Pacana v. Pascual-Lopez
Pacana v. Pascual-Lopez
Pacana v. Pascual-Lopez
This case stems from an administrative complaint[1] filed by Rolando Pacana, Jr.
against Atty. Maricel Pascual-Lopez charging the latter with flagrant violation of the
provisions of the Code of Professional Responsibility.[2] Complainant alleges that
respondent committed acts constituting conflict of interest, dishonesty, influence
peddling, and failure to render an accounting of all the money and properties
received by her from complainant.
After a few weeks, complainant was surprised to receive a demand letter from
respondent[8] asking for the return and immediate settlement of the funds invested
by respondents clients in Multitel. When complainant confronted respondent about
the demand letter, the latter explained that she had to send it so that her clients
defrauded investors of Multitel would know that she was doing something for them
and assured complainant that there was nothing to worry about.[9]
When complainant went to the United States (US), he received several messages
from respondent sent through electronic mail (e-mail) and short messaging system
(SMS, or text messages) warning him not to return to the Philippines because
Rosario Baladjay, president of Multitel, was arrested and that complainant may later
on be implicated in Multitels failed investment system. Respondent even said that
ten (10) arrest warrants and a hold departure order had been issued against him.
Complainant, thereafter, received several e-mail messages from respondent
updating him of the status of the case against Multitel and promised that she will
settle the matter discreetly with government officials she can closely work with in
order to clear complainants name.[16] In two separate e-mail messages,[17]
respondent again asked money from complainant, P200,000 of which was handed
by complainants wife while respondent was confined in Saint Lukes Hospital after
giving birth,[18] and another P700,000 allegedly to be given to the NBI.[19]
Sometime in April 2003, wary that respondent may not be able to handle his legal
problems, complainant was advised by his family to hire another lawyer. When
respondent knew about this, she wrote to complainant via e-mail, as follows:
Dear Butchie,
Hi! Ok ka lang? Hope you are fine. Sorry if I shocked you but I had to do it as your
friend and lawyer. The charges are all non-bailable but all the same as the SEC
report I told you before. The findings are the same, i.e. your company was the front
for the fraud of Multitel and that funds were provided you.
I anticipated this, that is why I really pushed for a quitclaim. Rolly is willing to return
the Crosswind, laptap (sic) and [P]alm [P]ilot. Manny Cancio really helped. Anthony
na lang. Then, I will need the accounting of all the funds you received from the sale
of the phones, every employees and directors[] quitclaim (including yours), the
funds transmitted to the clients through me, the funds you utilized, and whatelse
(sic) is still unremitted, every centavo must be accounted for as DOJ and NBI can
have the account opened.
I will also need the P30 M proof of deposit with Real [B]ank and the trust given [to]
you. So we can inform them [that] it was not touched by you.
I have been informed by Efie that your family is looking at hiring Coco Pimentel. I
know him very well as his sister Gwen is my best friend. I have no problem if you
hire him but I will be hands off. I work differently kasi. In this cases (sic), you cannot
be highprofile (sic) because it is the clients who will be sacrificed at the expense of
the fame of the lawyer. I have to work quietly and discreetly. No funfare. Just like
what I did for your guys in the SEC. I have to work with people I am comfortable
with. Efren Santos will sign as your lawyer although I will do all the work. He can
help with all his connections. Vals friend in the NBI is the one is (sic) charge of
organized crime who is the entity (sic) who has your warrant. My law partner was
the state prosecutor for financial fraud. Basically we have it covered in all aspects
and all departments. I am just trying to liquidate the phones I have allotted for you s
ana (sic) for your trooper kasi whether we like it or not, we have to give this
agencies (sic) to make our work easier according to Val. The funds with Mickey are
already accounted in the quit claims (sic) as attorneys (sic) fees. I hope he will be
able to send it so we have funds to work with.
As for your kids, legally they can stay here but recently, it is the children who (sic)
the irate clients and government officials harass and kidnap to make the individuals
they want to come out from hiding (sic). I do not want that to happen. Things will be
really easier on my side.
Please do not worry. Give me 3 months to make it all disappear. But if you hire Coco,
I will give him the free hand to work with your case. Please trust me. I have never
let you down, have I? I told you this will happen but we are ready and prepared. The
clients who received the phones will stand by you and make you the hero in this
scandal. I will stand by you always. This is my expertise. TRUST me! That is all. You
have an angel on your side. Always pray though to the best legal mind up there. You
will be ok!
About a month thereafter, respondent personally met with complainant and his wife
and told them that she has already accumulated P12,500,000.00 as attorneys fees
and was willing to give P2,000,000.00 to complainant in appreciation for his help.
Respondent allegedly told complainant that without his help, she would not have
earned such amount. Overwhelmed and relieved, complainant accepted
respondents offer but respondent, later on, changed her mind and told complainant
that she would instead invest the P2,000,000.00 on his behalf in a business venture.
Complainant declined and explained to respondent that he and his family needed
the money instead to cover their daily expenses as he was no longer employed.
Respondent allegedly agreed, but she failed to fulfill her promise.[24]
Respondent even publicly announced in their religious organization that she was
able to help settle the ten (10) warrants of arrest and hold departure order issued
against complainant and narrated how she was able to defend complainant in the
said cases.[25]
By April 2004, however, complainant noticed that respondent was evading him.
Respondent would either refuse to return complainants call or would abruptly
terminate their telephone conversation, citing several reasons. This went on for
several months.[26] In one instance, when complainant asked respondent for an
update on the collection of Benefons obligation to Precedent which respondent had
previously taken charge of, respondent arrogantly answered that she was very busy
and that she would read Benefons letter only when she found time to do so.
request for an audited financial report of all the properties turned over to her;
otherwise, he will be constrained to file the appropriate case against respondent.
