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The College has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that the
information contained within this publication is accurate and up-todate when published but can accept no responsibility for any errors
or omissions.
The College reserves the right to revise, alter or discontinue
degree programmes or modules and to amend regulations and
procedures at any time, but every effort will be made to notify
interested parties.
It should be noted that not every module listed in this handbook
may be available every year, and changes may be made to the
details of the modules.
You are advised to contact the College directly if you require
further information.

The 2013/2014 academic year begins on 23 September 2013


23 September 2013 13 December 2013
6 January 2014 11 April 2014
5 May 2014 13 June 2014

30 September 2013 24 January 2014
27 January 2014 13 June 2014

The 2014/2015 academic year begins on 22 September 2014


The University offers an enviable range of facilities and resources to enable you to pursue your
you an environment where you can develop and extend your knowledge, skills and abilities. The
College has excellent facilities, offering extensive laboratory, workshop and IT equipment and
lectures and student projects. We have close links with professional engineering bodies and this





is open each day from 08.45 until 04.30. We aim to offer a friendly, welcoming and professional
service to all students. The office is able to provide information about student handbooks and
timetables, advise on a range of matters and act as a gateway to other staff within the College
whom you may wish to get in contact with. Any queries relating to Part 2 (Dissertation Module),





AdministrativeOfficers Part1DebbieNickson(d.nickson@swansea.ac.uk)


Level MSc 2013/14

Chemical Engineering
MSc Chemical Engineering
Coordinator: Dr. P Douglas
Semester 1 Modules
Complex Fluids and Flows
10 Credits
Dr. MS Barrow

Semester 2 Modules
Colloid and Interface Science
10 Credits
Dr. CM Mcfarlane

Entrepreneurship for Engineers
10 Credits
Professor K Board

Choose from Module Group


Communication Skills for Research Engineers
10 Credits
Dr. TN Croft
Choose from Module Group
Choose from Module Group

Choose from Module Group

Choose from Module Group

MSc Research Practice
30 Credits
Dr. RW Lovitt
Research Project
MSc Dissertation - Chemical Engineering
60 Credits
Dr. RW Lovitt
Total 180 Credits

Module Group 1

Module Group 2


Water and Wastewater Engineering (Dr. C Tizaoui)

Membrane Technology (Dr. DL Oatley-Radcliffe)
Environmental Analysis and Legislation (Dr. JC Arnold)
Optimisation and Reliability (Professor DE Reeve)
Desalination (Dr. PM Williams)
Pollutant transport by groundwater flows (Dr. B Sandnes)
Nanoscale Structures and Devices (Mr. TGG Maffeis/...)
Principles of Nanomedicine (Professor HD Summers)
Polymers: Properties and Design (Dr. DH Isaac)

10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits
10 credits


EG-M01 Complex Fluids and Flows

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 1 (Sep-Jan Modular)
Module Aims: This module describes advanced aspects of transport processes involving non-Newtonian materials
with particular reference to viscoelastic systems and the Rheological properties of other time-dependent materials. The
module considers methods for the characterisation of complex fluids and associated engineering calculations for
pipeline transport and other flow scenarios encountered in manufacturing processes.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures (20h); Directed private study (80h)
Lecturer(s): Dr. MS Barrow
Assessment: Examination 1 (75%)
Assignment 1 (10%)
Assignment 2 (15%)
Assessment Description: Coursework 1 (10%): Individual assignment
Coursework 2 (15%): Individual assignment
Guidance will be issued via Blackboard.
Failure Redemption: Eligibility for the redemption process is subject to the degree scheme and the associated
progression/completion criteria; where permitted, a supplementary examination will form 100% of the mark.
Assessment Feedback: Feedback will be available from the lecturer.
Module Content: Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, including aspects of:
Applications of industrial rheology
Definition of shear viscosity, shear stress and shear rate.
Rotational viscometry (non-oscillatory testing)
Yield Stress, Bingham plastic materials with particular emphasis on flow behavior in concentric cylinder geometries.
Poiseulle Flow. Pumping of non-Newtonian fluids including:
Power law fluids, Bingham plastics, yield pseudoplastics, Hershel Bulkley fluids.
Time-dependent behavior of fluids, thixotropy, rheopexy.
Rheological models including : Power-law, Carreau, Cross, Ellis and Casson fluid models.
The Boltzmann Superposition Principle. Viscoelasticity Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt and Burgers models. Relaxation
time, Retardation time.
Time effects in viscoelastic flows- Deborah number, Weissenberg number.
Small amplitude oscillatory flow, complex shear modulus. Oscillatory flow Maxwell model.
Measurement of rheological parameters using different viscometer/rheometer systems.

Intended Learning Outcomes: The student should be able to:

Employ basic calculus to derive key mathematical relationships. Describe experimental data sets using regression
analysis and model equations. Understand non-Newtonian flow and viscoelastic systems. Visualise non-Newtonian
fluid flow. Describe pressure drops in flow situations. Use flow models to describe non-Newtonian flow behaviour.
Describe viscoelastic solid and viscoelastic liquid models in oscillatory shear flow and stress relaxation. Understand
sol-gel transition phenomena in terms of viscoelastic theory (linear) and the relaxation time spectrum. Describe
qualitatively and quantitatively non-Newtonian flow in simple geometries.
Reading List: Coulson & Richardson, Chemical Engineering Volume 1 (6th Ed), Butterworth-Heinemann,
1999.ISBN: 0-7506-4444-3
Additional Notes: This module contains coursework: The college of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty
policy for the late submission of all coursework.

