi ispred nebrojivih ili apstraktnih imenica koje su
dodatno odreene nekom frazom ili reenicom
The coffee in my cup is too hot to drink.
The Japanese he speaks is often heard in the countryside.
The intelligence of animals is variable but undeniable.

Postoje stvari koje se u engleskom jeziku kau sa lanom ili bez njega, a ne postoji
lingvistiko objanjene zato je tako
The human race


U engleskom jeziku neke imenice su nebrojive iako su u drugim jezicima brojive. Ovo je lista
najee korienih nebrojivih imenica. One uvek zahtevaju glagol u jednini, nemaju
mnoinu i ispred njih se ne moe koristiti a/an.
Kod nebrojivih imenica (posebno kad je hrana u pitanju) moe se izraziti mnoina uz pomo
dodatnih odrednica. Te odrednice su brojive:
water - a glass of water
equipment - a piece of equipment
information- a piece of information
cheese - a slice of cheese
wine-a bottle of wine


Neke imenice mogu biti i brojive i nebrojive, ali onda imaju razliito znaenje.
An iron pegla
A glass- aa
A light-lampa
Two times-dva puta
Imenice u mnoini
Gorenavedene imenice nemaju jedninu. Koristi se glagol za mnoinu i ne mogu se koristiti
sa a/an.
Ako se predmeti sastoje dva dela (scissors, jeans) mogu se koristiti sa izrazom a pair, a
onda je glagol u jednini (a pair of scissors is...)
Ovo su primeri nekih izraza koji se mnogo smatrati i jedninom i mnoinom:
choir, class, club, committee, family, government, jury, school, staff, team, union, the BBC,
board of directors, the Conservative Party, Manchester United, the Ministry of Health
Uz njih se mogu koristiti glagoli i u jednini i mnoini. Primeri:

team is playing tomorrow. (Tim igra sutra.)

team are playing tomorrow. (Tim igra sutra.)
staff was confused. (Osoblje je bilo zbunjeno.)
staff were confused. (Osoblje je bilo zbunjeno.)


All ili all (of) the +imenica u mnoini

All (of) the-odreeno

All people like music.

All (of) the people in this room are workers.

Everything, everybody, everyone +glagol u jednini

Everything is very nice.
Everyone was here.


Most ili most (of) the+imenica u mnoini
Most (of) the-odreeno

Most people live in cities.

Most (of) the people in this class are women.

None se koristi u kratkim odgovorima sa potvrdnim glagolima i ima ulogu zamenice.

Is there any milk?
There is none.

Neither/nor (ni, niti) (glagoli reenici sa ovim odrednicama moraju biti u

potvrdnom obliku)
Either/or (ili, ili)
They wanted to study either biology or history.
Neither Marko nor Tanja wanted to go to the party. (glagol want je u potvrdnom obliku)


Ako se eli izraziti elja suprotna injeninom stanju stvari ili aljenje za neim koristi
se glagol wish i iza njega odgovarajui oblik glavnog glagola. Umesto izraza WISH,
moete koristiti izraz IF ONLY.
Ako je elja vezana za sadanjost, taj glagol e biti u prostom prolom vremenu
(past simple tense).

I wish I had enough money to buy a new car. (Voleo bih da imam dovoljno novca da
kupim novi auto.)
I wish I didn't have to work. (Voleo bih da ne moram da radim.)
If only I could learn to drive. (Voleo bih da nauim da vozim.)
Glagol TO BE za sva lica glasi WERE
I wish I were rich. (Voleo bih da sam bogat.)
She wishes she were an actress. (Ona bi volela da je glumica.)
If only I were smarter. (Voleo bih da sam pametniji.)
Ako je elja vezana za prolost, koristi davno prolo vreme (past perfect tense)
I wish I had done that. (Voleo bih da sam to uinio.)
They wish they hadn't been there yesterday. (Oni bi voleli da jue nisu bili tamo.)
If only I had finished in time. (Voleo bih da sam zavrio na vreme.)

Ako se eli izraziti da vas neto nervira, onda koristite konstrukciju

WISH+THING/PERSON+WOULD (nikada se ne kae I wish I would)
I wish you would stop that. (Voleo bih da prestane s tim.)
I wish those people wouldn t look at me so much. (Voleo bih da me ti ljudi ne gledaju



Although, even though, though-mada, meutim, pak, ipak

Although i even though se mogu koristiti na poetku i u sredini reenice

Although the weather was terrible, we had a good time.
We had a good time although the weather was terrible.

Sa even though se izraava vei kontast

He went to work even though he was ill.

Though moe da se koristi samo u sredini reenice, ali ne na poetku

I like Ann though she sometimes annoys me.

Izrazi Despite i In spite of znae uprkos.

In spite of/Despite+noun
+ the fact that+subject+verb

In spite of/Despite his age, he is very fit.

In spite of/Despite being 70, he is very fit.
In spite of/Despite the fact that he is 70, he is very fit.

To, in order to, so as to, so as not to se koriste da bi se opisala svrha neega.

In oder to+infinitive
So as to+infinitive
I went to the bank in order to
talk to my bank manager.
so as to

Takoe se moe koristiti

So that+subjekat+modal (can, could, would)
I went to the bank so that I could take out some money.

For+gerund, noun
This cloth is for cleaning.


Odredbena odnosna reenica (defining relative clause) blie odreuje imenicu ili
zamenicu na koju se odnosi. Ona se ne moe izostaviti jer bez nje reenica ili nema
smisao ili ga menja.

The police have caught the thief who stole the jewels. (Policija je uhvatila lopova koji je
ukrao dragulje) who stole the jewels je odredbena odnosna reenica (defining relative
Ove reenice poinju odnosnim zamenicama who, whose, whom, which, where, that.


Kada govorimo o ljudima, koristimo who ili that.

I talked to the man who won the race. Ili
I talked to the man that won the race. (Razgovarao sam sa ovekom koji je pobedio u
Kada govorimo o stvarima ili ivotinjama koristimo which ili that.
I liked the car which my father bought. Ili
I liked the car that my father bought. (Svideo mi se auto koji je kupio moj otac.)
Kada odnosna zamenica menja prisvojnu zamenicu (his, her, their...) koristimo
whose (iji, ija, ije)
Marko is the boy whose parents live in our neighbouhood. (Marko je deak iji
roditelji ive u naem kraju.)
Kada govorimo gde se neto odralo ili deavalo onda koristimo zamenicu where
I saw the building where you had your party. (Video sam zgradu gde ste priredili
Odnosne zamenice who, that i which mogu biti subjekat ili objekat odnosne reenice.
Npr.u reenici
I talked to the man who won the race, who je subjekat
ili u reenici
That is the dog that attacked me, that je takodje subjekat reenice.
Meutim, u reenici
The letter which she sent me was nice, which je objekat
Ili u reenici
The man that I met yesterday was very kind, that je takoe objekat
Kada je odnosna zamenica objekat reenice ona se moe izostaviti.
The man that I met yesterday was very kind = The man I met yesteday was very kind.
The letter which she sent me was nice. = The letter she sent me was nice.


Umetnuta odnosna reenica (Non-definig Relative Clause) daje dodatno obavetenje

o glavnoj reenici koje nije bitno za znaenje reenice kao celine. Glavna reenica bi i
bez nje imala smisla.

Belgrade, which is the capital of Serbia, has about 2 million inhabitants. (Beograd,
koji je glavni grad Srbije, ima oko 2 miliona stanovnika) which is the capital of Serbia je
umetnuta odnosna reenica (non-defining relative clause) i odvaja se zarezima od glavne
Odnosne reenice poinju odnosnim zamenicama who, which, whom, whose
U umetnutim odnosnim reenicama za stvari i ivotinje, koristi se odnosna zamenica
which (ali ne i that kao to je sluaj sa odredbenim odnosnim reenicama.)
Mary gave the book, which she had already read, to her best friend. (Meri je knjigu,
koju je ve bila proitala, dala svojoj najboljoj drugarici.)
U umetnutim odnosnim reenicama za osobe koristimo odnosnu zamenicu who (ali
ne i that kao to je sluaj u odredbenim odnosnim reenicama)


Ivo Andric, who was born in Travnik, was a great writer. (Ivo Andri, koji je roen u
Travniku, bio je veliki pisac.)

U sluajevima kada je who objekat reenice, umesto njega se moe koristiti whom.
Milan, whom I saw yesterday, is today in London. (Milan, koga sam jue video, je
danas u Londonu.)
Varijanta sa who
Milan, who I saw yesterday, is today in London. je manje formalna i ee se koristi.

U znaenju njegov (his), njen (her), njihov (their) koristimo whose.

Madonna, whose parents were born in Italy, is a famous American singer. (Madona,
iji su roditelji roeni u Italiji, je poznata amerika pevaica.)

Which se takoe moe odnositi ne samo na re iza koje stoji ve i na celu reenicu.

She gave me her watch as a present, which was very nice of her. (Dala mi je svoj sat
na poklon, to je bilo veoma lepo od nje.)


Glagoli imaju dva stanja: AKTIV ili radno stanje i PASIV ili trpno stanje.
Ako subjekat reenice vri radnju, onda je glagol u AKTIVU
Somebody cleans the office every day. (Neko isti ovu kancelariju svakog dana.)
Ako subjekat reenice trpi radnju, onda je glagol u PASIVU.
The office is cleaned every day. (Ova kancelarija se isti svakog dana.)
-Objekat aktivne reenice (the office) postaje subjekat pasivne reenice i dolazi na poetak
reenice, a glavni glagol (clean) se stavlja u pasiv (is cleaned).