[30] Respondent replied,[31] explaining that all the properties and cash turned over
to her by complainant had been returned to her clients who had money claims
against Multitel. In exchange for this, she said that she was able to secure quitclaim
documents clearing complainant from any liability.[32] Still unsatisfied, complainant
decided to file an affidavit-complaint[33] against respondent before the Commission
on Bar Discipline of the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) seeking the
disbarment of respondent.
Respondent insisted that she represented the group of investors of Multitel and that
she merely mediated in the settlement of the claims her clients had against the
complainant. She also averred that the results of the settlement between both
parties were fully documented and accounted for.[36] Respondent believes that her
act in helping complainant resolve his legal problem did not violate any ethical
standard and was, in fact, in accord with Rule 2.02 of the Code of Professional
To bolster her claim that the complaint was without basis, respondent noted that a
complaint for estafa was also filed against her by complainant before the Office of
the City Prosecutor in Quezon City citing the same grounds. The complaint was,
however, dismissed by Assistant City Prosecutor Josephus Joannes H. Asis for
insufficiency of evidence.[38] Respondent argued that on this basis alone, the
administrative case must also be dismissed.
After due hearing, IBP Investigating Commissioner Patrick M. Velez issued a Report
and Recommendation[40] finding that a lawyer-client relationship was established
between respondent and complainant despite the absence of a written contract.
The Investigating Commissioner also declared that respondent violated her duty to
be candid, fair and loyal to her client when she allowed herself to represent
conflicting interests and failed to render a full accounting of all the cash and
properties entrusted to her. Based on these grounds, the Investigating
Commissioner recommended her disbarment.
Respondent moved for reconsideration,[41] but the IBP Board of Governors issued a
Recommendation[42] denying the motion and adopting the findings of the
Investigating Commissioner.
The case now comes before this Court for final action.
Rule 15.03 A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests except by written
consent of all concerned given after full disclosure of the facts.
This prohibition is founded on principles of public policy, good taste[43] and, more
importantly, upon necessity. In the course of a lawyer-client relationship, the lawyer
learns all the facts connected with the clients case, including its weak and strong
points. Such knowledge must be considered sacred and guarded with care. No
opportunity must be given to him to take advantage of his client; for if the
confidence is abused, the profession will suffer by the loss thereof.[44] It behooves
lawyers not only to keep inviolate the clients confidence, but also to avoid the
appearance of treachery and double dealing for only then can litigants be
encouraged to entrust their secrets to their lawyers, which is paramount in the
administration of justice.[45] It is for these reasons that we have described the
attorney-client relationship as one of trust and confidence of the highest degree.
Respondent must have known that her act of constantly and actively
communicating with complainant, who, at that time, was beleaguered with
demands from investors of Multitel, eventually led to the establishment of a lawyerclient relationship. Respondent cannot shield herself from the inevitable
consequences of her actions by simply saying that the assistance she rendered to
complainant was only in the form of friendly accommodations,[47] precisely
because at the time she was giving assistance to complainant, she was already
privy to the cause of the opposing parties who had been referred to her by the SEC.
Respondent also tries to disprove the existence of such relationship by arguing that
no written contract for the engagement of her services was ever forged between
her and complainant.[49] This argument all the more reveals respondents patent
ignorance of fundamental laws on contracts and of basic ethical standards expected
from an advocate of justice. The IBP was correct when it said:
The absence of a written contract will not preclude the finding that there was a
professional relationship between the parties. Documentary formalism is not an
essential element in the employment of an attorney; the contract may be express or
implied. To establish the relation, it is sufficient that the advice and assistance of an
attorney is sought and received in any matter pertinent to his profession.[50]
(Emphasis supplied.)
Given the situation, the most decent and ethical thing which respondent should
have done was either to advise complainant to engage the services of another
lawyer since she was already representing the opposing parties, or to desist from
acting as representative of Multitel investors and stand as counsel for complainant.
She cannot be permitted to do both because that would amount to double-dealing
and violate our ethical rules on conflict of interest.
lawyers duty to fight for an issue or claim, but it is his duty to oppose it for the
other client. In brief, if he argues for one client, this argument will be opposed by
him when he argues for the other client. This rule covers not only cases in which
confidential communications have been confided, but also those in which no
confidence has been bestowed or will be used. Also, there is conflict of interests if
the acceptance of the new retainer will require the attorney to perform an act which
will injuriously affect his first client in any matter in which he represents him and
also whether he will be called upon in his new relation to use against his first client
any knowledge acquired through their connection. Another test of the inconsistency
of interests is whether the acceptance of a new relation will prevent an attorney
from the full discharge of his duty of undivided fidelity and loyalty to his client or
invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double dealing in the performance thereof.[52]
Upon review, we find no cogent reason to disturb the findings and recommendations
of the IBP Investigating Commissioner, as adopted by the IBP Board of Governors,
on the admissibility of the electronic evidence submitted by complainant. We,
accordingly, adopt the same in toto.
Finally, respondent argues that the recommendation of the IBP Board of Governors
to disbar her on the grounds of deceit, malpractice and other gross misconduct,
aside from violation of the Lawyers Oath, has been rendered moot and academic by
voluntary termination of her IBP membership, allegedly after she had been placed
under the Department of Justices Witness Protection Program.[57] Convenient as it
may be for respondent to sever her membership in the integrated bar, this Court
cannot allow her to do so without resolving first this administrative case against her.
Chief Justice