EG-M07 Optimisation and Reliability

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 2 (Jan - Jun Modular)
Module Aims: This module provides an introduction to important techniques of optimisation and reliability that may
be used across a broad range of engineering disciplines.
Numerical examples are employed to illustrate concepts.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures 20 hours;
Example classes/surgeries 10 hours;
Directed private study 70 hours
Lecturer(s): Professor DE Reeve
Assessment: Examination 1 (70%)
Coursework 1 (15%)
Coursework 2 (15%)
Assessment Description: Exam - closed book exam
Coursework 1 - calculation problem. This is an individual piece of coursework
Coursework 2 - calculation problem. This is an individual piece of coursework
Failure Redemption: A supplementary examination will form 100% of the module mark.
Assessment Feedback: Written feedback on coursework + opportunity for further verbal feedback around lecture
Exam - written feedback.
Module Content: Indicative syllabus content:
1. Statement of the optimisation problem; objective function; design vector; types of constraint; classification of
optimisation problem.
2. Least squares techniques
3. Maximum likelihood method
4. One-Dimensional Minimisation Methods. Direct and indirect methods:unrestricted search; dichotomous search;
golden section method; quadratic interpolation; Newton's procedures.
5. The Hessian; Concavity and convexity
6. Multidimensional Minimisation Problems - direct methods such as:Taxi-cab; conjugate search procedures; Powell's
7. Multidimensional Minimisation Problems - indirect methods such as: Steepest descent method; Newton's method.
8. Concepts in reliability theory
9. Extreme value distributions
10. First order reliability methods.
Intended Learning Outcomes: The student should:
Understand and be able to set up and carry out the necessary calculations for univariate unimodal optimisation
Be able to use search techniques to determine the optima of unconstrained multivariable systems
Understand and be able to set up and carry out the necessary calculations for First Order Reliability problems
Reading List: T F Edgar and D M Himmelblau, Optimisation of Chemical Processes, McGraw-Hill.ISBN: 0-07018991-9
James, Advanced modern engineering mathematics, Addison Wesley, 1993.ISBN: 0-201-56519-6
Matousek, understanding and using linear programming, springer, 2007.ISBN: 978-3-540-30697-9
ReeveD, Risk and reliability: coastal and hydraulic engineering, Spon Press, 2009.ISBN: ISBN13: 978-0-415-46755-1
(hardback) / ISBN13: 978-0-203-89552-8 (ebook)
Additional Notes: The course assumes good A-level mathematical skills. In addition candidates without good
understanding of partial differentiation, Taylor series expansion, matrices, eigenvalues and introductory probability
theory will be expected to undertake the necessary supplementary effort to attain this knowledge outside the demands
of this module.
Failure to sit an examination or submit work by the specified date will result in a mark of 0% being recorded. The
College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all coursework and
continuous assessment.

EG-M09 Water and Wastewater Engineering

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 1 (Sep-Jan Modular)
Module Aims: This module aims to deliver a working knowledge of water and wastewater treatment processes. The
module will
cover various physical, chemical and biological unit operations used in the treatment of water and wastewater. This
module will particularly emphasise the design and operational issues related to these unit operations. Moreover, the
module will cover regulatory aspects related to water quality and requirements for water and wastewater treatment.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures 20 hours
Example classses 10 hours
Directed private study 70 hours
Lecturer(s): Dr. C Tizaoui
Assessment: Examination (50%)
Other (Coursework) (50%)
Assessment Description: 2 hour exam in January (50%)
Coursework (<1500 word equivalent) (50%) - The coursework may be done individually or in groups, this will be
confirmed at the time of setting the work.
Failure Redemption: A supplementary 2hr examination will form 100% of the module mark.
Assessment Feedback: Exam result and exam general feedback forms common across College.
Assignment feedback will be given by individual written comments, one-to-one comments and assignment mark.
Module Content: Water resources, quantities, water quality and standards. Types and sources of water pollution and
requirements for treatment. Design population. [2]
Wastewater terminology, sources, composition and characteristics, flow rates and collection systems. Aims of
wastewater treatment and standards. Sampling methods. [4]
Wastewaters physical treatment processes, types and design: equalisation basins, screening, grit removal and settling
Secondary treatment overview. Microbial growth kinetics. Suspended growth biological reactors. The activated sludge
process. Design and modelling of the activated sludge process. Tertiary treatment [4]
Natural Treatment Systems: Constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment [2]
Drinking water treatment. Selection of typical treatment processes. Design and operation of physical treatment unit
operations: flotation, coagulation and flocculation, filtration. Water treatment works sludge [2]
Chemical oxidation and disinfection [2]
Intended Learning Outcomes: After completing this module, students should be able to demonstrate:
a knowledge and understanding of: the methods used to quantify pollution load in wastewater; the role and general
principles of the main physical processes used in wastewater treatment; the principles of secondary wastewater
treatment using suspended growth systems and those using fixed/adhering microbes; an understanding of drinking
water quality and treatment techniques.
an ability to (thinking skills): analyse the operation of water and wastewater treatment plants; synthesise the stages
and processes necessary to treat a given water supply or wastewater; identify problems in treatment equipment;
assimilate further knowledge relating to drinking water and wastewater treatment and critically appraise sources of
information relating to treatment practice.
an ability to (practical skills): manipulate the physical, chemical and biological data relating to water and wastewater
treatment; have meaningful technical dialogue with other engineers who are expert in the field of wastewater
treatment; present reasoned argument relating to the design of treatment plants.
an ability to (key skills): use computer packages in solving technical problems; write technical reports and reviews;
use traditional library and ICT facilities.
Reading List: M. Winkler, (F) Biological Treatment of Waste-Water, Ellis Horwood Publishers, 1981.ISBN: 085312-422-1
Metcalf and Eddy , Wastewater Treatment, McGraw-Hill Inc. , 1990.ISBN: 0-07-041690-7
Tchobanoglous, George., Burton, Franklin L., Stensel, H. David., Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., Wastewater engineering :
treatment and reuse , Metcalf & Eddy, Inc., 2003.ISBN: 9780071122504
Simon Judd, Process Science and Engineering for Water and Wastewater Treatment, IWA Publishing, 2008.ISBN: 1

Additional Notes: Available to visiting and exchange students.