Pasiv se gradi od odgovarajueg oblika glagola to be i prolog participa (past

participle) glavnog glagola.
Tako e u sadanjem vremenu pasiv glagola clean glasiti
am cleaned, are cleaned, is cleaned (u zavisnosti od lica) a u prolom vremenu
was cleaned, were cleaned (u zavisnosti od lica)
Reenica koju smo imali u sadanjem vremenu, ovako bi izgledala u prolom.
Somebody cleaned the office yesterday. (Neko je jue oistio ovu kancelariju.) (AKTIV)
The office was cleaned yesterday. (Ova kancelarija je oiena jue.) (PASIV)
Ostala vremena pasiva
Present Continuous
Somebody is cleaning the office. (AKTIV)


The office is being cleaned. (PASIV)

Past Continuous
Somebody was cleaning the office. (AKTIV)
The office was being cleaned. (PASIV)
Present Perfect
Somebody has cleaned the office. (AKTIV)
The office has been cleaned. (PASIV)
Past Perfect
Somebody had cleaned the office. (AKTIV)
The office had been cleaned. (PASIV)
Modali i budue vreme
Somebody will clean the office. (AKTIV)
The office will be cleaned. (PASIV)
Somebody can clean the office. (AKTIV)
The office can be cleaned. (PASIV)
Pasiv se koristi:
Kada ne znamo ko je izvrio radnju
The house was built in the 19th century. (Kua je izgraena u devetnaestom veku.)
Kada izvrilac radnje nije bitan
Wine is served during the lunch. (Vino se slui tokom ruka.)

Ako elimo da oznaimo izvrioca radnje, koristimo predlog by

These cakes have been made by mother. (Ove kolae je napravila moja majka.)
Napomena: Samo prelazni glagoli (glagoli koji imaju objekat iza sebe) mogu da se stave u


Lini pasiv znai da je objekat aktivne reenice postaje subjekat aktivne reernice.
Svaki glagol koji zahteva objekat (prelazni glagol) moe da formira lini pasiv.

Glagoli bez objekta ne mogu da formiraju reenice sa linim pasivom (poto ne

postoji objekat da postane subjekat pasivne reenice). Ako elite da koristite
neprelazni glagol u pasivnoj konstrukciji, potrebna je bezlina konstrukcija-ovaj pasiv
se naziva bezlini pasiv.
Primer : he says it is said


U engleskom jeziku, bezlini pasiv moe da se formira samo sa glagolima percepcije

(say, think, know, believe).

It+TO BE+ believed, said, known, thought+that+reenica

People say that he is a liar. (AKTIV)
It is said that he is a liar. (PASIV)
People believe him to be a robber. (AKTIV)
It is believed that he is a robber. (PASIV)
Takoe je mogue rei
They say that women live longer than men. Women are said to live longer than men.
-gde se subjekat zavisne reenice (women) stavlja na poetak reenice i glagol percepcije
se stavlja u pasiv. Ostatak se formira korienjem infinitiva sa to.
Subject+ TO BE +


+ infinitive, past infinitive

Potrebno je obratiti panju na vreme u kojem se nalazi glagol zavisne reenice. Ako je u
sadanjem vremenu, onda treba koristiti infinitiv, a ako je u prolom onda proli infinitiv.
People say that she is a dancer. (AKTIV)
She is said to be a dancer.(PASIV)
People believe that they stole the jewels. (AKTIV)
They are believed to have stolen the jewels.(PASIV)


Prosto budue vreme (future simple tense) se gradi od modalnog glagola will i
osnovnog oblika glagola (infinitiv bez to).
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I will (Ill) work Ja u raditi
You will (Youll) work Ti e raditi
He will (Hell) work On e raditi
She will (Shell) work Ona e raditi
It will (Itll) work Ono e raditi


Mnoina (plural)
We will (Well) work Mi emo raditi
You will (Youll) work Vi ete raditi
They will (Theyll) work Oni e raditi
Upitni oblik glagola u ovom vremenu se gradi inverzijom (u odnosu na potvrdni oblik)
modalnog glagola will i
line zamenice
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Will I work? Da li u ja raditi?
Will you work? Da li e ti raditi?
Will he work? Da li e on raditi?
Will she work? Da li e ona raditi?
Will it work? Da li e ono raditi?
Mnoina (plural)
Will we work? Da li emo mi raditi?
Will you work? Da li ete vi raditi?
Will they work? Da li e oni raditi?
Na Yes/No pitanja se odgovara kratkim odgovorima (short answers) na sledei nain:

I work? Yes, I will / No, I wont

you work? Yes, you will / No, you wont.
he work? Yes, he will / No, he wont
she work? Yes, she will / No, she wont
it work? Yes, it will / No, it wont

Will we work? - Yes, we will / No, we wont

Will you work? Yes, we will / No, we wont
Will they work? Yes, they will/ No, they wont
Upitni oblik Wh- questions
Jednina (singular)
Where will I work? Gde u ja raditi?
Where will you work? Gde e ti raditi?
Where will he work? Gde e on raditi?
Where will she work? Gde e ona raditi?
Where will it work? Gde e ono raditi?
Mnoina (plural)
Where will we work? Gde emo mi raditi?
Where will you work? Gde ete vi raditi?
Where will they work? Gde e oni raditi?


Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I will not (wont) work Ja neu raditi
You will not (wont) work Ti nee raditi
He will not (wont) work On nee raditi
She will not (wont) work Ona nee raditi
It will not (wont) work Ono nee raditi
Mnoina (plural)
We will not (wont) work Mi neemo raditi
You will not (wont) work Vi neete raditi
They will not (wont) work Oni nee raditi
Prosto budue vreme (future simple tense) koristimo:

za predvianja (future predictions)

She will travel to Jamaica next year. (Ona e putovati na Jamajku sledee godine.)
Will it rain tomorrow? (Hoe li padati kia sutra?)

za odluke donete u trenutku govora

A: We ran out of sugar.

(Nestalo nam je eera.)

B: I will go and buy some.

(Otii u i kupiu ga.)

Za razliku od prostog budueg vremena o ijoj je upotrebi bilo rei, kada govorimo o
svojim planovima i odlukama donetim ranije, koristimo konstrukciju

A: Ive got a headache.
B: I will get you an aspirin.
(Boli me glava.)
(Doneu ti aspirin.)
(Odluka koja nije mogla biti doneta ranije jer B nije znao da A boli glava.)
I bought the tickets for the cinema. Im going to see a film. (Kupio sam karte za
bioskop. Ii u da gledam film.)
(im je kupio karte znai da je odluku doneo pre trenutka govora, odnosno da je planirao.)

Ponekad je razlika izmeu upotrebe ova dva naina izraavanja budunosti veoma
mala. Kada koristimo going to konstrukciju, mi znamo da e se neto desiti na
osnovu neega to sada moemo jasno videti, dakle iznosimo predvianje zasnovano
na nekom dokazu .


Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain. (Pogledaj te sive oblake. Pae kia.)
I feel terrible. I think I`m going to be sick. (Oseam se grozno. Mislim da e mi

U situacijama kada je verovatnoa da e se radnja desiti manja, bolje je koristiti


Marko will probably arrive at about 6 o`clock. (Marko e verovatno stii oko 6 sati.)


Budue trajno vreme (future continuous tense) se gradi od prostog budueg vremena
glagola TO BE (will + be) i sadanjeg participa.
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I will be working Ja u raditi
You will be working Ti e raditi
He will be working On e raditi
She will be working Ona e raditi
It will be working Ono e raditi
Mnoina (plural)
We will be working Mi emo raditi
You will be working Vi ete raditi
They will be working Oni e raditi
Upitni oblik Yes/No questions
Jednina (singular)
Will I be working? Da li u raditi?
Will you be working? Da li e raditi?
Will he be working? Da li e raditi?
Will she be working? Da li e raditi?
Will it be working? Da li e raditi?
Mnoina (plural)
Will we be working? Da li emo raditi?
Will you be working? Da li ete raditi?
Will they be working? Da li e raditi?
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I will not (won`t) be working Ja neu raditi

You will not (won`t) be working Ti nee raditi

He will not (won`t) be working On nee raditi
She will not (won`t) be working Ona nee raditi
It will not (won`t) be working Ono nee raditi
Mnoina (plural)
We will not (won`t) be working Mi neemo raditi
You will not (won`t) be working Vi neete raditi
They will not (won`t) be working Oni nee raditi
Napomena: U trajnoj formi moe da se nae i going to future


Za buduu radnju koja e biti u toku u nekom trenutku u budunosti.

Tomorrow morning at 9 I will be having breakfast. (Sutra ujutru u 9 sati ja u

This time next week we will be traveling to London. (U ovo doba sledee nedelje,
putovaemo za London.)

Za duu radnju u budunosti, koju prekida neka kraa radnja. Kraa radnja je uvek u
simple present tense-u.

I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight. (Gledau televiziju kada ona stigne
I will be waiting for you when your bus arrives. (Ja u ekati kada stigne autobus.)
I am going to be staying at the Madison Hotel, if anything happens and you need to
contact me. (Ja u odsedati u hotelu Medison, ako se bilo ta dogodi i treba da me

Za dve uporedne due radnje koje e se deavati u budunosti.

I am going to be studying and he is going to be making dinner. (Ja u uiti, a on e praviti

Tonight, they will be eating dinner and having a good time. (Veeras, oni e veerati i
lepo e se provoditi.)

Za opisivanje atmosfere na odreenom mestu u budunosti.

When I arrive at the party, everybody will be celebrating. Some will be dancing. Others
will be talking. A few people will be eating pizza. They always do the same thing. (Kada
stginemo na urku, svi e slaviti. Neki e plesati. Neki e razgovarati. Nekoliko ljudi e jesti
picu. Oni uvek rade jedno te isto.)



