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Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 56 (2002), 284-294

Overcoming spontaneous patterns of coordination

during the acquisition of a complex balancing task
Caillou, N., Nourrit, D., Deschamps, T., Lauriot, B. & Delignieres, D.
University Montpellier I, France

Learning in complex tasks is usually conceived as the problem of mastering the
multiple and redundant degrees of freedom of the system. To reduce control requirements,
two different strategies are conceivable. The first one consists in a freezing-freeing process
for most articular joints to reduce the number of active biomechanical degrees of freedom to
be managed. The second strategy consists in introducing rigid couplings between the
oscillators building the system. In this case, learning implies the dissolution of initial
couplings and the emergence of new, more task-specific couplings.
The goal of our study was to analyze the spontaneous coordination of beginners and its
development in a complex balancing task on a stabilometer, and to examine the emergence of
these two strategies. Our results showed that beginners were characterized by strong
couplings between the joints of the lower limbs. During learning new and more task-specific
couplings emerged that reflected a new organization of the trunk and a decoupling of some
joints of the lower limbs that were initially coupled during the first few trials.
Key words: Learning, coupling, freezing-freeing process, complex skill.

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

Bernstein (1967) claimed that the main concern for a beginner in a motor task is to
master the multiple and redundant degrees of freedom potentially involved. According to
Vereijken and Bongaardt (1999), the control of this initial complexity can be achieved by
following two alternative and/or complementary strategies. The first one consists of
"freezing" a number of joints, thus reducing the number of active degrees of freedom. In
accordance with this view, Newell and van Emmerik (1989) showed that the shoulder was the
unique joint involved in the realization of signatures with the non-dominant arm (see also
Arutyunyan, Gurfinkel & Mirskii, 1968; Vereijken, 1991).
Improvements of skill are then characterized by a progressive freeing of articular
degrees of freedom. This occurs systematically: Degrees of freedom are progressively
integrated in so-called coordinative structures, conceived as temporary assemblies of
muscular synergies, with the intention of reducing the controlled degrees of freedom
(Whiting, Vogt & Vereijken, 1992).
Learning should be characterized by an increase of the number of active degrees of
freedom and an increase of the amplitude of articular movements. Accordingly, Newell and
van Emmerik (1989) showed that when subjects signed with their dominant hand, every joint
of the upper limb was involved. Similarly, in a ski simulator experiment, the amplitude of
articular movements grew during learning (Vereijken, 1991), testifying to this progressive
release of the degrees of freedom. In both of these two cases, the first steps of learning were
characterized by low amplitude movements of the various joints. This means that control
requirements were concentrated on the main and the most powerful joints: the shoulder for the
writing task with the non-dominant hand and the hips for the skiing task. With practice,
subjects progressively freed their joints. This freeing was characterized by an increase in the
movement amplitude of the joints of the knees and the ankles in Vereijkens experiment and
an increased use of the joints of the elbow and wrist when subjects signed with their dominant
The second strategy described by Vereijken and Bongaardt (1999) consists of
introducing rigid couplings between the various articular degrees of freedom, which are thus
constrained to function as one. This hypothesis finds its origins in von Holsts analyses
(1939/1973) that suggest that biological movements are characterized by the synchronization
of the various oscillators composing the system. Especially when these oscillators have
similar eigenfrequencies (i.e., the spontaneous oscillation frequency in the absence of external
constraint) an absolute synchronization of phases and frequencies emerges spontaneously.
(When eigenfrequencies are dissimilar, other coordination modes can appear, generally
characterized by shifts in the relative phase.) This appears to be applicable to collections of
human body parts that can be modeled as assemblies of different oscillators; an example, at a
macroscopic level, would be the legs or the arms. Von Holsts analyses predict that these
oscillators, with close eigenfrequencies, would tend to become synchronized. These
spontaneous coordination modes would tend to be stable and to reflect the attractors of the
intrinsic dynamics of the system. For example, in the bimanual coordination task used by
Kelso, Holt, Rubin and Kugler (1981), these spontaneous modes correspond to two intrinsic
attractors: the in-phase and anti-phase coordination modes. In both cases the frequency ratio is
1:1, and the reversal points are synchronized.
Spontaneous behavior of beginners facing a new task could be interpreted following
these principles (Delignires, Nourrit, Sioud, Leroyer, Zattara & Micaleff, 1998; Swinnen,
Dounskaia, Walter. & Serrien, 1997; Walter & Swinnen, 1994). Identification of the
spontaneous coordination modes would clarify the background against which learning would
have to be carried out. Indeed, if the pattern to be learned corresponds to these spontaneous