The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all coursework and
continuous assessment.

EG-M47 Entrepreneurship for Engineers

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 1 (Sep-Jan Modular)
Module Aims: To establish the principles of entrepreneurship and the role engineers have in successful business
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures 20 hours
Example classes / Laboratory work 10 hours
Directed private study 76 hours
Lecturer(s): Professor K Board
Assessment: Group Work - Coursework (80%)
Coursework 1 (20%)
Assessment Description: The group assignment will require application of the concepts of entrepreneurship. The
assignment will require the delivery of a presentation and the submission of a business plan.
The individual assignment will consist of a 600 word essay.
Failure Redemption: 100% coursework.
Assessment Feedback: Mainly through the group interviews held at the end of the course.
Module Content: What is an entrepreneur and why enterprise matters; the six dimensions of entrepreneurship,
structure and presentation of opportunities, sources and structure of finance, people and teams.
How enterprise is managed internationally, managing early and long-term growth, harvesting and buy-out, sustaining
the flow of ideas within a company, case-studies.
Intended Learning Outcomes:
After completing this module you should be able to:
Describe how opportunities are identified and a business plan is generated in order to get started
List the sources of finance that exist and how they are structured
Analyse the role of people and what makes a winning team
Discuss a case history that lead to success
Explain how early growth is managed
Analyse how failure can occur and how to guard against it
Explain how enterprise can be sustained within an organisation as it grows
Reading List: Birley and Muzyka, Mastering Enterprise, Financial Times Publication, 1997.ISBN: 027363031
Bridge, O'Neill and Martin, Understanding Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and Small Business, Palgrave Macmillan,
2008.ISBN: 0230552706
Additional Notes: The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all
coursework and continuous assessment
Related assignments are used to assess this module.

EGCM10B MSc Research Practice

Credits: 30 Session: 2013/14 Semester 1 and 2 (Sep-Jun Modular)
Module Aims: A Masters Level course to deliver knowledge and skills on how to write and submit scientific papers
and reports. The course requires that the students prepare a draft publication of journal quality. The whole process is
examined from the presentation of data in a suitable form for publication to the final draft that is suitable for electronic
submission. In addition the students undertake up to 20 hours lab based experimental team project on pilot equipment
where appropriate. The research data is then used to write a joint report of the work, which will be assessed.
For the paper writing, original data is provided and the students must put this in a suitable manuscript. They must
make a reasoned choice of journal; then follow the format required by that specified Journal and its instructions. They
will be asked to write a concise introduction to the paper with an updated literature survey. They must present results
appropriately and of the correct quality and then describe and discuss these.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lecturer(s): Dr. RW Lovitt
Assessment: Other (Coursework) (100%)
Assessment Description: Assignment
1. Introduction and c.v. presentation. This is an individual piece of coursework
Assignment 2. World issues in engineering (presentation and report). This coursework is conducted and assessed in
Assignment 3 Literature survey. Detailed and critcal assessment of research problem or topic. This is an individual
piece of coursework and the candidate will get a choice of topics
Assignment 4. Practical report. This coursework is conducted and assessed in groups
Assignment 5. Paper writting. This is an individual piece of coursework
Failure Redemption: There is possible condonment for narrow fails. Resubmission of individually assessed
coureswork in the summer.
Assessment Feedback: Individual feedback on marked assigments.
Module report.
Module Content: 1. The preparation of a presentation in small groups (2 lectures) (5% marks)
2. The preparation of a substantial literature survey (up to 5000 words) on a topic in chemical or biochemical
engineering and a presentation of 15 minutes duration of the survey (2 lectures) (40% marks)
3. The preparation of a draft publication of journal quality. The whole process is examined from the presentation of
data in a suitable form for publication to the final draft that is suitable for electronic submission. For the paper writing
- original data is provided and the students must put this in a suitable technical context, they must justify the choice of
journal; then follow the format required by that specified Journal and its instructions. This will include an abstract,
graphical abstract, research highlights, a concise manuscript including introduction to the paper with an updated
literature survey and appropriate referencing. They must present results appropriately, of the correct quality and then
describe and discuss these. A conclusion section must also be presented. Finally the paper should finish with correctly
formated references (2000-4000 words) (6 lectures) (40%).
4. The students undertake a lab based experimental team project (up to 20 hours) using pilot scale equipment. The
information generated is recorded in a laboratory notebook along with the experimental procedures and methods used.
This data is then used to write a joint report of the work. This is then assessed (15% total mark).
5. Tutorials (10 hours)

Intended Learning Outcomes: The student will be able to gather, write and present data derived from several
- be able to work on a joint presentation.
- be able to organise and write a substancial literature survey paper and present it orally.
- be able to organise and write a technical paper.
- be able to keep a good lab book and produce a lab report.
Reading List:
Additional Notes: Zero tolerance on assignments is applied.