Budue svreno vreme (future perfect tense) gradi od glagola will i prolog
Potvrdni oblik
Jednina (singular)
I will have worked Ja u raditi
You will have worked Ti e raditi
He will have worked On e raditi
She will have worked Ona e raditi
It will have worked Ono e raditi
Mnoina (plural)
We will have worked Mi emo raditi
You will have worked Vi ete raditi
They will have worked Oni e raditi
Upitni oblik
Jednina (singular)
Will I have worked? Da li u raditi?
Will you have worked? Da li e raditi?
Will he have worked? Da li e raditi?
Will she have worked? Da li e raditi?
Will it have worked? Da li e raditi?
Mnoina (plural)
Will we have worked? Da li emo raditi?
Will you have worked? Da li ete raditi?
Will they have worked? Da li e raditi?
Odrini oblik
Jednina (singular)
I will not (won`t) have worked Ja neu raditi
You will not (won`t) have worked Ti nee raditi
He will not (won`t) have worked On nee raditi
She will not (won`t) have worked Ona nee raditi
It will not (won`t) have worked Ono nee raditi
Mnoina (plural)
We will not (won`t) have worked Mi neemo raditi
You will not (won`t) have worked Vi neete raditi
They will not (won`t) have worked Oni nee raditi



Budue svreno vreme( future continuous tense) se koristi za radnju koja e se

zavriti do nekog vremenskog perioda u budunosti. Tako se ono esto koristi sa
izrazima koji poinju sa by: by then, by that time, by Friday, in two years ili in
two years' time...

By the end of this year I will have lived in this town for five years. (Do kraja ove
godine, bie pet godina kako ivim u ovom gradu.)
Susan will have finished her homework by that time. (Suzan e to tog vremena
zavriti domai zadatak.)
They will have built the new bridge in five years' time. (Oni e sagraditi novi most
kroz pet godina.)


Doslovno navoenje neijih rei se naziva direktni govor (Direct Speech).
Mark said: I have bought a new car. (Mark je rekao: Kupio sam novi auto.)
Sandra: Peter is doing his homework. (Sandra: Piter radi domai.)
Meutim, prepriavanje neijih rei se naziva indirektnim govorom (Reported Speech ili
Indirect Speech)
Pri prebacivanju direktnog govora u indirektni, deavaju se izvesne promene.
Mark said (that) he had bought a new car. (Marko je rekao da je kupio novi auto.)
Sandra said (that) Peter was doing his homework. (Sandra je rekla da Piter radi svoj
Pri prebacivanju direktnih potvrdnih i odrinih izjavnih u indirektni govor one se obino
uvode glagolom say. Mogu se, meutim upotrebiti jo neki glagoli sa slinim znaenjem:
tell (rei), add (dodati), answer (odgovoriti), declare (izjaviti). Nakon ovih glagola moe
doi veznik that, ali to nije obavezno.
U indirektnom govoru dolazi do obaveznog slaganja vremena. Ako je uvodni glagol (say,
tell...) u prolom vremenu, dolazi do promene vremena iz direktnog govora.
He said: I am a teacher. (On je rekao: Ja sam nastavnik.)
He said that he was a teacher. (On je rekao da je on nastavnik.)
Mary is reading a book. (Meri ita knjigu.)
She said that Mary was reading a book. (Ona je rekla da Meri ita knjigu.)


Sarah: John bought a present for his wife. (Sara: Don je kupio poklon svojoj eni.
Sarah said that John had bought a present for his wife. (Sara je rekla da je Don
kupio poklon svojoj eni.)
Milan: They are working in the garden. (Milan: Oni rade u bati.)
Milan said that they were working in the garden. (Milan je rekao da oni rade u bati.)
We have made a cake. (Napravili smo tortu)
They said that they have made a cake. (Oni su rekli da su napravili tortu.)
Mark: Paul will do it. (Mark: Pol e to uraditi.)
Mark said that Paul would do it. (Mark je rekao da e to Pol uraditi.)

Evo do kojih promena u vremenima dolazi pri slaganju vremena.

Present Simple Tense prelazi u Past Simple Tense

Present Continuous Tense prelazi u Past Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense prelazi u Past Perfect Tense
Present Perfect Continuous Tense prelazi u Past Perfect ContinuousTense
Past Simple Tense prelazi u Past Perfect Tense
Past Continuous Tense prelazi u Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Will prelazi u Would
Shall najee prelazi u Would
Can prelazi u Could
Might se ne menja
Should i Ought to se ne menjaju

Takoe se deavaju i promene u vremenskim odrednicama:

Today postaje that day

Yesterday postaje the day before
The day before yesterday postaje two days before
Tomorrow postaje the next day ili the following day
The day after tomorrow postaje In two days` time
Next week postaje the following week
A year ago postaje a year before ili the previous year
Mary:I met him the day before yesterday. (Meri: Srela sam ga prekjue.)
Mary said she had met him two days before. (Meri je rekla da ga je srela prekjue.)
John: I`ll come tomorrow. (Don: Doi u sutra. )
John said he would come the next day. (Don je rekao da e doi sutra.)



Pre prebacivanju direktnih pitanja u indirektna vodi se rauna o tome da li je pitanje tipa
Yes/No (bez upitne rei) ili Wh- pitanje (sa upitnom rei).
Reenice se uglavnom uvode glagolima ask (pitati), inquire (pitati, raspitivati se), want to
know (eleti znati), wonder (pitati se)

Ako se radi o Yes/No pitanjima nakon uvodnog glagola dolazi if (ili whether)
a zatim prepriano
pitanje. Pravilo o slaganju vremena vai i
Ann: Are you English? (An: Da li ste vi Englezi?)
Ann asked if they were English (An je pitala da li su oni Englezi.)

Obratite panju da je red rei iza if kao u potvrdnoj reenici.

Evo jo nekoliko primera:

Sandra: Can John play the piano? (Sandra: Da li Don zna da svira klavir?)
Sandra wanted to know if John could play the piano. (Sandra je htela da zna da li
Don zna da svira klavir?)
Mark : Do you work i na bank? (Mark: Da li radi u banci?)
Mark asked whether I worked in a bank. (Marko je pitao da li radim u banci)
Mario: Has anyone been to Madrid? (Mario: Da li je iko bio u Madridu?)
Mario wanted to know if anyone had been to Madrid. (Mario je hteo da zna da li je iko
bio u Madridu.)
Ako se radi o Wh-pitanjima if nije potrebno. Wh- pitanja poinju upitnim reima
when, which, who,
Ivana: Where does Mary live? (Ivana: Gde ivi Meri?)
Ivana asked where Mary lived. (Ivana je pitala gde Meri ivi.)
Tom: Why has Ann gone? (Tom: Zato je An otila? )
Tom wanted to know why Ann had gone. (Tom je eleo da zna zato je An otila.)

Naredbe se najee uvode glagolom tell (rei). Jo se javljaju order, command (oba u
znaenju narediti) dok se molbe uvode glagolom ask (zamoliti)

Glagol tell zahteva iza sebe direktan objekat.


Imperativ iz direktnog govora postaje infinitiv u indirektnom, dok negativni
imperativ (prohibitiv) postaje negativni infinitiv.
Ann: Open the window. (An: Otvori prozor.)
Ann told me to open the window. (An mi je rekla da otvorim prozor.)
Ann: Dont open the window. (An: Nemoj da otvori prozor.)
Ann told me not to open the window. (An mi je rekla da ne otvaram prozor.)
Tom: Please, pass me the glass, John. (Tom: Molim te, Done, dodaj mi au.)
Tom: John, will you pass me the glass, please. (Done, da li bi mi dodao au, molim
Tom: John, could you pass me the glass, please. (Done, da li bi mogao da mi doda
su molbe i kao takve se u indirektnom govoru uvode na isti nain, glagolom ask.
Tom asked John to pass him a glass. (To je zamolio Dona da mu doda au.)


Kondicionali (uslovne reenice) su zavisne reenice koje se uvode veznikom if (ako). U
zavisnosti od toga kolika je mogunost za ostvarenje radnje svi kondicionali se dele na prvi,
drugi i trei kondicional.


Prvi kondicional se jo naziva i realni. Sam naziv kae da postoji velika mogunost za
ostvarenje radnje koja se uslovljava. Kao i u svakoj sloenoj reenici, razlikujemo
kondicionalnu (uslovnu) reenicu i glavnu reenicu.
Uslov se u prvom kondicionalu izraava u vremenu present simple, dok se u glavnoj
reenici javlja future simple (will + infinitiv bez to).
If you finish your homework on time, you will get a good mark. (Ako zavri domai
zadatak na vreme, dobie dobru ocenu.)
If she spends all the money, she will not go shopping. (Ako potroi sav novac, ona
nee ii u kupovinu).

Kao varijacije prvog kondicionala javljaju se sledee izmene.

Umesto oblika will+infinitiv mogu se javiti ostali modalni glagoli sa infinitivom.

If you want to lose weight, you should/must eat less bread. (Ako eli da oslabi,
trebalo bi / mora da jede manje hleba.)
If everything is in order, you may/can leave at once. (Ako je sve u redu, moe
odmah otii.)


U glavnoj reenici se moe desiti da se takoe javi present simple tense. To se deava
kada govorimo o naunim injenicama ili drugim izvesnim radnjama.
If you heat ice it turns to water. (Ako zagreva led pretvorie se u vodu.)
If there is an economy crisis prices go up. (Ako nastane ekonomska kriza cene rastu.)


Drugi kondicional nosi sa sobom manju verovatnou da e se radnja ostvariti iako to nije
potpuno nemogue.
Uslov se izraava vremenom past simple, dok se u glavnoj reenici nalazi modalni glagol
would + infinitiv bez to.
If I had a map, I would lend it to you. (Kad bih imala mapu, posudila bih ti je.)
If someone stole my car, I would call the police. (Kad bi mi neko ukrao auto, pozvala
bih policiju.)
Proli oblik glagola TO BE se esto u drugom kondicionalu javlja samo kao WERE za sva
If I were you, I wouldn`t do that. (Da sam ja na tvom mestu, ne bih to uradila.)

Varijacije se takoe mogu javiti u obliku modalnih glagola koji zamenjuju

would+infinitiv u glavnoj reenici.
If I knew his number, I could ring him up. (Kad bih znala njegov broj, mogla bih da ga
If you tried again, you might succeed. (Kad bi ponovo pokuao, moda bi uspeo.)