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

coordination tendencies, learning will be enhanced. On the other hand, if the pattern to be
learned is qualitatively distinct from the preferred pattern, the subject will have to overcome
the spontaneous coordination tendencies.
In both the experiment of Delignires et al. (1998) and that of Swinnen et al. (1997),
subjects faced a novel situation, and the required pattern was not present in the initial
repertoire of the system. The tasks in these two studies were different: subjects were asked to
swing under parallel bars in Delignires et al.s experiment and to perform a bimanual
coordination task with a 2:1 frequency ratio in Swinnen et al.s experiment. However, the
theoretical background was the same: In both cases, the spontaneous coordination modes
constituted a major obstacle for learning. Within this framework, learning entails overcoming
spontaneous coordination modes and developing new coordinative structures that exploit in
the mechanical properties of the task. Thus, we expect the initial rigid couplings to disappear
over time, and new coordination modes more specific to the constraints of the task to emerge.
These new modes would reflect the development of a new attractor basin in the coordination
dynamics. This kind of evolution of coordination patterns was in fact observed by Vereijken
(1991) and Delignires et al. (1998).
The two aforementioned strategies have been studied and evidenced in quite distinct
tasks. Indeed, authors aiming at highlighting the freezing/freeing process have generally used
tasks that involve handling objects or instruments and, in addition, that require precise
postural adjustments (Arutyunyan et al., 1968; Newell & van Emmerik, 1989; Steenbergen,
Marteniuk & Kalbfleisch, 1995). Researches focused on the coupling phenomena have
obviously used tasks with oscillatory characteristics (Delignires et al., 1998; Kelso et al.,
1981; Swinnen et al., 1997). Therefore, the use of a given strategy of learning may be taskdependant. However, previous studies did not establish a clear relation between learning
strategies and such task constraints. The present research was intended to address this issue.
With this aim, we chose to study spontaneous coordination modes and their change
during learning using the task of balancing on a stabilometer. This task potentially allows the
use of both learning strategies. On one hand, the task requires precise postural adjustments
like the majority of tasks in which the freezing/freeing strategy is observed. On the other
hand, these adjustments are carried out on a mobile platform as in Vereijken's experiments
(1991, 1997). Thus, it might be possible that learning involves the dissolution of initial
couplings and the emergence of new coordination modes more specific to the task. As noted
previously, our current knowledge does not allow us to predict what kind of learning strategy
would be observed in this task. Will novices initially freeze their different articular joints or
will they synchronize them? Nevertheless, we can predict that if the freezing/freeing strategy
is used, we should observe a progressive increase of the movement amplitude of the different
joints of the body. If the coupling strategy is used, we should observe strong couplings during
the first few trials that weaken as a function of practice and, at the same time, the
development of new, more task-specific couplings.
Nine participants (average=24.89 +/-1.90 years) took part in our experiment. Their
anthropometrical characteristics are given in Table 1. For each of them, the task was novel.
Moreover, they did not have any expertise in an activity which might facilitate learning (i.e.,
gymnastics, dancing, skiing, etc.).

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

Standard deviation


+ /- 1.90

Size (cm)
+/- 6.92

Weight (Kg)
+/- 8.82

Table 1: Anthropometrical characteristics of the experimental participants.