EGCM30 MSc Dissertation - Chemical Engineering

Credits: 60 Session: 2013/14 Summer (July - September Modular)
Module Aims: The dissertation study will generally be carried out on a research topic associated with, and supervised
by, a member of staff in the SPEC, CCFP or Cwater. Study for the dissertation, which may be based on practical,
industrial, or literature work, or any combination of these, is carried out over a period of about 12 weeks, with the
dissertation submitted at the end of September.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Typically 1 hour per week i.e. 10-15 hrs total contact time. Each student is to be supervised in
accordance with the University's Policy on Supervision, with a minimum of three meetings held. A
careful record should be kept, agreed between supervisor and student, of all such formal meetings,
including dates, action agreed and deadlines set.
Lecturer(s): Dr. RW Lovitt
Assessment: Other (Coursework) (100%)
Assessment Description: The research project and dissertation forms Part Two of the Masters degree. Information
about dissertation preparation and submission can be found at:
Additionally, students should refer to:
The word limit is 20,000. This is for the main text and does not include appendices (if any), essential footnotes,
introductory parts and statements or the bibliography and index.
Each student is to submit two soft bound copies and an electronic copy of the dissertation (CD with dissertation in
Pdf format) to the College Postgraduate Administration Team by the deadline of 30th September. Each copy must
a statement that it is being submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree;
a summary of the dissertation not exceeding 300 words in length;
a statement, signed by you, showing to what extent the work submitted is the result of your own investigation.
Acknowledgement of other sources shall be made by footnotes giving explicit references. A full bibliography should
be appended to the work;
a declaration, signed by you, to certify that the work has not already been accepted in substance for any degree,
and is not being concurrently submitted in candidature for any degree; and
a signed statement regarding availability of the thesis.
The dissertation is marked by the supervisor and another member of staff and sent to an External Examiner for
moderation. If necessary a further member of staff may be involved, if there are disparate views. An Internal Exam
Board is then held to confirm the mark. Finally, all marks are ratified at the University Postgraduate Taught
Examination Board.
Failure Redemption: Candidates who fail the dissertation are given an opportunity to resubmit the dissertation within
3 months of the result of the examination if a full-time student or 6 months for part-time students. Such students will
be given one formal feedback session, including written feedback on the reasons for failure, immediately following
confirmation of the result by the University Postgraduate Taught Examination Board. The opportunity to resubmit will
only be offered to students who submit a dissertation and are awarded a fail. Those candidates who do not submit a
dissertation will not be offered a resubmission opportunity.
Assessment Feedback: The student will receive feed back in the form of:
An assessment of their project drafting skills, from the supervisor during the planning and drafting of the dissertation.
An assessment marksheet that includes marks for specific aspects (Understanding, qualitative and quantitative aspects,
presentation) of the dissertation plus an overall comment on the specific aspect of the dissertation by the assessors.
A feedback session will be given to any student who fails their dissertation and is permitted by the Award Board to
resubmit their work.

Module Content: The dissertation study will generally be carried out on a research topic associated with, and
supervised by, a member of staff in the SPEC or Cwater. Study for the dissertation, which may be based on practical,
industrial, or literature work, or any combination of these, is carried out over a period of about 12 weeks, with the
dissertation being submitted at the end of September. Preparatory work on the dissertation may take place during Part
One of the programme but students will only be permitted to submit their dissertation following successful completion
of Part One. The student will meet regularly with the supervisor to ensure that the project is well developed and
organised. Progress will be monitored.
Intended Learning Outcomes: On completion of this module, students should have the ability to:
investigate a research topic in detail;
formulate research aims;
devise and plan a research strategy to fulfil the aims;
carry out research work - undertake a literature search, a laboratory based or computer based investigation or a
combination of these;
gather, organize and use evidence, data and information from a variety of primary and secondary sources;
critically analyse information;
make conclusions supported by the work and identify their relevance to the broader research area;
resolve or refine a research problem, with reasoned suggestions about how to improve future research efforts in
the field; and
produce a report (dissertation), with the findings presented in a well organised and reasoned manner.
Reading List:
Additional Notes: This is a good opportunity for the student to specialise and explore a specific topic related to the
masters degree. This scope and feasibility can be determined with consultation with the academic staff and the
resources available.
The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all coursework and
continuous assessment.
If an extension is deemed appropriate a Postgraduate Taught Masters 'Application for Extension to the Submission
Deadline/ Period of Candidature' Form will need to be submitted as follows:
31 August deadline for Part Two students (non-resit students)
8 November deadline for Part Two Students (students who had resits)

EGCM36 Desalination
Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 2 (Jan - Jun Modular)
Module Aims: Desalination is an important process in the management of water resources and it has a large societal,
economic and environmental impact. This module will give engineering students a solid grounding in desalination and
related separation processes. This will prove invaluable for a future career in many areas of engineering.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures 20 hours
Design classes/tutorials 10 hours
Directed private study 70 hours
Lecturer(s): Dr. PM Williams
Assessment: Examination 1 (75%)
Coursework 1 (10%)
Coursework 2 (15%)
Assessment Description: Examination:
End of year examination accounting for 75% of the total course mark
Coursework 1: Tutorial sheet with various numerical problems for 10% of the total course mark.
This is an individual piece of coursework.
Coursework 2: Project on issue with desalination (either essay/excel project) 15% of the total course mark.
This is an individual piece of coursework.
Failure Redemption: A supplementary examination will form 100% of the module mark.
Assessment Feedback: Exam feedback will be given via exam results and the exam feedback forms available on the
Swansea University intranet.
Module Content: 1. Introduction: Resources and Need for Water desalination; Composition of Seawater; Definition
and Classification of Industrial Desalination Processes.
2. Single Effect Evaporation: Single Effect Evaporation; Evaporators; Single Effect Thermal Vapour Compression;
Single Effect Mechanical Vapour Compression; Single Effect Absorption Vapour Compression; Single Effect
Adsorption Vapour Compression.
3. Multiple Effect Evaporation: Forward Feed Multiple Effect Evaporation; Parallel Feed Multiple Effect Evaporation.
4. Multi Stage Flash Distillation: MSF; Flashing Stage; Once through MSF; Brine through MSF; MSF with Thermal
Vapour Compression; MSF with Brine Mixing.
5. Reverse Osmosis: Elements of membrane Separation; Performance Parameters; RO Membranes; Membrane
Modules; Design of RO Systems; Case studies; RO Feed Treatment, Biofouling and Membrane Cleaning.
6. Alternative methods of desalination.
Intended Learning Outcomes: After completing this module students should be able to:
- Demonstrate a systematic understanding of different desalination systems.
- Apply theory critically to analyse the mechanisms of desalination technologies.
- Make critical evaluation and appreciation of the different thermal and RO membrane modules used in desalination
- Decide on a strategy for which process (or combination of processes) to implement a desalination process.
- Formulate mathematical models for mass and heat transfer in thermal desalination.
- Develop flowsheeting and detailed design of thermal and RO membrane systems.
Reading List: H. T. El-Dessouky and H.M. Ettouney, Fundamentals of Salt Water Desalination, Elsevier,
2002.ISBN: 9780080532127
Mark Wilf, The Guidebook to Membrane Desalination Technology, Balaban Desalination Publications, 2007.ISBN:
Roya Sheikholeslami, Fouling in Membranes and thermal Units, Balaban Desalination Publications, 2007.ISBN:
Additional Notes: Available to visiting and exchange students with chemical engineering background.
The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all coursework and
continuous assessment.

