Static Analysis of A Corner Bracket
Static Analysis of A Corner Bracket
Static Analysis of A Corner Bracket
Problem Description
This is a simple, single load step, structural static analysis of the corner angle bracket shown below. The
upper left-hand pin hole is constrained (welded) around its entire circumference, and a tapered pressure
load is applied to the bottom of the lower right-hand pin hole. The objective of the problem is to
demonstrate the typical ANSYS analysis procedure. The US Customary system of units is used.
The dimensions of the corner bracket are shown in the accompanying figure. The bracket is made of A36
steel with a Youngs modulus of 30E6 psi and Poissons ratio of 0.27.
Set preferences.
1. Main Menu> Preferences
2. Turn on structural filtering. The options may differ from what is shown here since they depend on the
ANSYS product you are using.
3. OK to apply filtering and close the dialog box.
6. Material> Exit
Build Geometry
Define rectangles
Decide where the origin will be located and then define the rectangle and circle primitives relative to that
origin. The location of the origin is arbitrary. Here, use the center of the upper left-hand hole.
1. Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Areas> Rectangle> By Dimensions
2. Enter the following:
X1 = 0
X2 = 6
Y1 = -1
Y2 = 1
3. Apply to create the first rectangle.
4. Enter the following:
X1 = 4
X2 = 6
Y1 = -1
5. OK to create the second rectangle and close the dialog box.
Y2 = -3
Define circles
1. Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Areas> Circle> Solid Circle
WP Y = 0
Add areas.
Now that the appropriate pieces of the model are defined (rectangles and circles), you need to add them
together so the model becomes one continuous piece. You do this with the Boolean add operation for
1. Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Operate> Booleans> Add> Areas
2. Pick All for all areas to be added.
Generate Mesh
Apply Loads
Apply displacement constraints.
You can apply displacement constraints directly to lines.
1. Main Menu> Solution> Define Loads> Apply> Structural> Displacement> On Lines
2. Pick the four lines around left-hand hole
3. OK (in picking menu).
4. Click on All DOF.
5. Enter 0 for zero displacement.
6. OK to apply constraints and close dialog box
Obtain Solution
1. Main Menu> Solution> Solve> Current LS
2. Review the information in the status window, then choose File> Close
3. OK to begin the solution. Choose Yes to any Verify messages that appear.
4. Close the information window when solution is done.
Review Results
1. Main Menu> General Postproc> Read Results> First Set