A commercially available stabilometer (Lafayette, see Figure 1) was used. Subjects
were instructed to maintain the board of the stabilometer as still and as horizontal as possible.
Subjects started with the board resting on the right side. They were asked to look straight in
front of them and to maintain their arms behind their backs throughout the experiment. These
instructions were given at the beginning of each session.
For technical reasons concerning the video recording system, the distance between the
feet was fixed at 53 cm. Despite variations in height, all participants found this stance
comfortable. Participants undertook five sessions of 10 trials on five consecutive days. The
duration of each trial was one minute and thirty seconds, with one minute and thirty seconds
of rest between two trials. Participants practiced each day at the same time. No feedback was
As in Vereijken's experiments (1991, 1997), subjects were equipped with ten circular
reflective markers (Figure 2). The markers were located on both shoulders (on the frontal
aspect of the caput humeri), on both hips (on the anterior superior spina illiaca), on both knees
(on the patella), on both ankles (on the frontal side between the lateral and the medial
malleoli), and on the tips of both feet. Finally, one additional marker was fixed on the right
end of the stabilometer board (see Figure 1).

Figure 1: Locations of the passive markers on the subject and the stabilometer

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

The position of the markers was recorded at 50Hz by two video cameras interfaced to
a VICON 140 (BIOMETRICS) image analysis system. The system was calibrated to each
participant at the beginning of each session.
A fifteen-second-acquisition period was carried out during the first three and the last
three trials of each session. Data acquisition started one minute after the beginning of the trial.
This delay was motivated by the observation, during pilot investigations, that behavior at the
onset of each trial was often chaotic, especially early in practice. The articular angles of hips,
knees, and ankles were derived, as time series, from the three-dimensional coordinates of the
markers. Then the following dependant variables were derived:
(a) - The variability (standard deviation) of the vertical coordinate of the marker
located on the stabilometer board was used as a performance index.
(b) The variability (standard deviation) of the angles of the hips, knees, and ankles
was computed to evaluate a possible freezing/freeing process during the course of practice
(Vereijken, 1991). We decided to complement this absolute measurement of angular
variability with a relative index, calculated by dividing the standard deviation of each articular
angle by the standard deviation of the vertical coordinate of the marker fixed on the board.
The introduction of this new variable, the relative variability, was motivated by the fact that
in our task, joint variability could be related to practice (by means of the freezing/freeing
process), but also to the variability of the movements of the board. Note that these influences
would presumably act in opposite directions, and would make it difficult to interpret the
results. Relative variability is likely to more specifically related to the effect of practice on
joint variability since it controls for the variability of the board. This form of relative index
could be useful in other experiments in which joint variability appears to be constrained by
the amplitude of the oscillations of the platform (e.g., on a ski simulator; see Vereijken,
(c) - The cross-correlations between the angular time series for knee and ankle, hip
and knee, and hip and ankle, were calculated in order to evaluate the presence of coupling
between the joints of the lower limbs. Zero time-lag cross-correlations were used, as we never
observed, in the visual examination of our data, any systematic shift between two angular
time series. Such a shift would have been revealed, for example, by an elliptical trajectory in a
Lissajous (angle versus angle) graph.
(d) - The cross-correlation between the angular time series of the axis of the shoulders
and the axis of the hips was calculated to assess coupling in the upper part of the body. The
axis of the shoulders was defined as the slope of the line through the two shoulder markers,
and the axis of the hips as the slope of the line through the two hip markers. These slopes
were calculated in the frontal plane because the oscillations of the stabilometer board were
leaded in this plane.
(e) - Finally, to assess other possible kinds of coupling between the body and the
apparatus, cross-correlations were calculated between the vertical coordinate of the marker of
the board and the articular angles of the lower limbs (hips, knees, and ankles), the axis of the
shoulders, and the axis of the hips.
For similar reasons as those described in (c), the cross-correlations defined in (d) and
(e) were computed without time-lag. Before statistical analysis, the correlation coefficients
were transformed using Fisher's Z transform in order to normalize the sample distribution. All
of the dependent variables were averaged over the first three trials and over the last three trials
for each session. Then they were analyzed in a 5 (session) X 2 (intra-session) ANOVA, with
repeated measurements for each factor. The significance of p values was adjusted according

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

to the so-called Huynh-Feldt procedure in order to control for possible violations of the
assumption of compound symmetry (Huynh & Feldt, 1970).
Variability of the board
The analysis revealed a main effect of the session factor (F(4,32)=35.74, p<0.01)
indicating that the vertical variability of the marker located on the board decreased during the
experiment (see Figure 2). The intra-session factor was significant (F(1,8)=18.61, p<0.01), as
well as the session by intra-session interaction (F(4,32)=8.31, p<0.01). These results
suggested that the enhancement of performance was greater during early sessions than during
later ones.