EGCM38 Membrane Technology

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 1 (Sep-Jan Modular)
Module Aims: A Masters Level course to deliver a working knowledge of liquid phase membrane separation
processes. This will include a detailed understanding of current membrane fabrication techniques to produce
polymeric hollow fibres and flat sheet membranes and subsequent production of tubular and spiral wound modules.
Ceramic membrane production will also be considered. The design, construction and optimisation of membrane plants
will be considered with specific emphasis placed on configuration. A detailed understanding of membrane
characterisation techniques will be developed, including SEM, AFM, particle sizing, zeta potential measurement,
rejection and flux experimentation. The specific operations of membrane microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration
and reverse osmosis will be investigated and mathematical descriptions will be developed. The course will conclude
with a series of practical case studies detailing current applications of membrane processes and scope for future
Pre-requisite Modules: EG-100; EG-200
Co-requisite Modules: EGCM36; EGDM01
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures 20 hours; Example classes 10 hours; Directed private study 70 hours
Lecturer(s): Dr. DL Oatley-Radcliffe
Assessment: Examination 1 (100%)
Assessment Description: Standard format College of Engineering examination.
Coursework will be issued in line with the learning activities and representative of the lecture materials. Where
possible, coursework will reflect current affairs in Membrane Technology. All coursework is issued individually and
should be completed individually. Coursework will be peer reviewed in tutorial classes and feedback issued.
Failure Redemption: A supplementary examination will form 100% of the module mark.
Assessment Feedback: Informal feedback will be provided during lectures and examples classes. Students will
receive peer review on completion of class tutorials. Formal feedback will be provided following completion of the
final exam in line with standard College of Engineering protocols.
Module Content: Introduction: introduction to membrane processes, classification of membrane processes, the
filtration spectrum, the nature of synthetic membranes, fabrication processes, molecular weight cut off, module design
and plant configuration
Microfiltration: introduction to frontal and cross flow filtration, development of knowledge and understanding of solid
liquid separations and cake filtration, general membrane equations and adaptation to cake filtration, calculation of
cake properties, time of filtration, bed depth and process optimisation, case studies
Ultrafiltration: introduction to ultrafiltration processes, mass transfer and concentration polarisation effects, simple gel
theory, osmotic pressure effects, effects of membrane charge, optimisation of separations, case studies
Nanofiltration: introduction to nanofiltration processes, equilibrium partitioning, pore models for neutral solute
rejection, effects of membrane charge, confinement issues and effects on physical properties, pore size distributions,
case studies
Reverse Osmosis: what is osmosis, introduction to reverse osmosis, the solution diffusion mechanism of transport,
case studies
Optimisation: membrane characterisation - methods and equipment, process stream characterisation - methods and
equipment, rapid process feasibility studies, experimental requirements, process improvements, pre-treatments, case
Intended Learning Outcomes: After completing this module students should be able to:
Clearly define and differentiate between the different liquid phase pressure driven membrane separation processes;
Understand and describe the mechanisms of separation for each of the different processes; Describe the different
membrane modules available and provide examples of `best use'; Understand membrane morphology and resulting
hydraulic resistance leading to low, medium and high pressure requirements of the different processes; Decide on a
strategy for which process (or combination of processes) to implement in order to achieve a particular separation;
Provide a clear description and mathematical formulation of mass transfer effects in the colloidal region; Apply
mathematical descriptions of the processes for design and optimisation purposes; Design `high level' filtration
processes across the spectrum of MF, UF, NF, and RO
Reading List: Coulson and Richardson, Chemical Engineering, Vol. 2, Butterworth-Heinemann.ISBN: 0-7506-44451
Strathmann, Introduction to Membrane Science and Technology, Wiley.ISBN: 978-3-527-32451-4
Additional Notes: The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all
coursework and continuous assessment.
No prior knowledge of membranes or membrane systems is required.