Trei kondicional oznaava zamiljenu ili neostvarivu situaciju. On nam daje do znanja da
vie ne postoji mogunost za ostvarenje radnje.
Uslov se izraava vremenom past perfect, dok se u glavnoj reenici nalazi modalni glagol
would + proli infinitiv bez to.

Proli infinitiv (perfect infinitive) je oblik infinitiva koji se gradi od glagola

PARTICIPLE glavnog glagola, npr. have been, have
gone, have taken ...
If I had seen him, I would have told him the news. (Da sam ga videla, rekla bih mu

If someone had stolen my car, I would have called the police. (Da mi je neko ukrao
auto, pozvala bih policiju.)

Varijacije se takoe mogu javiti u obliku razliitih modalnih glagola koji

zamenjuju would u glavnoj
If he had invited me, I might have come to the party. (Da me je pozvao, moda bih i
dola na zabavu.)
If the police had come on time, they could have caught the burglar. (Da je policija
dola na vreme, moda bi uhvatili provalnika.)

U uslovnoj reenici se takoe mogu javiti neke varijacije. Umesto past perfect
tense-a moe se javiti
past perfect continuous tense.
If we had been travelling by car, the accident might not have happened at all. (Da
smo putovali autom, moda do nesree ne bi ni dolo.)


Frazalni glagoli su glagoli koji se sastoje od glagola i jo jedne ili vie rei (priloga ili
Ove kombinacije nekada slue da bi se naglasilo znaenje glagola.
Drink your milk! (Popij mleko!)
Drink up your milk! (Ispij mleko do kraja!)
esto se osnovno znaenje glagola u potpunosti menja kada se on upotrebi sa predlogom
ili prilogom.
U zavisnosti od toga da li je re koja se dodaje glagolu prilog ili pridev, glagol je prelazan ili
neprelazan. Ako je ta re predlog, glagol je prelazan (trai objekat), a ako je ta re
prilog, glagol je neprelazan (dolazi bez objekta.)
Look for je kombinacija glagol+predlog, pa je prema tome prelazna (trai objekat):
Would you look for my umbrella? (Da li bi potraio moj kiobran?)
Look out je kombinacija glagol+prilog i zato je neprelazna:
Look out! There`s a car coming. (Pazi! Dolazi automobil.)
Mogue je da neke kombinacije imaju vie znaenja, te mogu biti i prelazni i neprelazni.
Take off skinuti (prelazan):
She took off her coat and sat. (Ona je skinula svoj kaput i sela.)


Take off- poleteti, za avion (neprelazan):

The plane took off at 6. (Avion je poleteo u 6.)
U veem broju sluajeva objekat dolazi iza itave fraze, dok kod nekih moe doi i odmah
iza glagola.
I am looking for Jane. (Traim Dejn.)
He took off his shoes. (On je izuo svoje cipele.)
He took his shoes off. (On je izuo svoje cipele.)
Kada je objekat zamenica, obino dolazi odmah iza glagola.
He took them off. (Skinuo ih je.)
Evo znaenja nekih frazalnih glagola:
blow up dii u vazduh, razoriti eksplozijom, eksplodirati
bring about - izazvati
bring back vratiti
bring up vaspitavati/odgajati decu
call off - otkazati
catch up with (su)stii (ali ne i prestii)
clear up dovesti u red (zbrku i nered)
cut out isei, izrezati (iz komada papira, tofa itd.)
do away with ukinuti, ponititi, reiti se neega ili nekoga
drop off odbaciti nekoga
face up to suoiti se sa
fall behind zaostajati
fall out with posvaati se sa
fall through ne ostvariti se, propasti
fill in ispuniti, popuniti (formular i sl.), uneti u, staviti ono to nedostaje
fill out - popuniti (formular i sl.)
get away pobei, umai, izvui se
get away with - izvui se nekanjeno
get back vratiti, vratiti se
get on - nastaviti
get on with slagati se, iveti, itd. (biti u dobrim ili loim odnosima) sa nekim
give back vratiti (neku stvar) vlasniku
give up predati se
go down with razboleti se
go in for baviti se neim, posvetiti se neemu
go off eksplodirati, opaliti (o municiji ili oruju)
go over ispitati, prouiti, pregledati paljivo
hold back - zadrati
join in pridruiti se
look after starati se, voditi brigu o
look for traiti
look into - istraiti

look up to diviti se, ugledati se na

make up for - nadoknaditi
pick up uzeti (podii) neku osobu ili stvar (naroito prstima)
uzeti (pokupiti) neku osobu ili stvar i povesti sobom (obino kolima)
pull down - sruiti
put off odloiti neku radnju ili posetu
run out of ostati bez
sit down sesti
stand up to odole(va)ti, braniti se od (neke osobe ili sile)
turn down odbiti, odbaciti (neku ponudu ili molbu)
wear off postepeno nestati, iznositi


Popunite reenice koristei odgovarajui upitni izraz.
1. Tom wont be late, ______________?
2. You are tired, ______________?
3. Youve got a camera, ______________?
4. Sue doesnt know Ann, ______________?
5. Jacks on holiday, ______________?
6. You can speak German, ______________?
7. He wont mind if I use his phone, ______________?
8. There are a lot of people here, ______________?
9. This isnt very interesting, ______________?
10. There was a lot of traffic, ______________?
11. You havent got a car, ______________?
12. Lets go for a walk, ______________?
13.Dont drop the vase, ______________?
14. Lets go out tonight, ______________?
15.Open the door, ______________?
16. You are not going out today, ______________?
17. This wont take long, ______________?
18.She was very beautiful, ______________?
19. The children can read French, ______________?
20.Bill came on a bicycle, ______________?
21.Mary paints portraits, ______________?
22.Bill puts the money in the bank, ______________?
23.Bill put the money in the bank, ______________?


24. Ive seen you before, ______________?

25. The twins used to play rugby, ______________?
26. The boys prefer a cooked breakfast, ______________?
27. That was Ann on the phone, ______________?
28. The lift isnt working today, ______________?
29. Lives were lost unnecessarily, ______________?
30. Your central heating doesnt work very well, ______________?
31.Ann read that book yesterday, ______________?
32.She was dancing, ______________?
33.Children ate two burgers, ______________?

Prevedite reenice u nastavku.

1. Muzika je bila dirljiva, zar ne? Slae li se s tim? Da, bio sam DIRNUT! O, boe, to mi je
dosadno a i ovi ljudi su dosadni!
2. Hajde da bijemo slabije od sebe, hoemo li?
3. Ovi komarci su iritirajui, zar ne?
4. Ne lupaj vratima, hoe li?
5. Bila sam okirana kada sam videla tu sliku! Jesi li ti bio okiran? Nisam, bilo mi je
neprijatno zato to su ljudi bili neprijatni.
6. On ne moe da podnese da slua operu, zar ne?
7. Uspeo je da pria sa njom, zar ne?
8. Ponudili su se da pomognu, zar ne?
9. U pravu sam, zar ne?
10. Hajde da priamo samo na engleskom, hoemo li?
11. Bili smo depresivni zato to nismo izali iz kue ceo dan!
12. Da li zabavno itati knjige u gradskom prevozu kada je pic?
13. Bio je zabrinut pre dva dana, zar ne?


14. Jako je uzbudljivo raditi stvari koje nikada ranije niste radili, zar ne?
15. Rei u ovo samo jednom!Daj mi tu okoladu, hoe li?
16. Poto je renovirala kuu bila je vrlo uzbunena, zar ne?
17. To je ba interesantan film, zar ne?
18. Bilo ti je dosadno, zar ne?
19. Hajde da sluamo rok,hoemo li?
20. Ne itaj tu dosadnu knjigu,hoe li?
21. Zabavljaju me zabavni ljudi.
22. Bila sam oputena dok sam sluala tu oputajuu muziku.
23. Iritantno je to danas nema dobrog deza.
24. Depresivno je sluati depresivne ljude,zar ne?
25. Marko je bio zainteresovan da slua te interesantne ljude,zar ne?
26. Bili su jako uzbuneni i uplaeni kada su videli saobraajnu nesreu.
27. Oputeno je biti oputen vikendom.
28. On je zapanjen koliko je ona pametna.
29. Marija je zainteresovana za njegovog brata a on je zainteresovan za nju.To je ba

Napravite jednu od dve date reenice. Koristite WHO ili WHICH.

Mont Blanc is between France and Italy. It is the highest mountain in the Alps.
Mont Blanc, which is between France and Italy, is the highest mountain in the Alps.
1. Alfred Hitchcock was born in Britain. He worked for many years in Hollywood.
2. The sun is really a star. It is 93 million miles from the earth.
3. The 1992 Olympics were held in Barcelona. It is in the north-east of Spain.


4. We went to see the Crown Jewels. They are kept in the Tower of London.
5. Football first started in Britain. It is now popular in many countries.
6. Michelangelo lived until he was 90. Hes one of Italys greatest artists.

Podvucite rei na koje se WHICH odnosi.

1. They climbed Mont Blanc, which is the highest mountain in the Alps.
2. They climbed Mont Blanc, which made them very tired.
3. Jane sang and played the guitar, which everyone enjoyed a lot.
4. The boat stopped at Sousse, which is in Tunisia.
5. The coach stopped at a petrol station, which allowed everyone to get out.
6. We listened to the news, which was in French.

Popunite reenice koristei present perfect simple ili present perfect continuous
glagola datih u zagradama. (U nekim sluajevima oba mogu da se upotrebe).
1. We __________________ (walk) ten kilometres.
2. You __________________ (walk) too fast. Thats why you are tired.
3. I __________________ (make) sausage rolls for the party all the morning.
4. A: How many __________________ (you, make)?
B: I __________________ (make) 200.
5. That boy __________________ (eat) seven ice-creams.
6. I __________________ (pull) up 100 flowers.
7. I __________________ (pull) up flowers all day.
8. He __________________ (ride); thats why he is wearing breeches.
9. I __________________ (ride) all the horses in this stable.
10.What a lovely smell. Mary __________________ (make) jam.