Standard deviation (mm)










Figure 2: Variability of the position of the stabilometer board (standard deviation in

millimeters) as a function of practice and standard error. Data were averaged across
Absolute variability of articular angles
For each angle, a main effect of the session factor was obtained (statistical results are
resumed in Table 2). There was also an intra-session effect for the right hip, the left hip, the
right knee, the left knee, but not for the ankles. Finally, a significant session by intra-session
interaction was obtained for the left hip, the left knee, and for the left ankle.
All of these results suggest a general decrease, with practice, of the absolute variability
of the articular angles of the lower limbs (see Figure 3). This decrease was particularly
pronounced within and among the first two sessions.

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

Dependent variables



Right hip
Right knee
Right ankle




Left hip
Left knee
Left ankle




Standard deviation (mm)

Table 2: Statistical results for the absolute variability of articular angles



















Figure 3: Absolute variability (in degrees) for the left side (left panel) and the right side (right
panel) articular angles of the hip (circle points), the knee (square points), and the ankle
(triangular points) as a function of practice and standard error. Data were averaged across
Relative variability of the articular angles
No effect was found for relative variability for either hips and knees angles (Figure 4).
An effect of session was found only for the ankles angles (right ankle: F(4,32)=3.07, p<0.05;
left ankle: F(4,32)=9.57, p<0.01). Additionally, a significant session by intra-session
interaction was shown for the left ankle (F(4,32)=5.33, p<0.01). These effects revealed a
progressive increase of the ankles relative variability with practice.

Relative variability (no units)

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

















Figure 4: Relative variability for the lower limbs articular angles for the left (left panel) and
the right (right panel) body sides (hips: circle points, knees: square points, ankles: triangular
points) as a function of practice and standard error. Data were averaged across subjects.
Cross-correlations between the articular angles of the lower limbs
The change in cross-correlation coefficients varied depending on which angles are
considered. As can be seen in Figure 5, the knee-ankle cross-correlations were high (around
0.9) and remained quite stable over the five sessions. A main effect of the session factor was
nevertheless obtained for the left side (all the statistical results were reported in Table 3). This
effect was primarily due to the low mean value obtained for the last trials of the second
session (see Figure 5).
For the hip/knee and hip/ankle cross-correlations, a main effect of the session factor
was consistently obtained (see Figure 5). Generally, these results showed that the crosscorrelations between hip and knee and between hip and ankle tended to decrease with
practice, from values of around 0.9 during the very first trials, to values of around 0.4 from
the third session onward.
There was no evidence for a consistent intra-session effect. On the other hand, three
session X intra-session interactions were obtained: for the right hip/ankle cross-correlation,
the left hip/knee cross-correlation, and the left hip/ankle cross-correlation. Most of these
interactions were due to the lack of consistency in changes in the cross-correlation from one
session to another.

Overcoming spontaneous patterns

Dependant variables



Right hip/knee
Right hip/ankle
Right knee/ankle




Left hip/knee
Left hip/ankle
Left knee/ankle




Cross-correlation coefficient

Table 3: Statistical results for the cross-correlation coefficients of the lower limbs













Figure 5: Articular angle cross-correlation, for the left (left panel) and the right (right panel)
body sides (hip/knee: square points; hip/ankle: triangular points; knee/ankle: circle points) as
a function of practice and standard error. Data are averaged across subjects.