EGCM40 Pollutant transport by groundwater flows

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 2 (Jan - Jun Modular)
Module Aims: This module focuses on the physical mechanisms that govern groundwater flow through porous
media, the transport of pollutants, and geochemical interactions between solutes and the solid matrix.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
16 hours lectures.
4 hours example classes/tutorials.
80 hours directed private study.
Lecturer(s): Dr. B Sandnes
Assessment: Coursework 1 (25%)
Examination 1 (75%)
Assessment Description: Coursework: Study of pollutant transport using simulation package. Report worth 25 % of
mark. Individual piece of coursework.
Written exam, 75 % of mark, closed book.
Failure Redemption: A supplementary examination will form 100% of the module mark.
Assessment Feedback: Informal feedback will be provided during lectures and examples classes. Feedback on
coursework will be given as written notes and informal feedback. Formal feedback following completion of exam will
be provided in line with standard College of Engineering protocols.
Module Content: - Introduction: Ground water, the hydrological cycle
- Characteristics of the porous medium and fluid
- Darcy flow in saturated porous media
- Role of diffusion, dispersion and anisotropy in environmental flows
- Geochemical interactions
- Carbonates and carbon dioxide
- Pollutant transport
- Numerical modelling of transport
- Multiphase flows
Intended Learning Outcomes: After completing this module students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of how flows in porous media play a fundamental role in a range of environmental
and engineered processes.
2. Demonstrate detailed knowledge of how the properties of the fluid and the porous media govern the flow
3. Evaluate the transport and fate of environmental pollutants subjected to groundwater flows.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of common geochemical reactions involving solutes carried by environmental flows.
5. Independently implement simulation models to quantify hydrological transport geochemical reactions of pollutants.
6. Critically assess model results and how they relate to real world problems.
7. Present results in scientific report.
(1 - 4 assessed in exam and coursework, 5 - 7 assessed using coursework)
Reading List: Appelo and Postma, Geochemistry, groundwater and pollution, CRC Press, 2005.ISBN: 0415364280
Charbeneau, Groundwater Hydraulics and Pollutant Transport, Waveland Press, 2000.ISBN: 978-1-57766-479-6
Additional Notes: Available to visiting and exchange students.
The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all coursework and
continuous assessment
As this is a masters level module, it is expected that students demonstrate independent study, and seek out and extract
relevant information from a range of available sources.

EGDM01 Colloid and Interface Science

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 2 (Jan - Jun Modular)
Module Aims: Students will gain an in-depth understanding of the properties of colloids and their importance in
engineering and medicine.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures: 20 hours
Example classes: 5 hours
Directed Private Study: 75 hours
Lecturer(s): Dr. CM Mcfarlane
Assessment: Examination 1 (75%)
Coursework 1 (10%)
Coursework 2 (15%)
Assessment Description: Examination:
End of year examination accounting for 75% of the total course mark
Coursework 1: Tutorial sheet with various numerical problems for 10% of the total course mark.
This is an individual piece of coursework.
Coursework 2: Critique of a published paper involving colloid science topics for 15% of the total course mark.
This is an individual piece of coursework.
Failure Redemption: A supplementary examination will form 100% of the module mark.
Assessment Feedback: Exam feedback will be given via exam results and the exam feedback forms available on the
Swansea University intranet.
Coursework feedback will be given via coursework marks, individual written comments on the coursework scripts and
provision of model answers on the Blackboard website.
Module Content: Module content: [lecture hours]
Introduction to the nature of the colloidal state [2]
Particle size and its determination theory and practice [2]
Determination of zeta potential [1]
Charge and potential distribution: the electrical double layer [2]
Interactions between particles: repulsive and attractive forces, DLVO theory [3]
Determination of important properties for colloidal systems; osmotic pressure, solution viscosity, diffusion
coefficients [2]
Surface tension and wetting [1]
Surfactants and detergents [1]
Adsorption of gases at surfaces, chemisorption, physisorption, isotherms (Langmuir, Freunlich etc.) [1]
Advanced Instrumentation: Atomic force microscopy, surface force apparatus, particle sizing, particle charge [1]
Applications within engineering - pharmaceuticals and proteins [1]
Applications within engineering - ultrafiltration and nanofiltration, separation of colloids and biocolloids, biofouling
Applications within engineering - sources of nanoparticles and their health effects [1]
Intended Learning Outcomes: Students will understand explicitly the properties of colloids and their importance in
engineering and medicine. Students will also gain a working knowledge of instrumentation involved in
characterisation of colloidal and nanotechnological systems. Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of
the context of colloid science in medicine and industry.
Synthesis of concepts involved at nano, micro and bulk scales.
Reading List: R Hunter, Introduction to Modern Colloid Science , Oxford University Press, 1993.ISBN: 0198553862
Additional Notes: This module will be supported with blackboard.
The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all coursework and
continuous assessment.

EGIM16 Communication Skills for Research Engineers

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 1 (Sep-Jan Modular)
Module Aims: Communication at a research level differs from that at the undergraduate level in that it is usually
driven by an output or result rather than the requirement to show knowledge or understanding. The skill of a good
communicator at research level lies in efficiently and rigorously conveying the ideas behind the theory and proof of
the research output. Verbal, written, visual and group communication will be explored through a series of lectures and
formative exercises.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures (10h), Exercises (20h), Reading / Private Study (30h), Preparation for Assessment (40h)
Lecturer(s): Dr. TN Croft
Assessment: Assignment 1 (10%)
Assignment 2 (10%)
Oral Examination (40%)
Writing (40%)
Assessment Description: The first sit assessment will consist of 4 assignments.
The first component will feature a small number (one to three) of tasks which are aimed to evaluate the student's
understanding of the other ideas, beyond the written word and oral presentations, which are covered in the module.
This will include the critical review of a written output. Other possible tasks include group meetings and the creation
of a poster. The coursework may be done individually or in groups, this will be confirmed at the time of setting the
The second assessment component will be a short written piece, up to two pages long, which will test the students
understanding of the concepts with respect to the written work and to allow feedback to the participants in the module
prior to the final assessment. This is an individual piece of coursework.
The oral examination will involve the students presenting an example of the work they have undertaken in the past,
typically a project, through an oral presentation. The target duration of the oral presentation will usually be between 8
to 10 minutes. The exact duration will be specified in the assignment descriptor. This is an individual piece of
The final, fourth, component will require the student to write a paper or equivalent. This paper will be between six to
eight pages in length and will be written to a format described in the assignment descriptor. This is an individual piece
of coursework.
The reassessment will consist of 2 assignments, details of which are provided in a later section.