11. I only __________________ (hear) from him twice since he went away.
12. I __________________ (hear) from her regularly. She is very good correspondent.
13. I __________________ (polish) this table all the morning and she isnt satisfied with it
14. I __________________ (look) for mushrooms but I (not find) any.
15. __________________ (you, hear) the news? Tom and Ann are engaged!
Thats not new; I __________________ (know) it for ages.
16. The driver of that car __________________ (sound) his horn for the last ten minutes.
17. It __________________ (rain) for two hours and the ground is too wet to play on, so
the match __________________ (be) postponed.
18. Ellen: Where are you and your family going to live?
Ian: Well, we _________________ (talk) about that for weeks, but we
_________________ (decide) anything yet.
19. Tina: Excuse me. _________________ (you, stand) in this queue for a long time?
Larry: Yes, I _________________ (queue) for almost an hour.
20.Sara: Why are you crying?
Joe: Because my brother _________________ (have) an accident. He
_________________ (break) both his legs.
21.Susan: Excuse me. Whose is this bag? Who _________________ (leave) it here?
Wally: I dont know. I _________________ (sit) here all afternoon, but I
_________________ (notice) it until now.

Popunite reenice koristei present perfect simple ili present perfect continuous
glagola datih u zagradama. (U nekim sluajevima oba mogu da se upotrebe).
1. Peter: You __________________ (telephone) for ages. __________________ (you, not
nearly, finish)?
Jack: I __________________ (not get) through yet. I __________________ (try) to get
our Paris office but the line __________________ (be) engaged all morning.
2. Ann __________________ (fail) her driving tests three times because shes so bad at
reversing. But she __________________ (practice) reversing for the last week and I
think she __________________ (get) a bit better at it.
3. Tom: I __________________ (often, wonder) why Bill left the country so suddenly.
Peter: Actually, I __________________ (just, find) out.
4. He __________________ (play) the bagpipes since six oclock this morning. He

__________________ (just stop).

5. Why __________________ (you not bring) me the letters for signature?
__________________ (you, not type) them yet?
6. Some robins __________________ (build) a nest in the porch since last week. I
__________________ (watch) them from my window since they began.
7. The police __________________ (not find) the murderer yet, but the dead mans
brother __________________ (be) in the station all day. The police say that he
__________________ (help) them with their enquiries.
8. They __________________ (pull) down most of the houses in the street, but they
__________________ (not touch) the old shop at the corner yet.
9. Tom is convinced that there is gold in these hills but we __________________ (search)
for six months and __________________ (not see) any sign of it.
10. I __________________ (wait) for the prices of the houses to come down before buying
a house, but I think I __________________ (wait) too long and the prices are beginning
to go up again.
11. Peter __________________ (be) a junior clerk for three years. Lately he
__________________ (look) for a better post but so far he (not find) anything.
12. I __________________ (do) housework all morning and I __________________ (not
finish) yet.
I __________________ (do) mine already. I always start at 6 a.m.
13. I __________________ (just, pick) ten pounds of strawberries! I
__________________(grow) strawberries for years but I __________________ (never,
have) such a good crop before.
14.She __________________ (just, sell) two of her paintings.
Shes lucky. I __________________ (paint) for five years and I __________________
(not sell) a single picture yet.
15.He __________________ (work) for Crow Brothers for forty years and
__________________ (never, be) late. The firm __________________ (just, present)
him with a gold watch as a sign of their appreciation.

Dovrite reenice sa prilozima. Nekoliko poetnih slova svakog priloga je dato.

1. We didn't go out because it was raining heavily.
2. Our team lost the game because we played very ba______________.
3. I had little difficulty finding a place to live. I found a flat guite ea______________.

4. We had to wait for a long time but we didn't complain. We waited pa__________.
5. Nobody knew George was coming to see us. He arrived unex______________.
6. Mike keeps fit by playing tennis reg ______________.

Upotrebite odgovarajuu re.

1. The driver of the car was seriously injured (serious/seriously)
2. The driver of the car had serious injuries. (serious/seriously)
3. I think you behaved very ______________________ (selfish/selfishly)
4. Rose is ______________________ upset about losing her job. (terrible/terribly).
5. There was a ______________________ (sudden/suddenly) change in the weather.
6. Everybody at the party was ______________________ dressed (colourful/colourfully)
7. Linda likes wearing ______________________ clothes (colourful/colourfully)
8. She fell and hurt herself quite ______________________ (bad/badly)
9. He says he didn't do well at school because he was ______________________ taught
10.Don't go up that ladder. It doesn't look ______________________ (safe/safely)
11.He looked at me ______________________ when I interrupted him (angry/angrily)

Popunite reenice koristei past simple, present perfect simple ili present perfect
continuous glagola datih u zagradama.
1. I __________________ (never, eat) raw fish.
2. My friend __________________ (live) in Ottawa when he was a boy.
3. Bob __________________ (visit) many countries during the past three years.
4. Bob and I __________________ (work) hard all this week, and now we are resting.
5. Tim is badly hurt. He __________________ (fall) downstairs yesterday.
6. I __________________ (just, shake) hands with Dons father.


7. Bob __________________ (finish) his studies, so now he can go back to Canada.

8. I cant open the door. I __________________ (lose) the key to the door.
9. He __________________ (live) in Novi Sad since last October, and he plans to stay.
10. I __________________ (feel) terrible about my bad mark In English for quite some
11. __________________ (you, hear) the news yet? __________________ (you, listen) to
the radio?
12. __________________ (you, read) the book Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain?
13. __________________ (you, go) fishing recently? __________________ (you, catch)
this fish in the Sava?
14.My father __________________ (give) up smoking. He (try) several times, but never
15. I __________________ (go) to the same barber for years. He knows just how I like my
hair cut.
16.Sandra __________________ (forget) her sunglasses at the restaurant. She must go
back and get them.
17.My younger sister __________________ (spend) one whole day doing nothing.
18. I __________________ (never, hold) a newborn baby.
19.Mark __________________ (just, cut) his hand. Thats why he is crying.
20. I __________________ (think) about the problem for almost half an hour and I still
cant solve it.
21. __________________ (you, be) to New York? No, but my sister
__________________ (go) last year.
22.Goodness, Im tired. I __________________ (walk) round the shops for nearly three
23. I __________________ (buy) a new cardigan. Where __________________ (you, buy)
it? I __________________ (get) it at sale.
24. I __________________ (see) our French teacher in the corridor a couple a minutes
ago. Her lesson __________________ (already, begin). Were late.
25.She is the nicest person I __________________ (ever, meet).


Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajuu vrstu rei (pridev ili prilog).

nervous (ly)
1. Our holiday was too short. The time passed very quickly.
2. Tom doesn't take risks when he's driving .He's always ________________.
3. Sue works ________________. She never seems to stop.
4. Alice and Stan are very ________________ married.
5. Monica's English is very ________________ although she makes quite a lot mistakes.
6. I cooked the meal ________________ for you, so I hope you like it.
7. I tried on the shoes and they fitted me ________________.
8. Do you usually feel ________________ before examinations?
9. I'd like to buy a car but it's ________________ impossible for me at the moment.

Odaberite po dve rei iz svakog skupa da biste dovrili reenice.


1. I thought the restaurant would be expensive but it was reasonably cheap.

2. George's mother is _____________________________________ in hospital.
3. What a big house! It's ___________________________________.
4. It wasn't a serious accident. The car was only_________________________.
5. The children are normally very lively but they are ___________________________
6. When I returned home after 20 years, everything had ________________________.
7. The film was _______________________________. It could have been much shorter.
8. A lot went wrong during our holiday because it was_____________________________.

Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajui oblik glagola.

When I was a student I used to____________ in a bar. (work)
I will never get used to_________ nights. I much prefer working days. (work)
She isnt used to ___________ on her own. The house feels quite empty. (live)
When I worked in a city I used to__________ really early to get to work. (get up)
Are you getting used to __________ in your new house yet? (live)
We are not used to ________ in a cold climate. We are used to a warm one. (live)
I used to be a gardener. Im not used to ______ in an office all day. I find very hard. (work)
Since I retired from my job, I cant get used to______ nothing to do all day. (have)
In my last job I used to __________ a suit and a tie. Now I wear jeans. (wear)
I am not used to __________ contact lenses. They hurt my eyes. (wear)

Uradite transformaciju reenica koristei izraz '' I wish''.

1. I'd love to meet his brother.
2. I'm sorry I accused the wrong person.

3. I hate when I don't have enough money.

4. If I had his telephone I could ring him.
5. I'm sorry I failed the exam.
6. I ate too much cake.
7. I'd like to meet his parents.
8. I'm sorry I didn't bring the map.
9. I'm sorry I left my last job.
10. I'm sorry I called him a liar.
11. It's a pity we haven't a torch.
12. I'm sorry I can't swim.

Kreirajte reenice koristei rei date u zagradama. Dat je primer.

1. I was very tired when I arrived home.
(I/work/hard all day) I had been working hard all day.
2. The two boys came into the house. They had a football and they were both very tired.
(they/ play/ football) ___________________________________________
3. There was nobody in the room but there was a smell of cigarettes.
(somebody/ smoke/ in the room)
4. Ann woke up in the middle of the night. She was frightened and didnt know where she
(she/dream) __________________________________________________
5. When I got home, Mike was sitting in front of the TV. He had just turned it off.
(he /watch/ TV) ________________________________________________

Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajua vremena.