Cross-correlations between the articular angles of the lower limbs and the board
As can be seen in Figure 6, the development of the cross-correlations between the
articular angles of the lower limbs and the board varied depending on which joint was
considered. For the ankles and knees, the cross-correlations were large initially and remained
stable over practice, suggesting a strong coupling between the board and the lower joints. In
contrast, the correlations between the hips and the board also started out high but decreased
progressively with practice. However, because of subject variability for the hip correlations,
this tendency was significant only for the right side of the body (right hip, session factor:
F(4,32)=4.50, p<0.05; intra-session factor: F(1,8)=6.01, p<0.05).



Cross-correlation coefficient

Cross-correlation coefficient

Overcoming spontaneous patterns












Figure 6: Cross-correlations between the articular angles of the lower limbs and the board of
the stabilometer as a function of practice and standard error. The left panel represents the
cross-correlations for the left side and the right panel the cross-correlations for the right side
(hip/board: circle points; knee/board: square points; ankle/board: triangular points). Data
were averaged and in absolute values for the right side.
Cross-correlations between the board, the axis of the hips and the axis of the shoulders
The development of the cross-correlations between the board, the axis of the hips, and
the axis of the shoulders is depicted in Figure 7. The hips axis/board cross-correlation
remained very high (around 0.92) during the five sessions of practice, and there was little
effect of practice. However, because of the very low subject variability for this variable, the
intra-session effect was significant (F(1,8)=11.15, p<0.05), indicating a slight decrease of this
cross-correlation within each session.
The analyses of the shoulders axis/hips axis and the shoulders axis/board crosscorrelations showed a session main effect (shoulders/hips: F(4,32)=11.55, p<0.01;
shoulders/board: F(4,32)=9.17, p<0.01). These results demonstrate the specific development
of trunk coordination during practice. More precisely, practice led to an increase in the
coupling between the shoulders and hips axes and between the shoulder axis and the board.
The results of the present experiment show, first of all, that behavioral adaptation on
the stabilometer appeared very early in practice. This accords with the results of Wulf et al.
(1998). In terms of both performance and articular variability or coupling, the most significant
changes occurred during the two first sessions. This trend is similar to the results of Vereijken
(1991) in which the greatest changes were observed in the very first sessions of practice on
the ski simulator. Note, nevertheless, that such a fast adaptation is clearly task-specific. For
example Delignires et al. (1998), in their experiment with parallel bars, did not find any
change in the initial coordination patterns, even after eight sessions of practice. Similarly,
Delignires, Nourrit & Deschamps (2000), using a modified version of the ski simulator, did
not observe any change in behavior before the tenth session of practice.

Overcoming spontaneous patterns


cross-correlation coefficient








Figure 7: Cross-correlations between the shoulder axis and the hip axis (square points),
between the shoulder axis and the board (circle points), and between the hip axis and the
board (triangular points) as a function of practice and standard error. Data were averaged
across subjects.
Secondly, the results did not support the hypothesis of an initial freezing of the
articular degrees of freedom. The absolute angular variability of the joints of the lower limbs
decreased with practice, and the results for relative variability suggested that the variability of
the joints was related to the stability of the board. This strong coupling between the
movements of the board and the coordination of the lower limbs was confirmed by the high
cross-correlations, observed from the first trials, between the hips axis and the board (see
Figure 7).
Finally, the results demonstrate a lateral bias related to absolute variability (see Figure
3). The variability of the joints for the left side tended to increase near the end of the
experiment, suggesting that this body side is central to the control requirements of the task.
This interpretation is surprising given that all of the subjects were right-handed. Perhaps for
right-handed subjects, the right side of the body is useful for the stabilization of the behavior
while the left side is used as a postural regulator. However, a longer experiment would be
needed to confirm this hypothesis.
All these results suggest that the hypotheses of Bernstein (1967) concerning the
management of the degrees of freedom during the process of learning is not relevant for this
kind of task. More generally, the behavioral adaptation of subjects to a novel task seems
highly specific. Joint freezing appears to be a useful strategy when tasks allow complete
postural control (as in Newell & van Emmerik (1989)'s experiment) and/or a limitation of the
amplitude of the oscillations (as in Vereijken (1991)'s experiment). Our results suggest that
such a control or limitation is impossible on the stabilometer, at least during the first few
trials. The stabilometer tends to amplify postural imbalances, and as a result, the movements
of the board during the first trials of our experiment appeared particularly chaotic, with

