100 Cases Ethics Notes
100 Cases Ethics Notes
100 Cases Ethics Notes
-Violate Confidentiality in.HIV, TB, STDs..where there is harm for third party.
-Autonomy gives patient right to even make wrong choice for their health care.
Competence and Capacity to Understand:Only Court can decide = Competence = All Adults are considered Competent
All Physicians can decide = Ability to Understandif difficult only then Psychiatrist.
Partial Emancipation = Can Give Consent themselves = STD, Prenatal Care, Contraception, Substance
Minor Comes for Abortion = Encourage him to notify parents / Encourage Discussion / Family Meeting
Emancipated Minors = Can Give consent for everything = They are. Independent, Military, Married,
Living Alone
all Rx options
Their A-Ds
What happens by disease if no Rx is done
Consent is taken for each patient. E.g. U do op. for appendectomy and find colon CA, u will not operate,
as consent only for appendix.either there should be consent in advance..or.patient should
wake up, u explain and take consent for this.
No Presumed Consent in any caseexcept Emergency in unconscious patient..unless patient has
terminal illness & a pre-signed DNR.
If patient loses capacity to understand or to communicate.follow his last known wish (verbal or
Consent is taken by the person who knows all this.e.g. U dont know anything about procedure, Ur
resident calls & asks u to take consent. U will refuse and will ask the resident to take himself as u dont
have info, so u cant inform the patients everything.
Pregnant Mother = Can refuse or allow whatever she wantsif that harms her fetus.
Fetus = not individual person = no separate rights
Mother + 34 week Intrauterine Fetus = Do whatever mother says
Mother + 34 week born Child = Child has emergency = Do ur Rx, even if mother refuses.
Maternal Consent = EnoughFather has no right over pregnancy related issue.
So Normally,
Consent from Patient himself > Cant give Then Advance Directive (Health Care Proxy or Durable Power
of Attorney) > Substituted Judgment by Family Member or Guardian > Best Interest Method
Patient had MI, now admitted & awake..wife came now & asks = Take permission from patient first.
Other Dr. can take info = Only if directly involved in patient care.
Another Dr. asks for Patient records as He is the Dr. of patient now = Tell him to send Signed Patient
Release Form.
If Everyone is awaiting result of a test (e.g. biopsy) = Always inform Patient first, ask permission, then
you can tell family.
If family members comes first = Say I will tell to the patient first.
Only 1 exception = Psychiatric Disorder + New medical illness may cause Suicidal Attack = Tell family
immediately to protect patient.
If Government Employee comes & asks = Tell info. Only if he has.Subpoena, Court Order or Search
Warrant..Otherwise = refuse.
Patient was very rude + didnt pay your fee & now asks for records = Give him.It his property,
Records cant be held hostage if he hasnt paid.
Medical Record Error = Dont smudge it..Dont Remove Page Draw a line through it..and
then write correction. So everyone knows, what was previously there, and what you corrected.
Missed writing some info yesterday in Chart = Cant write today with Yesterdays date.Write in
current date and time.
End Of Life Issues:If Patient has capacity to understand = Patient can refuse Rx at start.or any time even after starting of
Rx. E.g. after getting that Rx for 1 week or month etc.even they will die without it
Renal FailurePatient can refuse Dialysis from Start.or..can refuse any further after
having it for 6 months.
COPDNow Mechanical Ventilation = Patient can refuse.
Quadriplegia + Wants to have mechanical ventilation for whole life = honour his wishes, Dont say u will
never improve.
Aplastic Anemia + Now no more Transfusions = Explain the consequence that shell die, and stop Rx and
honour wish.
But. If Patient has Depression = Means No Capacity to understand = Psychiatric Consultation/ Trial of
Behavior Rx / Anti-Depressants.
Advance Directive = Patient communicates in advance of becoming unable to communicate his wishes.
2 Methods = Living Will .&.Health Care Proxy.
Health Care Proxy = Medical Power of Attorney = Durable Proxy = Effective even when patient loses
Decision Making capacity ( Unlike Financial Proxies which become invalid)
Proxy Speaks for the Patient A messenger of patientProxy over rules all other decision makers
(Family, wife etc).