Failure Redemption: Candidates shall be given one opportunity to redeem a failure in the module during the summer
supplementary period.
The reassessment will consist of 2 assignments
The two components which comprise the resit will be equivalent to the oral and second written assignment of the first
sit. The difference will be that the presentation duration will be between 10 to 15 minutes and the written work will be
at least eight pages long. Both of these components are individual pieces of coursework.
Assessment Feedback: Blackboard will be used to provide individual feedback to the students on all the components
that contribute to the final mark. For the first assessment component a class feedback document is also generally
included on Blackboard.
As part of the practical sessions the students will receive verbal feedback on their performance. These sessions do not
contribute to the final mark.

Module Content: Written Communication: [6 hours]

The usual layout of reports, theses, journal & conference papers.
How to write a good abstract for a research output.
What should be in the introduction?
Contents of the main body of a research output.
Effective conclusions
Writing style
Cross-referencing, captions, references
Critical review of self and others
Design concepts for research posters
Oral Communication: [6 hours]
The usual layout of a research presentation
Slide design for a research presentation
Delivery of a presentation, do's and don'ts
Maintaining the audiences interest.
Other topics: [3 hours]
Attending & chairing meetings
Conferences submissions and attendance
Submission of papers and peer review.
Intended Learning Outcomes: By the end of this module the student will be able to:
Write a paper or equivalent employing the structure and rigour required at research level (assessed by both the
written assignments)
Efficiently communicate the concepts associated with complex ideas (assessed by the first written assignment and
the oral presentation)
Critically evaluate a written output (assessed within the first assessment component)
Verbally present a complex idea using the presentation structure, slide content and delivery techniques expected of a
research engineer (assessed through the oral presentation)
Demonstrate an awareness of the other modes of communication of ideas at a research level such as posters and
group discussions (assessed in the first assessment component)
Reading List:
Additional Notes: All lectures and course material will be provided on Blackboard.
The College of Engineering has a ZERO TOLERANCE penalty policy for late submission of all coursework and
continuous assessment

EGNM04 Nanoscale Structures and Devices

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 2 (Jan - Jun Modular)
Module Aims: To provide the student with an understanding of the basic quantum mechanics and techniques required
to model the properties of particles and materials on the nano-meter scale.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures: 20 hours; Laboratory/Examples classes/tutorials: 10 hours; Directed private study: 60 hours
Lecturer(s): Mr. TGG Maffeis, Dr. L Li, Dr. KS Teng
Assessment: Examination 1 (65%)
Report (20%)
Presentation (15%)
Assessment Description:
2 hour Exam: Answer 3 questions out of 4; 25 marks each
Lab report: written in the form of a publication
Presentation: 10min + 5min of questions based on a selected publication
Failure Redemption: If rules allow - standard University provisions with marks capped.
Assessment Feedback: Feedback provided on the feedback form
Module Content:
Micro and Nano-electronics - Top-down technology examining scaling issues, lithography and beyond. Real
devices: transistors and others. Next generation devices.
Bottom-up Technology - Atomic manipulation and Quantum Corrals. Growth techniques for nanostructures.
Nanolithography and next generation devices.
Nanoscale Structures - Nanowires, Quantum Dots, Bucky balls and Carbon Nanotubes: their physical and electronic
properties, fabrication and applications.
Micro and Nanoelectromechanical devices (MEMS and NEMS) - Physics on the micro and nanoscale. Real devices:
Motors, gears and ratchets, Casimir force, biomolecular motors, nanosprings and nanobalances.
Intended Learning Outcomes: After completing this module you should
be able to demonstrate:
the properties, fabrication and applications of nanostructures
the top-down and bottom-up approaches for the fabrication of nanostructures, their advantages, applications and
physics on the micro and nanoscale and implications for real and next-generation devices; MEMS and NEMS
have an ability to (thinking skills):
understand how the physical and electronic properties change with dimension and how this affects devices
analyse and critically review information resources (journals, internet, talks, etc.)
have an ability to (practical skills):
plan, conduct, analyse and document experiments with minimum help
use analytical instruments for the characterisation of nanostructures
have an ability to (key skills):
research and present a chosen topic professionally
evaluate specific experimental results or research papers and place them in a wider context
Reading List: C P Poole Jr. & F J Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley, 2003.
M DiVentra, S Evoy & J R Heflin (Eds.), Introduction to Nanoscale Science and Technology, Springer, 2004.
G Timp (Ed.), Nanotechnology, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
R Kelsall et al, Nanoscale Science and Technology, Wiley, 2005.
K Barnham & D Vvedensky, Low-dimensional Semiconductor Structures, Cambridge University Press, 2001.
M J Kelly, Low-dimensional Semiconductors, Oxford University Press, 1995.
P J F Harris, Carbon Nanotubes and Related Structures, Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Additional Notes:
Failure to sit an examination or submit work by the specified date will result in a mark of 0% being recorded.
Practical work: Growth of nanowires; Nanostructures studied by SEM
All lectures and Course Material will be provided on Blackboard.