1. We played tennis yesterday. Half an hour after we began playing, it started to rain.
We had been playing for half an hour when it started to rain.
2. I had arranged to meet Tom in a restaurant. I arrived and waited for him. After 20
minutes I suddenly realised that I was in the wrong restaurant.
I ________________________________ for 20 minutes when I
3. Sarah got a job in a factory. Five years later the factory closed down.
At the time the factory ___________________________, Sarah
_______________________________ there for five years.
4. I went to a concert last week. The orchestra began playing. After about ten minutes a
man in the audience suddenly began shouting.
The orchestra _______________________________________________when
5. This time make your own sentence:
I began walking along the road.
I ________________________________________________when

Dovrite reenice koristei past continuous (I was doing), past perfect (I had
done) ili past perfect continuous (I had been doing).
1. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours _were having_ (have) a party.
2. We were good friends. We _had known_ (know) each other for a long time.
3. John and I went for a walk. I had difficulty keeping up with him because he
_________________________________ (walk) so fast.
4. Mary was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She
______________________________ (run).
5. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table with their mouths full. They
_______________________________________ (eat).
6. When I arrived, everybody was sitting round the table and talking. Their mouths were
empty but their stomachs were full. They___________________________________ (eat).
7. Jim was on his hands and knees on the floor. He _______________________________
(look) for his contact lens.
8. When I arrived, Kate ________________________________ (wait) for me. She was
rather annoyed with me because I was late and she_________________________
(wait) for a very long money.

9. I was sad when I sold my car. I ___________________________ (have) it for a very

long time.
10.We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. We
________________________________ (travel) for more than 24 hours.

Zaokruite odgovarajuu opciju.

1. That can't have been / shouldn't have been Nick that you saw.
2. I suppose Bill should have lost / might have lost his way.
3. I don't know who rang, but it could have been / must have been Jim.
4. It's your own fault, you can't have gone / shouldn't have gone to bed so late.
5. Don't worry that Carol is late, she could have missed / should have missed the train.

Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajui proli modal.

1. That was a lucky escape! You _____________ (be) killed!
2. It was supposed to be a secret! You _____________ (tell) her!
3. The plane is late. It _____________ (land) by now.
4. You _____________ (meet) my brother. I haven't got one!
5. There is only one solution. The butler _____________ (do) it.
6. It was lovely. We ______________ (have) a better holiday.
7. So it was you who set off the fire alarm for a joke! I _____________ (know)!

Kompletirajte reenice koristei re koja je data i tako da se zadri isti smisao.

1. It wasn't very nice of you not to invite me to your party! (MIGHT)
You ______________________________
2. Thank you very much for buying me flowers! (SHOULDN'T)
You ______________________________
3. It wouldn't have been right to let you do all the work on your own. (COULDN'T)
I _________________________________


4. I don't believe that you have lost your keys again! (CAN'T)
You _______________________________
5. Perhaps they didn't notice the tyre was flat. (MIGHT)
They ______________________________

Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajui proli modal.

1. I _______ (become) a millionaire, but I decided not to.
2. You ________ (be) here when Helen told the boss not to be so lazy.
3. Peter wasn't here then, so he ________ (brake) your vase.
4. I ________ (buy) that car, but I decided to look at a few others.
5. Don't take a risk like that again! We _________ (lose) because of you.
6. It's been more than a week! You __________ (have) some news by now!

Prevedite sledee reenice na engleski jezik.

1. Trebalo je da vidi Markovo lice! Nije mogao biti sreniji.
2. Izvinjavam se. Pretpostavljam da sam mogao biti malo grub.
3. Stvarno nije trebalo da se toliko trudi.
4. Neko je morao znati za to.
5. Nemogue da je maka otvorila friider.
6. Da li si uo sino da sam uao? Ne, mora da sam spavao.


Upotrebite a, an ili the u reenicama.

A: Have Ann and Mark got any pets?
B: Yes, theyve got ___________ dog and ___________ cat.
A: Does ___________ dog like ___________ cat?
A: Im reading ___________ interesting book.
B: Whos the author?
A: Jane Sinclair you know, shes___________ woman who has her own show on TV.
A: Have you got ___________ ruler that I can borrow?
B: Ive got ___________ plastic one and ___________ wooden one. But ___________
wooden one is broken.
A: Well, lend me ___________ plastic one then, please.
a This house is very nice. Has it got ________ garden?
b Its a beautiful day. Lets sit in ________ garden.
c I like living in this house but its a pity that ________ garden is so small.
a Can you recommend ________ good restaurant?
b We had dinner in ________very nice restaurant.
c We had dinner in ________ most expensive restaurant in town.
a She has ________ French name but in fact shes English, not French.
b Whats ________ name of that man we met yesterday?
c We stayed at a very nice hotel I cant remember ________ name now.
a There isnt ________ airport near where I live, _______ nearest airport is 70 miles away.
b Our plane was delayed. We had to wait at ________ airport for three hours.
c Excuse me, please. Can you tell me how to get to ________ airport?
a Are you going away next week?
No, ________ week after next.
b Im going away for ________ week in September.
c George has a part-time job. He works three mornings________ week.
This morning I bought ________ newspaper and ________ magazine. ________
newspaper is in my bag but I dont know where I put ________ magazine.
I saw ________ accident this morning. ________ car crashed into ________ tree.
________ driver of ________ car wasnt hurt but ________car was badly damaged.
There are two cars parked outside: ________ blue one and ________ grey one. ________
blue one belongs to my neighbours; I dont know who ________ owner of ________
grey one is.
My friends live in ________ old house in ________ small village. There is ________
beautiful garden behind ________ house. I would like to have ________ garden like


Upotrebite the ili upiite # ako lan nije potreban.

Im afraid of ________ dogs.
________ Apples are good for you.
Look at ________ apples on that tree! Theyre very big.
________ Women live longer than ________ men.
I dont drink ________ tea. I dont like it.
We had a very nice meal. ________ Vegetables were especially good.
________ Life is strange sometimes. Some very strange things happen.
Who are ________ people in this photograph?
What makes ________ people violent?
Ron and Brenda got married but ________ marriage didnt last very long.

Upotrebite although, in spite of, because of

1. I couldn't get to sleep _______________ the noise.
2. She accepted the job______________ the salary, which was rather low.
3. ________________the traffic was bad, I arrived on time.
4. I couldn't sleep______________ I was very tired.
5. I went home late _____________I was feeling unwell.
6. She can sleep _____________the noise.
7. He passed the exam____________ he didn't study well.
8. I didn't eat anything _____________being hungry.
9. She accepted the job ______________the salary, which was very high.
10._______________ it rained a lot, they enjoyed themselves.


Upotrebite although, despite, in spite, in order to.

1. _______________ my warnings, he went to Colombia.
2._______________ she didn't want to see The Lord of the Rings, she enjoyed it in the end.
3. _______________ of being bad at pool, she beat him three times in a row.
4. They visited Madrid _______________ they didn't have time to visit El Prado.
5. _______________ it was raining, we decided to go anyway.
6. She decided to go abroad for a year _______________ loving her boyfriend very much.
7. They worked faster _________________meet the deadline.
8. _______________ it was only the first time they met, they made friends immediately.
9. Oliver Reed was often rude to people _______________ he was always kind to animals.
10. Socrates never had much money _______________ being very famous in his own day.
11. I am calling _____________________tell you about the changes.

Transformiite reenice u bezlini pasiv. Prve dve reenice su reene.

1.People believe that English is the most widely spoken language.
It is believed that English is the most widely spoken language.
English is believed to be the most widely spoken language.
2.Police have reported that it was Peter who caused the accident.
It has been reported that it was Peter who caused the accident.
Peter has been reported to have caused the accident.
3. Everybody thinks that she sings beautifully.
4. People believe that they killed the animals during the night.
5. My friends think that my parents are the best parents in the world.
6. They believe that the horse was a present.


7. People think that drugs are very dangerous.

8. They know that Mr. Brown stole iron from the factory.
9. Everybody says that he settled the business.
10. Citizens think that the government is responsible for the accident.
11. The shareholders think that the group rejected the offer.

Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajua vremena.

1. Last night while I ___________________ (cook) dinner I ___________________ (hear)
a sudden noise. I ___________________ (not move) because I ___________________
(be afraid) something ___________________ (can) happen to me.
2. If I see him I __________________ (give) him a lift.
3. I hate this job! I wish I _________________ (have) a better one.
4. My brother used ___________________ (enjoy) ___________________ (read) books
when he ___________________ (be) a child.
5. I ___________________ (meet) Sally yesterday and she ___________________ (tell)
me that she ___________________ (phone) Bill the day before. I
___________________ (not see) her since then.
6. If I had known that you were in hospital I ___________________ (visit) you.
7. Chocolate ___________________ (make) of cocoa beans which ___________________
(grow) in Africa.
8. If you __________________ (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat.
9. I told him everything about her. I wish I __________________(not say) a word about it.
10.Anns sister asked me ___________________ (not open) the window so I didnt.


11. I ___________________ (wait) Jim for ages and he still ___________________ (not
show up). I must ___________________ (ask) him ___________________ (not do)
that any more.
12. If I had a typewriter I __________________(type) it myself.
13. Youre too far from here, I ___________________ (not hear) what you
___________________ (say).
14.Sorry, Im late. How long ___________________ (you, wait) for me?
15. If he _____________________(eat) all that he will be ill.
16. You would have seen my garden at its best if you _____________________ (be) here
last week.
17. Im so sorry. I wish I _______________ (tell) the truth.
18. If he had asked you, _____________________(you, accept)?
19.How long ___________________ (you stay) at the party last night?
20.Generally, Mike ___________________ (not like) playing basketball, but last Saturday,
while he ___________________ (watch) us playing he ___________________ (feel) a
need to play with us, so I suppose he ___________________ (play) tomorrow.
21.More tourists would come to this country if it _____________________ (have) a better
22. If I _____________________ (had) a map I would have been all right.
23.Sandra told me she ___________________ (never, be) to London before, so I asked her
___________________ (she, go) with me the following week.
24. Ill be very angry if he _____________________ (make) any more mistakes.
25. What ___________________ (this, make) of? I _________________ (not
know), but I ___________________ (know) that it ___________________ (make) in
Italy. It ___________________ (write) on the label.
26.Rome _____________________ (be captured) by her enemies if the geese hadnt
27. If you knew you had only six weeks to live how you ___________(spend) those six
28.What would you do if the lift __________________(get) stuck between two floors?
29. If I find your passport I _______________(telephone) you at once.