Proxy Says = What were patient directed instructions or what patient would have wanted.
Living Will =
a- If Specific Details = Useful = Overrule everyone
b- If vague like no heroic care = Useless = Diffilcult to understand and follow.
So Order is = Patient Decision himself > Advanced Directive (Proxy, Living will) > Oral Advanced Directive
> United Family Decision > Family Disagreement Resolved with Discussion > Resolved with ethics
committee > Court Order.
e.g. ALS Patient + Cant take orally = Give NG only with consent.or.if it was previously there, now
wants to remove = remove it.
Just make sure = He is not Depressed.
Physician Assisted Suicide = U dont do anything yourself, you just assist it by providing means for
it.Always Wrong..Unacceptable..even if patient requests itor even if..the local state law
permits procedure. ( Legal doesnt mean its also Ethical ) (Giving the drug yourself is not the only
conditionDont even provide means to patients by which they can end their life.)
Euthanesia = U yourself give lethal drug and kill the patient on his request = Super Duper Wrong.in
every State.
Law Of Double Effect = Same Drugcan be doing good but at same time killing the patient (Shortening
duration of life)
In this situation,
a- If Intention is to do good = Do it..even if it kills
b- If intention is to kill = Never do it.
Metastatic Cancer + COPD + Intense Pain = Pain Killers relieve pain + Decrease Respiratory drive = Give
the required amount of Opiod Pain Killer.even if he later dies due to COPD..You cant keep patient
Futile Care:If Clear that it is futile = Dont do it..even if Patient.orFamily is demanding it.
e.g. Cirrhosis + Varices + Encephalopathy not responding to Lactulose..You suspect death in a few
days due to liver diseaseNow develops Hepatorenal Syndrome and Uremia = Dont Place Fistula for
Dialysis as no change in outcome.
Reproductive Issues:Abortion:
1st Trimester = Clearly AvailableDo whatever patient says
2nd Trimester = Less Clear..But Still do as patient wishes.
3rd Trimester = Clearly Restricted..as Fetus Viable.
Consent = Only from Mother in all TrimestersNothing from Father.
Physician has right to deny doing it..Patient cant force you to do it..Refer to another physician.
Gender Selection = Unethical
Getting Fetus Gender Checked.& Later abortion due to it = Unethical
Who can ask for Donation ? = Only Organ Donor Networkor.Uniform Network for Organ
Sharing..Physician treating the patient cant ask for donation.
My Patient is Brain Dead + Many People in hospital need organs + I have a good repute with patients
family = Still I being patients physican cant ask for donation ( also Against court law to obtain consent
).only the donor network dr can come ask for their consent.
Why? = Because Organ Donor Netwrok are trained to do so..their success rate of obtaining
consent is greater + if care giver physician takes consent, family thinks they are not doing everything to
save him.
Payment for Donation = Only for Renewable Tissues = Sperm, Unfertilized Egg, Blood.
All Other = Unethical
If In business of selling organs = Unethical.
Give Organ to = Person who needs the mostnot a preferably to rich.
Organ Donor Card = Means if he dies..donate organs..but Still Family Consent required.
Organ Donor Card + Family says dont donate = You will not donate any organ.
If STD e.g AIDS, Syphillis, Gonorrhea = Encourage patient to tell partner.if doesnt.Tell yourself.
In Case of TB = Not only report.but can isolate/incarcerate patient for 2 weeks.to avoid
spread.as in 2 weeks of ATT.Sputum becomes Negative.
So Autonomy Ends.where Safety of other begins.
Sequence is..
TB Patient = Give ATT + Isolate for 2 weeks ..If Refuses Drugs..Discuss with Patient..still
refuses.Offer DOT (Directly Observed Therapy at Home)..Still refusesDont give ATT without
consent but to avoid spread, incarcerate/isolate patient in hospital.
HIV Related Issues:If Patient gives consent for routine teststhat doesnt include HIV.
Separate Consent = Even for Testing HIVif he says NoU cant Test for HIV.
Pregnant Lady with STDs + U offer HIV Testing + She refuses = U will not do it.