EGNM07 Principles of Nanomedicine

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 2 (Jan - Jun Modular)
Module Aims: This module will cover the broad range of subjects which encompass the discipline nanomedicine.
Building on the foundation of a knowledge of nanotechnology this module will focus on medical applications
including biological markers, diagnostics, therapeutics and drug delivery vehicles.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
20 hours of formal lecturing. 40 hours private study/reading and 40 hours preparation for assessment
Lecturer(s): Professor HD Summers
Assessment: Examination (80%)
Assignment 1 (20%)
Assessment Description: There is 1 assignment:
A problem sheet based on the fundamentals of nanoscale science as applied to biological systems and a data analysis
All coursework will be done individually
Failure Redemption: If rules allow - standard University provisions with marks capped. Any re-examination of this
module will be by written examination only (100%).
Assessment Feedback: Individual feedback on each piece of assessed work via blackboard
Module Content:
Interactions on the nanoscale: biological, physical, chemical and optical interactions
Nanoparticles: optical markers, magnetic markers - dots, tubes, wires etc.
Drug delivery strategies: drug delivery systems, pharmacology of nanovectors
Imaging techniques: Microscopy, Flow cytometry
Therapeutics: thermal, optical, microwave
Intended Learning Outcomes:
An understanding of the physics at the nanoscale together with an appreciation of the relevant biology of the system
How to design and fabricate a nanoparticle marker.
An understanding of nanoscale imaging techniques and their limitations.
An appreciation of how a nanoparticle can be used as a drug delivery vehicle.
A knowledge of medical practices, diagnosis and treatment
Study independently; use library resources; note taking; time management
Reading List: V Wiwanitkit, Advanced Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology, Nova Science Publishers,
2008.ISBN: 1604564350
Additional Notes:
AVAILABLE TO Visiting and Exchange Students. The module has no pre-requisites.

EGTM79 Environmental Analysis and Legislation

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 1 (Sep-Jan Modular)
Module Aims: This module presents the principles of life cycle analysis and its application to the engineering
industry. It covers the assessment of energy conservation by optimal use of resources, including consideration of
primary extraction processes, design/manufacturing/fabrication, improving product life, lightweighting and end of life
usage. It also reviews the current and planned European legislation that is of relevance to materials recycling, and
considers its implementation in the UK.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures 25
Directed private study 35
Preparation of assignments 40
Lecturer(s): Dr. JC Arnold
Assessment: Assignment 1 (50%)
Assignment 2 (50%)
Assessment Description: Assignment 1 - a 2500 word report based around information gathering, review and
Assignment 2 - a numerical analysis of an LCA Case Study, coupled with a written report on interpretation of the
The quality of the written English is not assessed in either assignment.
Failure Redemption: Submission of additional assignment.
Assessment Feedback: Each student will receive the mark and individual feedback comments on each piece of
submitted coursework, via the Blackboard site.
Module Content: The concept of lifecycle analysis and its application to the materials industry.
Principle of energy and resource conservation from 'cradle to grave'.
A review of the methodology of LCA, including inventory analysis, data sources and environmental impact
Case studies from various sectors of engineering and waste management will be covered.
The current environmental legislative framework, especially as it relates to recycling activities, including UN, EU and
UK legislation.
The importance of economic issues on recycling activity.
The effects of social and political pressures on recycling activities.
Intended Learning Outcomes: An understanding of the principles of life cycle analysis and the different approaches
that have been used.
An appreciation of the application of LCA to the materials and recycling industries.
Familiarity of the significant legislation relevant to recycling.
An understanding of the effects of legislation on the economics of recycling and the markets for recycled materials.
Recognition of the need to evaluate 'cradle to grave' impact of products in terms of resource and energy conservation
and environmental impact.
An appreciation of the complexity of legislative, social and political pressures on tehcnological development.
Reading List: D.F. Ciambrone, Environmental Life Cycle Analysis, Lewis.
P. Frankl & F. Rubik, Life Cycle Assessment in Industry and Business, Springer.
Additional Notes: Available to visiting and exchange students.

EGTM89 Polymers: Properties and Design

Credits: 10 Session: 2013/14 Semester 2 (Jan - Jun Modular)
Module Aims: To instill an understanding of design methods with polymeric materials, dealing especially with
viscoelastic behaviour.
Pre-requisite Modules:
Co-requisite Modules:
Incompatible Modules:
Lectures 20 hours
Directed private study 50 hours
Preparation for assessment 30 hours
Lecturer(s): Dr. DH Isaac
Assessment: Examination 1 (75%)
Assignment 1 (25%)
Assessment Description: Written Assignment (25%) to be submitted in May
2 hour unseen written examination (75%) in May/June
Failure Redemption: Supplementary examination.
Assessment Feedback: Standard Feedback Forms wil be completed and made available to students
Individual feedback on Assignment given at tutorial.
Module Content: - General properties of polymers; viscoelasticity, time and temperature dependence, creep, recovery
and stress relaxation.
- Design using deformation data; creep curves, pseudo-elastic design methodology, time and temperature dependant
modulus, limiting strain.
- Mathematical modelling of viscoelasticity; equations for creep, recovery, relaxation, Maxwell and Voigt models, 4element model, standard linear model.
- Boltzmann superposition principle and its use with complex stress histories.
- Strength and fracture of polymers; energy approach, toughness, ductile / brittle transitions, yield strength, ductility
- Creep failure of plastics; fracture mechanics approach, fatigue failure, effects of cycle frequency, waveform, fracture
mechanics approach to fatigue
Intended Learning Outcomes: After completing this module you should be able to demonstrate:
A thorough knowledge of mechanical design considerations with polymer-based materials.
A knowledge of mathematical models for viscoelasticity and complex stress histories.
A knowledge of failure modes in polymers.
The application of mathematical models to mechanical behaviour of materials.
How to interpret and use design data for polymer-based materials
How to undertake materials design with polymers to avoid failure.
The application of mathematical skills in real engineering applications.
The application of fundamental materials knowledge across different materials classes.
Reading List: A W Birley, B Haworth and J Batchelor, (R) Physics of Plastics, Hanser.ISBN: 0195207823
R J Crawford, (R) Plastics Engineering, Pergamon Press.ISBN: 9780750637640 and 9780080524108 (e-book)
Available to visiting and exchange students.
Additional notes: Detailed course notes provided.

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