Eect of Expansion-Compression Ratio On Performance of The Miller Cycle
Eect of Expansion-Compression Ratio On Performance of The Miller Cycle
Eect of Expansion-Compression Ratio On Performance of The Miller Cycle
No. 4
R. Ebrahimi
1. Introduction
A series of achievements have been made since nite-time thermodynamics was used to analyze and optimize
the performance of real thermodynamic processes, devices and cycles [15]. In 1940's, Miller [6] proposed a
dierent Otto cycle with unequal compression and expansion stroke called the Miller cycle. The Miller cycle has been put attention recently [7], and some authors have examined the nite-time thermodynamic performance of the Miller cycle. Hatamura et al. [8] report
that the Miller cycle has advantages such as higher mean
eective pressure than the Otto cycle with lower nominal
compression ratio. Fukuzawa et al. [9] described the main
technologies and performance specications for a high efciency Miller cycle gas engine as well as for the series
of engines planned in the future. Al-Sarkhi and Akash
[10] compared the performance characteristic curves of
the Atkinson cycle with those of the Miller and Joule
Brayton cycles by using numerical examples, and outlined the eect of maximizing power density on the performance of the cycle eciency. Sasaki et al. [11] report
an ecient Miller cycle with a high performance capacitor system for hybrid buses. Wu et al. [12] performed a
performance analysis and optimization of a supercharged
R. Ebrahimi
2. An irreversible Miller cycle model
The pressurevolume (P V ) and the temperature entropy (T S ) diagrams of an irreversible Miller heat engine is shown in Fig. 1, where T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 , and T5 are
the temperatures of the working substance in state points
1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. Process 1 2 is an isentropic compression. The heat addition occurs in the constant volume
process 2 3. The process 3 4 is an isentropic expansion process. The heat addition occurs in two steps:
processes 4 5 and 5 1 are constant volume and
constant pressure heat additions, respectively.
t 8.353 1012 T 3 + 5.818 108 T 2.5
2.123 107 T 2 + 2.108 105 T 1.5
+ 1.0433T + 3.024 104 T 0.5
)T 4
3.063 105 T 1 + 1.106 107 T 2
12 3
8 2.5
t 8.353 10 T + 5.818 10 T
2.123 107 T 2 + 2.108 105 T 1.5
Fig. 1. (a) P V diagram; (b) T S diagram for the air
standard Miller cycle.
4.245 10
T + 3.162 10
2.212 10
+ 3.063 10 T
where m
t is the mass ow rate of the working uid and
the unit of m
t is kg/s.
Since Cp and CV are dependent on temperature, adiabatic exponent = Cp /CV will vary with temperature.
According to Refs. [19, 20] for small change in temperature dT , and volume dV of the working uid, the equation for reversible adiabatic process with variable can
be written as follows:
(T + dT )(V + dV )1
= (T + dT ) V 1 + ( 1)V 2 dV + . . . dV 2
+ . . . + . . . dV1
= (T + dT ) V 1 + ( 1)V 2 dV
= T V 1 + ( 1)T V 2 dV + V 1 dT
+ ( 1)V
Cp = CV + Rair
)T 5
(T + dT )(V + dV )1 = T V 1 .
+ 1.0433
2.212 107 T 3 ,
= T V 1 + ( 1)T V 2 dV + V 1 dT.
where Rair = 0.287 kJ/kg is the gas constant of the working uid.
= Rair
Integrating Eq. (7) in process i j , we have
= 4LN = 4L 1 +
rc 1
where L is total distance of the piston traveling per cycle
and L is the length of stroke compression.
+ 1.0433(T3 T2 + T5 T4 ) + 1.3303(T1 T5 )
+ 3.024 104 T10.5 + T30.5 T20.5 T40.5
3.063 105 T11 + T31 T21 T41
+ 1.106 107 T12 + T32 T22 T42
( [
] )2
rc ( 1)
16 L 1 +
N .
rc 1
The eciency of the cycle is
du =
{ in[
= m
t 8.353 1012 T13 + T33 T23 T43
+ 5.818 108 T12.5 + T32.5 T22.5 T42.5
2.123 107 T12 + T32 T22 T42
+ 2.108 105 T11.5 + T31.5 T21.5 T41.5
+ 1.0433(T3 T2 + T5 T4 ) + 1.3303(T1 T5 )
+ 3.024 104 T10.5 + T30.5 T20.5 T40.5
3.063 105 T11 + T31 T21 T41
+ 1.106 107 T12 + T32 T22 T42
] )2 }
( [
rc ( 1)
16 L 1 +
rc 1
{ [
t 8.353 1012 T33 T23
+ 5.818 108 T32.5 T22.5
2.123 107 T32 T22
+ 2.108 105 T31.5 T21.5 + 1.0433(T3 T2 )
+ 3.024 104 T30.5 T20.5
3.063 105 T31 T21
+ 1.106 107 T32 T22
When = 1 or T5 = T1 , the Miller cycle becomes Otto
cycle, while T5 = T4 , the Miller cycle becomes the Atkinson cycle.
When rc , and T1 are given, T2 can be obtained from
Eq. (13); then, substituting from Eq. (3) into Eq. (15)
yields T3 ; and T4 can be found from Eq. (14); at last, T5
can be found by Eq. (10). Substituting T1 , T2 , T3 , T4 ,
and T5 into Eqs. (19) and (20) yields the power output
and thermal eciency. Therefore, the relations between
R. Ebrahimi
the power output, the thermal eciency and the compression ratio can be derived.
3. Results and discussion
tween the specic heats of working uid and its temperature, the frictional loss and heat transfer loss. From these
gures, it can be found that the expansion-compression
ratio plays important roles on the performance cycle. It
is clearly seen that the eect of expansion-compression
ratio on the power output and thermal eciency is related to compression ratio. The results shows that if
compression ratio is less than certain value, the power
output decreases with increasing expansion-compression
ratio, while if compression ratio exceeds certain value,
the power output rst increases and then starts to
decrease with increasing expansion-compression ratio.
With further increase in compression ratio, the increase
of expansion-compression ratio results in increasing the
power output. The behavior of the thermal eciency versus compression ratio for various expansion-compression
ratio is qualitatively similar to that for the power output.
From these gures, we can conclude that when
expansion-compression ratio increases from 1.1 to 1.4, the
maximum power output and the maximum thermal eciency increase by 7.7% and 3.1%, respectively. With further increase in expansion-compression ratio, from 1.4 to
1.7, the maximum power output and the maximum thermal eciency decrease by 6.5% and 11.4, respectively.
The optimal compression ratio corresponding to maximum power output point, the optimal compression ratio
corresponding to maximum thermal eciency point and
the working range of the cycle increase with increasing
expansion-compression ratio. The results also show that
the optimal thermal eciency corresponding to maximum power output and the optimal power output corresponding to maximum thermal eciency rst increase
and then start to decline with increasing expansion-compression ratio. Numerical calculation shows that for
any same compression ratio, the largest power output is
for Otto when rc 4.3, is for Miller when 4.3 < rc < 27.5
and rc > 40.5 and is for Atkinson when 27.5 rc 40.5
and also the largest thermal eciency is for Otto when
rc 5.3 and is for Miller when 5.3 < rc 40.7 and
rc > 44.5 and is for Atkinson when 40.7 < rc 44.5.
According to above analysis, it can be found that the
eect of the expansion-compression ratio on the cycle
performance is obvious, and it should be considered in
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