HIV +ve Pregnant Lady + U offer Anti-Retrovirals + She Refuses = U will not give them.even
though this will transmit virus to her baby.
(Autonomy of Mother > Safety of Child)
HIV +ve Pregnant + Refuse C Section = Do SVD.U cant forcefully do C Section
HIV +ve Health Care Worker = Not obligatory to inform patient about ur own HIV status.just take extra
Refusal to Treat HIV +ve Patient = Unethicalbut no one can force a Dr to treat him so Best
choice = Refer the patient to another physician.
Syphillis Patient = Next Step = Ask have you told your partner ? ..NoEncourage him to
tell..Refuses Tell him That Health Dept. will make a list of all at risk persons + will invite to
hospital + then will inform them + will not tell about u (Source Patient).. Still refuses . Discuss.. Still
refuses You say I will notify..he threatens to sue. U r legally protected, go notify.
If 1,2 are still there..but no harm done patient = Its not malpractice
Osteomyelitis + U gave oral drug = Patient became fine but found out that Biopsy & IV drug is standard
care + files suit = No Malpractice as no harm done.
Patient had Surgery + U forgot to give DVT Prophylaxis + He didnt develop it = No malpractice
Patient Refuse Rx.Inform him about all harm that will occur without Rx..if Still refuses. Only Now
no Malpractice.
MI Patient = U offer Thrombolytics but can cause intracranial bleed. = Patient refuses = U do nothing =
Dies = Malpractice (Because you didnt mention that he will die without it. )
If patient didnt understand about informed refusal because of he couldnt understand English =
Malpractice = Always double check with translater.
Medical Error
If Affects Care & Rx = Inform Patient
If Doesnt = Dont inform = Minor error e.g test result delayed.
Doctor Patient Relationship:Both Patient and Drcan choose their Dr / Patient..No one can force anyone.
Only One Endocrinologist but all patients full + Patient with V. bad DM = There is moral
obligationbut no legal obligation so no one can force to treat him.
Exception = Emergency Cases = Have to give Emergency Care to everyone
Dr. cant end suddenly = Give Reasonable Notice so that patient can find reasonable alternate.
Dr/Patient Sexual Contact = UnethicalNo matter who initiates it..If Indication..Both should
mutually terminate Dr/Patient Relationship.
Physician = No Sexual Contact with Present Patients..but can for Previous Patients.
Psychiatrist = Cant Have not only with Present.but also not with all past previous patients.
Elder Abuse = Report to..Adult Protective Services..even if the competent adult refuses.
(You can Partially breach confidentiality of Patient and Family here).
Impaired Drivers:
Cant Drive = Seizure Disorder / Vision Impairment / Syncope (Some States)
You cant suspend or give Driving LicenceThe Dept. of Motor Vehicles will.
If Found Impaired Driver = Encourage Self Refraining from Driving > Using Alternate Transportation >
Encourage to Tell DMV..if he refuses..tell yourself (but immunity to u not given in all states)
Prisoner Execution = You cannot participate atANY Level.even if u dont know prisoner, he is not ur
patient, he is legally being executed by state..You Just Cannot..!
(Why..? = It impairs your relation with other fellow prisoners who come to u as patients + Opposes a
Doctors Oath to save life)
Say NO to following:
You cant even announce/certify death of that person1st of all someone else will announce death by
checking pulse later u can certify.
Torture = Cant participatealways report & try to remove patient from places like that.
Spousal Abuse = You Cant do anything without patients consent..so = Encourage him/her to report to
police / Offer Counsellinglater if she gives consent = report to Police.
Gunshot Wound = Always Reporteven if the patient objects.
If No Patient Care affected e.g. just Wild Parties, bad language, Motorcycle gangs on weekends, tattoos
= Dont report.
Physician Disagreement:
If Attending.disagree.with Resident = Follow Attending as he is senior.
When Publish research = All Financial Support List should be givenfor Correct Interpretation.
I say Thermometer A is betterlater they find that my own company makes thermometer A.
So in this case we do..Double Blind Placebo Controlled Trial to check correct result.