Overcoming spontaneous patterns


frequent abrupt transitions from an extreme position to its opposite. In the ski simulator used
in Vereijken (1991)'s experiments subjects werent faced with such uncontrollable instability.
However, we did obtain a slight, but significant, increase in the relative variability of
the ankle joints, which could be interpreted as a freeing process. Our experiment was too
short to allow this interpretation to be confirmed. Nonetheless, it is interesting to note that
such freeing at a distal joint would constitute a violation of the principles of directional trends
(cephalo-caudal and proximo-distal) as suggested by Gesell (1929) for development and by
Newell and van Emmerick (1990) for learning. As pointed out by Newell and van Emmerick
(1990, see also Newell & McDonald, 1995), the directional trends of the freeing process
could be highly task-specific. In the present case, the freeing of the ankles could play a major
role in the postural adaptability. In fact, the task constraints seem to be as relevant as the
biomechanical constraints, and it appears important to take such task constraints into account
in motor learning. Newell and van Emmerick (1990) emphasized that when organism and task
constraints act in the same way, one can observe directional trends as defined by Gesell. But
when these constraints are odd with each other, as in the present experiment, the directional
trends are task-specific and are determined by the relationships among the organism, the task,
and the environment. In line with these arguments, we hypothesize that in a longer experiment
freeing should be observed in the knees in order to gain more precise postural control.
Another important result was the progressive weakening of the initial couplings
among the joints of the lower limbs. This decoupling tendency was clearly illustrated by the
change in the hip/knee and the hip/ankle cross-correlations (see Figure 6). During the very
first few trials, the movements of the joints of the lower limbs were strictly synchronized,
indicating that the limb was constrained to act (and in this case to react to the movements of
the board), as a single unit. These cross-correlations were around 0.9 initially, but declined to
approximately 0.5 by the third session. Nevertheless, the knee/ankle cross-correlations
remained high over the entire experiment, indicating that the decoupling in the lower limbs
was mainly related to a development of the behavior of the pelvis. Similar results were
described by Vereijken (1991) on the ski simulator. In her experiment, the ankle/knee crosscorrelations remained high after more than fifty cumulated tests, even though a progressive
reduction of the knee/hip and ankle/hip cross-correlations was observed over the same period.
These results suggest that in this kind of task, critical elements of the behavioral adaptation
pertain to the upper part of the body.
The first few trials were characterized by strong cross-correlations between the board
and the joints of the lower limbs. However, with practice and the decrease in the magnitude of
the oscillations, the cross-correlations of the upper joints of the lower limbs progressively
decreased. This was the case for the hips, whose cross-correlations with the board declined
from values near 0.9 to values near 0.4 for the left side, and from values near 0.9 to values
near 0.4 for the right side. At the same time, cross-correlations between the board and the
joints of the knees and the ankles remained high. This result is not so surprising given that the
ankle joint is fixed on one side by the board; consequently, its variability is mainly
determined by knee movements, resulting in high cross-correlations. These results confirm
the preceding suggestion that the strength of couplings, and their adaptations, were not
strongly determined by the characteristics of the task during the first stages of learning.
Moreover, this result shows that the decrease in the correlations involving the upper joints of
the lower limbs was not trivial. For example, one might suggest that the decrease of the crosscorrelation coefficients could be simply related to a restriction of the displacement range as
the performance became more stable. However, the previous result shows that the crosscorrelation coefficients of the joints could in principle remain high despite more stable