30.What ___________________ (you, do) while the music ___________________ (play)

at the party last night? ___________________ (you, dance)?
31.Oh, Michael.I dont have a red dress. I wish I _____________(have) one.
32. If you _____________________ (not sneeze) he wouldnt have known that we were
33. I bought such a big house! I wish _______________(not do) it!
34. I ___________________ (try) ___________________ (reach) him for days, but I
___________________ (not find) him yet.
35. I decided ___________________ (go) To France on holiday because I enjoy
___________________ (walk) near The Eiffel Tower.
36. If he had known that the river was dangerous he ______________(not try) to swim
across it.
37. Look behind you! You ___________________ (follow) by that police car!
38. If he __________________ (be) late well go without him.

Odaberite odgovarajue vreme.

1. How do you usually start/are you starting your job?
2. What time do you do you go/are you going to bed at weekends?
3. This Girlzone CD is belonging/belongs to Alan.
4. I understand/am understanding English, but not Spanish.
5. A: Did you see who it was?
B: Not very clearly. It ________ the man who lives down the road, but I'm not sure.
a. should have been
b. must be
c. could have been
d. might
6. John persuaded ____________ spend the weekend at his home.
a. that his parents
b. to his parents
c. his parents
d. his parents to
7. If I ____________ so much to do this afternoon I ____________ with you for a walk.
a. hadn't, go


b. wouldn't have, went

c. didn't have, would go
d. didn't have, went
8. They ____________ an hour when she finally arrived.
a. have already been waiting
b. had already been waiting
c. already waited
d. were already waiting
9. ____________ I arrived in Mexico City, I intended to call my friend Juan.
a. While
b. Until
c. As soon as
d. As
Kompletirajte reenice koristei tako da se zadri isti smisao iz prethodne
Despite feeling cold we kept walking.
Although it was sunny I felt quite cold.
Despite ________________________________________________________
Despite the fact that it was snowing, I felt warm.
Although _______________________________________________________
Despite the large amount of snow, we had our picnic.
Although we had a map we got lost.
Despite _________________________________________________________

Dovrite reenice sa predlozima ukoliko je to potrebno.

Turn __________ right ___________ the crossroads.
Walk ___________ the road as far as the library.
Turn _______ left ___________ Forest Road.


The shop is ___________ the bus station.

My house is ______________ Palmerston Road.
Go straight _____________ at the traffic lights.
Turn ____________ left and then ___________ left again.
Its the third house ______________ the left.
Take the third turning ____________ the left.
At the roundabout, turn ____________ right.

Kompletirajte reenice koristei re koja je data i tako da se zadri isti smisao.

Koristiti dve do pet rei za kompletiranje reenice.
These vegetables are too hard, theyre undercooked. HAVE
These vegetables____________________________________enough.
This salad is too oily. OIL
There _________________________________________this salad.
This cake is too stale to eat. ENOUGH
This cake______________________________________to eat.
This hotel is too expensive for a large family. MUCH
This hotel____________________________________for a large family.
There is too little cheese for four people. ENOUGH
There _________________________________for four people.
There are too few glasses for everyone to have a drink. ENOUGH
We___________________________________for everyone to have a drink.
It is not warm enough to eat outside this evening. TOO
It is _____________________________________this evening.
Joanne doesnt speak loudly enough on the telephone. TOO
Joanne speaks _____________________________________on the telephone.


Theres too little sugar in this coffee for me. SWEET

This coffee_________________________________________for me.
This restaurant is too quiet. Lets try another one. PEOPLE
There are ______________________________________restaurant. Lets try another

Upotrebite odgovarajue vreme.

When sixteen-year-old schoolgirl Tina Blake __________________ (come) home from
school she was expecting to have her lunch. But she __________________ (find) her 38year-old mother, Louise, on the floor in the hall, having a baby. She could see the babys
head. With her father out at work, Tina phoned the emergency services and told them what
she __________________ (just see). Phil Bastin of Kent Ambulance Service
__________________ (tell) Tina that he __________________ (send) and ambulance but
Tina would probably have to deliver the baby herself. He __________________ (never tell)
anyone how to deliver a baby on the phone before. But he told Tina what to do and she did
it. After I __________________ (get) some towels, Mr Bastin told me to wipe the babys
mouth and nose, said Liz. Then, because she __________________ (do) everything she
could do and the ambulance __________________ (arrive), she went back to school for
the afternoon. At first, she __________________ (not tell) us what __________________
(happen) said Tinas teacher, Chris Hislop. It seems that until the next day she
__________________ (not even tell) her best friend in the class. And after school she
__________________ (stay) behind to play basketball. Now, thats what I call cool!
Last month a police car in Arizona, USA __________________ (take) fifteen-year-old
Nancy Kellerman to the police station. Her crime? Earlier that night, she
__________________ (be) out with her friends in the park. She __________________
(not realise) that it was after 10 p.m. and because Nancy __________________ (forget)
that, she __________________ (be) at the police station that night. She
__________________ (not can) phone her parents until the police __________________
(take) her fingerprints and __________________ (ask) her some questions. Then her dad
__________________ (take) her home.

Kompletirajte reenice koristei re koja je data i tako da se zadri isti smisao.

Koristiti dve do pet rei za kompletiranje reenice.
1.Im sorry that you cant come to the party. wish
I __________________________________________ to the party.
2.He keeps interrupting me, which is very annoying. wish
I _________________________________________ interrupting me, its very annoying.


3.Ingrid would like to be able to swim, but she cant. wishes

Ingrid _________________________________________ swim.
4.I hope that you are successful in your exams. luck
I wish ______________________________________ in your exams.
5.My hairs short and dark, but Id prefer long blonde hair. wish
I __________________________________________ long blonde hair.
6.Eric doesnt see his grandchildren very often, which makes him sad. wishes
Eric _________________________________________ more often.
7.Im sorry that he wont accept the job hes been offered. wish
I ___________________________________________ the job hes been offered.
8.I have very little patience, which is a shame! were
I ________________________________________ patient.
9. This continual rain is making me feel depressed. stop
I _________________________________________ rainingit makes me feel depressed.
10. The print in this book is so small that Im afraid I cant read it. was
I wish the print in this book __________________________________,then I could read it.

Zaokruite reenicu za koju smatrate da je loginije da sledi iza date.

Don`t throw the picture away, give it to John.
He might have liked it.
He might like it.

Oznaite oseanje koje se odnosi na dati izraz.



Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

he ability to keep doing something difficult, unpleasant or painful for a long time
someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business
an unwillingness to do something
to make something stronger

Oznaite oseanje koje se odnosi na dati izraz.


Kreirajte imenice od datih rei.

persistent __________________

Oznaite oseanje koje se odnosi na dati izraz.


Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

spark off
to cause the start of something
lasting for the whole of a person`s life
something difficult needing a lot of skill, strength, bravery, etc. to achieve it


Kreirajte imenice od datih rei.

efficient __________________
propose __________________
intimate __________________
vacant __________________

Zaokruite reenicu koja ima isto znaenje kao data reenica.

It isn`t possible that they are twins.
They mightn`t be twins.
They can`t be twins.

Oznaite oseanje koje se odnosi na dati izraz.

Oznaite oseanje koje se odnosi na dati izraz.

Zaokruite reenicu za koju smatrate da je loginije da sledi iza date.

When she went out this morning she left her briefcase here.
She might mean to leave it behind.
She might have meant to leave it behind.

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position
strong walls, towers, etc. that are built to protect a place
in a strong and emotional way
able to quickly return to a previous good condition

Dovrite reenice koristei odgovarajue vreme (past simple ili present perfect).
Throughout the summer of 1980 Joan ______________(CONTINUE) to divide her time
between Paris and London.
There`s not much more to do, now that we ___________(SOLVE) the main problem.
Quite early in the negotiations, they ______________(AGREE) to lower prices.
In 1788 he _______________(FINISH) his last work in Vienna.
When he was 12, his parents ___________(MOVE) to Spain.

Kreirajte imenice od datih rei.

reduce ______________
satisfy ______________
fail _________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to gradually become less, worse, or lower
full of busy activity
to grow or develop successfully

Dovrite reenice koristei date rei.





You should go away somewhere for the weekend. A change of ________will do you good.
At first my parents refused to let me go off travelling on my own, but then they had a
change of_____________.
After a very slow start, the car chase gives the film a much needed change of


In a complete change of ______________he gave up his job in teaching and became a

Zaokruite tanu re.
Prices vary ___________, so do shop around before you buy your barbecue.

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

happy and full of energy
not achievable
used to describe something that has an attractive form, especially a woman`s body or parts
of a woman`s body
when you are known or recognized by many people because of your achievements, skills,

Dovrite reenice koristei date rei.





The win marked a change in the _______________ of the team, which had lost its previous
six games.
Despite the operation on his eye, there has been no significant change in the patient`s
Anti-smoking campaigners yesterday called for a change in the ____________to make it
illegal for people to smoke in bars and cafes.
The legalization of divorce reflected a change in __________towards marriage.