Overcoming spontaneous patterns


The appearance of new couplings in the frontal plan between the shoulders axis and
the hips axis can be seen in the Figure 7. A strong synchronization between the two axes was
established by the third session, and our results show that the whole trunk was then strictly
coupled with the oscillations of the board. These results indicate that the trunk was
progressively incorporated in a coordinative structure. This development would seem to be
essential given that the trunk represents a large part of the body mass and constitutes an
important element in the control of posture and center of gravity. Consistent with this
interpretation, we also observed an increase in the correlation between the hip axis and the
board accompanied by a decrease in the correlation between the hip joints and the board.
As can be seen from the error bars in Figures 5, 6 and 7, inter-individual variability
increased with practice. This suggests that beyond a common set of behavioral trends,
individuals could adopt different coordination modes and/or follow different learning
strategies. A precise analysis of such individual strategies is clearly beyond the scope of the
present paper. Nevertheless, some explanation of the origin of this inter-subject variability
seems necessary.
For three participants, there was no noticeable change in the initial coordination mode,
despite a clear improvement in board stabilization performance. Such a result is in line with
the high stability of the spontaneous coordination mode reported by Delignires et al. (1998),
despite a significant increase in oscillation amplitude.
The other participants exhibited a clear development of their coordination modes, but
with large inter-individual differences. For example, we observed on average a decrease in the
cross-correlations between the hip angles and the board (see Figure 7). Hips tended to be
synchronized with the movements of the board during the first few trials, but seemed to act
more independently latter in practice. For participant HEL, this trend led to the emergence of
an inverse synchronization, revealed by significant negative cross-correlation coefficients.
This suggests that the coordination modes for this task are highly individualistic and that
different behaviors could lead to equivalent levels of performance.
These differences in the development of coordination with practice could be related to
the characteristics of the initial coordination modes: For example, during the first session the
three "stable" participants had a higher cross-correlation coefficient between the axes of the
shoulders and the hips than the others participants.
Further experiments involving a greater number of participants, would be needed to
investigate the origins of this inter-individual variability in depth. Morphological
characteristics, prior experiences, inherent aptitudes, and specific intentions could underlie
such inter-individual differences. The experimental control of such variables could determine
their relationships to the resulting behavior. However, such an approach is clearly beyond the
scope of the present experiment, which was focused on the common trends in the adaptation
of beginners to a novel task.
To sum up, our experiment showed that learning on a stabilometer was characterized
by an important development of the coordination of the system. During the very first trials,
the joints of the lower limbs appeared strictly coupled and tied to the movements of the board.
In contrast, the upper part of the body moved more independently, leading to poor control of
general balance. Quite early during practice, the trunk became progressively involved in the
coordinative structure that allowed the control of the oscillations of the board. This
development led to a partial dissolution of the couplings within the lower limbs, suggesting a
more subtle adaptability of the system and a finer control of the apparatus. This new
coordination mode allowed a significant improvement in the stability of the board. However,

Overcoming spontaneous patterns


all of these adaptations did not characterize every subject, suggesting that the adaptation to a
complex task is to some extent idiosyncratic.
The aim of this experiment was to study the coordination modes spontaneously
adopted by beginners on a stabilometer and their potential change with practice. The results
did not reveal any obvious phenomenon of freezing/freeing degrees of freedom, leading us to
question the general relevance of the assumptions of Bernstein (1967). Vereijken and
Bongaardt (1999) suggested that the freezing of the degrees of freedom and the initial
coupling of various joints constitute two "strategies" available to the subject to solve the
fundamental problem of Bernstein. The term strategy remains awkward because it suggests
that subjects could have the choice between one or the other mode of resolution. We think on
the contrary that these two types of adaptation are strongly constrained by the characteristics
of the task.
This research confirmed a number of previous results and showed that learning could
be conceived as the replacement of spontaneous coordination modes with new coordinative
structures more adapted to the constraints of the task. It shows, moreover, that the temporal
scale of these transformations can vary from one situation to another and from one subject to
another. While the essential changes occurred during the two first sessions in the present
experiment, other work has shown that spontaneous coordination modes may be resistant to
change over a similar time period. These differences in temporal scale could be related to the
degree of convergence between the initial spontaneous coordination mode and the
coordinative structures finally adopted (Zanone and Kelso, 1992).
Arutyunyan, G.H., Gurfinkel, V.S., & Mirskii, M.L. (1968). Investigation of aiming at a
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