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

a small amount of money that you have to pay to use a road, cross a bridge, etc
to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number
an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests
to get rid of a system or organization, usually over a period of time


Kreirajte imenice od datih rei.

disappoint __________________
reject __________________
apply __________________
approve __________________

Kreirajte prideve od datih rei.

drama __________________
pleasure __________________
significance __________________

Zaokruite tanu re.

hardly subtly
He`s ________changed at all since I last saw him - just as lively and outgoing as he always

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

a job or activity needing skill and experience, especially in relation to making objects
lacking energy and effort
(in the past) to fight with a lance while riding on a horse, especially as a sport
the best or most exciting, entertaining or interesting part of something

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to leave a place, thing or person forever
a military building consisting of an area enclosed by a strong wall, in which soldiers live and
which is designed to be defended from attack
a small circular tower which is part of a castle or a large building
to be at the side of someone or something


Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

safe haven
going from one place to another killing or using violence, stealing and destroying
a place where you are protected from harm or danger
to break, or cause something to break, into small pieces
Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.
a feeling of excitement about something that is going to happen in the near future
to make a sound like food cooking in hot fat
a person or thing that is similar to an earlier type
describes a very strong smell or taste, sometimes one that is unpleasantly strong
Kreirajte prideve od datih rei.
allergy __________________
rock __________________
monster __________________
Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.
fir tree
a tall evergreen tree that grows in cold countries and has needle-like leaves
to criticize someone, especially for not being successful or not doing what is expected
a strong feeling of combined dislike and lack of respect
to read through something, especially in order to find the part you are interested in
Poveite svaku imenicu sa jednim glagolom.
rule out
meet with
give off
take up
come up against
cope with


a problem
a challenge
a possibility
a smell
an ambition

Kreirajte glagole od datih rei.

science __________________
approach __________________
apply __________________
argument __________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

the way of life or set of beliefs accepted by most people
boring, especially in appearance; lacking colour and excitement
a very large board on which advertisements are shown, especially at the side of a road

Kreirajte glagole od datih rei.

believe __________________
contradict __________________
administer __________________
manager __________________
provoke __________________
chat __________________
luxury __________________
persist __________________

Kreirajte priloge od datih rei.

public __________________
subtle __________________
political __________________
good ____________________
beautiful _________________


Kreirajte prideve od datih rei.

price __________________
secretary _______________
territory ________________
tragedy _________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

very clever and skilful or cleverly made or planned
using new methods or ideas
not in use any more, having been replaced by something newer and better or more

Kreirajte negativni oblik prideva dodavanjem prefiksa.

accurate ________________
biased __________________
relevant _________________
reliable __________________

U prazno polje upite odgovarajui oblik rei datih u zagradama.

Her _____________and enthusiasm have helped the group to achieve its international
success. (PERSIST)
The architects have made _________use of glass and transparent plastic.(IMAGINE)
That kind of behaviour is sure to cause _____________. (IRRITATE)
I keep getting ______________advice - some people tell me to keep it warm and some tell
me to put ice on it. (CONTRADICT)
They met at university and fell ______________in love. (HOPE)
Although she often disagreed with me, she was always ____________. (COURTESY)
Your responsibilities will be mainly ______________. (ADMINISTER)
Her scarf was ________________placed to hide a tear in her shirt. (STRATEGY)


The findings show a_______________difference between the opinions of men and women.
As a child I had an ______________ friend called Polly. (IMAGINE)
We hope very much to find a ____________solution to the problem. (SATISFY)
He has described the government as corrupt and _____________. (COMPETENCE)
He`s very ________________about German literature. (KNOWLEDGE)
The school offers courses in every subject _____________. (IMAGINE)
If you`re ______________
manager? (SATISFY)

with the service, why don`t you complain to the hotel

Complete the gap with the appropriate form of the word in capitals at the end of the line.
______________, there is pressure on the council to reverse its decision. (INCREASE)

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

tasting or smelling unpleasant because not fresh(of butter, oil, etc.)
to smell something by taking air in through your nose
making you want to do or believe a particular thing
likely to change suddenly and unexpectedly

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

modern, recent, or containing the latest information
secret, often in a formal, business or military situation
complete and including everything that is necessary
showing an unreasonable like or dislike for a person based on personal opinions

Kreirajte prideve od datih rei.

mud _________________
mystery ______________
sleep ________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

causing feelings of great admiration, respect or fear
without knowing or planning
an attempt to do something
to throw something carelessly

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to please someone, or to satisfy a wish or need
a person who is respected for their knowledge of a particular subject and who gives advice
able to be trusted

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

having the characteristic of regularly working hard
too serious and full of importance
having confidence in your own abilities
pleasant and easy to like

Poveite date prideve sa odgovarajuim opisom.

The staff are always so polite and helpful.
Her only aim is to become managing director.
He tries to control others without any consideration for their feelings or opinions.
Your secret is safe with me.


Poveite rei da biste dobili kolokacije.

a cautious
a stubborn

Kreirajte imenice od datih rei.

dedicate ______________
able _________________
patient _______________
develop _______________
mature ________________
loyal __________________
stubborn _______________
reliable ________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

a time or day by which something must be done
to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe
more important than anything else
often unfriendly because they feel angry or unhappy

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to improve the quality, amount or strength of something
only interested in yourself and your own activities
something which must exist or happen before something else can exist or happen
most secret and hidden, or nearest to the centre


Poveite date prideve sa odgovarajuim opisom.

She always works very hard.
He thinks he`s so intelligent - it`s extremely irritating.
She`s so friendly and easy to talk to.
He doesn`t take much care over his work.

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

too proud of yourself and your actions and abilities
awkward in movement or manner
relaxed and not easily upset or worried
kind and helpful

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

having an awareness or understanding of a situation
very determined to achieve something
done or made in a hurried and careless way
someone who is determined to do what they want and refuses to do anything else
Poveite rei da biste dobili kolokacije.
a slapdash
an easy-going
Oznaite reenice kod kojih se moe izostaviti odnosna zamenica.
The people who work in the office are very friendly.
The people who we met at the party were very friendly.

The woman who lives next door is a doctor.

Have you found the keys that you lost.

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to form or make something
the state of feeling healthy and happy
causing disagreement or discussion
a noisy argument or fight

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

unwilling to speak about your thoughts or feelings
to put your arms around someone and hold them in a loving way, or (of two people) to hold
each other close for affection or comfort

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

having lost your job because your employer no longer needs you
someone living during the same period as someone else
someone who is in bad physical or mental condition

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to suddenly attack a person or a group of people after hiding and waiting for them
impossible to defeat or prevent from doing what is intended
the surrounding of a place by an armed force in order to defeat those defending it


Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to consider or judge something in a particular way
a sudden painful tightening in a muscle
lasting for only a short time; temporary
continuing for a long time
to discover or describe the exact facts about something

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

doze off
start to sleep, especially during the day
to sleep lightly for a short while
extreme tiredness
a long very high sound or cry
alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for

Poveite date prideve sa odgovarajuim opisom.

It contains some very new and original animation techniques.
Both the plot and the characters were difficult to believe
We`ve seen this type of thing so many times before.
It had me on the edge of my seat.

Poveite poetni deo reenice sa odgovarajuim zavretkom.

Realizing he did not have a good ear
This highly talented artist has an eye
The young reporter clearly had a nose
for a good story and he wrote several exclusives for the popular tabloid.
for music, he gave up trying to learn the piano and took up acting instead.

for detail and many of his works are mistaken for photographs.

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

seeming likely to be true, or able to be believed
very ordinary and therefore not interesting
when someone prefers to be alone and does not want to talk to other people
extremely beautiful or attractive
attractively energetic and enthusiastic

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

having a natural ability to do something that needs skill
to live, have your home or stay in a place
to give an advantage, or an official title, honour to someone
to make a judgement about something, usually people`s feelings

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

very forceful or energetic
able to think quickly and clearly
to believe that someone is perfect
to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can agree
and exist together

Poveite poetni deo reenice sa odgovarajuim zavretkom.

Being bilingual he has a natural flair
Dave did it himself; he is a dab hand
He admits that he doesn`t have a head

for languages, and has taught himself Russian, Greek and Polish.
for figures, and he leaves all the accounting work to his wife, Jane.
at DIY and wouldn`t dream of getting a builder in to do anything.

Poveite dati pridev sa odgovarajuim opisom.

Take a big box of tissues to this one- you`ll need them.
Painful to watch; the most boring film of the year.
She gave an amazing performance- her most impressive yet.
It didn`t live up to the expectations created by all the publicity.
Kreirajte glagole od datih rei.
simple _________________
strong _________________
wide __________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

laid back
relaxed in manner and character
someone involved in a skilled job or activity
extremely interesting
anxiety about the future or a fear that something unpleasant is going to happen

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

an exercise machine which consists of a moving strip or two step-like parts on which you
walk without moving forward
a solid fatty substance that softens and melts when warm
to imagine or expect that something will happen
using too few words when talking, in a way that seems rude and unfriendly

Kreirajte glagole od datih rei.

identity ________________
assassin ________________
dominant ________________
rich ____________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to relax and allow your mind to be free from anxiety
feeling anxious about something that you are going to do
to talk continuously for a long time without any particular purpose
to press something, especially a mixture for making bread, firmly and repeatedly with the
hands and fingers

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to think or believe
to laugh at someone or something in a way which shows you think they are ridiculous or of
no value
to give a spoken statement of an opinion or thought

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

an arm or leg of a person or animal
flour mixed with water and often yeast, fat or sugar so that it is ready for baking
making you feel less worried
able to make you believe that something is true or right

Kreirajte glagole od datih rei.

special ___________________

example __________________
familiar ___________________
sad ______________________
deaf _____________________

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

forming the base, from which everything else originates
extremely important or necessary
completely or extremely

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

a person who has no place in their society or in a particular group
the whole of something
to put something down without taking care
objects positioned one on top of another

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

snail mail
a mail that is sent through the post office
to weaken, damage, or cause the failure of (something)
intended for or understandable to only a few people who have special knowledge
attractive because of being unusual and esp. old-fashioned

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

existing at or from birth

someone or something that is strange and unusual

a person who strongly admires a particular person or is extremely interested in a subject
away from the correct path or way of doing something

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

extreme unhappiness caused by physical or mental suffering
plain or ordinary, but pleasant
a piece of cloth whose pattern or picture is created by sewing or weaving
out of control or escaped from somewhere

Poveite rei sa odgovarajuim definicijama.

to ignore or avoid
not in use any more, having been replaced by something newer or more fashionable
to improve the quality or usefulness of something


New English File Upper -Intrermediate, Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig, Oxford
University Press, 2007
New Headway Upper-Intermediate, J. Soars, Oxford University Press, 2007
M. Terzi, Materijal sa predavanja u PDF formi na predmetu Engleski jezik 2, Visoka kola
strukovnih studija za informacijone tehnologije


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